risk of rain
autistic mod ideas are welcome. last thread was pretty fun with all the ideas thrown around
Risk of rain
Other urls found in this thread:
Just make Wax Quail have quadruple the effect it has right now and enjoy watching everyone fly off the map
can we get a mod that makes artificer and huntress actually good characters
What if Huntress got thiccer as you stacked Energy Drinks
huntress but like
30x thiccer and taller
what if merc's sword got bigger as you stacked energy drinks?
Please vote on whether or not you use modded assembly so I can figure out how many people use it
>autistic mod ideas are welcome
Not autistic, but I wish somone would mod a function to choose RoR1 and maybe Deadbolt OSTs ingame.
Is it true that crit chance doesn't roll over?
A mod to make that be the case would be cool.
nigga thats gay
I died on the first stage on normal as Artificer. Why is she so bad compared to the others?
A mod where every item you pick up is also picked up by the enemies
Asking again, how are people going around playing as bosses on the normal matchamaking?
God, this
Side note, why the fuck did NO ONE play DEADBOLT
I swear to god, it's only once in a blue moon that I even find someone else who played it
It was fucking great
>drag and drop the one mod to try out glass & sacrifice for a couple runs
>it's fucking perfect
I cannot wait for the day artifacts are added in officially so I don't have to tell my friends this file is 100% safe and play it MP.
I will jump through any goddamn hoop to unlock these once they are added.
Probably near impossible to implement
>Massive open world tier level
>no Teleporter
>chests periodically fall from the sky
>enemies slowly grow more dangerous as you get deeper into the map
>no real end goal
>maybe a teleporter or escape craft somewhere on the map
Like I said, probably near impossible to make happen but I think it would be fun
What if Commando's dome got bigger as you stacked energy drinks?
>maybe a teleporter or escape craft somewhere on the map
forgot to add
>that ends the entire run
Daily reminder that Commandfags are awful and ruin the fun of the game
I hope Command doesn't get added to this one
Any consistent way of getting decide achievement? I tried solo and duo but only got close once dying to blazing collosus boss.
Also fix for wake of vultures fucking when???
>this file is 100% safe
you sure about that user? :^)
I might have snuck some dogecoin miners in there
repostan some of the shit from last thread
>playable providence
like two days ago
super easy to implement for hopoo, but not for mods, unless you don't mind it being like a flat square or just a rescaled version of one of the current maps
Shield Mode is OP as fuck
Yeah, it was really good.
It was comfy, had great OST, good character designs and was exactly long enough to not get annoying.
I really hope that whatever easter eggs Hopoo are planning on adding will bring it out of RoR's shadow.
Official fix*
that's HAN-D's M1
rest sounds fucking stupid busted & high cooldowns are likely gonna make him feel like shit
>PvP mode. Players spend gold to summon monsters that attack the other team. Gold could also be a shared resource for buying chests between rounds, so you can either fuck up the enemy team or save to strengthen yourself
it definitely is, but user did say to ignore his numbers. I just think it's fun
>Official fix*
also an user was making a poverty version of the command artifact by messing with the spawn rate for 3D printers
I wish I had access to the unity project directly so I could make UI to do shit like this
I imagine it wouldn't be that hard to implement
>Monster carnival
My nigger
command has been made for a while
see pastebin.com
damn, completely forgot about that.
REAL command f a m
Really? For me sacrifice doesn't do anything at all. The other artifacts seem to work just fine, what am I doing wrong
What expression is this trying to convey?
got some questions for you all:
>is anybody playing right now
>should i buy dis game
>how's the learning curve
I think alternate palettes could be cool, open the door for custom ones but have player 1 2 3 4 for each character
I'd like to see other accessories. I know the models get busy in a hurry, but I think giving the Huntress a really long Strider scarf would look cool. Or bring back the scarf and since it's utility is the Tougher Times teddy bear, maybe make it so you can wall run? No gaining verticality and running on the wall wouldn't reset your hotpoo feathers.
I'd also like to see if the cel shading can be disabled. Ever seen the different shaders for Breath of the Wild? Imagine if Risk of Rain 2 looked less like a painting and more like toys. Could be a fun aesthetic.
Fear of imminent butt-rape.
You have a thread made 15 mins before yours you stupid fucking mongoloid, this kind of faggot shit is why games get sent to /vg/, die of cancer faggot trash.
Burning DoT should have the actual Damage be massively reduced(like, 1/10th of what it is now, maybe less of a reduction at lower levels, but more of one at higher levels), and instead reduce the healing you receive while it is active. With that change, it would make it a little more consistent over the various difficulties(not being a slight tickle at low levels, and not being instant death even through 15 Tougher Times at higher levels, instead it always is kind of scary), while still accomplishing the mechanical role of "offsetting players who have gotten massive amounts of healing"
You've got 2 hours to figure out if you want to keep it, just jump in and try it.
I don't think any mods can make you not trash at the game user.
gib schoolgirl artificer plz
>average or somewhat steep depending on your experience with video games. build-wise you can learn fairly easily, since a lot of synergies are obvious like Engineer and fungi. mechanically it depends on the character. people that are bad at the game constantly complain about character balance
either way just do what said, you might as well try it out. steam is pretty lenient these days.
This is the wizardess in a hentai trying to intimidate the orcs away from her, and she knows it isn't working.
>I'm not playing it right now
>I wholeheartedly recommend it
>The learning curve isn't too steep. Knowing and performing though are very different.
Right now there's no end to the game. So a lot of the issues people are hitting with obscene difficulty is the game goes so long that scaling at that point is going to be completely imbalanced. Easily one of the greatest Early Access games ever made. It's better than some AAA full releases
it begins
Huntress is fine, Artificer is just shit in my opinion. If you made Artificer's wall block projectiles they would be fine
only useful for 3D printer fodder
Okay that's cool and all but wheres the THICC mod?
>stop talking about video games on Yea Forums
>he doesn't know
literally checked the catalog and archive just for you, and you couldn't be more wrong. go back to your smash thread newfriend
hopoo feathers are my drug, and sodas are the needle
Can you just make a giant pillar of light on every chest and a red pillar on the teleporter, like when the teleporter is activated but instead just always fucking on?
first time playing engi still
Wax birds are fun tho
>drop items mod
>item sharing mod
absolutely fucking haram
>wax quail is the only item I haven't unlocked besides the fucking Hermit Crab bullshit
>happy not to bother cause I don't play Artificer, or Engineer
>having a godlike Mercenary run, over an hour in
>sprint through my own Banner Field and get the achievement
Fuck Me
Artificer is the casual brainlet filter. If you play her tactically she's the greatest. No one else can even compete. None of the other classes are even fun for me anymore.
slugs are literally the best healing item in the game right now. monster tooth is worthless, and medkit is just as bad. leeching seed is alright but you need to build into them, and crit heals require good crit.
step out of combat for a few seconds user.
