Video game music is unironically of better quality than most mainstream music on the radio

Video game music is unironically of better quality than most mainstream music on the radio.

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based and true

>Music of varying quality is in general better than bottom of the barrel trash
Wow, user.
What a fucking discovery!

Soundtracks for any medium (vidya, movies, cartoons, anime, and so on) tend to be better than mainstream music on the radio of most eras because the former is made to fit in the context of something else while the other is specifically made to pander to mainstream appeal.

>proceeds to post Nier Automata OST
Yeah, some taste you have

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I was born in the wrong generation!
You say Lady GaGa, I say Skyrim!
You say Justin Bieber, I say Fallout 4!
You say Kanye West, I say GTA V!

*flatmate walks into your room*
Hey user, what are you listening to?

Kanye has some good stuff.
Lady GaGa isn't even that bad either. more Bach.

I tend to agree. Modern shit is made for zoomers who are all sub 80 IQ and listen to white, tattoo face manlet "rappers" who all call themselves Lil [shitbird name] for some reason.


>c minor

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There’s more music than what’s on the mainstream charts and in video games ya sperg.

And that has what to do with op’s statement?

>listen to radio
>cry about bad music
sound like one of those fag who dropped his pants for yearly COD and football shits

no, it isn't.
GTA games and Civ 4 are the only games with good OSTs.

>op specifically says "manstream music on the radio"
>HURR but wat about other music DURR

This guy gets it

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too dark for good goyim

I love minor key but C is just too beta. A and D are the Chads of minor key. G is good too and before you give me shit about it being a relative 5th of C, it's still fucking different and better.

Kill yourself.

typical "le wrong generation" dadrocker mealhead reply (and I'm not even saying there's anything wrong with those genres, I enjoy them too).

One day you'll be old enough to understand that you can enjoy more than 1 genre of music.

sounds more pleasant than Kanye.

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What are your least favorite songs of his?

Lady Gaga is ok sometimes (though 90% of her songs are boring as fuck) but Kanye is just bad.
He's so fucking bad that I've always assumed the people who claim to like his music only do so ironically or cuz he's apparently a drumpftard now.
People used to shit on Kanye all the time

Writing about music is as illogical as singing about economics.

1. On Sight
2. Black Skinhead
3. I Am a God ft. God
4. New Slaves
5. Hold My Liquor
6. I'm In It
7. Blood On the Leaves
8. Guilt Trip
9. Send It Up
10. Bound 2

That doesn't even begin to make sense. Music and music theory are both college courses steeped in logic and mathematics. There is no such thing as "economics: the musical"

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t. theorylet

Would singing about economics improve the economy? No, just like writing about music never made a good song.
Theory is for people who can’t play.