Why does Yea Forums hate CEOs?

Why does Yea Forums hate CEOs?

>CEOs grow companies with money from various supporters in the form of stock.

>CEOs took gaming development outta basements and garages and put them multimillion dollar studios.

>With out CEOs there would be no modern day gaming!

So why does/v/ hate them?

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You just said it.

>>With out CEOs there would be no modern day gaming!
You answered it
>Plebbit spacing

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They squander the most amount of money, have next to zero say in the production process, and are a hindrance to the creation process. Cutting out publishers is definitely a noteworthy goal for studios, but charging $59.99 for a digital only game is insanity.

>"With out CEOs there would be no modern day gaming!"

Don' t get me dreaming. No fags, no trannys, no women. Just men playing video games.


Randy is objectively the best CEO in the business and takes no shit as long as he isnt dealing with well established franchises he didnt have anything to do with.

He put that bitch Tim Schafer in his place when he kept acting unprofessional as fuck but turning Blizzard into a cash cow and doubling down when it started to lose money makes me think that he either let some other people give it a shot for the kicks or they're suffering hard and he's trying to save a sinking ship.

>You answered it

Not an argument.

>Don' t get me dreaming. No fags, no trannys, no women. Just men playing video games.

So you want to play a game where everyone in the game is a white man? No female, or non white allies or mates?

back to /pol/ with you incel.

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Because Marx was right.

When was he ever wrong?

>With out CEOs there would be no modern day gaming!
thats why.


Declaring "not an argument" is not an argument, discord tranny.

Because Yea Forumsermin are emasculated subhumans who deny that bigger is better

Because hes right, and your wrong.

We need more guys like Hiroshi Yamauchi. He was a hardass but he knew what gamers wanted. He put Nintendo on the map and made them THE biggest name in gaming.

None of these are true.
Everything bad about gaming is their almost direct fault though, so there you have your answer.

>defending your boss like a cuck while he steals from you

>do none of the work
>claim all of the credit for years because other people put money into game development
>squeeze money out of customers and employees while delivering a shittier experience in the name of commerce
>why do people hate ceo's who don't give a shit about games apart from maximizing profit?

>implying Yea Forums hates all CEOs

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A bunch of sour grapes kotick is worth billlions Yea Forums is full of neets. Their opinion is worthless. Btw a lot of commies will say huuuuuuuur late stage capitalism. I cannot wait until state funded helicopter rides come back.

Because underage commies think making money is the devil.

CEOs do a shit ton of work, no they don't do the grunt work (that's for the fucking GRUNTS to do), it's just work that you subhumans are incapable of understanding.

Sounds like you're just describing the plot of the WarioWare games.

kys not him btw

>CEOs should be paid the same as regular developers!
The idea of this makes me laugh something fierce. Like whoever spouts this has a childlike understanding of business and the workload CEOs have on their shoulders.

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>work that subhumans are incapable of understanding

Nah, they just yell at other people and threaten to fire them if they don't get the results they want and announce staff cuts to keep the shareholders happy.

>>squeeze money out of customers and employees while delivering a shittier experience in the name of commerce

Is it really that satisfiying licking boots all day?

Oh yeah, counting your money takes a lot out of you. Even when you're snorting copious amounts of cocaine. And you must have to work really hard to not get caught ogling your hot secretary. Gosh, I don't know how the, suits put up with it.

>a business is made to make money
Yes, so if you want to enjoy business stop making video games.

Wew lad! You just proved my point, commie.

>Just men playing video games.
You are dreaming if you actually believe that nonsense.

No, he’s right and the other guy is wrong. No niggers, no faggots, no trannies. No political brainwashing in muh vidya, but unirinically

>Why does Yea Forums hate CEOs?

Because they get paid unproportionately for the amount of work they do, no matter how important they are

t. underage retards.

CEOs are responsible for-

>Communicating, on behalf of the company, with shareholders, government entities, and the public
>Leading the development of the company’s short- and long-term strategy
>Creating and implementing the company or organization’s vision and mission
>Evaluating the work of other executive leaders within the company, including directors, vice presidents, and presidents
>Maintaining awareness of the competitive market landscape, expansion opportunities, industry developments, etc.
>Ensuring that the company maintains high social responsibility wherever it does business
>Assessing risks to the company and ensuring they are monitored and minimized
>Setting strategic goals and making sure they are measurable and describable

Yeah this is totally a worthless job that should be paid pennies. You know who the fuck would do this without the massive paycheck? Nobody, because it's a stressful as fuck job.