>complaining about wax birds ever
make glass artifact not 500% damage/10% hp
>get hit once by a wisp and die
>get hit once by fire of any kind and die
just want to do more damage and have the game not be a slog come later difficulties
>26 Fungus
Your problem is that you need more mushrooms user
oh right, I forgot monster tooth exists, I completely removed them from my memory because of how bad they are
are these the mods that the discord clique that everyone was shittalking were making?
>item drop
>item sharing
>huntress omni sprint
>being unable to use ice wall
jesus christ how bad are these people. the item stack calculation one seems nice though
>artificer is now a generic blink + freeze
>not making it into frost driver/impale instead
Wax Quail is amazing for mobility on Merc since you get the speed boost twice on your regular jump and then your double jump
>My computer is so fucking outdated it can't even run Risky Rain 2 smoothly on low settings
shit, that's a wakeup call
mod idea: friendly fire
How to fix artificer
>m1 gets extra charges from Spare clips
>Shift is actually a solid wall and not a set of flimsy icicles
>cut part of the picture that shows it's drizzle
Is tri-tip dagger ever woth printing a lot of? Do you get any benefit from having over 100% proc-chance?
That would be funny to have the glass dome from Commando and Merc slowly filling with liquid as you stack drinks.
Yeah let me just tactically burn to death because I have no mobility or health.
Yeah she's great on drizzle and rainstorm but so is everyone
what's the modded assembly?
same reasons why HAN-D was so shit: no mobility and shit defence
Anyone hosting?
Her m1 is fine, it's got AoE and a burn DoT and hits hard as fuck, just use it for burst, she's not Commando, you don't hold it down, you should be cycling through all of her abilities at the right times.
If you have enough speed, the Quail actually stalls your jump though, and makes it shorter.
>I haven't played monsoon 10+ the post
If you're not going fast and fucking off to the other side of the map then you're dead. Birds synergise well with other speed items and if you hit the right angle you can go into space.
Slugs are good because you need to get out of fights quick and let you get back in even quicker. Fireworks aren't the worst, they're free money when you're running around the map opening canisters and chests
The only white/green item I'd call truly useless is the Medkit, since the healing is pitiful and is useless even on the first level.
literally the only good mod
honestly i'm a bit surprised this one hasn't been made in the Yea Forums pack yet, unless I fucked something up and it actually is
some boss monsters can be selected by editing the "selected character" variable using cheatengine
You don't need to be using threat avoidance abilities when you have threat removal ones instead.
>blazing enemy appears
>other classes have to use their mobility to run and dance around while they slowly piddle away at it with weak damage
>artificer just blows him the fuck off the screen in 2 shots instead
what do I have to modify to get lunar coins? I want to unlock the item but lunar coins are too rare
Artificer is the Dunning-Kruger filter, people who think they're better than everyone else massively overrate her and ignore her glaring flaws for e-cred
it's good, although at 10+ (iirc) it's outpaced by lollipops
great on commando too, since it allows you to dodge without stopping your M1, you can start sprinting while holding M1 but it immediately cuts back off
if you jump during that period, hop sluggo will propel you tho
They just kinda drop shit randomly after turning it on.
Might just be unlucky or something.
Pretty sure that bleed tick stacking ramps up insanely fast if you have over at least 50% chance.
You only need 7 daggers for 100% and I'm pretty sure there's no point in going over.
I'll never die as long as I'm running.
does the Yea Forums mod remove Prismatic Trial from the menu or am I just blind?
She only has one real flaw and that's Snapfreeze not blocking line of sight. Make the wall taller and blocking and she's perfect.
How much damage resistance is 25 armor supposed to be
I'm gonna do a modded 4 player EU lobby to play with a mate, you can join if you want
you should only ever get one
>Kill Glacial Greater Wisp (Horde Of Many) on monsoon
>Don't get an achievement for killing elite boss on monsoon
What does Hopoo mean by this?
Have you considered that maybe she's a low skill floor high skill ceiling character and that's why some people think she's garbage and some think she's literally the best?
There's no other explanation for such a massive disparity in opinion.
yes, hopoo wants modded clients to set a value to true, which disables quickplay & prismatics
nothing, you're just a brainlet
a greater wisp isn't a boss enemy user
makes sense
it's not an elite boss
also did you have a mountain shrine active? someone said that was also a requirement
it's not straight damage reduction, it depends on how much you already have
Does Predatory Instincts work with MUL-T minigun?
As i've noticed some effects don't work (or continue to work when they shouldn't, like Ocular HUD used to) if you keep holding left click, like when you pick up an item you have to stop firing then fire to actually get the effect.
>Speed 1994
mountain is not a requirement, but it increases the chance of it spawning an appropriate boss
horde bosses can count
t. got it on a horde of golems
just play monsoon until it triggers, it'll happen eventually
MUL-T minigun permacrit is a well known bug, but yeah, you have to stop firing to apply new buffs.
yes, everything works with nailgun, but it's got a lower proc rate (0.4 compared to the average 1.0) that means "on hit % chance" items will have the chance lowered even purther
any EU vanilla lobby?
So I imagine predatory instincts is pure shit for him then
Who's good to hit 20 with? Merc is fun enough for the slog but too risky
The truth is in the middle. You can't turn your brain off and win with her, but the effort spent on her could get greater results on another character. Her item dependency is another issue that makes her more tedious than others.
Commando has no weaknesses, he can kill everything up to and beyond 20
fireworks are my favorite item. get 2-4 of them and they decimate trash mobs even on second/third loop
Is there currently an ending? I haven't played all that much and I find it quite harder than RoR, but I'm wondering if it goes on forever or is there a final boss like in RoR?
At what point elite bosses start spawning in monsoon?
>but the effort spent on her could get greater results on another character
Disagree, I've tried to play them all and every single time I get by far the most out of Artificer, every time I die as another character all I can think is how that would have been trivial to avoid with Arti by just nuking the problem, whereas every time I die with Arti I feel like I could have avoided it by just playing smarter.
i think at 2 mountain shrines you'll face a elite boss but can't tell you what level
>just managed to loop for the first time as Merc on Monsoon
>know I'll still be suffering if I try it again
At least I got 10 coins.
commando's weakness is that his early game is garbage compared to everyone else
get past that and he's golden though since he scales really well with items like stickies
Not yet, it's still very much in early access.
new shitter here what does loop mean? keep seeing people say that
After you complete stage 4 you repeat the stages you've played up to that point again, but harder
She's not, you're bad at playing her. She takes a learning curve. People at the bottom of the curve think she's trash because they just don't get it yet.
I think you got that backwards friend. she has a high floor and low ceiling because no matter what your dps is capped by cooldowns and people think mastering her ice wall somehow makes it better than it actually is. she is absolutely the most dependent on getting a nice spread of items early on to even have a chance at a mediocre run.
>but harder
>faggot didn't play with Yea Forums rules in RoR1
Kill yourself, also go back, newfag
There is literally one shitposter in the thread claiming she rubbish. That's it. He doesn't even play her just shitposts shes bad.
