QUICK claim you're gunfu before some fucker takes it from you
Borderlands Thread
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>trying to have a discussion about BL on Yea Forums
Look at this fag, look at him and laugh
Level 33 or so in-game as Mordecai and this thing has been serving me incredible well so far.
>Got the Pestilent Defiler from a vending machine
>Using it against Crimson Lancers and listening to them scream their fucking heads off as they melt from the inside
BL2 and PS literally cannot compare to BL1 in terms of enemy dialogue/voices and gore effects.
BL2 didn't have the double anarchy so it's trash
Any Vladof or Atlas shotgun. The shotguns were so much fucking better in 1.
I’m taking a break from 2 to put some time into the Pre-Sequel. I love Dopple, but goddamn is the writing peak obnoxious. I feel like how unfunny Nina is never gets discussed
You're ridiculous. Nothing compared to the insane shit Juggernauts say after you shoot their bucket off. You've got some serious nostalgia goggles of you think any of that shit was tamer than BL's screams and death sounds.
you already did OP
>loved BL1
>Hyped for BL2, Zer0 basically designed for me
>get the game, almostt everything about it is a massive improvmeent over Bl1
>except the loot system is way worse
>never even finish the game due to thatt
>eventually this past year here thatt the community baalance pattch and aanottther hack fixes the loot system to work like BL1 so legendaries can be more easily found in vendors and chests and uniques can be farmed
>can't find any friends who wanat to do a run with me
Anyways I lost the links to those overhauls/hacks/patches, anybody got them? Are there fourms for BL where I can find people to do a run with?
>being the thing you're complaining about
I hear a lot of people saying the double anarchy is amazing. Just found a purple lvl 13 double anarchy and it's good but nothing too op. Is it better for certain classes ? Playing Morty btw
Being able to shoot enemies from long ranges with shotguns in BL1 is the best. Way better than the shit in 2 where most of them are hardly effective at all past 10 feet. BL1 weapons actually sounded like they packed a punch, too. Hyperion shotguns in 2 sound so unsatisfying.
>Have literally been playing BL1
Borderlands 2 is literally trying to make Pandora into Rainbow FunLand and completely misses the point and fucks the tone up severely. Burch fucking ruined Borderlands.
The loot system is way worse, and scaling is so unbelievably fucked and enemy health values are fucking wild.
For me, it was the Elephant Gun.
This + Siren + SMG class mod was absolutely ridiculous. It shoots 4 (FOUR) bullets at a time.
I remember beating Crawmerax in what were probably world record times with this baby
Just play solo.
i claim any gun created by dahl and S&S munitions
>no Atlas waifu
These smgs were my favorite. 2 had like the Bone Shredder and then nothing else when it came to weapons like this.
Absolutely fucking based
I don't know what it was called, but pretty much any Rocket Launcher with 1 ammo capacity and the "reload instead throws gun on the ground and it explodes" trait. It was so much fun having Rocket Launchers that fired off like rockets themselves after every shot.
I don't remember Lilith being so fun. Makes me want to play Maya when I get to BL2. I didn't play her and Sal, played the shit out of Krieg and Gaige.
Where do I get anarchy smgs?
Why is the Thanatos so fucking strong, I’ve had a level 22 one from my first playthrough and it still shreds shit at level 58
BL:TPS is better than BL2 in every way except that BL2 is a better game. It's hard to explain.
this but unironically
I literally do not like a single playable character in TPS.
I got my best few from grinding Crawmerax. It was a long time ago, I don't remember if I had one from somewhere else originally.
>I literally do not like a single playable character in TPS.
You don't like the doppelganger?
athena tho
>Play as Athena
>Constantly get ambushed by Janey DUDE I'M A LESBIAN LMAO Springs
If i hit you, you are gonna feel it.
Why would you use a Hyperion shotgun when there are Jacobs or even Tediore?
how about you guys tell me if the new legendaries are good, because I just realized I only had a completed save on 360 and not pc.
Yes. All of them are good.
>posted mine right away
Fine, then this baby that carried me through at least one playthrough when I got an early one.
Never gets old lighting everything on fire.
Have sex.
Why is Maliwan the best company? Right up there with __S&S__
Fuck off Burchcel.
>BL2 and PS literally cannot compare to BL1 in terms of enemy dialogue/voices and gore effects.
Nomads exist, so you're wrong.
This was the best brand and I will not purchase another Borderlands game until it comes back.
This is what I love about BL1 over 2 or PS. This gun is still viable even though I'm up ten levels over it.
If Jakobs ain't your favorite manufacturer you're fucking touched in the head
>Try and play other characters
>Always go back to Axton
its on my old PS3 save but i had a lvl 32 Vitriolic Crux 4x corrosive that I used til i hit level cap. God damn it was nice to not have a weapon be obsolete after you go up 3 levels.
>tfw getting an Unforgiven masher
Axton is trash though. He's only good for unreliably slagging things.
According to the leaks which have been nearly 100% correct so far, S&S is returning for 3.
>retarded jakobs wheel magazines are back
I don't have a screenshot, but I got a shotgun on my Brick that shot 11 pellets at 7 damage each, with like 95% accuracy, with a required level of 4 or so. That thing carried me all the way to Crawmerax before I got something comparable. I just gave it to another character, and continued the rampage.
>he doesn't like things that revolve
He's fun, you can do a lot of shit with his turret.
Gaige is my wife
those are some ugly looking guns
I bet you like bandit weapons
I miss revolvers so goddamn much
This, the unga bunga bandit weapons felt like a huge downgrade in every way.
I've only played 2 and Tps how is the gore different ?
I'll buy BL 1 if the gore is good
Enemies can explode into fountains of gore and guts
Way more blood
Shooting off limbs is super satisfying
You can shoot enemies skulls off and find them with the eyeballs still in them
Welp that sounds awesome
I'm pretty new to borderlands and YouTube said to start with 2 but I'm definitely buying 1 now
Thank you user
Any way to guarantee getting a masher? Or is it just purely RNG
So what you're saying is BL2 is objectively a better game, but TPS is more enjoyable?
>YouTube said to start with BL2
Who the fuck said that, they're fucking stupid
I don't know why so many people overlook BL1
It's crazy to me how many supposed fans of the series never even touched BL1 and therefor don't know what the series was like prior to the Burchening
Had to grab a quick screenshot
I'm pretty sure he meant the exact opposite mate
>Choose your character!
Even with 4k the enviorments (and to some extent the UI) are absolutely bland and dull.
Don't talk about this dumb ass contributor to evil ass game on this board.
>first time playing BL2
>it's pretty fun
>friends with the game join me
>instantly becomes a slog and chore to play
The game works way better single player than it does multiplayer.
who melees?
How's shotgun play in BL1? I always wanted shotguns in BL2 to be worth a dam and they kinda are, but the actual feel of the guns is terrible
My nigga
ol' reliable
Where my masher bros at?
The Siren, she goes full Asura's Wrath on niggas.
The one I'm using can snipe a bitch from pretty far away
They have a really chunky sound to them too and overall just feel fun to use
Pretty fucking good especially the ones with over 40 accuracy
Good shit. I liked the explosive crux because of the ease of aiming for headshots, but yeah.
The beastmaster looks fun, it will all depend though. Hopefully they don't carbon copy anything like they did with Roland and Axton. I want new everything, and I'd like to see every character have options for action skills too. I believe I read the beastmaster has different beasts he can pick, so that is a start.
I got BL2 on sale this week and I rolled as Zer0, I've gotten to level 19 and I've found the game pretty difficult, I'm at the wildlife preservation and I'm basically dying instantly. Should I just reroll? I may have picked the least powerful class.
>playing tps just to play as jack doppelganger
>already spoke more than any of the vault hunters in 1 or 2
It was always weird to me that they designed these characters only to have them speak not at all. The dialogue I remember from 2 (which I haven't played all the DLC for) was from the cramerax head hunter where you spoke during the assassin questline. TPS is a huge improvement already.
Post your skill build
what the fuck was his problem ?
I can't believe this garbage series even became a series
The most boring gameplay
You slaggin boy?
Tony Burch was his problem.
