It's true y'know
It's true y'know
Other urls found in this thread:
literally who?
this could be a good thread topic if it weren't a twitter screenshot
Thanks for the twitter thumbnail you CUNT
>a twitter screenshot of some literal-who's useless impotent opinion
OP is without a doubt the most gigantic faggot on this entire website at this moment
Does every video game have to appeal to all audiences?
I don't think people even care besides boards like this and the journos.
Oh boy, a literally- who with no followers and 19 likes in that tweet, lets make a thread about it in Yea Forums.
This thread was made by "qason".
>Does every video game have to appeal to all audiences?
Yes, otherwise it's bigotry.
there needs to be an algorithm that detects twitter posts and auto-bans them. this is getting fucking ridiculous.
>thread is nothing but people whining about a twitter screencap instead of an actual discussion
who is this?
>thread is nothing but the OP getting called out for his low effort bait
Its a thread about the ideas coveyed in the tweet not to discuss the existence of the tweet itself you mongoloid fucking dement!
>If From decides to make some other kinda game that isn't really difficult then people are going to say that they capitulated by whiny jounros.
Well for one journos are whiny about difficulty and two difficulty isn't the point with From Software games or more to the point from Miyazaki games. Difficulty is only there to give you a sense of accomplishment, if everything was a push over you wouldn't have those euphoric and memorable moments, From Software games would just be those standard action games.
Is that really the worst thing? Some imaginary reaction to some imaginary game that From hasn't made? Fucking brainlets and their embarrassing takes.
they fucking released a casual VR game a year ago
They know it's true, that's why they have no argument against it.
He's honestly just a joke to my knowledge. Like he's kinda friends with people like KZX, Mr feel, and the gigaboots guys. I assume OP is a fan of at least one of them cause he's a literal who otherwise.
I guess but the twitter screenshot ruins it
so hows Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village or Déraciné?
ive always said this. Fromsoft has become typecasted with Souls-like games. Some would complain if it wasnt basically the same game as we saw some with sekiro in the begining but most would just complain about a lack of difficulty. sadly will make returning some IPs harder too
but they wont make easy games
miyazaki is running the company and he has said time and time again that he wants to make good and challenging games
from will never pander to these cucks
Why do we have a thread for small tweets that have only been retweeted 5 times and liked only 19 times? You have to go really out of your way to find these
Twitter posts need to be banned. It's like avatarfagging but worse.
cool. I don't know who those people are either. A nobody who's friends with nobodies.
fuck off
>from will never pander to these cucks
Just like how Sony would never censor japanese games, right?
Is there no way to auto-filter Twitter screencap threads?
Its almost like the chances of the person that screencappd OP also making the tweet are really high.
Demon Souls literally saved them from going under, and all the souls games thereafter were massive hits. Making hard games is in their own interest rather than making another shitty armored core game that brought them to the brink of bankruptcy.
filter "true" "right you know" in op posts
literally had this same """debate""" when bloodborne, 3 , 2 , AND dark souls PC version came out. this is how From makes these games.
From will be accused of caving if they make ANY game that isn't a souls-like.
Why did they make so many AC games then?
I dont remember any scene in willy wonka that takes place in a plane for that to be the filename. Is this a joke
I agree so I hope it never happens. Fuck these whiny bitches
diminishing returns
Sekiro is the most different game they have made in the last 10 years, it is in no way comparable to soulsborne games other than a few good design choices
What a piece of shit this faggot is.
Also neverfucking mind Deracine.
Because they didn't know any better options, it was the best they could do at the time and it wasn't enough.
When Miyazaki made demon souls and saved the company they made him the fucking president for it.
>this image
>based on a game that's basically rng
fromdrones always have a fallback excuse for them like "b team" or "its a sony exclusive"
You think the only difference between you, 2cat shitter who died to a tantrum spiral, and some guy with a 4-years-strong fortress, is RNG?
>i will ignore everything and just focus on my delusions that will show them
was it any good
If it were noticeably easy and a 3D action game, yes, you're right -- because it'd be true. If it were actually something totally different, no, nobody would care. No one cares if Deracine or Armored Core or whatever is easy.
