ITT unpopular opinions

I actually really liked the first Borderlands, and still do. The rest of the franchise is kind of shit, though.

Attached: borderlands.jpg (1728x983, 335K)

>unpopular opinions

The first one is also my favorite. I know people shit on the "everything is brown and grey" aesthetics in fps, but I felt it really worked.

I feel Borderlands 2 became far too obnoxious.

pic related restored my faith in video games

Attached: index.jpg (220x220, 7K)

Baldur's Gate is better than Shadows of Amn because SoA has too much freedom and it's too disorienting.
Artstyle has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not a game is good. If the game functions on a mechanical level, it can look like 1999 3D music videos and still be excellent.
RTS games are dying because it doesn't take skill to learn video game piano, and you're deluding yourself if you think a perfectly-timed rotation makes you good at a game.
Fighting games aren't nearly as high-intellect as you'd like to think, which is why Street Fighter players get their asses kicked in Super Smash Bros.
Dark Souls games are actually very, very easy, and the only people who have a hard time or min/max are literal retards who hold forward all the time.

That seems to be the Yea Forums opinion. I agree with it too.
Also human enemies are the only fun things to fight in Borderlands. The animals and robots are all fucking terrible.

2D Zelda > 3D Zelda

Never liked any of the Borderlands games.

"baldurs gate is better than shadows of amn"

Oh man I cant wait to run through the 30th fucking screen of plains and forests.

Fighting robots with a corrosive weapon is pretty kino. Same for beasts with an incendiary. I pretty much agree though.

Fable 3 is the best game in the series
DmC is better than DMC4, but DMC1 and 3 will always be the best games in that series
MGS2 is better than MGS3
Sonic CD is overrated, and has horrible level design
Majora's Mask is an asset flip of Ocarina of Time made by the B-team, and loved by hipsters because it's grimdark and plays the same
Quake 1 is the only good Quake game
Doom 2 is better than Doom 1
Oblivion is better than Skyrim
Dark Souls 1 is the worst entry in the series
Modern Warfare 3 is the last good Cawadoody
Battlefield was never better than Cawadoody
Paragon was the greatest MOBA ever made
FF6 is overrated, and only loved so much because it "redeemed" the series after the shitshow that was FF5
Speaking of FF, FF8 is better than FF7, and FF9 is better than both
Punished Snake is far more interesting than Naked Snake
Ni No Kuni 2 is an underrated gem
Mortal Kombat 2 shits on Street Fighter 2

>Mortal Kombat 2 shits on Street Fighter 2
care to elaborate?

Smash is a casual party and it's laughable that some people actually consider it a serious competitive game.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying bad games so long as you admit they're bad.
Dragon's Dogma is as bad as Skyrim but I had more fun with the latter.
Fans of Hideo Kojima don't give a shit about gameplay, otherwise they wouldn't praise one of the most shallow game series in the stealth genre.

A majority of this post made me mad. Agreed with like 2 things. The Call of Duty shit made me dismiss the poster as both a faggot and a child.

>DmC is better than DMC4
I agree. 4 was so boring I dropped it before even getting to play as Dante.

I'm LMAOing @ console fags who are stuck with DoF.

Dark Souls and the "soulsborne genre" is hot garbage, the only good game out of it was Demon's Souls and that was incredibly flawed at best.

This just means your opinion conforms to the normie code

You have absolute shit taste. Some of those are objectively wrong.

Read my fucking lips:

Mortal Kombat 2 is a far superior game when compared to Street Fighter 2.

Even now. Go play both right now. Back to back. Have them open in two separate windows and hop from one to the other. MK2 is so much better it's sickening. The music, the characters, the mechanics, the secrets. Now imagine how it was back in the 90s.

Attached: bowie.gif (400x303, 1.56M)

Please see

I would agree with you but skill trees are so fucking boring compared to the sequels. The rest is A+ though.

MK2 is fucking garbage. The animations are jilty, the inputs are stiff as fuck. The balance is all over the place. Meanwhile, SF2 is the standard for all fighting games.

I actually really liked the first Borderlands, and still do. I also liked rest of the franchise t b h.

Don't claim that sewage is your favorite food and try to pass it off as a difference of opinion.

Nobody plays SF2 anymore. MK2 still has active servers on PS3 and 360.

>The music
>the characters
half the roster looks and plays the fucking same
>the mechanics
what mechanics?
>the secrets
aren't enough to make a game good

>thread about opinions
>list opinions
>ur opinyuns suk
>doesn't explain why

>Doom 2 is better than Doom 1
I agree, while the level design was less consistent, the increased enemy variety puts it above 1 for me.

I find Majora's Mask a chore to replay.

