Vermin is believed to be root of all corruption in bloodborne

>vermin is believed to be root of all corruption in bloodborne
>vermin is the root of all corruption in sekiro

What is miyazaki trying to tell us?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Miyazaki really hates centipedes and millipedes.

jews, he hates jews.

Holy shit a Japanese man includes janapese shit in his games. I'm shocked.

It was just another teaser for their upcoming game like Chester in AotA and Yamamura in Old Hunters.

vermin = jews


I hate these fucking things

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Time to murder some varmints.

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Millipedes and centipedes are both part of the same phylum, but they're in different subphylums. A centipede's synapomorphy is one pair of legs per body segment, whereas millipedes are biramous. I never knew this. I thought they were the same thing.

I wonder if Miyazaki is using similar themes and plot points to tie multiple narratives together or if he's just using the themes and plot points because of something that's bugging him

Who knows, but it's fun to think about

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these are not nearly as bad as these motherfuckers
had them in an apartment i used to live with, the fucking speed at which they move is like watching a something crawl through the ground as if it were a fly, until you realize in horror what it is, fuckers also bite

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What item is this tho


Why do rats give humanity in Dark Souls?


they eat humans user

Sorry. The lore is too deep for you, gaijin.

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Miyazaki reuses the same themes in his games, every single dark souls game has had some sort of half dragon half human and sekiro is the first game to be entirely focused around that aspect.


Sting-- if they can penetrate your skin... which they usually can't. They are also not aggressive.

They eat ded man

Would fork over whatever money I had to in order to chemically douse my house for these motherfuckers if they were native here.

House centipedes are actually chill. The only crawl around the house past midnight to hunt for spiders, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes etc
But really, the only reason we would bite is self defense

time to burn it all

it isnt common, but don't try and piss one off dude, pain is like a bee sting

But this one is cute!

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is sekiro on par with bloodborne? is it worth the money

>What is miyazaki trying to tell us
That vermin need to be taken care of, of course.

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Fuck off reddit

We need to eradicate ALL vermin.

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>when young Issin crawls out of Genichiro

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He hates Yea Forumsermin


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nah dude you know shit about life until one of these hellspawns come crawling underneat your bed

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>imagine being some stupid American trying to understand a Japanese man’s lore
Why even try, the IQ difference is too big

What the FUCK is that? I'm actually itchy as fuck now

*blocks your path*
heh....... nothin personell, hummen.

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I cut you up so bad, you gonna wish I no cut you up so bad

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Are you implying this is some anti alien propaganda, and that the government is controlled by parasites that turn humans into mind controlled zombies to prevent human ascension into godhood?


Nah miyazaki just don't like bugs nigga

>My name is Coyote Peterson, and I'm about to enter the sting zone.

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The jew fear the samurai

Wow, you must be fun at parties...
That's a lot to unpack...SIGH
Is this an incel thing?
Have sex.

>Quelaggs Dead sister had a horde of rats near her corpse in DS3

It's the small things that are funny


Aren't they called whip scorpions. Unless i'm thinking of something else

yea they are

>What is miyazaki trying to tell us?
Probably that he is Japanese, and Japanese culture literally identifies Evil with dirt or pollution, and vermin / cocroaches / milipedes etc... are some of the most common icons associated with polluted or dirty environment? Seriously, like basic Japan 101.

>What is miyazaki trying to tell us?
Probably that he is Japanese, and Japanese culture literally identifies Evil with dirt or pollution, and vermin / cocroaches / milipedes etc... are some of the most common icons associated with polluted or dirty environment? That and black fucking goo. Seriously, its like basic Japan 101.

I hope you like the boot, vermin.

Centipedes in particular represent filth and defilement.

He's trying to tell you that he's putting references to his next games in DLCs
>Chester in AotA = Bloodborne
>Vermin and samurai dude in TOH = Sekiro
I wonder what easter eggs will Sekiro's DLC hold

Thelyphonida or also known as a Vinegaroon.

they eat actually gross and dirty bugs though, so they're good for your house. They can't hurt you.

Don't care how "good" they are, I hate those fucking things, my old apartment had 'em (and Cave Crickets) by the truck load.
Longest 6 months of my life.

The worst vermin to have in your house by far is bed bugs. You will never have a restful sleep until you move to a new place with just the clothes on your back.

can't wait for the dlc expansion, and also curious to see the character they add to give us a clue on their next title.

>trapped a cockroach in one of those plastic traps
>I'll just wait for this thing to die should take a week or 2 I guess

It's been 2 months or so and it's still alive, how long do cockroaches live without food or water? these things have to be the most successful live form to live on this planet

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I don't wish those things on anyone.
Old friend of mine got them from staying at a shitty hotel, ended up having to pretty much destroy everything he ever owned, fucked him up mentally for years too.

You better watch out he don't cut you up so bad if you get too close to him. You gonna wish he didn't cut you up so bad.

Imagine living in a third world like America where fuckers like these live in your house.

>aliens invade your game

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vermin is jews analogy.

nah that won't happen, it's funny because I look at it sometimes and it looks like it's dead, not even feelers moving, and then I come back to take a piss later on and it's moved to another position I think it's surviving on the humidity of that room

similar things were in house of my relatives who live in a village in Altai region. No such thing in city apartments thou.

Why don't you just throw him out the window or in the trash? Or are you just waiting to see how long he suffers for you sadistic bastard?

>gets infected by horsehair worm
>suicides into my pool

>there are cockroaches posting on Yea Forums

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I live in canada and they're common in dank musty places like basements or bathrooms

>dank musty places like basements or bathrooms
Or like america

I'm gonna cut you up so bad

>half dragon half human are always CUTE
What did miyazaki mean by this

encouraging racemixing with dragons, duh

It means he watched Maid Dragon and was upset that Shouta wasn't a cute dragon.

