Do it faggot

Do it faggot.

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Some dude with amnesia sucking people for their memories

a bunch of 1 note characters die in a patchwork series of battles that's presented as a poor excuse for a campaign

meanwhile the multiplayer introduces a mechanic that permanently destroys the competitive community and starts a forever war in the fanbase

Zelda clone with 90s ridiculous anime hair design where you can miss collectibles. Puzzles are stupid hard and progress is so super linear. Desert level is fucking frustrating

It's a 3/10

he wears sunglasses at night so he can set the homeless on fire

edgy antagonist thinks HE WUZ KANGZ being beaten by an emo wannabe

prototype is your favorite game? it's more guilty pleasure for me, christ, man, you have shit taste even for this board

You swing your arms around like a spaz while shitty weeb music plays

God asks you to gather tetris pieces.

You look at a girl's big ass and her cute shota companion.

Pretty much the entire game is fetch quests for mentally deficient animals who are too busy collecting their welfare check to contribute anything meaningful to the town you run.

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A nigger and his pals chimp out against """corrupt""" police conspiracy.

deus ex?

there's 9 people and they shoot each other cus some old guys are fighting over some gravel and there's a fuckin pumpkin with an axe and shit and it's like a 50 year old game and it doesn't get updated anymore

Replace "animals" with "citizens" and "town" with "kingdom" and you have FFXV as well.

saints row?
beat saber? (not sure about the name)

overwatch gets updated

>saints row
Nope, San Andreas.

buggy shit game made by a team of drunken third worlders

but inside, he was crying



Banana peel many times

some sort of sicko pokemon game

Long as hell levels with QTEs and gimmick shit sprinkled in. Also it's a Wii U exclusive

yes, but don't go blabbing it to everybody

Dodge Souls. Sort of went to shit about halfway through, though it bounced back at the last two levels. Best part is some out of the way area you'd never find if you didn't have a guide, but that's okay because everyone does.

literally the worst managed multiplayer game of all time. it is practically unplayable 80% of the time.

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>Beat saber
yes, low-key the best rythmn game

you run around collecting shit

Only played it once at a con with the new oculus.
It was fun but I somehow always ended up far away from my hands, like I would be standing some place and I would see my hands elsewhere, kinda disgusted me from getting one.
Do you know if this is a common issue among vr headsets? And if not, is it fixable on oculus?


You play as this shitty ship that can only go right, dies in one hit, has weakass machine guns and a gimp arm to pick up enemy weapons

your alcoholic father went on a drunken bender and you just spend the game clearing up his shit

mother 3

chickenman goes on a killing spree because a fucking phone tells him to

painted world or ash lake?

Local cheater too pussy to pick a girl, nearly dies several times in nightmares

>on rails
>less than 2 hours long
>visuals might give you a seizure

It's F2P

Dark Souls clone with no open world, only a few weapon types, and a zillion loot-grind-forcing NG+ levels tacked onto the end

It takes 2 years to fly your favorite spaceship properly and as soon as you try to use it you die horribly.

shoot guys and grab shit so you can build shit

You fuck a girl and make your man happy.

skyrim with guns

A mute solving other people's problems with time travel, also he dies.

Bunch of commies and fashfags donk it out with shitty graphics

A horny teenager and his token black friend go on adventures with a pampered rich girl and her much older male chaperone while her mom calls the cops and the MC's older brother walks around in a thong harassing people.


For countless hours you run around shitty locations like beaches, caves and forests fighting with animals and some hobo-looking motherfuckers so you can collect gear that looks like something you'd assemble out of a garbage heap. All this only to find out that your build is shit and you should start over.

It's fucking great.

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Some old geezer walks around groping people's balls for extra ammunition while he's tasked to kill his brother who is an autistic boomer

It's like Game of Thrones except there are no dragons and you only get to look at the map

Windows 10?

Europa universalis?


Dark Cloud?



My nigger

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close enough

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really all you do is slog through a bunch of not too challenging puzzles. there are so many easy puzzles to slog through. and then when you come out in the other end your only choice is to argue philosophy with a high schooler or do more puzzles.

you wander around victorian london hitting shags

It's like the dark souls of skyrim with guns

It's like an hour long and all you do is go in circles.


hellgate london?
stanley parable? in a meta sense it could be pretty much any multiplayer game

wat game

Singleplayer story is dull as fuck and multiplayer loading times are fucking impossible.

