Risk of Rain thread made to shill my NA monsoon lobby. Help I am addicted.
Risk of Rain thread made to shill my NA monsoon lobby. Help I am addicted
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Fuck you Yea Forums, I did it.
hp buff for everyone but mul-t when
God, I am so fucking bad at this game.
who else here mutes the music and listens to RoR1 OST instead?
Just a reminder that Artificer fags are top tier cringe alongside furries and trannies.
Double cringe and yikes pilled.
The music is good except for the Contact Light Survivor Camp. All I can hear is the "bwa bwa BW A BWA BWA" from the G.I. Joe Dubs
Are we doing this already
I bought this on Yea Forums hype and I'm in love lads
How come the GOTY is an Early Access Unity game with sub-Playstation 2 graphics
>lobbies take 10+ minutes to fill
I can't believe risky rain is dead again.
got time for 1 game before bed.
us south/east vanilla
Any modded lobbies up or do I have to host
Reminder to just hide shitposters
Hey, me too. Just not on drizzle.
Congrats user on finally getting your clover!
What does she smell like bros?
Because it is fun.
Show me your best memes
Mega of Artificer & Huntress pics:
Imgur links as alternatives:
Huntress - imgur.com
Artificer & Duo - imgur.com
Updated a bit, will post more sparingly though, don't wanna spam.
>1 am on a friday night
normalfags are out, and a lot of people have been getting burnt out in the threads the last couple of days
also don't forget to filter shitposters since it autofilters by IP you'd be surprised at how few there actually are
how the fuck, don't his turrets get immediately ruined at a certain point?
>tfw got bored of RoR2 and switched to 1
Is f12 for screenshots just broken or what?
this is my favorite one
Nah, n'kuhana's is engis best item with shroom stacking. After you have that sorted out nothing really lives long enough to get close.
All 3 deaths were after I got the clover. Yeah, drizzle, yeah engineer. I just wanted the item.
With 20 sticky bombs the majority of enemies tend to disappear soon after being hit. I had a stack of 30 on engineer one run and for some levels I didn't even register which boss had spawned because their name was only up for a second and I was too busy running around to glance at it before it disappeared.
is it literally just the dps from them, then?
Reminder that these threads attract legitimate incels, no pretend. They play Huntress and Artificer because they are forevereal alone.
19 stack of mushroom means they heal themselves very quick
10 stacks of tougher luck is 60% (if my math is right) chance to not take damage
dio's best friend also works on turrets mean they get revived once when they die
>Playing Merc outside of co-op
>Getting my ass handed to me time and time again
I'm pretty tired but damn, realizing that I was >probably getting carried this entire time sucks.
Likes fine to me
but man i hope they're able to recreate RoR1's aesthetic in 3D
"I was a WIMP before Bustling Fungus, now I'm a jerk and everybody loves me"
Yeah mostly. Everything else is dealt with rapidly by abusing fuel cells, gesture of the drowned and royal capacitor. Ukuleles help a lot too.
>run going pretty good, got a few syringes and a couple glasses on stage 3
>get drowned, think i'll go find a nice active item
>pick up crowdfunder by mistake
>Quickplay is just full of jews trying to nab every chest asap and spend 10 minutes scouring for chests
Yeah I think it's time to take a rest, got in before all that was left were the tryhard jews and it turned to shit
Reminder to email hopoo with genuine criticism and feedback along with a heartfelt request for reaper.
Nah Im gonna email them with request for scav
I really need to play Deadbolt
I think merc and artificer do better on a team than by themselves.
that's merc life. he's not a very strong character, but at least he's fun
I had to take that one by using print screen & paste. Not too huge an inconvenience, I guess.
Just a reminder that the people making these threads have a discord where they roleplay as artificer and huntress.
>playing with randoms
either play with Yea Forums or your friends, you're just asking for trouble on quickplay
lobby back open
monsoon 3/4
Any non lewds?
>He doesn't CE to get access to the best character in the game
What's your excuse user?
>When you've stacked your items in such a way that you delete a group of bosses with just two Rs
God I fucking love Merc.
I'd mostly been stacking attack speeds items and whatever I could grab that wouldn't be better for my teammates, so I barely understand what exactly I did to them. It didn't help that it was a small area and it was like 4 stone titans all jammed in so I couldn't see anything.
I ended up getting bitchslapped by a Blazing Elder Lemurian right after.
try again lobby is bugged
someone tell hoppo to fix this shit
Sniper isnt done yet, no option but to wait
Acrid when?
Yea Forums does the same shit
im free
Sniper is actually patrician taste, can't wait to delete bosses in 3D
A blazing lemurian slaps your merc ass deleting him instantly, what do?
I think I've been playing this game too long haha.
how does that even happen
not in my experience, maybe you're unlucky and get paired up with asshole
>in quickplay with 3 other people
>multi niggers 75% of chests
>find first unopened chest, ask them to wait for me to grab it after killing boss
>just as I walk up to the chest multi activates the teleporter and leaves
>get to the point where R stops completely murdering everything
>start pressing M2 instead
>everything is dying instantly again
I love it desu
lobby where?
playing this game too long
i can imagine, that's pretty nasty
right, but surely they'd just get 1-shot super frequently even with 60% chance?
the classic, i love the gesture
HanD only has two skills right now.
Huntress and Artificer players would know.
god i wish huntress would just sit on my face
why did hopoo add cheat commands to the console if you cant even use them
i want my 999 hooves
>block literally one IP
>all shitposting vanishes
Thread saved
>he doesn't know
>tfw have every achievement legit
>still missing a red or two because my RNG is shit
>still need the log entry for the gold titan because RNG is shit for finding the damn portal spawn, let alone the log drop itself
>still need the environment log for the gold portal map too
actually thinking of cheating it all in, i'm at 20 fucking kills for this fat fuck
Great job, user. I told you that you could draw.
Lets fucking go boys
tell or im gonna call your favorite character dumb and stinky
Man, drizzle is literally glass with infusion tier
Stop it. Get some help.
if you keep replying to him he wont stop
cringe and retard-pilled
>over an hour as lemurian
>fight Wandering Vagrants boss
>wanted to take a screenshot because its fucking insane (5 spawned at boss, one spawned randomly behind me)
>die immediately after taking the shot
huntress' butt
I'm not even slow, I'm just grabbing chests as I can, but what gets me is when I'm already going to get a chest and the fags try to beat me to them when they can clearly see me, or they try to race past me from behind. The whole game becames less about fighting shit and more about looking for chests and making optimal routes to make sure you get a couple chests, which is no fun at all.
Has anyone had issues where the game forces the camera to just look down nonstop? My friend has had this issue since installing, reinstalling hasnt fixed it, nothing else is plugged in but his mouse, etc.
I'm only interested in the RoR2 threads with obvious waifu shit. I just want to be part of the peepee fun?
>tfw can't remember how to block IPs on 4chanX
>tried it once and accidentally filtered every user
thanks for confirming my suspicion though user
Yeah, all of it's organized by folders, least in the Mega.
Most everything in the "Cheesecake" folders is racy but you can post most of it here without getting banned. "Lewd" is lewd and "Rated PG" is also as it says in the name. Latter is probably what you want, need to add to it though.
is it a constant thing? I had it happen a few times mid game but it's usually fixed by running around a bit and getting your camera near a wall
its the same idiot shitposting that artificer is bad, he got ultra btfo last thread and is trying to ruin this one too
Yeah, it wont go away.
So... is the thicc huntress mod fixed for this patch yet? Asking for myself.
>14 bears
when do I get to die lads?
