How do you afford gaming Yea Forums?

How do you afford gaming Yea Forums?

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By living in a country superior to America.

By not living in America so I'm not bankrupted by doctor or hospital appointments

Otherwise I kind of don't

only pay for hardware and never for software

It's simple

just eat nothing but beans and rice for every meal and you'll save loads of money.

Attached: 1553985093487.jpg (400x445, 99K)

>go to college
>get good job
It's that simple.

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I live with my parents and invest 95 percent of my money.

By joining the #YangGang and getting a sweet $12,000 a year to spend on vidya.

Attached: 2019FreedomDividend.jpg (1920x1080, 949K)

When I start living on my own I plan to do the rice and bean diet.

Wait for sales mostly. Also living with parents helps. I would be extremely poor if I moved out on my own.

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