controller or kb+m?
Controller or kb+m?
James Sanders
Carson Collins
dependes wht character you play
Samuel Gonzalez
guitar hero contorller
Nathaniel Jackson
DK bongos
Josiah Gonzalez
mario kart wheel
Hunter Evans
Why do people even ask this? It's a shooter on the PC. What reason would you have to use a controller?
Sebastian White
the first game was way better with a pad, so i think people think that 2 is.
Luke Nguyen
Brayden Taylor
2D games usually are better with a controller, but a 3rd person shooter is always going to be better with a mouse and keyboard
Daniel Hall
I'm playing with pad and have no issues. My only problem is constant tapping of RT with Merc for melee but that's mostly because DS3 triggers are shit. Otherwise it's totally playable and enjoyable.