>thicc huntress mod
Soldier syringe and ukelele 3D printer around 5th run made it near impossible for trash to get close but then blazing jellyfish bosses out of nowhere
objectively what is the best character to do the 20 stage thing with? one which isn't too easy to die, but I don't want it to take 5 hours. I had my best shots with the huntress, but at stage 16 everything one shots her and with the robot, but it was taking way to long, I ended up dying at like stage 13 while playing 2 or so hours
it never existed
porting custom model in the game is nearly impossible at this point in time
You know you can get that by entering the lunar shop 20 times, right?
14 isn't nearly enough to reach not dying levels
I get huntress is thicc but can we talk about how fucking thicc the beetle queen is?
MUL-T's by far the most reliable. Stage 13 at two hours sounds awfully slow, you probably need to speed things up.
Make sure to learn all the newt altars and pop them as much as possible, each portal counts as an extra stage. You may want to play merc instead in order to reach all of them without items if you can handle playing him.
Keep an eye out for sticky bomb printers as that's by far the easiest way to make a run keep up with any and all damage requirements.
but somebody was able to remove artificers skirt just fine
objectively? the character you're best at.
if you're bad at the game, then just go engie since his skill floor is pretty low compared to the others
oh you mean that mod? i'll upload it for you hold on
Don't underestimate the Bronzongs, those motherfuckers can EASILY 2 shot Huntress and Merc on HAHAHA
Poor fuck here, will there be another chance to get two games at the price of one? I think the base price it's too much for what the game offers, and besides me and my friend are poor as fuck.
Sticky bomb stacking with shaped glass is pretty fun too. But none of those things are anywhere near as broken as n'kuhana's.
NA monsoon lobby
She's mommy tier.
Does anything happen if you just dont leave the escape pod? Is there a hidden cheevo or am I wasting my time. Currently at 3:35
yeah I meant that one, I'm a dumbass
no achievements, but it does fuck with the enemies a little
Uhhh, Commando I'm trying to sneak pass the lemurians,
but the bettle queen is dumby thicc,
and the sound of her carapace plates clapping is alerting the greater wisps
Like the 6th stage
>trying to fight the good fight
>run behind boss to get a good angle to attack from
>face to face with massive bug ass
yo working on the 100 lunar to fuck off request
>that attack where her giant ass shoots out green wasps
get in losers
Does having that modpack installed break achievement unlocks?
why does she ACTUALLY have tits
Playing RoR2 made me go back to the original, but my save is gone.
I tried to edit the save.ini to at least get the characters but it doesn't work, any help?
No it doesn't
poison glands
get iiiinnnnnnnnnn
I had four deaths on monsoon as engineer but I got deicide that run way before my first death by killing an overloading stone titan. Eight stages later I got buttfucked by stone titans and greater will o wisp horde of many blazing and a stupid dunestrider.
The lesson to be learned is just drop your turrets and book it to the other side of the map and wait, I guess, unless you've got a stack of that item that gives you more shield charges.
Post fucking proof.
RoR1 doesn't have cloud saves, so if you changed PCs then the save's gone
as for editing the save, try this
>have all achievements besides deicide
any tips? I'm a fucking shitter apparently
>you will never motor boat beetle titties
why live
>RoR1 doesn't have cloud saves, so if you changed PCs then the save's gone
Mine did, from my laptop to my PC, steam cloud saves most everything I am pretty sure
I think it's broken atm
Yeah, I tried to do "achievementX=2" for each character and saved it, but it didn't work when I launched the game
what character do you main user?
as for general tips
>portals count as stages
>go fasts
It was okay. It felt like sidescrolling hotline miami and honestly I didn't like it as much
Monsoon and just play normally while watching for blazing enemies like a fucking hawk. The only real other threats are catching a surprise stone titan fist up your ass if you miss the red circle warning, or getting within Elder lemurian fireball range where you can't dodge the instant kill
>make 8 man sacrifice server
>people join in
>slowly people die and leave
>suddenly just me and bandito left
>we become unkillable dark gods
>everything before us melts
>I sneeze and elite bosses crumble
need that 20 rounds tho
>Hiding behind rock because gay Vagrant AoE
>"Whew, I'm safe"
>Slowly see Vagrant drift overhead
is this a crop?
nevermind i misread what achieve you needed
Deicide is bugged. You can only get it if you kill an elite boss AND if you activated a mountain shrine in the same stage, AND if the elite boss is the main teleporter boss
way to go user
now get a pixiv account and draw porn for us
>mfw engie with afterburner and it's vagrant spawn
>You will inseminate queen beetle's reproductive tract and be the father of a new brood of beetles and beetle guard's who go on to fuck up any survivors who crash on this game forsaken planet
After pressing the ability button, you can sprint during the effect or charge up of:
>All of Merc's abilities but Whirlwhind*
>Artificer's Charged Nano Bomb
>Huntress's M1*
>Commando's R
>Engineer's M1
>MUL-T's Rebar Puncher and technically his Transport Mode*
*These don't break sprint when they end/finish charging.
I don't know if this is helpful, I just like going fast.
That Mountain Shrine requirement isn't true. I didn't do anything of the sort and simply killed an Overloading Vagrant on my third loop in a Monsoon run. Not sure why so many people have the misconception that it requires the Mountain Shrine specifically. Mountain Shrines just force an elite if you're on the multiples of a boss stage generally.
Just play Monsoon as if it were any normal run. Just more wary of blazing elites and never assume you're powerful just because you've gotten a strong build. Alternatively, keep retrying stage 1 of a Monsoon run until you luck into a Capacitor, Missiles, or Preon, and then donate to a Newt Altar and buy up Gestures. Zeus build is one of the few things that can safely handle Monsoon.
Here's a neat little bit of tech i found with commando. Roll at any incline.
Jojo was pretty good this week
non thumbnail size
i tried out engineer for the first time
the fucking worm died in 3 seconds
is this the engi feeling
>lesser wisp sneaks up behind me on glass
You probably need 1-2 feather, at least 1 dove, and some movespeed boosts. it can make some fights really trivial.
also, if anyone knows of a clearer lot of settings for webms this small, throw me a bone
I'm technically wrong about Merc's R and Dash but you can sprint really soon after the abilities complete, before you hit the ground and while you're still flashing even.
also you can sprint during Milky Chrysalis, thought the item made you really slow vertically for my first 5-10 hours.
Why do people sometimes complain if you take a lot of items? Are you really expected to share items besides boss drops, fungi for engis, crit items with people with crits etc?
I've noticed this a lot in quickplay and even in a Yea Forums lobby. Should you slow down for people going slow?
>pick up everything
this is you
the mountain shrine seems to fix the issue for most people, and it's consistent. multiple other anons reported the same issue in previous threads, and it fixed the problem for them too. Even if it's the main boss it doesn't count sometimes for some strange reason, and it's an actual boss like titans/vagrants/beetles.
Overloaded worms don't count either because they're an enemy type now.
personally I had a monsoon run where I killed an ice titan and didn't get it, but the next map I used a mountain shrine and killed an overloaded vagrant for the achievement.
I mainly remember this because the titan gave me that rare ice elite active that changes you into an ice elite.
just press tab, if people have way less items than you maybe you should be killing things instead of rushing chests
am I the only one that assumed this?
I always tap my sprint key after using an ability as merc or huntress. it's really useful since it significantly boosts your air mobility if you do it after a whirlwind or boomerang
a lot of characters make more use of a single stack of an item than another person stacking them. consider only jewing items towards mid-lategame unless you're in an autistic group that calls items.
