ITT post games inside of games that you played more than the main game
ITT post games inside of games that you played more than the main game
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the chao garden
I put way too much time into the whack a mole game in Suikoden 2
I probably played the crappy Pokemon Stadium minigames more than I played Pokemon Stadium.
To be fair Suikoden gambling mini games are kinda required if you actually want to keep ALL your characters equipped in top shit. It's unnecessary, but grinding for potch is way more annoying. On the related note I wish cook-offs were infinite in Suikoden 2 and not tied to their own story.
between this and ERP i never really played many of the real quest
FFXIV looks really comfy, but my laptop can't handle it, and I don't know if it looks comfy enough to justify its price even if my laptop could.
Fucking this
I even bought the standalone version but it had some gay drm and stopped working eventually. I tried to download a cracked version but it wasn't the same version of the game.
>feel good
>remember all the times I played the chao vmu game in public, around family, and in school
>feel bad
You can always just install the free trial and fuck around in from time to time.
I still dont know how this fully worked. I mean sometimes they gave you a clue what the judges prefer but sometimes they gave you fuckall to go on with. Still it was pretty easy though.
Any of the various NES titles in Animal Crossing
I thought Blitzball was really fun when I first played FFX
That's how I know my laptop can't handle it.
It could, once I get around to paying for repairs, but my overclocking attempts have damaged the fans and lead to most remotely high-end games overheating my laptop and quickly forcing an emergency shutdown.
Are you my brother?
There's an alright rpg in this card game I heard
thread theme
Is that some muhfuggin chinchirorin?
>mfw Sudden Death rule has spread
damn that bowl looks ascetic
I remember alien hominid had a minigame platformer with 200 levels & a level designer. Don't think I actually played it more than the main game but it was close.
>run to goal
>jecht shot
>run to own goal
>stay inside of it
>opponent AI spergs out and does nothing
great minigame
>that time remaining in gif
It’s gonna time out before that point gets scored.
>From Gen V onward Gamefreak didn't even bother putting in a game corner in newer games at all
>Not even in the next remake they did
>Not even Voltorb Flip lives on, despite being intentionally made in response to rating boards throwing a hissyfit over the slots
Fuck Gamefreak.