Who else will join the dark side?

Who else will join the dark side?

Any predictions?

(This one is from polygon, not oag. No complaints now, right?)

Attached: polygon.png (854x677, 125K)

Other urls found in this thread:


post an archive you double nigger

Just as bad you ballsucker.


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Because OP is a moron

Steamcels SEETHING

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>Any predictions?
best we can hope for is epic goes pro consumer, but the chances of that happening are nil and even if they did you can't trust them anyways.

pretty balanced article, the last few paragraphs sums it up nicely

>implying platform wars mean anything
OP, you aren't even trying to hide your faggotry anymore.

>but the chances of that happening are nil and even if they did you can't trust them anyways.

No matter what Epic does, Steam drones will still hate them.

Yes, everyone who hates Epic now is just a "steam drone" and it has nothing to do with their shitty business practices or 4 June 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre

>>implying platform wars mean anything

If they didn't mean anything, why do Steam drones engage in it?

>Rather than placate user's fears about Epic's never getting anything pro-consumer about their store, just yells about Steam fanboys
We can see right through you

>The Steam drone is still defending BASED LORD GABEN like it's 2009

And I can see through you

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they're stoowpeed of course.
Steam has many mentally unstable users.
look at all the profiles that get posted on Yea Forums every now and then and then look inside of Steam.
it's them that get invested in this plebby platform wars shit.


please stay there and never come back

I'm willing to bet they're trying to get their hands on Vampire the Masquerade.
If you haven't noticed by now, their main tactic is to go after series by well known developers of games that are either niche by design or niche by sales. They got Metro even though the last 2 games sold terribly, The Outer Worlds because Obsidian is the sekrit club for RPG fans, and Phoenix Point for the turn-based fans.

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>I'm willing to bet they're trying to get their hands on Vampire the Masquerade.
doesn't matter, its on gog

>trying to get their hands on Vampire the Masquerade.

It's already been announced for GOG, Steam and the Epic Game Store. I doubt Epic's going to be able to pull off an exclusivity deal. Paradox clearly doesn't give a fuck and if confident in their own game

Are you retarded?

Theres nothing saying VTMB2 is on Unreal you fucking idiot.

You guys realise buying Bloodlines 2 on Steam or GOG still gives money to Epic, right?


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No one cares about the cuts, gutter breath.
We just don't want our choice of storefront to be taken away.


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Your mother stinks of ale and cum.

>deleted his post because he doesn't know how to get through the wordfilter

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you make these fucking threads every hour for the past week or more
get some fucking help you shitposting addicted lunatic


>Unreal Engine 4


What did Chang mean by this?

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what's your point epic-chan? there's lots of ue games over the years i have bought on many stores. point is i can buy them on stores of my choosing and not on a store that goes out of it way to block all but one store while turning around trying to tell me monopolies are bad.

do not reply to me ever again


Anyway, I don't care which publishers decide to do a year of Epic exclusivity, because I very rarely buy any game within the first year after release, because I'd rather just pay 90% less for the bug-free version.

Attached: Professional game reviewer from Polygon plays a game.webm (800x500, 2.9M)

I don't know why the fuck you wouldn't just buy Div2 on Uplay when you have to go through it anyways

Okay, and?

Who cares as long as it isnt part of an exclusivity deal. Thousands of games run on various Unreal engine variants by now, nobody cares because its a good engine, the problem is EGS is a shit store and Epic is rapidly becoming a shit company, that doesnt change that they have a good engine.

Epic is running on limited time, though. Fortnite won't be popular forever nor will there be endless cash to throw around in order to buy devs. They NEED to get actual numbers on their side or it'll become marginal niche store.

instead of the profiles, just look at the steamseethe threads that get 500 posts daily on Yea Forums multiple times a day since half a year now.

Nice try chink but a day 1 GOG version means I get the game for free with no DRM. You get that you stupid noodle nigger? Free, gratis versus libre.

Its funny that they choose now to do this, when Fortnite is beginning its decline and is on its way out the door.

why is a uplay game on your cartoon user?

I think their problem is that Fortnite audience hasn't really intersected with paying customers buying games on their store. Most of Fortnite players are just kids playing a free game who don't care about anything else.

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>Theory 3: Epic is hurting consumers by paying for exclusives for the Epic Games Store.
>Of all the accusations levied against Epic over its foray into selling video games, this one may be the most controversial. But this is also a longstanding precedent for the video game industry.

Because up until now this was only a precedent on the CONSOLE side of the video game industry. Epic brought this bullshit over to PC and is doing it in a big way.

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>Epic is running on limited time, though.

They make UE4. An engine that is royalty based, so if you buy copies of Soul Calibur 6, Tekken 7, Tropico 6, Sekiro, etc the money goes to Epic

Unlike Valve, they actually make quality products that people want to use

Attached: epicstore.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Not to mention the vast majority of Fortnite players play on console and mobile.

>nor will there be endless cash to throw around in order to buy devs.
engine royalties, asset store, and daddy tencent will keep them afloat for eternity

I don't think this whole fiasco is winning them any long term goodwill. Some people might suck it up and buy a few games Epic bought out on their store but they'll keep buying other games wherever they usually shop.

>Most of Team Fortress 2 players are just kids who don't care about anything else.

You faggots said Apex would kill Fortnite and save Steam from Epic Store, that hasn't panned out you retarded Valve drone.

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>autismo needs an explanation now

Why would Polygon be okay? Are you a faggot or something?

Unironically I hope Epic keeps paying for exclusives and I hope they're investment into keeping returning users to their shit store front. How quickly will they blow through their Fortnite money?

then why didn't they expand their store before fortnite?

I dont fucking care what it's being sold on, i want to play fucking Borderlands 3 day 1. I'll just link it through steam big whoop

That's great until you take into account sold copies. 88% of shit is still shit.

This bait gets posted anytime someone mentions the word Epic

TF2's popularity has definitely dropped off since release. You're essentially just saying Fortnite will be the same. I'm tell my supervisor on you Shun, get back on script.

Valve could do literally nothing till the end of time but i'll still use their store because its the best one there is.

Also the money they get from royalties wont be able to keep up with this exclusivity shit once fortnite dries up, they're slinging around HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS at this point. Not just covering all development expenses in post, alongside a healthy bonus for signing the exclusivity deal, but ALSO guaranteeing sales which means they will buy a set amount of copies.

Say a game costs 10 million to make, and they aim to sell 2 million units at 60 dollars a unit, and Epic covers half of the estimated sales because it only sold 1 million plus a bonus incentive, they just spent over 70 million dollars for a single game.

That is fucking retarded. That is one of the most retarded things a business could do. Its fucking stupid beyond measure. It is brain dead faggot retarded and the only reason they're doing it is because of Tencents interest in Fortnite.


>Games that use UE4 in 2018 and 2019
Octopath Traveler
Shenmue III
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Kingdom Hearts 3
Ace Combat 7

>Games that use Source in 2018 and 2019
Flops like Artifact and Apex Legends

Attached: artifact steam.jpg (1538x362, 89K)

>Tencents interest

Say, white devil, we see your store isn't doing so well. Would you sell us additional 10% of your shares for some kickback?

>>Also the money they get from royalties wont be able to keep up with this exclusivity shit once fortnite dries up


>Epic boss Tim Sweeney is worth nearly $3 billion more than Gabe Newell, according to Bloomberg


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And to top it off all of it is negatively affecting their potential customers above anyone else.

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This is the truth. The thing that made valve successful is that their games were more successful on PC. Fortnite's fanbase isn't going to be using epic's store because they probably don't even have PCs. Epic should be doing everything to get on the good side of valve's customers, every single thing valve has fucked up on epic should be trying to one up them on but they don't do that, epic doesn't give a shit about what people want beyond what games people want to buy.

Okay and what does this have to do with storefronts?

And you're also ignoring that again Epic is bleeding hundreds of millions of dollars at this point with these deals. That isnt an exaggeration, these fucking games cost tens of millions to make and expect to sell millions of units, that is a fucking ludicrous amount of money. I dont think you quite understand just how much money Epic is essentially burning and spitting on.

Again, for a single game they're probably spending upwards to 40,000,000+ total on that one games exclusivity deal as a low-ball based on the revealed deals they make with these developers. Metro "sold" 2.5x more than the previous ones, which means Epic covered 2.5x as many units as it did on steam. This is fucking retarded amounts of money to be spending in an effort to dethrone the market king.

They are bleeding money at an extraordinary rapid pace and they cant keep this up forever.

when you think about how all that money could have to went to building consumer oriented incentives, building a slick client, making a better api, investing in more ways to make better store, its just makes all this nonsense sad more than anything.

valve is a private company owned by gaben
epic is almost 50% owned by chinks

He's "worth" 3 billion more because he owns half of Epic, which means he isnt going to be worth 3 billion more if he keeps spending fucking outrageous amounts of money on these deals.

>That these sorts of arrangements are now commonplace on PC
I like how the author casually made the leap from "epic has made a number of these deals, and other companies keep their own productions as exclusives" to "this is commonplace, everyone is doing it, why're you worried about it?"
Cheeky little fucker thinking he can get away with that.

>>Fortnite's fanbase isn't going to be using epic's store because they probably don't even have PCs.


>Steve Allison, head of the Epic Games Store, shared some download and sales data during a presentation at the 2019 Game Developers Conference, noting that users downloaded the free games Subnautica and Slime Rancher 4.5 million times in two weeks.

Attached: epic chad virgin steamer.jpg (1703x971, 525K)

Can you fuckers not use the same naming style for all your images? It's so painfully obvious who's samefagging in all these threads.

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>free games
>lots of downloads

you don't say. although, I think someone giving their info to tencent just so they can download handful of FREE games is kind moronic. if you have no future plans to use the store you might as well pirate said games.

Alright realistically here how many more games do you see Epic "exclusiveing" before letting them release on both platforms simultaneously

Can you answer what I posted? Of course not, you have to deflect to a fucking image instead

>if you have no future plans to use the store you might as well pirate said games.

I'm waiting till they add Epic Store cards or at the very least, I'll buy games through Humble Store.

>free games
you realize any shitbox can download a free game right?
It's a shame there's no achievements because then we could see if people are even playing the game at all.

>boast about having hundred million fortnite players world wide
>need to bribe publishers and devs for exclusivity

If Fortnite players are the future like Steam with with it's source games, why the need for time exclusives?
Fortnite players should swallow up whatever games in Ebin store are being sold.

epic-chan all you're telling me here is that a fraction of the userbase claimed a free game.
egs claims 85 million users and only 4.5 million of those bothered to claim it.

Bloodlines 2 is already available on Epic Store, Steam and GOG

Putting aside accusations of chinese bugmen and without even mentioning Steam.
Epic Games Store is a terrible service still lacking basic features that other storefronts like GoG, Uplay and Origin have all had since launch.
Tim Sweeney himslef knows this, becuase rather than competing by offering a better or equal service he's resorted to throwing millions to ransoming exclusives to the service.