How the FUCK do you play merc, his damage output is so low
So I should slow down to let other people get more items because they'll carry me?
there are a few items that are worth sharing:
stickies if you aren't the person stacking them
n'kuhana for engineers (they will use it 100x better than you will)
tesla is way better on merc/engi than on commando/huntress
dio is amazing on engineer, if you don't plan on dying you should give it to them
backup mags for merc/huntress/artificer(lol)
Has anyone been able to get the Overloading Worm monster log? I've only got that, the Gilded Coast log, and 3 more items left before I've 100%'d the game for now, and can't seem to get the first two.
bad bait
You try to run him on monsoon another 10 times before realizing he doesn't get enough immunity to avoid being instantly fisted past 40min, and switch to engi/mul-t/commando until a patch rolls out.
it depends
press tab and check. if people are being slow as fuck, like 10 minutes on the first stage slow, then they deserve to have shit for items. if you're a faggot that's sniping every single chest and you have literally double everyone else's items, then you're the problem. some people are complete faggots about this though, and don't bother to count item stacks when counting items.
also don't be that faggot that steals boss loot or 3d printers/chests that others have paid for. if someone does that shit in the first level of quickplay I just leave unless it's an obvious accident. ain't wasting time on some faggot who will just die immediately anyways. Every fucking run I've had where someone was like this, that person would die first and I'd have to carry their retarded ass.
just keep at it, user
you aren't a drizzlet, right?
>and switch to engi/mul-t/commando until a patch rolls out
Or I switch back to Artificer and do twice as good as I ever did with any of those three classes, but yeah thanks.
I still need the Gold Titan Log, Overloaded Worm Log, and the Gilded Coast Log, as well as the Brainstalks log.
quite a few people are claiming that the Gilded Coast log is glitched though, even those faggots on the wiki.
I don't really trust wikitards though, especially with how much shitter advice is on there for both RoR1 and RoR2.
I can't believe how boring these two are. Even Commando is miles ahead in terms of fun.
gilded coast is likely glitched, i've combed it entirely too many times, and never saw the log or a radar either
>Hidden Realm, a forgotten moment, fractured
What did I just enter?
Flawless is so fucking gay, Jesus Christ
>98% without getting hit? Sorry, Wisps spawned behind you and clipped you for 2 damage at maximum range, better luck next time!
Huntress is fun once you get going with items. Her auto-aim is dull but blinking around doing rain of arrows and glave spam is fun.
Engineer is unsalvageable. He was really fun in 2D but this not so much.
you press shift 3 times then you press R then your press m2 then your press shift again
optimal mercenary play in a nutshell
A bad time
alternatively if you don't like cheesing it, get gud
Double uhh?
So exactly what I've been doing, but he's just bad. Thanks.
Good luck getting past 20-30min in 9/10 runs.
its open
I'm playing the first game. Any guides, suggestions on what to do?
I thought about it when I died to a blazing titan on stages 18-19 four times in a row, but stuck to it and got it done with Commando. I suck ass though, lucked out hard with my build.
Personally I don't enjoy Huntress of MUL-T. Both shoot too slow I guess and it feels like I'm just plinking shit, puts me to sleep.
you've gotta go, user
you time has come
for your own sake, press that button
Oh, cool, Mercenary.
learn to weave abilities between his dashes/attacks. Always keep your spin on cooldown if possible, use it between dashes, etc. Use M1s between dashes if you can't M2. You should almost never "just" use his 3 dashes in a row directly into eviscerate. If you want to play Merc at his full potential, you need to play him like Artificer.
learn when to use his abilities. his dashes are disgusting for AoE.
learn his builds
git gud, merc has one of the highest damage outputs in the game. eviscerate is fucking nuts now that attack speed properly works with it compared to RoR1.
>do a great moonsoon run with commando
>tp is in a hallway without cover
>4 stone titan spawn
I don't know why people say this, she's amazing lategame once you've got items going. One M2 just deletes everything you see.
engie is super fun in this game, idk what ur smoking.
Easily more fun then ror1
Everything is fairly straightforward to learn except for the "Drown 20 Whorls" achievement.
Which requires knockback on the stage with all the water.
>Engi on stage 1
>Shield runs out
>Run over
>Enemy walks into shield
>Run over
>One turret goes down
>Run over
It's not that easy and I already fucking did a Flawless run with Engi but it didn't give me the mother fucking achievement
invalid ID
>You should almost never "just" use his 3 dashes in a row directly into eviscerate.
Anytime I try to use other abilities in between dashes the window to use dash again after hitting an enemy disappears and its on cooldown though.
Post your highest pick rates
>Merc: 24.58%
>Artificer: 20.34%
>Shield runs out
you're doing it wrong
>Enemy walks into shield
you're doing it wrong, still
>One turret goes down
He's not bad, you are the one who's bad
connect with your inner weeb, abuse the fuck out of your iframes and NEVER touch the ground
Ok Mr.Perfect, how does one Flawless with Engineer?
His M1 is so unsatisfying compared to RoR1, no harpoon is garbage, in this one you just get fungus, stick two turrets next to each other under a shield and stand there.
step 1: make sure the stage is titanic plains
step 2: camp in the middle, where the two rocks are leaning on each other
step 3: ???
step 4: profit
Genuinely gr8
Be honest, user, who do you wanna see most out of the remaining cast/possible new blood? Irrelevant if confirmed or not.
His cooldowns are too high to never touch the ground, and even after I've spammed every move even non-boss tanky enemies like beetle guards are still alive with like 60% HP. He seems bad.
Definitely Acrid. All the others are a DISTANT second at best.
But Sniper and Bandit are both hype too.
>black screen into dc
If they don't actually add Acrid at some point there will be riots.
>not magma worm
commando: 27.33%
i'm a chad, i know.
If they can do for acrid what they did for mercenary, I def want him in
Mercenary used to be my least favorite character , he felt really formulaic to play. Even with the same general movement set, 3d really worked wonders for him
I'd love to see acrid do zone control in 3d. I hope the devs wouldn't be stingy with his DoT abilities having proc chance, even if it's low
Is commando damage on par with the other classes? I feel he gets outdone by mult-t and huntress, even the wizard.
Give me a nigga with a rocket launcher that he can travel the map with.
Shit, just put the TF2 Soldier in this game.
>instanced loot
>fungus drops
>can't give it to engi
>mountain shrine
>only one guy makes it
>only gets 2 items instead of 8
epic my dude
>Normal bite melee
>Huge acid pools bloom where you run for a while and last a while longer, like half of a Teleporter charge, but also longer cooldown to compensate, granting movespeed and DoT to enemies on it
>Stun vomit
>Plague that tears trash mobs apart
then you're doing it too slow.
at base attack speed, you can get at least one M1 swing between dashes.
started up a game just to give an example. not used to playing at this tiny resolution so I fucked it up a bit but you get the idea. it's more than possible at base attack speed, and it gets easier as you stack syringes. doing it with Air M2s is also a bit easier imo, but it could be that I'm just more used to it because I do it more often for single target damage like titans/elders/bosses
Chef excellence
>Find sticky grenade printer, decide to print a ton of stickies.
>Hit enemy, stickies practically instakill them.
>Print a fuckton more on another sticky printer as soon as I find one.
>Now have a garantueed chance on a sticky each hit, dealing 5000% damage each.
>Also have a handful of syringes
>Be merc
>Hit R
Jesus fuck everything fucking dies from this. And it works fucking great with anything that procs even more stickies like meathooks and uke's. I've managed to kill the fucking newt at the shop with this it's so retardedly powerful.
Nothing happens when the newt dies. His model stays in place and you're not teleported out of the shop. It just gets eerily quiet as the wind noises stop.
do you still have to do a bunch of C# fuckery to play bandit?
mercenary is our only melee right now and is evasion based with a bunch of quick hits, i want to slug people with loader's huge mechanic arms and use my grappling hook to hook onto wisps and terrain while explicitly not giving a shit
Is MUL-T the most OP fucker in the game? Seriously every run I've had with him is guaranteed to go beyond the 60 minute mark regardless of how bad item drops are.
