Hey user, thanks for shopping at Walmart! Can I see the receipt for that game you have?

Hey user, thanks for shopping at Walmart! Can I see the receipt for that game you have?

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why do americans like stealing so much

Th... this? This game here? In my arms? Dumb nigger. Stupid nosy fucking nigger, looking at my games and looking at me like I have the time of day for a fucking nigger. Go ahead and smile for me nigger. Go get me a soda pop nigger. Smile and clap and do a little dance. I got a nickel for you nigger. Hop to it nigger.

They have to save all their money for hospital bills in case they get shot

Americans are barbaric

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>games are in a locked case
>asks if you stole it
goddamn i hate the shitskins at walmart. Go ask tyrone to see the receipt for the tv he's hurriedly wheeling out while the alarm goes off you subhuman



What kind of name is Shaylon, also I don't shop at Walmart

those guys can't do anything to stop you, if someone tries to stop you who isn't security, a cop, or one of the security people disguised as regular people (who not even the regular employees know who they are as a security measure) who follow suspicious people who might shoplift, then the theif can just sue them. so yes, if i wanted to shoplift and a bystander stopped me, i could sue them for things not related to shoplifting

have sex



Good luck with the job search when amazon kills walmart. Nigger.



No one here steals stuff besides teenagers who do it for the thrill, poor people because they're poor and niggers because it's in their nature.



I thought I was on /int/ for a second, then I just realized some obsessed retards left their containment board.

I dont know what smells worse, niggers or amerisharts

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back to work nigger

Seething libcucks



>be american
>steal products
>get shot
>tip the shooter
>claps and celebrates
>get shot again

>why do americans like stealing so much

Are you meming? Russians and Chinese steal. Americans are the only ones who ever pay for anything, and we tip too, unlike the filthy commie shitholes of Sweden and France.

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>when you work at mcdonalds and it pays more than I could be getting with a job involving my actual degree
feels BAD

>Intentionally posting an image of an obese British woman while insulting Americans
C+ for minimal effort.


imagine waking up every single day of your life and being obsessed over a country that you don't even live in

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I don't have to imagine.
I think about Sri Lanka non-stop.

Terry pls


>being proud to tip
look at this cuck and laugh
does ur wife's black boyfriend know that ur wasting his money away to tip strangers?

Why sri lanka?

arr rook same

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You mean African Americans right?

South Korean theft raters are low.

Alright I just imagined it. Fun exercise, thanks.

Hello Shaylon. Here's my receipt for Sekiro.
Oh, one thing. Do you know a guy named Robert? He works at the cinema. You look a lot like him and made me think if you two are related in some way.

I don't, no.

Some of us earn a living and aren't garnishing our parents wages or collecting fixed incomes from the government or trust-funds, kiddy.

y-you too

If you steal and then do that You sound like a scumbag

Yeah man, that's my cousin.

If people were earning a living they wouldn't need tips, amerilard.


Unless you were stealing a loaf of bread and you were tackled by 7 people and broke your spine, Judge will laugh you out of the court room. You're not winning a lawsuit because you tried to steal a Switch and security held onto you for 8 minutes until the police came.

seethe harder, mutto

1. Nobody does this
2. If you get a game at walmart they either force you to pay there or put it in a security box

Cool man. Well I'll see you around.

Former retail manager here.

No you can't fucking sue it's private property and shopkeepers rights.

I'd fucking follow people home they can't do shit. Follow them through the shopping center, across the street, down the road. I'd literally Mike Myers their dumbass thieving cunts. Only time I didn't is if I was vastly outnumbered.

have sex

# # # # # # # #

>9 replies for someone to mention blacks

despite being 13% of the american population, african americans account for over 50% of all crime, nonviolent and violent

>Free smells

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The fourth reply literally said niggers.

>I'd fucking follow people home they can't do shit
They could sue you for being a mentally ill stalker.

And you account for 100% of the virgins in this thread despite being only 2% of the population

Big talk from the shit-stain that lives in a country that probably pays for people not to earn a living.

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Why would you ask me for the receipt in the middle of the store?


Oh, nice. I knew you two were related because you have the same smile.
Tomorrow when I go to watch Shazam I'll tell Robert I met his cousin at Walmart.


calm down patriot

i'm trans and have a boyfriend thanks

>cant think of a proper argument

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Sorry, I thought this was the Kinoplex.


