Predict their E3

Predict their E3

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Other urls found in this thread:

Odyssey 2
Breath of the Wild 2
Monster Hunter 5 Portable
Screencap this.

will focus on their 3 juggernauts of the year Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and MK9

literally nothing then 1 upgraded port from a known franchise makes Yea Forums explode

F-Zero GX HD with online wold certainly make me explode

Metroid Prime Trilogy
Pokemon news
Animal Crossing
That's it. Please understand.

F-Zero: Game & Watch Gallery

Animal Crossing
Fire Emblem
Bayonetta 3
Mario Maker 2
Metroid Prime Trilogy

Predict their E3


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Luigi's Mansion 3
Pokemon Sword/Shield
Smash DLC
Animal Crossing
more third party ports
A Zelda or mario spin off
Out of left field sequel. Something like a new Punch Out, F-Zero, Wario game etc.
Switch revisions as well as new firmware with new features

>Wishful Thinking
Pikmin 4

State of Play was the E3
See you at PSX- oh wait

>snoyboys got State of Gay instead

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I keep forgetting Luigi's Mansion 3 is a thing, you're right

MP Trilogy
Animal Crossing
BoTW 2
Bayo 3
Pikmin 2
DMC HD collection on Switch
Mother 1, 2, 3 teaser on switch
New switch model
Sora in Smash

i want them to talk about another Mario RPG. most likely it'll be mario & Luigi. If they talk about paper mario. i expect to be disappointed.

>new mario game
>new mario maker
>new zelda title
>some remakes
>smash dlc
>another anouncement that metroid prime 4 still wont come

Do you really think we might get a new Mario Maker?

atleast theres a lot of conversation about mario maker 2

BoTW 2 will literally makes the Internet explode, the hype will be even worse then BOTW & TP. If it’s not literally a near flawless masterpiece then everyone will endlessly shit on BOTW for “ruining” the series

>might get
but it's already announced

>he doesn't know

Be honest, back in 2008 would you have ever thought that Sora would be getting in Smash before Crono or Sephiroth?

I do know, I just found it weird he said "new mario game" and "new mario maker" which implied he didn't yet hear about SMM2

I predict disappointment

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KH 3 got released this year so them announcing Sora in smash will attract more players

More Smash patch notes

Yes, but it’s still depressing how horrible the Chrono series has been treated

I think they'll save the new Zelda game for the end of the year. They already have so many games coming out so it's gonna be a packed E3. I doubt there will be any major surprises

What we know about
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Animal Crossing Switch
>Pokemon Sword & Shield
>Link's Awakening
>Fire Embem: Threre Houses
>Bayonetta 3
>Astral Chain
>Super Mario Maker 2 (probably already released by then)
>Metroid Prime 3 (Too far from completion to show anything off)

New predicted announcements (we won't get all of this)
>Switch Fit
>Pikmin 4
>Mario Kart Ultimate
>Star Fox Assualt Remastered
>Pokemon King Diamond and Queen Pearl
>The Wonderful 101 port
>Web Browser and Netflix for Switch
>Orange Box port(s)
>New Smash reveal
>Rare replay port

Animal Crossing gameplay trailer
Bayonetta 3 trailer
Monolithsoft Zelda logo PNG
Mario Kart 9 logo PNG
Prime 4 is absent (for obvious reasons)
Earthbound Epilogue (Mother 3) (also reggies send-off)
Next Smash character announcement
Ports glorious ports
Kamiya project

And the rest is obvious shit that has been announced since last E3.

C Y B E R P U N K 2 0 7 7

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They can’t release Mother 3 without giving it a M-rating.

Metroid Dread
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Pikmin 4
Smash DLC
Switch Mini
Switch Pro
SNES games on Classic Games Selection
Game Boy games on Classic Games Selection
Bayonetta 3
Pokemon Sword/Shield
Animal Crossing
Wario Land remake
Mother 3
Breath of the Wild 2
Link's Awakening
Astral Chain
third party games and indies
next Xenoblade game
Fire Emblem: Three House
Mario Kart 9
new Kirby game

Nah the contents are safe enough for an E 10+.
I don't think the ESRB would be worried the dark subject matter, just as long as there isn't any really graphic stuff.

