Literally Impossible

How the fuck do you beat him? The music box does fuck all and by the time i get to use it he's balls deep in my ass. Fuck this game.

Attached: bloodborne-gascoigne-3.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

Git gud at gun parries

Beast haet fire

cheese him at the tree with the cane

I distinctly recall my friend trying to solo him and getting Jack shit of the way through. Afterwards, he summoned 2 helpers and literally said "Welcome to the gank squad" as they all hit him at once and reduced the difficulty of the boss to nothing. Glad I beat Das1 without summoning the first time, made every game after infinitely more easy

I'm around the same point in the game as you are and had the same problem a few hours ago.

Don't dodge backwards, dodge to the left or right. I was used to the village monsters wide arcs when they swing so I made the mistake of letting him chain on me a few times by defaulting to dodging back. By the time I realized he always went forward I'd died and had to do it again to win. If all else fails use the bell to pull someone in and pepper him with gunfire while they act as a meatshield (don't forget to set connection to worldwide).

get mewsik bawks

can you not read, neon?

>The music box does fuck all
>The music box does fuck all
>The music box does fuck all

find the music box it literally trivializes the fight

I mean, did you try the music box?

>learn spacing
>don't allow him to get in your asshole
>if the above occurs you aren't properly spacing yourself
>quit fucking facerolling
>use your gun liberally after observing his moveset
Now get yourself a goddamn Kirk Hammer and go to town. Big hammer for big fuckers, little sword for little fuckers.

How? It literally makes the fight brain-dead?

Just parry him, use music box when he's transforming, hit him with molotovs, etc.

I dunno how anyone even has trouble, beat him in my first try.

Why the fuck are you asking qustions that are ANSWERED IN THE OP?

Attached: 1.jpg (1198x698, 120K)


attack him when he isn't attacking you
parry him sometimes
heal when your health is low
and above all else make sure you use the music box

You kite him around gravestones and bait out swipes because this game employs super armor on arbitrary enemy attacks to create the illusion of difficulty

It can be used once per phase and stuns him for a good 5+ seconds. Or you could use the gun and just visceral him to death.

Get blunderbus
Shoot when his axe sparks.
Shoot when he's swiping with claws or jumping.
Always dash to them before attacking for guaranteed visceral

During his first phase he can get stuck behind gravestones a lot. From there you can spin to win with the axe though the stones and it'll hit him.

I gave up.
Game really needs an easy mode.