Magma worm is easy, just fly around with him
just make it instanced when it pops out for 15s, done
2000 hp without items is one hell of a drug
your lobby is broken nigger
stop spamming it
Really torn between Enforcer and Loader.
Enforcer because LAW and Loader's kit would be extremely fun in 3D, especially the hook.
A proper Summoner, rather than just Engi.
>Summon a swarm of lesser wisps to aid you in combat, they're pale blue to differentiate from regular Wisps and elite Wisps
>Call forth a Lemurian to hunt one specific enemy
>Basic attack throws knives at enemies in a slight arc
>Moveskill in the form of raising a Beetle and riding it for a while
except we have 3/4
Just read the pastebin nigger its easy
>just spent an hour getting a new player to the celestial portal so they could unlock merc
>seemed so happy to have a sword character
Doesnt it just give you a warm glow helping people out
well fuck you i tried to join twice and neither time worked
You keep playing until you see a syringe 3D printer.
Then you recycle ALL your items.
we're stuck in the Aurolite dimension, nothing is spawning. send help
I am bored of humans I want MONSTERS DAMMIT
say something sooner you retard, so I can remake the lobby. Now try joining
rebuild the beacons my dude
OH FUCK I JUST ENDED A RUN THERE. me and my friend who was playing for the first time and I'd never been there and we bought all 7 towers and nothing happened and we eventually died
we dont have enough
we cant die because we are immortal demon gods
need some console commands to get us out, force a teleport or something
>Monsoon run
>50 minutes in
>Activate Shrine of the Mountain
>It's finally time
>Elite boss spawns for the teleporter
>It's a blazing colossus
Where the HECK are EU lobbies?
I killed 6 overloading worms on monsoon to get the log, if that helps.
Probably doesnt, good luck fag
i don't think MUL-T is op, but i do think half of the cast members need adjusting, which sounds stupid i know but hear me out:
+decent range
+capable of good damage
-damage can suffer
-roll is pointless
+auto aim is an automatic dps increase
+can sprint while firing
+has a good amount of aoe
-shorter range than commando
-health pool is abysmal
+great damage output
+great team utility
+autonomous gameplay is never bad
+above average durability
-not having the right items can make him pointless
+very high damage output when feasting
+true damage % hp execute
+good aoe cc
-very poor damage output when in famine
-no mobility or defence options
-wall feels awkward to use
+high single target damage output
+decent aoe damage
+2nd highest healthpool
+good aoe cc
+high invulnerability time
----blazing enemies exist
+highest hp pool
+nailgun is good dps on large targets
+rebar is fine for dealing with aerial targets
+good disengage
+two item slots
+good aoe cc
+just versatile in general
point is, MUL-T doesn't really have any drawbacks like the other characters do and has an extremely versatile kit, so unless he does literal peanut damage and is squishy he'll probably never be bad
then have the host cheat engine in some dosh, i don't fucking know dude
Mostly because the game becomes impossible to play when you fall behind in items and is completely unforgiving when you die in co-op. Good luck trying to get back into the game when one or two players have most of the items and you die near instantaneously on respawn and do zero damage, you may as well just leave and start a new game.
I still want my autistic Providence idea
i just wish I wasn't complete shit at modding
>ps2 graphics
ps2 didn't run at 1080p
>even the wizard
Dude she outdamages every other class combined
>Start a run on Merc
>No luck with Syringes
>But get a shitton of crit, health recovery on crit and that one item that increases attack speed on crit
It's like revving up a minigun holy shit.
Post your dream roster
>Swarmer grill with flight and minion summoning abilities
What items do you wanna get on her? I always get outdamaged by huntress. I know the execute, I know M2 is your main ability and to spam R.
Thanks user this was actually helpful
i'm a simple man
it's okay user, adding unique models to the game isn't really possible right now anyways, that's why everyone is just doing model swaps
post the moveset, i want to see it
well at least i got the clover
I want Loader back. I want to punch harder than I've ever punched before.
Merc feels so goddamn good in 2, I can't even imagine how hype it'd be to knuckleboom some bitches into the dirt and grapple myself into somebody's face to punch their lights out.
>artificer outdamaging anything, even engi
lmao the state of waifuniggers
any chance of the game having another sale? missed the buy one get 2, and honestly paying full price feels like a scame now
Lads I just hit the Shrine of Order
Rate my fucking roll right here
>honestly paying full price feels like a scame now
welcome to early access games
wasted glasses and not sticky bombs/10
Tripoint, Ukelele, Will o the wisp, Gasoline, Crowbar, Sticky, Glasses, Syringe, all the usual damage buffers.
Learn to aim her M2 to hit the enemy furthest in the back whenever possible so you get the most out of its arcing hits as it travels.
Backup mags will let you shoot M2s more, so they're also high priority.
When you get enemies low, don't waste another charge shot on them, just delete them with Shift.
Against bosses just strafe and Flamethrower whenever you can.
Nah, its mostly traced and don't want to add to the rise of bad western art on pixiv.
what's hoppo's email? I want to tell him that chests should be lootable by each player.
also i doubt they would have even done the sale in the first place if they knew how fucking popular it was going to be so probably no. just pirate it to try out
the absolute sad dog
What fucking game are you playing, is this the new hot bait?
This is more fun than it has any right to be.
nigga its $20 you can make that in a day mowing lawns
Sacrifice is broken
i'm playing the game on a difficulty above drizzle, nigger
good luck getting in flamethrower range after 30 minutes, and by the time your shitty m2 even hits the enemy it's already been deleted by commando or mul-t
eat shit waifunigger, your autistic meme waifu will NEVER be a good class
yeah there's currently no downsides to sacrifice, when you get to later stages all enemies have a super high chance to drop items
>good luck getting in flamethrower range after 30 minutes
Get gud you shitter, lmao.
20 million health
and all gone in less than a minute
>good luck getting in flamethrower range after 30 minutes
You press W and then R, it's not difficult. Everything gets stunlocked and heals you like a billion HP a second.
Loader, Sniper, Reaper
>i'll just flamethrower this blazing elite, whoops i died
seen this shit dozens of times, never seen artificer do good though
really makes you think.
Replace Artificier's ice wall with a tiny personal shield that has a stun AoE.
>blazing lemurian sneezes
>instantly die because you're 2 feet away from it instead of 200 like other classes
simply epic, lad
What is that and how do you get it?
>>blazing lemurian sneezes
how would you let him sneeze as artificer?
you some kind of shitter?
that's gay, just make the ice wall able to block projectiles
artificer is shit solely because she scales awfully with on-hits, which are far and away the best way to deal damage
>b-but muh flamethrower
by the time you walk your ass over to a group it's already been obliterated by stickybombs from any other class, and you're not gonna get in flamethrower range of a boss unless you have a death wish.
This is my best Rainstorm run so far. The engineer seems a bit OP. I was still destroying bosses in seconds at the point when i died but got sloppy and died to a fucking crab. The huntress also seems good because of her mobility but i often end up lacking damage on her.
Think I'll try my first monsoon later.
>use ice wall
>it breaks out because as artificer you deal negative damage
epic my dude, just epic
what is what? the flaming thing? super rare drop from fire elites
Forgot image
So I got "her biting embrace", one of those items that turns you into an elite. I didn't know it was a use item that didn't get used but just gave you a permanant status
What do you guys think about that mechanic, giving up your use item to become elemented. Do you think that makes sense, or should it be a red? (of course, I don't know how you'd make it stack especially)
On one hand, i think it's a neat gimmick, on the other, it makes fuel cells useless
>Getting decent items, but nothing that chains damage
>Get a few more stages in
>LOTS of wisps
>Too many to shoot with even perfect aim - would be completely trivial with any kind of damage chaining like a ukelele, ceremonial dagger, tesla, sentient meathook, whatever
>Don't have any of those
>Die a death of 1000 papercuts
This happens more than it has any right to. Those wisps seemingly cannot miss, and when the game decides to spawn 50 of them at a time it's basically gg if you don't have the right shit to deal with it
>>i'll just flamethrower this blazing elite, whoops i died
Literally get gud, holy shit. Just don't walk into the fire you retard. Also one leech seed and you can outheal the blaze damage with flamethrower on a mob.
use your other stunning abilities?