You play as a nigger that steals cars

New Vegas

You're stuck in an unskippable, long, hand-held tutorial for the first hour every time you replay.
Despite shipping with it as a feature, multiplayer was nonexistant from the start with too poor connections or simply noone else you know owning the game.

Little nigga takes souls from people because the world's ending

It's a mod that nobody plays anymore because another game related to it came out a month later

Lol so randumb jrpg that introduces nothing new mechanically apart from renaming magic and a stupid scrolling health bar.

You play as some stronk woman soldier trekking and backtrekking around some planet looking for powerups and shit so you can fight a dragon and some blue cancer goop.

Modular Combat?

It doesn't have much connection to the rest of the series and you spend half of the game escorting around the presidents annoying daughter

You fight a fatass furry + mecha enthusiast who tricks a nigger to rob you, you run alot.

I dont even know what my fucking favourite game is

Sand-people that are, by some miracle, not even brown or nigger get dragged into a political melodrama between kingdoms.

A ninja butthurt that his clan got butchered and goes on a rage fest and turns into a smurf in the process

gta 5

any modern game really

Baby's first RPG with an artstyle that would only appeal to babies. And for an RPG, the plot is an incredibly simple "collect the magical things and save a damsel in distress" plot. There's no variance or strategy of any kind in the battles until a whole hour into the game when you finally get the ability to press a timed button for a bit of extra damage. Your party members almost never talk outside of the arc they're introduced in and come off as having no personality, when the protagonist himself is already silent and exudes little to no personality. And no matter how you try to build your character, all of his stats have a super low cap, meaning that by the end of the game, you'll typically have gotten close to maxing yourself out across the board in every stat, even if you don't grind. Oh, and on top of all that, the game's programming is basically held together with scotch tape and chewing gum, to the point where "(action) crashes (name of game)" has become somewhat of a meme within the community.

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You and your furbait girlfriend fight pirates to get your friend back in the least interesting story ever

Space marines jump around a drimdark legoland collecting armor 15 minutes at a time. They've been doing this for 16 years for some reason.

Instead of foiling devious plots in order to save the world, your character plays a futuristic maintenance man.For every step forward you take, the game pushes you two steps back. For example the very first objective in the game is to take the elevator from the first deck up to the fourth.So you make your way to the elevator, oops it's out of power, better head down to engineering to reroute the circuits.Oops the door leading to engineering is locked, better go to the crew quarters and find the guy who had the code.Oops the circuit to the crew quarters door is out of power, better find a recharger station.Ok I've restored power to the door and made it to the crew quarters.Oops the guy with the code isn't here, better look for him at sickbay.Okay got the code and heading to engineering to reroute the power to the elevator WHICH WAS THE VERY FIRST OBJECTIVE IN THE GAME.Oops the corridor leading to the power station is flooded with radiation, better go to the controls to purge it.Oops the door to the purge controls is locked, have to go get the key in the command center, which is also locked so let's head on down to find the person with the key in cargo bay 2. Oops cargo bay 2 is locked, better go find the key in cargo bay 1.Okay got the key to cargo bay 2 where I found the key to the command station where I found the key to the purge controls, let's purge that radiation! Huh?The computer locked out the purge command?Oh for the love of fuck, guess I'll go find some circuit boards to override the lockout.Okay overrode the lockout, purged the radiation, went to the power station and turned the power back on to the elevator so now I can finally go ride it up to deck 4 WHICH WAS THE VERY FIRST OBJECTIVE IN THE GAME.Oh great the elevator is blocked on deck 3 better get out and clear an entire deck to unblock it.Now that that's done with you can finally get to deck 4 WHICH WAS THE VERY FIRST OBJECTIVE IN THE GAME.That's 5 hours spent fixing an elevator to move up two floors.

Coon steal shit

a wagie and his inept co-worker go to a planet where everything can kill them so they can exploit the product placement for their jew boss

Sly Cooper

Shot in the dark here but is it Space Quest

some kind of gay overwatch clone that uses quake's name for no good reason?

Good taste, user

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Thing moves and jumps but other things stop it but some things stop other things things from stopping it but all not things

You spend most of the game running in circles in boring ass offices shooting literal clones. The plot is meh at best when they're not ripping off the ring

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A witch who doesn't wear clothes and is super special and powerful because her father was from a clan opposed to her mother's slaughters angels in horrific ways.


Old Jew collects money to buy himself a castle.

