Best Singleplayer FPS

Just like the title says. What is the best single player focused FPS game?

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Metroid Prime

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Titanfall2s probably the best one this decade

Metro 2033
Do not trust this user, he is a deciever

Depends on what are you looking for in the game. If it's pure action then DOOM, if something more cinematic, MW1. If you want a sandbox with guns, probably Far Cry 3

titanfall 2 is really good but also really short.

metro exodus is fantastic if you have the pc to run it on at least high settings.


Duke 3d

Hard to really pick one...

finishing this thread

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MDK isn't an FPS
and Undying isn't a good game

Far Cry 5 or 3
Titanfall 2

as far as more recent ones go. Obviously FEAR and HL2, the metro games are good, but not always pure shooters, and last light imo suffers from too many set pieces.

But as far as a classic FPS campaign goes, for me its always Quake 2 and the Reckoning pack along with it.

I'm going to have to go with Stalker.

Honorable mentions.
Half-Life and Opposing Force
Duke 3D
Doom 1
NOLF 1/2
Chronicles of Riddick
Brothers in Arms and Earned in Blood
Titanfall 2 (I wish they'd just dragged out what they had into a 20 hour campaign, ADHD normies can fuck off, every level had it's own "gimmick" which was amazing, but as soon as you really got into it, the level was over. More of everything would have been amazing, especially the squad based Titan combat.)


Half-Life 2.

Immensely overrated. The first 3rd is shit and the final third of the game just fades to black half-way through blatantly unfinished.
The space arc is pure kino though

Oh yeah... I'm dumb.
Undying is okay if you've played most essential shooters already and want something horror themed, I would still recommend

which one? the original?

Going to have to second Riddick. Escape from Butcher Bay is one of the best single player first person games ever made.

CoP has a complete dick punch in the last third that solidly places the original SoC above it

Yeah the original.

I was completely blown away by it at the time and even today i'm still so fucking impressed that it was an OG Xbox game.

The level of technical wizardry required to make that happen is nothing short of astounding.

What's the best way to play it today? Directors cut version on pc? (Assuming it runs properly)

Agreed, Titanfall 2, at least in the past decade, is the best FPS for singleplayer. There's no competition.

No One Lives Forever 2
Metro 2033
The Chronicles of Riddick

Find the original, I really don't like a lot of the visual changes in the updated version, the lighting in particular is fucked, everything has a blue wash over it, all the colour is gone etc

Doom 4, any answer other than this means they havent played Doom 4. I anticipate it'll be surpassed by Doom Eternal, though. Republic Commando is an acceptable answer as well.

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Nolf and stalker are the only non-nostolgia-value-only picks on that list.

Wikipedia and EGM are the only ones without a hidden psychic damage attack

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SWAT 3 and 4
Ghost Recon 1
Rainbow 6 1, Rogue Spear, and 3

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I've been craving a good new singleplayer game for a long time.
I even bought CoD World at War and MW2 and i'm playing those now. It's been so many bloody years since i've played them, and it is some what amusing. Actually World at War, the Soviet campaign was a genuine fucking blast.

ANYWAY, who cares. Real question. Where can I get Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay/Assault on Dark Athena?

Tactical and swatpilled

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DooM 4 (2016) {the reboot} stank because every level was a treadmill of wave arenas, and all the arenas played essentially the same, and could all be defeated with the complex strategy of running along the outside edge without stopping and occasionally shooting at whatever popped up in front of you. If you just kept moving, however retardedly, you were invincible. In regular Doom, here's a sample of what might happen if you just ran around blindly:
- you could fall into a trap or pit
- you could aggro more mobs
- those mobs could box you in
- undodgeable hitscanners could chip away at you
- you'd get hit by mancubus fireballs, which fired at an offset that hit you if you kept moving in a straight line
- you'd run into arachnotron plasma balls, which fired in an area denial spread
- you'd get hit by revenant homing missiles unless you put a wall between them and you
- you'd get hit by an archvile attack unless you put a wall between it and you
- that pain elemental that you didn't prioritize as a target would spit out a dozen lost souls, and you'd get boxed
- that archvile that you didn't prioritize as a target would resurrect everything you killed, and you'd get boxed and run out of ammo, and there was no magical one-hit-kill attack that gives you full ammo again

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>Zoomers now unironically praise Halo


Doom. Maybe shadow warrior.

