Celeste Creator Has Sekiro Easy Mode Suggestions


>Celeste released January 2018 and gained widespread praise for its challenging gameplay and emotional storytelling. Critics singled out the game’s Assist Mode in particular for its myriad of helpful accessibility options. Celeste is a hardcore platformer in the vein of Super Meat Boy, but players can choose to reduce the game’s overall speed, gain infinite stamina, become invincible, and more. The idea behind the mode is to allow less-skilled players, or those with physical disabilities, to enjoy the game in whatever way suits them. By contrast, Sekiro is tuned to a single, steep difficulty. Performing well requires a high-degree of reflexive skills and precision.

>One of those players is Matt Thorson, the creator of Celeste. As reported by PSGamesN, he took to Twitter to express that while he was loving his time with Sekiro, the game could stand to be a bit more inviting. His thread presents a list of possible options to feature in a hypothetical Assist Mode. Suggestions include reducing the combat speed and infinite Posture (i.e. the player’s guard). Later in the thread he suggests that this mode only be accessible from the main menu, per save file.

>Despite making a seemingly fair assessment, that hasn’t stopped many of the FromSoftware faithful from lambasting Thorson’s ideas as “game breaking.” Some say that the tough difficulty is what defines a FromSoftware experience - that the very presence of Assist options would ruin the entire game. Conversely, plenty of players and critics have joined Thorson’s rallying cry for accessibility options. Their main argument is that Sekiro’s alluring world and combat should be more attainable to those who neither possess the time nor physical ability to master its brutal challenge.

Has Yea Forums ever been so BTFO?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>A game developer that panders to trannies sides ups with trannies
Color me surprised!

He sounds like a pussy.

>anyone i dont like is trannies
Color me surprised!

But hes not wrong, the dev is a legit tranny

So that's why Celeste was pushed so hard by game journos.

>infinite posture

So what, pretty much god mode?

>meh dev who makes meh game tries to tell legendary dev how to fix their masterpiece

It is gamebreaking;The first time i saw an headless i shat my pants not only because of the presentation ,but for the treath it presented.If the game was not as hard and punishing much of the expirience would just fly over your head , and then you see comments like "eh it was ok"

why cant they just git gud

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The more I learn Sword Saint the less I like this fight
>first phase Ichimonji is relatively easy to dodge
>second phase Ichimonji tracks you so hard that dodging the first blow almost guarantees being punished by the second
>sometimes Mikiri just decides it doesn't want to work and Wolf dodges right past Isshin, which gets punished by the backswing of the lance
>third phase double-leap turns off lock-on if you're too close because fuck you

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So what is this final technique that Isshin leaves behind for Sekiro and how so i get it?

Also why the fuck is there a read eyes guy under his room because i thought red eyes enemies meant you rung the bell in Senpou temple?

>literally who has opinion

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>“game breaking.”
>recomending that you get infinite posture which the games combat is centered around somehow isn't actually game breaking

Let me give you my suggestions:
>Hold Square to pull up shinobi tool weapon wheel so you can equip shit on the fly, select it with right stick
>New skill that gives you 1/4 or 1/5 of your emblems each time you do a deathblow
There, fixed your game.

advertising is against the rules
post pastebin or fuck off

Matt's a retard for thinking that's how they could add an Assist Mode to Sekiro, BUT Celeste and Sekiro are different games and Celeste having Assist Mode made it even better than it already was. It was completely optional, you never heard of it if you didn't want to use it, and if you did use it your save file was permanently tainted with its icon, even if you only used it for like five seconds.

who asked this faggot for his opinion at all

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Woah...so this is the power of PC gaming...

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That's nice and all, but in this case he's 100% correct.

Miyazaki already addressed this retarded shit

> He says that as Sekiro is different from Dark Souls, players may first find it to be difficult, but as they learn new ways of fighting and new tactics and get better, they should feel the pleasure of getting better, which is part of their usual unchanging theme of gaining catharsis through overcoming hardship,
>they hoped to make a game that is new and filled with the fun of getting better for players.

>durrrr stop making the game you want to make and make MY game instead!!!!!!!!!!
Celeste should include a mode where all the enemies are blacks and you have to shoot all of them because I say so, I paid for the game and it should stop gating me.

I want my pizza with extra cheese mode.

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How would that help a disabled amputee complete the game? Those just sound like slightly helpful improvements for people who are already able to play the game fully.

Better question, how much did Sekiro made campared to Celeste, so I can see how much I shouldn't care.

The absolute state of
>"""""""""""""games journalists""""""""""""

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He is? I dont remember this. Proof?

how does he pander to trannies?

>Difficulty reduced
>SJWs play it
>Still can’t win
>Just stop playing

It’s really no different than a child begging for a toy they will stop playing with in 3 days tops. Fuck this.

The only reason the world and combat is so ALLURING is because it is so INACCESSIBLE

For a game about a literal amputee, he sure isn't very considerate of the differently abled. He seems to think that It's just a skill thing.

I really don't get this shit guys.. If they really wanted to play it why don't they just get a fucking trainer and turn infinte health on???????

It's funny coming from him, since Celeste level design is amazing and actually really fucking hard on the B-sides. Even the base levels are pretty challenging. So I think he understands the appeal of harsh difficulty.

Who cares? I'm giving actually relevant input. Trannies can keep cutting up their dick for all I care.
Quadriplegics can beat it already anyways, no further assistance is needed.

He also spoke towards how having multiple modes would fragment the community and change the experience of the game for people. Having one consistent mode puts everyone on the same level of discussion and actually keeps the community alive, especially from how many people discuss boss strats. An easy mode would invite a ton of people who coasted through the game that are just there to be a part of the Big New Thing and just want the trendy points for being a part of it.

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holy shit, some faggot makes one decently reviewed platformer game and he thinks that gives him the right to dictate how others make their games. the fucking audacity. the hubris. the utter privilege.

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So is Sekiro actually that hard or is this just the average bitchfit from game journos?
Crash N. Sane Trilogy was called insanely hard by journalists when it was released. Is this around that level of difficulty or what?
I've never played FromSoftware's games, if you can't tell already.

It’s not even that hard once you get past Genichiro.


kill yourself

Fuck this cunt. He allowed players who used Assist mode to still earn trophies/achievements in Celeste, and by doing so completely undermined the accomplishment of those who did it the proper way.

The thought just occurred to me that they’re trying to beat Sekiro using bullshit politics since it’s all they know.

They wouldn’t play it even if an easy mode was added because the addition of an easy difficulty would mean they already won.

One exceptional quadriplegic managed it. It is definitely not the norm and he did it DESPITE the games discriminatory design choices.

The whole bullshit about 'accessibility' and 'muh disabilities' is just a smokescreen to conceal the fact that game journalists are simply notoriously terrible at video games. They're literally just using the disabled as an excuse to push dumbing things down to their level.

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Can you fly in Celeste's assisted mode? Because that is how extreme these Sekiro ideas are, they break the game entirely. Bosses can only do 2-3 attacks at best if you had infinite posture.

Literally should just add back in old school cheat codes like God Mode so people can just finish the game without any satisfaction

The fragmented community thing doesn't seem that relevant to what the easy mode cunts are whining about. They HAVE been saying however "dur if it doesnt affect you what do you care BIGOT that's not what games are about" but Miyazaki is straight up saying that "get good" is literally the entire fucking point of the game and part of his vision.

they didn't put an easy mode because they don't want it to have one, they could have easily implemented an easy mode with a reverse bell demon but they didn't

Yeah I was kinda surprised to hear it had assist mode since I never experienced it when I played it. Did it help people find secrets too? I worked pretty fucking hard to do all my acrobatic stamina management bullshit and dashing wallkicks and boosts to get where I did.

Just stick to watching walkthroughs, for fuck's sake. There: watch the fucking "alluring setting" from a safe place and let the people who actually give a shit experience it the way it was intended.

How is he dictating anything? He's literally just giving his opinion.
People other than you are allowed to talk about vidya too, you know.

Journos can't beat the first midboss.

The Journalist Opinion on games

>Demons Souls 7/10, ugly, unintuitive
>Dark Souls 9/10, truly a revolutionary new take on action games
>Bloodborne 10/10, how can the industry even compete
>Sekiro 10/10, but it's too hard, so we put that review there to agree with everyone, except we dont, From is padding the length with this difficulty

I actually don't understand how they all have reviews on a game they can't beat?

>Easy mode is plaid DLC
>Renamed journalist mode
>Half the games content is cut out
>Can't die, can't lose, never any sense of danger or challenge
>Character will walk automatically to goal if you idle the controller
>Final boss dies in one hit
>"You Won" banner appears. patronising music plays
>Buying easy mode looks out any other difficult setting.

I'll give you one last pity (You) since you're so bad at making bait, it makes me sad.

You have more tools than dodge, soulspleb. Deflect and sprint are very effective as well. The first three phases can be deflected down quickly if you're hitting them properly. Fourth you just lightning reversal down.

It is not, it just demands that you actually know the game mechanics and know what the fuck to do, which, not surprisingly, is something all these retards can't comprehend

Dude you can beat the game if you're dexterous enough to use car keys if you use the right control setup, it's really not that fucking hard.

>Locked into the Shura ending.

>infinite posture

Demons Souls won Gamespot GOTY when it came out though. I have no idea where this narrative that it wasn't liked came from.

It just wasn't popular with normies yet.

>Infinite guard
>Make the game run at 50% speed
"Easy mode suggestions"
Nigga this isn't easy mode.

This is God Mode.

