
It's basically Vita but without the OLED, d-pad, good form factor or cheap games.

Bravo Nintendo!

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ur gay

vita was irrelevant the moment it came out and had very few worthwhile games its entire life

t. bought one on launch day

Vita has a better form factor for a handheld. Better controls too.

If only it had any games.

It has thousands.

The Vita was more like the Wii U.

Everything good except like 5 games has been ported to something. The system had nothing of real value.

>cheap games
Smartphones are the right platform for you, they’re re usually only $0.99 or free

Correction: It's basically Vita but with actual exclusives, actual third-party support, HDMI output, splitscreen, actually capable of console-quality graphics and without gimmicky unusable controls.

switch is everything I wanted the 3ds to be. sadly, I don't have a switch but I still have my o3ds that never gets touched

vita was definitely capable of console-quality graphics at the time. 960*544 was unironically used on the ps3 at the time.

That's what OP implies.

You forgot about it actually having first party support and a future.

>actual third-party support
Not really. Switch third-party has been a complete joke.

But the vita had no fucking games you faggot

>actually wanting to pay $60 for fucking handheld games
You're cancer. Kys.

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Don't forget the most important, no proprietary memory cards.

Console quality graphics? Maybe in 2006.
720p lul
it also costs $300 compared to the vita which was what, like 100 at most?

Bought one for smash and zelda, waiting for FE and pokemon and then probably gonna sell it

It has thousands.

Neither does Switch really. Enjoy waiting another 12 months for the next Nintendo game. Until then, enjoy these overpriced indies you can pirate for free on PC.

Let me rephrase that
If only it had any good games

here's the real deal sealer: switch is basically vita but with microsd support, not jewish priced "exclusive" memory cards. I'd argue that was one of the biggest deal breakers for people.

it has hundreds

>the vita which was what, like 100 at most?
Holy shit, snoyboys are actually fucking insane.

It's a Vita except I don't need to pay extra 100 dollars just to play on the big TV as well, I can use standard SD cards for memory instead of overpriced sticks and I actually get virtually the same games. Hell aome games are getting Switch ports instead of Vita ports like Labrynth of Refrain.

>with actual exclusives, actual third-party support
you mean ports
>actually capable of console-quality graphics
yeah the vita was capable of PS2 graphics too
>without gimmicky unusable controls.
i thought you were talking about the switch

>not jewish priced "exclusive" memory card
Instead you get jewish priced bing bing wahoos.

Pick your poison.

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A lot of people complain about the ports, but what they have to keep in mind is that it is convenient to be able to play your old games on a new platform and, for many of them, it's likely the first time they are appearing on a platform which is portable.

You say this as if Vita wasn't a port machine as welll.

I'm a certified Vita fanboy, but besides the dpad the Switch is basically 100% better. That's not even a debate.

Off the top of my head: Astral Chain, Octopath, MHGU, Daemon X Machina, D44M, D55M, MK11, SMT V, Bayo 3. Meanwhile Vita had uh, uhhhhhhh... shit, fucking useless thing didn't even get most indies. What a joke of a platform.

I dont have a switch yet (waiting for an inevitable "pro" version), but in all honesty usually the bing bing wahoo's are decent games in their own right, compared to some of the "AAA" garbage that's been coming out over the years.

P4G, Gravity Rush, Zero Escape, Trigger Happy Havoc, Wipeout 2048, Dragon's Crown.

Still not worth paying $60 for glorified Wii U ports

whenever the switch gets a third party game people just scream "HURRR ANOTHER PORT NINTENDO IS FINISHED"

Didn't it get a Mortal Kombat?

>Good form factor
I see you don't own a Vita. t. own a second generation vita. the form factor literally cramps my hands.

>D44M, D55M, MK11
What a joke. Vita had MK aswell. And also DoA, SFxT, Blazblue and so on.

>objectively best part about vita
>switch dpad is better

I'm biting the bait.

good, OLED is a shit technology
works on my machine
>good form factor
something the vita lacks as well
>cheap games
it's a cartridge based home console what the fuck did you expect

You misread

You also had the PSX and PSP library available to buy on Vita. Switch doesn't even have a basic VC for classic games.

>good, OLED is a shit technology
Seriously. My GS9 burns in daily. Fucking daily. The always on clock is constantly burned in. OLED sucks dicks.

>Doesn't have VC
>literally releasing NES games every month

Take out Reggie's dick from your mouth.

how is that an argument

>pay monthly so you can play two 30 year old games
You just gave me another reason why Vita is superior: free online play.

Imagine there are cocksuckers that actually PAY for Nintendo online.

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>Free online play
Nice avatar, even more appropriate avatar for your post when you have nothing to play for that free online ;)

Imagine being so fucking contrarian you pretend a failed handheld is better than the fastest selling console of all time.*

*In relevant markets. Third world divegrass enthusiasts need not apply.

Literally almost all on ps4 now

>wanting to pay for emulation in the first place

Is this bait?

Imagine defending paying for Smash 12f lag online


>if you point out how the switch was less of a piece of shit than the vita you're a nintendo cock sucker!

Switch is like the vita with an actual game library. Bravo snoyfag

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switch fags love to get defensive over their 720p plastic port machine. guarantee each and every single one of you weighs 300 pounds and currently wearing a shirt with yellow pit stains

>console warrior thinks he's better than someone else

wake me up when pikmin 3 gets included to this pic

>buying a $300 system for inferior ports

Fucking nintendies

arent you over weight? dont even respond to my post if you cant even walk up a flight of steps without losing your breath

The person I'm replying to said the Vita was useless on launch due to a lack of good exclusives. While the games I mentioned are multiplat now they weren't on launch.

freedom wars, Caligula effect, metal gear solid collection, soul sacrifice Delta, killzone mercenaries, tearaway

Is the Vita any good if I just want to play vanguard bandits on the shitter?

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People that say they like the Switch's controls have never used a Vita D-pad before. It's so good.

>vitafags make a thread screeching about the switch, trying to paint it as worse than their garbage pile
>"it's the switchfags who are the bad ones!"
nice projection btw

Don't worry, when you grow and get a job you won't need to argue over what toy is better.

>New Mario
>New Zelda
>New Smash
>New Pokemon
>New Metroid
>New Yoshi
>New Harvest Moon
>New Pokken
>New Fire Emblem
>Maybe new Starfox
>Tons of indie games in store
>Probably other original new games that are on both PC and Switch
>New "powerful" portable console that wants you to play other good games other places

Jokes on you I'm 35 probably older than you and my mom got me a sweet PC and all the consoles for free

Splatoon 1 isn't on the Switch though retard

Apparently, Switch has more shooting games than Vita now

I'm sure you're aware, but literally 97% of the PS4's library up until last year was nothing but ports, remasters, HD remakes, or collections. But then again, it's literally okay when Snoy does it. And don't do that retarded fucking "Woah bro, I never even mentioned Snoy. Why do you assume I'm a Snoyboy?" shit when we both know with 100% accuracy that you're a seething Snoy.

big whoop, it got splatoon 1.5 instead of splatoon 1.

>Star Fox
why bother shilling literal trash