>eating spiderbros who protecc from flying shitters much better
kill yourself

Almost every species commonly refered to as a "house" anything are highly adapted to the artificial environments humans create and are found wherever humans are.
Did you think there are house flies in the wild? No, their entire global populations do not exist more than 25 miles from human habitation.
House Spiders? Literally found naturally in a small part of the Mediterranean but are otherwise exclusive to human homes.

But all half breed dragon human are borderline rape babies in all of the games


Here's you centipede loli bro

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>vermin is believed to be root of all corruption in bloodborne
Not even the guy who tells you about vermin believes that.

Saw one in a urinal once, I blasted it with piss. Surprisingly I drowned it, it looked like a super resilient creature. But Everytime it tried to move away and escape I just blasted it again with my deadeye aim into the bowl until it stopped struggling.

Truly I am born a hunter.

I didn't say the dragon had to like it

This pic makes me mad, Rice Loli is pure! PURE!

I hope the cameraman stepped on that afterwards

>getting your shoes dirty

fire, kill it all with fire

>live in Japan
>turn to coworker and ask if there are centipedes around here
>"Yeah, I've killed them in this room before"
Thanks, Dark Souls.

what the fuck user she's just keeping her babies warm you scumbag

Why are centipedes immortal anyway? Jap folklore?

forgot the obligatory 'who hurt you'

They grow from the immortal loli rice.

Stop spreading this bullshit.

>that fucking thumbnail

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Finally someone said it

>this meme yet again
you need to write more for it to work

Phantasms in Mibu Village.

Based and cutepilled

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>tfw you realize those are penises

brown people also eat bugs and rats but I wouldn't let them into my house either

though immortal, she isn't infested

I used to have two as pets and they were extremely friendly and did a dance when I brought them fruit. I miss them bros.......

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They're nocturnal hunters. They actually get burned pretty fast in direct sunlight. So don't keep your curtains in your bedroom shut 24/7. Open them when you get up to let the light in. They also kill every other bug. They eat anything. lady bugs, stink bugs, june bugs, roaches, beetles, spiders, ants, etc. They also avoid areas of high movement/traffic. So don't leave clothing or items piled up on your floor.

Everyone has them in their house but as long as you keep a tidy place you'll almost never have to deal with them. You might see one in under-the-sink cabinets or windowless bathrooms sometimes.

That he is overrated and average.

i actually fucking love millipedes and i want to hold a large one at some point in my life, theyre cool as fuck

however fuck these things with a steel toed boot, i get them in my house at least twice a week. i used to be irrationally afraid of them but after one's corpse landed on my face after being smacked to death on a wall ive become far more used to them. nothing has disgusted me as much as that moment did so seeing one show up now has little effect on me

she's specifically the only one who became immortal via NOT being infested so this art is inaccurate as hell

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The root of all corruption is the Formless Oedon, not vermins.

based centipede poster

Literally the worst kind of insect or bug in northern Europe is an ordinary wasp, and the only way one will get inside your home is during summer if you keep the windows open.
Spiders are tiny, centipedes and cockroaches literally do not seem to exist (never seen any in my life).

you're fucking pathetic.

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House centipede are native to southern Europe and have spread throughout the world wherever humans live. Hate to break it to you, but there could be one in your house right now.


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All of Miyazaki's games from Demon's souls to Sekiro are connected, but only subtly because of exclusivity bullshit and also because he doesn't like making a straightforward narrative and likes roleplaying.
It's entirely possible Sekiro is on another content or a bit in the past from Bloodborne.

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But that's wrong. I already stated I live in northern Europe and we don't have centipedes inside houses here. The only way you'd encounter one is in a forest or something.

>All of Miyazaki's games from Demon's souls to Sekiro are connected

Wrong retard, Sekiro clearly takes place in a different universe because it literally mentions Japan and Portugal, real world countries - while DeS, Dark Souls and Bloodborne only refer to fantasy nations like Lordran, Boletaria, and so on.

Sekiro takes place on a fantasy timeline of real Earth.

This is some ancient dvach shit.

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Imagine that thing jumping on your dick haha

I don't know how to tell you this any more clearly. They are native to southern Europe only, but people accidentally move them around with their luggage and the like. They now live literally everywhere humans live, including northern europe. Just because you personally haven't seen one doesn't meant they aren't around. I haven't seen one and I live in the US, but that doesn't magically mean they don't live here. Any time you move to a new house there might be centipedes. Hell, every summer they leave houses they live in and might end up in your house in the fall as they are attracted to the warmth.

Millipedes can't even bite and they are as tame as it gets.

What is it, some eldritch abominations thread?

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based but come on, live a little

Unyuu..."blush" gentle, senpai...

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Help bros, spider season is starting. I have seen 2 in my room tonight after not seeing a single one all winter

I want to eat all the red dots and leave the white stuff

its true tho

I'll just left it here

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spiders are cool and beat the shit out of centipedes

I used to be fine with them until I found one in my headphones after I already put them on



>all that segmented hard carapace
It already looks like a boss fight.

what the FUCK

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That's its cock.

Imagine the fucking futa doujins

I don't know how to tell you, but you are fucking retarded and wrong. It doesn't work like that. It is far too fucking cold in northern Europe for centipedes to survive winters. That's why people don't encounter them in their homes. I was not just talking about myself, but everyone here in general.

They survive winters by living in houses. The live in central Canada for fucks sake, they can survive your winters.

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Bugs can survive winter you retard. How the fuck do you explain Canada absolutely teeming with bugs once summer rolls around?

>I was not just talking about myself, but everyone here in general.
Nice lie, I'm sure you've had numerous in-depth conversations regarding the sightings of house centipedes in Northern Europe.

this thing belongs in dark souls

Are these edibles? Something just makes me want to take a bite out of them.

Best enemy in DaS3

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Wasps will also enter your loft and build a nest there

Don't mind me, i'm just going to appear from nowhere and slowly devour your clothes and books.

