Why don't they have moves that they used in their games?

Why don't they have moves that they used in their games?

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Ness used bats and yoyos

Lucas also used sticks
And isn't his Up Smash his PK Love?

HAL made both Smash and Mother, so they have the authority to give these character whatever moves they want.

why does c. falcon use a moveset entirely made up
why doesn't lucina have aether and use both swords and spears
why doesn't dk use his coconut gun to fire in spurts

Ness used Pk Flash in the games. though it was more of an iffy status effect dispenser.

what fucking moveset would they give falcon, there's no way it couldn't have been made up

The only mistake in smash with ness is that he doesn’t have a victory animation where’s he’s digs a burger out of a trash can.

Up Smash is PK Love (same pose as when he pulls a needle in his victory animation), Down Smash is PK Ground.

Ness knows PK Flash.

give wario's side b to captain falcon

Digging through trash should be one of his taunt, with a low percent chance of spawning a food item.

Why don't you use the brain that you're supposed to use in (You)r game you retarded shitposter

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damn bro, 1 move, that would probably look like shit because f-zero shit is supposed to go insanely fast, so basically he still would have to have his entire moveset made up.

Why doesn't Ike have his projectile from the game? They even gave it to Cloud but not hum

>why does c. falcon use a moveset entirely made up
Because he was pasted over a test character from the game that was made into smash 64

PK Freeze can kill just over 90% near the ledge. isn't it too overpowered?

Lucas barely has any combo's and Freeze can be evaded pretty easily. Freeze is pretty much a casual filter just like Ness' PK Fire.

The better question is, why isn't Ninten is Smash with them?

Speaking of PK Fire, how do I get out of it more earlier?

It leaves him immobile and goes in a rigid arc. It's like letting yourself be hit by Roy's fully charged B.

Move your joy stick up and away from the PK fire and air dodge out

Ness incorporates Rockin into all of his basic moves. Same with Lucas with LOVE, his up and down smash attacks also have it. Ness has Flash, and obviously the bat/yo-yo. They have to represent their entire game though, and their PSI isn't very interesting. Although, they really could have put hypnosis and paralysis in there somewhere.

Jump over it. Ness and Lucas have a lot of lag after using it.

They gave PSI Hypnosis and Paralysis to Mewtwo

>Because he was pasted over a test character from the game that was made into smash 64
Please, tell us more.

Yeah, fair enough.

That's pretty much all there is to it. Sakurai started working on a nondescript fighting game and made a bunch of test characters to showcase gameplay. Afterward, the game was greenlit but they decided to turn it into a Nintendo franchise crossover brawler to boost appeal. Sakurai loved the moveset of one of his test character and gave it to a Nintendo character it'd be hard to think a moveset for, Captain Falcon.

When smash was developed it didn’t have Nintendo characters at first. They literally just added captain falcon because they were so low budget that they didn’t want the test character to go to waste so they grabbed falcon because he has a main character that had a similar body type.

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because they're the medic classes in their games
they needed offensive moves in order to bring what their series had to offer to smash's table

I thought Paula was healer in Mother 2...

Nah the girl in every Mother game is always the spellcaster while the main character is the medic/ bruiser

Paula's basically a telekinetic tank. Ness and Shit learn the healing spells oddly enough.

PK freeze is fair and balanced.

Attached: PK Mach Freeze.webm (710x400, 2.02M)

what this guy said mother's ladies are for the most part pure black mages and usually the only ones on their team, although paula splits her role with poo, who qualifies as something of a red mage / debuffer of sorts
i cant speak for kumatora since i haven't played M3 yet but the girls are usually the frailest on the team, having below-average health and vitality

>simon is sitting there and just spinning the whip

sorry, defenses
ana, paula and kuma are usually dead within three hits if not less

He could at least use his gun

>djc into pk fire always
>0 landing lag
>very hard to punish
Suck it fags

They didn't just grabbed Captain as any rando either, F-Zero X was hot shit at the time and at one point they wanted Captain Falcon to be the mascot of the SNES so they had eyes on him.

Ninten could get it when he gets in the game
>ness but with psi hypnosis and paralysis as neutral and down b
>side b is a boomerang
>up b is 4th d slip
>mix of ness and Lucas moves for normal attacks

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>His final smash is an asthma attack lol

We need more mother characters in smash. Like Pokey or starman. And the devils machine as a stage.

Why doesn't Mario footstooling do damage?

Why don't they kiss?

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Why the fuck were these literal whos even added in the first place? We could had have actual popular characters like Isaac or Banjo instead.

Isaac especially is more bafffeling, considering that Nintendo has always owned the rights to him, yet they put characters like Olimar, Lucas and Ike in Brawl before him, characters from games that are way less popular than Golden Sun and sold way less.

Weak bait

>golden sun is more popular than pikmin or fire emblem
I diagnosis u with retard
Also the same studio that made smash made mother so why wouldn’t they put there own creations in it u mouth breathing retard
Also no one cares about golden sun or autism bear

I'd rather know how come it's been 4 games and PK Flash is still useless garbage.

Literally nobody in the West gave a fuck about Mother, you are retared if you actually think it's more popular than GS.

> Also the same studio that made smash made mother so why wouldn’t they put there own creations
What a shitty reason to put characters in a game, do you have a source for that?

golden sun was objectively more popular than fire emblem until awakening

Then explain why one is dead and the other one isn’t
No one cares about golden sun

cute shota thread OP

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