30 elder scrolls games in one

>30 elder scrolls games in one
There's no reason you shouldn't be playing if you like elder scrolls.

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If only the combat wasn't so goddamn awful and boring.

Combat and character customization sucks

Agreed the combat could use an overhaul, but the roleplay elements are enough for me to keep me hooked.

>character customization sucks
Character customization is literally the ONLY thing ESO does better than the mainline games. Having actual control over body proportions and having more than just one variety of Khajiit/Argonian is great. Everything else about the game is garbage, though.

I am not playing it because it is even worse than Skyrim.

Combat is pretty ass. All builds are virtually the same.
Shame. It has some pretty good parts, but since most of the game is combat it's mostly unenjoyable.

How immersive is it?

How are you supposed to roleplay when you're constantly being reminded that you're in a game every time you see another autistic player with a retarded name?

Combaf system sucks, but roleplay and immersion are good, more than once I found myself listening to random npc's in towns arguing over something and then suddenly they turn to me for help or the option to help them with something pops up.

Combat is janky, but it isn't that bad. No worse than MMO combat normally is anyway. Saying all builds are virtually the same is a lie though. ESO is the only "you can make any build you want" game where there actually isn't one defined meta and making builds is one of the funnest parts

ok until you see MRFUCKDICKS killing some mobs.

why do you all keep talking about combat like it's any worse than a regular elder scrolls game

>character customization sucks

lol sure, how can you say no to big titty khajits?

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>but roleplay and immersion are good
Ok, I want to completely forget about the real world when I enter the world of Elder Scrolls Online.
Who is MRFUCKDICKS and what is he role-playing in my immersive game?

Because it is even worse than the regular games and allows virtually no customization.
If you thought Skyrim's magic was bad hoo boy.

>We could have had an actual TES game long ago if not for this shit
Fucking reeee.

It's like dumbed down TES combat, so even worse than shit.

no you couldn't have it's made by a different studio

Zenimax has halted development on any new TES game purely because they don't want it to take away from the MMO's sales.

I honestly wish I could phase out other players and treat it as a singleplayer title at times.

Everything has been nerfed so fucking much over the years it isn't even fun anymore. You guys missed out unless you want to play heavy attack simulator. The golden years are long gone.

Iunno about that, chief.
>stamina dps
>dual-wield or maybe two handed with bow back-bar, hail of arrows + caltrops, class-specific buff, a DoT or two, light-attack weave between crushing weapon
>magicka dps
>only fire/shock staves, wall of elements + class-specific ground aoe, a buff or two, light-attack weave between force pulse or elemental weapon
>only resto staves, spell power cure set, mostly resto skills, energy orb, a few class-specific heals if you're lucky, war horn
>1h&shield with staff back-bar, class-specific buff, chain if DK, silver leash otherwise, aoe root, war horn
Tank maybe has the most flexibility, but it's a tank. Stamina dps is a fucking disaster. Magicka dps all play the exact same.
Theorycrafting is fun until you realize it's all the same and the stuff you want to do differently doesn't work.

Is that EVER not the fucking case? Literally every single that has ever existed, and got changed, got changed for the fucking worse. I can't name a single multiplayer game where the devs "balanced" things by not ruining them.

Because you spend most of the time doing it, for longer periods of time, and with other people, which somehow makes it worse.

I have the base game + a few dlc's but not morrowind or summerset. Is it worth playing without these dlcs? Or is all the best gear gated behind them?

>heavy attack
>not spastic light attack weave
At the very least the game has move on from DK-tank/templar-heal onry.

can you pickpocket npcs?
can you perma kill npcs and wipe out whole cities?

Why would you heavy when the meta is weaving retardedly strong psijic light damage?

No. Sometimes NPCs respawn on top of their corpses.

You'll want them eventually but the majority of good gear isnt in those dlcs. And story wise they take place after the main story anyways so theres no need to buy them now at all really.
If you're interested in the story of the game here's the recomended order for continuity

1. Base game, all 3 factions
2. Imperial City (epilogue to main story)
3. Orsinium (foreshadows daedric trilogy)
4. Morrowind (part 1 of daedric trilogy)
5 Clockwork city (part 2 of daedric trilogy)
6. Summerset (part 3 of daedric trilogy)
7. Wrathstone
8. Elsewyr (nor yet released)

Dark Brotherhood should be played after you've done the Aldmeri and Ebonheart factions for minor fanservice, thieves guild, murkmire, and craglorn can be done at any point in the game storywise, along with every dungeon dlc but Wrathstone, which sets up Elsewyr. Wait until 160cp at a minimum to do craglorn though, it's an endgame zone that is designed for group content although about half the quests are solo playable now, but playing only the solo quests butchers the areas story and you will miss out on everything else but a few delves playing solo.

Shit, I thought everything was its own self contained story. I went from base game and then right now Summerset.

> You are dealing 34.9k damage? No, you are not going to join us until you can do at least 35k damage.

> "The trial will begin at 21. Don't be late". Two hours later and the party is not ready yet. So you have to quit because you have to work the next day and you can't play ultil 3 am.

> No Trial Finder for NORMAL trial. Had to wait every time in Crag for a team

> Guilds disbanding one after another

>Fucking Maelstrom Arena. They even nerfed Sorc

I did. I really did until late(?) game. The single player part and the dungeon part were great

Yeah, there’s “no reason” you shouldn’t be playing

This is the one MMO where it's perfectly acceptable and safe to join the /vg/ guild. Last I played everyone was mostly alright. All the typical /vg/-scum are still stuck in /tesg/ modding skyrim.

Because they nerfed cp and sustain in general. It's obviously not noticable to new players which is why everyone responding doesn't understand wtf I'm talking about hence my post in the first place. People were running 2 damage sets with all damage enchants before. Now the combat is just slow resource management.

You have no idea how many ppl cheese the dps parse.

Every thread turns in to discord drama and all of them are furry too. You're fucking high lmao

>MMO with MMO gameplay
I couldn't even stomach the tutorial

I highly doubt it it's worse than ff14's playerbase.
Trannies, furries, fags, you name it.
The devs recently killed Pve on the EU datacenter by splitting it in half and the majority of the playerbase doesn't even care because they only play to game to rp and take pretty screenshots.

suka blyat nahui suka tabarnak de calisse

I stopped playing shortly after summerset, haven't visited the general and quit the discord. The guild was fine back when I played, if that's changed since then that's a shame, but in my experience the guild was perfectly tolerable. Even when the threads had times where they were being shit, the ingame guild chat was fine.

I'd prefered original combat(since i don't mind clicking one button once per second), since this combat really about mushing a lot of buttons with weaving attacks between it.
My fingers hurts when i do it.
I really have no problem with Sekiro, but i fucking lose to this piano simulator.
But i'm also like to roleplay, so i don't go for WW build, even if it's literally "press lmb".

guys i'm trying to play daggerfall but it's really laggy.

There are better games out there. Also, Blades' design is so fucking offensive that it killed any interest for playing any Elder Scrolls game for a while.

Why should I care about big-tit kitty-cat when I can have a big strong alpha Charr?

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Why are the armors so fucking ugly

When I played it was a pretty fun single player game. Great world and nice story. Combat was literal dogshit. Partying was literal dogshit. Quit after 2 months.