And you

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Most living things are. The centipede would probably be fine, but millipedes excrete terrible smelling goop as a defence mechanism and it wouldn't shock me one bit if they are poisonous

I have these in my house. Ever since I first saw one of these eldritch abominations slowly crawling on the wall behind my monitor, I became paranoid of every little moth's shadow and now unconsciously take my eyes off my monitor every couple of minutes to look if it's there again.

fuck that's a hideous looking mushroom

now post the webm version

My house I lived in as a kid had them. I lived in a basement room and knowing these fuckers were probably skittering around all night terrified me. My dad fed one to his fish once, though, that was kind of cool even it was absolutely horrifying. I cannot be happier that I have never seen one since.

you fight a giant one in nioh and chop all it's parts off. pretty satisfying

Definitely are. Crazy gooks always cooking centipedes and other bugs in those primitive survival videos.

I was actually able to kill two of those before, after I smashed them to a pulp, their legs continued to twitch a little for about 2 minutes. They also cured my arachnophobia by forever burning an even more terrifying image into my brain.

Story is simple but very solid. Characters are great archetypes. Lore overall is not as amazing as bloodborne though that might be a matter of preference and cultural awareness since I know far more about gothic literature and art than I do about jap and Buddhist stuff. I can make sense of things beyond character motivations about the larger themes in bloodborne if I think about them but that's not the case with sekiro.
>Why do the centipedes wrap around the monk mummies in the same way that the snake coils around the Buddha statue in the shrine where you find the dried heart after puppeteering the monkey?
But combat is more intense without a doubt.

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By all accounts bugs are more advanced species than us.

It’s called a blood tooth mushroom. While they’re not poisonous, the stuff is considered extremely bitter to the point of inedibility

t. Sponge

depends on how you look at it
we can build stuff, pretty smart compared to everything else and have technology
but bugs will always persist

>Saw one in a urinal once, I blasted it with piss

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>mfw filthy bug sympathizers in the same thread as me
tell me where you live user and you'll 20 lashes

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no but it's still good.
It's worth the money but if you are poor and like to replay games maybe wait for a sale because there's 0 replay value in Sekiro.

Then stop killing spiders with toxic pesticide shit. If your house has a healthy amount of spiders they will kill all pests for you free of charge, mites and whatnot included.

Nigga they don't even have brains, they have a bunch of nerves duct taped together

these fucking absolute niggers infested my old ground floor flat, I used to love squirting them with spray bleach and watching the cunts shrivel and melt, annoying little fucks.

Depends on what you mean by replay value, I'll be replaying it a few times for sure, just to master the bossfights.
Haven't done a demon bell run yet, either.


Post yfw you live in a first world country where the worst things are maybe flies and rarely small roaches

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black goo

>month ago
>went to go take a shower
>took glasses off so can barely see shit
>siblings left hair in the drain and tub again ffs
>grab some toilet paper and attempt to remove the hair
>it moves when I touch it
>chemical synapses trigger, brain clicks 2 and 2 together, realize it's one of these fuckers

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I refuse to believe you live in a place where there are no mice.

Well, Russia is too poor to be a first world country.

Legit the worst thing I ever saw anywhere close to my home was a big ol' wasp.
Living in a flat prolly helps.

>Centipede, the poisonous one, fine
>Millipede, the non-poisonous one, not fine

>Never kill spiders because they are cute
>I never get milipedes or centipedes

Got some mice in the back but they're dumbasses who walk into traps. Sad part is the rats aren't as stupid.

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>Have one singular mouse that never falls for any trap that jumped through my window one day
>It just take the bait, no matter what trap used, cheap or expensive, without setting off the trap

Where does sekiro mention portugal

>having roaches

third world confirmed

Grand theft auto takes place in fantasy cities but makes mention of nebraska

>Kegare (穢れ・汚れ, uncleanness, defilement) is the Japanese term for a state of pollution and defilement, important particularly in Shinto as a religious term.

Centipedes are considered the physical embodiment of kegare, because they're nasty fucking bugs that eat other nasty fucking bugs that eat nasty fucking corpses and shit

>got meal moths really bad years back
>would see dozens of them crawling around the kitchen at any given time of day
>would swat as many of them as I could
>eventually they only started coming out at night
>would stay up all night swatting them til dawn
>eventually they went back to only coming out during the day
>would just keep killing them
>and not just the men, but the women and the children too
>waged a one man genocidal fucking war against the little faggots
after like 4 months straight of this shit they eventually died out completely

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You guys are conditioning and selectively breeding intelligent rodents, killing off the retarded ones.

You will create super rats.

my oldest brother, who considers himself and has a reputation for being a 'hard man', is absolutely scared shitless of moths. he wont go in a room if you say there's a moth in it
amuses me

And he really hates immortality. Either Miyazaki is a pseudo or he is really trying to convey some philosophical point through his games.

Those are kinda cute but those fucking hairy motherfuckers with legs longer than Yea Forums's penis are a nightmare

they're kind of cute though.

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>resolution? what the fuck is that?
It was cute in DeS and DaS but after they did it literally four or five more time it got a bit boring.

that shit has like 100 of younger ones around it

There are parasites living inside of your body RIGHT NOW

There are parasites in my government too. You get used to it.


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Most centipedes are venomous. Did you not know this? Milipedes are usually bros.

Like the mites living on your eyelashes?

He means fuck the Chinese

sekiro is a prequel to the souls series and bloodborne is an entry that lies somewhere in it, but both can't technically be a part because of licensing agreements for the game engines and platform-exclusivity

it takes a complete retard to deny this, they're not trying to hide it. glomping onto a few changed names or locations to challenge it is pure autism, every single one of the major components is in place.

But never accepting.

Those shitcunts appeared in my room when i spilled coke on the floor and didint bother to clean up
Fucking jumped on the desk the moment i saw those fuckers walking on my floor.
Now i have a new floor.

You do realize that your fear of bugs comes from being in a first world country. There was one night that I had to spend in a shitty hostel with bunch of African workers and they ate their bed bugs like it was nothing.

and they are cute
what is ur point

There are plenty of parasites in the seat of my government too, it won't be long until another bloodbath rises in the capital

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serial killers confirmed based as fuck

In Buddhism, immortality inevitably leads to corruption every single time.