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Assist Mode in Celeste helped with platforming and timing. It let you slow down the overall game speed, give yourself infinite dashes, as well as infinite stamina and invincibility. All of these things could be customized, and you didn't have to have all of them on at once.

It's only really hard if you try to dodgefest it like Dark Souls.

One person managed to beat Dark Souls 3 blind. Do you therefore think It's fair to say that all blind people can beat Dark Souls 3 with no issues?

Because this is what your current argument is with Sekiro.

>More graphics options
Can i have that please

dumb esl poster. do you need an easy mode for posting on Yea Forums too, sweetie? :^)

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Groundbreaking games usually have 95's or higher.

I mean, its racism. no one argued or claimed cuphead needs easymode. It is always the time when something weird from Japanese side is becoming a big thing in anglosphere media and western journalists cannot ignore it is somehow a trend like monster hunter world did.

Actually what triggered them is not "muh what do you think about disability" but "fuck off this elitist mentality sticking with these nonsensical eastern action games".

most of players do not care whether it needs easy mode or not because they are just going to trade it if they realize it is not made for them, which is super natural, and has been always like that.

Except he has a baller ninja arm that let's him be more awesome than able bodied people.


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Imagine going through the entire game, going through all of the bosses and stories, honing your skills throughout everything, only to cheat your way through the final boss. What a fucking disgrace.

Demons was something most people didn't give a shit about. You even just admitted pretty much. It wasn't until DS1 came out that people (Read: Journalist) started their love/hate relationship with From.

If this happened, I would sleep better at night.

Review scores don't determine a game's impact, stupid

Two people are bad at it. Journos and soulsfags that canr adapt to the new tools. If you've ever played an action game worth half a shit Sekiro will extremely fair. I've compared it to Ninja Gaiden Black with how fair it feels. It's close to Ninja Gaiden black on hard, nothing more.

I dont know anything about the creator but Celeste was a great game and im gonna play it again once the "Super hard DLC" comes out

I mean I agree about these types of fags holding a gigantic bias against Jap games but Cuphead already kind of has easy mode.

>Genuinely difficult game comes out and does not offer an easy mode
>Journalists get exposed and start the fingerpointing

Never fails to get a giggle out of me. I can't imagine what would happen if this schmucks had to review bullet hell games which are largely just ignored by them

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game maker of game about """""depression""""" gets depressed that he can't get good at a difficult game, daily reminder that there were people who were depressed and dark souls cured their "depression" because it basically gave them something to focus on and overcome

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>I mean, its racism. no one argued or claimed cuphead needs easymode.

Wrong. Sterling literally made a video making fun of people over people complimenting Cuphead's difficulty.

That game maker made an actually difficult game, though, the B and C-Sides in celeste are pure cum

Wait, it got an 89 average? That's WAY higher than I was expecting.

Yea Forums: "games are serious business and options to make them easier are bad!"

also Yea Forums: "why don't they have cheat codes anymore? I miss cheat codes"

Sekiro difficulty is fine. It’s not demotivating when you die. You want to try harder. And there are checkpoints everywhere.

If you want it easy, watch someone else play it.

The challenge is integral to the combat and ruining the balance destroys that as well as removes all tension and danger from the world, making it an entirely different, poorer experience. Stop calling it "accessibility" and "inclusion", it is neither.

>infinite stamina
>run fast as fuck
>blocks absorb 100% of 99% of attacks
>can rez up to 3 times

This game is already easy mode as soon as you stop trying to play it like a Souls game. The only exception is the final boss.

Shame that videogame powerups aren't real then I guess. What a stupid, demeaning thing for you to say.

does his game have an easy mode?

Making a "hard" platformer is basically like making a hard racing game by making your car always slower than the AI's.

It's the easiest shit.

Weird it's like Yea Forums is not one person or something I can't believe this concept keeps coming up somehow it's just so strange hmmm


Look at Ocarina of Times score

>card carrying member of the leftist indie cult sides with journos

For shits and giggles they should do

>Add "easy" mode
>It's literally no different than how it is now
>Add "normal" mode and it buffs enemies and possibly adds new moves

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All posts on Yea Forums are actually me, except for the post you just posted. I type really fast.

Not everything has to be accessible to everyone. The game was made to be a challenge, if they can't overcome it then it's their problem. If a quadriplegic can do it, there's no reason the average gamer can't unless they simply don't apply themselves.

I dont understand why this needs a easy mode? It's already pretty easy
Literally just spam LB and that deflects every attack. Then all you need to do is jump sweeps and counter thrusts


elaborate please

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I liked the idea of that user from the previous thread
>easy mode is unlocked after beating it on normal

>Diablo 1
>Had all sorts of difficulty options

>Souls meme games and Sekiro
>No difficulty options

Why do consolefags defend this? There's a reason Diablo will still be remembered long after Memekiro's release.

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That already happens... it's called NG+

Making a game where you jump and dash across things hard is ironically incredibly fucking easy.

They literally just buffed the enemy HP and posture at the last minute since playtesters and "influencers" were saying it was too easy and they have a reputation to uphold. The chained ogre is probably the best example, he was piss easy in the pre-release build and got his posture buffed to help and back right before release.

They applied the buffs evenly(+X amount of HP/posture) which is why early bosses seem to have too much HP and posture while later bosses don't since the buff amount is only a small amount relatively to their original values.

Haha silly user, nobody cares about Diablo nowadays, it's already forgotten.

Go watch The Game Awards 2018. The Celeste devs were there and they came up to stage when their game won an award. I nearly vomited my meal when I saw them.

but the thing is, the difficulty of cuphead did not make this fuss as much as sekiro triggered western journalists. most of them know and are eventually going to admit that games are not inherently for everyone --- but not in this case, why?

>Why do consolefags defend this?
They hate everything you personally enjoy. They're out to get you.

That certainly is a better solution than whining for weeks on the internet.

Stop arguing with these cretins. They win by convincing you to argue with them about whether or not there should be an easy mode, because there aren’t many strong arguments against an easy mode. But the only argument you need is this: from doesn’t want to put an easy mode into their games and you can just not buy the game if you don’t like that.

I probably avoided it because it might effect unlocks and the like. I usually stick to the default difficulty unless a game puts 'normal' or 'the way its meant to be played' a step above default

I dont get how people can do this and feel accomplished or like they've overcome anything. Not every game has to be balls to the wall hard, but I enjoy challenge. You know when you have a game where you level up, or you can buy powerups or perma upgrades, and this next upgrade will be something really op like 'doubles your health and lets it regenerate' or something that trivializes things. I avoid that shit, I never overlevel because I dont want to walk around one shotting shit and not getting a proper experience. It boggles my mind how people can be like this.

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Diablo created a genre, its popularity has not a thing to do with its difficulty options and it'd be just as popular without them.

Rip faggot who vomited out his tendies when he saw people attain more success than him

How does that prove they're trans? Maybe they're just ugly.
Only trannie that helped with Celeste that I'm aware of is the composer.

Even better

I assume/hope this is Miyazaki's stance too.

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Seriously, they should have just cheated from the get-go instead of acting like a bunch of fucking babies.

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I've looked matt up on twitter before and he didnt look like a tranny. I did read a bunch of progressive bs in his feed, but I respect that he kept most of that out his game. Celeste is legit my favorite Switch game. Have sank hundreds of hours

Note: He also wrote this


But difficulty options in games are older than Doom (which also had a lot)

What's wrong with consolefags that they can't handle customization like difficulty options?

The game is easy after ng+ because you already know how to fight the bosses

How come no one ever asks to make games harder? You could churn out a ton of articles pointing out how all these hold up to win games are alienating people who aren't retarded

Its one of the big dick games of the year and they're salty they can't git gud at it and experience everything

watch the game awards and hear this "girl" speak
it's the person who made the OST

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>cheese the last phase of demon of hatred with malcontent stunlock and confetti
>feel like complete shit about it
>there are people who want the entire game to be that easy

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No, the stupid thing to say is that because a game includes a man with his arm cut off it should be more accessible, developer intent and theming be damned.

>omfug Doom is so casual for having 5 difficulty options

What did Yea Forums mean by this?

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What the fuck is your point? That it wasn't critically acclaimed because it doesn't have a literal 99/100 metascore?

Kirby Star Allies was criticized for being too easy in almost every review of it. It was one of the main reasons given for the relatively low scores it got.

barely tbqh

That's the thing user that's not even cheesing, it's just using your head and tools provided. These people can't even do that.

>faggot indie dev says faggot indie things.
Wow OP.


We aren't talking about the composer, we're talking about Matt. Please look at the original post and reread it.

Sekiro isn't a score based game

-sekiro soulsfags

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I'm on NG+1 do I have to get the true ending to fight him? I had only done immortal severance so far.

Everything must be for everyone reeeee. Pander to meeeee.

They can, there just doesn't need to be. Especially if a game is released without them. It doesn't really matter if other games do it. Not every game does, and that's fine. It's a pretty simple concept.

>When you get to see this fags article every time you go to launch the game

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I dunno if it was criticized for it, but Crash N. Sane Trilogy also suffers from being too easy. The bosses in the latter two games are piss-easy and overall the games decline in difficulty as you continue. It sucks because they had many opportunities to amp up the bosses a bit but didn't.

Doom isn't either, you're thinking of Wolfenstein, consolefag

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I don't understand how the fuck anyone could argue for this. If you clearly don't care about the gameplay a youtube video is more than good enough.