Oh wait let me add to that:
Demon Souls Remastered

They may suffer a load of bad press from Game Journalist for it though.

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Journalists only really pay attention to popular and controversial products, the Mother series was always pretty niche.
The reason a lot of Sony exclusives have so much LGBT pandering is because the SJW journos have them on their radar, but a japanese only gameboy game from over a decade ago should be fine.

Isn't it good to include trans characters for journalists?

e3 2018 echoed 2009
e3 2019 will echo e3 2010

in 2010, nintendo showed 3ds, kid icarus, skyward sword, kirby epic yarn, dkcr, goldeneye

in 2019 I expect, switch mini to replace 3ds, switch hd to keep nintendo relevant as the ps5/xb2 are shown, some big exclusive switch game that fills kid icarus' spot, botw2 for skyward sword (but releasing in 2020), metroid prime 3 fills in dkcr's spot, bayo3 and nmh3 fills the hyped 3rd party game spot
lots of 3s

luigi mansion 3, fire emblem will reappear because they're not released yet

it's possible for fzero, pikmin 4 to appear, they're the only franchises with no switch games or ports
next steps for virtual console will probably be made
galaxy3 or odyssey2 is also possible, but most likely a 2020 game

in 2020, we'll see the new president's plans fully blossom
I expect the VR Labo concept to be expanded with a proper headset, I expect more mobile connectivity with switch games and maybe waggle to be used more in switch games like the wii

>Two Metroid announcements
E3 2017 was a one time thing user, I'm sorry
God fucking DAMN I'm really hoping Metroid 5 ends up being real good

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Just call them Flamboyos then nobidty will notice.

They flip-flop a lot, but basically if the trans character(s) in question wouldn’t make for a good self-insert, they decry it as transphobic. It’s silly.

With Sakamoto soft confirming Metroid Dread's (Metroid 5's) development and rumors of Metroid Prime Trilogy coming I can see it happening again but I can see Metroid Dread releasing next year instead of this year since Prime 4 is a ways off.

also animal crossing this year

and I expect streaming to be a thing in 2020

metroid fusion and prime were announced and came out pretty close to eachother

I really doubt Nintendo’s going to double down on VR. Toy-Con 4 seems like just a fun little thing for kids to mess with, not an indication of the company’s future.

prime 4 will show up at e3 for sure, maybe only as a trailer

>Another "Now in Development" title card
If we somehow got new music for it that'd be dope though

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nintendo's going to be left out if they dont
I don't think they're ready to do a headset this year, but investigating the potential

I can see the new president being interested in it, he's interested in new kinds of gaming and VR is still a blue ocean, he's only been in there for one year, not long enough for any of his plans to show up at e3 this year

it would be insane from nintendo to not announce mario oddysey at this point. mario galaxy 2 was amazing. we need oddysey 2

Too early, I only expect Dread and the Prime Trilogy to show up.

I think prime trilogy will definitely be there, but nobody will give a shit cause everyone's played those 3, and I don't see them redoing the graphics much

come to think of it, metroid prime would be a good fit for VR

I don't think they'll show dread because they already announced prime4 and haven't shown anything yet

I'd kill to see Prime's aesthetic with updated models/textures.

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Dread would be far closer to completion and they wouldn't delay Sakamoto's game because Tanabe needs more time, they will most likely show Dread this year to be released early next year, rumors of another 2D Metroid game already in development for the Switch were already being talked about as early as January of last year, I can already see it happening and coming especially since SR only took two years to finish.