He got Burch'd
If you are playing sniper then that is why you are dying. I find the beast types by far the hardest to hit the crit spots on. If you try some the melee or middle tree and still don't like him I would recommend editing your save file with the gibbed tool and changing characters instead of restarting.
I've got to say that the first was better than the other two because mashers. Also, the infinite ammo revolver could be a masher. Fucking glorious.
I liked the drop chance of legendaries in the first as well, but did anyone else find the "little tony says hi" or whatever far more often than the other guns?
I'd say I found that and the pestilent defiler at a rate of like three-to-one to other guns.
And I found this minutes in to playing the enhanced edition...
tps thrives in gun options/balance/movement/vehicles. mechanically, it brings a lot of interesting concepts to the table with OZ kits and new vehicles. lasers/cryo should be a permanent feature with how fun they are to use. that, and the premise of playing as 4 mercenaries rather than 4 inherent heroes is interesting.
unfortunately, a lot of the characters/enemies aren't interesting if not obnoxious. enemy variations in bl2 greatly outshine TPS, with things like nomads, goliaths, pyros, and other unique enemies bringing more to the table than the same variations of kraggons and scavs. their lines are barely audible and pretty unmemorable, while i'm sure most of you can shoot off a few BL2 enemy quotes right now off the top of your heads. bosses were as shitty and unmemorable as the characters themselves (pickle and springs are awful characters and you're bonkers if you say otherwise. the meriff and gladstone, the most remotely interesting new characters, got killed within 5 minutes of being introduced, so that tells you a lot about where their heads were at with this.). Claptastic voyage remedies these issues somewhat but it goes to show how incapable 2K AUS was of writing an interesting game with actually good dialogue.
all in all, TPS is a shame because of all that wasted potential as a result of outsourcing a main series game. Fuck randy, and fuck burch.
> TFW no S&S in BL2
My fav sniper. It's so satisfying and for whatever reason I can hit every headshot with it. Even while moving.
I don't have the game open but I've just been going down the melee tree.
>hating clapchad
>no mashers in the other two
I don't know if this is the only one but TPS has at least 1.
Zer0 isn't the least powerful, but he is probably the hardest to use out of all of them. If you want an easy traditional character, the obvious pick is Axton. The turret can carry you honestly.
But if you want to have fun, pick either Gaige or Krieg. Both can do a shit load of damage and have a degree of randomness to them that keeps the game fun.
More shots makes gun better
why is it so hard for strangers to understand how coop works? Sick of random faggots joining just to run off on their own and get killed. These little fuck bags have no awareness. Think I've broken a toe from my mouse trap relief.
I wish I had real friends to play with ;_;
this + bee was the most OP and satisfying combo in the game
>tfw no S&S in BL3
>tfw no Eridian guns in BL3
I hope BL3 goes back to BL1 in not giving a shit about gun manufactures.
What a shitty concept.
what do you mean?
>Playing remaster
>Random vending machine in the middle of nowhere has a fucking Hellfire in it
>Come back to it five minutes later and it has an Infiltrator
>Then a Volcano
>Then an Anaconda out of a pile of trash
They jacked the legendary spawn rate way up, right? I don't think I saw a single one in my playthrough of the original.
any masher revolver variant and any skills that increase critical damage absolutely shreds.
The lag gun
but... you already did take it from me.
he is got too high from respecting women
Sometimes they spawn with shit stats like too slow fire rate, but DA should obliterate everything a few levels above you easily.
BL2 took certain gun characteristics and limited them to certain gun manufacturers, so for example getting a gun with good accuracy could only occur when it dropped with a certain manufacturer was related
It was a stupid fucking idea which made all the guns generic
Gun manufacturers were important in BL1 too. They just didn't add shitty gimmicks.
They double-downed on it though. Seems like Tediore and Hyperion will still have their shitty gimmicks; the others may be interesting
Is the audio really weird in the remastered or is it just me?
Try getting some side quests done to even out your level, but yeah, that's when the game, especially as Zer0, can start getting unfair.
I'm 20 minutes into the Pre-Sequel and holy shit the Australian dyke makes me want to shoot myself.
Does it ever get better?
I had almost the opposite experience in the first, and I mean a decade ago. Though they may have increased the drops in this version, the first had me swimming li legendaries, albeit a chunk was the same 4 guns, but I
had no problem finding them.
I think he meant the fact that different manufacturers had different effects (torgue shooting explosive rounds, jakobs being all semi-auto, tediore exploding on reload, etc.)
From another thread:
>“Atlas now offers guns that fire tracker tags and Smart Bullets; DAHL weapons feature alternate fire modes; and the Maliwan range now incorporates firearms that can toggle between two elements and deal guaranteed elemental damage.”
I loved the deliverance btw in #2. The first like 5 I found was a gentle variety, so for the longest time, I thought that its name was gentle deliverance.
Yes she stops talking after you get to the moon sanctuary
If by "better" you mean "more excessive", then yes. There's a reason why people hated it and from what I've heard, they are taking all the shitty parts from the pre-sequel and putting it on the epic gams store.
don't forget all the effect with elemental, I loved using electricity, shit made their eyes popped
He had soggy knees real bad.
Basically in BL1 you could get all kinds of gun types from different manufacturers, but the manufacturers excelled at certain weapons. In BL2 every weapon manufacturer had to have a gimmick (Torgue; explosive weapons, Dahl; burst fire when aimed, Jacobs; high damage semi auto or single shot weapons only, Tediore; throwing weapon to reload gimmick, etc) , and also some wouldn't make certain types of weapons. While I think Tediore could keep that throwing weapon gimmick because it is actually kinda interesting, I would prefer if all manufacturers could make all different types of weapons, and burst fire wasn't relegated to Dahl weapons. Also the stupid shit like burst and single fire miniguns can just fuck right off. Hopefully with the return of Atlus we can have chimera weapons back too those were great.
ah i see what you mean, i agree. i think a nice middle ground would be having those effects limited to a specific part that a manufacturer made, i.e a torgue magazine would always shoot explosive rounds but not all torgue guns would feature that mag.
I choose blast artifact fists, at least until berserk drops off
>I would prefer if all manufacturers could make all different types of weapons
I hope too
>and burst fire wasn't relegated to Dahl weapons. Also the stupid shit like burst and single fire miniguns can just fuck right off. Hopefully with the return of Atlus we can have chimera weapons back too those were great.
Seems unlikely since multiple firemodes is Dahl's gimmick according to the official website
so is the game going to give me green and white over and over ? Because the loot system seems really shit. I only found 3 purple dart pistol gun during all the scarlett DLC
Nope. Main site didn't post S&S in their lineup of manufacturers. S&S/Bandit/Scav was replaced by COV (Children of the Vault)
Cheat table out, get your keys
You use berserk for the speed glitch not for damage.
So the manufacturers are: Vladof, Torgue, Tediore, Atlus, Hyperion, Cov Dahl, and Maliwan.
And we about Dahl, Atlus, Maliwan, and Vladof gimmicks mentioned Do we know what the other manufacturers gimmicks are?
Do you happen to have a link to said leaks?
>Do we know what the other manufacturers gimmicks are?
It's all on the official website
I enjoyed them. There's a Jakobs variety that has insane knockback. Either xx or zz, I forget, but their revolvers had it as well and it was great.
Does anyone remember if you could get both hunter's and xx/zz or a masher varient of xx/zz, or were they both prefix's, so no?
Ah, havent seen it yet.
Lets just hope the random dropped guns are at least worth using. Honestly calling BL2 a looter shooter sometimes feels like a little much since 99% of the guns are so shit they aren't worth picking up, and then there are 0.5% that are worth using but scale so poorly they don't last long and then the other 0.5% which are legendary drops that everyone and their mother farms and uses. Its kind of sad when you think about how shit the generator is in a loot based game.
TKs wave is good for hitting weakpoints in BL1, absolutely shreds those crab things
Taken from the site:
Deliver devastating critical hits to enemies’ soft-and-sensitives, then joy-puke as your bullets ricochet towards other targets.
Augment these rapid-firing, ammo-hungry guns with under-barrel attachments including tasers, rocket tubes, and additional gun barrels.
Step 1: Hit your enemies with tracker tags. Step 2: Unleash a hail of Smart Bullets that track towards your targets. Step 3: Loot!
