Tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again

>tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again
>talent trees
>gold was important (saving 100g for a mount was a big deal, getting your talents right was important because respecs were expensive)
>world pvp
>skill > gear (otherguy, drakedog, world of roguecraft)
>no death knights
>shaman and paladin are in the factions they belong
>pvp ranks
>AV's objectives actually mattered
>no arena
>no flying mounts
>no lfg or cross realm trash
>no quick travel
>lore hasnt gone down to the shitter yet
>cool quests like the mount quest and rogue pick lock quest
>no daily quests
>no pet battles
>40 man raids (that actually require coordination)
>no multiple raid difficulties
>5 mans actually felt like real dungeons
>no more data mining
>way more skills to utilize
>no e-shop
>no archeology
>no achievements
>no vehicles
>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
>world felt dangerous
>professions were fun, unique, and useful
>no blood elves, draenei, worgen, pandashit or goblins
>b-b-but no one wants it
>nost peaked higher than reta
Yep, gaming is back.

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The fact that one idiot posted all this as a bad thing on the forums still cracks me up

>tfw burned myself out playing private servers

>for the first time again

lets do it

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We’re going home, bros. I can’t wait to play A LOT, but still take my time and not rush the kino experience in any way. I’m thinking we’re back and here for good. It will never be the same posters need not post in these threads. You all know I’m right.

I started playing on a private server and while it is great it's also horrible because I don't want to bother doing any professions or anything because I know it's going to be shut down when official comes. Fuck me Blizzard just release it already I'm literally dying here.

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>for the first time again

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I felt like a god on my vanilla server. But whenever I try to play nu wow, I end up performing mediocre. People are so much better at the game, I really wonder if we’ll be able to enjoy it like we did before. When we were all shit and nobody knew what was going on.

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Will we still be able to have these threads when we get home? I don’t wanna go /vg/

>>people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
>>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
Both wrong.

Considering XIV still has their tranny threads every day I don't see why we can't have our threads too

The challenge of NuWoW is not being bored to tears when you clear everything in a week, or having a seizure during raids.

>pvp ranks
One of the worst systems in the history of WoW. Don't pretend that it was a good thing.

>>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
Also, counter-point, with 60lvl cap transmog will work even better than retail, since all COOL looking sets will be locked in high-level dungeons and raids

dumb homeposters


>raids have like 2 mechanics per boss

Thank god PvP was fun in vanilla cause I don't see people sticking around end game raiding for very long. Fuck organizing 40 people again, I will be comfy PvPing

I´m gonna play solely for nostalgia reasons. If im staying true to my original character im gonna roll a night elf rouge with Alchemy and Herb. I dont care about loot and min/maxing so i dont mind that there´re gonna be a million rouges. I just like the flavour of poisoning your weapons and having to buy ingredients from shady guys in the city.

its gonna be so comfy. not gonna read this threads or the complaints. dont care

Today i will remind them.

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Not him but you may have a point if you're talking about tier 2 onward.
And about the anime thing, it depends if we're talking about jojo or not.

I played some Classic WoW, and I've always since the day I started playing it, thought it was one of the worst MMOs I've ever played. It has some good aspects, for sure; I enjoyed exploring the world, but coming from other online RPGs and MMOs, it was such a bland, shitty, watered down experience where I didn't feel like much of an adventurer or hero.

That being said, while I still think the game is a steaming pile of shit, I am fully aware of what it is now, and how it has degraded and become worse over time. It's not my thing, but I wish you anons the best, and I hope you find enjoyment in reliving the "glory days". (My favourite MMO is also getting a private server soon, after 7 years of nothing, and a lot of people consider it a shit game so hey, I can't dump on you guys too hard.)

I really don't wanna play this again, not because it's bad or that I'm mistakenly nostalgic but because I know for a fact I would become a hopeless addict all over again.

Even if I went in aiming to play causally and moderately I know I would cave in, join a raiding guild and start subsisting on hotpockets and getting by with 3 hours of sleep per night all over again.


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Give me human paladin or give me death

enjoy your discord cliques while nobody talks in the in-game channels :)
>no pet battles
pet battles were one of the better systems they added to the game though.
>no more data mining
you mean because everyone knows everything so there's nothing left to data mine?
>people don't run around in silly clownsuits
you didn't play before transmog was added did you
>professions were fun
wow's professions were never good at any point.


>tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again
It will never be the same feeling you once had.
>talent trees
>gold was important (saving 100g for a mount was a big deal, getting your talents right was important because respecs were expensive)
>world pvp
>skill > gear (otherguy, drakedog, world of roguecraft)
*gets 1 shot by a warrior using mortal strike*
>no death knights
Less content.
>shaman and paladin are in the factions they belong
>pvp ranks
A grind nobody who got to max will ever do again.
>AV's objectives actually mattered
>no arena
Less content.
>no flying mounts
Join our Discord for...
>no lfg or cross realm trash
Look for groups in our Discord here..
>no quick travel
>lore hasnt gone down to the shitter yet
Undead on Horde and Night Elves with Alliance? Okay.
>cool quests like the mount quest and rogue pick lock quest
Yes, but still plenty of shit grindy quests too.
>no daily quests
Less content.
>no pet battles
Less content.
>40 man raids (that actually require coordination)
Outside of Naxx, they didn't. Mechanics are incredible simple.
>no multiple raid difficulties
Less content.
>5 mans actually felt like real dungeons
>no more data mining
Nothing to mine in a solved game.
>way more skills to utilize
And plenty of useless ones too.
>no e-shop
>no archeology
Less content.
>no achievements
Less content.
Good flavour.
>no vehicles
>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
People still had stupid outfits for hanging around. Gear should be noticed at a glance in PvP though.
>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
Fuckhuge shoulders always existed.
You already know where everything is.
>world felt dangerous
>professions were fun, unique, and useful
>no blood elves, draenei, worgen, pandashit or goblins
>b-b-but no one wants it
I did it all years ago.

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That fag didn't even raid vanilla.

Why are you practicing your leveling route to 60 on a private server RIGHT NOW?

>Classic WoW
>didn't feel like much of an adventurer or hero.

So he has absolutely patrician taste?

Raids ruined WoW, why would you want to play them.

fem or warlock!

I legitimately don't understand people that have this problem. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but do people really lack that much willpower these days? Even when i was a kid i mostly played in the weekends with my friends, and would rather go to soccer practice or whatever in the weekdays.

Fucking hell, guy. Get it together.

hardly anyone that did will rejoin this shit mostly the attention whores will just come out of the woodwork

have sex

Because I want to enjoy the journey.

Spit on minmaxers.

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It's true. An explorer, sure, but not much of a hero. Not when two random mooks could leave you nearly dead after an encounter in the wilds. Dungeons where you have to pull one guy at a time or risk getting wiped, or you have to sleep/polymorph groups so their group of 4 didn't shit stomp your party of 5. Coming from something like City of Heroes where you could beat the shit out of like 8 guys at once and live.

>human warlock
Also, why orc wears holly pally gear?

Fuck off mass replying faggot, no one cares about your opinion.

Go play facebook games in your garrison.

>but not much of a hero.
Adventurer =/= hero
>where you could beat the shit out of like 8 guys at once and live.
Retail is waiting for you


based and greenpilled.

My opinion is that Vanilla had many good things, but was also a product of its time. It's something you can never truly experience for the first time ever again, and unless it gets OSRS style support then it will have no longevity. Nothing will bring the magic back, and for players visiting for the first time the numbers are few that will likely stick around.

Overcoming greater foes is what a hero is all about, you daft twat. It’s why Sam Gamgee was considered a more heroic figure than Aragorn, and why both will always be head and shoulders above Capeshit standards of heroes

>Nothing will bring the magic back,
It will be a first actual MMORPG for the last decade

My life is in a better place now so maybe I wouldn't have the same problem, but it sounds like you had a good childhood with a healthy mix of activities and a good circle of friends right?

Back in OG vanilla my life wasn't going so well (lonely, depressed, alcoholic parents) so that game filled a gaping void in my life almost a bit too well.

The only thing I will really miss is pandas
bless those fat fem panda asses

It's not a new release or title though, it's a rerelease. It's a game that has been solved and will have a community to reflect that. The magic of these types of games is going in blind with everybody else, unsure of what to expect. But everybody does know what to expect, what to do, how to play the game. It will simply exist for those that prefer the game in that state rather than serving to relive the experience like you never have before.

