How many frames per second does real life run at?
How many frames per second does real life run at?
1.8552876e+43 FPS.
life isn't a frame-by-frame simulation
your eyes can be trained to spot a single frame of difference in a 300fps simulation
so i'd say more than 300
30, that's why anything else just doesn't feel right.
>life isn’t a frame-by-frame simulation
life doesnt feel right though f am.
so in theory we could find the limit of how fast a human can see something and we'd have the framerate of life?
the average human person struggles to find a difference in a 200fps simulation
but technically yes, 300fps is the threshold for jet pilots, they are specifically trained to spot subsonic aircrafts
their eyes are "trained" for this
i guess we could potentially find a physical limit, but then you'd just use a machine to do the job for you
23, 11.5 per eye. That's why once you start approaching 60 fps things look unnaturally smooth and it makes you nauseous
go to your nearest human geek squad and see what's going on.
Not really, that'd be like using a 60hz monitor when the game is running at 300fps, the frames are still there even if your method of visualising them is limited to 60 fps
Framerate is variable and depends on your physical conditions. Real world most likely has smallest tick time, no idea how small it is, maybe somewhere at 10^-40s.
1.855e+43 fps Assuming fps is locked with game engine speed.
user, framerate is a term made to describe the frametime of individual rendered frames on a digital display device.
there is no such thing as "real life framerate", because life isn't an image being rendered frame by frame.
your eyes do not work this way, neither does your brain.
jet pilots have their own visual acuity trained for the sake of military purposes.
educate yourself before trying to appear smart.
the reason that the Hobbit looks bad at every framerate is because they had zero prep time
it's kinda funny because i kinda agree that movement can look kinda bad in 60 fps without motion blur, but once you hit 144 hz, the movement is so smooth that it gives the impression of blur even when there is none. so really, movies and games should always aim for 120 hz or 144hz to create a truly smooth experience
The only reason why people are predisposed to watch movies at 24FPS is because that's about the lowest framerate that can fool the human eye to detect it as movement. They established this standard to make filmmaking as cheap as possible, not as a stylistic choice or out of technical concerns.
Don't try to bring up film framerates in a videogame discussion, it makes you look like a cocktard mouthbreather.
This guy could have a brilliant career as a shitposter on Yea Forums. He has the same cocky repetitive oblivious nature. I can visually imagine his "daily reminder" threads spamming the same infographics over and over again.
>stroboscope at a kids party
>silky smooth 16 fps with dips to 4
Your brain polls retina with various frequencies. Some parts more often, some colors and brightness trigger different types of cells so "refresh rate" also depends on it.
I never said there is some real life framerate. I said there is probably some real life tick time.
Sounds true, that’s why 30 fps always feels more real and cinematic
>brain polls retina
lol no?
>Your brain polls retina with various frequencies
no it doesn't?
do you know how your eyes work, user?
>Some parts more often, some colors and brightness trigger different types of cells so "refresh rate" also depends on it
>I said there is probably some real life tick time
you cannot even begin to comprehend how wrong you are
holy shit, this is the power of Yea Forums
no because you'd just be finding the limit of our perception, not the limit of how things actually are