>Next Smash newcomer
>Animal Crossing footage
>Botw sequel that is MM-esque
>shitloads of indieshit no one gives a goddamn about
>ports no one wanted
>Shield and Sword footage plus release date of Nov 15 announced

Monster Hunter 4U remaster
Zenoblade chronicles X-2

Shitty 40 minutes direct of games that you already know and ends/starts with a newcomer for smash

I think it would be too much work for nintendo
they were already lazy with twilight princess which really needed a lot of visual upgrades

I don't think so, because metroid games require a lot of art to be done first, it's a lengthy process

SR would have taken much longer if it wasn't a remake

SR only came out in 2017 and we know mercurystream has been working on other stuff in the meantime, so they cant focus on a new metroid
nintendo was happy with SR, so they'll probably work with them again

actually an expanded starfox zero port would be a good idea, allowing nintendo to give it a second shot at life since not many people got a wii u to play it

but nintendo probably thinks that ubisoft thing they showed last year is good enough for the furries

Better than Microsoft's again

If it doesn't have Animal Crossing Switch I am literally going to fucking shoot up heroin until its revealed

I think microsoft will have a good year simply because kaz hirai is retiring and without him, sony is fucked

I think ps5 will be sony's last console
microsoft can outlast sony
samsung will probably have a go, consoles are the only thing missing from their ecosystem

every animal crossing game is the same, why are you even looking forward to it?

MS already said they're not finished with Metroid and 2D Metroid doesn't take that long to make, this isn't Prime, from leaks it's already been stated that MercurySteam is currently working of Metroid 5, Metroid 5 started development shortly after SR was deemed a success two years ago, Sakamoto even gave hints about its development last year. If Metroid 5 started development at the end of 2017 it will be released in 2020. You honestly think a 2D Metroid game needs a AAA development?

To be better than Super Metroid, yeah maybe.

Shit games, vertical slices, CGI trailers

King Knight shadow drop.

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Silly user, Sony won't be at E3

Halo Infinite
Gears 5
Ori and the Will of the Wisp
Fable reboot
Perfect Dark reboot
Forza 8
Ninja Theory game
Rare game
new studios
Jap exclusives
Xbox Scarlett
Killer Instinct 2
Compulsion Games game
The Initiative's game
many second party games
third party games

It's going to be about equel.

the art, backgrounds, puzzles for metroid can't be done quickly, they are very detailed

the new 2d metroid would be a switch game for sure, so they can't get away with 3ds graphics

if they allowed MS to do a remake of metroid fusion, then it would have been ready this year

To be fair a Switch game will obviously take more than a 3DS game. Plus SR was a remake, they had less stuff to think about.
Still it's likely getting revealed this year and released in 2020 I think.

There will never be Metroid game better than Super Metroid, it's to pack it in with that dream, just make a good 2D Metroid and leave it at that, series has been begging for a continuation.

They're not doing that though, they are making a completely new 2D Metroid game, this has been said countless times.

Agreed, early, mid, or late 2020 is what I'm guessing.

Audrey returns

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thats what I'm saying
a new game requires everything to be done from scratch
setting, enemies, mechanics
it's not something that can be rushed in 2 years like SR even if they started in 2017

and the production values will be higher for graphics that are adequate for switch

>Still it's likely getting revealed this year and released in 2020 I think.
I think it gets shown in 2020 and releases in 2021
while prime 4's concept is already settled but now handed to retro for retooling and release in late 2020

More Daemon X Machina
New Zelda
Bayonetta 3
Golden Sun 4
Mario Kart 9
New Super Mario Bros 3
New nu2D Rayman
Dragon Quest X localized
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remake

At least 8 of these will happen. Screenshot this

2020 will be the latest for Dread, Prime 4 just restarted development from scratch there is no way that is releasing next year 2022 at best since that's about 3 years.

>All this fanfic

Xcucks are priceless.

When you're #1, you don't need to follow the rules like a little lapdog

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No new announcements, and some games will be delayed again, we may also see additional delays for games that have already been delayed. We may see the announcement of some old ports like Metroid Prime Trilogy, but there isn't any reason to expect that this won't be a disgustingly lazy port. Outside of that we will see games that have already been announced be fully detailed, assuming that they aren't being delayed to next year. Story of Seasons Switch won't be shown, that game is 2021 at the earliest.
Third parties won't back the Switch any more than what we have already seen, so don't expect anything from them either.
There will be zero new announcements because Nintendo aren't release more than 2 major games a month for the rest of the year.