Last time it was night elf priest, which I'm still going for.


lets get it

that's ok

I stopped playing private servers when the server shut down for the 3rd time. I just want a stable WoW server

>It's a game that has been solved
>only 1% of players ever reached KT

>But everybody does know what to expect, what to do, how to play the game.
Wrong again, post-Cata WoW is almost decade old and not all Vanilla players played on PS

Greater foes, yes. Two random zombies, no. Sam fought a giant fuck off spider wearing a fucking blanket in bare feet. That and he carried someone up a fucking mountain.

>LFM scholo everything reserved minimum 3 pieces of T2, must pay tank 50g, link achievement

The WoW we know and love is dead and buried.

just gonna say world of roguecraft isn't impressive, even level 50 scrub mages can demonstrate skills that mages in that video didn't do at "rank 13"

that said, looking forward to the game

>tell everyone totake their time and not rush leveling
>i rush leveling and beat them all to 60 and get all the loot
Cya later losers

>Sam fought a giant fuck off spider wearing a fucking blanket in bare feet.
Yeah because there were no other ways to evade that fight, it doesn't meant he could engage Nazgul or even pack of orcs
>Two random zombies
What dungeon, may I ask?

>first character, no idea what the onyxia quest is or who onyxia even is
>teaming up with a random group in the evening to do some instance or quests
>we end up stumbling upon the questline
>dont know what the importance is but we’re flying all over the place and eventually into brd to break someone out of jail
>culminates in us doing an RP walk through stormwind along side the guy
>NPC and player characters alike stop and wonder what is going on
>irl i have a high going due to being such a character in the city
>make our way to the keep where the guy we broke out of jail reveals one of the npcs is actually onyxia in disguise
>huge fight breaks out with many incredibly powerful elite enemies against our party and hordes of stormwind’s finest
>finally finish them off
>i think the npc we resuced died anyway
>the quest line isn’t over
>we have to go to winterspring
>i remember being launched a great distance in the air for some reason and then being teleported
>last part is to kill a boss in lbrs, nothing special
>finish the dungeon and 8 hours after starting, the quest line is complete
>look at the clock and it was 6 in the morning
>we bid each other adieu and disband party
I know we cant have these kinds of experiences again, but im still looking forward to making new memories

Looking for more for AB/WSG farm, link retail profile MUST HAVE 2.4K+ RATING AND MULTI GLAD TITLES


lfm scholo first orb res rest rr

why are you mad that premades want good players lol

>lfm scholo first orb res rest rr

You're thinking of Strat.

Are you one of the retards that believe PS fags, or are you actually one of them?

How common was this reservation thing? I played to 60 on three separate servers and never came across it, thank god too since its retarded

oops youre right i always get them confused

scholo is a shit dungeon

think a lot of tanks tank for the orbs as payment

I play on chinkdale, I'm obviously exagerating but loot reservation and tanks demanding extortionate fees are a real thing

I'm not a purist, so I hope they make warriors a little more forgiving to level, there's a DIRE shortage of tanks on chinkdale throughout leveling and at pre-raid endgame

reserving orbs is a lot different from reserving gear
its what people do when they need a tank to join

The original game came out in 2004. Nothing can ever be done to truly recapture the joy and sheer magnitude of what it was. Things have changed a lot since then and we're all a lot older. I'm not saying it won't be fun but it won't be the monumental event that it was.

i don't think most tanks will do this, especially not early on when they are doing the dungeons for their own benefit as well. later on when they don't need any of the items, i can see them charging a fee considering it would be a waste of time otherwise for a naxx geared tank to do scholo for example

speak for yourself, faggot

You know it's true nostalgiafag

Does anyone else consider instances like Scholo, Strat and LBRS too tedious for the payoff?

I like doing them once to explore, but beyond that I feel like the time invested/loot payoff simply isn't worth it. At least not compared to raiding.


the risk of getting a bad group outweighs the reward, especially when there's only a few MUST-HAVE pre-raid BIS items from them, a lot of pre-raid bis(or somewhat close items) are BoE so in the end gold-farming becomes a more efficient way of spending your time

>selling scholomance run, satyr bow 50G
this is already the case on most private servers, it will NEVER be the same

LBRS is cancer as a caster

Of course it won't be completely the same, but as I have played on a few vanilla private servers, I can say that you still get a sense of wonder and accomplishment. The great thing is that a lot of your normie friends will want to play on it as it is actually released by Blizzard.

Strat is tolerable to good because of its drops (orbs, water tome and flask recipe). Scholo on the other hand is super fucking annoying. LBRS is inbetween, not really fun in any way but there's some good stuff to be earned there (Arcanite Reaper, Prot potion recipe I think? Blueprints for tailors). UBRS key is also a good way of earning money but it's difficult to get.

LBRS is universally hated. God what a long tedious shithole of a dungeon.

Reminder that these are what the people coming into these threads to tell you how bad classic is look like, keep panic posting retailfags. You should just be enjoying BFA while you can, it's on borrowed time.

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>, especially when there's only a few MUST-HAVE pre-raid BIS

>be 14 or 15
>playing wow with my best friend all day
>clicking and keyboard turning all over the place
>when one of us wasn't online, we'd launch the game twice and log in with both our accounts to put one character on follow so we wouldn't miss out on xp
>reach level 58 the day TBC comes out
>magic continues all the way to 70
>stop playing after we cleared Kara with our own little guild and got 2k rating in season 2 arena

>try again in cata
>try again in pandaria
>try again in warlords
>try again in bfa
>always quit after a month or two

Nothing came close to the fun we had in those early days. Now we're 27/28. He became a cop, got married and moved to Berlin. I'm an architect, founded my own business and just bought a house. We still play vidya together a few times a month when we find the time, but we both know that those memories from back in the days can never be relived, and any attempt would probably just tarnish them.
Sometimes it's better to let things go. Be glad you got to experience them, but don't get stuck trying to get them back.

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>watching guy stream northdale
>hes dueling a rogue
>resists 3 kidneys and a cheap shot back to back

the orc chad

I dunno i've had some fun with it, that optional Ogre boss is challenging as fuck, and it's always fucking hilarious when someone pulls the scorpion pit.

you know what I mean

I raided to a pretty high level in vanilla, but the comfiest days I had were when I joined a casual guild and did 5 mans, we wiped, laughed on teamspeak and were in full blues, but it was so much more fun than the autistic raiding environment

I imagine even moreso with modern discord and tranny drama in raiding guilds

why is that? planning to be a caster

>start playing private server to scratch itch
>only intend to dick around
>getting up to 40 and having a blast
>realize this character only has like 3 months on him until the server either dies or Blizz releases classic
>stop having fun, but keep craving WoW
Just... release it...

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For me transmog really is one of the biggest immersion breakers in MMOs. I personally wish it was never invented.


They’re a thing, but they get laughed out of any popular or non corrupt server

Watching her play Classic was a lesson in human folly. I had forgotten how truly awful other humans are. For too long I cocooned myself in a sweet lie that most people are competent.

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>gold was important (saving 100g for a mount was a big deal, getting your talents right was important because respecs were expensive
>you can save gold for cash shop mounts
>azerite trait respec is expensive
How is it any different than in classic?

>He remembered everquest this time


>AV's objectives actually mattered
Hadn't that already changed by the time of the patch they are basing classic on?
Also pet battles and archeology are cool fuck you.


I'm curious now, gonna check that shit out

I fully agree
It was awful and mind opening

let's do it bois


Anyone else who was a little kid during vanilla? I'm going to experience a lot of things for the first time that I missed out on

So little my mom made me return the game ON MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY because she bought it for me not knowing there was a subscription fee. Didn't get to actually play until TBC when I was old enough to get my first job and pay for my own subscription. I still remember the pain of that day, was a huge WC3 fan and I was utterly crushed.


every caster wants to do it and there's two big best in slot items in there that aren't replace until bwl
I even think gloves is bis throughout bwl for mage and the legs for warlock got a month free with the game right?

>less maps
>less dungeons
>less classes
>less races
>less raids
>no finder
>having to party up to kill mere open world monsters
Who the fuck wants to play this shit? Inb4 people want the terrible FFXIV pre Realm Reborn because mmmmuh nostalgia.