>do the same thing for 10 years
>these "people" are still complaining about it instead of realizing it's not for them
these crybabies are deluded.
People have been whining about the difficulty of Fromsoft's games since DeS. This underage faggot has no idea what he's talking about.
lol well fuck me. I looked it up, Veruca Salt doesn't look anything like that AND she wore red
Who knows, nobody played it.
its only because these games have become a phenomenon and they can't participate at all
if it was some demon's souls tier weird niche japanese game they wouldnt even care
>its only because these games have become a phenomenon and they can't participate at all
Just SJW's who think they have the right to play whatever game is "in" at the moment and not have to get good at it.
twitter screencaps should be banned from this board
reminder to sage
>just, you know
why do Americans speak like this?
DF is actually shit.
>preemptively seething about the opinions that people might express on youtube about a gaming company
What a fucking quivering faggot
She actually has people living in her brain rent free.
This needs to updated since it panders to trannies now.
>preemptively seething about the opinions that people might express
sounds a lot like Yea Forums to me
Wow, it's almost like people are tired of movie games that are catered towards people who don't even like video games.
Déraciné was already "doing something different" last year, a VR game focused on interactions with the environment and observing the characters, no fighting monsters and bosses and no focus on difficulty and no one complained about it being easy
If From makes another fucking game about rolling around and stabbing a boss in the ass but this time it doesn't punish you as hard for getting hit, people are gonna call it out
Actually that's completely false, people will only complain if the game has the crushing atmosphere of Souls/Sekiro and on top of that it's easy.
Go be a nigger somewhere else.
Typing in a manner similar to how we talk feels natural because it's become second nature to do a significant amount of communication over the internet. It's not really an American thing as much as it's a millennial thing.
>10 years
it's a prediction, it's impossible to say if it's true or not
But user the average Yea Forumsirgin isnt intelligent enough to form an opinion of their own, all we can manage is posting someone else opinion and saying "dis be tru" or "dis be wron" while posting wojaks and pepes. And thats on a good day, on the average day is the same shit but instead of the tweet being about the fabricated polemic of the week about video games is about LMFAO LITERALLY LIBTARD TRANNIES SJW LITERALLY SEETHING
>implying that's not OP himself
pretty sure most of these twitter tranny screencap threads are made by the same guys who made the tweet just to post it here
>literally “arguing” with nobody
Why are casuals so mentally ill?
This. These "what if" scenarios people make up just to get mad
Bold of you to assume I care about the opinion of a colorblind furry
Does he not know what Armored Core is?
This is lacking the 2 retweets and 4 likes to make it completely irrelevant.
Why is this man so upset over imaginary, hypothetical situations.
pretty much. From games are rather one dimensional, so removing the "difficulty" (honestly the original Castlevania shits all over it in that regard) would expose them for the hacks they truly are.
So they moved from whining about the game to whining about imaginary criticsm of a non-existent game?
You know a community has become garbage once literally every discussion is basically bait from the media. That has been reddit for a long time, and it's Yea Forums now, especially Yea Forums. Looking at the front page of reddit just gives me contempt for everyone involved, and looking in the Yea Forums catalog is the same now because this place is basically reddit's toilet where you're allowed to say nigger because le no moderation. It's just reddit junior now. Every thread. It's either a media story, or some shitpost popularized on another website by "influencers" and astroturfers, corporations, "journo" trolls, etc. It's over, you faggots are now fucking facebook tier and spend your time getting rube'd by twitter stories, holy fuck what a gaggle of morons
even sekiro saw a bunch of nonsense shitposting because it deviated
This needs to be a banner, this is Yea Forums to a T
>random twitter sjweeb opinions screengrab thread
If you are implying I am me ebin tranny from resetera being coordinated in a discord boogeyman I'll let you know I've been posting here since 2011 so you can switch your low effort bait.
I looked into it, this guy also whined about Sekiro but tried framing it as something else
He sounds like all the other fags on Yea Forums that get mad the minute they can't figure out a game right away
Then you'd know that nobody from here refers to themselves as a collective.
