Gamers, it's time...
Gamers, it's time
i used to think our lives were a tragedy....
somebody stop me!
Whoa... really says a lot about our society...
But it's a comedy...
Clowns are a white supremacist hate symbol now, please stop posting them.
But now I's an NTR h-doujin...
Why does everyone beat him up? Unrealistc and dumb.
>red nose
>red eyebrows
>that green shit around his eyes
this isnt supposed to be joker right?
Gotham's supposed to be a crime ridden shithole though, so I don't think it's too far fetched.
>The call that saved gamers
...just give the order...
So Bruce is still a kid at this point in time, right?
How is that supposed to work? Or is this Joker going to be the inspiration for the Joker that later becomes the nemesis of Batman?
>city filled with the shittiest of people
>not beating others up
This will be the straw that breaks the camels back
Usually the crowd laughs at the clown
But when the clown laughs at the crowd,
that’s the chaos element
>the joker shouldn't look like a clown
>muh realism
For what purpose
>dude he has mommy issues and he's a clown and he had a bad day and went insane because SOCIETY
literally the most boring and cliched Joker origin story you could imagine
heath's joker was literally just whore makeup
Do you think it's a joke when you replace white populations with black people?
Soon you'll wake up surrounded by clowns of nature. Will you laugh?
>Tfw will never have a Phoenix's Joker videogame
why live
Jokers life before falling in chemicals was hazy. So making him crazy before falling in while he is the redhood makes at least some sense.
has this been translated yet?
We are all gamers now. We are society.
All memes aside the movie looks like it's gonna be some finely crafted kinography
I don't like n-words
Why does Joker appeal to so many people?
Probably the most popular villian in fiction.....
>ching ching chang
>raka raka buku
>ping pong
>u riike et
>ding dong
>ban u
I think that's what it says but I am not sure
not gonna lie that's pretty hot i came already
This movie will be so much kino. We will dab on a lot undesirables with this one, fellow gamers.
Because there’s a little joker in all of us
Because all it takes IS ONE DAY, fellow gamer...
this but unironically, fucking wacky funhouse mirror reality.
>I used to think my life was a tragedy. But now I's a comedy.
What did he literally mean by this?
it sucks
Joker is soul, clown pepe is soulless
one BAD day
this joker is a fucking pussy he's nothing like the gang weed joker
The idea of the joker supposedly drove heath to slight mania. I mean acting does that to anyone, but the Joker, as a thoughtform is so powerful he can make people manic. So humans created a fictional supervillan that actually has the power to make people go insane. I mean jack nicolsan always has seemed a bit off.
This is a good question, and one I have personally been hung up on regarding this film. This interpretation will likely be a standalone, as Leto is still getting a solo Joker film. However, I am on the fence as to whether or not I want what you posted to be the case. Gotham has already used that idea, as Jerome and his twin brother are not "The" Joker, but rather a muse for who will become him.
>Muh film theory sed it's not the real Joker
Ok, then explain this shit.
He lives a laughably shitty life and started looking at it from a different perspective after he stopped taking life so seriously.
Here I was hoping it'd be closer to the comic where Batman and Joker have a heart to heart moment at the end. Oh well still looks decent.
joaquin is genuinely a kino performer, so it might be ok
Rise up...
Wow, they took away his 'DAMAGED' tattoo? Fucking lame.
Glad you saw the movie already user please tell us more
>as Leto is still getting a solo Joker film.
That's not happening now.
poopoo in toilet bowl, noone care
poopoo in spaghetti, everybody upsetti!
-the jester
boku no pico
I should laugh, but I cry....
imagine being leto rn kek good riddance
Found it.
Apparently no translation despite being out for 3 months.
So you were hoping they'd adapt The Killing Joke into a movie?
For me its because he is just a straight forward criminal, no attempts at apologizing, no trying to justify beyond the most insane reason of "for a laugh". Sometimes I just like a villain to be a villain and not some super complex "but akshuly it makes sense if.....".
Who keeps making these threads?
>I voted Donald Trump
Who keeps making this post?
woah jokers character is so deep and mysterious!
He's a Übermensch and villains always seem cooler to people.
Joker always gets away with it while Batman just lets more people die for their sick little game.
Oh. This is actually The Joker? I'm not too fond of this design desu.
this one is ugly too
The masked man that's being referred to is either Joker or one of his flunkies. Batman doesn't exist, Bruce is a kid.
After watching the trailer, I am sold on the way it portrays him.
Is that the one? Ends at a run down carnival in the rain, been forever since I read it but I liked the idea.
Because he's insane and I'm fascinated by insanity and how can someone just become that insane.