Ignore all anti arty posts.
>because no matter what your dps is capped by cooldowns
One bandolier and that stops mattering. A couple of them and some back-up mags for consistency.
Early game before you get those items it doesn't matter because even with her DPS "capped by cooldowns" it's still like 3x higher than anyone else.
All she needs is hooves early on, and one good healing source. Anything else she will make work.
What's the Tier list?
Hes baiting and shitposting ignore him. He did it all last thread too.
>10+ fireworks
>2 Ceremonial Daggers
>couple worthless items, in comparison to almighty fireworks, like Ukulele and WIll-o-wisp
>just run around buying things while everything dies
How many times do you die as the Artificer because no speed items spawned so you couldn't out pace the tracking of various hard hitting projectiles? Some people just groove really well with weird niche characters. In WoW everyone knew that one guy who was a weird spec that shouldn't be competitive, yet in their hands they were amazing. At a time Marksman was shit, Howitzer was out DPSing Beast Mastery hunters. BM was a brainless spec that over performed, Marksman was complex and under performed. But even by his own reckoning he'd do more DPS as BM, at the cost of fun.
I think the Artificer is fun, but if the wall have LoS I think she'd be perfectly balanced
There's no proper ending yet, besides the obelisk-friend.
what's to get exactly? make stuff dead while trying to not be on all cooldowns so you aren't defenseless and hope you get items so you can actually dodge shit sooner than every other class has to before reaching one-shot death territory.
>play as a Lumerian for the first time
>my health is small as all hell
>can't regen health at all
>my attacks are weak as all hell
>only real upside compared to my NPC bretheren is that I can use items and run faster than they can
This is kinda fun. Has anyone ever gotten far with this fella before?
>one bandolier and that stops mattering
on drizzle sure
How the fuck do you just 'nuke' bosses? You're not talking about drizzle are you?
>not playing chad bull and just running around smashing things
>How many times do you die as the Artificer because no speed items spawned so you couldn't out pace the tracking of various hard hitting projectiles?
Very rarely, with just vanilla sprinting and no upgrades you can dodge anything except Stone Titan or Vagrants huge nuclear bullshit, just don't engage those bosses without positioning yourself correctly near LoS blocking terrain first.
By stage 3 you should have managed to pick up at least a few mobility items to make it even easier, though.
Why is command always on, and are elites are turned off in the mod?
Even with no artifacts on.
this. fireworks and ceremonial daggers earn money so goddamn fast while keeping you safe because they seek shit from across the entire map.
>late game is just roulette to who lives and who has to watch them for a few minutes
>on every stage
all throughout monsoon 1-130+ minutes btw, over multiple games
woah mama this is gonna be a fun run
I assume you just fuck with the in-game console to make that happen.
>get grazed by burning enemy
>take 1000 damage a second
why does literally every run have to end like this
No, you faggot, I don't play drizzle. Just overload m2, burst 4 m1, R, repeat once or twice, boss is fucking dead, prioritize avoiding their attacks in between where necessary. This will get you through the first loop if you're picking up any amount of offensive items.
>SSS Tier
>F Tier
>everyone else
>take 1000 damage in a fraction of a second
Come in Europe
4 man lobby vanilla guys only
Shitty Mod Idea:
You pick your character as always, turn on the modifier.
Ingame you get a random set of four abilities, including those of monsters on the visual base of the character you picked (As we see with Lemurian they seem to be categorised like player skills)
If the visuals of the animations completely break that's even better
Why does one engi turret suddenly face towards the ground and stop giving a fuck?
How the fuck am I supposed to do the Glorious Battle acheivement? I tried leaving one bug to hit me but I can't time it right
The stupid fucking key. the more stacks for a fucking brown box that you can miss easily.
Yeah, in the "how hard do Blaze enemies make this class their bitch" tier list.
This. What's up with turrets sometimes going full retard
Save data got wiped, anyone have a 100% save file? Doing Deicide again would suck.
high tier:
commando, mul-t
mid tier:
engineer, huntress
low tier:
Erectile dysfunction
So do spawns in a zone completely stop when you finish charging the teleporter?
>>SSS Tier
god tier:
Artificer with skilled player
high tier:
Commando or MUL-T with skilled player
mid tier:
Engineer, Huntress, MUL-T
low tier:
Artificer or Commando with bad player
disco inferno tier:
Merc tier:
Melee commando
>get tesla, behemoth and fungus early with engineer
>basically god for as long as it takes blazing to kill me from full
Zero mobility no luck on early mobility items your run is fucked. m1 has a cooldown.
That got fixed days ago user.....
>m1 has a cooldown.
It also does 4x the damage of everyone else's and has AoE
How long do you they would survive as firefighters?
Dare I?
I wish it was fucking easier to see. I don't want to have to scour the fucking map for a tiny extra chest that doesn't even give you that much till you get a boatload of keys. I understand that normally spotting chests/teleporters is meant to be part of the challenge, but that shouldn't be the case when it is an item you already got. Imagine if every time you got an item, you had to find a small switch in the next level, to actually enable the benefit of the item.
What kind of dumb ass question is this? It's top 3 best item in the game for damage.
Stop asking and do it
How can i play with 16 people?
>no fungus
You have literally nothing to lose.
hell yes
Was kind of hoping that the harvesters scythe would be a DEADBOLT reference.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[your Steam ID number]\632360\remote\UserProfiles and edit the fourth line of file there with a text editor
>turrets now firing full auto with Will o Wisp, Uke, and Behemoth
this is fine
You guys remember when Yellow and Orange elites were the shitty ones to deal with and Red were trivial?
I miss those days.
>tfw 12 syringes by the end of stage 2
>Uses fireaxe as melee weapon
>Water jet as utility for mobility and stun/knockback
>Passive burning immunity, can extinguish other players
I had this at about 44 syringes and buddy let me tell you something.
Turn off your sound effects volume because you are going to be farting everytime you put down a turret.
It needs to be white with a little bit of red so you can see the fucking thing on any map.
>Weak damage earlygame
>Movement ability sucks
>Outstanding endgame though as firerate and long range let you fuck shit up with on hit proc
>Strong earlygame, good damage and great movement
>Close range though
>Can fall off in endgame as you need to be closer to your enemy, being able to attack while sprinting allows for much more mobility though & works well with rose buckler
>Strong DPS earlygame
>Also strong DPS endgame
>2 use items is a really strong ability
>No real downsides honestly
>Reliant on getting fungi
>Turrets are god tier but by lategame can often end up getting instagibbed by bosses, making them somewhat obselete
>Very different playstyle from other chars
>Crazy fun, but weak in terms of DPS especially considering that you have to stay right next to enemies
>I've never made it past the 45 minute mark with him, endgame is just too reliant on hoping blazing elites don't spawn and getting the right items
>Very strong DPS & Add control
>No defensive abilities though
>Strong character all in all, you just have to get used to avoiding damage without relying on movement abilities
>weak DPS
>completely unable to fight burning enemies
god i wish this meme would end
His DPS is weak as fuck against bosses, and although he can fight burning enemies in the early game, lategame it stops being possible, you die if you fuck up once.
engie is entirely reliant on Hardlight Afterburner being dropped, once it dropped then all of its weaknesses are covered end game
artificer's only strength, high base damage, gets completely lost by the time you're on the second/third boss (unless you're playing drizzle). she literally has nothing else going for her except better hp growth than huntress. everything else she might have going for her gets replicated or outclassed by items which all classes have the same access to.
just once I'd like to see screenshots of these fabled "pro artificers" doing monsoon with even half the score or maps completed of any other class.