>EverQuest II

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unnecessary crap

I think you did, but you still had to sign up with a credit card to play and she wasn't having none of that.

Why was the image removed?

Got 6-4-7


So are people going to roleplay like things are new and exciting to them? Because none of it will be. You'll just be redoing the shit you did so many years ago, only with a lot of tryhards and grumpy people who can't leave the past where it belongs.

Oh and achievements are cool as well.

>I need a constant stream of content and stimuli because i'm a literal child

Millions of people want to, you'll find out when your servers die in a few months. But don't worry I'm sure the 10 or so people left will appreciate your pokemon battle pets and transmog clown suits.

see I only got to like lvl 30, most things WILL be new and exciting for me

Why the fuck do people keep bringing up the "transmog" clown suits when vanilla had the ORIGINAL clownsuits

anyone think single-person instances would be a cool idea?

>Everyone is a walking wow encyclopedia that has experienced all there is to see

Hahaha, you sound scared retailfag.

>what is playing demon hunter

Because vanillas stood out with their ridiculousness, you see someone from a mile away and you instantly know what set they're wearing, how much of a threat they are, in retail you have no fucking idea what to expect, and just hope whatever retarded outfit they're wearing isn't as good as whatever retarded outfit you're wearing.

Roll threads are technically against the rules because they’re often used to derail threads.
Unfortunately the hot pockets are too mentally retarded to spot the difference between an image related to the thread and a derail attempt.

You don't even need to worry about that in retail anymore because people get scaled to template stats in PvP combat anyway.

but you can just get a group and spam dungeons right? that's a lot of what i'm looking forward to, the pre bis grind of 5 mans and ubrs it's gonna be so fun and comfy

>roll threads
Roll images, shit.

>I need to see what gear my enemy wears so I can avoid well geared characters and jump on weak ones!

life goals for classic.

LBRS was generally considered the slog of end game dungeons.

It warms my heart to see Undead on the recieving end for once

yes exactly, now you're getting it retailfag! When you run around as an R14 badass and see people turning tail the moment they see you, you feel like you earned that fucking title.

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Technically never experienced Vanilla properly because they didn't have Oceanic servers back then.

Will be cool playing with sub 600 ping

That's what turning off warmode is for.

If someone decides to flee from you because of your gear, that's a lot more dynamic than just toggling a mode on and off.

Lmao, keep doing mental gymnastics to make it work in your favour. I'm not arguing with some seething retailbabby panic posting over his soon to be dead game.

fuck off boomer

go zoom-zoom somewhere else

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damn this artist is good

Yeah, it's probably why I'm looking forward to it so much. I was 13 years old, a complete idiot, and my parents only let me use the computer for 1 hour per day.
I got my nelf druid to level 28, and my orc hunter to level 39. Setting your foot in MC and BWL, let alone questing in Silithus or Winterspring etc just seemed like distand legends to me at the time.

Isn't Chinkdale far enough that everyone and their mother is rich as fuck? Also tanks asking for dungeon fees when outgearing it heavily is normal, it not only costs repair money to do a dungeon they dont need, but it's also the only way you can make money without respeccing,

The orc talent is wrong on private server.
It's supposed to increase your base stun resist by 25% not add to it.

Wasn't base stun resist around 5% in vanilla? So the orc talent brings that upp to 6.25% chance to resist stuns if everything is working as intended? Seems unbelievably weak

I don't remember there being a base stun resist, and green niggers resisted stuns waaaaaay more than 6.25% of the time

T. rogue

There was no base stun resist. You could only get stun resist through talents or racials. Pretty sure the attacks that caused stuns could still miss though.

Then the orc racial almost must be an additative increase of 25%, surely?

It was a flt 1 in 4 chance to completely resist a stun, and it stacked with the Warrior talent that gave you 15% more if I remember correctly.

Yes. It was nerfed in TBC for a reason.

It’s not normal. End game tanks, especially well geared ones, would invariably have guilds or be scouting for one, which is where you’d grab them.
No PuG tank is ever worth paying.

>buddy and I questing in Hillsbrad as Alliance
>run into some Horde, 15 levels lower than us
>start fighting them
>more and more low level Horde start showing up
>eventually, 15 Horde vs us
>I finally OOM and they kill us
>realize, that for 20 minutes, we were raid bosses

I know Horde hate Hillsbrad due to the level difference, but I don't care. It was a ton of fun

i played horde in vanilla but i was on a pve server.. this time i'm doing it right and going pvp server as a mage

Wasn't additive but 36% chance to resist is going to turn a fight.

I'm talking about endgame geared warrior running through dungeons they don't need for gold, because they don't want to spend 200g to farm.

The base stun resist in vanilla was 15%

You think you do but you don't.

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fun until you do dungeons over 30 times for shit like hoj

It’s still not normal.
The problem is that
1) everyone needs to agree to pay, or at least one person gets shafted. The healer in particular can throw a major spanner in the works
2) paying up front requires significant trust, and people not bailing halfway through
3) paying after requires trust on the part of the tank that the group won’t dissolve, people won’t fake a dc or outright fuck off if they make it
4) at the end of the day, dungeons aren’t rocket science to tank. You can always hold out for another or grab a guild mate, especially on the populated servers classic will have.

Anyone who actually played WoW from 2004 to 2006 can tell you that "Classic" isn't going to be vanilla. Launch WoW is a totally different game than 1.12.1 WoW. Class balance, mechanics, items, talents, QoL features, certain classes being completely broken in both ways. 1.12.1 is the most balanced WoW but it was only 3 months that we actually played it, the rest was a constantly changing game. Hybrids bitching for years because they are so extremely niche that nobody wanted to bring them for any other situation, some classes going from complete domination to being barely played from one patch to the another, suddenly that one class that was absolute dogshit is dominating everything. All of that is gone, the game is mapped out, the meta is static. Classic isn't Vanilla.

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>nerfed in TBC for a reason.
Yeah, the inability for PvP fags to realize they were second class citizens and needed to shut the fuck up rather than start the homogenization of the races by bitching at Blizz.

Powerful unique traits > Reducing race traits.

If anything all of the other classes needed buffs, not specific races being nerfed.

I played a priest on lightshope, got 8/8 T2. Really enjoyed playing a healer. I want to go mage for classic, but I also want to roll a priest again because all these retail kiddies and new players aren't gonna have a hot clue how to heal. Id rather not constantly wipe having a shitty group that doesn't know what the fuck to do.

It's pretty goddamn normal. The prices might not be normal. but on a server with 5x the amount of players than a Blizzard server that's to be expected.

> You can always hold out for another or grab a guild mate
Sure you could wait an hour until you find another tank who happens to be at the gear level to do level 58-60 dungeons and if you have a guildie to tank this entire discussion is useless.

>especially on the populated servers classic will have
But they won't be anywhere near as populated as Chinkdale. Even if we assume you're on the most populated server. The server cap is going to be waaaay lower than Chinkdales

Also don't forget that Chinkdale has been out for a while, so the vast majority of tanks are done with those dungeons which is why they're tanking it for gold to begin with. This won't be the case in classic until months after release, because it's a fresh server.

Which is the best/most characteristic (problem with finding correct english word here for what I mean) level 40 talent in Vanilla according to you?

You mean the most class defining? Probably Mortal Strike, Stormstrike, or Shadow Form. Or Bestial Wrath, actually.

Do you mean iconic?

>>I need to see what gear my enemy wears so I can avoid well geared characters and jump on weak ones!
Uh, fucking yes? Duh? Jesus you retailfags really are simplistic as shit, trying to break the game down to numbers and 'balancing' everything with convenience rather than realizing the game was an experience before you raidfags ruined it.

The only good thing about Classic coming is sitting back and waiting for people to give up.

Enjoy the salt thats coming when people realize it's NOTHING like vanilla was and never will be.

There will be no barrens chat(oh people will try and force it but it won't be the same) there will be no new friendships forming, no sense of server community nothing.. It will be exactly how it is today.

Shadowform is the right answer. It literally defines the spec.
Also Moonkin, but we don't talk about Moonkin.

Moonkin form isn't until TBC.

Why do you keep trying to pretend like classic will be bad. Everyone played Nost, it was nearly identical in terms of recapturing the feeling and community.

So you've literally been proven an idiot before you even say anything and yet you speak anyway.