It really explains why alot of Japanese games are centered around killing the abrahamic God figure, because according to buddhist doctrine he would be completely corrupt. Like 90% of japanese believe in shitoism which is basically buddism with a few differance.

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Aight explain how the fuck can a moth survive getting zapped for 30 solid seconds with smoke comming out of it and then flying away.

Fuck jews

>90% of any modern country being religious at all
citation needed

by not dying

I didn't say they were religious, just that they follow the traditions subconsciously or not. If it weren't for the american occupation the country's government would have been shaped by communism since buddism is closer to communist ideals than democracy which is a uniquely western philosophy created by the greeks and christianity.

you have no fucking clue what you're talking about

In their view, the Buddha is equipped with the following supernatural qualities: transcendence (lokottara), lack of defilements, all of his utterances preaching his teaching, expounding all his teachings in a single utterance, all of his sayings being true, his physical body being limitless, his power (prabhāva) being limitless, the length of his life being limitless

>length of his life being limitless

Nebraska is a fantasy location

maybe it's a statement on normal "corruptible" men imitating the Buddha being a fruitless endeavor?

the entire premise of buddhism is that man is god if he so chooses, but he must choose truly in every breath

I rather have the occassional centipede eat otger bad bugs in my house than bed bugs infesting your bed or mosquitos keeping you up at nighf

>tfw living in a climate too cold for most insects.

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Souls games have great gameplay but trying to make sense of a story is futile because of its heavily, heavily japanese spirituality influences.
The problem with souls stories is that even if they had extremely straightforward storytelling direction, they would still be utterly alien and ridiculous to the western mind because they're ALL based (even the lovecraftian inspired bloodborne) on Japanese ""spirituality"" aka the dumbest superstitions known to man (those same superstitions that build the souls lore are the reason why an entire class of workers are treated like subhumans in Japan, although it has gotten a lot less bad compared to centuries ago).
People who don't know about Shinto and the bits of Buddhism practiced in Japan will try very hard to look for deeper meaning in souls lore where there is none and in fact the thing is self explanatory but just doesn't make any logical sense, exactly like actual Shinto practice.


Here's an example of Japanese ""spirituality"" core concept - Kegare (often translated as defilement, but having a more infectious, corrupting meaning, yet amoral, it is like a force of nature), and the way their mythos focused on purity vs impurity
>It records that in 642, a Prince Gyōgi 翹岐 of Paekche 百濟, accompanied by his family, made a state visit to the Nara court. While in Japan, his child died, and the prince and his wife were so fearful of defilement that they would not attend the funeral. The chronicle notes, “In general, the custom of [persons of] Paekche and Silla is that, when someone has died, even one’s father or mother, brother, spouse, or sister, one never looks upon that person again. In such utter lack of affection, how do they differ from birds or beasts?” By the mid-Heian period, however, very similar avoidances had been adopted among Japanese nobles and internalized to such an extent that they must indeed have appeared to be distinctively “Japanese.” Concerns about pollution avoidance played a vital role in state formation. Herman Ooms has traced how the sovereign Tenmu 天武天皇 (r. 673-86), who was instrumental in establishing the ritsuryō system, mobilized “purity” as a core value in legitimizing his rule.

A few rare holdouts of those superstitions still do things like forbidding women from climbing mountains because they're a source of blood pollution (menstruation, child birth).
Don't let the westerny visuals mislead ya, even Demon's Souls was a Japanese story told with a western look and vocabulary. You could see the impact of the jap spiritual thoughts in elements like the karmic world's tendencies, the valley of defilement and so on.

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Live in the middle of the UK and the only pest that's ever bothered me is the occasional wasp during summer

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>Kegare is the concept of defilement
>the only other time I've even seen it mentioned or outright told was in Persona 2
>Moon Presence is Nyarles in Bloodborne

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Miyazaki might have a cynical view of humanity in this case. The monks in sekiro focused more on cheating death than actually following Buddha and it led them to being infested by disgusting vermin. The Buddha wall scroll warns you before that part of the game so maybe Miyazaki was just portraying an exceptionally warped segment of humanity, idk.

house pest tierlist:
Bro tier:

Annoying tier:

Cancer tier:
Bigger flies

From software was smart to use very little writing in their games because japanese spiritually is truly alien and bizarre to westerners. It has a sort of global appeal, just like how Hideo Kojima uses all american characters and settings in his games which made them truely beloved in the west. The same can be used to explain Resident Evil and Silent Hill 2's appeal.

user you can't even be sure they're dead if you drown them, they're strong fuckers

>live in the desert part of the US
>have killed most types of bugs
>that one you've never seen before pops up
>mow it down like all the rest

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That exterminators are the backbone of society.

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I bet a centipede wrote this

Thank fucking god I live so far north we have no insects aside from microscopic house spiders and mosquitoes.

Now could you please stop global warming so these things don't move here. I would literally have to shoot myself.


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>centipedes both bro and cancer
absolutely based

that and house spiders
we have it pretty good desu

Damn am I glad centipedes don't exist where I live. I saw a fucking caterpillar in my room several years ago and almost shat myself. Can't imagine how I would react to a centipede.
Fuck bugs

Yeah, like other anons have said, apparently these things aren't that bad. It took me a while to get over their ghastly appearance, but now whenever I see one I squish it with no problems. They aren't really that fast. I get that they're beneficial but I don't want too many crawling around the house, so I figure any that I notice and subsequently kill is darwinism in action.

It is now, just like atlantis

Is this real?

those are some big bois

>that one doujin of an touhou being shrinked and turned into the birthing queen for a hive of insects
this guy should have been in it

You can't just mention that shit without sauce

>(Reitaisai 9) [eALI-aL! (Ariesu Watanabe)] Hanakui Mushi (Touhou Project)
Stuck in my mind because of the page 17 having her with a gigantic mouth full of semen
which is hot
Touhou has a lot of insect doujins


Who hurt you?