>implying I give a shit

All those games will be on Steam in a year. Not to mention it's free sailing until then.

>tfw I claim free games on EGS all the time but I haven't even downloaded the client

if they sort their shit out maybe I will use it someday

I like how you don't even try to defend epic anymore. You know it's spyware so it's easier to just attack steam kek

>Uplay and Origin have all had since launch.

Uplay and Origin don't have user reviews - Epic Store will

Guess Yea Forums will stop bitching... right... right?

Attached: epic road map.jpg (1646x917, 107K)

dont care about steam, i dont even really give a shit about exclusives despite being a really shitty business practice for 3rd party games on the same platform. The main reason i cant stand epic is because the store doesnt include a lot of the features i like, while not doing anything special and claiming it doesnt need improvement just more games to force people to use the platform. Its a really fucked bussiness practice and i cant support it

Wow, it will have reviews and possibly a shopping cart, years after it launched, great service.

I wonder how much they'll pay for RDR2
There's no way take two won't put it on EGS, it'll probably cost a fuckload since it might not be a timed exclusive but a permanent one.

Forgetting something, Cheng?

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>devs get higher percentage of the sales
>this in no way translates to benefiting the customer

I was amazed Metro Exodus had $10 lower price in the US, though. I guess the PR shitshow was too strong. Shame devs have no interest in actual eating EU VAT cost.

>Epic Store will
only if developers opt in though right epic-chan?

You know it took Steam 6 years to add user reviews, right?

Just don't buy the games that don't have user reviews, simple.

>citation needed
How do you not understand the concept of closed source software? Nothing has been debunked, people are finding more proof every fucking day. Some shill replying to a random reddit post which was probably also a shill falseflagging to begin with means less than nothing. Sweeney can lie and distort all he wants, at some point he's going to run out of Fortnite money,
>"yes we're scanning your steam files but not parsing"
>"yes we're just scanning your steam friends but we're not parsing them"
>"yes we're checking your browsing history but we're not parsing it"
>"yes we're taking DNA samples but we're not drinking your blood"
Fuck. Off.

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That's not the point user it's the fucking standard now so they shouldn't take that long to add it

I really dont think you guys are getting it when i say Epic is shitting out outrageously stupid amounts of money on shit that will not work.

Lets just lowball some estimated budgets for these exclusive deals and based these deals off of what has been revealed piecemeal about them:

Metro: Exodus -- Estimated Budget (based on statements): 10-25~ million dollars. || Rough Guess Sales Goal (based on subject matter and budget): 1-3 million units

Borderlands 3 -- Estimated Budget (based on prior games): 40+ million dollars || Estimated Sales Goal (based on prior sales figures): 5 million units

Divsion 2 -- Estimated Budget (based on AAA industry standards): 80+ million dollars. || Estimated Sales Goal (based on prior sales figures): 4 million units

So lets just say Epic IS doing what has been said for the above 3, we'll cut Borderlands in half because its a 6 month exclusivity deal instead of a year, that means Epic is spending upwards to $492,000,000 on three games.

Half a billion dollars on THREE games.


Hell, lets suppose that its not that high, and the one case where it was a complete coverage of the budget, marketing, and sales count was an outlier, and cut it by half. 246,000,000.

Still a quarter of a billion dollars. For no gain. This isnt building the consumerbase, there IS NO LONG LASTING CONSUMERBASE FOR THE EPIC GAME STORE, AND THIS IS NOT BUILDING ONE.

Tim is a fucking retard.

B-but Steam.
Still not convincing me that EGS is a good client.
Whats good about it cheng?

>That's not the point user it's the fucking standard now

Where are they on Origin or Uplay?

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It's not that retarded: Epic actually gets 100% of sales cut from these games.

That's how they do business in China. A win is a win in China, regardless of the means. It's why every single chink cheats in everything. Why do you think schools require higher scores for Asians? Because they know they all cheat.

From fucking who?

They dont have a consumerbase. Everyone who uses their store uses it for fucking fortnite.

Yep. They're throwing all that money around yet the basket is 6 months away
People say steam doesn't improve anything but imagine how fucking shitty things would be if epic came out on top, epic would have no reason to do anything to improve EGS, we wouldn't even be able to complain since they don't even have forums.

I will never download Epic. Ever.

Who the fuck cares about origin and uplay? I don't know anyone who uses those launchers regularly and most people I know don't even have them installed.

Unless his goal is to kill smaller outlets. After all if others are dead, it'll be really be just them and Steam.

Christ, I wish Epic spent more time thinking a better name for Epic Games Store. Shit's too meh. At least fucking Ubisoft and EA named their store better.

Why do you think those two aren't used very often?

reminds me of that story where a chinese school banned cheating and the parents got mad

I know. I just said that it wasn't as retarded as it sounds, even if it's still retarded.

Their consumer base is hilariously small, despite them claiming that EGS has 85 million users, only 4.5 million users have purchased Subnautica and Slime Rancher for free. Only 5% of their claimed userbase. I really doubt that anything on their store sold even 1/10 of that number, considering how much more people are there just for the free shit.

This is whats pissing me off about Epic defenders, they're trying to eradicate competition to CREATE a monopoly so they can fuck you.

It's not my fault that Epic waited for over a decade to get into the market that Valve did and it's not my fault that Epic is offering a vastly inferior product and experience. Maybe if they catch up I'll consider their product but right now all they're doing is inconveniencing me and making me wait.

So when Epic adds them, you'll use it and not complain?

No, you're using everything every little quibble to bitch and moan about Epic Store just because you're a Steam drone

So Tim is a retard right.

A lot more, basically every notable AAA game or indie game. There might be some devs who care about their consumers enough not to pull that shit but I expect it to be very rare. It's going to be a shitty year for PC gaming

then why even have reviews when they can be controlled?? a game gets a bad review the publisher can just toggle a button to opt out.
why not use your money to hire some smart people who can devise a review system where people can express their opinion thoughtfully, meme reviews can be filtered out better, and there can be more communication with devs besides silly review bombing. you know taking the steam review system but making it much better and out shining steam at their own game?

If they add them, they'll still be missing 90% of the features Steam has. And its besides the point, they didnt bother in the first place despite Steam being the standard to live up to now, so they've already failed.

>Still hasn't said whats good about his client.
>Calls others drones

Uplay and origin get a lot of hate for sucking too but they don't suck as bad epic

So you're proving that once again, you're just a Steam drone. Nothing will please you

Epic could have a 1:1 featureset with Steam and you'd still say "MY PORRIDGE IS TOO COLD"

Buying up licenses to games and making them exclusive isn't pro consumer, its what leads to more piracy. Take a look at what happened to video streaming, there were a ton of pirates, Netflix came along and people stopped pirating because everything was in one place, then Amazon and Hulu and everyone else come along and now everything is all spread out. You also end up having to dish out 30$ a month instead of your previous 8$, so many people just go back to pirating. This has been studied people, this causes shitty experiences for the consumer that leads to increased pirating.

Probably a whole bunch because it translates into free money. Of course, you can't really put a price on customer goodwill.

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?no matter who dislikes epic for any reason they're a steam drone
go back to reset era

They can add everything Steam has but i still wont use it because of their anti-competetive practices aimed towards building a monopoly over PC game distribution. They've already lost my trust as a consumer, because they openly declared their intent to fuck me. Steam has no intention on fucking me. Sorry Cheng.

>?no matter who dislikes epic for any reason they're a steam drone

Well who else would dislike it (Besides people who pretend to use GOG - yeah good luck playing a Souls game on GOG)? To any sane person it'd just be another digital store

this overloads the steamdrone

>it will take 3 months to search for a genre of games
>it will take half a year to write text about a game
>it will take half a year to make a list of things you want and their prices
>it will take half a year to make a list of things you do in a game
>it will take half a year to make a list of things you want to buy at once
>it will take god knows how long to buy a game and send it to another person
Jesus fucking Christ who is coding this and how do they even breath?

Sites like GMG are going to get hit hard by this, I don't buy games from steam much anymore because GMG is just so much cheaper usually

>it might not be a timed exclusive but a permanent one.
That's when shit will REALLY hit the fan in regards to the Steam vs Epic debate.

It will also convert a TON of PC players into pirates if they actually do go through with that.

Because its existence is a monument to Tencent dictated encroachment on the PC market in an attempt to drive competitors out of business and fuck me, the consumer.

i care about uplay because i get a flat 20% discount when i buy games there and i enjoy some of their games.

Why should paying customers settle for an inferior choice?

>They can add everything Steam has but i still wont use it because

So you've proven my point: Steam drones are unreasonable faggots.

My problem with Epic is Tencent. That pretty much guarantees I'll never use it.

Go away esl learn how to read
it seems like the epic shill just exposed himself as a newfag

I gave my reason, whats unreasonable is defending a company attempting to become a monopoly.

I'm having fiery diarrhea right now and it's still better than using the epic store

You guys are memeing the wrong man.

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Why would anyone choose bizarro over superman

>same canned replies
>epic posters never respond to rational arguments because they can't defend themselves.

thanks for sharing this with us

>So when Epic adds them,
Add them first then we'll talk.
Epic is a guy trying to sell you a house with no bathroom and no kitchen, fuck that shit

>My problem with Epic is Tencent. That pretty much guarantees I'll never use it.

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What? Do you think that these are the only issues this piece of shit company and launcher has? Besides the mere fact that its going to take this long to add something as simple as a shopping cart is just frankly embarrassing

>Epic account has been hacked 4 times now, two factor authentication enabled the whole time
>Change my email password each time as well to be sure that's not how I'm getting got
>2FA emails take anywhere between 15 minutes to 2 hours to actually show up, sometimes expired before I can use them
>Was charged 5 times when I bought Satisfactory, had to wait a week and a half for 4 of the 5 charges to be reversed
>Huurrr steamdrone
I guess it's too much to hope that I can actually login, my games and account will still be there, and I won't be robbed when I try to purchase something.

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>Epic could have

>B-but if and when and could and would
No. You make a good service then you market it. You don't make a shitty service and then say 'well we're going to add everything later'. No I've had enough of early access games, I'm not about to start using early access storefronts too.





















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>"民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 "


>"Winnie The Pooh, Human Rights, The Anti-Rightist Struggle"




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Whats good about EGS Zhang?
It's a simple question, stop ignoring it.

That is 100% guaranteed not even remotely how the deal goes. Are you legitimately retarded? Covering the entire cost front to back means Epic expects 0 sales. Again, are you retarded?

The deal is almost certainly a percentage break. Saying they'll take the normal split on the first million or whatever then reduce by a point or two for the next million. Or flip it, they take a smaller cut on the first million then tier it up.

Why do I think that? It's common motherfucking practice. Your dumb shit benefits neither company because Epic makes nothing and Ubi/Gearbox/whoever breaks even with no profit.

God fucking damn you're stupid.