Moonkin form exists in classic

The panic posting of retail fags never fails to amuse me, why are you always flooding classic threads with these exact same arguments? What are you so afraid of? That your life support game is going to finally kick the bucket? Well you should be, because it is. We're going home and there's nothing you can do about it ;)

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Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right.

something you'll never know then.

Like I said, I'm sitting back and waiting for the salt. You have your classic, let me enjoy it too!

Shadowform is the most memorable 31 point talent. Honestly Mortal Strike is the most impactful in regular gameplay. The list is short because some 31 point talents have minimal impact and the 21 in another tree is usually more desirable.

>Execute every XIV tranny
>gas every retail degenerate
>Have pride in being white
>14/88 every day all day
>No work for kike bosses so I play all day


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EvErYoNe PLaYEd NoST..

Talk about being an idiot.

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>Also Moonkin, but we don't talk about Moonkin.

Nigger fuck you, I played with the best horde guild on Nost and their moonkin was an absolute beast, when he joined a dungeon group everyone fucking celebrated because they knew it would be a breeze, the guild even gave him, a fucking moonkin SULFURAS. He singlehandedly changed the entire servers opinions on moonkins.

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Funny you're not enjoying BFA, why aren't you enjoying your superior iteration of WoW? It's almost as if you know it'll be obsolete soon.

Everything that happens on private servers is irrelevant.

Say what you want about MoP, the lore was raped even more, the pandas were AWFUL, levelling was only a time waste, LFR and what not
But 25 Heroic had BY FAR the best boss fight designs ever in an MMO.
I've been raiding since early TBC and I've never ever had this much fun tanking. Sure threat wasn't a thing anymore, but the way you had to dance was amazing.

>WoW Classic is Chuck Norris


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I'm not enjoying BFA? Thats news to me..


i'm being radicalised help

All I know is if classic was out i'd be playing it, not posting in BFA threads about how bad BFA is. But that's just me.

It's fine brüdder, kill all kikes, heil hitler, play fash wow.

Every white human being who had the furiae evropea and will to kill all hebrews played nost, you fucking kike.

yes, this is probably the best word

accurate, see
retailfags are LITERALLY fucking kikes that want to keep you from reliving your childhood, GAS THE RETAILFAG, EXPANSION WAR NOW

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cant wait for 24/7 sellrun spam in every single chat channel and everyone running around with 50k gold+

But isn't that what all the classic fanboys do? Sure as FUCK seemed that way for the past 13something years.

I was 9 when I capped my Shaman in vanilla, for some reason Tanaris and ZF stick out to me the most. Kang the Decapitator dropped off one of the first mobs and I beat two warriors to the roll. Obviously I instantly equipped and used this axe for the entire dungeon while complaining I only had 1 weapon skill in 2h Axes and did no damage. To this day I don't know why they didn't kick me on the spot but they must of thought I was incredibly autistic not underage

No fuck you. I fucking love Moonkins, but over a longer fight Moonkins are going to do much less damage than other casters.
Sure they'll rape a 5-man where every pull lasts 45 seconds and they'll do great in raids that you have on farm because the bosses don't take as long. But if you're progressing and those bossfights start to take a long while your Moonkin is gonna run out of mana or be forced to heavily downrank real fast. Even with potions and runes.

The truth is that vanilla wow is a game made with aryan pride, white power and european excellency playing it turns you to the light and you WILL kill every kike and subhuman.

Have they posted an update on the number of classic servers that they expect to have up and running at release?

You mean when the game wasn't out and they had nothing better to do but play on russian private servers with 4k ms that regularly got shut down? Yep, sure is. What's your excuse?

This is what the retailfag fears, that their kike brainwashing simulation will get abandoned and their drones will move onto a game that will red pill en masse, the day of the rope is coming and there's nothing they can do.

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Nothing better to do rn.

is classic wow the savior for the alt-right?

Kinda telling when shitposting on a cambodian fingerpainting forum is more entertaining than the current iteration of WoW.

I'll be rolling a night Elf Hunter come vanilla

I know they're complete ass in raid DPs but they farm great and can camp people on top of buildings

yeah, thats all good, TOO BAD blizzfags too lazy to reforge their own fucking source code and remove sharding, you know, the one which everyone know WILL break vanilla experience (even blizzshill retards defending it here know it deep down in their small brains)
instead blizz just trying convince everyone thats not a big deal, in hopes that zboomers/talking wallets will eat it and shut up
good one blizz

>14 hour a day playing virgins mocked for being no-life discord tranny turbosperg min-maxing faggots while healthy playtime, immersion community enhancing chads are hailed as gods among men

it quite literally is

Yes mein brüdder, Hitler will rise again.

Post your mutilated dick, kike.

you cant even speak the word "bruder"
literally go back to elementary school whenever you feel like

b-but i'm one of you :'( did you misread my post?

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>until you find another tank who happens to be at the gear level to do level 58-60 dungeons
This seems to be the issue. These are nowhere near as rare as you seem to think

Or, maybe the game was just better? I don't give a shit about reliving the past or nostalgia, i just want to play an MMORPG that isn't complete garbage.

Your failures are your own, old man.

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Literally go hang yourself, kike.

Sorry, too many kikes around and I'm easy on the trigger. Also discord trannies and other subhumans won't play fashnilla because it requires high IQ, skill and thinking outside of the box instead of 1-2-3 spamming like in nuwow.

Fuck you're right, even if they did play fashilla they'd be so redpilled by the time they left the starting zones they'd even regrow their mutilated dick stumps

its just nostalgia, the game was good at that time but its not going to be the same unless you basically stopped playing vidya since TBC. I have to say spamming frostbolt all the time because all of your spells useless, having simply just better classes like warrior, mage, rogue ruins the game. Everything has guide now and figured out. PvP will be shit because everyone will just be twinked or min/max.

I am not looking forward to doing BRD again. I ran that shit so many times to help with attunements that I wanted to die.

And in retail, it'll force you to do BRD for like lvl 45-60 when you que for random dungeon while leveling. I know some people have a love affair with this stupid fucking place, but even back during vanilla I hated it for being too big and taking forever.

Is warrior really that bad to level?

Plenty of people agreed to either skip the starting areas or stop around the ambassador

Reminder that you can't roll druid because you are simply inferior to everything in the game, also like survival hunters dont even exists etc. shit game made for boomers.

it can't be. at the end of the day it's still wow, just buy more stacks of food and be ready to put in a few extra hours to hit 60. it's relatively harder but not 'hard'. you will master the art of not pulling extra mobs

>queue for random dungeon while leveling

gtfo retailfag, your lies fall on deaf ears

yes because you have no dmg and have to eat after every single mob, at least you are insta invited into dungeons.

It’s more heavily weapon dependant than most and social mobs can pretty badly fuck you if you’re not careful

I am considering making a Survival Hunter for no more reason except to show I can. I actually have a suspicion they might turn out to be really good once they have gear, though that depends on how their melee abilities scale.

>And in retail,

Attached: Sheep_face.jpg (120x136, 16K)

Don't make me remember the good times before they butchered it.

both completely wrong, shoo troll

I had a look at the talents and they seem really good, but getting it mixed with MM would be the most efficient

MM doesn't really have anything that helps Melee in terms of damage, all the Attack Power boosts in MM are specifically Ranged attack power. But at the same time, you can go 21/30 and get Scatter shot which is really great for PvP.

>he doesn't tank

I can get a dungeon whenever I want, DPS cuck

Survival was literally never good in vanilla.

Even BM and MM were better for PvP.

bro you gotta add GW2 fighting over the lgbt sign with WoW in bottom left.

Feral Druids were never good in vanilla either, but everybody knows they can do boatloads of DPS now. Survival has more going for it than BM does at the very least, because pets don't scale with gear.

Survival is only worth it after 1000+ agility basically full naxx gear

This is according to every private server Hunter player

MM > BM > survival for both PvP and pve

>can do boatloads of dps now
no it cant, its literally inferior in everything.
>heal: bring priest
>dps: rogue
>tank: warrior

stop lying retard won't save vanillas shit gameplay

Yes. Every moment is pure torture. Pull two mobs? You're fucking dead. Have to eat after every fight or use bandages.

HOWEVER at level 60 you are a God. Dual wield spec is fun as fuck to play.

just level with a priest.

>no it cant, its literally inferior in everything.

