controller or kb+m?
Controller or kb+m?
dependes wht character you play
guitar hero contorller
DK bongos
mario kart wheel
Why do people even ask this? It's a shooter on the PC. What reason would you have to use a controller?
the first game was way better with a pad, so i think people think that 2 is.
2D games usually are better with a controller, but a 3rd person shooter is always going to be better with a mouse and keyboard
I'm playing with pad and have no issues. My only problem is constant tapping of RT with Merc for melee but that's mostly because DS3 triggers are shit. Otherwise it's totally playable and enjoyable.
I respectfully disagree on that commonly held belief. I prefer keyboard for "skill" platformers because separate directional inputs allow for a faster "switch". Stick > wasd for 3d action games and platformers, but arrows> dpad for your walljumpy 2d platformers.
I still play pad for retro platformers just for the feel, saturnpad specifically.
If you don't RULES OF NATURE with mouse and keyboard you're a busta
reeeeeeeee i missed it
clarification: banaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I honestly cannot fathom using a controller for RoR2.
Like, how do you do a back and forth dash with Merc on a controller? Or even accurately for that matter.
>on a third person shooter
How about no.
Why not? RoR2 doesn't really require precise aiming. Some abilities have aim assist, monsters don't have weak points, early game isn't very fast and late game is filled with enemies so you don't even need to aim. RoR2 plays just fine on controller.
Where can I beg for a key?
so how is the game? I know you can spend a retarded amount of time in it already but people play unfinished unbalanced early access trash for hundreds of hours all the time.
3D RoR, but with less items, stages and no end boss
KB&M, but if you are going to use a controller, please use gyro.
here *unzips penis]
If you played the first one, it's a surprisingly seamless transition from 2D to 3D. Of course a few things are lost and I feel like it could better capitalize on 3D, but so far most characters are just copied from the first game. The game is highly polished despite being unfinished, with not much to do now besides replay the same few levels and see what broken combos you can achieve, but it's a hell of a lot of fun. Hold off if you're not sure and see what kind of updates it gets, or try the first game which is still very worth it if you're a fan of the genre.
I'm bored with nothing to do for the whole weekend and I really want this game. But I have to keep money aside for a vacation and all that comes with that, is the game as fun as it looks? I got like 20 hours out of the first one.
Its a shooter, do you even have to ask?
Unless you are VERY poor at aiming with kb&m and don't feel like practicing it, there's no reason to use a controller. You'll always under-perform comparatively if you do
Neat, thanks. I was a big fan of the first game and hearing that they didn't fuck that up even with moving to 3D is great. I might hold off on buying it for now though.
You're so fucking retarded holy shit.
You literally can't turn around fast, that's a simple enough reason.
that's pretty weak, I think you're better off playing more single-player oriented games unless you have friends to play ror2 with
>unless you have friends to play ror2 with
is this one of those games where you need to have friends to enjoy it? I was thinking of buying it but I have no friends
Appreciate the honesty user, one guy on my friends list who I never talk to got like 2 hours out of the first game and already has over 30 hours out of the second. I am gonna jump back into the first one now though, thanks.
No it's not, also you can just play with strangers.
How the fuck don't you eventually make friends on the internet?
Shit is too fast paced to use a controller. Keyboard and mouse is a must.
>How the fuck don't you eventually make friends on the internet?
how do you make friends on the internet?