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He proceeds to chimp out at you and then sues you for racism and wins.

lot of self hate here

>implying there's "free" anything in Bongland

theres free stabbings and gang rapes

if you somehow scraped together enough testicles to say that to a store employee in real life you'd be screaming about freeze peach as you get escorted out of and banned from the store.

Dont forget the acid

Literally retard subhuman behavior. Tyrone could just turn around and shoot you over some pork skins. I worked retail and I'd see people stealing all the time. Your corporate overlords are not worth sticking your neck out for. Call the cops and report it, dumb fuck.

this happened to me desu
>buy thing at walmart
>head towards exist
>employee asks if i have a receipt at door
>say "yeah" and keep walking

>hey, kid you better put that game back in the shelf before I put a bullet in you
>hey, don't move!
>don't move and put the game back!
what would you do?

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No they can't. Shopkeepers have a right to protect their goods.

They stole, I can literally follow them, beat the fuck out of them, and take the 30 pk of Keystone back if I wanted.

Sure it may be against company policy, but not the law.

See literally every case where a pajeet shot a black guy over something.

They could shoot you for trespassing.

>lawsuit like this
You probably dont know what actually happened with the woman who sued McDonalds for her spilling hot coffee do you

That's the only right way, you fucking amerifat.

>not buying your games online

They'd threaten me all the time. I'm fuck-huge and if they don't have distance on me by the time they draw it'd be over for them. I always wanted one to draw on me at close range so I could take it then kill them with their own gun.

Your advice is solid, but I'm a meathead who wants to get confrontational with people.

A shoplifter actually ended up calling corporate on me cause it's against company policy to go "past the curb" to get a plate #, so some fat slob flew down and "suspended" me.

4 weeks later a letter said I was fired, lol.

Totally worth it.

You sound like you have small testicles/penis. I bet you aren't even Swole.

>to get a plate #
what do you do with the numer?


>replying to tripfags
>not filtering them on sight
Educate yourself, newfag

Shopkeepers rights don't extend to detainment without cause. Unless loss prevention radio'd to them to detain me, I can tell them to fuck off and walk out. Refusing to show your receipt doesn't constitute reasonable suspicion.

Whatever helps you cope with reality

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>I'd fucking follow people home they can't do shit
>A shoplifter actually ended up calling corporate on me cause it's against company policy to go "past the curb" to get a plate #, so some fat slob flew down and "suspended" me.
>4 weeks later a letter said I was fired, lol

Based retarded tripfag trying to show off that time he got fired for trying to act tough towards walmart shoppers and got fired from his bagboy job

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seething incel

The fact that you have to resort to name calling instead of thinking of an actual argument is proof that you've lost, just stop embarrassing yourself already

uh bruh I'm in the middle of the fucking store I didn't buy it yet. I haven't even left the store. So you can just fuck off before I call the sheriff

The tripfags of today are nothing like the ones from 13 years ago.
8 years ago and on well yea pretty much.

Yeah, sure.
2 is absolutely true, but they check for receipts at Wal-Marts on the bad side of town.
Not Americans, niggers. The Wal-Mart on the nice side of town doesn't check for receipts, and I usually go out of my way to shop there for that very reason.

Give it to the cops.

Also look it up and dox them / do some off the clock vandalism to their vehicle, assuming they don't live in major hood territory, gated communities, or super far away / in the country.

A lot of shoplifters live in high income rich neighborhoods, surprisingly.

It's usually niggers, kids, and old people
Middleage women too but with coupon scams
Doesnt walmart keep their games locked?
Also this monkey doesnt work at walmart. He stole an employee's uniform to try and steal my game! Begone nigger

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have sex seething incel

I am reporting anyone saying the N word, please enjoy your ban.

I actually have had sex before. Wheres your "argument" now?

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Not my worker, not my company. Why should I pay for the slave's wages AND pay for my meal?
Fuck them, in any decent country, waiters have a proper salary and don't need to beg in order to survive.

N word? What n word? Nice?

Can't believe you just said that user

>I actually have had sex before.
>lying on the internet because you're mad about getting outed and you're insecure
absolutely cringe, seething incel

Announcing a report is a violation of the board's rule

i fucking hate all of you

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Alright fellers, what's with all the ruckus?

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>Actually defending tipping

It makes me mad that the service industry in my country is trying to sneak that shit in more and more recently.

Fuck off, I'm not tipping in NZ. You're paid $20/hr, the food is $15 minimum, and the service is shit. At least in America if I buy a coke, or a coffee, the waitress will keep filling it up, FOR FREE, rather than trying to nickle and dime me for $5 a glass.

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