>big dick
>in a band
>a handsome actor
>loved by many fangirls
yeah wow haha imagine being leto right now haha
Childhood is idolizing The Dark Knight. Adulthood is realizing that The Dark King Rises makes more sense.
hell yeah user, that strawman didn't stand a chance
>a manlet
The natural stress from the rules and regulations plus the uncertainty of life makes our monkey brains naturally want to restore "order" in the form of antisocial acts. 8000 years ago when we had a problem with someone we bashed them over the head with a rock, and the comparatively short time civilization has been around hasn't been long enough to adapt fully.
I'm surprised DC hasn't gone the Flashpoint Paradox route since they seem to want to pull the reset switch on all that cinematic universe shit since Batman and Superman are losing their actors.
Flashpoint Paradox would be the perfect way to create a new cinematic universe. You still have Wonder Woman, Aqua Man, and the Flash. Batman is Bruce's dad in the altered universe and Superman is so fucked up that he may as well be a new person entirely. Then after the events of that story they could essentially reboot their cinematic universe and have it make sense in-canon with the original DC universe.
Back in my day, we would call a funny looking person with tons of makeup on a clown. Now we just call them transgender.
Yeaah, they actually did make a movie out of it, but it's animated.
irrelevant when you're as relevant as him
worst post ive ever seen on Yea Forums. best be trolling.
I literally only know him from Panic Room, where he had fucking corn rows. Good movie, though.
Problem is they're trying to rush the Marvel formula instead of doing what Marvel did and build it up over years, securing actors that fit the roles etc. No matter what DC tries they'll fall flat because they're playing catch up and running face first into a wall.
Lanklet cope.
It's face and status >>>>>>>> height unless you're a literal midget
Heath was a junkie before and died a junkie.
Please tell me it isn't the one everyone was laughing at/shitting on for having batgirl bang batman, or has it just been that long and I forgot that being part of the comic?
Not the point. Heath was still the real joker even though his costume doesn't look like Romero's, same with Ledger.
I hope you are right, but the back and forth from various sources seems to say otherwise. Also, DC is not straightforward on stating certain things, like the current fate of Cavill playing Superman. Standalone films might be a good idea for DC while they try to straighten their shit out with the DCEU
Imagine shilling for the only Joker to ever be cucked from the role
He was in many singular movies like Lord of War, Requiem for a Dream, Highway...
Who is the best clown in video games?
To bad Batman was already old. His dad would be like 80 now.
us, the players
I genuinely identify with this shit so much. A decade ago i thought my life was a tragedy, but in the intervening years i've learned to smile and see the funny side.
I used to like Kid Klown In Krazy chase
or KKK as i like to call it.
>They're actually making a movie about how the Joker is a society victim
inb4 there's actually a Veronica there
I do not thinking having to get into the role of an absolute madman helped much.
how does it make more sense?
Bane is just a poor man's Joker
>dude wtf it's just like my reddit meme
For you.
How else would he have gone insane? Dropping to a nuclear waste tank?
Please. What other realistic explanation would there be for jokers insanity you dumb cuck?
The black girl in the diner. He thinks she is his girlfriend, but she's just a prostitute. Later on he'll walk in on her with a "customer" and kill them both.
he lived in a society
The thread is about the meme, blind user.
That has literally always been the joker's schtick. The only time this wasn't the case was during the golden age comics when Batman had such deep and memorable villains as the Penny Plunderer and the Rainbow Beast.
Is joker literally /ourguy/?
it's a fucking batman film, there's no possible new premise that isn't gimmicky. Whether it's good or not is all in the execution. Also society is genuinely fucked.
It's a new timeline where Bruce was killed in the alley and not his parents. His dad becomes Batman after his mother becomes the Joker after going insane after witnessing her son's death.
The only good capeshit movie was old spiderman movie and dubs guy batman movie
This one looks promising tho
I tried watching justice league on theater and my god it's so horrible, the only good thing was thr flash and aquaman actor
Pic related is Joker's Veronica. Though there is obvious Edipous issues going on considering he bathe's his own mom in the trailer...
You think? I think it looks kind of boring to be honest doesnt look as iconic as Romero, as funny as Nicholson, as animated as Hamill, or as nihilistic and dark as ledger, I guess as long as hes not whatever the fuck Jared Leto was we'll be okay though right?
I don't know. I don't watch super hero shit anyway
No one remembers that everyone thought Heath was going to bomb as Joker before the movie came out. I'll wait until the release.
yeah, it is
I think its because he isn't generic. Nearly all villains are just made as punching bags for heroes and their objectives are always something obviously evil. Take power, kill lots of people, rule the world, ect.
Joker is just, Joker. He doesn't need a reason for what he does he just does it for the sake of pitching everyone against everyone else. He doesn't want power or control just to show everyone how messed up humanity is.