Threads like this always make me itchy.

Attached: mommy centipede.webm (898x652, 2.83M)

It was apparent in Demons, yeah

imagine cooking that, as it is, then eating it, pulling the children from her warm and tastry embrace, feeling the crunch, dipping them in her blood
they look fucking tasty

Stick your dick in it. I'll give you 5 bucks.

Those are vinegaroons and they are absolutely and completely harmless

i remember there was this one anime char who was into bug bites, hed do it

Can you blame him? They only fucking exist to be monsters. Imagine if the ones that were as large as a fucking car still existed. We'd be fucked.

don't click

Attached: termite queen.webm (640x480, 2.96M)

Holy fuck. Didint realize it was that big and it moved so much. The fuck is it doing?


>Spiders are tiny, centipedes and cockroaches literally do not seem to exist (never seen any in my life).
Hire an exterminator and watch what happens when he injects the orange foam into your walls. Spiders and other bugs will come FLEEING out and die all over the place. Its fucking terrifying.

Just because you cannot see them doesn't mean they aren't there.

>my penis tingles
what the fuck is wrong with me

bugs are amazing, you're all just a buncha pussies

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Worth it on PC for mods. Not on console.

why was that thing in the gutter anyway


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>every night, centipedes and spiders play battle royale just to kill other bugs
>the last one to survive the match gets squashed by the human
Such is life, I suppose.

Holy shit

His life is limitless because he has stepped beyond the constant cycle of rebirth. Think of it as him dying, going "yeah fuck this" and then leaving. He doesn't have to be reborn as anything anymore, he's free.

Attached: kamelspiter.jpg (275x183, 11K)

That's true of Japanese people in general. They have huge, venomous centipedes called mukade which like to hide in bedding and clothing.

Japan imagined that and then some.

Attached: Oomukade.png (594x538, 816K)

How warm and soft is she? Just curious haha

nothing they are not connected at all.

That big, huh? I bet some pissed rice farmer went Revengeance on that big bitch.

Have sex

but the jew fear the samurai...

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>dive into the Mibu Village pod to find the red-eyed carp for the doctor sidequest
>the entire bedrock is covered in corpses of the villagers

gave me a spook

>length of his life being limitless
This is a characteristic of Buddha.

Kill yourself tranny.

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imagine falling face first into that


Next one with gansgters, look how fucking fast Isshin's trigger finger is
or a sequel ravaging chink land

>The literal samefag meme forcing retard is still in this thread
Thats a double down on fucking kill yourself you redditor

Have sex

I'm sorry for you losses user.

is your IQ 85?

Not exactly.
There are a few other versions of the myth which state that Hidesato could only pierce Oomukade's body by coating the tips of his arrows in his own saliva.

What's fucking bizarre is that Hidesato actually existed and was a highly-respected warrior. Japanese mythology is full of stories like this, and it's really strange that people just believed these creatures existed. It's not like they're small cryptids or intangible deities; they're huge fucking mosters, and everybody just believed that they were around. Must've been a fun time and place to live.

>dark souls 3 ariandel dlc girl paints a dark cold and gentle place with blood

le conspiracy faec

[Sad party horn noise]

he also likes cute feet

Attached: dHjoXEe[1].jpg (1920x1080, 476K)


kill all jews?

There is a Japanese tale specifically about a giant centipede.

>Hidesato and the Dragon King hastily rose and ran to the balcony. They saw that Mount Mikami was scarcely recognizable, for it was covered from top to bottom with the great coils of the centipede. In its head glowed two balls of fire, and its hundred feet were like a long winding chain of lanterns.

>Hidesato fitted an arrow to his bowstring and pulled it back with all his might. The arrow sped forth into the night and struck the centipede in the middle of the head, but glanced off immediately without inflicting any wound. Again Hidesato sent an arrow whirling into the air, and again it struck the monster and fell harmlessly to the ground. Hidesato had only one arrow left. Suddenly remembering the magical effect of human saliva, he put the remaining arrow-head into his mouth for a moment, and then hastily adjusted it to his bow and took careful aim.

>The last arrow struck its mark and pierced the centipede's brain. The creature stopped moving; the light in its eyes and legs darkened and then went out, and Lake Biwa, with its palace beneath, was shrouded in awful darkness. Thunder rolled, lightning flashed, and it seemed for the moment that the Dragon King's palace would topple to the ground.

>The next day, however, all sign of storm had vanished. The sky was clear. The sun shone brightly. In the sparkling blue lake lay the body of the great centipede.

Attached: japan011b_ia02.jpg (754x1120, 294K)

its what happens when your country is too fucking stupid to invent proper armor or guns so all you can do to pass time is fight literal actual midgets dressed in a suit made of wind chimes tied together with rope and try to glorify these things when you are literally only doing anything of note in your own tiny little insolated bubble not having to deal with proper wars and then when you finall do when the west finally arrives and teaches your ass you are immediately btfo twice in a row by nukes so now you just sit in the corner jacking off to weird shit trying to tell yourself you were tough because your ancestors none of which are alive anymore or fought anything other than their own subpar machinations once pat themselves on the back too fucking hard and took it seriously

you read my mind brother

>2 eyes
>having light in their eyes
god japan why were you so fucking stupid you have these things in all your houses fucking look at them then draw them or write about them

>heard you were having bug problems, bro
>don't worry, I'm on it

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they do have 2 eyes tho

Tall girls and Shota/traps too

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how much alcohol did they drink before coming up with this


Liza tongues

>If your house has a healthy amount of spiders
>healthy amount
what shit hole do you live in that you're convince a house has to have pest in it

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I hate their backsides the most, the legs are so long there it's like spider legs.

the vast majority of insects are completely harmless
even more so if you aren't from the tropics

Spiders are not pests, they are cute
In an ideal world spiders would be dogs and dogs would be spiders and we would ride them to work

>cant even spell jew right
hitler must've been tweaking when he came up with the design

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There is a myth in Japan about a giant centipede that comes down from the mountain to kill people in droves and devour even the corpses of the long since deceased.