Me and my mates all played Lemurian and cleared stage one, that was pretty fun
Though we did it with glass on, which might be cheating
>have mostly garbage white items
>"should I trade them for actually good items"?
Are all engi players retarded?
>Merc is bad dps
>when eviscerate exists in it's current state
learn to weave your abilities together like artificer
this exact discussion was had in the previous thread too
>if you play badly, he's bad
not an argument.
Anyone else have that issue where you can't buy something in the shop? It won't let me select this for some reason
>people who pass on daggers
>people who pass on stickies
I'm going to kill myself because I will never be good enough to get deicide. I guess I need to do every shrine of the mountain I see on loop 2 because I can't even get to loop 3.
so is sticky confirmed the best item in the game?
Merc needs a passive ability that lets him dispel DoT auras/properties temporarily with his RMB. That'd do it.
It's 5 green items for red.
if it's like the 3D printer some items can't be traded in and thus don't count.
merc dps is usable, but even a shitty built dps class can completely eclipse it
>artificer's only strength, high base damage, gets completely lost by the time you're on the second/third boss (unless you're playing drizzle)
Yeah, no. Not even close. Second/third boss, are you shitting me? What are you spending 20+ minutes per stage you fucking scrub?
>all that other shit
Also wrong.
Sure, I'll post some this weekend when I get a chance to play again.
Now I see the font colour
Yes. Already reported to Hopoo, they said bombs will be nerfed next patch.
Got deicide randomly on stage 3 while playing with 10 Yea Forumsirgins on glass, maybe you should also try that.
>>when eviscerate exists in it's current state
Eviscerate is... not good. It takes like 6 of them just to kill a beetle guard with a couple trash mobs around it, not even to speak of bosses.
How do you play other mobs besides Lemurian?
I'm basing my claim of low DPS for Merc on my experience playing a game with friend, I spent the entire TP literally inside the boss spamming abilities while he just did his thing as huntress he had at least double my damage. that's why I'm claiming his DPS is low
>mate has 4 fuel cells
>give him oculus so he has perma 100% crit
>he still picks crit glasses from multishop
fucking inbred nigger
was still a fun run tho
stealth kits, teddies & tesla are super good on engi too
>friend drops out for the night
>proceed to have a sick fucking run, to the point where named bosses stop appearing
>blink into tar hands territory without knowing it and die instantly
I could have blinked out again but I didn't even realize what was happening. fuck. At least the Long Road is finally done!!
I'm actually pretty interested in picking up modding for this game, but I have zero clue in how people are already creating mods for this game.
Any help?
3:00-4:30 per map.
>going for clover
>really OP run
>die on stage 17 to a hermit crab
i can't do this anymore bros
at what point in the game are you comparing this eviscerate to? how are you building your merc that you can't even get a beetle guard down to half in 1 eviscerate, let alone killing it?
>Stop using the glowing meteorite, it keeps killing me!
>get 10+ energy cells
>find drone equipment
>call in the lads when its boss time
>shred the boss so quick that my friends think it glitched
the squad is the best item
>find sticky printer
>decide to test out the memes for myself
>get five of them
>160 minute game
>Not on drizzle
I'm actually kinda impressed user, what's your strategy?
>not going up to 25 bombs and one shotting everything in situations like
In that case then you should know that she's still killing bosses AT LEAST twice as fast as everyone else until the first loop is over. The rest is item dependent but the idea that she doesn't benefit from items is a bad meme, she gets just as much out of them as everybody else.
Monsoon run
I hope they find a solution for some of the more bullshit kills in the game. Like, DOTs dealing hundreds of damage a second (so high that even having multiple infusions at max wouldn't even save you), the laser beams dealing thousands of instant almost undodgeable damage. Boss damage (jellyfish burst attack, stone titan laser, etc).
I mean, most of the time it's fine, but you can be on really awesome and fun runs and then all the sudden you just die like a little bitch because 1 laser hit you from halfway across the map you had no idea was coming.
4man vanilla EU lobby
The start, retard. I can't even get past level 3 with Merc he's so weak. By the time I've slowly whittled down the second boss it's like 15 minutes into the run. His damage is just way too low. He's good at slashing up weak ass mobs of chaff because of the AoE on everything but against large single targets like bosses he's trash.
>people who take the Preon Accumulator instead of the capacitor, missile launcher or backup
Priority number one was stack the hell out of syringes and then get up to about 8 or so sticky bombs. Mobility ensures you can pretty much survive anything as huntress as long as you play like a pussy. Of course later you'll pick up 100% crit chance and crit synergies, and the "heal on crit" will end up being your main source of healing.
Backlight afterburner is a gigantic plus to survivability even if it got me killed
1 spot left
Blazing titan laser damage is already confirmed to be a bug.
Jellyfish is ass but at least it gives you a good amount of warning.
Why the fuck you idiots talking about mod ideas for a game that isn't even fucking out yet.
Do you retards want RoR2 to be perpetually early access or something? Want the devs to have to work around the existence of your bullshit DURING development?
rainstorm and monsoon are as easy as drizzle they just ramp up faster and elites show up quicker. go fast thats all there is to it. the faster you kill the more items you get. theres like 3 or so golden chests in the lava level alone each loop.
how the FUCK do you dodge the vagrant AOE????
>mate complains teddies aren't defensive enough because "if you lose the roll you just die"
>tell him it's impossible to get one shot
>"nuh uh I got one shot multiple times"
>tell him it's literally coded in to be impossible
>yeah well I died to overloaded worm in 0.1s I don't care about the code
>tell him that means he likely got 8 shot, since it shoots out a ton of projectiles
>"nah you've got a dildo up your ass and suck aids"
LOS nigga.
how you dis stupid.
Drizzle gives each player a specific armor value, this was confirmed in the game's code a long time ago
yeah, the irony is infusion staying the way it was in 1 but with a 3k cap would have still been too weak to effectively survive late game blazing enemies even with a bunch of defensive items
Break LOS
>Like, DOTs dealing hundreds of damage a second
I already fixed that
>the laser beams dealing thousands of instant almost undodgeable damage. Boss damage (jellyfish burst attack, stone titan laser, etc).
you get like a 50 hour warning beforehand. If you're not in a position where you can find cover in that time, you were in a bad position in the first place & it's your own fault
Break line of sight
Is the skirtless artificer mod user here?
