Building my first PC, is this strong enough to play Fortnite in 60 fps?

Building my first PC, is this strong enough to play Fortnite in 60 fps?

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>1200W PSUU for that

why, take this shit to /g/


I was considering getting another Titan to run it in SLI
I'm playing in 1080p if that helps

complete overkill if all you're playing is fortnite

Just buy a toaster
If ur actually just using for that trash game literally a $300 hp will be fine

For real?
I already bought the parts tho, lol
I want to play Crysis 1 as well, heard the game had really high system requirements

>people actually replied to OP

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>This fucking thread

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OP is either a fucking millionaire or this is obvious bait

terrible, you'll get about 5 fps while playing minecraft

Why would you buy the og Titan over the Titan V?

Wrong board idort

Can't even play Tetris so no.

Nah, dude! That shit will stutter like your stupid ass in 6th grade, being asked if you like little ol' Cindy. Better get another Titan for SLI, at least double the RAM and a really sick gaming case with all sorts of LEDs and shit, because the different wavelenghts of light emitted will get the electrolytes in your CPU moving faster, so you can crack that 60 FPS mark on your sicccc rig, dawg.

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I'm already paying $8500, my friend told me I shouldn't go past 10k when buying a PC for 1080p, though, is that right?

Go troll there.

>paying more than $100
What are u retarded?

get out of my hobby poorfag

>this thread
i genuinely can't tell who's trolling and who isn't anymore

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Poor bait

This may be a joke, but a friend of mine actually did this
He paid $7000 for a PC, and played Minecraft and CS:GO on medium settings, because he didn't understand how to tweak it

this is how my autistic friend talks in real life so you may want to get diagnosed

Don't listen to him, he's probably new to PC Gaming™. If you want the full experience in a demanding game like Fortnite, you'll have shell out the big boy bucks. So, do not spare any expense and listen to my advice, especially with the case. The LED lights are THE most important part. Without a kick-ass gaming case, you might as well chuck the other parts into the fucking trash.

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2 are not enough
You need 4 of those.
And a single i9 9980XE can't handle more than 2 Titan. Therefore you need to buy a dual socket motherboard, so you can have 2 i9 9980XE CPU.
Also, needless to say that your RAM is in a great need of higher frequency

then you obviously dont know pc hardware. we're having a laugh not everything is trolling

>getting only one PC
you need at least two sets of PC to feed enough graphics power into your monitor, the "two-rig-one-monitor" setup is a standard minimum

Use it to play TOR

Attached: Good job star wars.png (973x539, 376K)

Wow, you can actually have 2 CPUs?
Definetely getting that, then

Does LED lights increase gaming performance, though?

Are you sure this works? Never heard about it

It's definitely cheaper than buying a duel socket motherboard like the retard recommended

> DDR4 2666

OP here, I should tell you I want to play Minecraft as well, on MAX SETTINGS


The solution is simple: Getting 2 dual CPU computers

But I'm looking at close to $30 000, then
I don't mind, but is that really what you need to play Fortnite?

If you want to win


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when you love you don't count the cost

>>not having a server room to retrace every aspect of fortnite at a theatrical 24 frames to get the most epic gaming experience.

Why fucking live?

I can’t tell ur if ur being serious or not before u spend all ur parents money to play a shitty game
No u can play it on a shitty hp dell or whatever manufacturer computer literally a $500 one will be completely fine

OP is either rich, a moron, or this is obviously a bait thread fuck sake cunts.

Don't listen to this retard

honestly stop
I’m actually trying to stop this tard from spending thousands of there parents money so they can play fortnite or whatever
U don’t need all that to play that game basically anything can run it

there's always this faggot

Dude literally no one but a underaged kid would actually buy something like this and obviously they don’t have the money for it so they are using there parents and they are probably actually are listening to each retarded suggestion and adding it on to it
No sane person would spend there own money they made on something like this especially to play fortnite
I’m trying to stop this retard from making his parents go broke this isn’t some joke for the ebin bants
U don’t understand because ur probably a retarded underaged to
But this is sheer retarded


>no candy bars
Shit rig 0/10

I love early morning Yea Forums

And you just outed yourself as the most retarded person ITT.

>buzzwords and insults
Fuck off in like case they are actually serious I’m trying to stop them from destroying their family with their self asbored autism
>retarded kid spends all parents money on some stupid fortnite machine
>parents get into big fight over money and how this happened blaming eachother for letting it happen
>they split up
>no one wants the kid because they do stupid shit like this but someone has to take it
>parents resent kid
>try to sell the stupid fortnite machine
>not knowing anything probably sell it for way less than its worth
>kid gets upset throws autistic fit
>gets yelled at and maybe beat
>kid probably freaks out and does something drastic
>extreme puinshment.paint
>basically everything taken away from kid grounded from everything
>kid loses it and kills themselves
Yah it’s not worth it for some ebin bants in rare chance it’s not a troll

you need another ssd to run fortnite tho

Is this the new pasta?

Dude stop
It’s not at all it’s real life

If is to be believed, he already bought the parts user. At most, assuming this was real, you could try to prevent him getting anything more, but that's it.

>is this strong enough to play Fortnite in 60 fps
not even close you need prebuilt hardware if you want a rig that powerful.

I guess I hope they aren’t poor
Otherwise user just killed his family

At 1080p? Barely.

If the parents aren't idiots, they'll check their bank statements, ask questions, cancel a few things and try to beat some sense into someone. Not much else they can do otherwise.

But SLI is a meme and it's not well supported. Almost no support for all recent games that were ported over from consoles, SLI is more useful in rendering and data modeling applications.


>check their bank statements
*check their bank statements regularly

Yes daddy OwO

how much would all of that even cost?
also are those samsung ssds installed into the PCIe slots? I've never seen that before

yeeh, suppose to be faster than a SSD.

Don’t question the stupidity of some people

>all the redditors who seriously replied to OP

Christ this board gets worse every day

>people not playing along
>calling op "bait" like it makes them win the thread

Is this a good computer to start my youtube career? Gonna make avant-garde videos that might be deep.

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I only did because of stuff I have witnessed

I try not to user, but it is very difficult when people are trying to program non programmable thermostats or asking what the price is when its two feet in front of them or why were the $50 item in the $10 spot if your not selling them at that price and that I need to honor the tag. It astounds me how simple people can be at times, myself included.

Yah I’m pretty dumb to
I fail at basically everything

My shitty laptop from 2012 runs it at full speeds. Wtf