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DMC 3 was better
The ranking system is broken as fuck
Atrocious level design
My biggest problem with the game was V, he feels super weird to control in this type of game.
How so?
It's balanced by the fact that he is also the easiest character by far.
Who gives a fuck about level design in DMC?
-terrible level design and layout in second half. Needed more like Mission 2-3-4
-Terrible repetitive music
-Terrible fanfic story told in a very dull way with many characters being just background noise
-Forces you to play as a no fun allowed gay fujoshit twink more than Dante
-Nero isn't even fun until you finish the game
Itsuno trying to make nero look better then dante
Level design's never really been a series strongpoint. It's more about the actual encounter design and bosses.
Everyone with taste. DMC is not just bloody palace.
That’s no excuse? like what the fuck even was that level design where dante fights the vie summons
>Level design's never really been a series strongpoint
He just showed you a clear example of a different game in the same series doing it much better and more creatively.
Taste is subjective. Not everyone likes boring puzzles where you need to run around in arbitrary boring areas and do backtracking to advance to the next area.
The soundtrack is ass to listen to outside of the game so It peeves me greatly
>horrible level design
>music is hit or miss...Nero's is good, the choir in the prologue is good, Dante and V have complete shit music
>too easy, even on DMD
>V gets boring before you're finished with your first playthrough
>only a few Devil Breakers are worth using
>Faust breaks the game
>story is trash
>Vergil is still a shitty character that will never be well-written or cool
>swiveling lock-on camera
>way too short
>only two good bosses
>no unlockable costumes
>Bloody Palace was DLC and doesn't have co-op
Free roaming levels are only fun the first time you play them. DMC is made to be played over and over so there's no real reason to focus on those.
Subhuman is unironically 10/10, though.
Creative, yes. Better? Hell no, those puzzles and backtracking weren't fun at all.
It's pretty easy on normal, and you cant play hard until you've beaten normal, and it could use a more colorful palette. Also V is kind of simple, he's developed enough for one playthrough but when you get to the second one you realize there's not really much to play around with in his kit.
>no puzzles or exploration in levels plus repeated levels
>characters like Lady and Trish pushed to the background with little depth
>the plot totally turns into fanfic schlock once Vergil comes back and loses a lot of its weight
>some levels you can S rank in your sleep while others are frustratingly annoying
Good thing its core design and gameplay and music are all stellar. Still a solid 8 or 9/10 for me but not perfect by any means.
Yeah but I also had to delete 130 other songs to get the good ones
>shit music
awful taste
>It's pretty easy on normal, and you cant play hard until you've beaten normal, and it could use a more colorful palette
Beat the prologue at any point you think you can
Bloody Palace wasn't DLC, it was a free update.
>Vergil will never be cool
Spotted the faggot with no taste.
>Anyone who criticizes DMC5 is Barry
When will this end?
OK barry
I mean, outside of the water levels, DMC1 was full of great level design.
Bayo 2 had a better soundtrack
The backtracking in DMC3 gave the game a sense of progression as the tower changed with the story.
In DMC5 they just re use the same textures for corridors over and over again. This is in truth just disguised backtracking since it recycles the same assets over and over again.
Uh honey dlc stands for downloadable content and you have to download to play that content.
No thanks.
He had the most personality as Nelo Angelo. He's always been DUDEANTI-DANTELMAO and boring as shit. I'm 28, I'm too old for that type of lame shit.
I wouldn't call it too short, but having three characters takes all of 4's problems and turns them up to eleven. It feels like you barely even play V, and his moveset's definitely the least-developed of the cast.
In the end, 5's just going to be remembered as a better bloody palace simulator than 4. It doesn't have the full package like 3 and 1.
Never because this is an insufferable fanbase.
The price.
dmc 5 made me want to replay bayo 1/2
What were they thinking?
It automatically updated for me. I didn't have to download anything. I went to start the game and it was just there.
Youre damn right it did
Fucking hell, it was so good to listen to something with magic in it as opposed to the same buttmetal growling for 8 hours
hes got a bitchin ass theme though
Not him, but the further in you go the less structurally varied the game gets. I don't mean platforming or anything either, before someone inevitably goes into a "but it's Debbul Muh Crah who cares about that stuff?" ramble. Basic room variety is lacking, and how enemies are placed is almost completely irrelevant because the game degrades into a pattern of basic hallways and arena rooms. Consider the escalator with the static enemies on it early in the game when you're navigating the subway with Nero. The game really could have used more stuff like that to spice things up even if it didn't care to utilize puzzles or platforming. It's a small moment that I might not have even remembered in DMC1 or DMC3, but in DMC5 it really sticks out. The contrast between the earlier missions in the busier urban environments and the later missions inside the tree is pretty noticeable.
i suppose its disappointing in its own way but i feel it makes the game more focused towards what its actually about
its like people being disapointed that Kingdom Hearts games stopped trying to be semi-platformers after 1. sure it would have been neet to see them keep trying to do that, but how many of you actually liked doing that?