Can I request a version that is ONLY the skirtless artificer, huntress keeps her scarf?
actually he is kinda correct. base damage of enemies can exceed your total hp eventually.
I like this idea
>level 3
other anons have regularly posted runs with merc that are past level 3
you're just a shitter and you're blaming the character instead of learning how to play as him, and you're just as bad as the people that call huntress shit and need a permanent sprint mod to play her.
2 more
>sit in engie shield
>a golem somehow shoots straight through the shield and instantly kills me
well ok then
t. drizzler
your friend is right that one shots are easily possible in game
>he can't get past level 3
if you got "one shot" one of three things happened
a) you were below 90% health
b) You got hit with a multihit attack (such as wisps, titan or wurms)
c) you got burned & burned to death for the remaining 10%
It is coded in the game that it's impossible to take any one stack of damage above 90% of your combined max hp/shield
if you've got 10 hp & get hit for 10000 damage, you'll take 9 damage.
You can NEVER take more than 90% of your max combined health+shields from one attack
It doesn't work in glass mode since I went out of my way to disable the one shot protection in it
embarrassing desu
I've been working on some patch note fanfiction, namely for artificer and merc if i may dump it in brief
>Obvious issues with movement and damage output.
Allow her to use up to 2 skills at the same time, animations would be 1 hand for each spell
Aerial ice ball variant for ice wall
Faster ice wall animation
Make ice wall/ball somewhat transparent
Ice wall shards dont destruct on enemy contact. Instead they shatter when being attacked by enemies. Enemies don't target ice wall/ball but try to shoot through them to try to get to players. Aerial ice ball takes X amount of damage instances before shattering.
>Is Hopoo willing to sacrifice her No Movement Skills gimmick? if so:
Allow her plasma bomb to be rocket jumped
>if not
Passive extra pickup range.
Small passive lifesteal on some/all spells
More aoe on her basic attack
Plasma bomb explosion has short period of constant damage within field, slightly more damage, wider stun window
>His early game is incredibly fun but can quickly become tedious as bullet sponges are introduced and him having 1 combo dominating the dps output (3 Dashes into R into Spin into Repeat)
Give basic attack vertical aim
Make basic attack not have delay after 3rd hit
Rework dash attack so that it refreshes all skill CDs on hit rather than itself 3 times on hit
Make his spin give dmg resist (~30%)
Make spin attack 3 times for 150% instead of 2 for 200% (for longer spin duration)
Make R cancellable with his dash
Allow use of spin and items during R
Take stun mechanic off of his dash
I haven't worked out any stat changes for merc but I'm certain they'd have to be changed for these reworks to not be OP
artificer can now rocket jump with her plasma bomb, but it deals damage to her and stuns her
I'm glad you aren't working on this game desu
>patch note fanfiction
that's probably the most pathetic opening to a post i've ever seen regardless of context
they can walk inside the bubble, dummy
You replied to the wrong post but I ALSO think you're retarded
>/vg/ spammer is a shitter
checks out
so the golem a quarter of the way across the map swooced his way in like god damn akuma and hit me?
>His early game is incredibly fun but can quickly become tedious as bullet sponges are introduced and him having 1 combo dominating the dps output (3 Dashes into R into Spin into Repeat)
>these are the people that want mercenary changed
jesus christ get fucking good. facerolling is not how you fucking play merc for fucks sake.
but it's fun
well I didn't reply to the wrong post, I just didn't also reply to the second post
the yes was meant for you
see second part of
have you tried not getting hit? :^)
I love you modanon!
nigga unless you post a webm it's just your word, and 9 times out of 10 it's usually the person whining's fault. maybe your shield went down or you was on fire and you didn't notice because of particle vomit. maybe you was playing online and was desynced. either way keep crying bitch nigga.
>Get anything that procs for damage
>Use flamethrower
"How to play artificer"
those merc changes would literally gut him
learn how to use his dashes. the stun is incredibly important for crowd control
learn WHY his spin works the way that it does. you want to unload it as soon as you can and as often as you can. use it between your dashes, and m1 between your dashes too while you're at it. his spin is not a fucking tanking move, it's a quick burst of damage.
why in the hell would you want to cancel your R when it has fucking i-frames on it (aka invincibility since you probably don't know what that means)
reposting this webm that an user made last thread because a bunch of people are bandwagoning merc and crying that he's too hard and needs a major rework.
it really is. if you anticipate a strong attack like the vagrant aoe, just save your R's iframes a bit and keep spamming skills
it's gotten me to +60 mins on monsoon consistently. I don't know what qualifies for getting gud beyond that
>stay out of combat
>snipe dunestriders from afar with lightning ball
"artificer end game content"
he's not too hard, he's just menial and I think he could be more dynamic than what he is given his theme
this. people think they're geniuses for using more than 1% of their brain power to figure this out. why do I get the feeling the people saying artificer is good are the same people that think the spy in tf2 is good?
>why in the hell would you want to cancel your R when it has fucking i-frames on it
so you can dash through enemies to refresh CDs was the idea
Your artificer ideas are so fucking unnecessary, dude.
Here's the real fix for artificer:
Remove the cooldown on her basic attack so you can spam it like you can with basically everybody else. Lower the damage to balance this.
But also make it so that it still charges up at about the same rate it does now, just to do more damage instead of having more casts.
Firing one off resets the charge and you don't get a damage increase unless you had at least one full charge bar out of four.
Your mercenary ideas are universally trash.
The only real changes I can think of for him is to maybe let him use his attacks closer together. Like let him do some minor animation cancelling to be able to attack right as his spin ends and stuff.
sometimes I want to cancel invincibility early when I know I'm about to get fucked by the second and third jellyfish charges when I tried ulting thru the first one
Will the 50% health thing be permanent on with glass?
How do i join something like this? i didn't see any option at all?
any 16 man lobbies going?
Spy is good, everybody is just too busy jerking themselves off over his kit to realize the true potential of the powerhouse that his normal fucking revolver is, or the enforcer before it got nerfed. Fuck Ambassador fags.
The only thing Artificer needs is for that ice wall to be literally anything else. It's so mediocre right now and sure saves you one of your better attacks extremely early game against golems and bison but BIG FUCKING SNOOZE. Make it block projectiles, bam done.
There's no reason the titan's laser should track you through dodges and teleports.
So many bosses rely on LOS to not get hit, and hiding behind a corner all the time is not conducive to the type of active and hectic gameplay experience that risk of rain is trying to provide.
You should have to constantly to avoid it, not just hide behind a corner and wait for it to be over before popping out and shooting until it starts again.
