Best Samurai Games?

What are the best games with samurai? I know of Nioh already, and am thinking of getting into the Way of The Samurai games. Any more?

Attached: wots4.jpg (310x360, 46K)

>Way of The Samurai
grab 3&4 on steam, they are pretty good

I got 3 on sale and plan to get 4 as well, which is the one I'm most interested in. How good are the first two? Do they emulate well?


I never hear anyone talk about it and there's not much online about it but it's a fantastic samurai game that actually feels quite similar to Souls

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Samurai Warriors 4

Here's a fun one if you want something that isn't too serious

WotS 1 doesn't seem like it has any discernible downsides into emulating it, haven't tried 2 yet though

Attached: 254px-Samurai_Western.jpg (254x357, 30K)

I really hate how everything is so time sensitive in 4, like if you miss a single event because you didn't get there fast enough then you get a bad ending

I was more pissed when I tried to complete the Four Samurai Lords questline but the magistrate was permamently closed.

I loved 2, that's what hooked me on the series.
no idea about emulation tho, I have only played WOTS2 on the ps2

Way of the Samurai 3 is the best.

Is the PC port of 3 good? There's a few reviews saying it's bad.

It's missing some content from the Jap only re-releases of WOTS3, but as far as ports go it's pretty much perfect. Looks good, runs well, works a treat with my 360 controller.

This, never had any complaints with it.

Samurai Western is made by the WotS guys I think, it's not "realistic" like those but still a pretty fun game

I have an issue with it, every time I try to load after I die, the game crashes

3 and 4 are completely different from each other.
3rd is more classic samurai story, 4th is wacky adventures

I think 3 is the worst of them all personally, 1 and 2 are definitely the best ones, with the latter being my favourite.

Do all games work the same? I mean, do all have the time limit events for you to do? I only played 2 and have 3 in my backlog, and even tho i enjoyed 2, the time restrictive nature ruined the game a bit.

They all have that, but in 3 it's based on days and you manually choose when to sleep and advance the days so it's super easy to run around and do everything you want to do.

Thanks. That encourages me to pick it up now

Is 3 playable without a controller? Currently waiting on a new one but I kind of want to play it now

Oh yeah night/day has different events as well, so just sleep from one to the next and explore at your leisure. It's certainly a much nicer system than having things arbitrarily running on hidden timers and locking you out of content you had nfi about 10 minutes into the game.

I've never tried playing it without a controller but i'd wager it's a pretty bad time.

What is the best Way of The Samurai game to start with?

Play them in order.