I'd slam that tranny desu

Remember that time when they only had one difficulty for Doom because its how they wanted their game to be experienced but then added 4 other difficulty modes because they decided to kowtow to trannies and faggots? That was so based dude

Neither is Doom. Who seriously gives a fuck about your score in Doom?

>developers don't put in cheat codes because why not sell power ups for real money instead
>now journos want cheats and charging money for them would be "racist"
Looks like those fat trannies saved video games

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okay real talk

is anybody else's left bumper fucked after beating sekiro or did i just chimp out too hard

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pc shitters exposed as the ultimate casuals.

>Original Ninja Gaiden was hard
>Devs decided to make NG Black even harder


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That's not how dictate is used in that context. Dictate as a synonym for speak is like dictating a letter to someone (note it keeps the inference of superiority/instruction). Using "dictate" in the sentence "right to dictate how others make their games" is absolutely the same as saying Instruct/Command/etc

So, I think you're the ESL here.

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this faggot is wrong
but the original post is about pandering to trannies
having a tranny in your dev team is pretty pandering wouldn't you say?

I'll be honest, I fell for it before he opened his mouth
gotta learn to pay attention to those adam's apple hiding chokers

>Nooooo you can't add difficulty options because the SJWs will win!!!1

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Imagine putting this much effort into getting EASY MODES added to video games and not getting shit that actually matters, like, I don't know, more bosses, more areas, a more fleshed out story, better animations, more weapons / combat styles, less DLC? Fuck these losers and everything about them, they are horrible and they clearly don't give a shit about video games.

>Left Bumper
Xbox shoulder buttons are trash anyway but probably yeah

maybe he should make a game that isn't a complete and utter rip off of meat boy/n before he comes up with ideas

Like... yikes, bro....

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why is it that hatkid is more beloved than celeste?

It's the Phil Fish effect. Grow up playing Nip games, make 1 shitty "successful" game, and somehow now they have Godlike insight on game development and how those dirty gooks have actually been doing it wrong for decades.

>employing minorities is pandering to minorities
Based retard.

Dunno, I'm using a dualshock 4 and my shit's fine. You probably unga'd a bit too hard.

>Diablo 1
>difficulty OPTIONS
Not how it worked.

I've got some sympathy for journalists, in the sense that, like QA, when it becomes a job it's a whole lot less fun. When you're not playing a game for enjoyment, but for a living, and you're on a deadline, having to actually sit down and learn it probably doesn't appeal as much.

I still don't think journalists in this industry are worth fucking anything, but I have some small sympathy for their situation.

Only on here is that the case.

The thing is that Souls previously had easy mode called summoning. They made Sekiro 10 times as hard as Souls with no way to make the game easier. Not like I give a fuck, I platinum'd it yesterday. It should stay as it is.

There’s no need for me to even acknowledge that faggot counter argument you just presented. Fromsoft didn’t want to put an easy mode in so they didn’t. Other developers did want easy modes in their games, so they put them in. Deal with it, retard.

My R2 started to get kind of funky cause of how hard I'd press it while holding down sprint in some boss fights.

>dodging Ichimonji
>dodging free posture damage

it's interesting duke doesn't poke fun at the play the way wolfenstein does despite the rest of the tone

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This. Just respect the integrity of the game and move on. These are the same people who chastised people as entitled following the lootbox fiasco.

>IGN has an article about somebody with mental disabilities to the point of not being able to focus on the game if they don't turn down the music
>They actually work in game development to help disabled players enjoy videogames

>They've beaten Bloodborne, Sekiro, and replayed The Surge several times over, and think the equation of "easy = disabled friendly" is disingenuous and kind of gross

Look it up yourself, I don't want to link a game journalism site, but it's one of the better articles on the internet about this whole ordeal.

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Honestly can't imagine playing a platformer for anything other than the fun of conquering it's various platforming CHALLENGES. Invincibility, Infinite stamina, reduced speed? Seriously? What's the fucking point then?

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It's more the media desperately prop up any politically correct devs who regurgitate their opinions. The dev gets free promo and media get their opinion validated. It's why you see that neoliberal shit bag Rami everywhere.

Having played all the Souls games and BB makes me the spoken-of "soulsfag" that people mock in Sekiro threads. As it is I tend to not be amazing at parrying to begin with. I found Sekiro harder than any souls game for that reason.

Or so I would have said about a week ago. Genichiro pretty much forced me to git at least moderately gud at the mechanics and separate it from playing Souls to an extent. I say to an extent because some bosses can still be fought like Souls bosses, and I had considerably less trouble with those. And while I still died plenty, I found the game less cumbersome afterwards. And then I beat the game, and left with a sense of accomplishment for it.

And that's the issue with many single-player games now days. They just want to hold your hand and try and impress you purely with visuals and 'good' story telling. But instead of manning up and bettering your ability to get through, they want everything to hold your hand and gently guide you through. Sure some games have difficulty levels but those are usually poorly done.

I don't think Sekiro needs an 'easy' mode, much less a god mode, which is what this sounds more like. Not every game is for everyone, and devs shouldn't be made to adapt their games to fit as many audiences as possible. That not getting into this 'appease minorities' shit, which is just a smokescreen anyway. Just go play something else.

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I think the Steam library redesign coming this summer is cutting out the """"news""""feed, thank god.

This exact same shit happened when Dark Souls started to get popular.
These people were told to fuck off and I hope the same happens this time.

Why did they start to whine only with Sekiro release? It's easier than DS games and BB.

Stop trying to make this a race thing, Han. Go back to r/hapas if you wanna complain about how the raciss white men hurt your feelings.

I did like even the newer Wolfenstein games they kept the traditional difficulty selection plus added Uber difficulty where BJ looks sadistic and his face is covered in blood.

They should make Kuro's Charm runs mandatory just to spite these losers.

Doesn't MGSV give a chicken hat? Not that unreasonable.

I always loved how the old shooters like this had such fun/silly names for their difficulty modes.

I also remember how the modern Wolfenstein did it and got taken to the cleaners by the modern game-press for how insulting it was.

It's only picked back up with Sekiro because it's a new IP.
"Dark Souls is hard!!!" is done to death, but "Sekiro is hard!!!" is slightly fresher.

These clickbait articles about Sekiro difficulty must generate so much traffic

>A game's difficulty is a part of the game design
>Might as well shoe-horn 'low-violence'd mode while you're at it
>Easy mode really is like playing a game with cheat codes, and really should be limited to casual or story-driven RPG's
>Meanwhile, the only people ranting and raving about easy-mode are those feel like they need to play games to stay relevant
>If a game is too hard, either stop playing it or choose another game
>But no--legitimately hard games make it too hard for fucking casuals to stream

Prove me wrong

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This happens everytime a From game comes out. Although Sekiro is the worst case of this since the first Dark Souls

No agendas or shilling behind Hat Kid. Just purity.

Summoning, Grinding Levels, Overpowered Gear, and Magic all made Souls Games much easier. It's silly how people complained about the unforgiving difficulty in them, when they all had plenty of ways to reduce it.

No Summons.

>not a race thing.
>somehow is always woke seattle indie faggots vs based problematic japs.

the more i read this post the less I think you actually know how to fight Isshin

does From Software even care?

The obvious solution is to just make the current difficulty the easy mode and then add a hard mode that's even more difficult.

This is like their sixth game with this type of gameplay that has a higher skill ceiling than other AAA titles and it's essentially the reason why they're popular at all anyway and these whiney babies think that From software would actually listen to and take on this criticism.

They're mostly just mad because no one goes to them for info on these games except to laugh at them. They're too afraid to be honest and admit they don't like the games because the Internet says they're good and they're too lazy to put in the effort to actually have something worthwhile to say. They might as well jump the gun and say all from software games are covert white supremacist symbols so they can pretend to be morally superior since they suck at everything else

Right, I forgot.
My only grudge with Sekiro is that it is a very short game on new playthroughs, otherwise it is my favourite in the series.


Why won't Soulsfags answer the difficulty options question?

Attached: Rott_difficulty_easy_3904.jpg (320x200, 24K)

Almost everyone on both sides of this debate is white. It's a debate that's taking place on western gaming websites and forums.

nice generalisation
this is a small dev team, not a giant corporation where the employer is barely aware of half the people working there

look I don't even care that he's a tranny (especially since he's kinda cute) but why do you keep denying that the dev panders to trannies when he invites one into his little clique to make an indie game

>infinite posture
so basically a game that requires you to barely play and manage.

Because they don't value learning and overcoming challenge. They probably don't even understand those concepts at a fundamental level in life. Zero personal responsibility, it's everything about forcing change from others.




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Nigga giving everyone bobble heads doesn't make most games easier.

Nah but Activision might. I doubt they could force them to make an easy mode now but they might mandate it in the terms for funding a sequel.

>What are Bell Demon + no Kuro's Charm runs

MGSV gives you a chicken hat that saves you from getting spotted three times. Ninja Gaiden forces you to wear a pink ribbon.

Who gives a fuck about Celeste? How does that make him an authority on anything just because he made a game that pandered to the game journalist audience?

I remember seeing this as an argument against procgen, I think specifically for metroidvanias. Having a specific room or encounter or platforming section that is memorable or that you're stuck on or whatever, is something the community can come together on, discuss and relate with. If you procedurally generate the rooms and encounters and challenges, all that disappears. It also changes the quality of the game depending on RNG.

