Lifting to impress woman is a waste of time

Lifting to impress woman is a waste of time.

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you can easily be a landwhale

help bros im 20 and very depressed
should i apply for jobs directly on the store's own website or use an external source like indeed?
you can call me stupid but I've legitimately gotten more phone calls through indeed

at least it's not video games

Stop lifting for other people and lift for yourself you fucking faggot. Self improvement comes first, people will come to you eventually.

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playing video games to impress random people on the internet is good way to spend your time

Look the manager in the eye and give him a firm handshake

So going on your own experience, indeed has been more effective but your asking which would be more effective? When we hire at my place the indeed applicants get ignored, but you seem to find more success through them.



see dat man dere son I want you to walk up to him and give him a firm handshake son.. just like thaat...

what video game is this

Based Aniki poster.
At the start of highschool I used to lift for girls but then I realized that was retarded, and so in my senior year got back into lifting and got much further than before because I did it for myself.
Having a healthy body is just really liberating and genuinely turns you into a happier person.

>Not lifting for the opportunity to reject r o as ties
The ultimate black pill

Fuck women, improve yourself so that you're happy. Women are an afterthought.


I started lifting after I was unable to help my dad very much with carrying a bunch of heavy shit one day. I never wanted to be in that situation again, so I sought to better myself physically.

It's been over a year since then and I have yet to regret setting up a regular workout routine. If there's anything I can be proud of, it's that I had the balls to force myself to improve.

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This guy gets it. SJW reflects off of tight specs like a mirror. When you're a righteous specimen of evolution the world is yours.

will do user
>When we hire at my place the indeed applicants get ignored, but you seem to find more success through them
first, sorry for the dumb question i'm just trying to get as much insight as I can. And indeed has landed me more job interviews, but never a job (usually theres alot of others showing up to the interviews because of indeed). I feel like applying through the store's website will "cement" it more but never had a call. Should I just apply harder?

What are you, 12?
Oh wait, I forgot where I was for a second.

>stop having goals to archieve.
Is op retarded?

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>not lifting to attract femboys

What the hell I'm looking at

only onlne stuff works, you can go in all you want but unless it is some independent small place, its online or nothing, at least it is where i live. driving place to place all day isnt gonna get you results unlike 40 years ago
im sorry but i have to disagree on this. ive met girls who say, after i point out how the gym is somewhat needed, that their boyfriends just happen to go to the gym as well and lo and behold, they had good looking athletic bodies that requried physical labor. the girls said they did it to improve the guy's self, but then i asked the guys later and they all said they went to look good for girls or because they were actually athletes. oh wow, you started lifting in high school, so did all the successful people, wish i started back then. but for me, the gym is pointless and a waste of my free time unless i do think about looking good to girls, but to each his own, wish i could get laid though, wish i wasn't schitzophrenic

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Video games?

yeah that's exactly how it is here in phoenix, thank you for this post user

I would agree with you, but like to make a point that I get much more of a dopamine rush when I reject fat/chubby girls when I'm in shape with a low body fat percentage.
You can literally see the glint of greed in their eyes; the yearning to be with a much more polished specimen than themselves, and rather than a simple rejection its fun to pull them along by the strings and do everything in your power to make yourself look as cringe worthy as possible to deduct interest.

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>pretending that women don't date huge losers

Doesn't matter what you think women want, no one gets what they want but they do end up with something.

Put the application in through the website, go see the hiring manager in store and try to make a decent impression, follow up call a couple days later asking if they've had a chance to look at your application.

The impression is more important than the app. As a hiring manager myself I've had a person with a ton of experience and three letter of recommendation be completely worthless. I've had a young kid with zero experience that seemed like a jackass be the best worker I've ever seen. It's all about what you're like when you're there, not what that gay ass paper says.

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Good a new shitposter has born,so glad of this SO GLAD SO FUCKING GLAD OF THIS YEAH FUCK YEEAAAADH

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>tfw no gf

hey although i turned 18 in 2009, i coudln't find a job until i 2014, which lasted for 5 weeks because they fired me lol. so was it the poor economy at the time or me being a loser that didn't get me a job until i was 23? note that i was also a student and a white male. i know they basically don't hire white guys at target unless its management or above or office positions

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This fills me with a lot of hope, I've never done it that way because I assumed most managers would get annoyed by someone forcefully sticking their foot in the door but I'm dead wrong. Shows you want the job more by going out of your way? Thanks by the way, I'll take this advice to heart since you've actually been through the process of hiring people.


I lift to impress discord trannies.

>caring about anyone other than yourself in this world
why would you subject yourself to such torture, anons?

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if you thing about it... living is a waste of time... whoa

Person who shows that their hungry for work=hiring managers ideal candidate.
My parents told me back when I was in highschool that showing up once a week to the place you want to get hired; even if the manage says theres no spots available shows you want the job bad and are willing to work hard.
I have put my ego aside and followed that motto whenever looking for a job and have never been unemployed for more than 2 weeks.

It's hard to say without me actually doing the interviewing why you didnt get the job. The economy can definitely be a factor, but you could also come across as a retard. What kind of job did you hold for 5 weeks?