Still don't understand how people say this game had a bad OST, t b h.
is there something i'm missing in DMD mode? sometimes when the enemies go into DT it takes me half and hour to kill them but other times i can take them down in slightly more time than SoS mode.
>only 2 good bosses
That's horseshit. 5 has the greatest amount of good bosses. Artemis, Malphas, Cavaliere, Cerberus, Goliath, Urizen, and Vergil are all good.
Yeah, the tree missions really all look the same. This is one of those GIGANTIC problems with photorealism that the industry absolutely needs to learn how to address if it's going to keep pushing for it. Once you layer on normal maps and bumpmaps and all those other graphical improvements, it's no longer enough just to change a texture and alter the colour palette a bit. That won't make the game look different. Before, it was enough, but all the extra stuff sort of homogenizes everything. If you're going to go from, I don't know, a flesh-themed area to a bone-themed area, you need to change every fucking detail of the lighting to make it feel different, because your lighting engine is doing its fucking utmost to make everything look consistent and similar (because that's what you designed it to do).
only flaw is devils never cry battle swap not being properly segmented between stylish ranks
Cerberus and Goliath are the two I liked. I'm sick of fighting Vergil. This is the third game now where we've fought the exact same boss fight, and now we have to do it twice.
This is true, but then you remember that Gilgamesh exists.
muh orchestral. Music taste is subjective but 5's OST is fucking great.
So the series consistently having a weakness excuses it?
Every game in the series have at least one shitter enemy but Gilgamesh is less shit than something like Gigapede imo. I agree with that user, 5 has the most consistence of quality in bosses. King Cerberus is probably my favorite alongside Vergil. What I hate is mission 18 though. It's so fucking stupid having to have little skirmish battles with the familiars before beating them senseless. It's such a nothing level.
Gilgamesh doesn't take the others out of the game and isn't even as bad as some of the stinkers from 3 and 4.
I'll give you Vergil. I still consider it a good fight but I was a bit disappointed as well. Cavaliere is my go to boss. He's easy, but everything about the fight is great.
- V is now suffering from what Nero had in 4, where he's the new character with unrefined mechanics and a lacking moveset. Polished though it is, this means that he's easily the weakest link in the game's chain.
- The levels are basically linear and kind of not very interesting in visual design besides the endgame. The color palettes of the series have never been strong, lets be reasonable here, but it says a lot that the early city parts are pretty much a highlight before everything becomes gray, brown and sunwash as you go from A to B killing shit. The attempts at puzzles are basically little more than nods to the series' roots.
- The soundtrack is a pretty large departure from previous games, and while Devil Trigger's addictive, never forget that a lot of people freaked out before the memes made them come around. As music is one of the most subjective things this is a difficult flaw to really coin as one.
did people really hate that fight? i didn't find the fight annoying or overly long even in DMD mode specially when you can just stay on it's back for more or less the entire fight because of neros 4-6 jumps keeping you in the air for longer than it's spikes can stay out. It certainly wasn't the most enjoyable fight in the game but it wasn't bad in my books.
>Want to replay the game
>Remember you have to play as V
Too much fun
Should have just been a normal level and then you face all 3 at the end. The solo fights were probably just there for the easy DMC1 nostalgia remixes which I don't entirely mind. They were cool.
Those remixes were dope. That last stretch definitely felt like the team ran out of budget though. No game's perfect.
First time through BP with Nero and it was a lot easier than expected.
>The secret to killing Furies is to just EX Shuffle or Split/Payline into their trajectory
>Urizen is easy as fuck if you get free airspace with EX High Roller, Roulette Spin, and Nero's bullshit quad+ jumps
>Urizen 2 was easy shit
Nero is fucking easy mode, I stacked up on Gerberas for the final fights but all I needed was a bunch of Overtures, Buster Arms, and Tomboys to kill Proto Angelos really quickly.
Mo-cap faces
I struggle to remember anything really interesting about the enemies, apart from sometimes a feeling that they have way too much health.
Remember how DMC1 made Nobodies a frustrating exercise? They're just fucking meat walls in this game. I honestly forgot they had mask switching, apart from the eyeballs being a small nuisance sometimes.
Furies, too. They're supposed to be "oh, you parry them to damage them!", and that's cool, but they stand around doing nothing but showing off for so fucking long before teleporting, that it feels stupid to be hacking into them while they're BLATANTLY VULNERABLE.
No one is ever too old for lame shit and dropping the age 28 as if it makes you sound like you're above anything is stupid as hell. This whole series is lame shit and Vergil being Anti Dante is what makes 3 the best story wise. I'll give you he was mishandled a fair bit in 5.