A digital store is only as good as the games it provides

Reminder that Steam launched with literally no features other than "Plays Half Life 2"

Attached: Half-Life_2_cover.jpg (264x376, 18K)

Wow it’s as if Epic is paying journalists

>So when Epic adds them, you'll use it and not complain?
why don't they add them now? a company with a bottomless pit of money can't make a client because they're too busy shitposting the same monopoly false narrative while turning right around moneyhatting games and blocking all stores save 1 from selling games. why do you have to be so obtuse epic-kun?

You realize that was almost 2 decades ago right.
Imagine if a new ISP showed up near you, ripped all your old ISP's cables out and tried to sell you some sweet ADSL package, 1MB down, .25 MB up. It's the same thing

>Dur what is beta testing features

I don't know Steam drone, let's release Artifact based on what twitch streamers said

and it launched in a world with no other stores with standards set forth. this is like saying you started a new airline with no food, tvs, and wooden chairs and then claiming airlines didn't have tv's on board in the 50's and getting mad when people won't fly on your airline.

>A digital store is only as good as the games it provides
Hello Sergei
>Reminder that Steam launched with literally no features other than "Plays Half Life 2"

>there are retards on this plane of existence willingly giving money to tencent

fuck off chinky poos

>Why do I think that? It's common motherfucking practice.

We know what the exclusivity deals are. Epic pays out a 'guaranteed minimum' to the dev/publisher on what their anticipated sales would have been had the game not only released on the Epic Game Store. If the game never sell above that amount the dev/publisher gets to pocket that extra money

>trusting ANY company
I'm both impressed that people are calling out a company on their bullshit, and horrified that they're using the same bullshit they see one company doing, and pretending another isn't doing the exact same shit but more well hidden.
It's disgusting how little people actually think.

Steam has literally set no standards - you guys bring up uPlay and Origin, but they still don't even have a quarter the features of Steam - people only use them because you have to

This is highly accurate

Steam has their problems but I don't see steam buying up exclusives to the point where I can't buy shit outside of steam. You're presenting a non-argument

You will always be a slave as long as you continue to argue over which store to buy your digital license from.

Attached: the overman.png (834x998, 146K)

>mfw hacked and they used saved payment options to buy thousands of fucking vbucks
>mfw epic doesn't do a fucking thing about it through multiple tickets
>mfw my bank reverses the charges because of their obviously fraudulent nature and I get account banned because I charged back money epic allowed another person to steal from me

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You're deflecting again and as far as games go EGS doesn't have any exclusive games that make it worth putting up with it's terrible service.
Especially when the alternative is as easy as piracy.

>Steam has literally set no standards
then why is epic trying to match standards that don't exist and taking a year to do so?

Based retard cringeposter

That we know about.
You just think steam never does anything to convince devs to release on their platform instead of uplay or origin? lel

>What the fuck I bought this car and it only goes up to 50 kph
>Reminder that the cars in the 1900s only went at 45 kph so you should be grateful that it goes that fast

Because they're nice features to have but not as important as securing games rights?

No bro Steam is as pure as the virgin snow I tell ya what because Gaben is our lord jaysus christ

why do you have to beta test features like a shopping cart epic-kun? its a feature of every e-tailer for ages. its's not like you're inventing some new technology that could break at any minute because you don't know how it works.

Devs release on Steam because it has like 120 million users, up to 45 million concurrently, and is essentially its own marketing tool you fucking spastic retard.

Anything that could get them attention, that's basically all this is about. That monopoly stuff is just PR.

Uplay only sells ubisoft games
Origin sells 3rd party games that are on steam with no problems, so the answer to that is no steam doesn't pay for that, if they did publishers and devs wouldn't be leaving steam in the first place.

because they're nice features that are steam standards? would you like take another lap around the circular logic track again?

jesus christ
its like watching my arthritic mom who hasn't played a game seriously since ALTTP when I give her the controller so I can go do something without looking afk to teammates

>>Devs release on Steam because it has like 120 million users, up to 45 million concurrently, and is essentially its own marketing tool you fucking spastic retard.

If only that were still true, Steam drone~kun

>#NintendoSwitch community is a blessing! #BlossomTales is now a turnaround story: Humble indie dev @castlepixel can stay in business and continue making games. Love y’all! 3 months #Switch revenues surpass #Steam lifetime revenues 20 times!


A company nearly died trying to rely on Steam, but was saved by the Switch

>>Because they're nice features to have but not as important as securing games rights?



Here's what's important:

Can you buy a game on Epic Store?
Can you download the game?

Wow, it's like... Epic Store does everything it's meant to do already and everything else is just a bonus

>You just think steam never does anything to convince devs to release on their platform instead of uplay or origin?
they offer standard of services (that you say don't exist) that customers like which makes them a popular destination for consumers. why doesn't epic try to outshine them at this aspect of business?

You are just shitposting right? I hope so because the idea that a human being could actually believe this actually disgusts me

I don't hate EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard or Bethesda for making their own launchers

Publishers maybe don't want a cut of their funds going toward supporting a rival publisher.
And steam has a supperior installer base that it's built by offering a good service.

Again, what is good about EGS? No one will tell me, they just keep bringing up Steam.


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>equating the sales figures between two different sub-markets with little overlap.
>one store has hundreds of thousands of games while the other the other has hundreds of games

You could at least try to be clever or something.

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>You are just shitposting right? I hope so because the idea that a human being could actually believe this actually disgusts me

No, I don't actually worship Gaben like a retarded Steam drone.

I can't believe this literally who shovelware didn't sell on PC, this isn't what Gabe promised me when he guaranteed sales of my indie game

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>>Because they're nice features to have but not as important as securing games rights?
Wrong. If your service is worse than piracy then people will pirate. I don't think you remember the days of GFWL, people didn't use it even though it had good games because it was inconvenient as hell


>>The Switch though has seen a number of ports sell better than anticipated. Despite already being out for over three years, the Switch version of Shovel Knight sold better than any of the other versions at launch according to its developer, Yacht Club Games. Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, Forma.8, and other games have seen similar success. SMG Studios noted in September that Death Squared sold more on the Switch in the first three days than all other platforms it released on combined, while the same thing happened to the Zelda-like exploration game Oceanhorn. And then there was SteamWorld Dig 2, Immage & Form’s action platformer that sold 10 times more on Switch than on Steam.

When the conservative Steam drone hates being owned by a libtard with FACTS and LOGIC

Console games regularly outsell PC versions, epic won't change this

>I don't think you remember the days of GFWL
He was only 5 when it was at its peak

user those were the only required standard features in 1995 when the internet ran on phonelines and computers were the size of microwaves.

Congratulations, user, EGS officially matches features with 1995-era eBay. What an incredible achievement.

libs never use logic, they just can't
if they say they do, they lie
when it comes to facts, their brains just shut down

>>Wrong. If your service is worse than piracy then people will pirate.

What a bullshit quote. Piratefags still pirate games even though they do everything right like Sekiro

>Fully Steam integrated
>Same time release as consoles

But pirates still pirate it

Attached: sekiro steam.jpg (1131x1040, 167K)

I won't act against my own interests, and Steam has given me no reason to empower this cutthroat method of "competition" which attempts to force the PC landscape into a bunch of arbitrarily forced factions fighting for exclusives. Pure cancer. Luckily the ultimate alternative is piracy, so I make the statement I want to make nd lose nothing in the process. That statement being: Die, Epic. And let the idea of exclusives and 'software consoles' die with you.

This was Ebay in 2003. It had a search function.

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Yep and it's shit compared to steam and multiple other game stores

No but it'll take the sting out. 30% is too much - why isn't it 15% for indies and 25% for AAA games that cost $59.99?

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I didn't say if you make a good service people will stop pirating completely, if you make a bad service people will pirate, it's that simple

its almost like he wasnt talking in an exact absolute literal sense and was instead referring to averages and statistical rates.

>He hasn't taken the GOGpill

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And what will you say when it's almost as good as Steam and better than the others?


generate keys and sell them on humble, your own store, or partner up with more stores to supplement your sales. steam gets no profit from those and they eat the cost of distributing your game.

Indies can kiss their games good bye if epic store ever does take over steam. All games would be pre-approved for diversity content and any games promoting dissent to termite beliefs will be denied.
I guarantee it, the entire horde of termites in the gaming industry are seething over steam not bending over 110% to their demands for content censorship of both games and community.
The little steam has done to appease them doesn't mean shit. Only total control and obedience to their belief system matters for them.

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Gabe Newell said this years ago

Because they run a giant fucking storefront that dozens of millions of people use every day which required a shitload of server upkeep and maintenance?

Do you fucking think they pocket that money you fucking faggot retard? No, dipshit, they probably pocket 20% of that 30%, the remaining 80% goes back into the fucking store to keep the thing functional.

30% is the norm when it comes to platform owner cuts, its what the console companies do too. Retard.

It's almost as if steam is litteraly bloated with games and a single indie dev has to have some great marketing skills to stand out to it's vast and large userbase.
Or as if a type of game this extremely popular among switch players sells better on the switch.
geez man I pirate shit so I honestly don't care about this 'storewar thing' but even I can tell that argument is retared

Again the e-store only has a couple of hundred titles on it and indie games get released on the console during the big gaps between big releases on the switch.

Care to find a similar story about a similar game doing well on ps4 or xbox one?

Cheers and heres to hoping Epic doesnt kill them like theyre doing

>its what the console companies do too. Retard.

Consoles as proven with earlier links, actually earn their 30%

>noting that users downloaded the free games Subnautica and Slime Rancher 4.5 million times in two weeks.
>can't even get their entire base of fortnite players on PC to download FREEE games
>free games that are flashing in your face every time you start the launcher to play fartnite

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Faggot what the fuck do you even mean by that.

You're literally just ignoring the argument because it proves you wrong.

I want you to take a good look at what you're championing as a victim of Steam.


This is a mediocre and uninspired clone of Mega Man that doesn't do anything to stand out among other indie games. The real reason why it only sold 300 units is because it's shit.
Good games rise above the rest. Bad games are buried and forgotten.

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Why, under any circumstance known to man, care about shitbag publishers getting an extra 5%, let alone the self-admitted to be unsustainable 18%

I'll admit it's better than some of the alternatives but still use steam because egs is the inferior store

How do you feel about this? dsogaming.com/news/rumour-red-dead-redemption-2-pc-may-be-revealed-on-april-22nd-as-an-epic-games-store-exclusive/

Not him but the 30% is just for the digital storefront. Console companies take a cut on top of that via licensing fees. And unlike steam and epic console companies make money from their online services by charging end users subscription fees

what's the point in dealing in hypotheticals?
you can ask me this again in 6 months when epic figures out how to program a basket

Another free game, wont be playing multiplayer anyways

Nice try chong.

by doing what? distributing games? providing matchmaking? providing anti-cheat? rolling put patches and dlc? providing marketing tools? providing forums? providing a storefront to sell games? does this sound familiar?

>Exclusivity deals like these have been part of the video game industry since the very beginning. There are still games that are available on PlayStation 4 and not Xbox One, and vice versa. That these sorts of arrangements are now commonplace on PC is evidence of more competition, and in capitalism competition is supposed to be good for consumers in the long run.

