
Launcher faggotry be damned this is a good game.
Buy Satisfactory

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>epic store

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no thanks i'll pirate it

never heard of it, I can't see it on steam

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>Normalfag edition

Nah I'll wait a year. The developers of goddamn Goat Simulator had no need for a giant bag of money to stay operational, they just got greedy and I'm not gonna support that

Take out gaben dick out of your mouths for a bit and stop being faggots. Writing off a game because it didn't come out on "MUH launcher" is a discord tranny tier childish reaction.
Grow a fucking pair and go out of your comfort zone for a change

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>Launcher faggotry be damned this is a good game. Buy Satisfactory

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make me

okay dude, i'll give it a try

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Really? Too bad it's not available for sale.
Maybe I'll pirate it.

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Ching chong ping pong, you give data gweilo! You give money! We take over you hobby now! Heil Mao!

good? ok, let see if it is steam. oh no, not there. ok, time to pirate


>Please take it up the ass for your corporate overlords user, the consolefags already do it

why are you spamming?

how different is it compared to factorio other than being first person?

Satisfactory is to Factorio what Dwarf Fortress is to Rimworld; a pleb game for pleb players.

You're right. I can't take gaben's cock out of your mouth.
But you have no right to complain about "games not being good anymore" motherfucker.
You just chose not to buy a GOOD game because of a petty childish tantrum

They already got paid by epic so pirating it doesn't matter

Epic paid for my pirate copy so I'm good.

based and redpilled

but tim sweeney already paid for my free copy dude, why are you so mad?
>paying for free things

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>Muh Steam
Launchercucks can eat shit, if you don't release a standalone DRM-free installer you get the pirate.

I sure hope you fucked that up on accident retard

Legit, the game looks boring, feels more like a normalfag version of factorio.

>Exclusives are bad, so support exclusives!

Why upset over your pirated copies are already paid by Epic? Stop being fuckin greedy

>Take out gaben dick out of your mouths for a bit and stop being faggots. Writing off a game because it didn't come out on "MUH launcher" is a discord tranny tier childish reaction. Grow a fucking pair and go out of your comfort zone for a change

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>Gets gladly raped in the ass and spied on by tencent

what did you mean by this?

I have a pair so I'm going to refuse to install a chinese piece of malware on my pc, only to satisfy a short-lived, drug-like urge in chasing after a high from playing a new videogame.


Fuck Steam niggers

anybody got a pirated version which doesn't spawn a new player on each savegame load?