Consider this
Consider this
Wyatt Nguyen
Other urls found in this thread:
Caleb Wilson
Was Sonic really ever that good? I think it was mainly just the marketing and graphics.
Jackson Gonzalez
I miss old Sonic.
Noah Bennett
Your shitty hedgehog was never good and only liked by fat autistic manchildren, play a real game for once Sonicfags.
Liam Nguyen
>someone finally saved the thing I made
nice, have another friend
Brandon Stewart
Sonic was good
Adventure Sonic was good
Modern Sonic was good
Sonic was great up until colors
Carson Moore
>only liked by fat autistic manchildren
ironic coming from a smashfag
Daniel Young
the big yikes
Adam Gray
Not a smashfag, Plant just makes eveyrone seethe
Jonathan Barnes
>Not a smashfag