It seems that way initially, but it uses typical journalistic traps to favor their opinion. They start with reasonable statements then sucker punch in their bias or refusal of research at the end because the closing statements are the ones that are most likely to convince a person or linger in their mind. They're gonna need to find sources on evidence of guaranteed revenue deals or contracts signed without some form of console/platform investment in the development of the product and argue how in that way benefits consumer long term and not just a setup for a non consumer involved proxy war that leaves us fucked in the end.

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i personally don't care

>but what when
Today is now not tomorrow not 2 years in the future or 10 years into the past, but now.
and right now epic store has no consumer friendly features that are standard in the industry. Maybe when it has all the features steam has and offers better costumer service and pricing it wont get shit on for not having any of those.
>muh devs
I'm a consumer what do I care, I'd rather get a product for a better price with better service and have the deps get a slightly less cut (which they will do anyway as most money goes to PUBLISHERS). Then buy a game for the same price with no customer service/protection and a high chance my account get's hacked.

Good because I don't play SJW trash

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>the source is Yea Forums
ayy lmao

They never will since winnie the pooh will be more than willing to slip them more yuan.

>need to upkeep and constantly maintain havving nearly 50,000 games on their storefront, alongside soundtracks, dlc, and the marketplace, likely accumulating up to multiple EXABYTES of data from having to have dozens if not hundreds of redundant copies of each game copied to prevent data loss, and also maintain the stress of having multiple untold millions of people using it every second

>BUH DUH TURDY PERSENT IZ TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do you fucking retard faggot mongoloids ever even PRESUME to know a SINGLE thing about ANYTHING, when you clearly know NOTHING.

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>Steam has literally set no standards
>Steam is a monopoly which holds the market with an iron grip
which is it exactly

Protip: Epic requires the game to make a minimum amount of revenue. If you only sell 300 copies Epic is taking more than 12.5% of sales

I don't really care, I never played RDR1 and RDR2 didn't look so good when I saw it because it suffers from the worst problems in GTA mainly missions being too strict despite being an open world. I would be more annoyed if it was a new GTA because at least driving around and blowing up cops is fun for a while

>And what will you say when it's almost as good as Steam and better than the others?
Shit on it because epic game store becoming almost as good as steam would require a miracle or a lot of money and people who actually somewhat care

2K is likely moving a lot of their games over to Epic, as long as they're still footing the bill. I'd imagine the next XCOM and Civilization is going to be a timed exclusive on the epic store, both of which will either lead me to pirating them or if I have other stuff to play, waiting until they're on Steam anyway.

I think a lot of Japanese games that are getting ports are likely to stay on Steam though, Japan is slow about adapting to change and now that they're somewhat used to releasing on Steam, they're likely to stick with it for the next few years.

It was actually one of Gabe's big talking points about Steam being more consumer friend, that piracy was almost always a service problem. Steam was designed first and foremost to make it easy to part with your money for a game you wanted at a cheap price, with a download server that at the time would usually be faster than piracy seeding. At the end of the day, instead of digging through a few mirrored torrents to try to find an active one, scanning the payload for viruses and what have you, I could've just spent $10 on Steam and got it quicker and faster with usually little to no DRM beyond steamworks itself.

>And what will you say when it's almost as good as Steam and better than the others?
Why isn't it like that now? It's not like Epic doesn't have enough resources to include already developed features that have been standard on most other platforms for years now.

they promised mod support for vtmb2 which epic doesn't have yet, I guess that's one of the reasons why paradox didn't take the bribe
I expect the PC Gaming Show at E3 to be fucked this year

Reminder that there is no definition for the word "monopoly" that could include Steam.

>dark side
they're not though, just like Steam wasn't when it came on the scene

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Yes it is.

Unless you think being flagrantly anti-consumer and actively attempting to form a monopoly to completely fuck the PC market is in any way not "the dark side"

>they're not though
>asleep for the last 2-3 months

>he cares about store clients at all
>he ever buys non-multiplayer games

The reason I have such a hard time feels bad for devs getting such a shitty cut is that the fucking hate us. Did you see randy's tweet today?


I actually feel bad that I bought gearbox games in the past now, this fucker doesn't deserve any of money. Not only do they feel entitled to my money they also want to tell me where I can spend it. I'm not okay with that

You think with steam being around for more than a decade Epic would at least have included some of it's basic features instead of just relying on exclusivity

>as long as they're still footing the bill
thing to rememeber though for publishers epic is easily exploitable money. they can demand more and more money, especially 2k who commands highly popular titles, for each subsequent deal. notice how borderlands 3 was dropped down to 6 months instead of a year.

>wow i hate steam!
>they improve their service quality
>wow steam isn't bad!
learn from the past epic-chan

Reviews are about the quality and content of the actual game. They're not meant for Baby's First Activism. If you misuse reviews, they should be taken asay from you.

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there is no chasm in media as large as the one between game developer and game players
games devs in 2019 might legitimately be severely retarded

Just skipped over it, but the article reads like paid damage control.

I think it's because publishers make the majority of their profit on single unit sales within the first few weeks of a game's release. It could be a two month exclusive and it'd probably still constitute the majority of sales by profit (IE, those sales for $60 vs lifetime sales where a game has gone half price or less). Throw that out the window if it's something with long term support, like continuous DLC or microtransactions though.

That said, I don't know if Epic would consider Civilization a big enough title to warrant paying for exclusivity. I think it certainly sells well, but they might disregard it to focus on stuff that appeals to a wider audience and because 2K will overvalue it's exclusivity.

I'm so glad people aren't just lying down and swallowing this shit. Yea Forums of all places has more sense in that regard than the clueless "lol its just a store bro" normalfags. Keep lecturing them.

Reviews are whatever you want them to be, reviews are not objective, they're subjective. You as an individual can judge whether a review has merit. I've seen games get bad reviews because of monetization which has nothing to do with gameplay

>I don't know if Epic would consider Civilization a big enough title to warrant paying for exclusivity
i thought the same thing about anno 1800

I think it's partially because the average player that cares enough to talk to a dev is a fucking retard. Have you ever visited company forums, or any other mass communication system they have? Reading the paradox forms makes my brain melt because of the unadultrated drivel that people spew on there.

There's got to be some way to sort of condense down complaints or comments to make them more effective, at least with review bombing, it's pretty clear when something makes people upset, as does dislikes on youtube videos and similar.

I think Epic is going to go all-in on buying out publishers. I feel like this is a do or die mission on becoming a "console on PC". Very bold move, can't wait to see what Steam has up their sleeves in response to this.

A lot of people hate it, even on youtube, twitter and reddit people hate it, all the sites you think would be full of normalfags who don't give a fuck have a lot of people who don't hate it and then a couple fanboys helplessly trying to defend epic and publishers.


SEGA Europe is due for another fuckup.

Well looks like it is working. Many articles about "angry steam people" have surfaced.

Ubisoft I'm not as surprised. It's partially backed by Tencent as well, just like Epic, so I wasn't so shocked to see Division go the same way. It's likely Tencent helped broker the deal between the two in the first place, most likely in a bid to consolidate distribution.

>can't wait to see what Steam has up their sleeves in response to this.

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I was kind of surprised, one of my friends who I consider the most pedestrian normalfag of them all actually outright refuses to bother with using Epic just because he doesn't want to juggle multiple launchers, despite wanting Borderlands. Whether that holds or not remains to be seen, but he was pretty pissed when the announcement happened.

Unironically uninstalled steam and hopped on epic which is an epic store for us gamers

When tf2 first came out sure, but once it started to become popular and specially free do you think any of the new players cared about the other 2?

ubisoft's probably just trying to get people to use uplay rather than anything else
as much as I hate tencent I doubt they'd do something like that for every single company they have a hand in, it'd be a hassle and I doubt they even know how many companies they fund

gg no re

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I don't think valve will do anything, they can't copy epic because then they'll get a bunch of hate too. The cut is really a huge meme, devs don't care about the cut, discord and itch.io have better cuts but no one talks about those, humble bundle also gives a good cut to devs as well, if it was about the cut they would not be accepting epic's 12% when they can get better cuts easily

Not much if they're about to go red from it

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They’ll probably keep this up for another year or two. The point is to grab people from Steam and other services and have users buy enough there to make them consider staying when faced with a choice between launchers.

After a couple years, those who still held out aren’t ever going to give in and those who caved will be there. No point in continuing the practice after that.

eventually its going to reach a breaking point though as more and more publishers are just going to consider epic a free atm and will just come back every time for more and more money otherwise they'll just go about business as usual. right now for indie devs its the best to get in while the getting's good because aaa publishers can demand way more money and take bigger slices of out of the bribery pie.

oh my they only just began the war with steam and they ain't gonna last two years

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I imagine that's Ubisoft's endgoal, but to make Uplay more attractive, it would involve breaking Steam's strangehold. However, I would not put it out of the realm of possibility that there was collusion going on, but I highly doubt we'd see things like Activision hosting their games on there exclusively what with the hope to secure their own storefront's space, despite Tencent having a large share of it as well.

They can't do what not just because their store is not curated like theirs but also because they do not like devs having to sign exclusivity deals in exchange for funding. They outright pay devs with no Strings attached just so they won't have to sign an exclusivity and put themselves at risk. The dev can literally release games on PS4 if they want as long as they don't lock themselves into any contracts for one platform.

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depends on what you mean by copy epic, they already have anti-exclusivity deals for VR

Then all I can interpret from this is just madness. Maybe game devs are pussies and just want a guaranteed pay cheque?

Everyone wants a guaranteed paycheck

They're fighting dirty but it is a competition and Steam won't win by standing on their asses.

As a consumer I don't have a problem with it. Not any more than I have a problem with Uplay, Origin or Blizz launcher.

Let me put it like this: what would force Steam to improve without any competition? They've been making changes at a snail's pace and personally I don't give 2 shits about Steam controller, Steam machines or its offshoot projects that they sped money and manpower on when they could work on improving things for gamers or game makers.

>everybody is as butthurt as I am
Not really. I see what Epic Store is doing and I don't like it but I don't see it as the end of the world either like so many drama queens. They're fighting an asymetric war and they won't win by conventional means.

That's why this whole thing is retarded
You buy a bunch of exclusives in hopes of getting people to use a bad store, the exclusive deals run out before you can make you store good
Then what? Everyone just fucks off back to steam unless they keep doing it and go deeper into the red?
What happens if the demand gets too great and they can't keep up? 'Give me a better exclusivity deal or release my game on steam'

Pay up chang

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>There's got to be some way to sort of condense down complaints or comments to make them more effective
Basically they just need to pay someone to moderate the comments and forums.

Now I know everyone's fucking hostile to the idea of spending money to pay social media managers to do nothing but monitor a forum/Twitter/feedback platform and companies are cheap fuckers who don't want to pay for that sort of thing but here's the deal - it's fucking cheap to pay someone to organize feedback and you get an avenue of feedback that doesn't require expensive marketing studies. And it's easy; it's actually really fucking easy because there are plenty of websites who have a team of moderators monitor a comments section for fucking free. Look at Twitch; those faggots there will mod a chat for free, this is only one step up because you're paying them to do a better job.

