HD Vice City remake when?

HD Vice City remake when?

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never, because the map isn't big enough for 200 screaming 12-year-old autists

online, that is

hmmmm nice bike

never, because rockstar is too cheap for music licenses now
btw, never update gta IV if you don't want half the songs gone

Vice city is good as it is,they jus need to release it along with 3 and SA on gog so polacks can make them playable on modern systems because steam versions are atrocious

>actually playing GTA online

Quick master race bros, recommend me must have mods for this game.

Have sex.

Literally would probably be the next game, but I would laugh my ass off if it was Liberty City again.

it doesn't need any mods.

I don't but rockstar needs those shark card bux

The whole game set in Newark with the larger scale than in 4 is the patrician choice

t. 13 years old

>GTA Online
>can only be a generic thug
>entire map is a FFA deathmatch instead of a normal city, everyone shoots on sight
if GTA Online disabled guns or made them way harder to get in freeroam it would improve the experience 10 fold

You absolutely need to the one that lets you unlock the framerate.

Silentpatch fixes a lot of bugs.

The mods that add in some of the cut ps2/xbox features are pretty great too but I forget the names of them.

>A GTA game
>Not needing mods

I don't believe you.

the only mod you need is SAMP for GTA San Andreas

Attached: boomerGTA.png (380x349, 194K)


Based Brazillian monkey.

Attached: 1549249835215.jpg (1790x873, 174K)

>SAMP players
>not russian

Attached: samp.png (612x591, 63K)


I prefer MTA SA. SAES RPG represent.

Try that GTA: VC mod for GTA III, makes the game so much better.

This. RAGE would only drain all the soul out of it

If they're not going to bother doing anything with the source code they might as well let the open source community have it

Brazillians and Russians are the decease of MMOs.