Aim down the sights to take cover behind your weapon-mounted shield and keep your finger on the trigger for increased accuracy.
Toggle between alternate fire modes depending on your play style, your predicament, and your predilection for bonus damage.
Toggle between alternate fire modes depending on your play style, your predicament, and your predilection for bonus damage.
Enjoy uninterrupted damage-dealing courtesy of “infinite” ammo magazines, occasionally interrupted by unpredictable overheating.
Switch between regular and sticky-projectile fire modes. Stickies do more damage if a bunch of them detonate on the same target.
Toss your gun like a grenade to reload, then watch it pursue a nearby enemy as a fully loaded version digistructs in your hand.
Why didn't I give a link, you ask. I don't know...
>Step 1: Hit your enemies with tracker tags. Step 2: Unleash a hail of Smart Bullets that track towards your targets.
children of the vault. it's a cult run by the two punk looking baddies in the trailer.
I seriously hope each of the companies makes weapons of every type. Torgue snipers, Jakobs miniguns, Dahl flamethrowers. It'd vary everything up a BUNCH
T-they'll update the main site with S&S one day, r-right?
Also COV guns are practically Eridian.
>vladof smg
>shoots so fast the game crashes
>tediore minigun
>explosions so powerful it's like a nuke detonates.
>predilection for bonus damage
Translation: You will be firing in the alternate burst or semi-auto modes all the time because their bonus damage makes your DPS better, which will make them a pain in the ass to use.
I sure hope I'm wrong.
>option to remove scopes from guns
>bolt action jakobs rifles
>revolvers to return
All I want.
It's gonna be a pile of shit, isn't it...
>All these cheap, bread&circus type gimmicks
...What the FUCK is their problem? Goddamn Australians.
Pretty sure you're getting the last two. First one I wouldn't hold my breath over.
94% Sham + this
Doesn't seem like it's be too difficult or gamebreaking. Could have it so you can only do it at the hub city/ship/whatever. Could even have an annoying, terribly written character called Scopey McNoscope. I don't care, I just don't want pistols or revolvers with fucking scopes.
I’m 5 hours into BL2, not really impressed so far. Does it get better?
I wanna play with other people though
I didn't like BL2 until my UVH playthrough, and it was much more boring solo than BL was. So maybe.
Only masher I know of in 2 and TPS other than that is Maggie but it's a legendary. mashers are too good to be limited rarity weapons
I always felt like difficulty scaling was BL worst issue. I remember floating through BL1 then sections of being vs million HP gods who just one shotted me then in BL2 the difficulty was fair up till you meet Roland the robots start coming at which point it just felt like an absolute slog of abusing the downed mechanicals waiting for my ability
Can I just say that I really fucking hate ridiculous damage numbers like that
I like that BL1 did the smart thing and kept the numbers in the hundreds to thousands
>Go to snipe enemy who hasn't seen me
>They instantly know I'm here and move or duck
Oh for fucks sake.
if its anything like BL1 you get revolvers with and without the scopes.
And Morningstar
BL2 and Pre sequel felt excessively grindy to me. It wasnt until I got a long way into the game that I started to enjoy it. Most of the characters are poorly written too
>revolver shit design
could be passable with less shit on it
>retarded wheel magazine
Ruins the lever action rifle completely
>stupidly long unusable scope on the sniper
no comment on this one
>magazine on a two barelled shotgun
Gearbox once again proving they're retarded.
god the guns are so shit in 2 and PS
Play bl2 reborn with 5% level scaling (bl2 vanilla uses 13%) and suddenly bl2 is more like bl1.
Play SMG oriented Lilith with a double anarchy and watch everything melt
>decided to retry BL1 since it got a remaster
>hate how its so based on level
>realize the quests are boring as fuck with shit rewards
Say what you will about BL2 but it was at least better than 1.
I agree for the most part with your assessment. The magazine on the double-barreled shotgun makes sense if you think about the fact that each drum could feed into each barrel. Now, if they have a tri or quad barrel without adding more drums, then yeah, retarded shit.
Isn't BL1's scaling linear to the others exponential?
Zer0 gets his shit pushed in pretty hard by Stalkers. Shock weapons are mandatory.
This, this along with Thanatos and Draco are the reason why S&S will forever stay in my heart. Fuck Bandit.
Don't forget about the explosive crux.
BL2 has bad guns
that kills is as far as i'm concerned
Ability then KUNAIS
Fuck no it wasn't.
Get a relic that increases mag size to 4. You can get two shots out of it, suddenly it becomes a real beast.
>evil smasher + gaige + fibber
>terrible scaling
>forced gimmick weapons
>shit meme writing
>retconned pandora being canonically a desert planet that required two games after to smooth over.
>Eridians and there weapons are magically gone.
>excruciatingly slow leveling system forcing MMo levels of grind to proceed.
>cant have multple vehicle types at once despite the first game able to handel it in its DLC.
>legendaries have to come from bosses, uniques have to come from missions or be set at static points in the maps.
>no hidden missions or areas
yep BL2 sure was great.
how do I know the mod is working ? I only opened the file
and my gunfu was already posted
i think i got one at the end of my first play, did the whole new one only using it and it was great
i hope they buff volcano on BL3, she was underwhelming on 2
>Jakob boasts that you can fire as fast as you pull the trigger
>their shotguns only have like 2 or 4 shell capacity
Why is this allowed? What's the fucking point of firing as fast as you want when you have to reload every second?
Should I roll Lilith or Roland for the remaster? I very much like Lilith's SMGs and elemental damage but I always like her action skill less and less as the game goes on and I hate the ammo problems she has until you find a nice ammo regen mod, Roland doesn't seem to have those problems but IIRC assault rifles were pretty hit or miss in that game.
Replaying on Emhanced with my bro and we're having a fucking blast as Brick & Roland.
I got the Hive Mind from the main game final boss, one of the new orange wespons. I have no idea what its effect does and it's unconfirmed, but at level 34 it has a whopping 2600 damage and quickly fires 3 rockets on click. We're nearing level 41 now and I have found nothing else close to as good, still oneshotting most enemies in AoE.
Just how retarded do you have to be to actually believe this?
is there a mod that increases the difficulty multiplayer for the GOTY version yet? there's fuck anybody playing and it's too boring by defaukt
well, enhanced version
Google is your friend.
Plenty of tutorial videos on how to install the community patch (which i personally recommend) and any other mod you might want.
Mord and shit on eredians late game with trespass.
Roland is good if you don't spend points on his turret. Get yourself support machine gun from Vladof or Atlas (Orge can chew through almost everything), any S&S guns and a Mod that allows you to regen ammo.
>terrible scaling
Currently replaying BL1. How the fuck is this a problem unique to 2? Enemies two levels above you take far too long to go down.
Also BL1's pacing is shit. It takes nearly an hour of backtracking fetch quests to get to the first boss, whereas BL2 throws 3 at you within the first hour.
I love the E Gun but hate that it deals incendiary damage when calculating resistances.
Roland is pretty broken, you get super fast turret regen, ammo and grenade regen, and health regen. One thing BL2 did better was seperate those bonuses between the four characters.
>hit or miss
>talking about rifles and not smg's
I've heard that legendary weapons drop more often (from like two people though, so...), so you may be able to get over the ammo. problem with Lillith through that. Are you on PC? If so, you can always make your save file read-only so you can farm the shift key chest for the gun.
Lillith was the only character I never played. I don't know why. It may be that I was always meh about smg's. Did you find her decent?
>800% crit sniper
>corrosive revolver
>explosive burst repeater
mord is so fucking satisfying lads I swear
Shortstack all the way.
quality > quantity
that's sick
You can kill an enemy more than 8 levels above you in BL1. That's not physically possible without cheating or cheesing in BL2.
Also I never defended BL1s pacing, but the point is you can if you are skilled enough and well equipped enough just run through the main story without ever grinding side missions let alone dozens of enemies.
Playing with reborn mod saved Bandit guns but at the end of the day they still don’t have the same charm as S&S.
Except that's not the case. Nine Toes, Sledge, and Krom are all fucking worthless. I phased behind the last one and sprayed him with an SMG and that was it. Lilith is fun, but Zero just builds upon her gimmick.