Best thing to remember is to not feel bad about yourself when you dont get a job. When you do finally land a job make sure you work your ass off for that person since they are taking a chance on you as a first time worker. Learn and be better than everyone. All these fuccbois on Yea Forums that make fun of you for being a wagecuck are retards. If you have good work ethic you can make it to salary very quickly.

lifting to get pussy is still caring for yourself (not seen as improving yourself) because youre just doing it for something you want, so its still a selfish reason

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Zyzz was right about one thing, it is unbelievably satisfying to shoot down girls who used to think they were better than you.

>boys who are fat, skinny, and average
fuckin lol

zyzz is literally one of us, after getting shreded he would go on dating sites were ugly and fat girls would message them acting like they had a chance with him, he would should them down, and troll them before flat out rejecting them.

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>reddit post
>literal incel reddit post
man, Yea Forums really attracts the worst of the worst these days, huh
I wish we were still Yea Forums 2.0 instead of /pol/ general #142

>avoid everybody that isn't a fucking Adonis
i'd say nice bait but there's some people out there that actually think like this

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yeah but he dead tho

It's just the other side of the "virgin 10/10 grils only" you see on here.
Both are made by fat losers with standards way too high.

While 90%+ of incel logic is absurd and irrational there is some truth to this, I cannot count how many times Ive had the most disgusting obese woman pursue and sexually harrass objectively handsome men.

Hell, he did it to his ex, after she tried to come crawling back to him when he became a mega chad.

>some people

80% of the female population you mean,

>change yourself to please a pair of talking tits
asking for misery
>stick your dick in said talking tits
nightmare mode: rest of your miserable life

Your on the right ballpark but just ask yourself how many times you hear that fat neckbeard logic, chance are it has only been on the deep dark recesses of the internet were most of the public in unaware of.
A lot of woman can be reasonable as far as looks go but ive lost count of how many times ive seen the former in real life, which is not true of men who know their place the majority of the time.

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You're 240% a faggot.
See, I can make up things, too.

Kroger, i bagged food and pushed shopping carts into the store. yeah i did go on interviews, but i ultimately had to go to external job hiring helping people (funded by the state) to get my second and current job because my parents were dumb founded that i still couldn't find a job or get hired at even any of the fast food places or other retailers, or literally anywhere else in my town/county. and yes i was fired for being a retard, books on how to get a job don't tell you everything about how to keep a job such as when to take breaks which i thought was always in the middle of the shift and not whenever they told you
wow i wish i could have been like you, but maybe me not being able to drive might have been something with it, but i actually did that as well and few of the non chain places got tied of it and told me to stop asking about it, but i didn't start looking for a job until after high school (which seems to be a mistake in thiis day and age) due to not being able to drive as well as, well it doesn't matter im retarded

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>Person who shows that their hungry for work=hiring managers ideal candidate.
>whenever looking for a job and have never been unemployed for more than 2 weeks
Absolutely based, I need to stop being such a cynical person, your point of view is a gamechanger for me right now so I'm gonna go ahead and save it.
>fuccbois on Yea Forums that make fun of you for being a wagecuck
man fuck those autists, they've never had proper father figures so they don't realize the value of experience in this world. I'm still new to this, but being a NEET is horrible, how the fuck do they stand being stagnant and not meeting new people?

>how to be a good little goy wageslave document
No thanks

I lift for me and no one else

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Life is a waste of time. It would have been better if all our ancestors realized that 200,000 years ago.

It's in humanity's best ethical interests to make an AI that doesn't waste its life away being retarded and a slave to biological and societal garbage so it can live a pure life

heh, you're right. Just kill yourself now, heh.

>don't be a land whale
But what if I like land whales though?

Than I hope you live in America friend, a feeding frenzy for yourself.

Killing yourself is not an answer to the absurdity, it only evades the question. Death is as meaningless as life.

Most of philosophy is mental masturbation.

>work out to better my body
>body is improving
>a few years into it I realize I fucking hate wasting 1-2 hours just doing jackshit in a gym and I could be spending my free time on video games instead
i can't believe i fell for the wageslave gym meme

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Not really. You no longer exist therefore time doesn't exist therefore time is not being wasted. Not everything needs an "answer".

>2 years later
>Still stuck on 135x5 4 sets

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Thinking that the average American girl even vaguely resembles something close to that.

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>start working out
>realize that the post-workout feeling is good
>continue working out

I pity people who see all actions merely as payment for an outcome

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imagine getting mad at biology lmao

Retards claiming they work out "for themselves" are lying to themselves. You're just re-framing the issue: yes, you feel good when you look in the mirror and see muscles, but you only feel good because you're aware it looks good to women. Ultimately it's all vanity, no matter how much you try to make excuses.

Do both you fool. Good luck user you lil' faggot im rooting for you!

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>wojack poster
Kill yourself, there's no reason faggots like you should live.

Same. I picked up weightlifting seriously in college, and now I'm still amazed I can squat twice my body weight.

The result is obvious: ugly people are terrible people. Take care of your body and you will take care of your mind.