Same here, if easy mode was as in OP then it would be a terrible game using some of those options, and you wouldn't be able to relate to people playing it normally. criticizing a boss he has not beaten as if he has any idea how it works or played the same piece of content as the rest of the playerbase, is a fucking disgrace.

red eyes means red lump eaters

Because you're posting mindless shooters, where the fun/enjoyment of the game was in the action and the spectacle (and before game design was solidified, Wolfenstein had a fucking score and lives system!).

Sekiro is a completely different kind of game. You could post a million games with difficulty modes, it wouldn't change the point being made.

That's normal mode, dumbass.

So it wasn't a deep design decision, it was a last minute buff. They made the game harder in one quick fell swoop with a buff to all enemies, they couls jist as easily do the opposite for an easy mode.

>there are "people" out there who don't find celeste's and shadow warrior 2's easy mode text insultingly patronizing

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Basically, putting in those kind of options is the easy way out.

You spend all this time balancing your game and making a difficulty curve that works well, so that players will face harder and harder challenges, get better at them, and feel rewarded for completing them, but despite the work there are some people who will buy your game and just not fucking care enough to even try. Putting those options in is a way to make it so that idiot feels included, doesn't feel cheated out of whatever they spent, and doesn't leave bad reviews or talk shit on social media. Bonus: you get to pretend like "infinite dashes" is something people with disabilities need to beat your game, so that you have a high horse to ride.

I say this as someone who actually loved Celeste. Legitimately one of my favorite games of 2018, and I think it was incredibly polished and challenging. But the inclusion of those options always rubbed me the wrong way.

Now do it the way the game was intended to be played, without Kuro's Charm.

Attached: Untitled.png (2214x1110, 210K)

it should be called crybaby mode given how much wailing all these professional video gamers give off

Because it's a facetious asinine question in the first place.

the only change sekiro needs is to shorten the activation time on some of the prosthetic tools or at least grant more poise on startup.

Because the content of the game is overcoming its difficulty. It's been said in every thread. Adding easier difficulties is akin to cut content in other games. Is it so hard to understand?

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He's a boss that you can fight any time during the second raid on Ashina.

>without Kuro's Charm.
Armored Warrior was fucking whack

>lose one third of my life and gain massive posture from not deflecting

Attached: (WAKE ME UP).png (1280x720, 789K)

>unavoidable spoilers about the final boss
That's just fucked up. Not only did he ruin it for himself but others too.

That'll cost you one western society, no refunds

Now do it again, but this time, get the dickhead ending. Your reward is probably the coolest move in the game. Note that I did not say best move in the game.

yes, it took me like two days to fully forget what i learn from soul and adapt to Sekiro playstyle. after that, everything is good, i manage to beat the game, even when a lot of bosses made me felt i will never finish the game. doing a no charm, bell run now. pretty fun NG+ experience, it litteraly made you feel like a SL1 run, with all the cool stuff still useable.

I have never seen so many whiners about a game being hard

>Plays the sims enough to have it as profile pic
Remember when all games were hard on purpose so you'd get more playtime out of it? And to steal your quarters

>Easy mode is plaid DLC
>Renamed journalist mode
exactly what i plan for my vidya.

I want them to add more modes, but I want the developers to make people playing on anything other than the intended mode (Hardest difficulty) to feel like shit.
- Babby mode
- Toddler mode
- Literal Retard mode
- Intended mode

Silver is on the wrong side, go retry

>Where is the 3rd act explosive Ironman action scene in 2001:Space Odyssey?
>Why not add it for a more approachable mode?

>legendary dev
He ain't no Kojima, fuck off.

>emotional storytelling
But the story and characters were complete shit. The game was fun because of the platforming and music.

Dude you're on Yea Forums. There are 3 tranny ERP threads up at the moment. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Even normalfags know that Kojima is a hack by now.

>Whaaaa why cant I play a video game! reeeeeeeee its toooo hard reeeeeeeeeee
Can they just stop, its not that hard

>credit feeding arcade games
The original pay-2-cheat
when they say Continue? they mean "Are you a giant pussy Y/N?

Blow me

Attain acumen
Become better
Create competence
Develop dexterity
Enhance expertise
Find finesse
Handle hardness
Increase insight
Join judgement
Kindle knowledge
Lose lethargy
Make mastery
Network neurons
Obtain organisation
Procure proficiency
Quash quirks
Raise rating
Stockpile skill
Take training
Usurp utility
Value victory
Wrest worth
Xerox xenia
Yield yourself
Zap zeroes

I want them to add difficulty modes that don't actually change anything. Reminds me of Nier just straight up selling you achievements, jap devs do the whole fucking with the player gimmick the best

>decades of hard games coming from Fromsoft
>somehow now we need easy mode


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It's hard, and occasionally frustrating, but no boss should really take more than an hour or two of trying.

Would you fix your shitty edit if I did that? Because it might be worth it to see you succeed past mediocrity like you've failed to do your entire life.

>Started Bloodborne's DLC too early
>Took me about a week of casual play just to get to Ludwig
>Took me another two weeks to beat him
>Practically had his first phase memorize, and would routinely no-damage it
>Would always whiff his second phase because his fuck-zone was half the arena
>Was such a low level that he would two-shot my ass
>Finally beating him was pure ecstasy

Video games going mainstream was a mistake

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you know, all this bitching over Sekiro makes me appreciate the Armored Core series and infuriating gameplay I loved so much from it

Sekiro is a lot of dying to learn patterns, then when you know patterns by heart it becomes manageable, so it is like a 3D metroidvania in that regard.

And that would ruin the balance and intended experience, far more than making it more challenging would as it's specifically stated to be so, if I choose to take your claims at their word.

Why do Americans have to drown everything they eat in ketchup?

Crash Bandicoot was the Dark Souls of Souls-like games

Attached: crash souls muh childhood.jpg (640x523, 627K)

The final boss and owl are both piss easy. The only "hard" boss is Demon of Hatred and that's because he's designed like a shitty damage sponge souls boss.

I suppose it's cool that the creator of Celeste has suggestions for an Easy Mode for Sekiro. It's also cool that PC "trainers" exist that allow you to create your own Easy Mode on the PC version. But having an official Easy Mode will boil down to if FromSoftware wishes to implement one or not. And considering their history of games I'm guessing not. And that's cool too: it's their final choice to decide on how people can consume their media.

That said we need to drop this topic/conversation. The only reason why the video game journalists are chasing after this "story" so much is because it's getting them tons of page views while at the bonus benefit of being able to act like they care about disabled people. The sooner we ignore it all the better.

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I just suggest typing Sekiro trainer into google, why bother fromsoft with something someone else already solved for you.


that picture is peak female

Lmao, I'm not even white. I was more trying to do a west vs east thing, not a race thing.

Can someone explain what all the shitting is about?
Wasn't it because sekiro was too difficult for many people? I really don't get why having an optional easy mode is a bad idea. If people don't like playing hard games then why don't let them play on easy? Many people just enjoy the world but don't care that much about gameplay.

Getting better at the game is inevitable as you play more, but getting good enough to beat certain bosses takes more time. I enjoy the game, but not enough to invest that much time into it. I'm sure my GF would enjoy playing easy mode dark souls. But she really isn't good at hard games and it's not fun for her. When i've had enough i'll stop and move on to something else, or use a cheat code and get past a boss i'm finding annoying, but an easy mode would just save me some trouble.
I'm not all that invested in the plot to the point where i'm seething just because i can't see the next thing in the game.
I just don't think the "difficulty is the point" is that strong of an argument, because i beat all of the soulsborne games legit, and the difficulty was never a paoint of interest for me, just an annoyance in the way
there were some bosses, like Fume Knight, that took me 20+ tries, but at the end i didn't feel amazing for having overcome an obstacle, i felt like an asshole because i could've done so much with that time instead.
So i really don't get it, when people talk about overcoming massive hurdles, in a game.

Something about this one feels a bit off. Not sure what, though.

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if people don't like spicy food why don't they go somewhere else to eat?

>what is context

fuck off back to resetera, tranny

>Lmao, I'm not even white

We can tell.

>Europoor can't buy ketchup that matches his gang's colors

Attached: OG crip ketchup.jpg (310x381, 25K)

He succeded. Big rush when I finally started winning fights in very few attempts and when they took more I would be standing up by the end of the fight

If you can tell then why the fuck did you imply I was with some r/hapa shit? Christ, fuck off.


Fuck you Nazi. Go back to /pol/, the only place that tolerates Nazi scum like you. You're not welcome outside of your safe space.

>Took me another two weeks to beat him
I seriously can't imagine taking that long to beat a single boss. I think the longest any BB ever took me was an hour and a half maybe, and I don't consider myself skilled at all. I'd have probably quit by then if I were you though so I guess it evens out.

I actually had more trouble with Maria on my first playthrough than with Ludwig, who I beat within a few tries.

Shit didn't know that, I'll go for it on my current run then, thanks.

The pandering shit needs to stop. The "won't someone think of the [insert disadvantaged group here]!" garbage only serves to do the exact opposite that people like you are trying to virtue signal for. Most disabled people simply want to live their fucking life instead of assholes like you trying to grandstand for them.

Instead of trying to defend them when you do that, you debase them even more by pointing out the glaringly obvious truth in their life when they didn't even ask for it.

Humans are resilient creatures who can figure out a method to work around all kinds of fucked up shit life can possibly throw at them. A slightly more difficult and 'inaccessible' video game doesn't even tickle a prick on the Richter scale for that.

People need to grow up and learn that life is inherently unfair. You need to deal with it however you can. Literally, learn to fucking cope.