The excuses newspapers, video game developers, government organizations and whoever the fuck throws out to justify deleting their comments section are actually shit excuses. It's not expensive, it's easy to manage/block bots, it's not too toxic, it's actually effective if done right, and you get real feedback. Big fucking companies have no excuse to not have paid moderators; companies like Blizzard clearly cut back on their moderation teams and they've been tone deaf since. I understand small indie companies not having the cash to pay for dedicated social media managers but all the big players have no excuse to not be able to do it.

Fucking retards don't want to pay for forum infrastructure and instead outsource that "work" to Reddit and Twitter, which they can't moderate for shit.

Game devs want financial security for their efforts which the minimum sales funding is for. The cut is just a bonus. Valve won't need to do anything except continuing improving their storefront and release the games they have in development right now. Ironically, they'll have done more in 1 year then Epic has in 5 years.

>ubisoft's probably just trying to get people to use uplay rather than anything else
they already do that with steam. they just leverage them by selling thier games there which still require uplay regardless in hopes people will see their launcher come up to play and game and check it out. they also push their club system to get people in their door as well when you do in game achievements.

you sound like a drone desu

Well shit that pretty much confirms valve won't be paying for exclusivity, maybe they'll pay for anti-exclusivity? I seriously have no idea what they can do beyond throw money at it to counter epic

That pay cheque is at the cost of their reputation.

The thing is, the devs aren't even the ones seeing the profit most of the time. They're paid up front by the publisher, usually a fixed amount with a bonus for meeting so many sales, and they don't give a shit if a storefront charges 30% or 12%. The additional profits being made almost certainly only line the publisher's pocket, who's usually the one brokering the deals in the first place.

That's why it's utterly ludicrous to say Epic store treats devs better. The majority of devs, beyond self-published or indies, aren't seeing any additional revenue for this. Confirm that when you see the earnings reports for various companies that talk about how much additional money they made from these agreements, and realize none of it goes back into paying the actual developers anything extra.

>call other people a drone when you say its good that a company actively wants to fuck you into the dirt

Yea Forums is retarded. Why did i come here.

>Spelunky 2 and Dwarf Fortress are now Epic exclusives

Fucking Bethesda hopping back to Steam after a single bad game should tell you they don't trust that platform. They can see Tim is a terrible businessman

>personally I don't give 2 shits about Steam controller, Steam machines or its offshoot projects that they sped money and manpower on when they could work on improving things for gamers or game makers.
steam controller should be a huge thing for devs too when they can just support that and call it a day
and you need to read up on what anti-competitive behaviours are

*does the fortnite default dance*

>talking about epic exclusives
>division 2
are you retarded?

>Ironically, they'll have done more in 1 year then Epic has in 5 years.

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if there's anything we have learned form this mess its all the publishers wanting a guaranteed payday, most devs aren't even aware the game went exclusive. epic pays for the game and if nobody buys it for a year the publisher is covered and they can go back to steam and people will rejoice and buy it there. the real question is if any of the bribe money goes back to the devs at all, which as anyone will guess, will be very little.

>owned by Tancent
>goes around throwing mad money for timed exclusives
>EGS is spyware
>far worse than Steam was and Origin
>letting the chinks have your data
If you want to help the chinks bankroll a botnet, go right ahead.

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>You buy a bunch of exclusives in hopes of getting people to use a bad store, the exclusive deals run out before you can make you store good
>assumnptions, assumptions, assumptions

Here's a different set of assumptions:
They gain a lot of traction due to their initial buy-ins and they make improvements along the way. They might not end up being as good as Steam but they don't have to be. They just have to be good enough.

At the end of the day I don't see the problem for people.
If Epic store becomes a success it would have to offer good features as well (besides exclusives) to win a large part of the gamerbase over. At that point we get a good store that just happen to have exclusives

If Epic fails then this whole idea of exclusives would probably be put to rest, publishers would be back on Steam and we'd be roughly where we started (which some people would call a good place)

Regardless the scenario Steam will still be here, making money. In both cases we win.

They have more games coming aside from that trash. Before you Strawman no they aren't F2P lootbox marketplace shitfests either.

>when they could work on improving things for gamers or game makers.
you mean like steam input, the 3d sound api (which doesn't require steam at all and is royalty free) and new networking apis?

It’s a shill he won’t recognize his shitty chink store with no regional prices or basic forums buying out devs is a bad thing

VR games nobody will play? (These are the top two VR games btw)

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>Epic is running on limited time
A better question would be when did Tancent get involved with Epic?

There's nothing wrong with exclusivity when it comes to your own games. It is expected to see half-life on steam, the Sims on origin and splinter cell on uplay. The reason being those are games made by their respective companies who own a store.

Epic don't do that, they just have a lot of money which they are throwing around trying to make people come to their platform for no reason. Developers are taking the money and I don't blame them as they are out there to make money.

Epic have changed the game against the consumer and normies like you are eating it up.

I honestly don't care what games they have in development, just release Source 2 as a development engine already. The tools I've used for DotA content creation look pretty nice for a start, and I find idtech/source to be one of the easiest, most developer friendly engines to work in, despite its quirks.

almost 7 years ago

So the 12% is not 12% at all and the consumer just pays more to make up for it? If it's true I can't wait for the devs to get backlash from everyone.

Attached: 1431831740620.jpg (673x680, 336K)

Got a dummy account for the free games if I ever want to use them.

Press to buy and its just stuck in an infinite load forever. Make me really want to spend money here oh yeah...

Attached: 1516728356779.jpg (600x450, 19K)

>Developers are taking the money and I don't blame them as they are out there to make money.
In the case of Metro and Borderlands, it's no doubt the publishers who are getting the money from the exclusivity deal.
So Tims promises of it being better for developers is a load of horseshit too.

If Vlad here is so in charge of Epic Store then how come it's Sweeney that's setting out his grand vision of slicing Gabe's thro- I mean killing Steam and haphazardly defending each and every one of his stupid mistakes by contradicting himself in the space of a single sentence and lying through his teeth every chance he gets?

That's noscript's fault; an end user problem, white list the site

>when Fortnite is beginning its decline and is on its way out the door.
That's exactly why they're doing it now. They hope to establish themselves quickly so they have another revenue stream once the Fortnite money dries up.

I'll be the judge of that. As long as it ticks of a small amount of boxes (stability, good download speed, etc) then all I care about is the game and I can overlook all the other nonsense (screenshots folder, forums, etc etc)

It takes a 30% cut on games. As a consumer (who gives a shit about people making the games, otherwise I might as well pirate everything) I don't see that as "superior". And honestly I care more about that than a lot of the features that Steam provides.

And that's a good thing. Here's why.

i fucking HATE FURIES
fucking gas the degenerates

Steam drone cope

You know what's actually dead? Artifact. You know what didn't kill Fortnite? Apex

Attached: cringe valve fans.png (1608x1029, 148K)

>who gives a shit about people making the games
Then why would you care about publishers getting more money? Do you really think some code monkeys are going to get a raise just because Epic is taking less of a cut?

Don't fucking reply to me again, insect.

>>I'll be the judge of that. As long as it ticks of a small amount of boxes (stability, good download speed, etc) then all I care about is the game and I can overlook all the other nonsense (screenshots folder, forums, etc etc)
Which Steam does better?

It takes a 30% cut on games. As a consumer (who gives a shit about people making the games, otherwise I might as well pirate everything) I don't see that as "superior". And honestly I care more about that than a lot of the features that Steam provides.
For fucks sake faggot take two seconds to think about what that 30% goes to. Consider the sheer amount of server upkeep that has to go into making Steam function. Jesus christ.

Do you think Valve pockets the 30%? No they dont, retard, most of that goes back into Steam to keep it functional. Steam also lets devs sell keys on third party sites, where Valve doesnt get a cut at all, dipshit. Epics shit is a scam, because they only guarantee that sales cut IF it hits a specific sales figure.

Jesus christ you faggot retard.

>$90 on Steam
>$34 on Epic

Epic is the good guys here. They even made a shit game to be a containment for all the squeekers and shitty kid gamers.

Attached: vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-2-preview-12.jpg (2000x1126, 279K)

there you are epic-kun, why do you not reply to the hundred posts above you of rational discussion??

>It takes a 30% cut on games. As a consumer (who gives a shit about people making the games, otherwise I might as well pirate everything) I don't see that as "superior". And honestly I care more about that than a lot of the features that Steam provides.
See: >>need to upkeep and constantly maintain havving nearly 50,000 games on their storefront, alongside soundtracks, dlc, and the marketplace, likely accumulating up to multiple EXABYTES of data from having to have dozens if not hundreds of redundant copies of each game copied to prevent data loss, and also maintain the stress of having multiple untold millions of people using it every second
>>BUH DUH TURDY PERSENT IZ TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Why do you fucking retard faggot mongoloids ever even PRESUME to know a SINGLE thing about ANYTHING, when you clearly know NOTHING.

>x is good because competition
>exclusivity deals
okay dude

Attached: wc65hvsaeb2021.jpg (500x450, 120K)

That worked. Thanks!

We're talking about storefronts you imbecile. What does Apex or Artifact have to do with Steam?


hi tencent

Seethe harder zhang.

Attached: LaughingCaoCao.gif (320x200, 1.9M)


>The fact of the matter is that while Epic is offering a better deal to game developers and publishers, they’re not offering anything remotely equivalent to consumers. Games cost just as much on the Epic Games Store as they otherwise would on Steam. There simply aren’t as many quality of life features or bells and whistles available when you purchase a game on the Epic Games Store, and games aren’t any cheaper for it.

>So here, at least, it’s easy to see why some people are getting riled up: Why should consumers be forced to purchase a game on Epic’s platform? Why should they be handcuffed by backroom dealings being made to secure exclusives? Why should they be denied access to a game on a more robust platform like Steam?

Attached: 1450126697733.gif (192x224, 51K)

Why does it say PS4?

>$34 on Epic
oh dear non are you gonna start posting edited images of game prices again to derail the thread because people are having educated discussion??

>Do you think Valve pockets the 30%? No they dont, retard, most of that goes back into Steam to keep it functional.
no most of it goes into their pockets, it might take 1 or 2% to run the servers, not 30%
Not that I care what percent they take, they're free to charge whatever they want, there's no such thing as 'fair'

It's also on GoG DRM free.

Women and dykes just have to ruin everything, don’t they? Oh well, free market will self correct. Let’s hope for a video game market crash.

Devs still need to support normal controllers (besides mouse & kb) so I don't know how much of a win it is for them.

