The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa

Anyone else have a burning desire to live the delinquent life?

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Why is Ken such an asshole?

I just picked this up today from the Japanese eshop because it's cheaper. Looks like a good Kunio-Kunio-kun klone.

You can read Japanese right?

I modded this game to play it as the perfect Shonen Junai Gumi/Bad Company vidya.

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Are there any other mods for this?

Nope, it's not mod friendly at all

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>Miss a tutoring event with Aiko because of an unavoidable event that took the whole day

No, but it's multi language.

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Is this game "River City Ransom" levels of good or better?

It's more of a sim game than a beat em up. I would check out some gameplay videos or just pirate it before buying.

i remember playing Kenka Bancho on PSP.

Five minutes in its more like a deliquent walking sim (with dedicated delinquent button and cigarette smoking button)/story driven game. The fighting is more like a side scroller. Has blocking and grabbing. Good movement. Verrrryyy chill music.

good taste

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Nakama or Hiroshi?
Who is best chinpira boy?

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Is this any good?

You can also read books while sitting anywhere

It's been a while since I read it but I remember enjoying it a lot. It's the prequel to GTO, the years when Onizuka was still a deliqnuent.
It's pretty much what you expect out of delinquent manga, lottsa comedy and lottsa fights and manly scenes.

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Russian games geveloped by russian game developers :^)

Actual review for this game.

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Did anyone find any neat secrets? You can learn a technique from watching one of the movies if you have a TV.

I would add on that the mid game is pretty barren with events. It's not noticeable your first time through because you're probably fucking up a lot, but once you get a good schedule going you can't find much to do. I found the lack of tutorials and guides to be a fresh change from every game having extensive walkthroughs.

can I pirate?

Yeah, but the cracked build is pretty old at this point

is the newest build that different/better?

Slav here. You don't.

unironically yeah. gangs are comfy
shame everyone's such a pussy now. nowadays people are scared of cigarettes let alone getting punched in the face

it has various improvements, the cracked one doesn't work with Xbone controllers for example

not a very good basis desu
everything is worse in eastern europe. i wouldnt be a business owner in eastern europe if given the chance let a alone a gang member

That game is either one of the best games or one of the worst, depending on how you see the ending after all you have done.

There's no need for it.
Why get put in prison just so you can act tough.

>no fun allowed

not really a "prequel", since it came out before

shame that all that fujisawa is capable of doing now is attempting to repeat GTO's success

How long is this game? I bought it a while ago and haven't tried it yet.

How do you even trigger it if you don't get fucked? I was at home all evening expecting her to ring the bell or whatever but nothing happened.

But it's probably depends on if you do any jobs, training etc. since they skip time.

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One playthrough is like 4-5 hours.

I have no idea, I'll have to try on my next playthrough. She said she'd be there at 8 (20:00) I think.

Game is still pretty good even if the ending is total shit.

The ending is kino

Unavoidable bad ending isn't exactly kino.

>shame that all that fujisawa is capable of doing now is attempting to repeat GTO's success
I'm ok with that, the GTO spinoffs and the sequel were good

We truly need a new anime telling the whole story at this point, sadly it was too based to work in 2010s

he didn't deserve it

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It's a shame the game is total trash, because I love the setting, atmosphere, music and some of the writing.

I normally would agree but it's a game about gang life: Read a fucking book or watch a movie about them. This is a Shenmue/Yakuza rip off, not Way of the Samurai

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The combat is shit and the story is nothing special
Great music though

Amazed there's a thread about this. Picked it up yesterday, I like it. Does it actually matter if I'm starving all the time?

Please tell me its GTO reference

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You lose weight which I believe only raises your speed stat and lowers your strength stat.

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You do realize GTO is the direct sequel of Shonan Junai Gumi right

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So ?
Why you have to point that shit out if the main character is still Onizuka...

Why asking if it's a GTO reference if you know the protagonist is Onizuka

Who tf is the protagonist is it the teacher or student

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Onizuka, the teacher from GTO, was once a student
Shonan Junai Gumi tells the story of teen Onizuka being a delinquent, it was made before GTO

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