>Find Seven Spears guy
>He wrecks me for a couple hours
>Finally kill him
>Many hours of gameplay later
>Find another of the Seven Spears with a samurai
>Backstab his friend, destroy Seven Spears #2 guy because of my knowledge from the first fight, that was improved with the hours of playing the game

That's what the game is truly all about, the story is secondary. If the Celeste homo wants to ruin his game to make it easy he can, but leave Sekiro out of it.

If people don't like playing hard games then why play hard games?

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Go look up what that word actually means, Han. It certainly doesn't mean white.


They should add an easy mode... as an unlockable after beating the game.

Got it now. I don't go on reddit.

You sound like a very privileged person. Good for you, you got lucky and don't have to experience any oppression, but please be more considerate of those who are not as lucky and privileged as you are.

Difficulty is part of experience.
Air of superiority because have the ability to be part of the experience is also part of experience.

There's already cheat engine. Why don't they just use that? Oh right, because they want to pretend they're legitimate.

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>If people don't like playing hard games then why don't let them play on easy?
Because the game was intended to be challenging. Not everything needs to be accessible to everyone. There's plenty of easy games out there.
>Many people just enjoy the world but don't care that much about gameplay.
That's how life is. There's always going to be something intriguing yet inaccessible for someone, it's just a matter of accepting it and moving on instead of expecting to be catered to.

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>tfw cheat skip in skyrim just for the archery stealth play

Being a stealth archer is pretty much already cheating unless you're a shitty altmer of course

you are so full of shit

Argonian I just enjoy sniping. are there any other games soley focused around Archery? I for one really wished we had a game all about this with the sixaxis motion controls.

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There's nothing patronizing about that text


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Alright i'm on the ministry invasion and can someone tell me why enemies are doing ass loads of damage to my posture all off a sudden?

Only time i have heard of enemies doing posture damage like this is when you ring the demon bell or on NG+ and im still on NG.

I also found some red eyed samurai quck draw guy under Isshins room.

Unironically based

And you sound like a projecting douchebag who loves getting off their own ego. Especially when you replied with the exact garbage I'm talking about. Save the tired bleeding heart shit.

Nobody gets through life unscathed. Life is fucked up and life is unfair. This is the most considerate statement any human can tell another. There is no one on earth that has the capabilities of doing everything perfectly. If you really want to put out the opinion that I have miraculously escaped all of life's dredges, be my guest. Statistics is not on your side on this one, though.

I never said to not help others cope. Where there's a will, there's a way. If someone with a severe disability is hampered by something, you couldn't live in a better time period or place in order to do it. I won't even elaborate further; my original statement hurt you deeply with how true it really is.

>Remember when all games were hard on purpose so you'd get more playtime out of it? And to steal your quarters
Fuck off, almost any NES and Arcade game that is still remembered was hard but fair. Play Ninja Gaiden sometime, or Ghouls n' Ghosts, or Castlevania, or Tetris, or DoDonPachi, or a hundred others.

this. Fucking this.

Why can't devs just make the games they want, not everything should be dumbed down for mass appeal if they don't want to do that. Shit like Celestes assist mode completely gimps the experience and removes a lot of the satisfaction from overcoming challenge if used, at that point you should just watch somebody play.

>For a game about a literal amputee, he sure isn't very considerate of the differently abled. He seems to think that It's just a skill thing.
Why do you think disabled people want to babied? If any of these whores truly were selfless in letting disabled people play the game they would be advocating for more alternative controllers and more controller types being compatible as well options to remap the controls to make it easier to have a comfortable set up.
Actual disabled people want to play the EXACT SAME GAME as everyone else not a special treatment version. They want a FromSoft game to kick their shit in not suck their dick.
Maybe the journobloggers should just admit that they want an easy mode because they suck at the game and don't want to get good.

If I was From, I'd say give me 10 million sales then I'd think about it.

>"easy = disabled friendly" is disingenuous and kind of gross
This deserves acknowledgment. The whole point of adapting anything for disabilities is not to make things into a participation award but to allow them the same opportunities as anyone else from a place of equal footing.

hes right tho


miyazaki creates experiences with his game mechanics. their design is actually meaningful and well thought out.

>not using a custom skin to remove that whole section

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Imagine used disabled people as a scape goat because you can't be arsed to play games to write your shit article because you actually despise games and hate that your lack of talent and effort forces you to write about them in the first place.

My tranny gf is good at Sekiro and is helping me beat the game

Thank god miyazaki is in japan so its easier for him to ignore this shit and stay true to his vision. Hes responded to requests for ez modes before, but I guess the twitter trannies like to ignore the truth.

>emotional storytelling

isn't it just the story of a random tumblrina who wants to climb a mountain and collect enough strawberries to bake a cake?


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You missed "G" homie

>infinite posture

Attached: 284EE5C3-1104-4ED4-9D53-9A063850A79E.jpg (1800x1880, 1.14M)

That's nothing, look at this shit

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How about we make journalists decide what's more important?
Give them an easy mode BUT the player character is changed to a loli in a microbikini
Now they have two choices, deal with being embarrassed and offended the entire playthrough or play the game as the devs intended. It's a win win.
The loli mode would be unlockable after beating the game legit for those who don't want to play baby mode but do want to play as a loli.

its like these people don't understand what the "game" part of videogame is supposed to mean.

>celeste creator
Literally Who?


anyone else tired of these sekiro marketing threads

Do that many people truly care about this and actually agree with such lame fucking ideas, or is twitter bloating these numbers so that blue checkmarks seem more popular than they actually are?

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i guarantee only a hundred of them even played sekiro or other fromsoft games

I think the longest I ever spent on a boss was something like 20+ tries to SL1 Artorias. I called it quits for the night then did it in like three tries the next day

peaked at the sixth photo

Eh. if my Twitter experiences mean anything. People will always agree with something batshit dumb just to stick it to the "Gamers" even if they never played said game the person is talking about

This reads like some huge virtue signaling faggot typed it out

If these people really wanted to improve accessibility for the physically disabled they'd be promoting research into controllers for physically disabled so that they can play the exact same game as the fully abled. A physical disability doesn't prevent you from learning and mechanics of a game and developing winning strategies. A physical disability merely limits your ability to use the controller, which makes implementing winning strategies difficult because they are fighting against the controller more than the fully abled players. Obviously the solution to this problem isn't to change the game, but the controller. A better controller designed specifically for their disability would allow them to play on the same level as the fully abled.

You don't understand user, journalists are legitimately mentally disabled so they need an easy mode


I'm glad From largely ignore input from their western audience, I'm a little worried about Activision this time though.

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What if you like spicy food but slightly tonned down instead of super hot? Is it wrong to ask for less spicy when ordering spicy food?
Because i *kind* of enjoy it, but not enough to spend an hour learning a single boss.
Not that hard to understand.
So what's stopping you from playing the game the way you want? It's not a lot of work to make an easy mode. Just double your damage output and double your health and you are good. Play the games on regular difficulty, but why cry so much about how other people enjoy their games? Do you also shit on mods because it's not the original vision?

>employing minorities is pandering to minorities
but it actually is mr fat cunt american

Pink Ribbons in Ninja Dog mode in Ninja Gaiden, that concept has tenure, Murphy you fag.

>The Canadian dev of a 2D platformer thought he could enlighten the poor misguided Jap developer of a 3D action-adventure combat-intensive game because he is an arrogant condescending attention-whore

Cool I hope he gets stabbed by a Chinaman on his way to pick up bagged milk and lube for his dog.

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>but why cry so much about how other people enjoy their games?
you and those who agree with you are ones crying faggot

>So what's stopping you from playing the game the way you want? It's not a lot of work to make an easy mode. Just double your damage output and double your health and you are good. Play the games on regular difficulty, but why cry so much about how other people enjoy their games? Do you also shit on mods because it's not the original vision?
miyazaki has been asked for ez modes before. his response was that fags like you fundamentally misunderstand the game. The game is supposed to be hard and you are supposed to die a lot and be scared of dying again.

wow what a fuckin bitch

>What if you like spicy food but slightly tonned down instead of super hot? Is it wrong to ask for less spicy when ordering spicy food?

If the place doesn't do less spicy then I fuck off somewhere else.
The creator makes what they want to make, you can accept it or find something else you whiny, entitled moron.

How easy lel would it be to create an easy mode? It sounds like a lot of work.

Mentally disabled is a different and more difficult argument. Either way though, there is no justification for these retards being entitled to playing a gimped version of the game. From soft game's difficulty is important in getting you to feel immersed in the world and to feel emotions such as fear.

No matter how much a tranny makes itself look attractive. It will still age and look like shit.

clarification: by retards I don't mean the legitimately mentally disabled. I mean the idiots on twitter who are too whiny to learn to beat a video game that they don't even have to play.


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If I'm being completely honest, I'd love for the Soulsgames to have a mode similar to Godhand's wherein the better you are, the more difficult the enemies are. This probably wouldn't work too well due to the RPG elements but I feel like it'd be nice to see it experimented in it's own mode.

I feel like that'd make everyone happy. If you suck, you're gonna be in easy mode. If you're good, you're gonna be in perpetual hard mode.

The legitimately retarded are probably significantly better at games than game journalists and their followers.

Pretentious Canadian that huffs his own farts.

>Because i *kind* of enjoy it, but not enough to spend an hour learning a single boss.
Then play a different fucking game or just git gud, the entire point of these games is that everybody has to face the same challenges so just going "oh no this boss is kicking my ass lemme just turn easy mode on for a sec yep I totally beat that boss legit :)" completely ruins it

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They already know about it. One of them even wrote an article bragging about how he beat the game by cheating.