>and you need to read up on what anti-competitive behaviours are
if they're really anti-competitive then they can end up taken to court
as I see it now it's fighting dirty but no one said this should be a duel, and not a street fight

people actually like epic? lol couldnt be me

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not him but it's $33 for me, I live in the caribbean though so it would be misleading to imply it's the same for everyone
I'm not interested in spending money in the epic store because of their pushes for exclusivity

Attached: Capture.jpg (1166x872, 135K)


check it for yourself. 90 dollaridoos on steam 34 on epic.


>>no most of it goes into their pockets, it might take 1 or 2% to run the servers, not 30%
You are fucking dumb.

>its another "Yea Forums thinks it knows how computers work" episode

Attached: 1554462210185.jpg (267x299, 16K)

Those sound good, don't get me wrong, but I think a reduction of their cut from 30% to 20% would be something that would be a far bigger win for game makers (and I know they have that new policy where they take a smaller cut after a certain number of sales but those seem more directed towards AAA or highly successful games, ignoring smaller/medium sized devs - who frankly I care more about than a lot of AAA studios)

>comparing the premium price on steam to the standard price on epic
at least compare the same versions

Attached: Capture.jpg (1129x330, 47K)

This is like the 40th time this complete autist has posted that link, btw. And I´m not making this up, a few days ago someone went ahead and checked. I really hope you´re actually being paid for your efforts, despite how pathetic and useless they are

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and you have no idea how much data hosting costs
I'll give you a hint
It's fucking cheap

>They still cant say steam drone

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man what countries are you guys in
this sucks

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some games only give you steam controller prompts because they assume you'd be using steam's drivers for whatever controllers you have
yea, vtmb2 is massively cheaper around the world, I wonder if steam's regional pricing is forced to be currency based, I heard european people complaining about their prices
you do realize they have servers all around the world? (epic probably does too, so I don't know how they keep it up)
if it's that cheap why don't most devs just do that themselves?

>he isn't part of the pirate it all idort masterrace

Attached: PIRATE IDORT MASTERRACE.jpg (1024x732, 138K)

I don't think so and here's why. Publishers and devs blow a lot of money on stupid shit that doesn't benefit gaming as a whole. You give them more money and they use that money to pay for more advertising or some celebrity voice actor or some stupid shit like that. I would rather valve keep doing what they're doing as long as their risks don't fuck up PC gaming as a whole or sink steam in the same way THQ got sunk by uDraw

Are you also Canadian?

Sure there is, China could stop exploiting its people ruthlessly, close the Xinjiang concentration camps, allow political parties other than the CCP, allow free speech and thought and independent journalism, sell off all its ill-gotten gains in the form of all its state monopolies and state-funded giants and distribute the shares equally among its citizens as reparations for all the crimes they've committed, stop harassing Hong Kong and allow it to become a true democracy, stop supporting dictatorships around the world, stop spying, hacking and stealing everyone's secrets business or personal because literally the whole world is not out to get them, stop organ harvesting prisoners and ethnic and religious minorities, stop displacing the whole of fucking Asia with muh Han manifest destiny chosen people, stop enabling North Korea to be a fucking hellhole just so they can farm it for young wives to offset the consequences of one-child policy and just promote cross-border marriages in Asia and abroad, dismantle the stupid social credit score system, tear down the Great Firewall, stop banning all video games and other "haram" Western culture, free all political prisoners, stop polluting the everliving fuck out of China and Asia, ban all sweatshop labor including Apple's electronic sweatshops and institute a fair minimum wage, free Tibet, and become an actual democratic country with separation of powers, free and fair elections and human rights.

See, it's not that hard, if Tencent were an honest business I'd have no problem with that aspect of EGS. Of course it'd still need to actually compete with Steam and GOG on top of that, drop the spyware, have good games and good prices and good service, allow user reviews and preferably no DRM shit, and just generally be a viable alternative.

why would you call them that when you can just call them what they are, valve cuck?

>you do realize they have servers all around the world?
and? Hosting data is even cheaper in countries outside the US. Here's a simple example. The average game is 60 bucks. A person will buy it on Steam and download it maybe 1-2 times. That's about 150 gb on average? Do you think it cost them 30% of 60 dollars (18 dollars) to transfer that data? It sure as hell didn't
>if it's that cheap why don't most devs just do that themselves?
They did before Steam became super popular. It's a hassle to set up that shit yourself, Steam has all the infrastructure in place, and most importantly, it has the audience

>and you have no idea how much data hosting costs
>I'll give you a hint
>It's fucking cheap
Do you host exabytes of data in thousands of servers around the world on servers that have to maintain the stress of millions of users accessing them every day?

nah US here. i'm gonna get it on gog anyways though so i dont have to worry about any of this store shit.

For the love of god will you people start thinking beyond the square that's immediately in front of you?

No, I don't think some game devs will get a pay increase.
However I think it might make the publisher go:
>This game made us a nice profit ...

>I guess we should pay the devs for a DLC/expansion pack or a sequel so we can make even more money
>I guess investing in this niche / risky genre (such as turn based combat) was a good move. We should do more of it

>>and? Hosting data is even cheaper in countries outside the US. Here's a simple example. The average game is 60 bucks. A person will buy it on Steam and download it maybe 1-2 times. That's about 150 gb on average? Do you think it cost them 30% of 60 dollars (18 dollars) to transfer that data? It sure as hell didn't
Oh so you have zero clue what you're talking about. Cool.

I ran a web store to sell my own games before Steam was popular, so I do actually, but I'm sure you have me beaten with your lack of an argument


you're just a scared valve employee. it's 34 dollars for premium even at your inflated 48 price is still nowhere close to the ridiculous 90 dollars steam is asking

usually I would agree but valve handles a lot more data than most companies
>"We partner with Internet backbone companies around the world to build this network, which connects directly with over 28,000 regional and local networks in 28 cities in 21 different countries," Valve writes. "This private network lets us deliver games and carry game, voice chat, and other data with high speeds and low latency to users in more than 229 countries."

go call akamai and tell them you have exabytes of data and want to user their global cdn to distribute games and use about 5 TB/s of bandwidth 24/7 and get back to me.

For me, Epic adding Linux support would make me consider actually buying games from them, but I doubt that will ever happen. Even then, I don't like their exclusive buying nonsense.

Thank you. I had no idea Steam had internal costs of their own. I thought those were zero. In that case those 30% are justified, I thought they could still operate and make a solid profit with 20% but your calculations and balance sheets changed my mind.

>valve handles a lot more data than most companies
and? alot of something cheap is still something cheap

>Sure there is, China could stop exploiting its people ruthlessly, close the Xinjiang concentration camps, allow political parties other than the CCP, allow free speech and thought and independent journalism, sell off all its ill-gotten gains in the form of all its state monopolies and state-funded giants and distribute the shares equally among its citizens as reparations for all the crimes they've committed, stop harassing Hong Kong and allow it to become a true democracy, stop supporting dictatorships around the world, stop spying, hacking and stealing everyone's secrets business or personal because literally the whole world is not out to get them, stop organ harvesting prisoners and ethnic and religious minorities, stop displacing the whole of fucking Asia with muh Han manifest destiny chosen people, stop enabling North Korea to be a fucking hellhole just so they can farm it for young wives to offset the consequences of one-child policy and just promote cross-border marriages in Asia and abroad, dismantle the stupid social credit score system, tear down the Great Firewall, stop banning all video games and other "haram" Western culture, free all political prisoners, stop polluting the everliving fuck out of China and Asia, ban all sweatshop labor including Apple's electronic sweatshops and institute a fair minimum wage, free Tibet, and become an actual democratic country with separation of powers, free and fair elections and human rights.

Fuck China but also fuck Steam

They are lying so they can shill you Epic
Another user did the same thing where he screenshotted the store and edited the price tag to be way cheaper

Oh wow cool you ran a little tiny webstore that like 20 people visited in its entire lifespan thats totally the same as running a service utilized by a userbase of over 100 million people, over 40 million per day, all over the world, with dozens of thousands of games on it.

>dude what is scaling lmao

>Why do you fucking retard faggot mongoloids ever even PRESUME to know a SINGLE thing about ANYTHING, when you clearly know NOTHING.

>Makes assumptions about Steam's upkeep costs and how much of a cut they would need to cover those and still make a profit

Oh, the irony.

Could you put your teenage rage you are venting here at rest for a day maybe? All your life's frustration would vanish if you for once went outside and hit upon a girl.

Attached: oughh.jpg (508x524, 27K)

Are you going to pretend bandwidth cost scales exponentially? Because it doesn't
They serve more customers, they get paid more money
The owners at Valve are super rich

>because of Tencents interest in Fortnite.

I do wonder. China has taken up an exremely short sighted philosophy since the belkin road intiative. Its like Epic is doing the same but not clearly realizing how unsustainable this is.

Galyonkin does all of these things as well.
He's probably the one who convinced Sweeney to do all of this, Sweeney is a codemonkey and not a businessman, after all.

>literally 0 mention of taiwan
>he somehow remembers that hk exists but not taiwan
the publishers took the deal BECAUSE they have no fucking confidence in their own fucking game

>and? alot of something cheap is still something cheap

Attached: 2ldenj.png (640x845, 371K)

one million of dollar coins are cheap because one dollar is cheap

>>the publishers took the deal BECAUSE they have no fucking confidence in their own fucking game

>I could sell my game everywhere and make a killing if it's a good game or I could sell it on epic and get free money even if I sell less copies

I spent hours with someone yesterday trying to explain to them all the realities of what you've said. They've been watching nothing but State-run Chinese news stations airing in North America in English.

I wasn't able to get far. They only budged on one point when I explained to them that the people detained in the "re-education" camps were Chinese citizens who've existed in that region for hundreds of years and weren't some filthy muslim immigrants as their Chinese news explained to them. They were actually appalled that I had such low opinion of China when I myself am Chinese.

I'm beginning to feel crippled at the amount of ignorance out there. It's never really bothered me the overwhelming amount of horrible shit in the world and it's never bothered me that people don't know about all these awful things happening just beneath their noses because who the fuck has the time to pay attention. But the amount of resistance to being informed or corrected by people has been nothing but depressing.

so far epic seems to be more expensive than steam / gog, and don't have regional pricing. so it's even worse.

the more data they send the more money they make

>alot of something cheap is still something cheap

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>hacked PS4
>hacked Switch
>pirating everything
I'm invincible.

Attached: 1529154395474.jpg (650x750, 35K)

Damn you really are that dumb.

I can uninstall and reinstall steam games all night long but they won't be making money off it

and you are utterly statistically insigificant

you're dumb if you can't do the basic math and understand that if something scales more or less linearly and you're making money off every transaction then scaling up the transactions is only going to make you more money

>inb4 someone post the Reddit "debunking" post (which is poorly written Chinese PR).
1. the "explaination" doesn't say a word about epic reading private steam files.
2. the "it's just a normal embedded browser behavior" excuse can be easily proven false - download visual studio (free), start .net project with embedded browser, browse somewhere, https or not it doesn't matter - you won't see it access certificates nor I dlls, at least not the same as seen with epic.
go right ahead friendo.

