Kiryu has never killed

>Kiryu has never killed

Attached: 1485514853869.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

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why are japanese games so dumb?

He'll be fine.

doesn't kiryu kill a bunch of people with a gun during car chases anyway

You can see him squirm and wince afterwards, though. He's fine.

The nukes really fucked them up.

why do you think he's so notorious?

Rubber bullets

It was the bullets fault

He didn't kill him, the dude with the gun killed him. Duh.

He was holding ketchup packets in his pockets and those bullets were rubber

I want to kir yu user :)

Majima is even worse about it in 0

I could forgive gameplay and story segregation as an excuse, I could ignore severe beating that would definitely kill someone, but he actually killed dozens of men by shooting them directly in the high way car chase in Y0, even blew up a helicopter.

They all escaped with slightly blackened clothing and grazes.

Rubber explosions

why are japanese games so fun?

>gets shot
>walks down the end of the street
>takes shirt off
>isnt wounded anymore
This was the dumbest scene in 0

Kiryu is innocent, that other guy hopped into his hands which happened to be where that guy was shooting.

>rubber explosion
>not rubber men

That entire sequence was metaphorical.

He had a bulletproof vest and all bullets hit his chest.


Yakuza games rival Kojima games in their shittiness and length

Part of me wants to play these games but the proportions are so fucking retarded looking

Only a literal retard would think Yakuza games have anything in common with Kojima

It was the bullets' fault they were going the way of that waiter. The bullets willingly went into that man. Kiryu tried to save that man by redirecting all the bullets into the ribs which would be strong enough to deflect bullets.

all blunt force is nonlethal in video games

Metaphor of what? Kiryu's inner mental turmoil?

Who cares, Kiryu says he didn't kill anyone, period. Never got arrested for any of the murders either. So shut the fuck up BITCH. FUCK you.

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>the proportions are so fucking retarded looking

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He killed a bunch of them in the original game too

The struggle of choosing not to kill anyone in a business like the yakuza, and living in a rubber filled dystopia.

the weird-ass long orangutan arms

Lol what? Who?

do you have t-rex arms or some shit?

Killing bugmen isnt murder.

i haven't finished 0 yet but i really wanna play kiwami.. should i finish 0??

look at the video in the OP and tell me those arm proportions don't look stupid

>should i finish 0
Why would you ask a silly question
Kiwami sucks anyway

I don't think you know what a metaphor is.

this is what I didn't understand about 0. I mean the game was 10/10 and better than every western game released since STALKER SoC, but that inconsistency bothered me

They look normal. Now post a picture of the weird little deformed nubs attached to your shoulders

strong nippon bonesu

gameplay isn't canon

Legitimately dont have a clue what you're talking about
His arms look normal

Attached: kiryu-suit.jpg (1920x2687, 303K)

why is a bunch of money coming out of that electrical panel?
is that how you earn money nowadays?

>posting the shop
nice try pal

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damn. what a shame

0 is easily the best in the series
Kiwami 2, 4, and 5 are also great. Yakuza 1/Kiwami has a very dated story with ps2 animations and just kinda lacks a lot of features. Its only like 25-30 hours long if you take your time and do most sidequests.

they're just unconscious bro. KO status

one criminal shooting another. kiryu did nothing wrong at letting the other guy die, he was setting him up anyway

aspect raidou's long lost brother

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Gameplay is not canon

>Rubber explosions
Goddamn it, lol

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Bunchan is cute! Cute!

Nope. According to 6 Kiryu has never killed a single person and they make a point of specifically mentioning it.

Attached: YAKUZA 6_ The Song of Life_20180309203717.jpg (1920x1080, 552K)



Attached: yakuza.png (1280x1600, 2.26M)

But he literally moves after the hit

Or that time he fought his way to the top of a skyscraper and threw a bunch of dudes over the railings

You mum came after I hit

Doesn't he shoot a RPG at a helicopter after this scene?

Yep. Watches it go down in flames too.

Attached: After Mine things were never the same at Morning Glory.webm (854x480, 2.9M)

theyre not

people dont kill people
guns kill people

my thread got deleted and I'd like to vent


>Shitty Tumblr art
It's really the worst thing

Well, Nagoshi and Kojima are buddies irl. The difference is that Nagoshi likes japanese cinema while Kojima loves western films. Also, Nagoshi actually went to film school and has at least theoretical knowledge of filmmaking and composition.
Both guys wanted to make movies and make them with their games, but at least Nagoshi gets that there has to be something besides 30-minute long cutscenes.

It's actually a well-known technique SEGA used: they made hands bigger so fists would be more pronounced during action scenes. That's why whisky/sake glasses in the game are so fucking huge. They had to make them bigger also.
That's all your trivia for tonight.

he goes to jail for shooting someone in the literal intro of the first game

>Kiwami model
It's fucked up, they nailed it down perfectly in 0, pic related.

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You're joking, right? He took the fall for Nishiki, unless you want me to believe Kiryu killed him with ESP from outside of the building several blocks away and Kiryu is the true killer of Dojima.

Where's Majima

oh i only got to the funeral part, last time i played it was when i rented it at blockbuster lol