Oh would you look at this, a Feral dunking on Rogues and Warriors.

I dont understand what the appeal of classic.
its the same old boring shit that it was back then except you had nothing else so it felt good.I dont want to torture myself with leveling and running the same dungeons I alreay have run thousands of times. Class balance is just pure shit. Enjoy getting backstabbed by rogues.

I think BM is better for levelling though

This is true. Warrior / priest is an amazing combo to level with. I've never used the buddy system while levelling mostly because I never have time to regularly play. Everyone gets ahead of me.

>He posted it again!

Cmon bud. Classic will be amazing and you frickin' know it, kid.

Fuck off Scholo is great

According to the comments he's using many crowd pummelers from gnomer for the attack speed boost

So you need a bunch of those and in not sure if this was possible on retail, but anyway it's a meme spec and your weapon will never be upgraded because of it

During the downtimes in WotLk and Cata I spent hours soloing the old raids with my hunter and druid, Al'ar was great fun because it required a lot of pet management and one mistake would fuck you up, also farming Weavil's Island and just generally roaming around the old world.
The classic design is just way superior to whatever came after and just going out there and reminiscing was more fun for me than any current content.

That's correct. BM for leveling, MM for raiding and PvP one-shotting casters with aimed shot once you have tier2 and above gear.

3 charge item, lasting 30 seconds each charge

Have fun farming gnomer a billion times to have an inventory full of those

Is improved arcane shot worth it?

>not leveling as survival

jeez you're so mean wtf

This is what you want. Change human for beasts depending on raid

Yep, I'm thinking gaming is back

Why in the fuck would you?

Are you retarded?

Thanks, user

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>humanoid and monster slaying
>savage strikes/entrapment
>clever strikes
>trap mastery
>lightning reflexes
Literally the best spec

So hard to decide between leveling a rogue or a war, probably would not care about the war
if it wasn't for the tanking aspect, to enter dungeons etc.

>Getting in melee range to drop traps
>Running back out so you can shoot
>All while slowly watching the crappy dots tick

>Not just boosting your pet DPs a fuck ton or boosting your own DPs as arms

You're trash.


What the fuck are you doing. Survival is a melee spec.

survival was good with aq40 gear and up.

Is master demonologist worth it for the bonus resistance in MC and AQ?

We're almost home bros. My discord senpai say we should all get naked and touch dicks and then kill ourselves in celebration of finally going home and being cool for once. So, what are you all going to play?

No because Demo is a PvP spec, you'll probably be SM/Ruin for PvE.

is this ok for lvl 60 generic running around questing/dungeon/raid/farm as frost? seems like the most logical picks for me but i'm gonna be playing mage for the first time

Again why would you level that?
Dual wield missing spamming wingclip, just full retard

>lineage 2 and RO in the back, standing
Based as fuck.

forgot pic

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You absolutely, 100%, never ever want to take Frostbite for anything except PvP. It prevents you stacking up groups of mobs neatly because the slow from Improved Blizzard procs it and splits the packs apart.

ah shit true ok thanks

>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
Lmao yes it was

You sound like a pussy ass bitch enjoy spending your gold on ammo, retard.

>Play the god farming class
>Complaining about a little silver

>saving 100g for a mount was a big deal
Not really. You didn't get mounts at level 4 back then. By the time you got them, you had plenty of money.

If you leveled a crafting profession or needed to change gear, 100g was a pretty big sink

>re-experience for the first time again

Generally speaking, until ZG/AQ releases, Mages have two builds in raids/dungeons, 31/0/20 or 20/0/31. The latter is usually taken by one Mage who provides Winter's Chill for the rest, otherwise deep frost provides no dps increase so going 31 into Arcane is the best.

31 arcane has higher dps but Ice Barrier/Block are really nice spells to have, even in PvE.

In the end I have more gold than you because I don't buy pussy ass ammo, fagbuster

Let me know how those tribute runs go melee man

It's not a melee spec, retard. It's called survival for a reason. As in, you do better when you're in trouble. It's not optimal to be meleeing as a hunter even with a bunch of meme talents.

You're moving the goalpost now gingerbread.

He really fucking isn't because you get more gold doing Tribute and that's taking into account ammo cost.

Link to the new comic? I missed the 2019 version.

We were talking about leveling

Its going to flop hard.
>"Oh well we just can't give you the classic data of the game, we have to backwards program the game and hope everything is how it used to be. "
>"BTW we have to do this because we spent 15 years making the game worse and worse."

My bad then.


awesome i thought PoM was kind of meme and not used outside of the pyro thing


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It really changes nothing because you can't farm for shit effectively as survival if you're only using melee

Pet is weak and you can't kite
Hunters Mark gives + AP, Op pet from BM

You are stuck with auto, that basic move on a 6 second cd and wing clip spam that will oom you

They are going to do something that completely fucks it up and call it "QOL UPDATES, THERES NO REASON TO DO THESE SO WE ADDED THIS" And it completely defeats the purpose of making classic

Horde > Alliance
Shaman > Paladin
Warrior > Rogue > Warlock
Fury = Tank

Why do you faggots keep shilling this so hard and trying to get people's nostalgia going.

You know it's not going to be the same, people know way better what to do and will just try and grind toward max level as quick as they can. It won't be a new experience for them so leveling won't be as fresh or cool as it was.

>Everyone is a walking WoW encyclopedia, min-maxxing faggot that just wants to rush through the funnest parts of the game so they can get yelled at by turbo-spergs in raids

You just sound scared retail fag, if you played Nost you would've seen most people didn't have a fucking clue what they were doing.

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i'm going to be 60 by week 2 and none of you can stop me


Just get weapons with procs my man

>It won't be a new experience for them
orly? there are people who were born in 2004 who are gonna be the same age many of us were when we started playing wow. it's gonna addict a whole new generation, then tbc servers will come etc. you're gonna be waiting a while for your vindication

Yikes. Trash sever and trash population.

>Literally no counter arguement but "muh private servers"

Yikes indeed

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Not sure if trolling or just retarded zoomer

No no, you misunderstand me. I specifically said Nost, not private servers. I love private servers.

so this doesn't work at lvl 60 in dungeons/raids? that's annoying. it should work on HK too like the rogue remorseless attacks

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Oh yeah? Which are the good ones, Chinkdale? Cash-shop Kronos? Elysium with its corrupt, money stealing mods? Lmao. Nost was the only pure one, which is why everyone else wanted to succeed them.

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Not feeling like a hero most of the time is in my opinion the beauty of classic. You start as a nobody and have to really work ur way up to becoming someone

How fucking boring is it to start a game and be an ultra elite killing machine right from the start? Feels like cheating or just a really really bad mmo

you need to land the killing blow and to my recollection it does trigger on hk

Guys... Where are all the flasks pots and works buffs... Why are there so many people playing the wrong race... And they still killed the boss in naxx

I was told nobody could down these bosses without minmaxing...

It works. But you need to deal the killing blow.

is that a laundry hamper full of empty water bottles..?

The hard truth. Remember this when the shine of nostalgia wears off

Everyone he targets have some sort of consumes, also only 30 or so guilds cleared Naxx in vanilla.

>Getting to KT without wiping

That explains the world buffs, the rest I couldn't tell you user

noone says you can't do it without those things. it's just you should expect some small number of tyrannical insane GMs to demand it. most people won't care, i bet a bunch of guilds will clear naxx without minmaxing races and DM buffs and flasks etc, strategy always wins out right?


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I broke up with my GF a while ago and that last line hit me hard,

Thanks lad

I never played WOW but I watched videos and the open world PVP always seemed amazing and ambitious. Did they remove that eventually? If they did they are morons.

You can literally turn it off so nobody can attack you

>tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again
I love classic but idiots like you make us look like fucking retards.

>doesn't sort his recyclables after a hardcore fueled gaming session

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I just don't get how they could have gone so wrong. they did nothing but add to the game and it kept getting worse.

I even thought pic related wasn't that great

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it was still there at tbc start, lots of brutal ganking in hellfire peninsula. once everyone got flying it was different, you could get away much easier, the fights didn't feel the same. then yeah as of today in retail they removed pvp servers altogether and you have to both opt-in to even be able to fight i think

>shitposting on a classic wow thread
>g-guys i totally enjoy bfa i-its full of content

BG's were the first step in containing PvP and then flying removed all tension from the game. For all of BfA's faults there was alot of world PvP for about a month though when everyone tried out war mode. World PvP was sporadic and unpredictable in vanilla, but as people realised they could endlessly fight in a battleground instead of waiting to gank people many just opted to do that instead.

unironically casualisation. the need for a company to increase profit, gotta make the game more accessible to more people, more players more money.