I'm in PC, yeah. Lilith is fun and good but after I while I just start to dislike phasewalking because it makes your gameplay revolve around constantly leaving combat and not play the game. It'd be more fun to have high risk high reward gameplay instead of "press F whenever your hp goes below 40%, wait until you have full health, rinse and repeat"
I still remember back when modding became big with BL1 and people were using modded shields and weapons but they'd always want to duel, then forget that mordecai can ignore shields, so they still get gibbed
Every Salvador main is resisting the urge to bring up Grog Nozzle/Unkempt Harold right now.
What character do you play?
I played all of them and for me Salvador (Gunzerker) and Zer0 were the most boring, I barely managed to finish the game with them, even if they are most overpowered later on, while most other people love them.
I enjoyed Krieg and Maya the most and I played through the game 8 times on each.
But the scope isn't too far back to be unusable? It's offset to the side so its going to be awkward but its been done before. The scope is long to emulate what the very first ones looked like.
If youre just dying constantly the issue might be as simple as you or your weapons being under leveled. Players tend to stick to guns they like despite them being past the point of being viable. Just a guess though
How the FUCK are you supposed to hit Crawmerax's back crit spot?
> if you are skilled enough and well equipped enough just run through the main story without ever grinding side missions let alone dozens of enemies.
Every speedrun disagrees with this.
Your output is still higher than if there was a delay ?
I played Mord and the bird's ridiculous at healing me. Add to it that I can have him out every 6 or so seconds (less if I'm going sniper) and that him hitting enemies will drop healing items and it is insane.
Also, they made it so you don't have to click on an item to pick it up. Good move on their part.
>phasewalks behind him
You did choose Lilith, right?
Is anarchy the only way to play gaige? I just want to zap shit without spray n pray. Also really sucks that the electrocute chance is multiplicative.
Thinking about just switching to zero and playing as a headshot bot.
A good legendary Bulldog I picked up at level 20 served me well right up until ~46 or so.
In BDL2 that's impossible since instead of scaling linearl like in BDL1, everything scales exponentially.
So in BDL1 a level 45 gun is about 2.5 times as powerful as a level 20 gun, but in BDL2 level 45 gun will be 10-15 times as powerful as level 20 one.
The thing about looter-shooter games is that you feel attached to your good stuff and feel satisfaction when something really good drops.
In BDL2 you can't get attached to a gun until you start grinding out max level because everything before that gets outclassd in half an hour.
How are you supposed to hold that Vladof pistol? Why are the retarded artists still working on this game?
No I chose Mordecai because I ain't gay
turret distraction with roland, git gud with mordecai, phasewalk with lillith, get fucked with brick.
Pretty much only Lilith can solo Crawmerax
>Enemies two levels above you take far too long to go down.
No they don't..
>hating on borderlands weapons
It should be an autoban.
I was ambivalent on the shotgun at first but looking at it closer there's no way for it to eject rounds.
The best idea I can come up with for how it works is that it's actually a manual break action that uses the magazine somehow to speed up loading. Eject the spent rounds by breaking it open, then close it and the weapon feeds fresh shells in. With the amount of electronic components in BL weapons its not unreasonable for it to have a lot of powered moving parts to accommodate that odd design.
This weapon would melt every single boss in less than 10 seconds.
No, you can go with the other two trees. It's been a while so I don't remember what I did, but I was able to make it work.
>designed to be done as fast as possible
Of course you arent going to be able to cruise through the game without grinding, doesn't mean its not possible. I've done it before in one of my many playthroughs, wanted to get to UVM so i didn't bother with sidequests because I knew the rewards would be useless in no time.
Back to farming the Armory I suppose
Install the community patch.
Everyone can fucking solo Crawmerax, there is a spot that the gay fuck cant hit
Fun fact, that a thing like that actually exists.
I've solod crawmerax with every character except brick
They already have guns with legs, they don't need to add ones with wheels.
If Crawmerax is not at a very specific angle, you can't hit that back crit spot by hitting the long spike
Maybe the tube in the center is for ejecting the spent rounds.
That reward room at the end of the claptrap DLC opens everytime you load the game, so you get a metric fuck tonne of free easy weapons.
meant for
only during the first five months, then its The Bee exploit got fixed and best weapon gave the spot to UH
This. It's fucking pointless. Just because Borderlands 1 was more subdued, didn't detract from the atmosphere of the game. It still seemed like a wild, dangerous place, where crazy shit happens all the time. Borderlands 2 and up is the Season 15 of Southpark of videogames.
Just go to the Vault and there will be several too
I don't care about money, I'm close to level cap and lookin gfor guns with good stats
Legendaries and pearlescents, the latter can only be found dropped by Craw or in Crimson Chests
The white male of course.
yeah but unless you glitch it then you only get one run per mode, and it's timed.
I got shitloads of legendaries from the claptrap room
To the one where the final boss was? Shit had like 5 chests
C:\Users\Your Username\Documents\My Games\Borderlands Game of the Year\WillowGame\Config
You can thank me later
Never played borderlands before the remaster (seriously anyway, I got to level 10 a couple times but never left fyrestone), but I made a mordercai, and said "I'll be playing this for real this time" and getting a couple levels every day. I'm up to like 20 now, maybe 21 or 22 I forget. I got that sniper when I first made, I think it's one of the new ones, that has like ten times crit damage, and it just fucking ass blasts everything I can get crits on reliably. Everything but god damned skags. So, two questions:
>1: Is there a way to reliably get skags to open their mouths? The higher end ones that have those breath attacks I seem to be able to bait it out, but regular alpha skags are basically just an exercise in patience/lucky crits when they leap at me.
>2: Can you reset your skill points?
I'm playing mordecai and thought "Oh man exp on crit kill that's basically perfect" but I realized there's probably a level cap and it's not a good idea to put points into that shit.
Borderlands1 appealed to my /k/ sensibilities. They were wacky, and a little out there, but still logical and rational in design.
Borderlands2 is mentally retarded, and the weapons were designed by people who don't fucking understand guns.
1. If they cant reach you they just REEEEE at you I think so try that
2. Yes
What does this do?
By the way guys disabling voice chat through ini (not in game) significantly improves performance in multiplay, possibly also in single but I haven't tried it.
Otherwise constant voice packages even if you mute each other randomly cause horrendous lag.
Even l prefer 1 to 2, but I'd never advise anyone to skip 1.
It removes the desaturation and color correction that ruins the game.
Only I have a feeling that Borderlands 3 will suck? The weapons do not convince me very much
>Borderlands2 is mentally retarded, and the weapons were designed by people who don't fucking understand guns.
Installed BL2 a couple days ago and it makes me mad. Especially all high level guns have some retarded shit going on and its impossible to get good normal fucking gun. Everything has to have some kind of stupid gimmick.
I thin I will install BL1 instead.
Yes, to reset skill points, go to a fast travel pole and on the screen where you choose your colors, there is an option.
The underground room with something like 20 chests
Fuckinfg right? Remember when in BL1 revolvers, shotguns and some snipers rifles actually had the proper number of cylinders for the base ammo it had? Glorious.
I mean in the main Story, tentacle isnt here and instead you have chests
>find good weapon
>99x weapon zoom
Your gunfu was just in the shop for me, and as I was about to sell shit to make room and buy it, I got attacked by bandits. As I was killing them, the store reset and it's not for sale anymore.
Your gunfu is loyal.
Not just you. Something is wrong with the dynamic range or whatever.
Nah, a lot of people have worries about the game. After seeing the trailer for BL3, I have some concerns. Namely the try-hard edgy look of the main bad guys.
Hmm.. been a while so i cant really remember that part. All I know is tartarus station is the easiest way to farm legendaries. You just fast travel to it, open all the chests, fast travel away, reload the game and repeat until you get bored. Knoxx has more chests but you either have to glitch in or you only get one shot per playthrough
I just tried jumping into a random game of BL1. The lag was terrible. Ant solutions?
not at the moment, the netcode for the enhanced edition is fucking terrible. Some people reckon if you disable the VOIP and just use a third party solution it is better but I haven't tried it.
all people need to have the same graphic settings or else they will lag like crazy
Tweaking the level scaling using BL2 reborn mod.
What level of % scaling per level do you guys think would be best for not getting ridiculous numbers, but not making it so early game you neve rbother picking up new weapons?