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>people who work less than 20 hours a week believing they understand how proportionally a person who works 24/7 and is literally being called/texted/emailed non-stop should be paid
Starbucks coffee makers are of the same breath as Activision/Blizzard CEOs ya dingus.

>delivering a shittier experience in the name of commerce
Nice job sidestepping the issue, corporate bootlicker.

>yelling at people
Tell me, what do you think CEOs do? Like, day to day business? Hit the ol' "Roll-O-Dex O' Employees" give it a big fat spin, call the number that comes up, and just bitches at them? Then hangs up, leans back in his chair, and lights up a big fat ass cigar?

The investors can pay the ceo what they want. Is it jealousy that makes you angry? They run the company or ruin it why shouldn't investors pay them what they want.

Fpbp underrated.

You have described literally every form of commerce. Want meat? well the price is x we could price it lower but dumdaradum we want more money. If people are willing to pay and they are whats the problem.

The decisions a CEO makes affect the entire company, the decisions a individual developer makes affect his component and components that depend on it.
When a single developer does good you have a slightly better product that sells regardless.
When a developer fucks up, you may have to cut a feature or spend more time fixing it collectively.
When a CEO does well the company is worth 200 million more, when he does bad the company has to fire half the staff.
If you think paying a few millions to have the best man for the job is bad business or the result of some rich people conspiracy you don't understand anything about business and making money.

Do these commies who berate CEOs also think that military generals are useless because they're not fighting alongside the grunts?

Why do you beat your mother?

Delete this image. It is disgusting!

CEOs are there to run a business and make money, not produce good games. Sometimes (oftentimes with AAA development) these two things don't get along well, and if a CEO has the choice between making lots of money, or making a great game, he'll choose making lots of money.

Xir is mad that the video game and meat aren't being given away for free you fucking shitlord.

Christ it's not often I gag to an image.

So TLDR: talking to people and telling people what to do. Wooooow, that must be sooooo haaaaaaaaaaard.

>Yea Forums user
>capable of talking to people
Ok then smart ass, go be a CEO right now it's so easy.

nice projection there, bucko, I like it how you automatically assumed I was jealous and angry

Of course they are important, I'm not saying they aren't

But you know who also is important? People who actually make the games

Activision this year announced record profits and then fired hundreds of people, all to just appear better and more profitable for it's shareholders

You don't see a problem with that at all?

I'm sure everything sounds super easy when you reduce it to the most basic of mechanics.

You probably couldn't secure a fucking deal with your mother, let alone another business entity.

>underaged retards

>CEOs do everything

Spotted the dimwitted zoomer fucktard that hasn't worked a day in his life

Here's what actually happens
>CEO sits in board meetings all day blaming other people for why the company is doing shit and taking all the credit when things are going well.
If things aren't going well just threaten to fire everyone in the division.
Also pretend to be visionary by aping whatever shit seems new that the kids are doing.

>Even if everything turns out terrible you still get a generous severance and can claim you are responsible for most of a company's success and fall into a new job rinsing and repeating

I'm going to be honest. I hate them because they're smarter than me. I may mock how out of touch and superficial they seem, but ultimately the successful ones possess the intellect to foresee how they manipulate the market effectively for profit, and the drive to make that vision reality. I can't truly blame them for doing what sells. It's the normies who are to blame. If the normies had good taste, that good taste would be targeted.

Also I hate how their average height is above 6". There's nothing I can do to get their IQ or height.

>Activision this year announced record profits and then fired hundreds of people
It fired people who have literally no value within the company - i.e. Twitter posters and community managers. Not a single developer was fired.

>fired hundreds of people*
>*who didn't actually make video games
Wow a company who CREATES video games, got rid of departments and employees who DO NOT CREATE video games.

Wow..................... those.... piece of shit.........

I'm sure you've spoken to a CEO before and totally aren't making shit up because you saw it in a movie once.

okay so anyone can be a CEO. where do I sign up?