I feel you bro. If it's any consilation she's probably fucking a black guy right now. So, be glad you're not a negro and can run naked freely in your mom's backyard without being shot by jews.

not that user but you've got serious poison in your brain friend, you need a mental detox from the internet and reconnect with nature

Private servers are joke.
>no cooldown on world buffs so everyone can spam it even for trivial shit like MC
>Clearing DM with party of 5 and letting other 35 ppl to get the buff is wrong so no easy DM buffs
>Black lotus and other herbs are much more common due to incorrect spawn rates
>Health/Armour/Resistances monsters statistics are all guess work and incorrect

With that said however i don't believe that meta will change very much it numbers will be totally different.

I know right? Why would a jew shoot a nigger? They're the Jews greatest weapons and allys against us

Its going to have a cash shop. This is blizzard. You have to know they would never make a server without cash shop access. It will probably have character services too. You people can't possibly be this naive.

Black Lotus already averaged like 1-200g from what I remember, you telling me that shit's going to be even more expensive?

Europeans killed the game

I wonder what level of cope we will see when Classic alone has more subs than XIV

The problem is that they saw the rising sub numbers from "QoL" and didn't get that they were momentum based and should have been halted by the end of TBC.
By the time they realised the monster they'd created in Cataclysm, the damage was done and they didn't dare walk it back. Blame Activision for not letting them take the short term hit they'd need to repair it, and the wrathbabbies that whined about Cata heroics being too hard.

Ironically though, it's what gives me hope they won't fuck up classic. The failure of retail WoW is a problem based around the execs courting the wrong crowd, rather than them being incompetent at making a good game. Given retailfags aren't the target audience, there's no reason to cater to them.

I doubt it. Private mega servers have radically increased demand, but keep spawn rates the same, because hurr durr blizzlike.

How does it bother me if some guy renames his character or goes from tauren to orc? Or if someone buys a fucking pet?
Dont be such a fucking bitching pussy

Gold was like 15$+ per 100 gold in vanilla its like 6 on private servers
Black Lotus had a 1-2 hour respawn timer on vanilla, world buffs 8 hours

Expect things to be 2-3x the price on retail vanilla because of things like pop size, anti cheat, correct timers, costs money so no bot spam

>All world buffs
>And stacking other buffs
>UNDERTUNNED enemy numbers
>Still the hardest game ever made, million of times harder than anything after it

I know what you mean, user. Not not that anonymous user, but don't worry your mother has a juice box waiting for you in the fridge.

Good catch.

What is QoL?

They listened to the vocal minority of retards

Quality of Life

Nope. They have 3x faster spawn.

>Gold was like 15$+ per 100 gold in vanilla its like 6 on private servers
That has a lot to do with corruption and with inherent increased value of gold on an official server.

>Black Lotus had a 1-2 hour respawn timer on vanilla
And how much was it on LH? I was a herbalist on Elysium and the spawn seemed pretty correct, which I'm pretty sure was 1hr per zone.

>pop size
How would smaller server size lead to increased cost?

but that's the same person? i don't get it


Quality of life.
I didn't mind things like in TBC having attunements that were relatively easier, noticeboard system to make dungeons quicker, heroics allowing a quicker gear up to raids, daily quests, or badge loot to aid raiding gear. They ultimately made things easier, sure, but at the end of the day you still needed to socialize and actually do the content.

The problem started when it went from making the path to raiding easier, to making the content itself easier. Things like bumping down attunements to honoured rep or removing them entirely, dungeon finder removing the requirement to socialise when it went cross realm, making heroics an absolute face roll due to lack of CC requirements, badge loot being easier to get and much higher quality, etc.

Less farmers, market covered and can jack up the price

>tier 1

With the same spawn rates, lowering pop would most definitely lower prices because of reduced demand. Cornering a market isn't as easy as socialist retards make it out to be.

a lot of people complain that it's coming out, but we will forget them during that first rr raid with 1120 level 10's

That's cool. It's not even enough if they have 4x blizzlike full pop though. And this is still pretty recent and wasn't the norm on these types of servers for quite a while.

I see, well I think part of the problem comes from the psychology behind these games anyway. often times people play mmo's who dislike socializing irl to an extent. the ones who really hate socializing began wanting WoW to go in the direction of not needing it entirely. those people are the biggest cry babies and ruined the fun basically for everyone. that's my take on it anyway.

Never played WoW before and going to start with Classic.

What's the most kino class for a first timer to start with?

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Oh man I sure love having to blow a minimum of 200 gold every week switching between raid and pvp spec. I can't wait!

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You get 51 points for a reason, retard.

If they wanted you to stay in one spec doing one thing forever why wouldn't they just give you 31 points?

Nah the crybabies were the social players who wanted raid and pvp gear


I think it’s a mix of people playing a social game but not wanting to socialise, combined with people wanting the prestigious gear without putting effort into it.
They just don’t get that it’s not impressive if everyone has it

Based Alex

Should I roll Paladin or Shaman? Which is hardest to get good at? Which is more respected?

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How to make shitloads of money:

1) Roll a hunter
2) Play 20 hours a day
3) Pick skinning
4) Start farming devilsaurs in your 50s with no competition

People shit on Ret more than they do on Enh but Paladins are better healer and ultimately better at smacking people in the face. Ele is very strong in PvP but suffers from mana problems. As far as I can tell from playing Ret, you have limited tools that are defensive in nature so the enemy will almost always have the initiative.

In raids blessings don't have the same 'oomph' a WF totem does but they are loved regardless and bring much more benefit to the raid. Warriors do love Blessing of Freedom and casters like Blessing of Protection very much too.

rogue. stealth allows you to avoid a lot of frustration

>4) Start farming devilsaurs in your 50s with no competition
>He doesn't know about the Mafia

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on a pvp server this is gonna be aids i'm not gonna even bother, it'll be 10% "farming" and 90% running back to your corpse

Are you dumb?

What's the debuff limit going to be in classic?

roll rogue, blind/sap/helmet the farmers, skin their dino and vanish

>implying non corrupt servers will allow them
>not using the bugspray pasta if some slip the net

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How does every single one of you manage to miss the entire point even though it's explicitly stated? Why do you think I said to roll a hunter? Why do you think I said to play for 20 hours a day? Why did I say to start it in 50s, and that there's no competition?

Hint: It's because you're supposed to speed through to that level, so that there is literally no one else in the zone.


>roll mage
>dm farm
>500g a day easy
>roll rogue/druid duo
>dm trib farm
>too much gold a day


I'm gonna roll either dwarf or human priest as a main, not sure yet. But I decide what my alt should be. Probably either hunter, rogue or warrior. I want to pick 2 classes and stick with them from the get-go, or else I'm going to be constantly making new alts and never getting any progress done, just like I did back in the day in vanilla.

obviously when it's available next phase

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SM Cath is where its at
>Wand boss
>Room swarms you
>Nova and blizzard

if they don't nerf dm
just chill until dm is out and you'll cash in hard

Don't do dwarf, you'll regret it

Ah yes, grinding levels because zones didn't have enough quests in them, and the XP/h of killing turtles was like 3x better

Come on zoomers, stop pretending you weren't like 5 years old back in 2004/2005

Back to bfa retailbabby

if you do instances there's no need to grind
you can even skip some zones like searing gorge

not goin to work that way

From what I recall most instances are actually really inefficient for leveling. There are a few that have a a decent amount of easy to gather quests that you should do, but you shouldn't ever grind them.

How so? Every min-maxer seems to say that dorf is the only way to go. I'll admit I'm leaning more towards human for aestethic reasons and the handy 10% rep bonus though.

>5 years old in 2005

You're the zoomer here, a

the quests for them gave a lot

The rep bonus is nice but it will eventually become a dead racial. Dwarf gets fear ward which is highly sought after for pve and stone skin is pretty dope for pvp. Humans also get spirit which can be kinda nice but it doesn't make up for the last two.

you don't grind
you take quests and do them all once

I can't decide which face to use for my mage slut.