Pokemon Sword/Shield
The Legend of Zelda Monolith Soft announcement
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Persona 5
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC character announcement
Animal Crossing Switch
Luigi's Mansion 3
Fire Emblem: 3 Houses
Bayonetta 3
Pikmin 4
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy
Nintendo LABO Toy Cons (possibly more VR)
2 Switch models - casual/handheld and pro

Releasing in 2k19
>bunch of ports
Releasing TBA
>Pokemon trailer
>metroid trailer
>Animal crossing trailer

The usual. Hype up the manchildren with a bunch of no release date having "flagship titles", but actually give them garbage

Every thread, Nintendo or Xbox, can you stay on your tranny discord, resetera, or reddit?

>Seething Xniggies

based! we don't NEED games because sony makes lots of money anyway

Who even watches e3 or any gaming related event?
Its so fucking shit for a decade at least now.

I dont think they'll throw out everything
just whatever art and code bandai namco did

whatever nintendo approved for story, mechanics and concept art, they'll hand to retro and tell them to make work

Still doesn't excuse Sony for putting that garbage presentation.

But Nintendo said the development everything is getting started from scratch and I'm sure Retro would want to use their own art.

The Mario Odyssey trailer was excellent, easily the years best trailer, what are you on about.

>The Legend of Zelda Monolith Soft announcement
I dont think it'll be announced
monolith also helped nintendo figure out how to do botw1's overworld

Literally just as garbage as Nintendo Directs always are
>this post
Has the most games of any current console on the market


>make a Nintendo or Xbox thread, Sonyfags ruin it
Every time

Don't be an Xcuck shill in these threads and you won't get called out then.

>says the Sonyshill
Not even paid to do this, that's the sad part.

Never said anything about Sony but I'm glad they live rent free in your Xcuckera head.

come to think of it
2001 (2+1=3) was when metroid prime got its shit together and began to form into what was released in 2002

2019 (2+1+9=12=1+2=3) and metroid prime 4 seems to be going through the same development hell for potential release in 2020 (anagram of 2002)


I don't think they'll throw out absolutely everything, they still kept many of the ideas from the metroid spaceworld 2000 demo despite starting over

I am worried whether today's retro can still knock a metroid out of the park, nobody from the original 3 games even works there anymore

i only watch it because theres allways a sticky on /v, i personally dont care about those events since they do nothing but promise, and hype up games they either will never be releazed or a huge dissapointment anyway.
but arguing on /v about it is kind of fun

just call it an homage to rupaul's drag race and suddenly it's yaass queen slay

You're being kind of stupid here, Retro aren't Bamco Singapore, they may not even use the same 3d software, and they may even use a completely different content pipeline, anything in that pipeline would have been thrown out, but on top of that who's to say that the asset quality is even what Retro are asking for, perhaps the studio was more interested in a more cinematic game and thought that 30fps was okay but Retro are aiming for 60fps and have far stricter asset poly/texture/bone limits, and that's assuming that these assets are in line with Retro's own visual plans. Then you go to things like engine and story, Retro aren't reusing Bamco Singapore's engine, which would have undoubtedly have been Unreal, Retro aren't retarded cucks that Unreal to save a small amount of time while compromising their own vision.

>whatever nintendo approved for story, mechanics and concept art, they'll hand to retro and tell them to make work
Nah, Nintendo doesn't make these calls, the writers and concept artists for the Prime titles were Retro staff, and Nintendo is about gameplay first.

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retro wont reuse the 3d models, but all the concept art will be already have been approved, so they aren't truly starting over

they'll probably dust off the metroid prime 3 core engine, get it working on the switch and proceed from there

>Nintendo doesn't make these calls, the writers and concept artists for the Prime titles were Retro staff
nintendo approves every design/concept that gets used in their outsourced games


Retro have their own concept artists, they don't need to implement fragments of a conflicting vision into their game?

>they'll probably dust off the metroid prime 3 core engine
At this point the engine would be absolutely archaic, what value would there even be from using such an old engine? it's not like Bethesda either where they don't want to retrain their developers for a new development suite, they've already lost a lot of their Prime developers so they don't have that excuse. I think new engine, or new iteration in their engine family.