I don't hate CEOs and acknowledge the validity of everything you said. I hate certain CEOs and how they put short-sighted, trend-following profits before genuine value. Ironically, this irrational greed only hurts long term profits. Profits aren't the problem, retard financiers who have no business running gaming companies are.

>People who actually make the games
And they get paid well. The arverage programmer makes like 60k a year.
>Activision this year announced record profits and then fired hundreds of people, all to just appear better and more profitable for it's shareholders
How many were developers? A lot were community managers and other bloat. If they are essential I am sure activision will suffer for their mass firing. I don't think they will though. Why? Most of those people are unessential. Should a company not be able to fire anyone?

I have to agree with ^

That's nice and all, but in reality, here's what a CEO does: Pigeon management.
You fly in, shit all over everything, then your underlings forward that shit and push further down.

You get to bark up everything, put in the least amount of effort and show face.

Negotiation is the only thing that's needed here, everything else is out of scope, and just a pretend thing everyone lets a CEO do because CEOs are the CEOs and have the "pull", because top dog.

At best, it should be a humble topdog, letting everyone do what they want. Instead, they fuck everything up, turn all the decisions into political powerplay, and at the very last, play bad cop bad cop.

If anything, humble bad cop plays and negotiation should be the thing they do internally.

And that's not much to pay for.

>CEOs are there to run a business and make money, not produce good games.

So in other words, they don't care about the quality of the product, as long as it sells? Fuck that mentality.

CEOs are 130+ IQ chads who use abstract thought to move millions. You're clearly an envious work-a-day retard who's never managed anything more complicated than your loli collection.

People who focus on quality over maintaining profits within their scale do not run successful businesses. Welcome to the real world, faggot.

Yes. This is also a legal duty CEOs have. They must put profit above all else.

>So in other words, they don't care about the quality of the product, as long as it sells? Fuck that mentality.
They can literally be sued if it can be proven that they deliberately did not do this.

How fucking stupid are some of you people?

This is also true. CEOs are just that.
Mostly mindless drones who know how to bark and shit on everything, but not actually pull weight.

If they can, it won't be long until they either get out of the job because they are more competent and better than just this; get demoted in worse cases; or run the company into a ditch and kill it, when raging competence is paired with All-power.

It's usually the latter cases, like most CEOs.

>So in other words, they don't care about the quality of the product, as long as it sells? Fuck that mentality.

Actually I have, I've also taken action against them in litigation. They're the most arrogant pieces of shit who pretend to look busy by spending most of their day getting other people to do their work.

Stop pretending like all CEOs are complete successes. If anything almost all of the time they're some dude who gets lucky and stays in one spot. Nearly every CEO that does rounds after their initial success fucking fails every other venture they touch even Steve Fucking Jobs failed at everything unless the conditions were perfect for him to succeed.

Grow up having a rich daddy and/or friends and convince them to continuously pump in money into your venture until you get lucky.


>Health-care industry
>Top restaurants
>Hardware industry

Note that I said hardware, not software.

>Not a single developer was fired.
citation? developers are not immune to being fired. they're ripe for offshoring. offshore developers are often very technically skilled, they just have shitty English. but autistic developers are already bad at communication, both because of their antisocial nature and their illiteracy. when there are massive layoffs I find it likely developers will be affected

not that I'm saying you're wrong. I just want to see the facts of this case

Software works like this as well, dude.

Robert A. Altman, CEO of Zenimax, is quite frankly a fucking genius for having Bethesda sell Skyrim not once, not twice, not thrice, but four fucking times. Sure it's arrogance, but he knew the company existed in a market where that arrogance would go unpunished. That was nothing but pure jet-black profit for little effort.

>>Health-care industry
>>Top restaurants
>>Hardware industry
2.Use bad meat with cancer, just cut it off
3.All made in china

As a veteran all generals at one point in time were grunts at the bottom of the ladder.

>espouts the talking points of Patrick "Cuck Isn't An Insult and I Ruined GiantBomb and Killed Ryan Davis" Klepikkciikck
>didn't read any of the actual information from ATVI
Why am I not surprised.

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>Why does Yea Forums hate CEOs?
>With out CEOs there would be no modern day gaming!

