Consider this

Consider this

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Was Sonic really ever that good? I think it was mainly just the marketing and graphics.

I miss old Sonic.

Attached: 1554316417367m.jpg (607x1024, 80K)

Your shitty hedgehog was never good and only liked by fat autistic manchildren, play a real game for once Sonicfags.

Attached: 1541086682282s.jpg (250x250, 8K)

>someone finally saved the thing I made
nice, have another friend

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Sonic was good
Adventure Sonic was good
Modern Sonic was good
Sonic was great up until colors

>only liked by fat autistic manchildren
ironic coming from a smashfag

the big yikes

Not a smashfag, Plant just makes eveyrone seethe

>Not a smashfag

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