Dragon Quest

Never played a Dragon Quest game. Where should I start?

I played FF7,8,9,X,X-2. It was more than 10 years ago. My favourite to this day is the X for gameplay, but I loved 9 too.

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8 or 5

You can pretty much start anywhere but the best ones/worth playing are 4, 5, 8, and 11

Final Fantasy?

More like Fag-anal Fuck&Sucktasy if you know what I mean

i dont

8's soundtrack is orgasmic.

>have only played the PlayStation series onward
start with 8

11 is a good place to start. 8 will burn you out.

Definitely 8. It's the clpsest to ffx, which you like. See if you can get the 3ds version.

5 or 8 on DS or 4 on mobile. Make sure you get a version with party chat, no matter which game you pick.