>daniel radcliffe is like 5'6"
>also a fucking chad
given it makes you immune to blazniggers I'll take it anyday
>one leech seed and you can outheal the blaze damage
retarded fucking drizzlet detected
US West, 2 slots, kinda fresh player and really fresh player that just unlocked huntress
>standing in front
>thinks you're supposed to play at like 200ft range
Oh, holy shit I understand why you fags are so bad now. You literally try to play Artificer like she's some kind of sniper when she's a divebomber.
congrats you just blew all of your abilities to kill one elder lemurian
while you were doing that, (any other class) just wiped half the map with their m1
dumb fucking waifunigger
No faggot, that's you. You can't even make it far enough with Artificer to know how good she is lategame.
>divebomb in with no defensive skill
meanwhile commando just oneshots the whole group at range with one sticky bomb proc, huntress throws one glaive, merc presses r, etc
dumb waifunigger
>needing defensive skill when every move you have lategame does 999999 damage to everything on the screen and stuns them all
Literally how are you this fucking garbage.
All you need to do is avoid boss attacks since you can't stun those.
EU monsoon
Where do I get the Sacrifice mod?
>blazing elder lemurian
that's pretty much the strongest shit that can spawn other than an elite boss
listen up nigger
if you want to talk lategame, don't even fucking bring that flaming trash heap of a class up.
lategame, all the GOOD classes can simply delete bosses and mobs instantly with a 50 sticky bomb stack from across the map, while artificer's shitty slow projectiles take 10 seconds or more to reach them.
artificer is literally only good before the 15 minute mark, then she's outscaled by EVERY OTHER CLASS.
>congrats you just blew all of your abilities to kill one elder lemurian
>4 seconds later all cooldowns are over
>while you were doing that, (any other class) just wiped half the map with their m1
>Merc wiping the map with m1
>MUL-T hitting anything at range with m1
>Engineer doing jack fucking fuck all with m1
Lmfao, you don't even play this fucking game do you?
I love how all these examples assume everyone is Commando with 39 sticky bombs always.
God is dead and I killed him.
I wanted to sequence this run to see what I'd get but I couldn't find anymore lunar coins.
I'd say any brass contraption lategame is bullshit.
>randomly step on a mine
>lol ur ded
What the fuck?
Can we get some kind of nickname for this fag with his bait that's already getting stale
Could you guys vote on strawpoll.me
I'd like to know how many people use my assembly, because it still seems like a ton of people use vanilla.
I had this same issue in SCPSL where I didn't want to release our own modified version of the game & work on it with other anons, because then it'd split the community.
EU monsoon
Need 2
>shoot your slow fireball
>by the time it even reaches the mob it's already fired back at you so even IF you one-shot it you're still in danger
>die from blaze damage
meanwhile on other classes:
>shoot mob with hitscan weapon or just arrow rain them from across the map
>they instantly die before they can shoot at you
artificer is simply a liability who brings nothing to the team
5 crabs down, 15 more to go.
Still need to open the door, find altars, hoard blue items, kill the gay beam faggot, and compete 3 teleporter events without healing.
>literally no argument, not even trying to come up with a bullshit excuse for why artificer is good lategame even though every other class outdoes her in every way, even merc
lmfao you dumb fucking nigger
kill yourself
Her projectiles are like the same fucking speed as every single gun except Commando double tap and MUL-T rebar, you absolute fucking brainlet, and the M2 also hitscan everything near them as they travel and then do a huge AoE, while the Flamethrower pierces and fires faster than any other weapon except MUL-Ts nailgun.
>All the people bitching about Golems and whatever
>Meanwhile Dunestriders have the highest KDR by far for me
>shoot 4 fireballs
>whoops you're out and now die because you can't instantly delete anything anymore
epic, even engineer can just shoot again.
> and the M2 also hitscan everything near them as they travel and then do a huge AoE, while the Flamethrower pierces and fires faster than any other weapon except MUL-Ts nailgun.
literally none of this is even relevant lategame, where other classes simply wipe the map with one m1 and meat hook + ukulele + sticky bomb
>Acrids Brother
>Acrids Sn.
>Acrids Best Friend
>Acrids left nut
>Acrids Mother
>Acrids right nut
>Acrid Jr.
i can't draw for shit so enjoy this autism since you asked nicely
pls no bully
for me it is greater wisps
fuck those things and the horse they rode in on
Holy fuck you guys are so bad. It's more like:
>sprint into range at 9000mph because you stacked movement abilities
>charge and drop nanobomb
>everything explodes into healing orbs or is stunned
>activate flamethrower
>torch the screen
>everything dies
>nothing even had a chance to shoot or if it did you just healed back immediately, blocked it with teddys, or tanked it on your shields, depending on items
>only thing still standing are bosses
>circle strafe dodge their attacks because you aren't a shitter
>dive in for damage, retreat when you're low and heal up by torching mobs
>it's good because it's AoE, even though items exist that do that for you, much better, and don't require you to play a squishy no mobility charge-based class
I wouldn't worry too much about a split, modding was popular with the original and I don't see why it wouldn't be for this as well.
>everytime in this example the other classes have perfect item stacks but artificer doesn't
If this isn't bait you're actually retarded and this isn't worth arguing anymore.
meanwhile with commando:
>press m1
>entire group is instantly dead
>move on
With the exact run animation
Greater Wisps are a joke, they can't even hit you if you just keep moving.
You realize when a base attack is AoE that means it can trigger the AoE items on everything hit by the initial blast, right?
Meaning it basically multiplies their effect exponentially.
the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT is that artificer is SHIT with onhit stacking (literally the only way to do relevant damage), you dumb fucking waifunigger
it doesn't matter if she has 100 sticky bombs or 1000, another class simply deletes whatever she was shooting before her projectiles even hit to apply the bomb
Guys, ignore the artificer shitposter hes just baiting you. with his idiotic 'shes shit' shitpost.
>Commando comes with a built in sticky bomb printer hanging from his nutsack
Yeah, man, he's so good. Just epic.
>artificer is SHIT with onhit stacking
>press R
>do more onhit than every other class in the game combined can even hope
Lmfao at your life
>You realize when a base attack is AoE that means it can trigger the AoE items on everything hit by the initial blast, right?
yeah and it doesn't fucking matter when one bomb hit wipes the whole group and doesn't need you to be in breathing range.
t. waifunigger deflecting since he can't argue with the facts
thing is, updating it for new patches takes quite a while, I spent about 3h30 updating because I bricked it twice
(in addition to like 4-5h of trying to find out why it bricked)
I wanna make sure enough people actually use it to make it worth it.
I'm happy I made them for the start, because it was nice to play in crazy 16 player lobbies etc, but right now player numbers are dwindling heavily and I feel like both vanilla & modded lobbies both have issues getting players, which might be because of the split.
