What is the video game equivalent of this album?

What is the video game equivalent of this album?

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what is the video game equivalent of THIS album?

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A sequel to a game that derivated in certain aspects to the previous and was initially met with lukewarm reception but eventually grew a community of fans who put it on the same level, if not above to the previous installment?

deus ex HR? though nobody thinks it surpasses the original

What's the equivalent to this album?

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Crackdown 3

Rhinestone eyes > rest

Dark Souls 2

The fuck kind of question is that?

DmC: Devil May Cry

Boderlands: the pre-sequel.
>has some decent stuff
>is overall just too fucking noisy and never shuts the fuck up

whats the video game equivalent to any death grips album?

What about this album?

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pokemon nuzlocke

Vidya hasn't reached that level of kino.

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It already had a game

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Wind Waker mayyyyybe? Not held to that level universally, but certainly by some

zeno clash

I just can't get into this album

Dark souls 3 definitively

Dead Space 2, maybe?
new album, soonish

>Sequel that is, in some ways, superior to a game that fans will never budge on being completely superior in every way
Sounds about right.

I thought it was their first good one since Plastic Beach if I'm to be honest.

The fall was pretty good imo. Humanz was just trash.

Its become my favourite album by them

Oh god please tell me you know it played

The Fall is an awesome album, Phoner to Arizona is god ti

Dark Souls Prepare to die

Absolutely man. He's set to play shows later in the year, there's no way a new album doesn't drop. Let's just hope it isn't completely just reworked SL material.

The Fall is inoffensive, it's just sorta there to me and I see it as the sonic travel diary that it basically was.

Saturn Barz was fun, but that's just me
Plastic Beach > Self-Named > Demon Days >>>>>> Humanz > The Fall > The Now Now

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you flew around the island mostly

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I liked it WAY better than Humanz, Humanz had too much guests to the point I couldn't tell it was Gorillaz. Plastic Beach almost had that issue too but most of the songs are solid and I can easily listen to the entire thing in sequence. The music videos are fucking amazing as well

Plastic Beach = Demon Days > Now Now > S/T > The Fall >>>>>>>>>>>> Humanz

gay shit

plastic beach>self title>demon days>now now(literally just for humility)>the fall>>>>>>>>humanz

>plastic beach better than demon days

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What went wrong?

shit produced by shit who've never made anything good?
why... that could be so many things

>Doesn't know how to read mathematical symbols
He says they're about equal. But if he said it was better, he'd be right anyway.

trying too hard to be experimental and collaborating with everyone instead of focusing on their own music

The Now Now>Plastic Beach=Demon Days>S/T>The Fall>the entire discography of some random sound cloud user take your pick>Humanz

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Damon is running out of good ideas, so he's trying to cover that with collabs

>"Empire Ants"
>into "Glitter Freeze"
>into "Some Kind of Nature"
>into "On Melancholy Hill"
>into "Broken"
Has there ever been a more Kino 5-track run?

Guess we're doing this.

Demon Days > Now Now > S/T > Plastic Beach > D-Sides > G-Sides > Laika Come Home > The Fall >>>>> Humanz

Equivalent to this album

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Gorillaz was always a collaborative effort, it was born of a collaboration and even S/T had its quirky guest artists. That said, it could easily be argued that Plastic Beach and especially Humanz went too far, while Now Now actually is an anomaly BECAUSE it lacks collaborators.

If it weren't for Saturn Barz, Humanz would be down there for me too.
I've listened to The Now Now only once, but it is really boring, i think.
So even if i didn't like Humanz, The Now Now is still the worst yet.

Now Now had collaborations, but it was pretty non existant compared to Humanz

Why the hate for Humanz? I found The Fall to be the weakest album by far.

Demon Days > Plastic Beach > Humanz > Gorillaz = The Now Now > The Fall

But hasn't Gorillaz largely been a collaboration project from the start? The only albums lacking in guests on a majority of the tracks are The Fall and The Now Now.

Yeah, it had like 3 which is the least they've ever had outside of maybe The Fall.

>that feeling of disappointment listening to this for the first time after how great Demon Days was from start to finish
That being said, I appreciate a couple Plastic Beach songs a little more now.

>Empire Ants
>Melancholy Hill

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Absolutely trash songwriting born from a misguided attempt to marry across the pond political unrest and appealing to the youth of today. Damon was literally trying to be a "cool dad" with Humanz, collaborating with a bunch of artists his daughter likes.