Is farming the dev chest (and the other 4 in nearish by areas) better because of the increased drop chance? Though 20 chests probably outweigh it. Then of course for the base game, there's always the crimson fastness. Sexy beast, that one.
No fix. People have to wait for a patch. This is Blind Squirrel Games though, so don't expect much.
Maya. I think it’s more about the fact that her skilltree at the start is vanilla WOW-tier boring. The only good thing so far is that I’ve found a grenade mod on the first boss that explodes into 50 million other grenades and pretty much wipes the area. That’s fun.
>You can kill an enemy more than 8 levels above you in BL1
I call bullshit. If it's a skull enemy you only do 1 damage to it.
>I literally do not like a single playable character in BL2
Fixed for ya
shit taste
even claptrap is fun
Looks like a new one added in the GOTY version, just go to the Vault, open the 5 and then reload
They are LITERALLY in your face
I don’t support companies that support hostile nations like China.
>claim you're gunfu
>claim you are gunfu
I am gunfu, prove me wrong.
The formula itself is fucked. It is still exponential, while it should be more linear
Look at the difference between level 40 and 50, then between 70 and 72 and tell me if this is fine?
It does not fix the underlying problems of guns prioto the top level having no way to compare to top level since the difference between the top one nad one level below would always be comparatively ridiculous.
Ruins what? The game already looks great. It's a 2009 game but holds up to this day.
kinda want to pick up the collection and run through borderlands 2 DLC or maybe pre-sequel stuff since I never did those. but then again, i was kind of meh about borderlands 2 since i mostly played through it singleplayer and didn't find it that interesting at the time for reasons i don't really understand. somehow i'm more interested in the game now than i was back when i bought it on release day.
mostly just kinda worried about the early game grind and not having anyone to play with, to be honest. i think i'd actually prefer to play BL1 but i played a lot more of that back in the day so i would probably get bored of it real fast
Try Krieg then. Everyone loves him.
Just try it, you'll notice an immediate improvement to color saturation.
i didnt find the ads for borderlands cringe worthy like i usually do, whats going on?
I liked claptrap, especially when you ignore all of his... action skill modifiers except for gun wizard. I swear, 50% of the time I was getting gun wizard. I used the reload explode smg.. baby maker? and the ice smg and was freezing exploding everything almost always. Add to it that you would get full ammo. at the end of the action skill so you weren't drained and it was glorious. Oh, and your party got ammo. too, but I think only once. Anyone try running a party of clap traps?
Also, doppelganger was great with spawning tons of exploding copies. Wonderful.
I've been doing a new playthrough with a buddy we are doing a Brick and Morty run
I certainly will when I get home. Don't get me wrong I love more color. I just don't think it matters too much.
Fhuck off Randy
>tfw no action skill that randomly takes parts of each of your main four weapons and combines them into one weapon for a limited time
And I know everyone here has already jacked off to bitching about the gimmicks, but fuck me is it stupid.
Jesus Christ, just shut the fuck up. And look at these fucking designs. Just throw on everything and the kitchen sink, why don't you? Just slap some random shit on their to make it seem all "sciency" and dust your hands off, call it a day. Ooh, wowee. It's the fucking steampunk of graphic gun design. Only 26 year old Domino's employees who put flame stickers on their dad's classic '76 Mustang would find that tacky shit "cool". It's the gun equivalent of wearing t-shirts with stupid knives and skulls and shit on them, that say "If you f*ck with me, I'll f*ck you up!".
When I was entering an art tournament at the age of 7, the topic was "dinosaurs", so I drew a pretty badass t-rex, but then, because I wanted to keep drawing, I gave it these stupid wires coming out of its back, and metal plates on its head, and a robotic eye, and even back then I knew "Aw, shit. In an attempt to capitalize on the drawing's unspoiled, previous splendor, I fucked it all up by adding on a bunch of useless shit to my detriment."
FUCK YOU, Borderlands. You sold out, you pieces of shit.
In a picture in the thread on/vg/ I see 7 chests.
Lilith: Overpowered trash with boring quotes
Roland: Bland as a person, but the single best support the series ever had, giving area denial, healing and ammo, all in one button
Brick: A better designed melee than Krieg who doesn't struggle to heal v anything worth caring about
Mordecai: Most boring active in the series, literally just an occasional automated 0 aim damage skill. Neat passives. Boring as a person
Axton: 1/3 of Roland's kit with even less personality
Maya: 1/3 of Roland's kit and she actively screws over Krieg because he's so pooly designed.
The midget: Better at guns than everyone in a shooter, tankier than the tank, heals better than the healer, retardedly overpowered and actively dislikable as a character
0: The dude for edgy weebs to gravitate to. Fun gimmick but surprisingly boring to play or listen to.
Krieg: Brick if he had to kill trash to heal and you got a pussy out of melee option that out damages your melee on the melee character. The most fun character to listen to and play lowest difficutlies, but also insanely poorly designed
Gaige: Another automated damage char. Neat gimmicks. Decent personality. She's okay.
The shield chick: Boring active just feels like Mordecai's bird
The one that shot fast: A worse version of the midget
The guy with the robots: Yet another automated passive damage 'active' char
The annoying little thing: Tried to sell his active on the spectacle of shit like meatcyle but the game felt too cheap for it to work. Ends up mostly being gunwizard: the character. So 1/3 of Roland but only if he's lucky enough
Game sucked didn't get DLC
Its amazing how much the chars peaked in 1
the only thing bothering me here is the fact that the cylinder on the revolver doesnt fit the huge barrel
It eats through ammo like fuck, but I love it anyways.
Yeah I mean those, literally just go there, open and reload
What's sad is they are remembered fondly for their sellout, so in all likelihood, they'll just continue down the path. Ah well.
Here are your guns, bro.
I fucking loved the Orions, that's got some sick magazine size. I miss BL1's weapons so much.
Reduced weapon types in 2 was fucking garbage and made me lose interest in Borderlands entirely
Those three Hyperion guns look spot-on with the rest of Hyperion designs though, aside from not being yellow?
How the fuck do you guys manage with the godawful cringefest humor in the game? I want to blow my head off during every single dialouge
literally weapons made for absolute weapon scrubs, just like Rhys
The logo is pretty clever.
i don't think it's a problem that there are weird ass looking gimmick guns, but more that they don't also have traditional looking guns. i think stuff like Dahl should always have very realistic looking guns and so on.
the original hasn't been so bad (besides claptrap).
I don't think it will, but if it does, you think Gearbox can oficially declare bankruptcy?
I really don't understand why Europeans think that using commas instead of decimal points for DECIMAL POINTS is the right idea.
just ignore it
much like the cringe dialogue in drakengard
claptrap isn't even bad in 1
he becomes actually annoying in 2
By not being a little bitch?
Seriously who the hell gets triggered over some unfunny memes. Who fucking cares. Literally mute the game if it bothers you.
The only reason to ever play a game or not should be on how much you enjoy the gameplay. Everything else is irrelevant. If you enjoy the basic gameplay, nothing else matters
It's only like that in BL2 and TPS.
what makes krieg so good?
He doesn't need any items if you know what you're doing until about UVHM.
being a fucking god
If its making you cringe then its working as intended.
He's the balls to the wall agressive character that goes in for melee and can get a ton of shit done with shit like explosions or self-damage.
the top one reminds me of mass effect
maybe one of the space ships or something
This, in 1 the only quirky thing Claptrap really does is dance. 2 turned him into a walking meme where every fucking line he says is trying too hard to be funny, like 90% of BL2's script.
I wanna fuck Maya, Moxxi, Gaige, Lilith, Athena and Nisha
But not Tina? Is it because she took the black cock? If so, I've got some bad news for you (they all did).
He's brick except you can't die to trash because he heals to max on every kill and kills the entire screen with every kill
A char for babbies who don't know how to play the game who just hide behind his instant heals
she's hideous
what are the differences? I remember dropping BL1 because of awful fps, FOV and shit like that
someone didnt play the fourth BL1 DLC.
Oh no no no no, you zoomie son of a bitch. Borderlands 1 actually took the time to make sure each manufacturer had their own personal flair and look, WITHOUT going fucking overboard, with zero subtlety.