>nintendo approves every design/concept that gets used in their outsourced games
Do you seriously think that Nintendo will tell Retro to use ideas from an already cancelled game from a lesser studio, that games development started from square one.

That's not going to be at E3, maybe TGS this year, probably at the Sony booth too, Sega have been moving closer and closer to Sony as of late, I'm half expecting a buyout by Sony at this point.

top kek

Why does E3 still fucking exist?

>bing bing wahoo no.1,000
>another shitty port
>bing bing wahoo no.1,001
>another shitty port
>another shitty port
>some fucking obscure exlusive

seething son(y)gger

Enough falseflagging, retard.

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Why do the sonyfags have to ruin this thread? Why can't just they make their own E3 thread? OH WAIT...

I hope they port some 3DS games to Switch. I don't even feel like hacking my 3DS, I never want to play it again.

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falseflagging? I own a PS4 and these last couple of years with E3 have been really disappointing.

Pokemon, Animal Crossing, maybe a Metroid Prime 4 update.

I'm just hoping for a new Star Fox title, though. Be it Star Fox Zero VR, or something all new.

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what about sony's e3? I can't wait for theirs! Also any updates on Last of Us 2?

Domination. Pure domination.
Slay Nintendo.

>what value would there even be from using such an old engine?

the source code, the mechanics, the movement feel

they'll scrap all the other stuff

>Nintendo DIrects
The state of snoycucks

>Ruining anything
the prescense of snoyboys in Nintendo or Xbox threads are always minimal and they are always chased out like the retards they are.

Animal crossing
Pokemon SS
Bayonetta 3/astral chain
3rd party IP
Popular Indie/3rd party port
2-3 New games

Sakurai said he’s not porting KI:U, meaning he might be working on a sequel.

no, sakurai isnt doing a sequel

I just want to finally see Bayonetta 3. Reveal was hype, but we've seen nothing since then.
DMC5 was revealed and released before we've even gotten news about who the director is!

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>Viewtiful Joe 3 with Bayonetta as a guest playable character
I would drown in my own semen

Alright snoycuck that's enough..

>Puts out literal garbage and calls it a presentation

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E3 has become too toxic for them

I hope ps5 flops like a fish so these faggots will Fuck off for once

Yeah, E3 is not progressive enough, needs more safe space.

better than Sony's

>Buying out Sega
Whoa there buddy not happening in a mix of
Anti-monopoly laws,
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games Money printing
Lastly Sega has seeing increased profits
Why in the hell would they sell?


Skadaa Skadeen
Fuck off nigger that isn’t me

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Animal Crossing
Pokemon (maybe, Pokemon has a history of not going to E3)
Astral Chain
Fire Emblem (maybe, FE is a game that shows better when it has time, showing only a trailer due to having to share time with many other games wouldn't really benefit it)
Luigi's Mansion 3
Link's Awakening
Smash DLC

>I'm half expecting a buyout by Sony at this point.
Not happening, Sega has been on a upwards trend, they have no incetive to sell, plus it probably wouldn't get past anti-monopoly laws

>the person mass replying to people is accusing others of samefagging and falseflaging

>Pokemon (maybe, Pokemon has a history of not going to E3)

That's false. Ever since 2013, main series Pokemon games have had a showing at E3. 2013 - XY. 2014 - ORAS. 2016 - SM, 2017 - Sword and Shield teaser announcement. 2018 - LGPE. There's a very strong chance we'll get Sword and Shield info at E3.

Pokemon Sun+Shield is the main focus, Christmas release date
Animal Crossing Switch gameplay and release date
Daemon x Machina release date
Bayo 3 teaser for 2020 release
Smash DLC
1 out of the blue game announcement, maybe Pikmin 3

Animal Crossing demo booth has strippers wearing bunny, cat and dog ears.

the main theme for FE 3 houses is already underwhelming
thats all I need to judge a game
I have never been wrong

I was right about smash ultimate


fuck nintendo

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BotW2 isn't until 2020. This E3 will be the LAR and ALttPR

Like last year:

>Best exclusives
>Will win E3

Rash will be revealed as the 3rd DLC fighter

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>BotW2 isn't until 2020.
Yeah but it could be revealed this year.