Only EU ass holes allowed
Post yfw Clay Dunestrider uses it's WHIIIIIIIRRRRRR-move and you have Will-O'-The-Wisp stacked
I liked artificers cooldown gimmick enough that I didn't want to take away her basic attack CD. It gives her an edge of resource management that I think is unique
That's why I think she would be really fun being able to juggle 2 skills at any given time. It'd help alleviate her DPS issues and also emphasis the players need to monitor her cooldowns. Honestly all Hopoo would have to do is give her that one trait and I think she would be mostly complete
Is there a way to mod in a fov slider or something? And disabling the fov/sensitivity change while sprinting would be nice aswell.
>Get happiest mask on my first run with MUL-T
>"Shit, this item sucks in 2."
>This happens
Oh boy.
I know. I accidentally closed it
>find a sticky printer while engi
>next boss is triple claypot
Artificer is the most fun and the strongest character in the game.
She does insane damage, she has insane crowd control. Her only weakness is mobility and if you get one Feather, that is no longer a concern.
If you get a Cube and a Feather at any point you're God. Her flamethrower is beyond ridiculous.
Glass, Command, Honor, Funballs is the only way to play the game.
Her ice wall makes for a good damage/stun if you drop it right on enemies but it can be so finicky and it's impossible to do vs floating enemies.
Actually now that I think about it, making her ice wall an ice CIRCLE could fix that problem by making it much easier to land. a full circle not the pathetic anorexic kind
moron lmao
The real problem is that there's no excuse for a character to have no combat options.
Regardless of how brief, you should never NOT have a button to press to do damage.
Especially later on when enemies are damage sponges and you're attacking less to do direct damage and more to trigger various items.
Just make it a single ice spike blasting out of the ground with some height on it that blocks projectiles, now we're in business.
that's pretty gay user, but still thanks
yeah I feel like there should be some way to detach from his tracking for example if you quickly moved/dashed past him or he lost LOS, but still, there's
I tried adding a convar for fov yesterday & ran into issues. A lot of scripts use the baseFov variable and it can be modified by another script in case it's not in game but the model viewer thing.
For that reason I tried making it a property rather than a field, which would return either the value of the convar, or if it was forcibly changed (model viewer), it would use the forced FOV
apparently the act of changing it from field to property fucked it & nothing worked anymore
So only solutions I can think of is making people hard code the value into the assembly or change everywhere it's used, both of which are annoying
>Start game
>Oh god no please don't hurt me let me find some good stuff please aaaa
>Loop five
>I wish everything was a boss
Would be busted as fuck but i'd play him
Also is it just me or would Sniper be busted OP as fuck in RoR2? The game is so much more open but not a single enemy in the game right now has the AoE or range to take advantage of that
NA west Vanilla lobby
i'm tired of these fancy 16 player lobbies, I just want a solid game with some anons
user, you're really dumb, you know that?
Not only is Arti designed specifically for careful combos, there's plenty of items that lower the cd times. Hell, get a single mag and you can swap between m1 and m2 constantly
>Regardless of how brief, you should never NOT have a button to press to do damage.
If you play her perfectly, you always have an option to do damage.
You need to rotate your skills instead of mashing M1.
The basic Artificer input loop is M1 M1 M1 M1 R M1 M1 M1 M1 charged M2 repeat and you throw ice walls out as you go.
I think the beauty of it lies that you should always have a button to press IF you're good at her management. That's what makes her so tricky to balance; making her capable of always having an option while at the same time not making her options, albeit limited, OP.
Regardless of what her description says, I think the idea of "shes good with the right items" is silly given how RNG the game is with them. Having specialties and favoured drops is great but the idea of all or nothing in a build is just bad design
don't call me dumb, faggot
a PvP mode would be cool but enemies are braindead and only really get results by hording up and swarming you and using their superior stats to rush you, we'd need like player controlled enemies, maybe even ones designed just for PvP
What if this game had some bara tiddy mods with physics? Please I wanna look at Merc's booty jiggle and wiggle so I can drool over it every time I jump.
can just do 4 player lobby with mod user
sv_maxplayers 4
now THAT'S an idea
Is there an ETA for Sniper yet? He's pretty much the only character I want to play.
Hey, anone remember what the console command was to adjust blazing damage, and if there are commands for other elite types (Ice Explosion in particular)? Wanna try some stuff.
>if you purposely fire slower and lose dps in the process you always have an option to do damage
even engineer is laughing at that shit
you are like a little baby
1 more
select mul-t
press R once
there you go
She doesn't have an all or nothing build.
There are items that are completely worthless on her and do nothing, namely syringe, mushrooms and all that.
Everything that makes her move better is great. Everything that you can trigger repeatedly with the Flamethrower is amazing.
The items that are bad on her are items that are bad on most characters.
>lose DPS
you do more damage if you loop your abilities correctly.
And you don't need to care about losing DPS, because you rip through everything by pressing R. Her entire play style is based around getting close enough to use her R.
i'm trying that right now and it's not working for some reason
He's already playable with monanons mod. Doesn't seem like the best thing to play in a game with hordes of enemies sadly
All characters whose gender is left vague are by default male unless proven otherwise. That is the law.
Anyone hosting ?
Too late, I already ordered a Kel-Tec KSG and a dumbass rainbow vomit bandana.
Didn't one of Sniper's shots pierce through enemies in RoR1? It was OP because all the enemies were alligned on the same 2D plane, but in 3D it will likely be harder to get the same effect.
why do artificer players refuse to acknowledge every other class has an endless loop? artificer will always, ALWAYS fall behind because you have to bridle her dps otherwise you burn out and lose even more dps.
you mean female
because those loops do not do as much damage, they do not have as much control and they do not punish you as much for not doing them correctly.
Is there an even minimal chance of the devs going back and adding mp that doesnt require port forwarding to RoR 1?
With the huge success of 2 they could squeeze the last bit of cash out of 1 directing new players to it.
He's sneaky, not stupid.
>All characters whose gender is female are by default male unless proven otherwise.
But that doesn't make any sense, user.
artificers can't be this delusional
Protip: bear counts when doing the flawless achievement.
Now I'm never playing engi again.
think about it
easy fix
instead of piercing rounds, the round fragments and flares out into a (x)degree cone
>high base damage
this is wrong though, she has the same damage and damage growth as other characters(otherwise procs would do more damage on her than other characters), her abilities just have high damage %
learn your mechanics shitter
No ETA for any of the characters, but Bandit's basically 90% done so he'll almost definitely be the first "new" character in the game. Most likely the first major content patch.
how to get the hermit crab challenge finished fast
You'll still see 16 slots but it'll just limit it to 4 still. Anyone trying to join after your limit will get an error.
I wish there was a way to disable some items from spawning in the game. Because currently I feel like I'm being punished for getting achievements for some items such as the rusty key.
Huntress was cuter in RoR1.