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The hate is fully justified, you know. Bobby Kotick gets 30 million $ a year and tell me, what is he responsible for? You know how many developers and community managers could be hired for that money? They could make entire new games or do other useful stuff. Yet there is one single fat white male at the top that sucks so much money from the company while not doing any real work. If you don't think that's problematic then I'm sorry for you.
He didn't build this company. He didn't create a single game in his life. He probably doesn't even play games or have any idea what does it take to make a game. He came from a fucking washing powder industry. He was hired as shareholder's puppet. Really, tell me what is the justification of him getting 30M$ a year?

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health care doesn't care. if their care doesn't work, it won't sell.

top restaurants don't care. they are competing in a different market from fast food restaurants. they're offering a product, targeting a specific audience. that audience has money to spend, and you need to spend money to attract them. it's still all down to the bottom line. if you can appear high quality but spend less, you will. but your reputation is valuable. you can't do things that ruin it because that destroys your bottom line. you need to balance your reputation with the audience's tolerance for it, and your profit

who? I don't read giantbomb or any other gaming outlet. just link me to something saying that no developers were fired

You know you saved it.

They are mostly Jewish

At the very least, they're disconnected, a common problem with CEOs. CEOs of retail stores or restaurants often have no idea how life is at the wageslave level or how bad conditions are, and CEOs of vidya companies have no idea what the creative process is like, how HR is gutting the company from the inside out, how customers and potential customers actually operate.

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actually, no. I didn't even consider saving it. I'm not in the habit of saving disgusting images, or posting them. I don't think you'll find any pictures of shit on my drives for instance. I even wish people wouldn't use shit in analogies and examples all the time

I suggest you do as I do. everyone will be happier as a result

The investors think he's worth that much, so your fat communist whale ass can't do shit about it.

Caring what investors think is what ruins the companies.

Caring what investors think is typically how you keep a business up and running.

>CEOs of vidya companies have no idea what the creative process is like
This pretty much.

>commie logic

>Why does Yea Forums hate CEOs?
Because of these reasons:

>CEOs grow companies with money from various supporters in the form of stock.

>CEOs took gaming development outta basements and garages and put them multimillion dollar studios.

>With out CEOs there would be no modern day gaming!

>CEOs took gaming development outta basements and garages and put them multimillion dollar studios.
That's why. Games were better when they were made, financed and directed by basementdwellers, not profit seekers.

so we should all donate to patreon and kickstarter?

You know, I know next to nothing about any CEO and initially I thought you had good points. But then if you think bout it:

>Communicating, on behalf of the company, with shareholders, government entities, and the public
Ok, alright. Communication. Kinda important I guess when it's about shareholders and keeping them happy. Then again, if sales are good then it can't actually be challenging. Communication with government entities is a joke. Game companies are not dealing with military contracts. Aside from avoiding taxes and shady practices like lootbox casinos there 0 to none dealing with government on CEO level. Or am I wrong? I am not even going to mention public communication because "Bobby Kotick and gamers opinion" tells you everything you should know about it.

>Leading the development of the company’s short- and long-term strategy
Sounds complicated, alright. But then what exactly does it imply? Game companies business cycle involves making games and selling them. Game good -> profit good. Where're exactly those "strategies" come to play?
I'd say they come to play when Konami decides to enter pachinko market. When "games as a service" business model is getting implemented. When BioWare is bought by EA. So while I can see why all those decisions require high qualification I fail to see their positive influence on games and creation of games.

>Creating and implementing the company or organization’s vision and mission
Again, "creating games as good as possible" is hardly something new that have to be bought with CEO huge salaries.

>Evaluating the work of other executive leaders within the company, including directors, vice presidents, and presidents
Ok, nice... Which of those people are involved in the process of creating games? Where are coders, writers, designers, artists? I understand how numerous directors and vice-presidents are important in other businesses but in gaming industry? It's ridiculous.


Shareholders are the root of all evil, prove me wrong.

>Maintaining awareness of the competitive market landscape, expansion opportunities, industry developments, etc.
How many degrees do you need to understand that releasing your brand new action RPG the same months as Witcher 4 is probably not the best idea? For god's sake this isn't real estate business! Competitive market landscape is not nearly as complex.

>Ensuring that the company maintains high social responsibility wherever it does business
Ok, those are your first-worlders shenanigans. Can't say anything about it.

>Assessing risks to the company and ensuring they are monitored and minimized
Ok this is really important, I agree.