They don't care about the ability to cheat they want developer-sanctioned cheating in a form that they didn't have to admit it's cheating by calling it an assist or easy mode and pretend that they're being progressive and making games more accessible

Oops, sorry game journos and your Twitter cocksuckers, you already told me that video games are art, and an artist should never compromise their vision for the sake of people complaining.


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They have to force the devs to suck their own nuts and apologize for ever doubting them and forever and always now listen to them from this moment onward to be satisfied.

Because it might boost sales? Because there are more people who could play it? Because you would lose not a single thing by including it?
Other question, why do you care so much about how other people play their game?
I never demanded or expected it to be in the game. If they don't want to include it, that fine by me. I'm just less likely to buy it because I can't play it with my GF.
Saying I'm entitled because I would like an easy mode is like saying you are entitled because you wanted Fallout 76 to be a good game. The devs clearly made a shitty game. If you want to play a good game just buy something else and fuck off

Oh user, it's not about an easy mode. Not really. The thing that matters to them is being right and people doing what they tell them to do. They've been raised entitled and overly-privileged so anyone who tells them no MUST be forced to do their bidding.

Bigger audience =/= better

by that definition AAA trash with minimal gameplay like RDR2 is the pinnacle of gaming.

It's not that mind boggling. Whatever their reason some people just aren't seeking great challenge from their games and just want to play through them.

For games that journobloggers love its balls easy since its giving ol' Dobson a bike pump and attaching it to the enemy's health bar, damage dealt and hitscan accuracy
For a FromSoft title to be accurately transcribed to an easier difficulty without being a slackjawed homo about it would require(this is going off what the journobloggers and gay boy in OPs article go on about)
>Full and total rebalancing of the enemies themselves, not just from a coding aspect but from a animation and possibly even model aspect depending on how much more obvious they'll need to make the animations. Animations are absolutely being modified.
>The player's animations also need to be modified
>A number of attacks and potential attack patterns need to be adjusted and/or removed and ONLY if that difficulty is selected. God help you if you fuck that part up.
>Textures may need to be modified to make certain things stand out more
>Level design and enemy placement need to adjusted
>Sound cues will need to be adjusted as well
>Also certain context related triggers like say the kanji need to have their windows adjusted
I think the easiest way to put it is the following.
It'd be less effort and pain to change the protag into a loli as an option than it would to make an easy mode that isn't lazily done.

>Because there are more people who could play it? Because you would lose not a single thing by including it?

Oh yes entitled user, "we want to appeal to a wider audience" is always a good thing to hear about a game. It can only be improved really.

How do these faggots get by day to day? Are they completely unable to see a world where not everything is custom tailored to them? Have they never learned to say no to things or that perhaps some people enjoy different things and that is fine? I don't enjoy shooters, im not out there demanding every FPS add rpg elements and bosses. I just don't buy them.

I don't give a fuck about your GF and any other casual faggots who want a free pass, there's already a million piss easy games out there for them to enjoy

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>"I feel good about it."
>insecure enough to pre-emptively defend his decision in an article

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>It'd be less effort and pain to change the protag into a loli as an option
I'd pay for this DLC.

RDR2 is the pinnacle of gaming and you're just too stupid to appreciate it.

If you're a genuinely intelligent consumer, take what ever advice the seemingly majority of Yea Forums has and do the opposite

Thanks to doing the opposite, ive come to enjoy
was still a great scrolls game despite the flaws
Great game. Other than the usual theme of blizzard dictating the multiplayer in respect to no dedicated servers like all of their games, it has always been a solid game and the complaints about balance (disregarding brigitte of course) are massively over-dramatic. The pain it causes Yea Forums that the game is massively successful is great
>Rising Storm 2
Best tripwire game to date, incredibly fun game and the most communication ive ever had a 64 player pub
Best fighting game currently out

holy cringe

>Because you would lose not a single thing by including it?
ACTUALLY, the amount of shit that'd need to be changed is astronomical if you want it to be a legit thing and not some lazily done piece of shit like every modern western AAA game. In that regard we would absolutely lose out on extra content that could be made instead of baby mode. You don't seriously think it'd just be a boost to attack and health do you?

>If they don't want to include it, that fine by me

And that is all there is to it. You can cry all you want about not everything being made for you but the argument has already ended. Fuck off elsewhere.

>differently abled
please get inoperable lung cancer and die horribly
don't worry, your beloved retards will join you on the day of the rope with all the other subhumanoids

Anyone remember that interview when Miyazaki stated that the Souls fights were designed to be interesting, and being difficult was a natural consequence of it? It's why DkS2 failed in design when the new director missed the point and made the fights hard without being fun.

Imagine investing hundreds of hours into the development of a boss; testing every mechanic, balancing it for every potential approach, making sure that the fight feels difficult without being unfair - only to be told by a group of people that aren't your core audience that you should invalidate all that effort.

The request for an easier mode in itself isn't a problem; what is is that they're being worded as demands that outright ignore the director's intent with disabled people being exploited to guilt the devs into feeling like terrible people for excluding them. Accessibility is great, but it's ultimately their game, their vision, and their choice.

Forcing a change to cater to those that reject the idea of effort reaping rewards is the very definition of entitlement, it's like buying a puzzle and getting upset that it isn't a completed picture.

yes and all the people part of the niche group that enjoys fighting games are just retards who enjoy shit games.

There are different audiences out there retard, and a game isn't better merely because it panders to the biggest one. Fighting games are widely considered to be the pinnacle of mechanical design and competitive gameplay. That kind of game just isn't for everyone though, so they sell really shitty these days when so many other more casual options are available for the masses of casuals.

>haha Yea Forums are u blown off?

I don't know how you reddit posters come up with such mirror logic.
The fact (if at all) they install an easy mode just makes it all the more hilarious some grown ass faggot is going to have to play on it because he can't get good.
Don't you fucking losers get it? You'll never get better if you don't fucking challenge yourself.
All they're doing is literally handicapping themselves. A physically limited person finished it without this easy pasta meme.

I would too. It'd be neat but the point is that the amount of effort required to account for a PROPER easy mode that would be fitting of FromSoft's name and not some lazily done shit you'd lose out on dev time for more content in the finished game OR lose out on time that could be better spent developing DLC.

>because I can't play it with my GF.
Well for one Sekiro is not co-op, and second you do realize the point of these games is the difficulty right? According to your earlier post, you have beaten all the games so just play through the games as her summon numb nuts, and if even then it is too difficult then fuck off it's not for her and thats all there is to it.

To me it is even more than that. Yes being on easy mode would take away from the fun, but it also lessens the impact of the world, lore, and story. Especially in Sekiro. Other games highlighted death as common and everything as a struggle, but sekiro is focused on the burden of immortality and rebirth and power. If you just played babbies first action game difficulty the gravity of the story is lost because you aren't killing your npcs by abusing immortality. You need to experience that difficulty in the gameplay for the story to land.

>Accessibility is great, but it's ultimately their game, their vision, and their choice
this isn't even an argument about accessibility. improving accessibility entails improving peripherals i.e. controllers so that the disabled can play the same fully featured game with the full depth of gameplay as the fully physically abled.

Literally no one would play or care about Sekiro or the Souls games if they weren't so "hard". If they change it, the dumb cucks whining about it wouldn't even want to play anymore because the novelty and charm would be gone.

If a game is too hard for you, maybe it just wasn't made with your demographic in mind

Do you not watch Stanley Kubrick movies because a tranny did the music for 2 of them?

Why dont these people just load up a trainer or something if they just want to breeze through the game? That is basically what they're asking for.


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>2D indie dev giving advice to 3D action devs

fucking lmao

I love and hate god hand's dynamic difficulty. On one hand it feels awesome when you're in the zone and sitting in level die 90% of the time. On the other it can be annoying if I die and am kicked back down. I want to overcome the challenge not be forced to play easy mode for a minute or 2 as I dodge my way back to hard mode.

Because by not including it in the base game the devs are purposefully trying to discriminate against shitters.

>The idea behind the mode is to allow less-skilled players, or those with physical disabilities, to enjoy the game in whatever way suits them
I absolutely love that the people who are awful at video games have started using disabled people as their excuse

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Sounds like your girlfriend needs to git gud

because they want to believe they still want a legitimate win, they just don't want to work for it.

So he aint a hack, true

>Casual PC gamer fix shit themselves
>Meanwhile console faggot whine on the internet and give trannies and indies the spotlight on the controversy

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>If they change it, the dumb cucks whining about it wouldn't even want to play anymore because the novelty and charm would be gone.

user these retarded cunts don't want to play it for "novelty and charm" they want to be SEEN playing it because it's the hottest thing right now. It's the hottest thing because they've developed a large following by making games with notorious difficulty as a design staple. Take that inherent difficulty away, the fanbase goes away. The fanbase goes away, the next game won't be hot property. The next game isn't hot property, these retarded cunts won't even pretend to be interested in it like they are now.

It's only outing them as the scum they are. If they really cared about disabled people(they don't) they would be advocating for more unique controllers and cusomizable controls. Not a baby mode.

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No games should have difficulty settings desu

creating different difficulty modes ruined gaming

It's not about an easy mode. These creatures don't even fucking care about the game. They just want people that have told them "no" to be brought in line and obey.

So how much of Celeste's appeal from journos was because it had an easy mode?

>adds ninja dog.
>literally do what the journos are asking.
You seem confused, user.