It helps that giant centipedes in real life are actually monstrous horrific creatures too.

I dunno dude it seems like they do

Attached: centipedeeyes.jpg (264x191, 8K)

they have compound eyes

This shitpost is so dumb, I don't even know what to say.

imagine having a cluster of eyes like that

Not really, these are more like eye clusters.

look up the image he used on the archives, see what other retarded shit he's said before

well yeah but how could the japs at that time know that?

wow, thanks retard, my eyes temporarily stopped working while looking at the image but started working again to read your stupid fucking comment

no he might be right he's in europe their houses are so poor that they don't have multiple layers for insulation and studs and the sort its just for walls and a ceiling not even central air conditioning that's why their windows open so wide and they don't have a filter they never moved out of castle ere architecture

I want to introduce you to the concept of commas

That is what compound eyes are yes.
2 sets of sets of eyes is more than 2 eyes

Probably not since they were the most brainlet 'civilized' country in the world at the time of meeting the west.

>all the best girls in miyazaki games are barefeet
it's like (eastern) pottery

only 2d girls and cutebois are acceptable

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that looks like an ant on steroids

Was senpou temple easy as fuck or did I skip something?
I only found 1 bead

Based user blowing attention whores the fuck out

Get off the keyboard you disgusting bug

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No. That's just American buildings and the 3rd world. Here in 1st world European countries walls are solid stone/concrete, there is no space inside them for bugs to live in like in American paper walls.

fuck you disgusting human, you are the leeches of this world!

>please don't exterminate these pests
>posts with a Reimu picture
Now that just ain't right.

>healthy amount of spiders
>had one behind my bed
>after 5 days there is 30 smaller ones and three spiders bigger than my fucking wrist behind furniture and everywhere else
That day daddylong legs clan meet vacuum claner and roomba goomba
Those fuckers ran out and got sweeped by my roomba that was fucking war son.

everyone knows insects can't feel
they are like robots, but ugly

>complete opposite
more like better at their job than them

every animal has a sense of fear, stress and a lust for survival, it doesn't need to feel pain like we do.


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Mamas like
>the fuck you lookin at?

*jumps on your dick and crawls in*

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Free sounding?
Sign me up!

>He're in glorious Europe, we have shitty architecture
Nice, dude.

didn't demons souls mention the virgin mary?

based as fuck holy shit

I actually think it's more of a leap to assume that pain is unique to humans, or mammals, or that it exists in all animals but insects.

Centipedes in japanese mythology represent evil and dragons don't like them. They actually fear them I think.

how is this guy still alive

The antennae look like a moustache.

Yeah. There's a myth where a giant fucking centipede keeps eating young dragons and the mature dragons can't do shit about it because it's a giant fucking centipede.

>four legs good
>hundred legs fucking horrible get that shit away from me fuuuuuuuuck

What a fucking retard.

She's got the dragon blood not the centipedes.

hitler is suspected of being a coke addict I used the fact the the star meant to represent jewish people was jude (most likely due to judaism or some other translation lost on me as I don't speak german) I combined these two things and claimed its a misspelling of jew because hitler was high when he came up or approved the design. This is called comedy or a shit post whatever floats your boat


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It's nursing thousands of eggs, the fuck else would it do?


>Miyazaki hates centipedes
>Japan hates centipedes

No fucking kidding. Have you seen the native Japanese Mukade?

It's no wonder these things inspired a myth about them being horrific monsters devouring children and being generally evil as shit. They're huge, they're venomous and they can crawl in just about anywhere and kill anything in their path.

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Looks like it would taste great

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>this thread

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>muritard talking about shitty architecture
wew lad

Looks like that fucking mushroom in astroneer

atu centupedu
atu ayliensu
atu Otosan


Attached: 234[1].png (234x247, 84K)

Deflect. Run.

I'm with you.
I mean literally. Do you mind if I take a bite? Of course you don't, we've been roommates for weeks after all.

me too so I support his literary themes.
millipedes are cute, centipedes bother me as much or more than cockroaches

For some reason i've only seen a centipede once in my life.

Where do those live on? (Country/climate). Too many normal answers to be just aussie stuff.
t. Eurofag

What is it about this place that insects hate lads, the only insect that I ever see in large numbers are those little red spiders which live in concrete


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>when DSP of all people figured out the lore that she isn't giving out rice but centipede eggs

remove that "tail" and it becomes 10/10 from 7/10

Some chink would eat that

I'm in rural america and I just get spiders and flies, some mosquitoes

Native to the Mediterranean region, but they now live literally everywhere humans live, they survive winters in cold areas by living in homes. They are called house centipede because they are perfectly adapted to living in basements and bathrooms and shit.

If i ever find one of those ill buy 8 cats and 4 dogs to hunt´em down

But that's a centipede and they're venomous. Not enough to kill a healthy person, but apparently it hurts like a motherfucker.

What should I read if I want to understand the inspirations behind Sekiro?

>real country

It looks so fluttery and shy.

Just eat some bugs, bathe with monkeys and grow some rice and all will be revealed.

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I'm going to take a shower.

>This thread

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She’s man made no way the monks got hold of dragon blood. She’s the one that survived the centipede implant.

The "spiderbros" around my house do fuck all to remove the flies or mosquotes, they're fucking useless nuisances that crawl all over the walls constantly and wake me up at night because of that SKRITCH SKRITCH they do when they get on wallpaper. Fuck them.

I'm never getting naked around monkeys again, no thanks.

I never know insects have that dependant mother-children relationship except for hive queen. Kinda wholesome.

They're easy as shit to kill.

its bloodborne meets jade empire mythology
>we don't want to make another souls game, we want to do something else!
>makes sekiro

>wake me up at night because of that SKRITCH SKRITCH they do when they get on wallpaper.
how big are your fucking spiders jesus christ

cringe but redpilled

They grow up pretty large, yeah. I'd be worried if they were poisonous, but they aren't, they're just disgusting and stupid.