Main guy teams up with furries to save his kingdom and the furry kingdom against an army of anti furry men led by some crazy dude who wants to plunge the world into war to fight God

Your Mentor has 4 large caliber bullet holes in his head, you have a sneaking suspicion this isn't the first time it happened

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It's an early 2000 game


You hunt monsters

I didn't know invisible war had multiplayer

Talos Principle or the Witness
System Shock 2 ftw

You literally can't even, and then the hot teacher asks you to model for him,*eeek*, yeah yeah, also your friend is so kewl, she literally can. Every now and then some orbiters try to ask you out, it's gross. Also, because of that stupid nazi step father, your friend gets in trouble, nazi nazinazi.

answer in spoiler image

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quake 3 duels on picmip 7. close enough.

Guns of Icarus

A little bitch steals your horse so you prevent the apocalypse.

To be fair, you steal the little bitch's tsundere fairy girlfriend in exchange, so it's all good.

>System Shock 2


Should have said 2D Zelda clone

my eyes glanced off that longwinded description of the entire early game
>man with a wrench injects potent methamphetamines to conjure up reality bending psionic magicks to appease a voice in his head

>picmip 7
I never got that since default CPMA skin is a literal glow in the dark nigger

It's a generic, cliché-ridden save-the-world quest where you don't get your own vehicle until halfway through and the main antagonist is a puppy-kicking evil Saturday morning cartoon-tier villain who willingly causes a localized apocalypse on his own country just because he's evil, also the game doesn't even have the balls to make clear which girl the protag gets with in the end

Power will never betray you, user.

But that girl you friendzoned might.

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It's just a really fucking shitty game and all that

You have a riveting discussion about bookstore chains and why they shouldn't exist

A bunch of furries go around stealing shit

Its a shitty, sub par source mod masquerading as a game, with laughable enemy variety on top of a brain dead AI, clunky UI, convoluted levels, over designed character progression and story that must have been written by a schizo

now that's a good one

Beat tue fucking shit out of high schooler degenerates all over the city, grind get whupped, lose half your cash and cycle of entering 1 level with enemies to get cash to buy over priced but op moves to barely stand a chance against stupid OP bosses and ultra OP final boss also you can accidentally hurt your ally

Hint #1: nes game
Hint #2: BARF


Wrong thread user
>Describe the game as bad
>Describe game as badly as possible

Old man wants you to give him a coin

a boy, girl and their dog kill ants to save some bears

Mortal Kombat X

indie pixel platformer game were the enemies wait to kill you off screen


you have to travel around the world to collect some tree juice so your village doesn't die. it concludes with you defeating an alien parasite and the literal embodiment of "memories"

You run through the same shit every time you die and understand less and less as you progress.

You are a orphan furry fuck who goes around and does most of his movement by jumping and pressing the circle button, all while stealing shit all around the world to kill a big russian meanie owl.

>Dude documents folder lmao

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hotline miami?



Sonic forces is your favourite game?

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Ps4 game that looks like an early ps3 game and runs at max of 10fps in combat about being a very determined exterminator

You have to kill bugs to steal their warmth

Welp, it's indie TDS with very low resolution and 30 fps, and there is a lot of RNG, you know, you literally can die in any moment from anything.

I just don't think describing one of the games definitive scenes is right for this thread, user

metroid prime?

A bunch of lesbians with various fetish stereotypes wrestle each other.
Worst I can make it.

resident evil 4?

literally Australia, but with more shiny gems involved.

Lost planet, one of the capcom games that didn’t survive westernization

Black & White

No one commented because it was too easy, I guess. NieR Automata.

Rick and Morty jokes the game, with the included violence and gore and heavy-handed "philosophy" that R&M is known for.

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I'm tired of you faggots saying Russia is a third world country and that slavs are somehow lesser than you. White countries by default cant be third world, you stupid fucking Americans are just upset because Jerome and pablo are raping your wives and daughters and you western Europeans are just jealous our country wont be majority Muslim in a decade. Fuck off you shitty fags Russian supremacy is the only truth everyone knows it

Sounds like maplestory

Everytime I see a three letter phrase or word with 'w' at the end my mind instantly assumes it says jew and I get ready to rant about them. What happened to me?

>Doesnt say how it aint 3rd world despite low as fuck quality of life, low economical power, low life expectancy, being cold ridden shitholes and functioning post commie shithole state.
>Goes on to spout rape acusations without rhyme, reason or rhythm.
Picture related Vladimir. With love, from Yurop.

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zoomers will never guess

Fuck you faggot cunt go back to worshiping your jew overlords. Soon Europe will be much worse and Russia will just get stronger. Your europoor beg for my big slavic cock same with you shitty amerimuts. You're all degenerate scum and deserve to be nuked

Jet Force Gemini

1st world and 3rd world are old concepts that aren't used anymore. Also Russia is 2nd world according to the original definition.