I'm going to use a real quick analogy. Imagine you're reading a book about a dragon, and the narration goes:
>The cave walls were hot to the touch; almost too hot to bare. Bjorn was surprised, he'd been an avid explorer of caves these past few years, and usually this far in, it would be so dark that you wouldn't be able to see your own hands in front of your face. Yet even so, as deep as he had ventured, the faint glow of some immense foreign ember lit the cave's path and guided him deeper into the lair of the white dragon.
Now imagine you pick up another book and the narration goes as such:
>Xivophantavius Maximus Derumer ventured deeper into the cave structure. "It's so hot in here!", he said aloud. "Fuck it's hot! And what's that giant glowing shit in the back of the cave! It's letting me see, but also, it's ominous and dangerous!" He stumbled into a cave with an angry red dragon. It had massive flaming spikes on its back, and fire in its eyes, and it was covered in flames. "Careful, it's a fire type!", he screamed. "It shoots fire, because it's red, and also, it's aggressive because it's red too! White dragons are calm and shoot ice, and green dragons are sly and shoot poison!" Xivo roared into battle.
Borderlands 1 was the passage above. Its sequels were the passage below. Hyperion weapons from BL1 were different and unique, but not fucked up as they are in that pic.
Borderlands 1 HAD weird gimmick guns, but that's that. They were GIMMICKS. RARE. LEGENDARY TYPE WEAPONS. You picked them up from bosses, or found them in corners of the map. Most guns were just...guns. The same way a glock is different from a 1911, that's what Borderlands 1 did, but a 1911 and a glock still pretty much function as pistols.
her pussy is pandoras box by this point, imagine al lthe diseases she has
you took it OP
fuck you you fucking double nigger
I'd take the combustion hellfire too, but I'm assuming that's already been taken in this thread too, so I guess I'll just sit here, a gunless cuck.
>dragon analogy
fuck off randy
All of those got fixed.
You get uncapped framerate, an FOV slider and if you're like me and like how the game looks more without them, you can actually disable the black outlines.
I don't know much about real guns, but even I get annoyed when I see this abomination.
cool, I'll give it a try
The series' worat DLC by far is Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, or DLC2 for BL1.
>starts with 5 waves x 5 rounds of effortless wave killing, except for randomly getting oneshot and panic ensues
>x3 arenas, every single wave and round is the same except for slightly modifying 'rules' in the last two rounds
>one full round is on average 30 minutes, full restart if you lose
>beating all three arenas first try takes a minimum 1 hour 30 minutes of mind-boggingly boring left clicking with no mentionworthy reward, except +1 skill point not bound to leveling up for finishing all 3
>after that you unlock "challenge" versions
>these are 20 rounds x 5 waves x 3 arenas, in other words 6 more hours provided you never die
>at the end you get 1 more skill point and of course achievements required to 100% the fucking game
I agree, with rare exceptions like a carnage and a masher.
didnt read lol, take your autism somewhere else
>tfw zombie island is so good you exclusively use it to level instead of the normal world
does the remaster still have the "keep your insides inside" issue?
kinda wanna see how the online is but really don't wanna have to deal with cheating that quest out of my log every time i go online
The best one
I'll find it one day
Athena, Jack, Wilhelm and Aurelia all are good though. Nisha is also fun in a broken kind of way.
I don't know what quest you are talking about, but currently from what I've heard/experienced, the multiplayer is lag filled.
Are people playing this online? If I buy it am I going to be able to find people to play with?
iirc it was a main quest removed from the regular game that got cheated back in and "infected" anyone that joined a host with that quest, giving them an uncompletable quest
was really annoying for my OCD ass
Running around smacking yourself in the face as you and everyone else is on fire. You can also be amused as you equip a grogg and watch your health bar have a seizure.
I friggin love it.
Found this a while ago, as in before the remaster.
Nine Toes and Sledge are garbage though.
it could be about literally fucking anything, the point is, subtlety is lost, and the once delicate charm had to be blown up to accommodate for actual fucking retards with lowest-common denominator sensibilities.
Borderlands1 Cooking:
>Arthur had never deep-fried anything before, but the process seemed simple enough. He put the oil in the pan and waited for it to heat up. In the mean time, he removed the chicken from its saltwater bath and dredged the pieces in bowls of egg, flour, and spices. He had no time to read the recipe, but he could damn well rely on his experience and expertise, or be fucked trying. After a while, he flicked a few drops of water into the pan and was satisfied to hear the oil pop and sizzle. It was time; Arthur readied the chicken for frying.
Borderlands2 Cooking:
>Max Chefswell stared at his pan in disbelief. DEEP FRY?! DEEP FRY!? In all his years in culinary school, he'd never once "deep fried" anything before in his entire LIFE! He clumsily gathered together his pan, his chicken, his oil, and his apron, and his chicken was floured, and his eggs were cracked into a bowl (he had grabbed the eggs a few minutes ago), and he had a bowl of flour and pepper and cinnamon and truffles and other shit that goes into cooking (editor's note: I forgot to research how to make fried chicken, but I've seen Hell's Kitchen 20 times, also, criticizing me for not doing my research is sexist and racist and transphobic). He clumsily spilled the oil all over the kitchen counter. "AAAARGH! I'm so incompetent and clumsy in this sequel even though I was fairly competent in the first book, but only just a little bit silly! It's like the author forgot I was actually a competent chef and only played up my silliness for fun, completely white washing my character into a cheap joke!"
All of this is false.
This is Sledge. I shot him with a revolver with knockback and shot him through the hole in the wall. Glorious. Again, pre remaster.
Make sure you have the ingame console bound to a key, then type in "nameofpatch.txt" and you should get a message saying that it has executed successfully. You're better off getting some other mods and combining them into one patch so you don't have to execute multiple patches.
>tfw his shotgun with 3 shots
The fucking best
>Found this ages ago
>Still using it at level 24 because crits just tend to kill or fuck an enemy up
I need to find something new.
>Ignores the hot magic chic and picks the gay looking character that likes gayest of animals (birds) because is not gay.
I question your claim to heterosexuality to be honest user.
And this is a gun I got from a reward.
>go into the zapcrystal cave as soon as i get the quest
>end up spending about an hour in there trying not to die taking down all the badasses, alpha skabs and lobsters that keep spawning while 5 levels lower
i don't remember having that much trouble bumrushing the quest in the original, did they change the level scaling of some areas?
also don't remember bonehead being level 12 but maybe i'm just hazy on that one
Fucking love mashers. Is zz the one with crazy knockback, or is that xx?
Just downloading the remaster now
Can't remember getting anything particularly awesome when I played through it originally
There was one fucking sick orange SMG I found in a random locker that I used for ages, fired damage out the ass, was beautiful
The level balance in BL1 is fucked up. Enemies are always 3 levels beyond you unless you kill everything on the screen every single time.you can. BL2 had a lot more quests and you could even be overleveled for the main quests if you did too many side stuff.
I liked CM :(
long story short, BL 1 had a boring story with no highlights no one cared about while BL2 story had interesting plot and characters.
He was either 11 or 12, it was close.
I remember that cave. It would always fuck you if you were under-leveled, but the scorpions gave insane amounts of XP. Unless you mean that the enemies were 5 levels lower than you.
Same here. I found that there were a few bugs, but I only had a major problem like twice in that game. Must have gotten lucky.
Haven't found an xx yet to compare but this one doesn't seem to bad compared to other revolvers so far.
It really bothers me how Yea Forums always likes the worst games in their respective series. BL1 is hot fucking garbage in comparison to BL2 yet a lot of people just deny this because it doesn't have memes and you can use a gun for 10 levels.
You're making 1 sound fucking boring, while the fact is that it's just as goofy. 2 only has significantly more quantity of everything, and some forgettably cringy memes.
nah they were above me, i just decided to go straight there like always to get the shock mod for brick
as well worth the torment
I love BL2 and play it unmodded, returning to BL1 is the worst and feels too fucking slow, also only shitters use the "community" shit and yet they CONTINUE to complain about it
Call me god of luck because I had 0 bugs in my copy ( might be because I had the limited edition)
>people have different opinions to me uhhhhhhh
You're level 69, how come you don't have millions of health and shield?