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Instance Quests gave a lot of exp, and the gear you'd get from them made leveling significantly easier. Even if you didn't get any boss drops, you'd still likely replace a few items

If anything, private servers have only made me more hyped. It helps that I don't commit super hard to them, just use them to tide me over to Classic release.

TBC was alright despite some notable flaws (Flying, Blood Elves, Paladin/Shaman made available to both factions), it was Wrath where shit really hit the fan
>Multiple modes for raids
>Group finder, teleporting to dungeons and faceroll 5-mans that only existed to farm badges
>Unfinished and poorly implemented vehicles, made you feel weaker instead of like you were piloting an engine of destruction
>Threat management being turned into a joke that nobody has to worry about, no consequence for tanks dying as long as the b.rez is quick
>Moving away from raid mechanics like mage/lock tanking or resistance gear
>Raid-wide buffs destroyed the complexity of party structuring
>Rep grinds went from 'do it at your own pace' to 'complete these 3 daily quests'
>Passion clearly vanished for the zone designers; plains and forests are all you need
>Reusing old content for nostalgia purposes (Naxx, Onyxia)
>Freebie 'come and get your loot' raid bosses implemented via VoA, just another brainless weekly grind to complete
>Dual-talent system further reduced the permanence of your character's build and identity
>Pet/Mount tabs that started the trend of turning WoW into a collect-a-thon for useless junk
>Removal of attunments/keys

ffs i wanna roll alliance so bad

They squandered the old content. Add 1 but take 10

Killing mobs takes longer. Repair bills take a toll on your little gold. The most annoying part is how even if you are strong the monsters always get plenty of hits off on you. Being rage starved, hearing constant attack misses and getting out dpsed in dungeons starts to make you feel doubts. It is amazing the difference in power once you get a nice weapon and blues.

Dwarves are ugly, and 60% of people are rolling dwarf priest anyway so there's a good supply of fear ward already. You only need one or two dwarves for fear ward. After that, your fear wards start going to melee dps, which is just a small dps bonus.

>Want to PvE and alliance do well in that
>But i want to PvP and not be useless
I'll probably just go horde because the retail alliance players are god awful humans and i know they will seep over into classics bgs

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you can get a slow weapon, hamstring a mob, attack it, kite it a bit, go in for another auto, and take a couple less hits each fight

Getting a bit of mixed messages here, senpais. At this rate I'll probably just toss a coin come release.

No one wants your fucking Barbie doll shit you stupid faggot. Now, off you go to kill yourself

Do it, my friend.
Come join us for slaying hordelets.

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Kind of looks like Yenneffer.

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That's fair. Ultimately just play what suits you best. You're stuck with that character for as long as you play unless they provide (and you are willing to pay for) character changes. Racials are nice a bonus but aren't significantly game changing enough to warrant sacrificing your enjoyment.

You're fucking retarded. With equal amount of played time by the time you hit level 30 with your meme build the arrowman will already be sixty.

>Bad content not existing is bad because it"s less

That's how I remember it from vanilla and how I want to approach things. But you've got a lot of people claiming that if I don't roll dorf priest for fear ward or human rogue for the extra sword proficiency, I'm going to have a bad time getting into any guild. So that sort of thing worries me a bit.

People did this in vanilla

>Streamer explaining how the Grand Marshal rotation will work to fresh recruits in discord, 2019 - colorized

it's not gonna affect getting in any but the most strict guilds which you wouldn't want to be in anyway

kys furryshitter

>dude be a manly bearded dwarf and wear a dress lmao
>for a racial spell that is irrelevant in 95% of the game's content

You're not supposed to listen to these people, retard

>one the left isn't a tranny
what in the fuck

anyone got a screencap or link? I can't find it anymore

I logged onto northdale and did some /who'ing for this actually. I checked the race distribution for priests that were currently in a raid (AQ/BWL/ZG/Ony/MC), and the same for the priest population overall. The result? 50% of priests overall were dwarves. 49% of priests in raids were dwarves. So there was no correlation between the race and being in a raid, which shows that there should be no real favoritism for dwarf priests.

Not everyone or almost anyone feels the way you do. The reason you can't relive fun is because you broke your brain and are now incapable, the rest of us are fine. Remember, there is something wrong with you, you're not like everyone else. You're a sadsack. Kys ya joyless fuck

Which one of you fags told me to roll on Northdale? It's literally a chink server. I guess it's nice that its populated at least and everyone seems really nice.

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It's called Chinkdale for a reason

Hunter, Druid or Mage have an easy time levelling.
Go horde, alliance faggots are not good company.

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Christ stop being such a brainlet conformist and think for yourself

Playing what you like is ALWAYS better than playing for other people

Thanks lads. Now all I gotta do is pick a class for my alt and I'm set for release. I'm leaning towards rogue, mostly because I played a hunter all through TBC before I quit.
Also, release date when.

>bugspray pasta
enlighten me, dumbledore

Fear Ward is an amazing spell throughout the entire game, with its biggest impact being the first two raids (so 6-9 months of the game's lifetime) and always good in PvP. I would go Dwarf for the racials too, Stoneform is invaluable on most classes that cannot dispel (Priest can do that, mind you) but shines the most vs Rogues.

Diplomacy, however, is really nice to have and the 5% Spirit buff is the best for Priests obviously. I'd honestly go Dwarf just for the novelty of being the only caster the race has, excluding Paladins but they're a mixed bag.

I didn't hear that name until after I rolled. I partied with some guy last night for an hour or two. Was cool but he and all the people that joined us were talking in broken English.

I wish we were getting Classic+ instead.
>Bumped up debuff limit to promote gear/build diversity in raids
>Certain useless talents revamped, especially the 31 pointers (Elemental Mastery, Dark Pact, etc)
>Dungeon 0.5 set questline implemented much earlier to allow for 5-man progression
>Empty zones revisted and updated with more quests (Azshara, Deadwind Pass, Moonglade, Thousand Needles, Tanaris, etc)

mmmmmm im going to roll undead rogue and gank shitters

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In theory I agree but it would have to be made by a different developer

I remember on a private server like 5 years ago I farmed DM as a rogue, skinning those little scarab things. Was that broken or considered normal? Seemed way too easy to just sneak in and kill a bunch of level 10 bugs or whatever level they were and skin them. Took like 10-15 min per refresh and got mad leather.

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There is, its called retail, redditor

I just want barbershop in Classic

Commit to suicide, 1.12 is already barely authentic

Can you even name anything bad about his suggestions, aside from calling him a redditor and telling him to play BfA?

I won't say Dwarves won't be better gameplay wise, but do remember Horde Priests do the same raids without Fear Ward.
Play what you like, nothing wrong with choosing NE for example to be a cute Priestess of Elune..

build diversity is codeword for i wanna raid as ret

Guilds are going to be looking for priests, always. They'll almost always take a dwarf over a non-dwarf if given the option, but most guilds don't get that option and have to play it "first come first serve" with priest recruiting.

>Wandering level 25 elite in a 10-20 zone
Good joke Blizzard.

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Oh, I thought the mafia was equal part chink and slav, and that there was some Russian form of this.

>getting your talents right was important because respecs were expensive
Yeah making sure every class only specs into whatever the optimal tree is and hindering experimentation by harshly penalizing respecs is good design

Be sure you heavily google your class to make sure you don't accidentally put one point into somewhere it doesn't belong or say goodbye to your money

Just tell them about the T-I-G-E-R-S

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>hindering experimentation by harshly penalizing respecs is good design
my experiments or "meme" specs have done really well, I can't wait do to be using them on zoomer's who use cookiecutters

If Blizzard made it so Moonkin spells would cost 5% less mana or something so they aren't oomkins anymore that would be bad, how, exactly?
No one's saying "give paladins and shamans Taunt so they can tank". But changing 1~5% here and there so something is actually playable is negative, why?

*blocks your path*

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>I won't say Dwarves won't be better gameplay wise, but do remember Horde Priests do the same raids without Fear Ward.

They got Tremor Totem and WotF instead. But I do see your point, you're not supposed to rely on a clutch like Fear Ward but it helps a PuG down Ony and you always have it for personal use in some situations.

I'm and you're full of shit A few hundred is nothing in the long run, it's a few hours of farming. The frustration sets in when have to do it weekly if you want to both raid and pvp. Experimentation is something you only really have to do once.