>no one complained about it being easy
No one complained because it's a VR-only game, no one played it.
a lot of these Twitter fags browse Yea Forums of course they let this shit board influence their opinions even if they want to act like it doesn't
We have been Yea Forums 2.0 for years, look at the catalog and see how much porn/waifu threads there are, console-tan threads that are no better than mlp fanfiction, fucking gacha threads 24/7 filled with subhuman monkeys spending 100s of dollars on jpgs, and the rest is bait bait and bait, look this comopany changed their logo to a rainbow version on the gay rights day, just like the rest of companies in the world with a pr department, this is the end of video games! Lets discuss this generic as fuck pr move for the next 5 hours!
then watch him see this thread which he totally didn't make and then make a follow-up reply of "yeah I'm totally not mad"
>Guy in tweet must be an sjw
Your insecurities are showing again user
>Then you'd know that nobody from here refers to themselves as a collective.
I've been here for longer than 90% of you and I do, so you could say we do.
hiro, why aren't garbage twatter screenshot threads deleted on sight?
When Sekiro came out I decided to see the tag for it on twitter just to see what excuses people were making when the game inevitably got to them.
Half of it was filled with the typical game journo whining of course
The other half was a little more interesting. It was people basically doing the same as above but finding ways to dance around the fact they were whining.
Basically taking their clearly subjective views on how the game played and trying to act like they were objective flaws in the game. Not necessarily saying Sekiro needed an easy mode but how they felt the game still tried too hard to be like Dark Souls in arbitrary ways, which to me sounded more like "My muscle memory of Dark Souls keeps fucking me, it's the game's fault not mine".
Normally I don't give a fuck but it was weirdly interesting to see so many people whining in so many ways, it was like being on Yea Forums
Theyre some of if not the most active threads on this board
The third suggests an amazing action game but it's just fucking ASCII tiles moving around with text plopping up telling you what happened.
Did everyone forget the Armored Core series.. like.. entirely
I remember a lot of reviewers bring up Souls games when reviewing Deracine and generally being sniffy about it, even though it's their best game since the first Dark Souls
No one except like 10 people including me care about AC
We do faggots want to compare it to souls just because it's "difficult"? they're two different fucking games and should be treated as such.
You know some of the extent, this sentence is hold the true. Just look at RESETERA these days. So it's better rather than making WHAT IF thread, the energy for that spend to how making trash site like RESETERA nuked for good of gaming industry.
Maybe if they make a game similar to dark souls but easy, sure. But if they were to make a different kind of game from the ground up I think it'd be fine.
>Demon Souls was Fromsoft's only hard game
>what was Armored Core Another Age/Last Raven
>what was fucking The Adventures of Cookies and Cream
Granted Armored Core had a hidden "easy mode" that you had to either set out to get or be a massive fucking shitter to get, but the point stands.
Long time no see C.O.
Don't fix whats broken.
You don't need to reinvent the wheel with each entries, Dark Souls, from 1 to 3 tried to improve more or less, each games have upgrades over the last entry but always have a shitload of other flaws. Bloodborne took the souls formular and made major change for the better and Sekiro is quite different from their other game. Do they want a cinematic/narrative game or something because they never did that before? People screaming for "accessiblity" (cheats put directly by the developers as an easy mode)are obviously not disabled people and just game journos who can't finish their game before the deadlines or people who just refuse to improve on a video game of all things
They're not "difficult" games, they're normal. People are just too pussy nowadays and cry when they don't beat the game without dying in one sitting
Naming an imaginary villain for a collection of things you don't like seems to be a pretty big trend recently in autism world, huh?
>game journos who can't finish their game before the deadlines
This sounds like some twisted genie wish granted to someones wished to be payed to play videogames
alright captain
Been here since 2009. KyS nigger.
easy PVE games are a fucking drag to play unless the gameplay isn't really the point, and VNs/ adventure games aren't really from's strongsuit.
>Tranny Fortress
wow someone has a word-a-day calendar. what a fag shoehorning a word like that into a post on a platform that has a short character limit lmfaoo
Why? What happened?
Sekiro was no more difficult than any other souls game if you always beat them alone.
In retrospect it's probably easier because of parrying.
Of course I never even considered how many people actually never beat souls games alone and just summon for everything until those journos started crying about it.