I'm not sure if I should bother to update it again for the next patch (whenever that is)
>press R
>instantly get deleted because you're now moving at walking speed
by the time you even walked to the boss commando just killed it
I would like to point out the idiot trying to ruin the thread is the same guy as from last thread with no life and no skill
Hide and ignore his IP
character actually seems pretty fun
we never really did have a melee equivalent for sniper's burst damage moveset. Loader was more of a brawler than anything else, and HAN-D wasn't quite there either.
having lore is a bit autistic though, but then again you might as well go all the way if you're going to make a moveset.
but all of his points make sense, why WOULD you take artificer besides her looking cool? she has no mobility, her unique execution gimmick is pointless in the face of good damage, her cc isn't particularly high comparitively and she has nuts travel time on everything
his point is that any other character can use the items better and more consistently, thus making artificer bad by proxy
i don't see what the problem here is
>having to go near something to press r
>could just autoattack on most of the cast
it's like you aren't reading what he's typing
artificer COULD go into a group and do flamethrower shit but what's the point when any other class doesn't have to try that hard for the same results?
worm today huh friend
I mean I think she's fun and definitely not as shit as people always make her out to be, but there's no way you can honestly believe she scales harder than any other character in the game, other than maybe merc
Artificier is probably my favorite class, and her flamethrower isn't so dangerous to use if you have some feathers, hooves, and quails, but damn she really does have no late game compared to the others. The items simply don't exist to properly support a spellcaster type character currently.
Yeah, she can do good damage with the flamethrower, but it's going to be about the same damage as one engineer turret, and then it goes on cooldown. Her AoE isn't nearly enough to carry you past stage 15, and charging up nano blasts cannot compete with just pressing M1 on commando.
redpill me on ignoring IPs, lad
if artificer is so shit, record you playing your hardest and showin how shit she is
if artificer is so good, record you playing your hardest and showin how good she is
any way to dampen the glass artifact mod via a convar ?
>ruin the thread
Calm your autismo there waifushitter, if it's just one guy shitposting who gives a shit, stop sperging. It's gameplay discussion. I guess we shouldn't discuss video games huh? Fucking Yea Forumstards
rip teammate who sequenced all his shit into rose bucklers and stun grenades 60 minutes in. the mad lad
Just report and hide him manually, its faster than learning how to IP block
ITT: fags baiting fags baiting fags
>when hes so desperate to try and pretend artificer is bad and keeps replying but you cant see it
Kek, glad I made him rage
>when he's just hiding posts but is acting like he's IP blocked someone somehow
simply epic
sequencing is fun but it's really only viable if you find one before the 40 minute mark
by that point you need a bit of everything (damage, mobility, defense/sustain, etc.) to really survive.
best case scenario is that you get something meme tier like 69 stickies, and even then you're likely to get pot shot by something off screen because you weren't moving fast enough
>no items for a spell caster
>the items she needs are literally just mags and attack speed with the usual proc items like everyone else
if you had IP blocked him then my post wouldn't have been blocked either
not the sharpest knife in the draw buddy
>commando has 40+ sticky bombs but you don't have like 4 hooves
Wow. Nice argument.
>literally zero reading comprehension: the post
Oh I just kid your post cos you're a shitter :^)
lmao can't wait
Dont be so harsh on yourself I dont blame you for being bad at the game.
Perhaps you should actually try getting some attack speed items and magazines so that you can throw out her M2s indefinitely, because they are objectively stronger than any other attack any other character can do.
He's fun, but honestly not that strong right now without a proper ult
>when he says he ip blocked you but you see your post unblocked in the same screenshot as another of yours thats hidden
im so shit at this game
how do i git gud
>artificer COULD go into a group and do flamethrower shit but what's the point when any other class doesn't have to try that hard for the same results?
Because every other class doesn't magically come with a 3d printer for sticky bombs, this argument is retarded
it literally doesn't matter how many syringes or mags you have
commando simply presses m1 once and deletes everything before your m2 reaches it, despite being a "weaker" attack
Play more and better
Yes and?
always jump and strafe during fights, learn which items are good, keep trying and dying
monsoon is too easy
>missing the point this hard
artificer does NOT scale with onhits like other classes do, therefore she is SHIT.
that's what i'm trying to get through your thick skull.
assuming equal items, any other class outperforms her past 15 minutes.
>unlock engineer
>try him out
>don't really see why people play it so much
>Get a bunch of teddy bears and shrooms early on
>A gorillion squeaks resound as I stand still in my immortal puddle.
No, no it doesn't lol.
>b-but muh 50 sticky bombs
Basically never actually happens, try again.
In a realistic run you end up with a big fuckload of random stacks of shit in 2s and 3s, and Artificer does WAY better damage with that than anyone else could ever fucking hope to.
git items
Due to all the proc items in the game, and them being the strongest way to scale into late game who is a good late game character is the one who can deliver the items best. M2 is too slow for attaching maracas to enemies. R has too much of a cooldown. M1 is too limited. Her AoEs become irrelevent when everyone has tesla coils and ukuleles in the late game, and sticky bombs on one target do far better than her trying to land some sweet nano blast. Just like how Commando's M2 becomes basically pointless once he has attack speed.
She's simply unable to keep up with faster less limited attackers 60 minutes into a game. I'm always forced to switch to a gesture build to keep up with my friends who just delete everything they look at at that point.
We need more items that improve cooldowns, for crowbars to not be useless from everything instantly taking small damage, and for some simple items that directly improve base damage, so you can look at the big damage on her M2 and R so that the skills themselves can actually matter as more than a delivery system for on hits.
>Finally get a decent Huntress run going
>30 mins in
>Press R
>Get instantly gibbed because enemies instalock to your new location
Great character. Back to Commando and MUL-T
what class? you can't just come here asking to git gud without giving specifics user. there are some general things we can tell you but we need to know more
>play more and learn item synergies/monster patterns
>play more and learn your character
>play more and learn how to stay mobile in fights.
>play more and learn when you should farm vs when you should just rush the tele vs when you should go at a medium pace
pic related, even if you're a drizzlefag. you'll be able to clear monsoon eventually.
Dude, hes shitposting. Just ignore him.
>playing Bandit
>titan tracking me
>go invisible
>titan tracking me
Yeah, people are going to just gloss over that one.
It's pretty rare to NOT run into a sticky printer at some point in an hour long game. The fact that you don't realize this makes it sense of why you don't understand artificier's limits.
>R has too much of a cooldown
Dude it's 4 seconds, and while you're waiting you just M2. It's like you've never actually played Artificer.
>but if you take away all the factors that make artificer shit, she's good!
uh no shit?
literally 99% of runs will have an on-hit printer at some point.
>only on-hit printer was dagger
any other class wins
>only on-hit printer was kjaro's band
any other class wins
and so on.
>playing a literally unfinished character you had to edit the files to play
Seriously kid?
>unfinished character is unfinished
what a surprise
already finished
Will lowering my graphics settings reduce instances of the the FPS going to 0 and me basically losing control for a second then getting one shotted in that instant?
>still replying to bait
At this point you're as stupid as him. Just stop he isnt going to stop shitposting about her because hes an idiot who needs attention. Its obvious hes never even played her why bother replying.
>>only on-hit printer was dagger
>any other class wins
That's blatantly horseshit though.
stealth needs a buff in general, but triggering it off a warkit will still get the titan's aim off you
this is just bandit being unfinished
did you even read the post?
honestly asking, because you didn't address anything he said except for saying "nuh uh 4 second cooldown is exactly the same as no cooldown because you can throw 4 shitty balls in the meantime"
>playing Merc
>titan/golem tracking me
>press r
>titan/golem tracking me
EU lobby would be great, yeah.
I stop reading when someone is so blatantly wrong they obviously don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about.
For what it's worth, titans and golems will stay locked into you even during the old war stealth kit invisibility, which is a "finished" item in the public build. Defend this.
>Stack a gazillion gasoline cans thinking I'll shit out DoT by the hundreds
>Stacks only affects AoE range
4 seconds is a long downtime. Yes you can keep constantly attacking as her, but in those 4 seconds you've thrown 6 fireballs, and 3 uncharged nano blasts. Meanwhile commando has shot more than a hundred bullets. She's fun dude, I love the class. This just isn't the game for her past 40 minutes.