>Setting strategic goals and making sure they are measurable and describable
Good games -> good sales. Done.

I am not saying that all those functions aren't something that needs to be done. I am saying that they all are LESS important when we are talking about industry where companies workhorses are artists, coders, designers and writers. CEO salaries are TERRIBLE overbloated since they manage functions that are tangential to the process of creating games.

Give those money to lead designers I say.

evil was a well known and well investigated concept before shares existed

>haha stupid neet incels are just mad daddy kotick have more money
>that mean he better than them literally seething!
>more momey=better person :DDD
>mmm yes I love sucking cock it tastes like salty coins I love money mhmhmhm

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I just hate rich kids, honestly. They aremt people, they lived life on an entirely different level since the day they were born.

>Good games -> good sales.

Games that are just good enough and filled with micro transactions that you can get people to buy - > better sales, more profit for you, more salary for your employees, more return for the shareholder

zoom zoom zoom

> Why does Yea Forums hate CEOs?
That was the question. Shareholders happiness is Bobby's concern not /v's.

American CEO pay is around 400 times more than the average median salary in America. In UK it's 22 times and in Germany 12. There's nothing to be justified there, they're just greedy bastards.

Because CEOs are the living embodiment of the modern culture of 'must increase profit above at all costs' that infests game development that has seen DLC and microtransactions get worse and worse to the point where actual governments have become involved because it became so ridiculously predatory that actual gambling laws needed to be applied.

And which country do all the dominating corporations come from?


You're right. I'm also a greedy bastard, so I'm off to be a CEO. It's the good life now for me, see you later suckers

>better person :DDD
lmao loser. Confirmed poor. And yes being rich does make you better than the poor.

You were talking about CEOs being pointless and your handwave of profit was "dude just make good games".

Making a good game isn't good enough when you could be making much more with less expenses. Yea Forums should not hate the CEO. They should hate the consumer (which they already do)

> You're right. I'm also a greedy bastard, so I'm off to be a CEO.
> Every y who hates x secretly wants to be x himself.

Denial is one hell of a drug.

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The problem is CEOs that have 100% business background & don't understand the field itself. Peter Moore is a good example of someone who had no right to lead any video game company

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> And yes being rich does make you better than the poor.
Is Putin better than Gandhi?


I don't know what you're talking about, but making around 400 times more than the average salary sounds great to me. So I've decided to be a CEO. Later.

reminder you suit lovin trash

if it wasnt for those so called grunts, you'd have no company

now feel free to shoot yourself, preferably a shotgun, and preferably the head as your respective weapon and target

>With out CEOs there would be no modern day gaming!

There is nothing else to be said.

Well no but I'm kinda biased in that regard because at least ghandi didn't fuck over my entire freaking country by installing his buffoonish goon as president.

I've heard ghandi did some fucked up stuff too but I'm not clear on that

>On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.
Rip japanese video game guy.

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If they objectively measured CEO requisites relative to IQ scale, they would be in the sub 100s category.

Hey hey people, seth here

That's because Rich people get dumb trophy wives and fart out trust fund retard babies all the time. If CEO took skill, it would shatter the meritocracy.

it is an argument, you just already knew it and posted it what else is there to say

> Well no
Then being rich does not automatically make you better than poor.

>CEOs took gaming development outta basements and garages and put them multimillion dollar studios.
>With out CEOs there would be no modern day gaming!
You answered your own question, OP.

They turned vidya into a big business like oil or pharmaceuticals. Nobody but them wants video games to make a lot of money, yet that's what they do. Imagine TES series for a second, now picture how great oblivion and particularly skyrim would be with the same writing without bullshit inclusivity? Lots better right? Now remember that this is in almost every non-indie title, and that even some indie developers still have this business model in mind. Business model shouldn't even be a word in regards to the development video games. Make a thing, if people like it it gets popular and people buy it, if not then oh well try again maybe.

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>now picture how great oblivion and particularly skyrim would be with the same writing without bullshit inclusivity?

so no elves, or orcs, or redguard. Just a game full of white men, and no women?

Thank god for Bobby Kotick.

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Not race inclusive, i meant ease of entry you fucking unabashed bumbling retard. It is a miracle you can breathe automatically.

publicly traded companies were a mistake

money was a mistake