You're the outsider here calling common sense Nazi. Fuck right back off to your shithole

based and accurate but on the topic of sekiro, this is what it feels like once you get good.
Sekiro is hard to pick up but very easy to master.

>Sekiro is 2deeep4u.
FROMfags should be castrated.

This. If I was a disabled person I'd be pretty fucking pissed at these neon-haired arrogant faggots making baby noises at me saying they'd get a nice casual mode for me like they're doing right now. Shit like more controller options, audio/video settings, re-mappable controls, etc. are actual accessibility options. Easy mode is being so fucking condescending and devaluing it's insulting.
Hope some cunt in a wheelchair rolls up and blasts them away with a shotgun while they sip on their soilattes

This is the worst "Souls" game to make that argument since its the easiest and lets people cheat in several ways to make the game even easier already.

Every boss is a 1-2-3 dance battle, many of them skippable and allows you to cheat by backstabbing them or throwing pocketsand to distract them. Not even mentioning that many of the bosses have a scripted weakness, like shields on headless or the spear on Ape Guardian that turns them into a cake walk on replaying.

not interested but i hope it continues to work out for you

>The idea behind the mode is to allow less-skilled players, or those with physical disabilities, to enjoy the game
Did someone post that video of the guy with a physical disability beating a boss yet?

pic related retard, 2-3 were trannies and the rest dykes or nu-males, i can't find a video with the voice of the trannies for some reasons.

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>Their main argument is that Sekiro’s alluring world and combat should be more attainable to those who neither possess the time nor physical ability to master its brutal challenge.
The game is not for them then, as that has already been considered. This discussion is so fucking dumb, only to bring attention to the trannies of the industry.

>Because i *kind* of enjoy it, but not enough to spend an hour learning a single boss.
Then you don't enjoy it, play something else.
I don't care if an easy mode exists, but people like you acting like playing on that difficulty wouldn't be as pointless as paying $60 to watch all the cutscenes on Youtube saddens me.

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They admit that they don't know how to play and are not having fun, so why are they playing in the first place?


Haha nigga just run what is you doing hahahahahahah

>Sekiro’s alluring world and combat should be more attainable to those who neither possess the time nor physical ability
>the combat should be attainable by changing the combat
>can't match the physical ability of a fucking cripple

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Why do we keep having these threads? this argument and outcry happens with every Soulsborne game. FromSoft doesn't care. They'll never add in "accessibility options" or any type of easy mode. If you can't hack it you don't play the game. It's always been this way and always will be because, again, FromSoft gives no shits about difficulty whiners.

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99% of these niggers don't give a single fuck about people with disabilities, they just want to be able to say that they "beat" the newest hottest hippest le epic hardcore game that everybody is going crazy over. I bet an actual downsie could play better than a majority of these faggots.

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The only reason that it gained traction was twitch. It would have been another sleeper hit, had it not been the perfect stream game.

cheat codes are good for fucking around

Do you think these whiners would want this "easy mode" if it disabled all trophies but a single one that says you beat the game on easy mode? I feel like they wouldn't.

I had someone in the last thread tell me I was the problem for "basing my ego on video games" and getting mad at this bullshit.

I think it was the author from PCGaymer

You guys are really dumb. A new easy mode wouldn't even hurt you since you can still play on regular difficulty. You're just a bunch of elitist that won't share their videogames because that's the only thing you have in life.

Why should everyone be able to finish the game?

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Hi Trotsky

Wow, a low budget, pixelshit, indie, western trash dev giving advice to an AAA Japanese developer. I'm sure From will take his suggestions to heart.

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Says the people losing their shit because they cannot play a single game instead of just moving on to another game. The irony is delicious.

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There's literally nothing wrong with gatekeeping. I don't want my favorite genre of game to be ruined by people who barely even like video games.

So do we see Emma's feet or not?

This picture actually disgusts me enough that I won't buy their next game despite enjoying Celeste.

>Calls everyone else dumb
>Doesn't realize playing on easy mode would make his purchase pointless

>how whole Yea Forums when from i wanna cuddle with the blonde chick to OH GOD NOOOOOOOOOOO when he started to speak

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If you have a life then why do you care if you can't beat a video game? If you're not that concerned about beating it then leave it at that instead of demanding the entire experience revolve around your life. Exclusivity exists for a reason. Why the hell are you jealous of a bunch of nerds?

The thing is, the only people gate keeping are the people pushing for easy mode. NO SINGLE PERSON is saying they can't play the game. They absolutely can. Whether they're good or not is a different topic entirely and is no where close to gate keeping.

Just download fucking cheat engine or something

Or is that also too hard

wow, is your brain is stuck on a rhetorical loop or something? Getting better at the game is inevitable as you play more, but getting good enough to beat certain bosses takes more time.
I enjoy the game, but not enough to invest that much time into it.
>"Then don't play it at all!"
Why? I didn't say i don't enjoy it at all, otherwise of course i wouldn't play it.

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Isshin doesn't even have that much health, you just need to get hits in early to fill his posture faster. Once you learn him it's so easy, first time I got him to phase 3 I beat him because of how easy it is to do a lightning reversal.

Where can I download cheat engine on my PS4?

the soundtrack in this game is pretty awful, and no, I'm not saying this because it's made by a tranny

>I enjoy the game, but not enough to invest that much time into it.
This is like someone that likes the progression aspect of RPGs complaining that MMOs take too much time.
There are other games that play similarly but aren't designed around it taking time to figure out how to fight each enemy.
Play those.

>>"Then don't play it at all!"
Because you suck dick and you'd rather whine on the internet instead of gitting gud

Nerds can still play the game on regular like I and you did, and those who want can play on easy. That means absolutely nothing change for you, more people play the game, and fromsoftware makes more money to finance future games.

I'm not, I finished the game already. I just thibk it's shit to not include everyone. Maybe there's a grandpa over there that want to play the game but his reaction time is complete shit. Maybe there's a dude who has only one arm, and he'd prefer the game a bit slower.

Stop being a bunch of cunts and share. I know it makes you feel good to say you're one of the few that finished the game, but it's actually pretty sad.

I never understood this idea that these games need an easy mode. If you remove the challenge, there is literally no point in playing the game. It does not have an amazing story or characters. Exploration becomes even more pointless than it already is. You would just be sleepwalking through a boring world and get nothing from it.

dodging to side and hitting him 2-3 times is much better for getting his health down before working on his posture. Alternatively, you can dodge and Ichomonji double him for more posture damage instead of deflecting it

>Maybe there's a dude who has only one arm, and he'd prefer the game a bit slower.
that guy's name? Sekiro

Good point, that reminds me that Dark souls indeed had an easy mode. But honestly I'd like it better if summoning was not a thing in dark souls, so I'm glad that shit is gone in sekiro

>possess the time
This is the worse excuse yet. Why do people need to rush through games and complete them asap.

Why should someone who wants to make a hard game spend any time making it inclusive when that's not their goal? Give one single good reason that a luxary hobby item needs to focus on inclusivity.

So what you're saying is that you fucking suck.
Mikiri works 100% of the time.

Did you guys beat the game yet?

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>That means absolutely nothing change for you
I didn't say it did, dipshit.
>those who want can play on easy
I said people who would do this are fucking stupid and wasted their money.
Why the fuck would they buy a game designed to be hard, and demand it be made easy?
Why the fuck would you buy a car designed to be comfortable, and demand the seats be taken out?
Why the fuck would you buy a house designed to look cozy, and demand all the walls be replaced with bare concrete?
I don't care if an easy mode gets added, the people that want it are fucking retarded either way.

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good thing From will never read what they have to say or care about it at all.

Not gotten around to ng+ for the last ending yet, so not quite.

Celeste too difficult. Needs an easy mode where i just need to press right to win the game.

So he just wants to play Diablo?

I think seki means cum in japan guys...

That's ableist and thus it's shit. Also right is the wrong side of history and literally nazis. Devs should just mail me trophies and money just for existing.

beat the game and isshin was a fucking cunt, had to keep running around a bit too much to beat him

Fun game, but not interested in replaying because itemization is not great, exploration isn't rewarded (oh you found this cool secret location? here's a consumable you can buy for 30 yen. oh, you finished a long ass questline where you had to figure shit out? here's a consumable that heals you once)

Also, no weapon variety is a massive pain in the ass and a lot of the prosthetics are useless

So they can inject themselves into the topic since its the hot new thing. For many of them it may take months to beat, can't be talking about it and bragging about how great you are if everyone else has moved on.
It's not even about the game, its about attention.

Yeah Miyazaki is way better than Kojima ever was


You sound like a retarded DaS2 shitter.

He sounds like a DaS3 shitter

What is it with Celeste and the journo crowd? The goty nomination was weird enough, everything involving Celeste always screams nepotism

>Maybe there's a grandpa over there that want to play the game but his reaction time is complete shit. Maybe there's a dude who has only one arm, and he'd prefer the game a bit slower.
Why do they need to play fucking Sekiro of all games? I've heard people argue in favor of easy mode with "buh I don't wanna learn" or "wooow some people play how they want" but this is the first time I've seen UHHH WHAT IF A BOOMER HAS A HEART ATTACK WHILE PLAYING OR A RETARD WHO HAS NO LIMBS AND IS ALSO BLIND WANTS TO PLAY BETCHA DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THAT GET REKT ELITISTS, I seriously doubt that there's a considerable amount of grandpas out there who give a shit about games like these let alone Sekiro.

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>Can't parry
>Complains about muh build variety
No, that's a DaS2 shitter.