Now there's a story I wanna hear

It's different enough.

>jade empire mythology
You mean Japanese mythology and Sekiro was going to be a Tenchu title earlier on but probably decided that too much deviancy from other Souls titles would alienate their fanbase.
People already cry that it isn’t Souls enough.

Silverfish need an entirely new tier to contain their awfulness.

i want to squash it with a pair gigantic steel boots

The other kids they experimented on were probably less "experiments" and instead offerings. Eventually the one that survived got the dragon's blood because they offered enough. She says she hates how the monks let themselves become infested. She'd ask you to kill her if she was also infested. If she had the centipedes there'd be no way she could be the cradle for Kuro in the return ending.

Wait until the Soulsborne game where you are cells in a body and are fighting bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses

always wondered what those were called.

''Before silverfish reproduce, they carry out a ritual involving three phases, which may last over half an hour. In the first phase, the male and female stand face to face, their quivering antennae touching, then repeatedly back off and return to this position. In the second phase, the male runs away and the female chases him. In the third phase, the male and female stand side by side and head to tail, with the male vibrating his tail against the female.[11] F''
irl kino

why ye fucking pussy

That's disgusting, but the same time cute.

Canadia is a cute. I love my shittier book of moon, he is a good boy.

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We literally have a method of extinguishing every single species of bugs if we so choose. Some might lead to mutual destruction, but we have the option, they dont.

I like how mantises eyes are basically one big optical illusion, constantly reflecting a black spot so it looks like they're always staring directly at you with these little black eyes when the reality is that's all one big compound eye because bug

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99% of those kids are gonna younge. Best hold them now
Hive mothers have it the worst, since their kids largely live, then kill them when they stop making kids

>You mean Japanese mythology
its not all japanese mythology, its more focused on the aspects of the jade empire and its interactions and subjects. I say jade empire since it encompasses things not solely concentrated in japanese mythology, korean and chinese is also intersected.It doesn't for instance dive deep into japanese underworld mythology

well, those aren't insects

I'm fairly certain house spiders aren't pests.


idk they're pretty cute

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We have it in slav, siberia near baikal. They showed up not a while ago. There wasnt any, like ten years ago. Looks like someone brought it here.

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centipedes are fucking shit

millipedes are bros

I'm done with this bullshit. Divine Confetti is a fucking absolute asinine concept and there's no fucking good reason to include it.

None of the other Souls game had a mechanic so fucking poorly conceived.

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I adore this meme

They're an occult symbol. You'd know this if you did interdisciplinary studies like I have.


If you want to cheese her: use snap seeds

fuck off milipedes stink like shit, centipedes are cool tho.



Attached: rat_distribution_map_global[1].png (2857x1531, 350K)

You don't need divine confetti for this boss. In fact, I think you only need it for optional bosses.

>Divine Confetti
Then don't use it, scrub.
It's just an optional attack buff on all but 3 enemies, and 99% of this fight is deflecting anyway.

Used them on my Butterfly attempts.
Stupid I know, but I didn't know I didn't need them.

House-centipede chan.

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Depends on where you live, but common house spiders are pretty chill. Wolf and Barn spiders are dicks though.

You don't need it. It has one health bar. Get it's health down some then focus on parrying.

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I was under the impression the wooden/plywood/cardboard houses were mostly a US thing, here in Western Europe it's all bricks and concrete sandwiching an insulation layer. No real need for airco where I live but anywhere it is needed in warmer climes and especially for old and sick people it comes standard. I'm guessing you never visited anywhere in Europe huh?
>that's why their windows open so wide
Not sure what you mean, big windows feel nice, unless you're a vampire?

I used to fight these things in my basement, i had like a 85% kill rate, 15% escape rate cus they are fast


I don't get why Alberta is shown as somewhere rats don't live. As someone from Alberta, I can confirm that rats live here.

Attached: 1411441628966.png (982x1400, 324K)

If you see a rat and don't report it to the rat patrol you are committing a crime. So either you are a lying or a criminal.

Clearly you haven't been snacked on by a vampire yet.

You would not?

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That he's best friends with Kamiya and approves of his general blocking spree on the foreign vermin on twitter

>I'll just left it here
There was an attempt.

divine confetti doesn't even do anything noticeable against this boss you absolute retard

*ruins your meta*

Redpill me, I didn't get Sekiro because I don't care for the concept after seeing it in action

What the fuck is Divine Confetti, why is everyone complaning about it

Attached: 1529417678135.gif (266x243, 282K)

>Suddenly remembering the magical effect of human saliva, he put the remaining arrow-head into his mouth for a moment,
What the fuck?

It's just like resin, except there's only one type in the game and it's meant to be used against ghost-type enemies because the ghost minibosses are immune to damage otherwise. But you don't even need it on the boss user posted because it isn't a ghost. He's just bad at the game and thinks confetti will carry him through the fight.

they're pests to me m8, fuck spiders

Bodily fluids are magical in every culture in the world user

Frenchfag here. We have some, mostly in summer

Yeah and later it has 3 health bars so fuck off, it's a terrible boss and it ruins this game

Is it possible to fuck up and run out of confetti and make those minibosses unbeatable?

Didn't you know that when you see a centipede you're supposed to suck an arrowhead and stab it with it?

>lying in bed one night about to go to sleep
>mfw I watch a scorpion fall out from the air vent in the ceiling onto my bed

Attached: 1542078002848.jpg (720x960, 31K)

You can buy an infinite amount from shops after getting to the final area, but if you run out beforehand then yeah you have to wait.

You don't need confetti for that boss.

This. Why hasn't Europe moved on to superior cardboard houses like us?

Ah, so you can avoid them if you want to.

Can take two of the health bars off with easy deathblows and confetti also doesn't work on the real version of the monk.