I miss old school turned based JRPGs. Among my favorite games of all time are SMRPG, Golden Sun, Skies of Arcadia, FFIV and FFVI

SMRPG and SoA had so much soul that a sequel couldn't possibly hope to match, even if the gameplay was better.

I hope you realize that isn't exactly an unpopular opinion.

McDonald's Treasureland Adventure is one of the best games on the Sega Genesis.
I have a ton of unpopular opinions but when a thread finally pops up, this is the only fucking thing I can think of.

Attached: mcdoonald.jpg (695x615, 34K)

reddit dabs on 4chans grave

>Owning games is meaningless and I prefer subscription based models over paying for individual games. I paid 100 bucks for origin premium and now I can play the deluxe editions of all their major games, including games that I had a passing interest in but would have never bought on their own, like Battlefront 2. It also broadened my gaming horizon because now I can just try out a shit load of games and don't have to feel bad if I stop playing after 30 mins.
>MTX and all the scummy shit publishers pull are completely understandable from a business point of view. The CEOs are literally doing their job when they push for more DLC, more MTX, season passes and whatever, because it's their job to increase the companies profits. Blaming publishers for this is retarded because clearly the market still eats up all of this shit. I would even understand if we'd start seeing advertisements in games, for example in loading screens. I personally don't like these systems for obvious reasons, but as a business owner, I know that I would do the same shit if I could get away with it and increase my profit by huge margins.
>epic games is a good company. Offering unreal engine for free is great for indie devs and even other industries, like visualization. Their game store is shit, their business strategy is a huge dick move, but once again, from a business pov, it seems like a strong strategy. From their position of a shit load of money, bullying their way into the market makes sense, IF they can survive the backlash. Complete asshole move, but we'll see if it works. I personally hate it, but I can see where they are coming from and, ultimately, bigger cuts for devs are not entirely bad. Maybe increased competition could also lead to lower prices for customers, but I doubt that.

Git gud fag

Playing on PC is more comfortable than on console. Any argument console plebs can bring forward against PC gaming is pure cope.

Agree 100 percent. Presequel could've been good if it wasn't so fucking short

>Nobody plays SF2 anymore
Walmart sells SF2 arcade machines all fucking day for $250 a pop, dumbass.
>There's no such thing as shit taste!
You have shit taste, and you're a fucking retard.
You want an example?
>FF6 is overrated, and only loved so much because it "redeemed" the series after the shitshow that was FF5
FF6 was released outside of Japan as FF3. Nobody but the Japs played FF5 when FF6 was deemed GOAT, you dumb fucker.

Nobody deemed FF3 the GOAT until after the PS1 cycle was complete

t. boomer

Adding onto that, the games have an incredibly low skill ceiling. The combat is slow and reactionary as opposed to proactive and the storytelling is even worse.

>Fable 3 is the best game in the series
Only played 1 and 2, but liked 2 the most.

>DmC is better than DMC4, but DMC1 and 3 will always be the best games in that series
Only played the original DMC

>MGS2 is better than MGS3
Nah, MGS3 is the best one

>Sonic CD is overrated, and has horrible level design
Sonic is just shit outside of the original game

>Majora's Mask is an asset flip of Ocarina of Time made by the B-team, and loved by hipsters because it's grimdark and plays the same
Dont like zelda games

>Quake 1 is the only good Quake game
Nah, quake 1, 2 and 3 are classics, 4 is the worst.

>Doom 2 is better than Doom 1
I honestly just consider them the same game and doom2 as an expansion to the original game.

>Oblivion is better than Skyrim
Hard to say, as an RPG you might be right here, skyrim might play better and look better, but fuck.. i think you might actually be right about this.

>Dark Souls 1 is the worst entry in the series
Only played dark souls 1

>Modern Warfare 3 is the last good Cawadoody
I stopped at MW2

>Battlefield was never better than Cawadoody
Wrong, Bad Company 1 and 2 were better than all the call of duties

>Paragon was the greatest MOBA ever made
Never player it

>FF6 is overrated, and only loved so much because it "redeemed" the series after the shitshow that was FF5
FF6 is fucking great

>Speaking of FF, FF8 is better than FF7, and FF9 is better than both
No, FF7 and FF9 are better than FF8, the last good final fantasy was X, everything from X-2 onwards is a shit show.

>Punished Snake is far more interesting than Naked Snake

>Ni No Kuni 2 is an underrated gem
Never played it

>Mortal Kombat 2 shits on Street Fighter 2
Street fighter 2 turbo is tons better than MK2, and i think MK9 is the best fighting game ever made, which is basically a remake of mk1 2 and 3.

If you like JRPGs then he's right about Nino kuni. It's piss easy though.

My buddy said it is pretty good, and has been raving about nino and persona i just have such a fuckhuge backlog of shit to play its not really on my priority list of 25 games or so.