Switch Portable, which will have the "normal" controller grips but it'll be permanently fixed to the screen. The screen itself will be sharper than current Switch with a somewhat stronger chip to compensate. It will be marketed as their new portable, with a price of $250 with a bundled game like Super Mario Odyssey or, more likely, the new Mario Maker.

yeah, I wish they'd make new IPs

I dont think lttp will be remade yet, probably when links awakening wraps up
of all the zeldas, that is the next one that needs updating

zelda 2 could be interesting if remade

Shit nobody cares about or can be emulated on the Switch emulator.

Book it, Danno.

I really want a super mario maker 2 competition of some sort, hopefully a race

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Nintendo knows what we want

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I would’ve gone with Scorpion but I can deal with this

Hoping for a switch revision

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stop making these jokes or they'll think people actually want big maring

you already ruined smash by whining about ridley and krool

Luigi 3
Pokemon S/S
Animal Crossing
Zelda Link's Awakening

Ports? (TP & WW HD? Metroid Prime Trilogy?)

That's it.

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>Predict their E3
everything they announced to be released eventually will be there in some sort of manner.

And take attention away from all the titles later this year? Nah, it's a Jan Direct thing

Bayoneta and animal crossing.

The World Ends With You sequel

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they wont waste time announcing TP or WW ports at E3, nobody cares about those
they'll just announce it in a regular nintendo direct when the ports are ready with 1-2 weeks notice

I doubt we'll get WW on Switch

I think it will be a 2020 reveal and release.

it's time

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It's not coming until 2022, weren't you the one talking about how a 2D Metroid game shouldn't be rushed yet you're trying to rush Prime 4.

You should add Xbox thread to this because they do the same with that as well. They are very sad since Sony won't be at E3.

This will be the year of Bravely Third + Bravely Remastered. Just you wait.

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The rest of smash dlc character reveals


Oh no no no

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>Fire Emblem Deez Nuts coverage because it's been delayed to July
>Super Mario Maker 2 segments highlighting the new characters and probably some new stunt grabbing guest features like the mystery mushroom costumes from last time
>Pokemon Sword and Board
>Astral Chain
>Link's Awakening
>some more Wii U ports
>Shiggy Megaten 5 if it's in a showable state
>Crystal Chronicles port
>Daemon X Machina
>another Smash DLC reveal
>Wolfenstein Youngblood and Doom Eternal get a segment maybe

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how many times are you going to quote your own post?

I never said that, I said you can't rush a metroid game because it requires a lot of work unless you want it to look like a turd like zero mission

it will come to switch
nintendo wants all their major games on the switch cause they're not re-porting them to future consoles, switch games are supposed to be like iphone apps, where you dont have to rebuy them when you get a new phone

>I never said that, I said you can't rush a metroid game because it requires a lot of work unless you want it to look like a turd like zero mission
That is true, why is that game praised so much?

>qouting yourself this much
That guy may be a disgrace to the Xbox fanbase but at least he's no longer a part of it I hope.


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user, Smash Melee got a teen rating because the DK rap had the word "hell" in it. That's not nearly the extent of Mother 3's controversial elements. They have that one black character that's just an idiot, there's instances of characters dying on screen, there's that one scene that gets flint sent to prison. There's a lot of shit that would warrant an M rating.

I still remember last year where I saw an article where Sony won E3. I never read the article because I knew it was bullshit. I can already predict that the only reason they won was because of The Last of Us 2 kiss and that's it. There is no way you can say it was good when they had minutes of silence and people annoyed of moving from one location to another. The only thing that excited the people were Resident Evil 2 remake. Everything was lackluster and didn't provide much information.

Why the fuck were they doing the film festival thing anyway, having people move repeatedly just to watch relatively short videos?
It makes sense for an actual film festival because those are feature length films with things like live interview sessions, not to mention talking with potential producers/distrbutors, not 20-30 minutes of gameplay footage, cutscenes and trailers that's already being streamed on the internet anyway.