That point and click game they had on the website

Now now has objectively better songs on it than humanz, no way it can be ranked lower

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Cartoon Network Super Punchout XXL

Humanz is just pure trash, it has maybe two songs I'd say are okay, but by gorillaz standards that's me being generous. Bad song writing, poorly placed collaborators (they absolutely wasted grace jones for example). Didn't feel like a Gorillaz album at all.

Damon RREEEing too hard at Trump and America. Like, I know he's critical of America, but he cared more about his criticism than the actual music.

Humanz was YASQUEEN#BLM cringe tier garbage.

Majority of the collabs were shit and the lyrics were shit as well.

My appreciation for Plastic Beach grew drastically over time. On my first couple listens, the only song I cared for was Empire Ants. Now after listening to it hundreds of times, I love the entire album.

But it doesn't have a single song that I like.

I think the people that dislike Now Now do so because it's not sprawling in a thousand different directions like all of their other albums. It's a very tight, focused pop album with melancholic undertones and not a whole lot else.

>those fucking beats and the lyrical flow on Sweepstakes
Every song on that album has been my favorite at some point.

Funnily enough, I acknowledge that Now Now operates on one mode but god fucking damn, do I love that one mode. Not a song in the lot that I dislike.


Does Sleeping Powder count as a Humanz song? Cause it's actually good

Charger and Saturn Barz are the only good songs on Humanz

It's literally the only actual good song to come out of the Humanz era.

What is the video game equivalent of this album?

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Fallout 2

And Sweepstakes was a one take

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What's the vidya equivalent of this album? (The original not the inferior soulless remake)

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Carnival and Sex Murder Party are the only songs on the reg edition that I felt were bad. Out of Body was the only good bonus track.

Imagine thinking Gorillaz is a good band

I cant put myself into that headspace. Whats the key

Andromeda was good

I don't listen to Gorillaz anymore, but this band is kino. Some songs actually have a similar style.

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>The original not the inferior soulless remake
>Being a fucking brainlet that doesn't understand the fact that both albums are meant to be one entity, with different perspectives on the same events after a few years had passed
RE2 and RE2make, in this case.

I thought those were among the more tolerable tracks on the album, actually. But I also generally loathe Humanz.

I donā€™t know, the only song I ended up thinking was decent was Andromeda.

>Helleujah money
>We got the Power (aka pure cringe: the song)

>Not bad
Nigga "Shes my Collar" maybe, but the rest of the album is dogshit

Imagine being this contrarian

absolute kino songs

The newest album alone




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Itā€™s this.

>how great Demon Days was from start to finish

Calm the fuck down. That isn't even close to being true.

I'm mostly memeing with the inferior soulless part but i genuinely can't get into any of will's work after HTLT, maybe i'm too much of a pretentious fag

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I'm still mad that Damon had fucking Jehnny Beth on We Got The Power of all songs. What a waste.

You're right, that would be D-Sides.

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DARE's the only particularly off song on that album, the rest at least add something to the album's vision.

Only Disc 1, but I also don't care much for remixes.

What is the video game equivalent to this?

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Not enough cool shoe shine

I only got into his stuff very recently and it was because of the Re-release It got me to start writing and producing music more seriously, actually.. I listened to the original and get why people prefer it, but I respect both. There's a few musical things from the new version that I really can't let go, like how in BLID, the DOOOOOOOOOOOOGS actually carries all the way through. Shit's super satisfying and going back to the original, despite the additional lyrics and stuff, having that line DROP halfway is a massive blueball. I've just always been a listener who paid more attention to musicality over lyricism, which is probably dumb for CSH. I also adore HTLT, but haven't gotten around to listening to the Teens stuff. Maybe I'll like it.

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Who is the best Gorillaz collab and why is it Miho Hatori?


vidya equivalent of this?

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give Monomania and Nervous Young Man/Disyecta Membra a listen if you havent, they're great albums

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Miho and Snoop.

Equivalent to this album?

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Any vaporwave album would be Glover, maybe something like Jumping Flash.

What's the vidya equivalent of a Thousand Suns?
It's not "Linkin Park" but it is still a god damn good album.

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Video game equivalent of this?

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Based, Glover is kino

That's their best and only legitimately good album.

>beach themed

Super Mario Sunshine

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What's wrong with Minutes to Midnight?


what the fuck do you mean by this.
bonito generation is on a whole 'nother level

What about this?