He also almost always does it by bringing out the worse in people, rather than doing something himself. He takes people and pushes them to a breaking point, if Batman fights because he thinks all human life is decent and worth something, then Joker proves that under it all humans are actually selfish and will do anything to survive.
Tim Burton was the only one who understood the true nature of the Joker
Trailer hit really close to home. I feel like this movie is going to be a real journey of self discovery for me.
I don't know, there's a good bit of solid body acting, looking at how stiff and awkward he is when he's a clown before snapping, and how loose and somehow both whimsical and serious he is dancing before the TV show and tap dancing on the steps
I think it's going to be a decent to strong 7, and I hope it's better than that.
I actually really liked the trailer and I think Joaquin Phoenix is a perfect fit for the Joker
>The only way a person can become insane is society issues
user you can go coo coo by hitting your head too hard on a wall.
Bruce would have been killed like 40 years ago.
I remember everyone thinking he was going to be a little too edgy, and truth be told he kind of was, I remembering walking out of the theater thinking that the whole movie was kinda weird, but the whole dying thing I think will forever skew his performance. I didnt hate it but it definitely wasnt what people think it was I tried rewatching it recently actually it was just a little too on the nose
what music are they listening to here?
>words words words
yikes to the cringe
>unless you're a literal midget
that would be a really interesting reason! you should become writer!
Oedipus, you dumbass
have you not read flashpoint or something?
Fuck off you stupid cunt. Learn what edgy means
Eddy Pus, you Dumb Bass
just say the word
Name a single board worse than Yea Forums.
I know right. It would be actually hilarious instead of this edgy, unoriginal bullshit the Super Hero genre is trying to pull so hard nowadays
>as animated as Hamill
nice one
/pol/ and /r9k/.
Definitely his death had an impact on people's opinions. But I think it was still a great performance.
>A villain who's only backstory was he hit his head on a desk and went insane
No, it would be really boring and unimaginative. You're just a retarded contrarian and you feel some false sense of superiority for not liking the same stuff as the "masses" do. You're such a rebel dude!
I wrote just twenty three words. Just twenty three. And if you knew me you would know that is kind of my thing.
I like Leto, I went to two shows of his band, whatched most of his movies and cheered for him on his oscars nomination. He is really engaging and friendly. But despite everything I can't ignore that he is very short. I think I'm a manlet (I'm 5'11) and he is shorter than me. I can put him under my shoulder.
I want to see an edited joker trailer where the only part of the pre-Joker is just him hitting his head against the glass, and then the rest of the Joker scenes
This webm gets better every time I watch it.
These are the type of brainlets shilling these movies
I went from being fed up with pepe to finding clown frog funny out of sheer annoyance. If you're annoyed by it you're literally saying "SOMEBODY STOP THAT CLOWN".
how gay
>Not liking shit writing makes you a contrarian! You're supposed to like everything that's popular
Never change Yea Forums
I can tell by your posts that you're lost here, but I'm pretty sure the dude was talking about the CAD-tier amount of words on that shitty image macro.
>character is changed by the world around them
>shit writing
you're right, everything should be gimmicky and different just for the sake of it.
How is this even a question?
It's just tryhard.
It's not funny and has no inspiration. It's background noise.
It gets used over and over because it's based in reality and it works. School shooters don't blast their classmates into bloody piles on the floor because they bumped their head into something, typically. It's because their social ostracization made their lives a living hell to the point where they snapped. Some retard clown with a shitty life who gets fucked on all the time turning into a crazed criminal makes sense, especially since it's a fucking comic book movie where crazier shit happens all the time.
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
it wasn't a question, though. it was a request, retard.
you colossal fucking nerd
>>character is changed by the world around them
Listen Rian, you need to understand that just because you're "subverting expectations," doesn't automatically mean your writing is good.
I unironically love this image and if he acts like this for a good portion of the movie, I think I'm going to enjoy it.
>He says this in another shitty Yea Forums tier thread
How the fuck do people keep saying Yea Forums is worse when it's not like we make DMC threads on every other board to force our shitty memes
Last (You) from me, just to tell you that you aren't as funny or annoying as you think you are. You're rather pitiful.
I went through a phase where I convinced myself John Cage's music was good in my teens just because it was original too, you'll get over it.
Are you retarded? There's literally infinite ways society can affect a person, so by no means is it the same every time. Like what are you even talking about?
You're such an idiot, kill yourself.
You're not cool, and you're not above it all. Learn to see the funny side.
For me it's his overly happy grin with the cute clown costume, it makes the fact people seethe over such an innocuous image very funny.
he was a gamer
The amount of retards that post on Yea Forums honestly astounds me. I've never seen so much delusion in degenerate morons that think they're smart. This site's userbase is such a fucking embarrassment.
>it makes the fact people seethe over such an innocuous image very funny.