>using console walled gardens as an argument for exclusives.
Console exclusivity is fucking cancer as well, it leads to shit like having to pay for online. You can guaren fucking tee that if epic becomes the dominant market force in PC gaming that subscription fees will shortly follow.

>console games leak out sometimes weeks before release
>Consoles are secure and prevent piracy
I love these lines when they drop them as the reason for console exclusivity.

>the publishers took the deal BECAUSE they have no fucking confidence in their own fucking game
its also a guaranteed minimum of 'sales' at a set price, if the epic deals do in fact work that way; where they simply buy a years worth of sales at whatever price is agreed upon. that means a years worth if sales profit up front without having to discount the game on a sale. its just easy and free money which is why more publishers will continue to use epic as a free cash machine regardless of product quality.

>someone post the Reddit "debunking" post (which is poorly written Chinese PR).
You mean the Facepunch thread thats written in perfect english?

>he somehow remembers that hk exists but not taiwan
Fuck I had it right next to free Tibet but then I started moving things around with ctrl-x and somehow it got lost. I probably forgot some other things as well, but once those are done a lot of other stuff should follow naturally.

fucking based. would also like to add Taiwan and the great cannon of china which is much worse than their firewall (basically ddos sites the Chinese government don't like).

>epic reading private steam files.
You can open localconfig.vdf in notepad, how the fuck do you think its private?

>Nothing has been debunked

Attached: this kills the steam drone.png (850x1060, 1.01M)

>Chinese can't hire Americans to do their bidding
yeah the one I just proved to be lies. you can too, do the .net experiment and see for yourself.

you're already too late, this bs explaination, that doesn't mention the stealing of private steam files, can be easily proven false.

>even in filename chink fears word filter

competition is good for us consumers, the 200 iq play here is to pirate EGS games, they're rich anyway cuz of chink money and their only use is to make steam get their shit together

>yeah the one I just proved to be lies.
>visual studio
Hahahahahaha holy shit, you were serious about that?
>its another "Yea Forums thinks it knows how computers work" episode

Attached: 1434137218209.jpg (592x394, 25K)

>no reviews
>no forums
>no community guides
>no workshop
Why are people still arguing when it's clear Epic is not winning without the things above?

Please dont use epic. continue to use steam they dont do anything mali. . .

Attached: 1544662085227.png (794x95, 13K)

>Obsidian is the sekrit club for RPG fans
kek no they aren't. obsidian has been mainstream since its debut with kotor2

How does egs compare to console game stores

>if it's not encrypted it's public domain
you dumb nigger, softwares make the legit assumption that local files are private and no other software should steal them, unless it's a spyware. you know, just like when you take pics of your tiny smelly chinese dick on your phones, you can literally open those pics with built in gallery viewer but it doesn't mean it's ok for apps to download them and use them without your consent.

even console stores are better
at least they launched with a search function and you can search things by genre

No discounts, plus an admin/transaction fee on top of the cost of the game.

>don't have regional pricing

Attached: regional prices.jpg (1242x976, 199K)

>he thinks embedded browser and windows API works differently if you use c or .net
fine. use whatever language you like you retarded monkey. you cannot, and I repeat, cannot make the same access to certificate and dlls epic do by merely using embedded browser or browser related APIs.
feel free to prove me wrong, nigger.

that's not regional pricing that's just converting the same price to different currencies, you dumb chink.

>everything has additional 10% as payment processing fees
Thanks Galyonkin!

Attached: 1526219078854.png (854x1024, 1.41M)

Never give up and never stop trying user, I've had similar experiences in general on almost every single thing ever since I was a wee lad protesting the sheer fucking idiocy and madness of the Iraq and Afghan wars 2001-onwards both irl and on the net and even if it feels pointless it's never a waste to expose wrongdoing and stand up for what's right no matter how bad things get. If you have truth on your side it's just a matter of time and persistence.

Are you legitimately retarded? Regional prices doesn't just mean it's displayed in your local currency.

>start .net project with embedded browser
Since when every single default .net embedded browser is a chromium with all it's libraries and agreements?

Attached: image.jpg (1980x1080, 123K)

then use electron js. use whatever technology you like you won't be able to reproduce it by merely browsing.

>you're already too late
You're already too late with your bs post

Attached: 1541961277481.jpg (797x796, 69K)

OMG it's using the computer and there are numbers and there's red and orange, creepy!


this whole anti-EPIC non sense reminds me of when the PS4 and XBox one were released
every normie npc hated the xbox but didnt know why

doesn't change any of my points.
1. stealing steam private files is ignored.
2. the embedded browser excuse is a lie, and fact is you can't reproduce this behavior with merely browsing (feel free to prove me wrong, use whatever technology you like)

Stop downloading shit games and it'll get better. Seriously though how dogshit is your CPU if downloading games from steam takes 30% of its processing power lmao

how many games are you downloading / installing in the background at the time of this screenshot, Ling ling?

>mfw can't remember why
>mfw no face when
Was it a lack of backwards compatibility?

Im on the fence. I want to play BL3 but the store seems unsafe. Wonder what it will be like in September.

Attached: safeinfuture.jpg (1690x857, 266K)

Console stores have working carts, search function, wishlists, gane sharing, cash cards and a bunch of other basic features missing from Epic's store. Xbone and PS4 have remote downloading just like steam, and on console you can even start downloads while they're in sleep mode.

Imagine if Sony paid to make RDR2 PS4 exclusive and exclusive to GameStop so you couldn't buy it anywhere else other than their digital store.


Finish your sentence, champ.


thanks for the period dude

>buying Bloodlines 2
>even pirating it

Attached: 1526686709775.jpg (517x768, 103K)

remember when xbox one made it so you couldnt borrow or rent or resell games?
that was the big issue

Ok retards

Attached: regional prices.jpg (1200x750, 331K)

PS4 didnt have it either

steam only allows one download at a time, just saying, he has a toaster
that was savage


Explain to a brainlet what those color ribbons mean pls


Attached: Capture.jpg (566x500, 44K)

>still not showing regional prices
show the same game from different regions, and how the prices converted to the same currency, say USD, are vastly different. THAT is regional pricing faggot.

can you do those on steam?


Attached: file.png (1200x750, 645K)

just wait out the 6 months and get the game on sale. like every other online game you know it will be a dumpster fire at launch and take them 6 months to fix it anyways not to mention the inevitable 900 dlcs

wont steam sell it full price when it launches on their store

Are you that lazy to google how much 1549 rubles will be in dollars?

Attached: Angry finn.png (342x461, 139K)

It was obvious why average normie hated the xbone back then:
>$100 more than PS4
>less powerful than PS4
>weird anti-used games always online DRM that took away rights people were used to
>no backwards compatibility

Even the normiest of normies hated the xbone based on the first two points alone even if they didn't understand the second two

outside of DRM free games you can't do that, the closest thing to renting is shit like ea access

I don't think giving up is an option; it's too much ingrained in the way I operate to just willingly decide to stop giving a fuck.

The problem is that people care more about being right than the truth. You can say that truth will prevail but that only is true if you're talking to someone who values the truth; the reality is that most people in practice, contrary to what they may say about valuing the truth, don't actually have the tools to receive the truth. They are not open to correction, the vetting of their sources, reviewing new facts after a conversation is over, and basically unwilling to change their minds about anything they already hold. Calm reason is not enough; you need a new fact to replace their old broken fact. There are straight up psychological papers revealing that facts are one of the least effective tools to change someone's mind. Logic, facts, and now I need a third tool, which I don't have and none of the most intelligent thinkers seem to have either because they too are struggling in this world of misinformation.

Discourse has never been more combative and in war, nothing matters more than winning and people value winning and will willingly ignore the possibility they may be wielding bullshit to achieve that end.

I'm reading Destined for War by Graham Allison who hopes that China and America won't fucking go to war. And I think contrary to that hope the impression I get is that we're going to start nuking each other soon. One day China is going to cross the fucking line that the West can no longer ignore. Tibet, Xinjiang, or Hong Kong haven't moved the world; perhaps Taiwan will. When that day comes and we have to fucking defend democracy we're going to shoot each other. Fucking Winnie the Pooh said himself that he hopes it won't come to that but that's just PR; it's going to fucking come to that. It doesn't matter what President or Chairman is in charge neither are going to blink and then we move past diplomacy.

Family sharing lets you lend your entire library on Steam.

>It's already been announced for GOG, Steam
So was Phoenix Point

>didnt know why
There are so many reasons to RISE UP against Epic and we keep repeating them again and again, you're just not paying attention or don't want to hear the truth. Being a shit competitor with worse everything and no features and shitting up Yea Forums with constant shilling is one thing, the shit Epic's pulling with spyware and blatant lying and distortion is quite another. With everything that's gone down there's no fucking way in hell this company should be allowed anywhere near video games, and with Tencent now owning 5% of Ubisoft, 25% of Acitivision and 40% of Epic this has now turned into a fight for the future of video games.

probably but you can buy steam games from 800 different sites with better prices.

Welcome to Capitalism, where money talks.
A lot of people are misusing the "this isn't real competition!" when it's actually exactly what competition is. What they mean is "it doesn't benefit the consumer" which is fair enough, but that's capitalism for ya.

who cares honestly
the moment epic gets exclusivity rights for a game that i really want to play say like bannerlord, yakuza or cyberpunk is the moment i go back to piracy

>25% of Acitivision
when did this happen?

this. if I had to choose epic I'll just pirate instead. so far epic don't have anything I want. I had it installed from before for UT, once the exclusive bs started I uninstalled it, just to spite (don't want to be included I'm their "users" statistics)

I've always viewed buying a game as a statement that you want more of it. If buying on Epic is a necessary component of that thought then I'm happy to pirate and let the dev/franchise die.

Not gonna happen, CDPR have GoG.

I'd start worrying about this, though. It might fly under Timmy's radar, but they could probably use the money.

no matter you whine & moan and hate steam
steam never prevented any game from being DRM free
whereas epic is literally paying people to prevent them from releasing a drm free version

In 2013 when Kotick bought independence from Vivendi.
Whose money did you think he used?
They also own the entirety of Riot (League of Legends) and Grinding Gear Games (Path of Exile) and I believe Supercell (Clash of Clans).

>best we can hope for is epic goes pro consumer
Epic has always been pro-consumer. They have a free engine, free games with open source and free assets, their store is giving out really good free games every few weeks, in places where the regional pricing is initiated games are cheaper (metro for consoles is 79.99 but on epic store it's 49.99). The only thing against this is timed exclusives but that's literally the only way they can get people off steam, even if they had the best store in the world people would choose steam because their collection is there. Epic has a track record for being pro consumer but you fags are cherry picking the stupidest irrelevant things. You will blindly hate them forever because you are brainwashed by Steam.

Tayal-kun you need to stop

tiananmen square
rape of mankey
ghengis ghan

epic won't give taleworlds money simply because whatever exclusivity clause they have wouldn't matter because giving them a boatload of money is just going to delay the game another 15 years.