It told them its ok to play on god mode and not accomplish anything on your own merit. So, you know, sucking them off and giving them participation trophies. They love that since they aren't expected to put in effort.

user, Journies don't give a fuck about easy mode or people who can't enjoy games

They just want to fucking win irl and bully devs on twitter

the game has 0 references to sexuality
you're just getting triggered because a person working on the OST happens to be trans and we know she wasn't hired because of that, since the soundtrack turned out actually great
you're as pathetic and deluded as the sjws saying anything Yea Forums related is nazi and must be eradicated

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How about you stop being a an absolute cunt and expecting every single game to cater to the the lowest common denominator with shit skills.

Making games for everyone means making games for no one. Not every game needs to accommodate people with shit reaction times, sorry that's just the way it is. There are people with spacial reasoning that are complete shit but you don't see anybody demanding an easy mode from puzzle games like The Witness now do you. From soft games are literally marketed by their difficulty so your little "easy mode=more sales" theory is complete bullshit.

I know it makes you feel good to jerk yourself off to "muh inclusivity" but the fact that you seriously need an easy mode to play a game that's already not all that difficult is fucking sad.

don't you have an open wound to dilate?

Wow THE celeste creator? Im glad the creator of the super meatboy ripoff nobody heard of put those dirty From chinks in their place in regards to easy mode

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Cheat codes are different than just "the game but easier". Sure they can make the game easier but they can also just be silly shit like big heads or low gravity

>it's wrong for trannies to be far above gamer average they run the speedrun events
>it's wrong for trannies to have the same skill level as most gamers today

Now ask yourself why not a single one of these people who want easy modes or assists are asking for cheats.

Why? Why are they so obsessed with an easy mode for this game?

This shit is just free advertising at this point hope journos are happy because it means they'll make the next one even harder

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Because its the hot new thing. Then the next hot new thing comes out and they fuck off to talk about that. Just give it a month and they'll fuck off like always.

how does it feel to be on the wrong side of history? next souls game will have "assist mode" or "easy mode". The trannies are just too powerful

>big heads
speaking of which
the virgin cheater

What's with soulsborne players and their obsession with trannies? Were they molested by trannies?

I'm not necessarily against the idea of accommodating invalids like game jurnos, they got money to burn too, but I fucking hate all the dipshits that suggest high-scope features as solutions to difficulty. "Just have a switch that slows the game down, bro."
The QA pass alone would be an absolute fucking nightmare.
You would think an accomplished game designer would have a clue as to how games are made.

Sekiro wants the player to play a certain way and it's really generous with power ups and items in order to compensate in case you have difficoulties in doing what the game wants you to do, but you still won't be able to win/will take hours and dozens of deaths at each boss if you refuse to do what the game wants.

>the fucking eyes bulging out
holy shit

>The trannies are just too powerful
>Get told to fuck off in 2011
>they whine
>get told to fuck off the next release
>they whine
>get told to fuck off in 2019
>they whine
>Something is totally going to happen next time though they really care about the fucking gaijin whining about the game's difficulty.
Snorting coke isn't good for you for a reason you know?

These posts are purely made by the creator of celeste, over and over again.

why do you peabrains keep replying to them, they don't care about Sekiro they are just advertising their game on Yea Forums and you're bumping it to 500 replies.

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he/him: "but if you are discriminating against crippled people!!" x20
FROM: :( we are polite japanese, we mean no harm. okay we change the game

>I'm not necessarily against the idea of accommodating invalids like game jurnos, they got money to burn too
They get free review copies they literally DO NOT SPEND A CENT on the game.

>FROM: :( we are polite japanese, we mean no harm. okay we change the game... Wait a second, it's the gaijin again... FAKKA YU GAIJIN! YU NO GE EEJI MODO!

Those fags get review copies for free.

>inb4 but they're polite
They're also top grade cunts who love to be evil for the lols.
>See Itagaki's comments about Ninja Gaiden

But you do have that. You can ignore your posture meter entirely, most enemies can't drain it if you deflect properly and even if they do they have no follow up. Maybe Isshin forces you to manage it a bit and that's just jumping back and holding L1 for 3 secs.

Yeah, NG was the easy mode all along

Did you mean to say he?

>Backstab his friend
You fight those two big bois simultaneously or be considered a scrub.

Based Samurai retard

Mind you he posted that on twitter.

a literally who dev suggesting from soft should change what made their game famous
seriously hope he necks

Doesn't necessarily have to be the jurnos themselves that pay - just the people like them. Put whatever name on them you want, you know who they are.

FROMsoft have been making games for about as long as the literal who faggot has been alive, the absolute spastic. Why does every peer group need to have a 'thing' and why have the trannies and their ilk decided theirs is vidya

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It's literally the same guy who spams the Epic vs Steam threads, and the Obsidian vs Larian threads before that. Seriously, just compare the way all of these threads are written.

pol was right

No. I'm running around old areas trying to search for shit that I have missed between every major story boss which extends my playtime threefold.
I'm at the point where I'm supposed to go find Kuro in the secret passage way. Just killed demon of hatred. I can't for the life of me find the last two beads for the tenth necklace and the last remaining gourd seed for tenth sippy.

I've occasionally asked for help on these threads but I've intentionally stayed away from wikis and walkthroughs.

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Itagaki's comments weren't evil. He was completely in the right

I'm guessing you never did the second memory. You cant get those beads now.

If a 9 year old kid can enjoy something her Dad calls difficult, then an adult shouldn't be complaining that Sekiro could be more inviting.
I will garentee you that in a few months we'll be seeing someone use DDR pads to beat Sekiro, and it will once again prove that an armless person could beat the game but still not be accessible enough for people how make jobs of gaming.
Fucking embarrassing.

Attached: But Sekiro is too hard for adults.png (492x194, 15K)

What second memory?
I feel like I was pretty thorough and never found anything like that.

He was both. That evil grin as he says "So I made it harder" was great. Besides being evil doesn't mean you can't also be in the right.

Unfortunately you've missed the window for it, but if you eavesdrop on Kuro after beating Owl you unlock a new questline which involves visiting a second memory.

look at that evil grin he has on.
So evil.

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>I want to "play" videogames with assist mode, invincibility and shit
>I want to "play" a song with pre registered music while I randomly move my hands near the instrumet
those are the same thing and you know it

Just play a different game, not everything has to be for you.

Holy fucking shit.

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That's a shame.
I don't remember seeing an eavesdrop interaction. Was it before I talked to him or after?

Does this guy know that Sekiro doesn't have multiplayer ?

>links to other sites in the OP
>not permabanned for advertising
jannies too busy banning game discussion as always

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I bet you can't beat the game on a DDR pad either, poser. The people advocating for accessibility are often not doing so on their own account, but in a general sense.

He's talking about Outward

Oh, sorry.

>implying Yea Forums isn't an advertiser-friendly board

Welcome to 4channel

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>Their main argument is that Sekiro’s alluring world and combat should be more attainable to those who neither possess the time nor physical ability to master its brutal challenge.
Just git gud.

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Because that was never said when people whined that Dark Souls needs to be "more accessible".
Then its proven it is unneeded.
This isn't for anyone but themselves, be it because they can't be bothered or because they want to feel virtuous about their daily lives and opinions. This has been the case for years now and this is simply another chapter in the same lame ass story of talking heads being nothing more then that.

>Then its proven it is unneeded.
If one person doesn't need it that doesn't mean no one needs it. This is a classical American confirmation bias. You see one person who beats the odds and therefore you think it's reasonable to demand everyone else beat the odds too. That's not how odds work.

>beats the odds
The game is there and you can keep trying against "The odds" until you win.

Didn't a quadraplegic beat sekiro? If he can beat it anyone can. What ever happened to rising to the challenge?

Right, and for some people this is a lot more difficult than for others, so it presents a much greater time investment, which is an unfair demand to place on them.

>Beating the odds
Thats a great DRAMATIC way to put it.
Dark Souls and Sekiro: Just as challenging as surviving cancer!
Not everything has to be for you.
Not everything has to be for everyone.
Somethings in life require skill, and if you don't have that skill we live in this great time where you can be a spectator to others who do.
The great thing about skill too, is that it can be grown, nurtured, and cultured with time if you are willing to dedicate the time to it.
Accessibility implies making it some those who are INCAPABLE of playing it, can play, but if someone doesn't want to devote the time necessary then that is their decision.
This has never been an accessibility issue though, because the argument has always come with the second half, "or have enough time" but unless you are on deaths door, then its not a matter of not having enough time, but not wanting to put the time in because everyone has some free time. One hour a day, even if it takes two years, is enough to beat Sekiro, but you have to want to put that time in.
These people don't want to put that time it.

Reminder only pussy niggas play games on easy mode.

Yes, some people don't want to devote two years of their lives to beating Sekiro. They are definitely the unreasonable ones.

life is unfair
Some people can run 2 miles in 8 minutes while most cant.
Some people can pick up a guitar and learn it in a day while others cant.
Why do video games have to be different?

Then they shouldnt play sekiro. Simple as that. Not every game needs to cater to them.

>an unfair demand

Attached: easymode.png (506x384, 59K)

I did it after you talk to him, but I'm not sure it matters. You need to hide from him, and there are multiple dialogues which requires resting multiple times. You also have to talk to Emma after eavesdropping to properly start the quest chain.

And some people read slower or have to watch a movie more times to fully grasp it. Either they feel like putting in the time or they don't.

Read Harrison Bergeron

>life is unfair
That's not an argument against making things fairer.

Your argument implies Sekiro is somehow unfair to begin with