Borderlands 1 baby
I'm not saying Borderlands 2 was ENTIRELY bad. Yes, imagination, creativity, and an electric atmosphere with high energy are GOOD (Jesus Christ, I can't believe I have to explain this shit like you're fucking 5 years old). HOWEVER, if you TRY TOO HARD, you become a TRY HARD.
BL1 HAD interesting characters, an intriguing story, a vivid world, and fascinating scenarios. BL2, while having interesting characters and a vivid world, LACKED the ability to REIGN IN their fucking dialogue and SUCKED my DICK. The art design was derivative rather than inspired, and where it wasn't derivative, it was inconsistent with the position the first game left us in. It's like watching a Chinese movie trying t badly copy an American film. They see all the CGI and action and one-liners and shit, but they don't TRULY get what makes an American movie so American, so their shit always ends up looking janky as hell.
Are YOU beginning to UNDERSTAND? Or SHOULD I ram my FIST up your ASS, you QUEERMO.
I think one of the issues had to do with the enemies ai where there was one typo in the code for the enemy to choose who to attack, so they just charged nothing at times. Apparently, they fixed this and it made things better, but there were still some issues.
>Turn off dynamic shadows in BL1
>Now get 60fps
Good god man.
BL1 scaling is different from 2
It doesn't matter what your favourite weapon is. You're going to get an upgrade in less than half an hour.
>Not being 69 / OP8+ already
Is anyone disappointed with how they portrayed angel in the BL1 remaster? I liked how she used to look.
>Doing OP cancer
>BL1 is hot fucking garbage in comparison to BL2
badassmeme/10 got me to reply
is stories from borderland worth a pirate
turn off the dialog sound. its a pity its mutes your character and the bandits you kill but its worth it.
I like both games, but the first game just has a better gun system by far.
>much like the cringe dialogue in drakengard
I know what you meant, but I thought of some Russian rip-off and I would love to see that, so if anyone can find/make it, I'd be appreciative.
the claptrap dlc in one was pretty cool. killing a bunch of them felt so good.
fuck off sperg, your kind is not welcome on this board
You nigger, this board was MADE for spergs like him.
because in reality its a decimal separator ?
I personally don't believe these threads are organic. I can't believe you mushbrained idiots can actually care this much or play this much of such an extremely shallow game.
>set others and yourself on fire.
>switch to a shotgun/rocket luncher when you have enough fire stock and kill your foe
>when your shield is down, go berserk and kill your enemies
>rise and repeat.
>terrible enemy variety
>shit boss fights
>poor level balance
>awful MMO quest design
>backtracking out the ass
>underwhelming skilltrees and character abilities
>boring brown and dull environments
>lackluster characterization and writing, every single character that appears again in BL2 is way better than their BL1 counterparts.
>Shit DLC, only Knoxx is good and that's because of the loot fortress at the end.
I could go on.
>I personally don't believe these threads are organic.
No shit, were you here years ago when BL1/2 were blatantly shilled before/around release?
Do go on
i dont want STD. bet it feels like she has a dark hole down there.
Is there any way to enable multiplayer scaling in singleplayer game in BL Remastered? Kind of like /players 8 in Diablo
But I won't. But I could.
Oh, and dignity.
I'll take Gaige, and Gaige only.
I really fucking hope that AI Jack is still around in BL3.
Hot dog down a skag den, know what I'm sayin'?
>underwhelming skilltrees and character abilities
That's BL2
495 hours of BL2 and just got my first pearlescent
No. Our of all his points, BL1 skill trees are the biggest offenders.
Maybe you should have tried the dlc's a bit earlier then.
BL1 Humor:
The oil burst into flames. "Aw shit!". Arthur covered the flames with a lid in a panic.
"Oi! Whuss goin' on in 'tere!", the house warden shouted.
Arthur beat the flames down just as the warden peeked his head around the corner. "Oi...What're you doin' in moi kitchen?"-- the house warden scrunched his nose.
Arthur remembered to hide the lid behind his back and smiled crookedly; "N-Nothing. Just...cooking some chicken!". He held up a piece of half cooked chicken and popped it in his mouth.
"Mmm. Almost done", he grimaced.
The warden looked at him for a long while before shrugging and sauntering away "Very well then."
Arthur breathed a sigh of relief. "By the way!", the warden called back over his shoulder. "Next time there's a fire, you know you can just extinguish it with a handful of flour!"
Arthur stared at the door as the remaining chicken in the pan slowly charred into black, poult te' flambe.
BL2 Humor:
The pan EXPLODED into a million pieces.
The fridge exploded too.
"Is NOTHING going right today!?", Chefswell screamed. Just then, his lungs exploded.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, my heart exploded! FUCK!"
The chicken exploded too.
of course im going with adam jensen
lots of flaws and still way better than the sequels
you're a jack fag who plays telltale games so your opinion is discarded.
you forgot
although that's probably more of a battleborn thing
Jesus fucking christ WE GET IT. WE ALL GET IT. STOP. STOP.
good thing pearls are from UVHM mode and not any specific DLC innit?
next time farm Loot Midgets at "Doctor's Orders", you'll end with a full inventory of OJ and Pearls
Never dropped anithing useful
I got it from 1 of the loot midgets in wildlife preservation actually.
>first time getting vladolf minigun "fuck yeah!"
>0 accuracy
>t-t-thank r-randy....
>want to play BL1 again with a friend because I genuinely prefer the scaling in that game
>Fyrestone is an extreme bore, there's barely any character dialogue and none for quests, Still trees are actually really fucking boring
>decide to do presequel because why not
>"Wow this is actually kind of exciting. We just got off a bus."
Even TPS knows Borderlands 1 start was shit
Oh, let me jump in.
Borderlands 1 humor:
Borderlands 2 humor:
A comma is a thousandth digit separator for readability.
r u like a wannabe righter lol
learn how to right ur doing it wrong lol
BL1 Guns:
Arthur examined his new stove. The pilot light was a bright fluorescent, unlike the usual dull yellow most lights seemed to be in the other ovens Arthur had purchased. The 4 burners on the top were spiraled, electric coils, that lit up bright red when they were turned all the way on high, and glowed a soft blue when left at their lowest temperature. Another feature surprised Arthur, which was the ability to switch from electric conduction coils, to gas-operated flames, which, Arthur assumed, came from a bottle of propane clipped onto the oven's side. It was the strangest kitchen equipment he had ever used, but it functioned, and acted like any other oven when you got right down to it.
BL2 Guns:
The oven window only operated when you turned all 7 of the ranges on to the highest setting, and the ranges went in order from super small, to super medium, to big, and finally, the largest range, which was slapped to the side of the oven in a strange, kafkaesque way. It was also weird, because if you wanted to reach the highest oven temperature, you had to put it to the lowest setting, and the longer you put it on the lowest setting, when you finally dial it to the highest setting, the higher the temperature will be, depending on how long you left it idling at the lowest heat. Also, when you're finished with cooking, the oven explodes and digistructs into a dishwasher, but only if the light from Saturn's moons has collected enough iridium to turn it into a washing machine first.
you're forgetting the most important one:
That's actually not too bad of a breakdown. Maybe BL2 is more like "lelulel" since it goes on and on and on.
What about BL3?
>Bl1 waifus
theyre shit
>bl2 waifus
theyre shit
why cant the west do waifus good
You're only making it worse.
I liked Lilith until she became the worst character in the entire series
>funny, cute, enjoyed herself
>cocky, drug addicted, clingy, nigger lover
>illogical, ignores friends, literally fucks everything up
but you already took mine
For the most part Borderlands 1 had better weapons designs in terms of practicality/realism (Not that these games allow much of it).