Vanilla and strawberry ice cream

That doesn't seem so bad unless there's like a super limited amount or something

They're not actually IMMUNE to damage otherwise, it's just that confetti boosts your damage to them easily 5-10x more.

There's actually like 3-4 prosthetics that also serve to damage them and one of them is essentially a confetti buff that lasts shorter and costs emblem

No, you find it scattered here and there as treasure items on at merchants, the enemies that really need it can be avoided entirely.

I sorta expected something like that, would be horribly bad game design otherwise, but good to know.

Literally just deflect his attacks and get some hits in when his combo finishes, my guy.

>crawl through the ground as if it were a fly
>fuckers also bite

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Is that the malcontent?

>old superstitions are retarded
>news at 11
I'm not even going to tip a fedora at this, literally every religion and superstition is like this.

smell like shit if you kill them though

all I hear is BLURBLURBLRBURBLOOPBLUOOLBURP from it whiggling around.





Jamal and Ahmeds weren't supposed to live in the cold yet they're crawling through the scandinavian territory

Only because you haven't been giving Winter-chan your power.

Attached: 1554561034519.jpg (1070x1036, 1004K)

>he's really gone
mixed feeling

Nigger detected


You act like my house is crawling with insects

Yes. its also catholic fanfiction

>Rent a basement room for College
>Find a huge Jewel Spider the size of a $2 coin by the front door
>Is so chunky he probably fell through a web higher up, now just chills at the corner between two stairs, on the ground
>Owner has gluepaper flytraps hanging in the kitchen
>I bring flies from the traps to Jewels, because he clearly can't catch food for himself reliably anymore, and is probably near end-of-life
>I want him to be happy and comfy
>Stop to say hello to him every day when I get home, feed him at regular time
>Left after a year when that part of the program was done
>Contemplate getting a little habitat and taking Jewels Verne with me
>Decide it would be unfair to take him away from his home, even if he may struggle to survive on his own
I miss my spider pet.

Attached: spider.jpg (273x302, 10K)

Transient curse.

because there are demons and a god?

Wrong game

That's one of the three.
Malcontent staggers paranormal enemies but does no damage.
The lilac umbrella has an attack that deals significant damage but overwrites any weapon buffs you have.
Lazulite Sacred Flame is basically the anti-apparition nuke, it does a ton of damage on the initial hit and then once you use the living force followup you have an extra confetti buff for a short time.

Read the last sentence of the quoted post.

I would really hate this thing if it weren't one of the few consistent protections to AG bullshit

You mean those fuckshits live in bathrooms?

>this thread

Attached: 1460597843407.png (176x158, 20K)

Probably smells like shit and disease

Ohh. Then I agree. That was stupid too but they were more plentiful.


I hope Jewels Verne had a long and fruitful life.

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Can the umbrella do the job in its own?

it has the lowest cost of any but yeah, I'd say if you don't mind wailing on him without confetti a few hits between getting an opportunity to do the umbrella attack as you're locked into it

Both are bullshit in similar ways. Transient curses at least dropped from the enemies you needed them to kill and weren't essential for any bosses, however there was no easy visual indicator for when they ran out and you literally did 0 damage unless you had one on (or were cursed yourself or using the cursed artorias greatsword).

In Sekiro you can bypass every enemy that divine confetti is useful for (headless, laser skull faggot) so the 5 or so you get before ghost corrupted monk can be used for that fight, then they become purchasable later on so you can go back with a big stock of them.

i want to fuck her tits sexually

At least with divine you can tell when it ends. It also looks cool as fuck when it's in. Wish the game had permanent trail effects for your weapon. Shit's just stylish.

Can he grab you when using it? Never tested this out.
>the way those motherfuckers run and wrap their legs around everything

Attached: 1553638339027.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Did you know that the mitochondrias in every cell of your body are actually parasites that became usefull and bonded with us? just like the bacteria in our guts.

Those aren't parasites then those are symbiotes.

I'm a parasite, I just sit here all day leeching off the government and eating chocolate chip cookies.

he can't land a grab unless you're facing away from him

Thank you

it's so hairy

Really? And here I expected some bullshit with that grab. So you can literally just 180 when he disappears and beat his ass while he tries to grab and can't?


At last I truly see

Time to search this on e621 and see what I get.

Just wait. People will be mad and confused by the Crickets that are in Abandoned Dungeon and Senpou Temple. Even though that's yet another simple Buddhist symbol for evil and uncleanness.

Things I never thought to try. Good thing I cornered the confetti market anyway so I now have a shit ton.

The ones at senpou oddly enough don't attack. The ones in the dungeon do.

Thank you. Fuck this board is so predictable sometimes.

millipedes are alright
they don't bite and they're peaceful. they're also blind.

centipedes are turboniggers

fucking based shutting down the fucking redditors

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>here's your donut bro

Its a fucking queen ant with a bulging sack.

Basically, in my interpretation Demon's Souls is based on the idea that the serpent in the garden had humanity's best interest in mind, and DeS is basically "what if the serpent had kept going, and kept aiding and supporting humanity"? The Old One is the serpent from the garden, and the events of Demon's Souls are essentially a coup in an attempt to rid humanity of all spiritual entities aside from itself and humanity. Bring more souls leads to Dark Souls, where man eventually becomes his own gods, ala Greek myth, and Return to slumber leads to humanity taking science, reason, and progress as it's new gods. Formless Odeon is probably either capital G God or the Old One using what capital G God left behind. It's more than that, really. The clerics, and their miracles, in DeS, are very clearly miracles like the kind Catholic saints are required to perform in order to become saints, or the kind Jesus performed. Soul sorcery is just another forbidden fruit. High faith characters might as well be at the level of Catholic saints. Capital G God may have actually survived the Return to slumber, and may be very well who Formless Odeon is.
inb4 having an active imagination is schizo

>in europe their houses are so poor that they don't have multiple layers for insulation and studs
This coming from a guy who lives in cardboard house. It always buffled me why Americans don't just build brick houses like all normal people, especially in Torando areas