I was going to reply to him but realized that his post is full of bait. Why'd you take it, brother?
its a slow thread, who cares
>different opinions are bait
I hate this place. I really do.
>Nelo had more personality than Vergil in 3
>Dude I'm 28 I'm way above this shit lmao
That's the bait. The opinion is fine.
They look a lot better than RE2make's, but the animation just isn't there yet. When characters talk really fast, which Nico does often, the facial animations just can't keep up and it looks bad.
Also Trish looks awful. What were they thinking?
I'm sorry if I didn't get the point across clearly, but I assumed you could pick up on what I meant. If I were 14 and back to when I watched DBZ on Toonami after school, I would think Vergil was cool because he's the mysterious anti-protagonist. I used to love that shit regardless of...well...shit the characters actually were. I've seen so many characters like that, though, to the point where they're all lame except a handful (Venom is a good one, but comparing a character that's appeared in 3 games to a character that's been in thousands of comics isn't exactly fair). Vergil doesn't appeal to me at all. Like, if you like him, you do you bro. But I think he's lame.
I disagree, it helps with focus for the player. In all games it is nice to see from a visual standpoint of some kind that you are working towards a goal. DMC1 is Mundus castle as your place of gameplay and in DMC3 its even better with the more open level design of working toward first approaching the tower in the city, then climbing it. DMC 5 is just hallways in broken London while sometimes just being in Qlipoth
I know two actually the shittiest lockon system to ever grace a action action game and no kyrie 3d model
The strange thing is due to how it was animated, it's a lot easier for model alterations and swaps to occur with DMC5 and "keep" the facial animations without everything breaking horribly like RER2, even if it does result in some tardism. RER2 by comparison basically makes everyone's faces distort into cosmic horrors.
The only flaws for me are:
>level design becomes boring once the allure of the engine wears off
>V isn't very fun for me and takes enjoyment of the core gameplay for those missions
>Some bosses aren't very good
>The only track I really like is Silver Bullet, the rest are just okay
Also not sure if its a flaw but the character designs still put me off sometimes and I can't actually pinpoint why exactly. Maybe it is their faces while talking that looks creepy
>motorcycle level
>harrier level
There now you don’t have to play bayo 1 you’re welcome user
holy shit i never noticed but this theme really is good
I wanted to fight this guy and Geryon as Nero and Dante.
godawful art direction. every level in the qliphoth is fucking ugly eyesore bullshit. the castle and hell tower in the other games were better settings.
also dante is a cringe bing bing wahoo faggot.
>also dante is a cringe bing bing wahoo faggot.
Based and magenta
>godawful art direction.
When will this meme end?
>bad visual style
>ugly girls
>gray colorless levels
>no big improvements a decade after the last game
>cameo system is worthless gimmick since you rarely even see other player
>coop is undercooked and not in bloody palace
>V is kinda basic and pretty much a waste of character slot
>DSD is just rebellion with gimmick instead of new cool weapon
>story is pure fanservice which is kinda underwhelming
>What were they thinking?
Yeah, I wonder as well. It kinda reminds me of Subhuman, how litearlly nobody liked the song and thought it's totally unfitting for Dante and DMC in general. Yet developers approved it and thought it's ok. It's like they didn't even care about the game. Kinda jarring to see absolute passion from voice actors and such weird decisions from developers.
>don't you think Trish isn't really good looking?
>meh, whatever, just release the game
>how it actually looks when you play the game
Game is too easy.
>TFW even 4 had better art direction
I'm great at Bayonetta games and pretty much any Platinum game and DMC5 is my first DMC game. I just fought the Goliath boss and had to use 2 continues and only got a C on Devil Hunter difficulty. I'm terrible at this game, dodging is so much simpler in Bayonetta. I am determined to face Goliath and get an S rank though.
ugly as sin, Nero is Donte, Dante looks like shit, Vergil looks like shit, Lady and Trish are trannies and flat now.
4 was absolutely amazing visually. It was colorful and varied and everything was clearly visible and distinct. You knew where are the enemies and what they're doing all the time. While in 5 enemies often just blends with environment because everything made so "realistic", dark and gray. Normies like it because of muh graphics but it hurts the actual combat.
never every fanbase on Yea Forums needs their imaginary internet super villain bogeyman. Primefags call everyone ACfag if they say even one good thing about Other M, FFfags do it with people who like FF13, etc. etc. it's paranoid delusion gone to critically stupid levels.
Lol why are you judging the graphics based off of a 280p screenshot
Are you playing the game off a fucking toaster?
Ok barry
whatever you want to think NPC
The ranking system sucks.
The environments are boring and uninspired.
V gameplay is horrible.
Nero is ugly as fuck.
Dante is now a manlet.
All the face models have extreme uncanny valley moments or are just ugly.
No turbo mode.