It's exactly this. Obviously the pepe and wojak shit is tired as fuck, but if you're getting mad about it, you're the fucking retard.
I like it for the same reason I like gamers rising up, it's not super serious but people take it way too seriously, which is funny
what's he running from bros?
>any story not told before is automatically good and creative
Wow, it's so good. Maybe nobody made this retarded story, because it stinks. No, it's so creative how he goes crazy from hitting his head a lot.
I know I mentioned it before, a couple weeks ago, but i snuck the words "society" and "Rise up" in the joker movie.
im in it. if you look in fireden you might find my pic
grow up
>The world turned me into a twisted, unrecognizeable version of my past self
It's oversone garbage. You can make a list of hundreds of fictional characters that went through the same shit. Keep defending shit like this, I hope you never complain about a movie ever, fucking autist, have fun killing the industry
>I've never seen so much delusion in degenerate morons that think they're smart.
Of course you haven't, you didn't look in the mirror yet.
You better start believing in shitposts
You're in one.
holy shit
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, nigger. It's a nice door.
And the request inferred a question of whether there was a single board worse than Yea Forums, retard.
Kefka > Joker
>so mad and stupid that you can't spell a word anymore
Yes, tell me more how only you know what good writing is.
>inferred a question
And I'm inferring your pea-sized brain doesn't understand what a question is, retard.
I never said original equals good automatically. I'm saying this kind of shit is overdone and not fun anymore.It wasn't fun a decade ago.
>Hehe look a typo! I won the argument
Your only criticism is that it's not original. So kys. Living is overSsssone.
I was pretending to be retarded the whole time!
And by the whole time I mean the last five years!
And I'm saying you're a retard who doesn't understand every story has been told before and it's how they're told and how they're tied into how things are when they're made that makes them interesting.
>it's not original, I won the argument
Again, only you know what good writing is, right ?
>kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself
>The people defending this movie are all around 15 years old
It all makes sense
seems like a pretty hard win if all you've got to show for is an image of yourself
Getting this mad that some user mispelled your weird-ass mom-fucking fetish
Go read a doujin, weebs
>posters on the video game board of Yea Forums arguing about if the retarded idea of a movie villain being crazy because he hit his head would be a good idea
God, this place fucking sucks.
I would watch this.
>every story has been told before and it's how they're told and how they're tied into how things are when they're made that makes them interesting.
That would be a good point if I wasn't so distracted by the fact that I feel like I've watched thousands of low-budget films just like this one
Hey, look, us honest Yea Forumsirgins are just trying to have intellectual discussion, like here:
I'm sorry you're so secluded from society and interaction that you can't even pick up on basic conversational cue's even over the internet. Perhaps it's time you yourself user, rise up.
>God, this place fucking sucks.
Finally, something you can finally relate to! Figuratively and literally.
>pointing to a different off-topic shit thread
aren't you only proving his point that Yea Forums sucks
The best part is how they're defending lack of originality even though that's what this board complains about 24/7
It would be funnier. Taking super heroes seriously is the most autistic thing I can imagine
I'm sorry that you're so retarded that you don't know what a question is. Check out this epic conversation cue and question: suck my dick, retard faggot.
Either reply to the post that made your butt sore directly or ignore it instead of being a passive aggressive bitch about it in another thread.
>god, this place fucking sucks
now that you've made that realisation, maybe you can learn to see the funny side
Sorry, I apologize. I'll be in my bunker to count magazines and repent, sorry lads.
Shills for this movie are everywhere huh?
To OP it's a fag...
>runs from things
just play mirrors edge
You run from the government in that game, user. Society is the one that is subjugated.
Not being overdone to death is a good start.
Gimme something else to find the thread.
please give me more of this joker running edits, i love them
>>posters on the video game board of Yea Forums
Where are you from?
His image is older than the date on your birth certificate, bucko
Back to minecraft
> Listen here Champ! You aren't as funny or annoying as you think you are, so whipe that grin off your mug before a real man turns that smile upside down.
> Yeah, I have been on the internet quite sometime. Read a lot of forum posts. But you, kid? You really take the goddamn cake?
> You're pitiful you know that? Real class-act.
> I know your type. You think you are sooo fucking funny...
> But guess what, funnyboy?
> We're not laughing with you.
> We're laughing at you.
> Pathetic.
I'm too lazy, can't social upheaval wait a few days?
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums
If we don't RISE UP now, the normies...SOCIETY...will know our plan. We can't let them win. It's now or never, gamer.
we need to RISE UP
Yea Forums. Yea Forums gets a tad more moderation due to slightly more traffic and all the off topic posters are contained in one thread here instead of every damn thread over there.
/pol/ Yea Forums /r9k/ take your pick.