"I play video games to get away from reality"

>"I play video games to get away from reality"

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What is the best reason to play a video game?

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>"I spend most of my time working to make rich people richer in order to give myself a reason to live."

i play video games to cum on a toothbrush

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To have fun?

>i play video games to cum on a toothbrush
What did he mean by this?

Back to the bread lines, commie nigger, until you've understood that capitalism had created the best living conditions and made the middle larger than it's ever been before in any point in history

I play video games so I don't let my inner witch take over and destroy the world. Games keep me busy and distracted.

>I don't play videogames, instead I post frogs on Yea Forums.

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>people progress with time

I live in a society

>i'm a dumb frogposter on a chinese shrimp picking factory

Honesty i think vidya is the last medium worth of a shit. Movies except some ultra-rare non-niche product are normie garbage, tv series, well i dont think i have to comment on it, books applies the same as movie.
>Why you dont check old shit?
Because im an old shit, being 60 means i know every line of casablanca and i read everything of 900 litterature. At least i saw\read everything which interest me.
At least vidya is fun and it has novelty and i dont have costantly to seek in the past to find something worth.

>i play female characters cause theyre cute


U know exactly

You can't do that no more since pieces of shit like californian game developers want to make video games represent reality with political correctness as best as possible.

go back to resetera you faggot tranny

>"I watch tv to get away from reality"
>"I go to the movies to get away from reality"
>"I read books to get away from reality"

Yes? Playing videogames hold zero benefit apart from making you not want to kill yourself. You learn no useful skills, it can't be applied to real life in any way.

>can’t do that no more
GTFO, stupid hick

Have sex.

Nigger why are playing those? Play games that make you happy there’s no one with a gun forcing you to play shit.


Communists don't

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True, but that doesn't stop me from talking shit.

Ok bend over >:)

Make me

who said anything about communism?

Paying people more is better for everyone, more money going back into the system through commerce. It's not like the rich will lose more either, they'll still be wealthy and gain more from the increased ebb and flow of cash.