Yeah, let's be real, Bandit just calls the invisibility already in the game, and Titans already are broken in half with how they choose to lock on, or flail around like retards. Invisibility otherwise tends to work, so tell me the odds of it being fixed unless Titans as a whole are fixed.
doesn't matter how fast you charge that M2, it's not moving forward faster than bullets
you're arguing with somebody saying a character is bad because they're genuinely inferior at what they do
idk if i'm the shitter here lmao
yeah man you really are dumb, 's point is really simple
it doesn't even have to be sticky bombs, it could be anything, but the point is that their damage is coming out way faster and with far more ease with no strings attached
could be any other item, artificer just does not proc things well
listing her proc chances:
fireball is 2-3 at most if the burn dot counts
lightning ball is about 2 since an arc will hit them before the ball does
flamethrower is a FUCK TON but is far more effort than any other class holding LMB
but why BOTHER, she's just not as useful as the other classes
it's literally not, have you even fucking played the game?
>only on-hit is dagger
>other classes wipe the group by shooting once or twice, then wisp takes care of the rest
>artificer's shitty projectile travel time makes that much slower, and artificer completely comes up short in single-target
fuck off this is NA neet hours
That's what I thought too but my damage was completely unaffected, meanwhile the explosion radius was fucking MASSIVE.
As someone who loves bandit, if you shift while they are locking on they'll fuck off, but if you shift after they started firing, you're basically fucked.
Turret kills don't drop coins
God bless you blaze. You fought till the bitter end.
So you are saying that it's bugged? That might be something that is worth reporting to the Hopoo.
fuck those elder lizards I swear everytime one looks like an easy kill it turns around and kills me in one hit
t. merc
if i dont have good items by 5-10 minutes i just restart
its literally pointless theres too many absolute useless trash items in this game
is it over? can we talk about risky rains now?
onlyradiusanon is wrong
the duration increases per stack
So it affects radius and duration? That's still kinda shit desu.
Tired of quickplayfags disconnecting and fucking up the runs
EU Lobby
protip, if you don't start in titanic plains, restart the game
other starter map has a budget of 180 compared to titanic plain's 210. normal chests cost 15 to place
remember that DoTs proc every x seconds regardless of duration, so it's effectively more damage.
Just doesn't matter very much if you instantly kill the shit around it
Wait, what? Is the number of chests spawned not random?
80% of my playtime in RoR1 was with Sniper, so him.
if it only increased damage without increasing duration, it would be will-o-wisp lite, but much easier to stack
at the same time, only increasing duration means it quickly loses usefulness
there's probably a balance to strike here
I remember a post of some merc complaining about being tracked while invisible. When you play Bandit you rely on invisibility as a defensive tool instead of considering it an extra bonus on top, so any invisibility bugs will be noticed at an insane rate compared to now.
one more slot
join in frens
The other map is also less effecient to maneuver through and explore. Gotta check the main area, ok just turrets and drones here. Gotta check the door, alright nothing here, gotta check through the caves on the way up to the top, alright a couple chests. Oh wait the island is available this time, let me go over there. Oh ok there's one chest here... Oh wait there were a few more chests on the cliff side between the caves and the island!
Meanwhile titanic plains is a big square you can easily go from corner to corner scanning the middle from a distance.
Play Engi and pray for mountain shrine.
what did he mean by this
sorry fren
Every time I boot up Risk of Rain 2 I tell myself to play Commando, Huntress, Mul-T, Hell even Engineer. Seconds later, I’m playing Mercenary as always.
Why the fuck is he so fun lads?
jus don get hit ;^)
depends what you mean by random
at the start of the map, a budget is granted to it (I assume following the difficulty curve)
After it receives its budget, it puts all the options for spawn cards IT CAN AFFORD in a list, and picks based on their weights (aka the chance of a specific card being picked). (there's some more mumbo jumbo about the chance being restricted to a category and categories also having weights but whatever).
It does this until it doesn't have the budget to purchase anything anymore.
While that 30 extra budget will not automatically correlate to more chests, it will always correlate to more things. That might be an extra combat shrine and mountain shrine, it might be an extra printer and some capsules, it might be two chests or you could get 5 drones
pic related is all the spawn cards and their category. Doesn't have weight and cost since I didn't really care about them when making Command.
Free mobility and """high damage""" plus a lot of i-frames is why I like him
Also probably some weeb shit with his laser katana turns some people on I guess
game needs more enemies I want my mushroom cloud bois
if the game is balanced around each hit of a blazing mob adding 1 burn stack, and titan is instantly applying 24 of them, then that means the one burn tick from titan is going to deal 24x more damage than it should be, which is why blazing titans in particular are bullshit.
in other words blazing titans are getting nerfed/bugfixed
I offered two options to fix it & nobody replied to me so I assumed people didn't really care
it's pretty simple too
friendly reminder that you can just run up the cliffside to get to the top of distant roost from the upper middle area.
it's not the most useful thing in the world, but it can save you from going the long way around in the cave.
>When making command
I thought nobody had done this yet.
so in other words, loot spawns work just like enemy spawns
Are you retarded, he knows how to fix it its just a bug
Does the clover affect loot rarity?
you can also do something similar on the other side of distant roost, as well as the mountain/cave side of rallypoint
Is that ifrit?
Fire ticks are literally what's stopping all games. Can't wait for this shit to get fixed.
>play for 2+ hours
>Lesser wisps scale up to deal almost ohko damage if you're playing anyone but MUL-T with his absurd HP pool
Jesus Christ
It affects your proc chances significantly. I wonder if it affects crit chance in any way.
Is this for 1 or 2?
so am i right in assuming that with clover you only need 19 sticky bombs for 100% proc chance?
asking for a friend.
>Buy game.
>Play for a bit.
>Finish playing, look at clock
>9 hours has passed.
How the fuck did they do it bros.
they did what most developers seem to fail at these days
they made a fun video game
clover just rerolls your odds in an attempt to make them more favourable on everything you do, it won't confirm 100% proc chance but you'll have 2 chances of getting 100% instead of 1
blazing elder lumerian
I recognize it because it's one of those mobs from the combat shrine that you figure you can beat pretty quick until it turns around and pummels your ass
it's for 1, but it's well known that 2 uses the exact same AI if not a similar one.
you can test it with a mountain shrine and see that it will increase boss count earlygame, or reduce the number of bosses to spawn an elite boss instead in midgame
The only drawback he has is lack of vertical movement without items which can make getting hard to reach places kind of tricky.
It's an earnest fucking problem once you get good. Even a "quick" monsoon round solo lasts at LEAST an hour, even more if you have a few competent anons in a party
ah so not quite 100% but still much higher than 50
thanks user
>cut the drizzlet icon from the shot
adding to another reason for people to think that RoR2 has a similar system is because the game stops spawning enemies after a certain point; the theory is that the game is trying to spawn blighted monsters (aka invisible monsters) at that point, but they aren't in the early access build so nothing shows up
blighted elites would be fucking aids to fight in 3d though, so hopefully it gets reworked into something else. Maybe gold elites similar to the golden titan?
>At full health
>Instantly die out of nowhere
>This appears
>I was so fast and had such a high rate of fire
>damage and critical noises were endless
>but in the end I just got one-shot by stupid strider
You know what would be kind of fun as a little throwaway minigame? Some sort of PvP mode. Imagine how fun 1v1 Commando duels would be. Or some sort of CTF mode.
It's weird, because I've been feeling like I lost interest in video games, and was just nostalgic for old times, but no it turns out that I just can't stand the trend of modern video games putting so much effort into presentation over substance.
wait hold up i could've answered that wrong, probably need additional verification on this, i assume that's how clover works but you'll want more opinions
US Midwest Monsoon 4 player up
you died to an exploding barrel/pot, user.
People didn't know this?
