I like this zelda

I like this zelda

Attached: 1554344093205.jpg (900x719, 195K)

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What syndrome does she have?

That’s not Midna porn so shoo shoo.

Not sitting on my face syndrome

Imagine having such garbage taste for a potato with noodle limbs.

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Resting bitch face syndrome.

>potato with noodle limbs
My dick

She looks like she fucks black guys

Cute Disease

Well, I like this one

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Based and fatpilled

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underrated post


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How about a fuck for luck?

The downs.


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Why is her left boob so much bigger than the right?

Attached: 1374456335222.gif (313x240, 2M)

>he doesn’t like fat and he wasted trips

Attached: Get a load of this nigga.jpg (555x344, 51K)

I personally like Hyrule Warrior's Zelda the best tbqh.

Attached: HyruleWarriors_Zelda.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

All female armors that reveal armpits are godsent.

That's not the naming convention for syndromes

You're never going to get to be a fighter in Smash Bros, Waluigi.

>t. Pierce Brosnan

Attached: 1529145674774.png (723x1080, 882K)

have sex

Waluigi, tumblr Hates fatfags

Is this the summertime saga guy?


Me too.

I don’t

I always liked this Zelda, might be the YTPs but i've grown with these CDi characters, and i feel like they changed me, perhaps for the beter.

Attached: Sk8tr pepe.png (300x250, 19K)


Fetal alcohol and beaten wife

Grow a new vagina and rectum

Step aside please, best Zelda version coming through

Attached: hilda.jpg (600x847, 58K)

It's basically cdi Zelda, isn't it?

is that show any good?

gigantic milkers

tumblrnose is when the nose is red not when you dont like it dip shit

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Post YTP


Yeah, I only see hate by people complaining about blacks


tumblr nose is not just having a nose.

immensely kissable murdersneer zelda is for loving and protecting

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Isn't the Zelda from Hyrule Warriors different from the CD-I one? I can't remember the story of Hyrule Warriors.

Pretty sure this is a Jap/korean artist

Whose the artist?

wrong retard.

rwby has blacks too and no one complains
does it have racemixing or is really preachy?

giga puddi chest snydrome

Not preachy, but there is racemixing and a black king

>thinking he means true form

Terrible artist syndrome

>rwby has blacks too and no one complains
to be fair, that's because RWBY is genuinely shit for reasons that have nothing to do with the race of characters

I unironically do as well

this Zelda is superior though

I like this one

Attached: Rabbit.png (1450x819, 570K)

This Zelda?

Attached: princess_zelda__cd_i____the_wand_of_gamelon_by_ltkartwork-dcrw8l3.jpg (731x1092, 204K)

Does the second season have the weird choppy shit the first had?

The pot calling the kettle a nigger


Yeah but it improved

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This is the best Zelda. She looked awful ever since.

Attached: legend-of-zelda-the-complete-animated-series-20050930100458489-000.jpg (460x345, 31K)