Hi Yea Forums, welcome to Wendy's
Hi Yea Forums, welcome to Wendy's
I want a Dave's triple
Shut up and gimmie my burger
Give me the salad
Yeah can I get uhhhhhhhh
What ever happened to the Arby's loli?
Lemme get some chili
I want a big mac
*blocks your path*
I demand an under-the-table blowjob at a booth running doom 64
>when there's roast beef
you made me obese you whore
yikes, oof, have sex etc.
There we got that chain done
I had a bad experience at Wendy's now I can't go anymore
srpelo sucks
Wendy's is the only place in my area that does triple burgs
Any ideas for an RPG themed around fast food?
what happened?
Why even eat anything more than a single? I don't see the point in stacking meat.
This fag doesn't like stacking his meat
Hi, I'd like two orders of chicken nuggets and a vanilla frosty.
Stop selling industrial waste and trying to pass it off as "chicken nuggets."
thin patties can hardly be considered a single
>I don't see the point in eating food a way that I personally don't like
No memes how old were you when they first diagnosed you with autism?
Its a government ordained unknown cadaver recycling program user. Do you hate the environment.
two patties is the perfect balance of meat/nonmeat content in a wendy's burg. one is too little and three is too much.
>stacking meat
you gay bro?
This user knows what he's talking about. Dave's Double for life.
>In my teens, maybe 15. Fat, greasy, ugly
>Job forces me to take first aid training, pays for it
>Day long course breaks for lunch
>Absolutely fucking starving
>They tell me there's a Wendy's close by
>Walk for over half an hour, no Wendy's no food, starving
>Finally find Wendy's, was apparently different Wendy's than they described
>Worried I'm going to be late for first aid training
>Order burger and frosty or whatever the milkshakes are called
>Take forever to fill simple order, must be new guys
>Get burger, throw it into my face like a pack of hyenas, gotta go
>Disgusting, new employees undercooked it, greasy, overly soft, all condiments had slid to one side
>Trying to shove chocolate frosty in face, too hard
>Power walking with my frosty, kind of licking at it and stuff as I go
>Frosty all over my face by this point
>Get lost
>Fuck where the shit am I
>Freaking out over first aid training
>Eventually I'm in a panic, don't want to get fired
>Car full of cute asian girls stops at light, I tap on their window and they cautiously unroll it
>Girl looks terrified
>They drive off
>Fat kid running now, covered in sweat
>Finish my frosty
>Finally find building, late as fuck
>See myself in a mirror as I get inside. Ketchup from the burger on my face mixed with the frosty and it looked like I was eating bloody diarrhea
>Can't find anything to wipe it on
>Smear it on the back of a poster on a board at the entrance
>Missed too much, first aid training doesn't count
>Job won't pay for a second attempt
>Don't want to pay myself, poor
>Let go
Burger was shit
>tfw no wendy's gf
i like getting a cup of chili then eating it at home with extra cheddar and whips with sour cream
dang it.
>tfw remembered wendys being the shit when i was younger when they introduced the baconator
>go to one recently
>burgers are like half the size of mcdonalds burgers and 3x the price
>buns are so papery they just fall apart
I get autistically mad if I leave a restaurant hungry so I can't go to fast food places.
overeating stretches out your stomach making your hunger harder to sate. you did this to yourself.