Unironically based.
DooM was great, but it was flawed as fuck.

Far Cry 2 (probably the last real FPS I've played - and yes I'm aware of its flaws)

Eh, it had that one level that should've been the main draw for at least half of the fucking game. It was alright but nowhere near game of the decade. I was also waiting where it would finally test my skills regarding platforming and maybe include a section that resembles psx's Spider-Man in terms of a high-stress situation, but it never dared to go there.

Top tier:
Doom 2
Shadow Warrior
Duke Nukem 3D
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Riddick Butcher Bay

Ok tier:
Wolfenstein the new Order
Metro games
Riddick Dark Athena

imo Stalker and Nolf are kinda janky when it comes to the gameplay.
While Duke and Blood has aged just fine, wouldn't say it's nostalgia only

Doom, quake, Duke etc are all up there
god no, Doom 4 is fucking atrocious

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>Tfw 36 year old boomer and someone praises halo in front of me

Not the best but Bioshock trilogy was fun.

Metro 2033 original

enjoyed DukeNukem, Exhumed, Doom2016, Goldeneye, Turok1 campaigns. Have they aged well? that's another question

No it’s not. You’re a contrarian.

It is shit on a fundamental design level, you could remove features and it would be an improvement but if even you could strip away all the bullshit and gimmicks just down to the basic movement and shooting it would still be subpar

Nothing but buzzwords and platitudes

DOOM 2. only game you ever need, the perfect game and the user made content will outlive us all

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>everyone else is the contrarian btw, not me

>only game you ever need
What if I wanted a good game though?

Make an argument

Then you already got it if you have Doom 2

Sorry, I only argue in good faith. Godspeed on your chosen path tho


fuck you buddy Blood is still great, just don't play it dosbox

SWAT 3 is a poor man's Athena Sword
SWAT 4 is best enjoyed in co-op
dunno if ghost recon 1 still holds up, you got me there

Why did they have to ruin things with all that future shit?

Swat3 and R6 are completely different animals
Swat3 also came out 4 years earlier and was technically groundbreaking
toc, this is entry team. suspect doa.

Gonna have to agree with this. I hope ready or not lives up to the old swat games. I pre ordered the special edition just to play the alpha and I have never preordered a game before other than red dead.

Farcry 2

Every list here has at least one offensive game with no right being in a top 12 list imo. Doesn't mean these games are bad but I wouldn't place them that high. I will just list the number of games rather than name them all.

12/16 big yikes
4/16 wow surprisingly good but definitely need to point out TLOU being absolute shit that is overrated and doesn't deserve to be anywhere near a top games ever list
>Yea Forums
2/16 ironically the best list so far for least offensive
>E.G.M Magazine

Famitsu got the shittiest taste.
Reddit is surprisngly not shit outside of TLOU. I also appreciate their appreciation for Kotor. Also nice to see them appreciate SOTC.
DKC2? Really Yea Forums really?
Gamespot loved the Chrono series I guess.

All I got for now really.

it did come out before R6 3 and expansions (the good ones)
but SWAT 3 is using the original rainbow six's engine and feels at times like a police themed reskin, going dynamic or not. Absence of 1st person gun model contributes to that feel.

SWAT 4 is the good SWAT game, designed by irrational before they were a system shock reskin factory, actually has a unique twist on the gameplay in maybe you should try arresting people instead of shooting them if you want a high score, but teammate AI never did it for me. Hence I recommend SWAT 4 Stechkov in Co-op.

DooM 1/2
Duke 3D
Half-Life 1-2

>itt people post a bunch of old shit that's outclassed by their successors and sequels by any objective measure

"i-it's a classic!/it was revolutionary for it's time"fags need to be gassed