Fun fact, You can get FULLY out of bounds on distant roost without any special mobility items, You can even get to the little outlet when the door is closed from here. Also why the fuck doesn't the newt statue have any guaranteed spawns in distant roost?
desu it's a problem that will solve itself once we get the final level/boss added to the game
that would end up just being tribes.
do we have any mods for Command or Sacrifice yet?
well some people still complain it isn't "command" enough
it increases shop & printer spawn chance & removes chest spawn chance. Effectively letting you pick from three option
I meant offered to fix it to you nigs you dumb cunt
Not exactly, when placing interactables, it'll ask for all the available ones & pick from that
When placing monsters, it asks for a random one then checks if it can spawn it.
as far as I can tell
director has a budget and a max number of enemies it can spawn.
It takes a random card
It checks if
a) it's valid (cards can have a minimum stage counter before spawning, plus some shit about unlockables)
b) it's below the budget for the director
c) if "skipSpawnIfTooCheap" is enabled, the card's cost (times an elite multiplier if the monster can spawn as an elite) times the amount of monsters it can spawn has to be higher or equal to the budget. (apparently there's nothing in the game currently to disable this, but doing so would prevent the game from not spawning enemies at any point, however it would reduce the difficulty significantly. A better option would likely to continue scaling amount of monsters it can spawn to absurd numbers, which currently seems to be hard coded to 4)
If all of those are true, it'll spawn an enemy wave, otherwise it won't
Are there really no gamers out there?
there were people in my game complaining about having to run through the cave earlier, so i figured i'd post about it.
also i didn't know you could get that far without any mobility items, wow.
It makes a quiet ding whenever it does something, so try opening some chests and see if it dings when you find a higher rarity item than the chest should have.
I mean, that isn't command. It's its own thing at that point. Not necessarily a bad thing, but "pick from three random items" isn't even remotely close to "pick any item in the rarity category".
the game is not balanced for PvP at all and it should never be added, unless it's something like a monster carnival style minigame which would be fucking amazing
>teams have to kill shit as fast as possible
>each monster is worth different amounts of points, some spawn naturally
>players can summon monsters for the enemy team to fight using machines. Stronger mobs cost more points, and modifiers can be added for points too. Spawn a bunch of bronzongs, or save up for a couple of blazing titans.
artificer is the most fun class prove me wrong
Ding ding ding ding ding bing bing bong bing ding. Bloop ping pong blorp boop dinidngindg
Yeah, you can. if you aren't playing a bad class.
I really don't want to generate UI purely from code because that sounds fucking horrifying
if you get me hired at hopoo I'll put it in within a day :^)
>press order because almost all of my items would be good stacked
>warbanner x17
>exit game
I will continue to do this to myself
Still plenty of room.
US Midwest Monsoon
Imagine unironically playing indie garbage
some guy is spreading a rumor that a single hermit crab spawns in the lunar shop where you pop out & claims it jumps down on its own when you load in
whether it's true or not, I don't know, but you're likely being tricked
how big was the warbanner AOE?
>6v6 all Commando deathmatch.
>Not balanced.
I could see it being fun.
>pick huntress
>sprint around you with auto-lock
Yeah, sounds really run.
Yeah I don't blame you one bit actually
As much as I want command, it sounds like a shitstorm to put in
imagine unironically playing AAA garbage
We need 1 more player in this beautiful lobby
Reroll and take the better result for the player. 50% chance is 75%, 25% chance is 43.75% chance, 75% chance is 93.75% chance.
PvP sucks and would ruin the game. All good games are PvE.
imagine unironically playing garbage
it's fuckin easy bro just play the good games
I immediately closed the game so I didn't find out
So mountain shrine gives it more points?
Unreal Tournament wasn't PvE.
How are people playing around as enemies and bosses?
Unreal Tournament wasn't good either.
Unreal Tournament was good, you want to shoot a Shock Rifle and a Flak Cannon, don't roleplay as a zoom zoom.
There'd be nothing wrong with it being it's own for fun gamemode as long as the devs realize the main game shouldn't be balanced around it
delete this post right now
this is your only warning
not him and i dont have proof but the next time you get a queens gland watch your beetle guard when you warp in i swear ive seen him start attacking when i warp in on top of hearing rock crab footsteps
I disagree.
How the fuck would it ruin the game? It's not like they'd delete the regular mode to put it in.
They need to remove the red whip. Literally a waste of green slot, we already have two whites for move speed which are actually useful in combat.
>as long as the devs realize the main game shouldn't be balanced around it
much easier said than done
I'm coming to your house
that's why I said it shouldn't be fuckin added unless it's a monster carnival style mode user
Do you demand to play Solitaire if someone has a deck of cards?
For what it's worth, I always here the coin sound when I load in. It's the same sound as when an enemy is killed and you get paid, except your coin count doesn't go up. I've not seen a crab, but it would be one explanation for that sound.
>Pick merc
>dash in and press R, then dove quail away
>pick commando
>presses R to stun then shreds to pieces
The game just isn't designed around pvp and wouldn't be a good experience without drastically changing it to the point that it's not the same game anymore.
Holy shit, motherfucking OVERLOADING WORMS
this is actually a good time for me to bring this up, does red whip have its own speed multiplier or is it just a drop in the bucket with enough drinks?
just reading the stats shows how fucking useless red whip is
>SODA is a white, gives 30% speed to sprint
>WHIP is a green, gives 30% only when out of combat
I like that idea actually, stocking up cash to send waves of fuckery at your opponent and see who lives longest
Why? Do you have a deck of cards?
I always have a deck of cards since I'm /tg/.
You want a WC3 custom map implemented as a game mode?
>monster carinval
based and maple pilled
>he never played monster hunt
laffin at ur lyf 2bh femboi
ow my memories
First time I tried drizzle, got nuked instantly by fisting stone golems.
>mfw summoning 3 overloaded worms and 20 blazing lemurians
>they summon back 4 blazing vagrants and 15 bronzongs
nothing wrong with that, it'd be a neat way to do PvP in this. Hell the cash for summoning could even be shared with the cash used for chests at the end, adding an extra layer of strategy to the game
>Blazing Elder Lemurian (Horde of Many)
At what point will elite bosses spawn in monsoon? 1h?
The game should be PvE only. I am correct
There maybe some truth to this. Been playing for a while and decided to have a go at this, only counted 12 chased off before I got it. I have misloaded into the shop several times due to lag and briefly spawned in titanic planes/auralnite looking area above the shop
is it really PvP if you're still fighting monsters at the end of the day though?
>Blazing Greater Wisp (Horde of Many)
>On stage 2
>Host Sequenced
>Shit items
>Nukes game
>Was on a perfect artificer run and carrying
Thanks desu
I realized that listening to the RoR 1 OST while playing makes the experience so much better
The new soundtrack is serviceable but holy hell Chris knocked it out of the park on the first one
The enemies should be non-players and all players should be on the same team.
Thanks for the games Yea Forums. Time for me to go sleepy time.
Also thanks for convincing me to buy this. Best $20 I spent this year.
what if the players were enemies and all the non-players were on the same team?
What if Huntress got thiccer as you stacked more energy drinks
but they are? did you read the idea user? At most the players take on the AI Director's role of spawning enemies for each other
I got it on stage 6, activating mountain shrines gives the game more points to spawn better bosses which can be elites.
I don't understand.
>unlocked every item
>unlocked every character
>monsoon'ed 20+ on every character
>now all i want to do is play commando and stack every attack speed item there is
a man of simple tastes
no truth to this, at least not in my experience.
by the time i went for the crab achievement it was quite literally the last one left, and i had to push 19 crabs.
i went into the bazaar a lot more than once in that time.
>RoR2 with Chanson d'automne in the background
Deadbolt's OST is still his magnum opus, desu.