Team starts flaming eachother

>team starts flaming eachother
>not flaming the other team in all chat

what the fuck is up with this. i have 10000 accounts banned for toxicity but i have never in my life i swear to god, have flamed a teammate. only enemies. i’ve told the enemy team that i’m going to crash a taxi cab into the side of their house but never in my god forsaken life have i said so much as “you suck” to a teammate.

cringe at flaming teammates it causes disruption in the your entire match

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People often like to blame others for their mistakes.

>actually calling it "flaming"

I suppose that's exactly what you do constantly

Flaming the enemy just makes you sounds autistic and they think your flaming because your mad at getting stomped.

>i have 10000 accounts banned for toxicity
have you ever considered not being a massive faggot?

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i always trash talk opponents who kill me or overcome me. i’m fucking amazing so anytime i’ve ever died was fortunate luck by the opponents

i’ve yet to be outskilled. keep fucking crying you safe hven fags. i dont cuss or anything but i tell them “cringe at that play” to enemy

It's easier to blame your own team, since they are part of the equation for your total success. Even if it's your fault, you can blame a teammate for not bailing you out. Hard to blame an enemy who's doing what you expect and killing you. It's probably best to keep to yourself than chewing people out though. Focus on the game or having a good time.


you should really show some self restraint when bitching about teammates. it ruins morale and will probably make your team perform much worse.

workaround: start bitching at your team only when the game is about to end.

>team is playing like garbage
>someone starts calling people terrible
>everyone gets distracted and annoyed by the shit talk
>lose motivation to play well because you dislike your teammates
>get destroyed even worse

what is it about brainlets and not understanding the concept of morale?

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Its even worse when all the points or kills on the enemy team belongs to like 1 person and if your team just stayed focus you can win by targeting them but instead they surrender/leave the game.

fuckig legit. we’re even more retarded for not defusing it correctly
>teammate calls teammate a retard
>i say stfu stop typing lets play
>literally types more

repeat after me

utter and complete cringe and shit talking your own teammate like what state of mind do you need to be to do that

>playing rocket league
>be champ rank
>make one whiff
>game ends up tied
>teammate starts talking shit
>basically stop playing.
>other team destroys us from this point on

One game really isnt going to kill my rank so I'm willing to throw the match when my teammates act like cunts

your bait sucks

it’s just so fucking awful. competitive gaming with 5 man teams and the ability to chat with eachother really put a strain on Win-Losing. you can be as good as you’ll ever be... spot on microplay... perfect mechanics, but if your teamate calls another teammate a son of a whore - you lose the match, simple

i’m being serious, it sound ridiculous when its typed out like that but its true

>i believe i’m #1
>get killed by some guy with a stupid username
>flame him to the depths of oblivion

then you're just delusional

i have over 5,000hrs (multiple times, so 5,000x3) on said game..

i think i hve the right to think that way, retard. it’s called game confidence and game knowledge

imagine lying on the internet anonymous like anyone gives a fuck

im not

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