I liked seeing the barrel aligned with the chamber of the weapon and guns not having 20 bullets when the chamber only held 6.
i dont get how tps writing was so bad. like 2 had bad writing but it was funny sometimes. tps seemed to actively try to make everyone unlikeable. its an origin story on jack going psycho... but he's already one when you first meet him and he just gets more crazy after killing a single dude. he starts at 80 on the crazy and just jumps a little up.
lilith is a bitch
the lesbian npc is just a lesbian npc no character beyond that
moxi is dumb
is all bad
looks like a chimp with that nose
that's spot on
>Chinese Borderlands gets cute waifu Siren
>BL3 gets Unga Bunga Snoo Snoo Siren
Hyperion is /fa/ as fuck
>i dont get how tps writing was so bad
Anthony Burch
it's more BL1 character wanking (notice how none of the BL2 player characters are even around to comment) and somehow despite that firmly establishes how shit of a character Lilith is, and if she just SHOT JACK IN THE FUCKING FACE instead of punching a eridian artifact into it, BL2 would have never happened.
ugly and big head
but he wrote 2 too and it wasnt as bad
shit, that brings up a pretty good point. Imagine buying a refrigerator, and in order for it to work like a normal fucking refrigerator, you have to put up with all this bullshit like "the longer you leave the door open, the colder the freezer temperature gets" or something. Everyone would just boycott it and it'd never get sold.
So why the fuck would you buy a gun that has all these stupid gimmicks, instead of just buying a regular gun that doesn't screw you with any bullshit and just operates, as is? At least if your refrigerator fucks up, it's not a life or death situation.
Shit just doesn't make sense. For being set in the far future, the guns of Borderlands 2 are LITERALLY worse than the modern guns we have right fucking now.
We were further into the SJW-fication of society by TPS.
welcome to AnCap space future
my nigga, I still remember my 12.5 Ogre
Remember when South Park was actually funny and not a total shit show? Yeah, same guys who worked on it from season 1 are still working on it now.
They should pull and Arkham Knight Joker
Reverse spool mechanics are pretty neat for weapons that you're supposed to have long sustained fire on, making the "More accurate the longer you continuously shoot it" thing pretty cool. This is why the Tenora is one of my favorite guns in Warframe.
But on something like a sniper it's fucking retarded, especially when Hyperion is one of the major Sniper manufacturers.
just downloaded bl1, any lewd mods out there?
Brick actually does enough raw DPS where he can just nuke Craw from the front.
BL2 might have been done before he got cucked.
In fact I think it was Burch who made the statement "Don't do memes" for BL2. And look at what happened
i would rather have unga bunga
But in Borderlands 1, the machine guns just hit wherever you pointed your reticle at. The recoil, control, and lining up your shot all depended on how well YOUR aiming was, not being leashed to the gun and being led around like its bitch. There were special things like barrels from certain manufacturers decreasing bullet spread, or certain gun bodies increasing the firing rate, or certain optics manufacturers that had really great magnification, and they all served you; they all worked to please you.
Now it's like the gun is all "fuck you, I do whatever I want", and you just have to cross your fingers and pray you and your gun have """""""chemistry"""""""? Bullshit. Give me my straightforward guns.
>gone back to playing Borderlands 1 after not touching it for years
>enemies track you behind cover and are universally more accurate than you from any distance
>fuck all cover in boss arenas
>generally more frustrating
Was it just more heavily designed around co-op or did Borderlands 2 do a bunch more stuff than I realized tweaking things?
How could Randy even let that MEMEMEMEME slip?
No way that's an actual fucking screenshot. The absolute STATE of Borderfags right now.
>thinking Randy of all fucking people as any sort of pillar of human quality
nobody likes a biggot
just googled it looking for the Bordermemes quote lol
BL1 was definitely balanced with coop in mind
Coop only helps mitigate the aimbot psychic AI by virtue of one of your unfortunate friends getting two shot and distracting it long enough for the rest of the players in the session to kill it
Im so glad burch is gone
That was TPS. It's writing was... not good.
Baby eating? fine. Hitting on someone that's gay? YOU ARE THE WORST PERSON EVER
Also. Pic.
BL2 went to press and came out right before or just shortly after Anita's uppity ass fucked things up for everyone everywhere forever. SocJus was still just the ramblings of isolated internet crazies and tumblrites (same thing really) and not actual political doctrine.
PS is way worse than 2.
>>Remember when South Park was actually funny and not a total shit show?
stupid zoomer
im 27 i just have actual taste
retarded zoomer
The amusing thing was that they call everyone bigots for hating all that shit in TPS, yet these same everyone liked Tales from the Borderlands which still had gay relationships etc.
Turns out people don't mind all that stuff if it's well written, it's only when it's at maximum virtue signalling and out of place in the story or world in general people hate it.
>actual taste
then what are you doing in borderlands thread
shit taste
27 is old enough to play FF7 while young, the greatest game ever made
Nice buzzword though. Sorry I have taste
>drug addicted
Confirmed for never having played BL2
If you don't think that South Park was once a brilliant commentary then you don't have taste at all. You're also under 30 so your opinion is invalid.
could ask the same of you
She has an eridium problem and is the reason roland is dead lol
You mean you've never played it. They literally make a point to show how she's now addicted to Eridium when you first meet her.
i don't have a taste of course
bottom one does more damage due to the fire effect
Thing that's making it worse is that you don't really seem to be able to make tank or cover builds. The slow recharge delay, psychic enemies and lack of cover just make it frustrating.
Is it normal to die half a dozen times on a boss, eating away at their health each time? This game is making me feel like I can't play for shit. I'm tempted to go co-op but I don't want to rush the content.
It's not a problem if it helps save the planet. And she isn't the reason Roland is dead, are you high? It was nobody's fault.
>BL2 would have never happened if she just shot Jack in the face instead of letting him live, insane and shit
She could of just like, killed Jack and be done with it but nope, dying was too easy for him let's punch him face first through the Vault Power thingy and push Jack even farther over the edge
The absolute state of Lilith fags
Trying this now in T-Bone Junction. The unreachable desert looks darker and more...orange?
Everything else looks the same?
>>are you high? It was nobody's fault.
>the age old Lilith is the whole reason Jack went crackers argument
Why does everyone keep forgetting Jack threw 2 scientists out an airlock, basically for shits and giggles?
>hey lillith don't come with us
>teleports in
>Jack shoots Roland dead
to be fair everything was a self-fulfilling prophecy (watch what Jack sees while connected to the Elpis Vault)
Lilith is the catalyst.
Sirens are bad and Eridians knew it hence they're mostly extinct
muh dick
That's not the argument here. The argument is that Lilith could have just shot jack in the fucking face in the moon vault and ended it right there. Instead she decided to punch a searing hot artifact into his face and let him live and be even more insane
And that's how Jack got a new Siren, but also without her help you wouldn't be able to defeat Angel (for story's sake, because clearly you could). It wasn't however how Roland got shot.
The point I'm making was Jack was very clearly a threat by the that point and if she just killed him nobody would question it.
Instead she just provoked him that much harder.
>you're too good, therefore you are the worst
If only the red army saved Hitler
I mean BL2 VH not being in here makes sense because none of them were even on Pandora until the 2 starts.
Except for Salvador I guess, but he was kind of waging a one man war against Bandits on the dark side of Pandora.
That felt so forced, it's basically Jack's entire growth outside of him admitting it felt good killing the mayor.
TFTB did Jack much better, making him simply a entirely self centred psychopath.
t. smoker of substances
>shit meme writing
you mean BADASS writing?
That's the difference between anthony burch and actually good writers.
Thank god the latter is likely writing 3.
How should I skill up Roland? For mostly solo play and to make me suck less against bosses. Hear that the damage upgrades for the turret are mostly shit.
Presequel's story is being told by Athena after she was captured some point after BL2. There's no reason why the BL2 Vault Hunters couldn't take part in the quipping. Instead it was just Lilith, Mordecai, Brick and Tiny Tina.
It's confirmed that the Tales writers are on BL3? I heard that they're making it less memey, if the writing is half as good as Tales from the borderlands I'm hyped.
Turrets mostly a distraction tool, just get the upgrades that turns it into a HP/Ammo dispenser.
The big thing is getting Stat quicky because HP Regen is kind of a premium in BL1.
>some point after BL2
it happens in Tales
Find one with a Bandit or Jakobs grip for 4 shots so you can boom twice.
>dancing adult/late teen Tina in the trailer
Shame I suspect they've made her look like a drug addict but it's hard to tell.
Turret does fuckall damage, it's just there to soak up damage and give you whatever buffs you spec into. For a solid solo play build go:
turret>aid station>fitness>overload>stat, that should give you enough sustain to breeze through the game.
Still after BL2.
Is HP worth anything? Seems like it wipes out way too easily to rely on (level 17).