>Pikmin 2
I’m listening


I literally believe it's because they think that the movie games idea is real. We call Sony games movie because you see more moving and talking than actually gameplay. There is nothing wrong with having a story, but if you make the whole thing only about the story, then why make it a game, why not a movie? Look how God of War change, it more movie like than the others, but I can forgive it because it's more about a father seeking forgiveness for himself, the whole character arc of Kratos, but The Last of Us is something that should have been a movie to start with.

I'm actually laughing holy shit

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>Pikmin 2
I would unironically rather have a Pikmin 2 remake than a Pikmin 4 at this point. I love that game so damn much.

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Nintendo Vs. Capcom

I'm thinking maybe Prime's on the menu. I hope against hope for something like Mad Word, unique and shit.

Uncle Phil will come through this time, Nincels! You're fucked now! Xbox Won!

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Virtual Console when? I want to play Minish Cap on my Switch.

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Prime literally started over. There wasn't anything to show the first time and there definitely isn't going to be anything to show off after starting from scratch.
Best case scenario, MercurySteam's Metroid Fusion pitch that got them hired to do the Metroid 2 remake gets pushed into another remake to tide people over.

this is just sad, user. go back to your PS4

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Luigi´s mansion 3
Animal Crossing
Smash DLC
Bayo 3
Pokemon Sword/Shield
Some new Kirby game
Some Dead IP gets a new game

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I hope we get a new Monster Hunter by the B-team.
GU was so fucking fun with Valfalk and shit and I want more of that instead of unfun shit like Behemoth.

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Switch revisions revealed, at least one is very clearly focused on bringing better 'VR' capability.

Metroid Prime 4 revealed as their first big 'VR' game. All their future games will have 'VR' support (by which they mean stereo display).

I don't think it will be announced before Icebone comes out. It's the series' 15th anniversary and they have only shown shitty merchandise on the Japanese mh site, and jack shit on the global site, nothing about Icebone.

all of the manbabies praising this kiss should be investigated on the spot for pedophilia

E3 is dying...

Nintendo and Microsoft will collab to make the new Metroid Prime.
343 and Retro.
Will be launched on Xbox One, MS store and Switch for 2020
Microsoft will announce this partnership
Nintendo will show some teaser in the direct

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>only 65 days away from e3

cant wait to see more days gone and tlou2
hopefully we see something for smt5, and for metroid prime 3

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>days gone and tlou2

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Pikmin has become the new "Retro's game will surely show up"! Pikmin 4 is never happening. Pikmin 3 only happened because of Miyamoto and the dude is basically retired now.

Not him but once again, Sakamoto doesn't want any more remakes, he controls the series and feels it needs a new game and needs to move beyond Fusion already. Super and Fusion don't need remakes. I can't get excited for games I already played and beat in the 90s, this series needs to move forward already it's been stuck on hiatus hell for 17 years, it's time to go beyond Fusion, stop with this remake shit already.

Days Gone comes out in a few weeks right?
Looks pretty weak. Might buy it on sale in a year.
As for Sony exclusives, I'd like something from From. Doubtful though. Maybe a peek at a new GoW. Definitely some TLoU2. I no longer have any hopes for E3 though. It's just a fun shitshow.

Smash DLC, Pokemon release date, Animal Crossing Release date, BOTW 2 (Majora's Mask style), maybe another few bits and bobs

Sony ain't coming to E3, friend.

I'll rather have a Pikmin 1-2 HD remasters than another game. Pikmin 3 was a stepback from 2.

The fact that we will never get another Kid Icarus game hurts so much

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Oh yeah
Glad I'm slowly becoming a PCfag

nogaems just like their every other E3 and Direct

better than sony's :^)

Just make it a full on crossover between Metroid and Halo. Chief will be able to get suit upgrades like Samus, Samus gets weapons based on Halo weapons like an energy sword-like lance that comes out of her arm canon or a spartan laser charge shot. Ridley tries to combine the Flood with the Metroid and creates unholy killing machines