>They have a free engine
wait what

>I don't think giving up is an option; it's too much ingrained in the way I operate to just willingly decide to stop giving a fuck.
Good on you, stubbornness is both a blessing and a curse, but in the end it gets shit done.
>The problem is that people care more about being right than the truth. You can say that truth will prevail but [..] because they too are struggling in this world of misinformation.
All true but in the end, truth remains the most effective tool to combat misinformation, precisely because everyone's being turned into confused obedient slaves with no bearing on reality and what is real and what isn't. Governments around the world have figured out that they need only keep their populace in a state of perpetual confusion (see youtube embed below) in order to make them pliable and easily manipulatable, but I still hold out hopes and have reason to believe that in the end, everyone reaches a breaking point where they realize precisely what's going on and what's being done to them, and set off in search of the real truths that matter to them.
Make note of the point in this video where Surkov has not just created all these various movements ranging from far-right neonazis to pro-democracy activists and gay rights campaigners, but then ANNOUNCES that fact to the Russian people. Basically saying "haha fuck you, we pull all the string, we CREATE reality, NOTHING IS REAL, WE OWN YOU LMAO".
In the face of such evil, you can't stoop to their level, or adopt their methods, you just adapt your methods to the new circumstances and adjust your strategy accordingly. But precisely because people like this seek to distract and confuse you and rob your grasp on reality, that only means you upgrade your reality gun with 100% pure undiluted Truthium-coated ammo and aim for center-mass for as long as it takes to give people back their reality and restore their sense of self and purpose.

>Why should consumers be forced to purchase a game on Epic’s platform?
HAHAHAHAHA Who is forcing these cucks to buy a game? It's a god damn video game.

you're kidding

Is Unreal free?


By that logic you're not allowed to criticize or complain about any video game or how they're sold.


>Steam drones

>no user ratings
>no cash back policy
>litteraly bribing developers to get exclusive deals

yeah sure, why should anyone hate the Epic games store?
its so unrational!
hey have you preordered RDR2 and Borderlands already Goyim?

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I wanted gog to win, but now we get this steam vs epic garbage

>even if they had the best store in the world
But they don't, that's the most important part. People keep saying 'if if if if' why not actually do that first?
How many years have people been criticizing steam for various things? Not one company has attempted to do better for the customer, all they care about is getting our money and then they act surprised that people run back to steam at any given opportunity.

i just had a fucking brain aneurysm or something
i was thinking royalties are just paying for the engine
what the fuck
time for bed

It's free to use, yes.
But if you're a dev using it and your game sells over a certain number of copies, you pay a fee.
It's why there was so much furore regarding Epic licensing their engine to PUBG and then making Fortnites BR mode.

Should I say the T-word?

it's 5% of non-epic store sales
on epic its included in the 12%

The point is that it's a video game and you aren't forced to buy it. Criticize away but nobody needs video games to survive.

>Epic has always been pro-consumer.
Their CEO literally stated that the EGS is against consumers amd that it's made for publishers to get more money.

>They have a free engine, free games with open source and free assets
ue is royalty based, 5% after the first 3k
not all assets are free
>The only thing against this is timed exclusives but that's literally the only way they can get people off steam, even if they had the best store in the world people would choose steam because their collection is there.
twaddle. this gets brought up in every epic thread with rational arguments about out servicing steam. but you guys always dodge it. with so much money at hand you can offer unmatchable consumer incentives.
>you fags are cherry picking the stupidest irrelevant things
like pretending your better for video games by saying rise up against the steam monopoly while you block 99% of third party stores and moneyhat games??

haven0t you heard about gog?
between steam and epic the first one is better, that's true

>Criticize away
Why? Nobody is forcing you to buy them. All criticism of games and game companies are now invalid.

I just want to play good video games :( doesn’t matter which store provides - they’re so few and far between

Nobody is arguing that videogames are a necessity, but being this much of a cuck for corporate bullshit is pretty sad user. Grow a pair. Epic's practices are not the way we build a better balanced industry. By your logic milk isn't a necessity either because you could also drink Monster and survive.

>Edit: Thanks for the gold Random stranger! :D

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I'm no epic store supporter but posts like these fail to identify that right now epic is competing to get a userbase by purchasing expensive exclusive deals. These are very costly and they don't want to do them forever. Their goal is to stop using these kind of deals ASAP because of their cost. In their planned future they would have a comparable userbase to Steam and games would come to both platforms. That is when competition for the consumer would begin.

They have a single player game thats non VR and ofc they'll have some VR games seeing as they have a VR headset releasing next month

>Cuck cuck cuck
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>exclusivity is bad!
let me be the devil's advocate for a second
imagine every game we are realeasing has to be compatible with the switch or an android phone, wouldn't it drag the industry down?

you are retarded.

>right now epic is competing to get a userbase by purchasing expensive exclusive deals
they claim to have 85 million users though, how many is enough? or is customer engagement that bad where they can't keep them?


>herry picking the stupidest irrelevant things
You're so full of shit.
>no games that somehow cost more money
>bribing devs for exclusives so they tie it to your spyware platform
>no real controller support
>no anti-cheat whatsoever so fuck your multiplayer games
>no 3rd party keys so Epic dictates prices and despite 12% somehow ends up costing more
>no convenient workshop
>no real refunds you can rely on
>no user reviews because "you can trust us to curate your free time"

Attached: digitalcomparison.png (3283x1785, 250K)

>imagine every game we are realeasing has to be compatible with the switch or an android phone, wouldn't it drag the industry down?
no. many game engines are compatible with everything from cellphones to enthusiast gamer pcs to consoles. the main problem is nobody wants to agree on a unified rendering api.

I accept your concession.

>Nobody is arguing that videogames are a necessity
My point was the the language used in the article was doing precisely that. By my logic video games aren't fucking milk and shouldn't be treated the same as if the wal-mart bought an exclusive milk deal and you couldn't get it anywhere else. See the fucking difference? Stop being so melodramatic about video game digital storefronts and people might actually care about this shit.

Meant for

They literally just have to stop buying exclusives. That's literally it, literally FUCKING LITERALLY. The ironic thing is cross platform play would have been enough of a reason for me to buy it on epic instead of steam if they released simultaneously.

TF2 wasn't played by kids on launch though, it was the hotly anticipated sequel to an incredibly popular quake mod and TFC is guess.... Nice try Zoomer-kun

85 million spread on Fortnite, which is playable on consoles and mobile phones. The 4.5 million free downloaders of Subnautica is more representative of their game store userbase, I reckon, minus those who were just there for the free game

>5. friend activity
>origin by EA: No
so can i assume this entire chart is bullshit if the first thing not in the steam row is wrong?

Btw someone remake this thread and I'll link it here

it will probably be deleted. its nothing short of a miracle this thread actually turned into informed discussion after the first 20% of it was shitposting.

Still, if you would so kindly

Honestly there's no way Epic can even begin to compete then, and that's not even me trying to be a Steam Drone that's just numbers speaking. Steam has roughly 90 million monthly users and considering that the PC userbase of Epic seems to hover around 10mil~ disregarding the Fortniters. They're already operating at a potential net loss for 2019 and assuring big name publishers for X number of copies is only going to burn through that Fornite money even quicker.

so we basically something like when assembled pcs happened instead of brand pcs but for games

The media pushed Steam too and I never wanted Steam.
Fuck all these console wannabe platforms, Steam was the consolization of PC, give your game a physical release with the entire game on the physical media and that doesn't use any of these platforns or I will continue pirating like I have been since PC went digital only because of Valve and the "journalists" that helped them push it.
People should be demanding DRM free physical releases whether it be on disc or flash drive but everyone is too busy praising le gaben and marcin like the brainwashed drones they are. I would start paying for games again if they did start giving them physical releases.
As someone that currently exclusively pirates, if games are going to be digital only then I want all games to be Epic exclusives because pirated Epic games don't go through centralized servers like they do on Steam or GOG so multiplayer is easily playable on pirated versions.
I hope Valve is hurting, this is punishment for that fat kike getting rid of physical copies and giving digital distribution a monopoly on PC and popularizing most of the cancers plaguing gaming today which killed gaming. Anyone that uses Steam or pays for digital distribution has no right to complain, EGS would have never even been attempted and streaming games wouldn't even be taken into consideration if PC didn't cuck out to digital only and Valve first.

I already was avoiding buying anything on Steam because Valve has been so terrible. And you're right, all Epic had to do was just do their shit without this exclusive stuff and I would have probably looked past the fact that their platform was a pile of featureless dogshit. But given that they pulled that exclusive stunt and revealed that they're basically the most evil shit on the planet there's no fucking way I'm going to choose Epic over Steam ever.

I'm grateful Epic pulled this shit; now we can just outright boycott all the fucking publishers that signed exclusivity with them as well.

You're not forced to pay for digital distribution. It's just a video game. Stop complaining.

I don't give a shit about physical copies
1. It's not convenient
2. It's more expensive
It's fine for you to want that but I don't care about it and in 2019 lots of people don't either

>I want all games to be Epic exclusives because pirated Epic games don't go through centralized servers like they do on Steam or GOG

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Changs are quite active lately.
Reasons why epic sucks:
1.Trying to buy out developers to gain monopoly, disregarding customers. Once they get it, they will raise their cut, the edge for devs will disappear and there will be no alternative again.
2. Spying and ties with chinese gov/tencent.
3. Inferior features. Low security, cutting out customer reviews, spitting on customers(and yet they are fuming if you cricitize chink store).
They are appealing to poor people that will jump ship for free games and want to cockblock others from getting new games, thus forcing everyone to buy on their site or pirate. These are the main reasons, also their front guy is a pathetic business drone and a liar that deserves a slap in the face.

Someone make a new thread already

digital only is going to happen regardless of steam, epic, or any store. the internet has simply gotten fast enough where you can download and install a game faster than a disc, not to mention publisher's have been trying for ages to kill the used game market once and for all. sad truth but there it is. you can blame valve all you want but the death of physical media was inevitable the day broadband penetrated a vast number of households. the same thing happened to music and movies. people don't even want blurays or discs anymore they just pick a service to subscribe and stream.

Do it yourself bitch

The competition won't begin there because people will go to the epic store, realize the store has less to offer and then go back to steam where all their friends are and there's more games.

You want to know what would make me use epic over steam? Better prices, high quality features that steam has but done better. I don't want to hear shit about 'steam has been around for so long' or 'no one cares about X,Y,Z features', if you want my money you have to earn it and tim sweeney should by kneeling before me and kissing the ground I walk on instead of saying stupid shit like 'developers will decide who wins the storefront battle'. Someone needs to get him to take some lessons in PR and marketing.

>centralized multiplayer servers
U wot

hilarious, the reason why you don't have physical releases is because your platform was shit, unprofitable, dying and irrelevant during the last gen
almost every PC centric developer either died or went to shit ranging from westwood, dice, looking glass, id software to epic games, ion storm, sirech, sierra etc etc..
i don't care of you like or dislike digital distribution, but valve is the main reason why pc is back at forefront for many developers, if things remained the same then you could kiss all of those japanese games goodbye