Id rather stay as far away from you as humanly possible. Then again, you arent human, so I might need to do some extra work to stay away from the ape furiously typing away at me from his unheated commieblock with barely running water and about 5 volts worth of power in the grid.
Shhh, let him be angry user.

More like 1.5 world. Sure we have our issues but we're doing a hell of a lot better than a lot of europe. Especially France since we arent on fire. Russia has had a lot of hard times but hard times breed strong men, so our men are consistently strong

Fuck off theres nothing wrong with russian homes. We need another cold war with actual nukes going off this time. Kill yourself you subhuman western filth nigger

Drive around in a car and sometimes get out of the car.

Any gta or open world game without super powers except saints row 4

Poland is getting awesome, Russia is probably going to become liberal metropol focused shithole like the rest of us

Oh no, a russian peasant has been conscripted into the RIDF, woe be me, Im about to get demolished by such facts and logic like "We should totaly nuke countries because our asses get raped by the cold and they are warm" or "You are totaly subhuman and black and so you need to be fed a bullet from my broken mosin!".

Its a cushty, nice 20 degrees Celcius here. I understand that jealousy is a human nature, but you are not human Vadim. Stop trying to be more than what you are, russian rat. Your country blows more dicks than Svetlana at the alleyway. Buy less vodka and more insulation, you cranialy corrupt cuck.

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you play as some double digit iq gopnik delinquent and shoot other double digit iq gopnik delinquents for having wrong opinions about the universally hated ukranian shithole you reside in. to make money you throw bolts at instakill zones, avoid the instakill zones, and contract dangerous amounts of radiation poisoning to find wacky rocks that sell at a high price for some retarded reason.

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M8, I think your falling for very obvious bait.

Read what I fucking said here The cold isnt even that bad and it makes us Chads even our women are chadcys. Even the first lady of America in Russian face it faggot we're better than you
If that happens I'll go out shooting


>If that happens I'll go out shooting
I mean, I've heard you have some pretty awesome premiums for living out in siberia but isn't Moscow pretty much already the center of everything and those people live such different lives to the people on the countryside that you may as well live in a different country? I guess they get to keep their dacha and so visit the countryside sometimes but I imagine it's very gated?

hack and slash where you fight the same bosses 3 times and the only things you unlock are costumes and difficulty levels.
Side missions suck but they're the only way you can increase your health meter.


Mutual shitposting is fun user.

You were supposed to make it sounds bad


Ridiculously easy Zelda clone with a fun gimmick that goes through three acts of “an ancient evil awakens”

You shoot planes and vehicles until your autistic wingman betrays you after he realised that war kills people

Water park janitor.

A sequel that's basically exactly the same as the original, just more of it. You spend most of your time walking around, random encounters everywhere, combat is completely broken by mechanics that 90% of players won't bother messing with because it's completely unnecessary. Story is generic and the characters literally never shut up and it's verging on generic weeb trash.
It's so bad, they'll probably never make another one ever again.


Dumb kid releases the love child of Dr Eggman and Nightmare from KH onto the world and now has jump around making forms in 3D Max while a literal bitch barks at him non stop

Sonic and Knuckles

What game?

Golden Sun The Lost Age.
My fave game of all time. I love it, it's not without it's issues, but it's great.

SkullGirls or Senran Kagura or DOA

Get out of here Stalker!

The only choices that matter for the ending are if you got your dad out of prison and which of the two girls that like you, you want to bang

You kill different themed boars every two years or so

You make houses, farms, and kills a dragon.

Laborer gets held hostage on an island and his only way out is to clean up all the natives' shit.


It's rigged from the start.

5 hour long homeless mailwoman simulator with unintiutive controls

It's a game made by hohols, who are subhumans. Cheer up, Mikhail.

Stalker is Ukrainian you dumb fuck

Fallout New Vegas
I would say far cry 3 but "laborer" idk

A game where women, blacks, and one emo faggot get special treatment and if you guess wrong twice you die.

you can literally play it as a Game of Thrones game with the mod though

Sonic Forces

You remote control a giant robot but spend most of your time running around town looking for a good view.

Horizon Zero Dawn

>Talos Principle
I did enjoy the witness but ultimately I'm more of a story-whore than a puzzle-slut

Its a bunch of assets cobbled together and you spend more time running through giant empty areas and backwards then anything else.

you gotta tell us man what is this