Boring level design
DMC1 and 3 have great level design, kill yourself.
ugly ass levels
1 and 3 are the only good DMC games, 4 is the prettiest visually.
2 is shit, 5 is also shit, they're both better than DmC at least but that's not saying much.
They definitely need to start moving away from the 20-ish missions constant for DMC games and move to a X missions per character type deal. But I'm not sure what the right amount would be. 10 would probably be a good boost but I feel like that would still be too short. Maybe like 12 would be better.
This is a perfect example of the god awful art direction.
The overall colors of the scene are extremely boring. The church is meant to pop but it barely contrast. The church itself is boring and uninspired, just like the "floating islands broken ground with roots" thing. Dante loses his extreme visual distinction he has had through the series and is now some average dude with an extremely subdued coat (that doesn't pop, it's fucking red and look in the pic. You can barely tell) and everything about that pic is bad art design.
Pixel pushing is not art design.
>2 is better than DmC
I hate Donte too, user, but come the fuck on.
No I won't because 2 still introduced ideas and mechanics used in 3 and 4, DmC did nothing but take away, demean, and insult everyone in every way possible on every level.
But it's great and you're not even forced to use it after finishing the tutorial (first playthrough)
See memes all around its just a meme for the most part
Everything that isn't the combat or graphics is a flaw.
>2 is better than DmC
DMC2 is proof there isn't a God or at least not a merciful one. Trying to compare the two is evidence you haven't even touched 2. Fuck off and play that steaming, nigger-rigged piece of shit to completion.
Graphics is bad though. I still don't get why did they use this god awful style. Even 3 had much more colors and variety and was so much more easy to read.
FFXIV-kun, it's still a shit game. No amount of defending it in no amount of threads is going to make normal humans stop thinking that. It's okay.
>I still don't get why did they use this god awful style.
Western pandering.
game has nerfed inertia and reversals were removed and no guard flying that means i now cannot perform combos on enemies that basically do nothing and are just training dummies and combo strings that boosts my ego even though it is only a single player game and that only the top 1% can perform and my beloved donguri's combo mad videos are boring and fuck capcom for removing my devil trigger video blah blah blah game is dead after a month i'm going back to 4
some enemies are just tanks on DMD, such as Proto Angelo midboss like god damn these just survive too long, it was fine on all other difficulties though
i will probably need over 20 gold orbs to beat missions 17, 19, and 20 each
You can't deny that this game running at 60fps on console and looking this good isn't impressive. I agree that the artstyle is really bland.
>Reviving on missions that are only boss fights
Just restart the mission user.
I played 2 before you were even sperm in your father's sack you knuckle dragging anal vomit
DMC has always been a westaboo series
there wont be any real criticisms.
people literally want dark souls level design with every bonfire having a zany nico van sequence and every enemy having credo-like complexity.
Based and Miyazakipilled.
Long load times and no button to replay the mission I just ended
That's pretty much it from me
way too fuckin easy and shitty level design
Too many loading screens.
I'm about halfway through DMD and getting kinda bored, I just feel like some of these enemies have way too much health. Is it worth checking out DMC4 SE if I only played the standard years ago, or should I just finish my DMD run and find a new game?
Sounds like you're talkikg about DMC1, there the backtrackimg was metered and had a purpose. In 3 it's clearly there just to fill up space. DMC1 is the only one with half-decent level design.
>Needing golds for mission 20 of all things
That shit is a steamroll no matter the difficulty.
Bitch have you seen KH3
The worlds in that game are so incredibly varied and huge
DMC has it beat in gameplay, but man those worlds are awesome
Devil Trigger
Level Design
Director pushing his OC Nero
>Some enemies are shit and abuse teleporting when you are in the middle of comboing them
>Level design is just running down hallways between fights with very few interesting ideas
>Art wise the Qliphoth is a generic gore hell where the enemies don't contrast against well enough
>V is fucking boring since all you can do as him is run away and do contextual finishers after spamming melee and gun as all the work is done by allies
>Missions that end with Urizen fights besides 17 have fucked up style score balance and are way harder to S rank
>Steel Impact is a horrendously boring bossfight that was completely unnecessary
good game, great for the current year but:
>V demons are unreliable and he's frustrating to play thanks to their issues with timing and positioning
>barren boring cityscapes
>vergil looks nothing like vergil
>yellow orbs are way too easy to get
It feels like Steel Impact was to have something more to it, maybe a Lost Planet or Monster Hunteresq encounter that included V for more than a cameo. It shows in that the stage is vast, far bigger then it needed to be for such a simple encounter, and I imagine with the proper V implementation would have garnered a better reaction or a little more interesting bout.
The loading.
>no reversals
>no dlc weapons allowed in bloody palace because of 'even playing field'
>why even have them in the first place
>almost as much grey as halo reach forge world
>no playable vergil
>Graphics is bad though.