>it's a wake of vultures in a legendary chest episode
just fucking kill me
Command artifact soon, or use the mod.
edit the xml
>he hates free (FREE) items
Need a EU serv plox
If it's purely primary fire only doesn't sound too bad
Yea Forums_items 0
>doing nothing on arti
Do you fags even play her at all
>vomit your 4 charges out faster so you can wait for your abilities to recharge
who even cares
what is that?
I've always wondered does it apply to her flamethrower, or help with her primary fire cooldown? I too have been giving it away to teammates instead.
actually Yea Forums_items 1
enables the menu to allow you to disable specific items
if you have the modded version from pastebin.com
fucking monster tooths and wake of vultures
makes her flamethrower "shoot" faster, which means it ends sooner
doesn't change any cooldowns
I wish I could play more with funballs enabled, that was fun, but the framerate tanks too much. Command isn't what it used to be of course, but just having all boxes turned into threeway boxes is nice.
Sounds like it'll still be better off in the hands of other characters then
It does not reduce cooldown and it doesn't help with flamethrower.
It's detrimental to her playstyle.
Anyone wanna play?
>go to lunar shop on 2nd level
>3 shaped glasses on the counter
>brilliant behemot for 5 green items
Why in hell is chronobauble a green?
It is one of the worst items in the game, infact I'd go so far as to call it actually useless. It barely does anything at all, and even when it does, the effect barely lasts or even helps you in any particular way.
Only thing it's good for is trading in for something else, but you can't even specifically choose to sell it. Unironically take it out of the game.
IMO it's worth grabbing some on her if and only if you have a bunch of mags (like 4 or more)
What seems to be the sweet spot for stacking teddies?
Does it charge her right-click faster?
see also it's a ~37.5% slow
that's nothing to scoff at
>High tier
+Decent group clearing without (and better still with) items
+Auto aim for easier pickings
+Dash is a great evasion
-Killing bosses and such is pretty slow early on
-Auto aim means you can't always be shooting at what you want to be
>Good tier
+Turrets inheriting items make for tonnes of procs
+Above also makes for incredible aoe heals
+Hardlight makes you a portable castle
+Highest base damage and damage scaling
-Turrets are immobile and have pretty long cooldowns, so you basically either bunker down hard or get stomped
-Shields block incoming ally attacks too, which is even worse because
-Enemies like to dogpile your turrets, given the chance, making a little rapedome if they're shielded
-Turrets sometimes decide to not attack anything
-Easily cucked by flying dudes without turrets
+Nail gun has great single target damage and is great against big targets
+Cluster stun is a great help for clearing and controlling groups of ground dudes
+Shift makes for brilliant map coverage
+Highest health/health scaling by far
-Area damage falls off second round without decent items
-Shift prevents you from attacking until it's over
Would put merc here if he didn't get cucked so hard by blaze and worm DOTs
>Decent tier
+Great damage if you have more than 1 brain cell (tip before you get mad: left click works while casting other abilities)
+Really high basic mobility with baseline double jump and up to 5 dashes
+R has a fairly short cooldown and can't be hit for the duration
-Needs movespeed to avoid getting squashed
-overtuned DOTs hit merc the hardest, as he has to be right in them
+Start off with him
+Becomes pretty strong later with the right items
-Underwhelming damage
-Shift doesn't have iframes
-R is basically single target
how mods work in multiplayer? like, are host mods shared with whoever joins or you can't join unless you have the same mods of the host? and what about if the one who joins have a mod that the host doesn't have
Post some more goddamn lewds you pussies.
it makes all her actions faster, but they've got the same cooldowns/durations/damage/whatever
>fun but not that good
Be the change you want to see user.
literally never seen the chest, anyone got a picture of it?
I hope Toxic Beast makes a comeback.
>worth playing
it depends
some work regardless of host (for example sprint after rolls), some are only controlled by host (for example burn damage multiplier), some are required by both (for example custom artifacts, but that's likely only because clients shit the bed if they try to display them. If I coded them onto existing artifacts they'd likely work through host only as well)
Host is NA.
Hell yeah.
I would if I had em user, right now, Im colecting some.
God I want Huntress to sit on my face.
+Incredible aoe burst
+Has execute for obnoxiously beefy non-boss shit
+Satisfying to play
-No defensive abilities
-No mobility
-Literally everything has a cooldown, which makes it so that
-Wisp are shitty to deal with
-Shift completely useless against bosses
-Shift basically useless against flying enemies
-Need to be pretty close to use flamethrower
-Without cdr, falls off pretty hard second round
(commando is below artificer, but, character limits)
yeah sure
here's a screenshot from it in the third map
any EU lobby up ?
Was playing quickplay and the host quit after dying now I can only click invite friends in the multiplayer menu, any way to fix this?
I just started up the game and got the same. On discord people are saying the server's ded.
Same with me, cant join any multiplayer match
how do i play bandit in multiplayer without everyone else needing the mod
uhh wtf
I guess steamworks is down?
I've played almost 30 hours so far and never seen a Syringe 3D printer
I tried stacking Warbanners and Berserker Pauldrons but even when bullet hosing like a motherfucker I still didn't get the attack speed achievement
i want huntress and artificer to take turns sitting on my face and giving me buttjobs
I can already outrun every single enemy I want to with nearly base movespeed. Chronobauble barely deserves to be a white, let alone continue to clog up greens that could be ukuleles.
Is artificer supposed to be so fucking shit?
>Huntress vs Overloading worm
So the damage is still pretty high then huh
I had 2 in the same map last game
Yes but you get people in here swearing by her
welp, just bought the game pretty much only for multiplayer since I got bored of solo runs on the cracked version and the servers are kill, gg
Don't bully drizzlets, they have it hard enough in their real lives as is.
cool thanks man
Servers down I think. Ruined my Commando+Merc buddy cop second go around.
But while they're down, we need to have a talk. You fuckers need to post hosts much more often. Playing with randums isn't fun when half of them d/c on the first map of the game
it's to make it easier for shit to hit them
Seems to be a steam issue.
>200-minute run
>can't get 11 lunar coins
>get 20 rusty keys instead
How am i supposed to unlock artificier?
>Get tagged by Fire-Elites' wet fart
>500 Damage, if Titan immediate death
>Get caught by super announced supernova of exploding Ice Elite
>30 Damage and a slap on the wrist
>Not even sure what they do???
>Only dangerous if you have Wake of Vultures equipped
Apparently it's doing the full stack of damage instead of 1/24 of what it should be
So my friends stacked shrooms, and fed me all other items. We found a Tesla printer. Game ended after an hour like this...
Boses would melt in seconds. Everywhere I went, I was like a blazing star that just exploded everything around me. It was glorious.
Most of my lunar coins were from the first two levels for some reason. I already had artificer but I got three lunar coins on the plains in the first level
keys carry over into next round
other than that, just keep trying
>planned to build a new PC for VR once Valve Index comes out and is actually good
>might just build one next week because this one can't handle HAHAHAHA
>>Not even sure what they do???
they regen their shield if u stop hitting them :)
>Only dangerous if you have Wake of Vultures equipped
get the mod to fix it
>500 Damage, if Titan immediate death
get the mod & modify burn multiplier to fix it
>missile launcher only gives damage per stack instead of proc chance
Artificer has the highest damage output and huntress is the most mobile and easiest to control character.