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>tfw you don't remember why fears on the tank are so bad
>then you remember how cleave used to work like chain lightning and breath attacks would 1-shot half the raid

They're inefficient if you're speedrunning but on a fresh server I really can't see how you'd do without them for classes like Priests/Warriors. With no BoE wands available and the quest wands being few and far between I can't imagine questing and grinding as a priest. Also if the servers are severely overpopulated dungeons will be the obvious way to get a few levels, it's just makes the levelling experience nicer when you have items carrying you through quests

Hello. You die now.

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>that rogue that will wait in stealth until you are 50% hp and then try and kill you
Yup, that is gonna be me. And I am gonna fucking love it.

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I hate retail, but Classic won't work either. The big part of the Vanilla success back then was fact that most of the people were complete backpedalling noobs.
Now average player skill cap wise is on par with Vurtne and Drakedog.

druid sets are for resto


>The big part of the Vanilla success back then was fact that most of the people were complete backpedalling noobs.

Actually it was because it was a soulful, polished and easily playable and fun MMO. That is, a good game.

Imagine being a real life cuckold bros
Didn't read any of your post btw

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and priest sets are for holy/disc, but that doesn't stop shadow priest from being viable

Only decent picture I could find, he's 100% ready to skullfuck anything that doesn't notice him in time or can't run away due to respawning Graveyard mobs.

the game launched as an early access tier game with only like a dozen zones having double digit amount of quests

I bet everyone gonna play rogues. I fucking hate unskilled noob rogues.

>waah me no likey likey grinding
Quests are for fags

>nuwow turned all the darkshire citizens except his daughter into demon worshippers and had you kill them
>would have turned her into one too but changed their mind due to fan outrcy

Fucking idiot, you realize that most MMOs before wow didn't even have quests and it was straight up grinding mobs?


I'm rolling a Dwarf Paladin, how many QTs will I score compared to pussy Humans and Cuck Elves?

I just wish that they did the same for guild wars

That's made the game a good MMO. You can either be anti-social and run around each zone in the game to do each quest or you can group up and run a couple dungeons to get your levels. The game made it efficient to be social but didn't block you from doing everything alone, if they added more quests there'd be even less of a reason to do any dungeon before ZF/Uldaman

Sorry but all the pussy in the alliance belongs to night elves warriors and their floaty feet

But the wailing caverns and RFC have like 8 quests with great rewards who would pass on that sweet dungeon enhanced questing

So even having quests is better than the competition. Which is why WoW succeeded.

Imagine if DM has incorrect spawns and loot tables on private servers and you can't actually farm it.

you could farm it on classic

>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clown suits that break immersion
Did you just not play during AQ?

I often forget how many quests they put in RFC. I like how they designed it to make you travel to Thunder Bluff/Undercity as the only quests which gave you items FORCED you to travel to another city, it was such a natural way to get you to explore

Going by the four fucking WoW classic threads I really miss the days when WoW was banned on Yea Forums for being normie garbage.

ok but what does that got to do with my argument

I remember the only reason I was able to play at age 11 was because my uncle and cousin played and my parents were under the assumption that I'd be playing with them. We never did.

Is rogue pickpocketing and lockpicking able to bring in a decent amount of loot/cash? I'm debating between rogue and warrior for an alt, but I do like the idea of being an asshole thief.

t. discovered Yea Forums in 2016 but heard someone say ages ago WoW used to be banned on Yea Forums in a random thread

we're /coming home/

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His point was that you're looking at a game from 2004 through the lens of 2019. Quests were rare in those days. WoW was very polished for its time, and was less "early access tier" than other mmos.

Remember how TBC moonkin got a mana regen passive? But it was a melee proc? [sppiler]I actually had a decent 2hand mace just for those moments[/spoiler]
>moonkin why are you in melee?
>no mana pots

You're retarded.

No, but rogue alts are good for farming DM$$$ if you take the time to hit level cap and gear them up again, and warrior alts are hell.

>pokemon diamond

image ruined

Get a fast dagger and pick up clearcasting. Use innervate on yourself.

put platinum over it then

Except now you know every miniscule thing about vanilla and will have static content until the servers shut down. The magic won't be there.

In other games quests were rare by design. In WoW lategame quests were rare because of incompetence and lack of polish, not as a """design decision""". Or you believe there is a reason why Azshara has like 5 camps of Timbermaw Hold mobs and other shit like that?

Just because vanilla was a better MMO than nu-WoW doesn't mean it was flawless.

Since when does polished mean flawless?

Lack of polish is a flaw.

That's a shame. Maybe I'll go hunter instead. They're pretty good at farming too, right? And probably easier to gear up as an alt IIRC.

>praise wow for being good for its time
>hurr durr stop saying its perfect!

Autistic contrarians like you should be permabanned.

>retail pvp is better balanced and more skill dependent
>classic pvp is a mess of overpowered builds killing in 2-3 globals, or utility builds kiting shit utility classes until they die or log out
>AB is still shit, graveyards lol
>classes are half-finished garbage
>due to low droprate and 40 man raids you will get geared even slower than timegated shit on retail
>have fun farming for consumables and leveling engi for pvp
>everyone has a decade of pirate server fags videos to minmax everything for them
>legion engine will remove a lot of bugs that made builds viable, f.ex facestabbing and druid powershifting shit
>you'll never be young and optimistic again
You fags can have it any way you want, i don't even look down on people who play old runescape because at least they admit that they're just addicted to a shitty old browser game.
Vanilla is shit, Classic will be even more shit, and you're a 30 year old boomer who can't deal with balding and the lack of joy in your life.

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Sure, but not one that wow had. Why'd you bring up flawlessness anyway? Nobody in this thread even implied vanilla wow was flawless.

What's wrong with Arena?


>praise WoW for its polish
>WoW was not polished
>wtf contrarian!!!
dumb esl

facestabbing is a private server thing you retard

>saving 100g for a mount was a big deal
Try 1000g.

It was polished though. Go play everquest classic and you'll see what i mean.

Class balance in TBC onwards began revolving around arena most of the time.

seething retail cuck

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It became the only pvp worth doing as far as character progression goes, and because it's such a small enclosed area it focused the meta (and eventually class balance) around itself, killing any weird/unconventional specs that would work fine in wpvp or BGs.

Hunter's easier and faster to level than every other class, and on top of that the only class that indisputably beats it as a gold farming alt is mage. But rogues are more fun to play and aren't far behind when it comes to gold farming.

the more I read about WoW classic the more I realise that I can't play it. There is no way I will find the time to make any kind of meaningful progress when I have time to play video games.

Remember how insane resto druids were, especially in 2v2, so the point that some of the DK's early development skills were direct hard counters to them?

What's with that spacing?

I remember having this same problem back in the day, I can never decide what classes to pick. I'll probably level both to 20 or something and pick whichever I enjoyed most.

Maybe from the front, but you could circle mobs in vanilla and achieve the same effect as the "facestab"-dance. Retard.
You're never going home, you'll be old and fat for the rest of your life.

What, don't have time for 6-8 hours of farming gear, farming consumables, and then farming gold if you time left?
Classic is shit if you don't want to quit your job or play it exclusively.

In quick reply, what looks like a nice block of text that's worthy enough of its own paragraph just looks like a long sentence when posted.

so if they just didn't cater balance towards it the it'd be fine? I enjoyed arena in tbc

>hot up me and arena partner
>go bear form
>had the most health and armor in the arena
>only had to shift out to reapply hots or CC
druid was easy mode in the early days of arena

Hey guys i'm planning on rolling a mage, and i need some help with my rotation.
How many times should i cast Frostbolt?

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Yeah it would've been fine if it wasn't treated as the only pvp that mattered if you cared about progression. But because it was, combined with the small scale means that every spec of every tree of every class being put under a microscope meant that it would become the primary mover of class balance in TBC.

Don't forget to shapeshift if you ever get rooted, slowed, or polymorphed! That and travel form, or cat form+dash meant that most melee classes could never catch you, and you could LoS most range.

Why do you ignore the 300 hours of steady progress (leveling) that can be done at any rate? You don't have to nolife it until you get into progression raiding.

>getting rooted slowed and polymorphed was such a non-issue that i literally forgot about it

>300 hours of grinding "content" to get to max level
Truly the peak of gameplay.