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What's the video game equivalent of this album?

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Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

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Has any vidya managed to be as kino as this album?

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Gosh i love this album. Reminds me of my youth on california beachs

mos def is too fucking good man

The avalanche of hate it got upon release notwithstanding, it's probably their next best one but aside from its occasional political leanings it just feels like a stepping stone towards ATS. It's okay, would probably put it on par with The Hunting Party.


Sonic dreams collection

I don't know if that's even possible. The degree of meticulous craft that went into that album is fucking insane.

>Billy Murray
>Stop The Dams
Love those songs.

mass effect andromeda

I forget that this exists.

Humanz was a good album. I just didn't like it as a gorillaz album

Reanimation is their peak.

Why the fuck are you absolute retards calling a song "kino"? How dumb are you actually?

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how about mino?

>no one I know listens to The Dear Hunter but me

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Like countless buzzwords before it, it's lost all concrete meaning and is just another way of saying "I like/don't like thing".

Ah, the MGSV of Gorillaz.

Admittedly never bothered with that one but I neither care for remix albums nor think terribly highly of Hybrid Theory in the first place.

Damn, you're missing out. Some of the best underground hip-hop collabs I've ever heard.

What's the video game equivalent of this album?

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Might check it out someday but it never sounded like a winning combination to my sensibilities. You're not the first person I've seen swear by it, though.

Metal Gear Rising.

You DO have a topsters chart, right Yea Forums?

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I have a slapped together top 10, I suppose.

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>The Great Annihilator
>The Terror
Great taste man

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What's the vidya equivalent of this album?

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>Damon RREEEing too hard at Trump and America.
You should have seen damon in the 90's and early 2000's

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What's the videogame equivalent of this album?

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I always thought Do Ya Thang was peak Gorrilaz.

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Top tier song.


>shit goes deadass krautrock in the middle

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Vibe-wise? Grow Up or Splatoon 1 & 2.

Strobelite and Saturnz Barz are the only good songs on it so DmC.


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Outside of the top 10 nothing's in any kind of order and the top 10 itself isn't ordered either
I don't really explore much music

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YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH IM THE SHIT unironically like that song

>post V
>dont reply to the post V was related to
Based retard me. Demon Days is the DMC5 of Gorillaz.






Thinly veiled gorillaz thread?

I recently found albarn's acoustic version of el maƱana and it's fucking awesome.


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Demon days > Plastic beach > Self-titled >>>>> The now now > Humanz

out of body was the only good track from humanz

I'll never forget the day my brother bought me a Demon Days CD for my birthday when I was a kid. I listened to it over and over.

D-Sides was the first album I ever bought with my own money. Counted down the days until that shit released.

I started listening to music when i was like 14 because saw Feel good inc.'s videoclip on TV when it came out and thought it was fucking awesome. I knew gorillaz existed but that videoclip alone got me interested in actively listening to music. I remember listening to the rest of the album and thinking it was meh at first but slowly getting drawn into that atmosphere.

Curious thing is that Gorillaz is one of the few bands I'm still hype about that I listened to with that age. They just sound so different.

What's the vidya equivalent of this album?

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What is the video game equivalent of this album?

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The Death Grips fanbase is literally the Dark Souls fanbase
>"muh funny quotes and meme value"
>"muh hard to get into" despite it being much more accessible than people make it out to be
>"muh sekrit club" despite it being pretty much mainstream
>attracts "fake fans that don't actually like the work and are just there for the cool boy points" like shit attracts flies
>both works have a lot of heart and genuine artistic intention behind them that the fans constantly neglect or belittle for the sake of irony, which they never stop

>low budget
>small scope
>ill reception
>soulful as fuck

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Year Zero is best NIN

Damn straight it is

What's up with Yea Forums having better taste than Yea Forums?
What did you think of The Trilogy? (Not The Actual Events, Add Violence, Bad Witch).

Unironically this though.
A good album (game) that does exactly what the fans want and is a mild return to form but doesn't impress beyond what's expected of it.

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What is a game equivalent of this album?

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I think this is more of a DMC5 album
>Return to form
>Callback to the peaks, while introducing small new ideas there and there

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An album that rewrites the "canon" up to this point and is a more contemporary sound that still manages to be successful while some long-time fans yearn for the good old days?

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It's pretty good to put in the background and relax. Humanz had too many guests. Only really liked Saturn Barz and Momentz.