Yeah, i got 6 on first few levels, then they just stopped droping
I think his damage could stand to scale a tiny bit better(he relies too much on Damage items, for a character that is in the enemies face all the time, so he needs both damage and defense more than a lot of other characters), but his core is absolutely solid.
meant coins, not keys
>Ends your run
>Try out Merc for the first time
>Literally nothing but wisps and the boss is the vagrant
I couldn't hit shit what the fuck
>wisp printer a couple loops in
>kill any enemy and the entire map explodes in fire
>only thing that could survive a hit was overloading worms they died in 2 hits
i love radius scaling items
Fuck, fire ring is OP as shit if you got the sucky cube.
Where's the original without all the compression artifacts.
I would just recommend ending your run after the second stage to farm lunar coins
From some user's insight, lunar coin droprate is retarded and goes like this
>each time an enemy dies 2d100 dice are cast
>biggest of the rolls is picked
>this roll is compared against a threshold of 50
>if the roll is LESS than the threshold, a coin drops
>the threshold then gets divided in 2
>this happens every coin drop
Basically if you want to "farm" coins, quit after the first 1-2 drops and start over.
Use your dash ability to kill wisps. You can also dash on top of the vagrant and stand on its back
>he doesn't like compression artifacts
It adds culture.
Will hopoo add game mode where you farm permament statistics or other shit like that?
succube is op on any level with ledges
>horde of enemies
>shoot succ blast over the edge
>enemies get sucked off edge and all die
I love Arty but she fucking SUCKS
command is fun once in a while to try stuff out and get perfect builds
these people are worthless plebs though, playing on ezmode
>get the mod & modify burn multiplier to fix it
What's the command
Try charging the teleporter to near 100% and keep jumping out of bounds, it can only drop you to 1hp, then quickly get back to the teleporter zone
EU modded up to 16 players
stack more magazines
Just use cheat engine to get coins.
2/16 still
We need 2 more players at least
it doesn't roll twice
Lunar coins have a 0.5% chance to spawn from any killed enemy (unless they changed it in editor, too lazy to print it out to check), every time one drops, it halves
only drizzle cause of clover
was pretty good run
see pastebin.com
>Yea Forums_ is prefix for the convars and will help you find the syntax if you forget by typing it in and pressing down in console
>Change convars by using "{convarname} {value}" (for example Yea Forums_items 1). To toggle booleans, switch between 1 & 0 (1 is active)
spoonfeed: Yea Forums_burn_multiplier 0.5
6/16 go go
>playing on drizzle to get the 20 map run
>about to loop for the third time
>overloading magma worm randomly spawn
>more overloading magma worms on the teleporter
I didn't want to succeed anyways
>join group that pings shrooms for engi and extra mags for huntress
there's no such thing as a good drizzle run
EU lobby when ?
>didn't made it in time because changed .dll
now 109775240994858833
invalid ID
>commando and merc fighting over Afterburner
>-Wisp are shitty to deal with
literally just right click
4 people Vanilla EU
I require more risk for rain memes and reaction images
again invalid ID, I wonder if I'm doing something wrong, i just copy the code and click Join cliboard Lobby
If I want to unlock the clover, should I run merc, huntress or commando? I don't like the other characters.
Never played this but friends started it so I guess I'll hop in. Suppose the 2 for one deal is long gone?
well why not play to their strengths then and have some sort of defence mode? Like maybe spawn a golem or something for each team and just make that shit stationary and have the mobs run towards it and try to melee/suicide it down?
Gordan Freeman mod
MP5 M1
Tau Cannon M2
Hive Hand Shift
Weapon secondary Function R followed up by weapon of choice
Snark and Gluon Gun usable items
If solo, pick engineer or Mul-T, dont give a fuck about what you like just play them the once and be done.
If in a group, huntress, here 1v1 potential on bosses is ass until she gets more items.
Lunar portals count, so always force one to spawn.
Yep, was only a thing for the first week or so, sorry friend.
arty is fine, what game are you playing lmao
>get 2+ guitars on engi
>so much electricity the frame rate drops
how do i beat the prismatic trial, need scythe
huntress omni sprint should be in desu
theres nothing good about sprinting/firing when it means you have to run forward towards an enemy to do it
and the more movement speed items you get the less effective it gets
invalid id means full/host gave up
Ok so what the fuck is the strat for ever completing 20 stages? Been rushing teleporters so far but I either feel gimped at a certain point or farm and then run into the problem of having to kite overloaded worms for 20 minutes.
i was getting roasted as commando, then switched to engi and it was a fucking cakewalk
there's a shitload of reds on the snow level, make sure to grab everything
should i rush through the first level?
and that one fag had the audacity to not put behemoth/syringe in the engies NEED list.
git gud
collect everything on the first four maps, then either aim for the red on the hell level or collect everything else. On the loops, then it's time to kite. If you don't have movement by this stage, you're fucked
I went right, opened the first two chests and swapped the white for Dagger, popped Mountain, then just went through the portal. The red in the cave on the first level is Brainstalks, which is shit for engi but depends on the character
I fought my first elite at the aqueducts after the first loop.
Eh, it's not it's that big of a deal, I'll buy it anyways
how do the 93% hp shrines work then?
Maybe each rusty key could make the rusty chest bigger?
>50+ keys
>Map is now inside the box.
Pay attention to what you activate
Is there any reason to obliterate yourself after unlocking Merc?
lobby where
you've achieved deity status, congratulations. now the game plays itself
>Press shift to go into plaid.
Ending a run in style.
post webm of FAST
hopefully my internet holds up.
monsoon run here
That's kind of fast.
Oh hell yes, thanks user
maybe you take 90%
maybe it's for shields (since it uses 90% of your maxhealth, while damage prevention uses combinedmax
How the fuck do you do engie on monsoon?
>first time play
>got to the magma level something with huntress
>using the printer and got 30 syringe
Its like i'm firing a fucking minigun, got one hit by some shitty crab though
Keep mobile and redeploy your turrets often.
You're welcome nig
How do i join lobby like this?
>play monsoon and go fast and skip some chests
>50/50 chance of run ended on the first loop
>take my time to get all chests and not worry about the speeding difficulty
>90% chance to have an OP build and breeze through runs
I don't understand
NA Midwest Rainstorm
4 Player
be here or be queer
>can go 2 hours on Monsoon in RoR2
>can't even get to Area 3 on RoR1 on Rainstorm
i'd like to consider myself retarded
There has to be more
beat it with engie
Midwest Monsoon
Four Players
Sniper might be what causes things to go invisible, use at your own risk
I've had two games where enemies went invisible & both had snipers
Yes, but you're gonna have to lurk moar to have them all.