Well, Yea Forums?

Well, Yea Forums?

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I prefer water, thanks.

Just post the buttsecks one and be done with it

Anybody who doesn’t pick the clutch win is a scrub
Noobs make a big deal over clutch wins because they never get them (because they are bad player)
To a good player ez wins get boring and stale because they are common and an exciting match where you pull through and win is 1000x better

I don't know but I sure am thirsty

Somebody just post the edits of that Coca-Cola comic with those normalfag guys so this shitty three gets 404'd until oblivion

Why does he say too easy if it was a clutch win. Why doesn't he say, woah that was a toughie

In bad days the left, in good days the right.


I assume easy win means you trained (grinded) enough to have it easy and clutch means you affronted it unprepared. Both are ok.

Hehehe. Here you go, user~

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How do you do fellow gamers?

>tfw no dgf

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well, as the hardcore gamer I am I must say it really depends on the rank you've got. If I just want to climb fast then I'd prefer easy and short matches. But, if it is for fun, nothing beats a good clutchy clutch.

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Diet Pepsi

Serious question, would you drink a cup of futanari cum if they were real and all that?

Guys, we are the Elite Gamers, nobody can stop us!! *sips Coke Zero*


Ironic shilling is still shilling.

>a cup
I prefer big balled futas that cum by the bucket. Down my throat, please.

Somebody suggest me an edit

Left except I'm not some smug asshole just because I completed a videogame like its some kind of achievement.
Videogames are made to have fun and I have fun when I can relax and turn my brain off as much as possible. Not a fan of TV, so I play games where 'skill' is not a pivotal factor and I can either create stories and goals myself, or on occasion play in other peoples' stories.
Escapism is a huge part of this kind of media and 'muh wins' just takes you out of it.

Left panel: The 1000 year old loli. "She's legal"
Right panel: The underage loli. "S-She's not real..."

Is it vegan?

Imagine being so omega you can't have fun when there is any rivalry or obstacle to overcome

They both have their occasions. A game where the win is secured early due to actually having a plan/course of action that's actually super effective without being cheap is satisfying. But god, that moment when you pull ahead at the last minute. Like a Battlefield conquest game where teams are even on bases, are at low double digit (or even single digit) respawn tickets, and noone can recapture a base, are the most intense I've seen

Not just any, no, but my theoretical futa wife? Yes.

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I can barely enjoy it without it, and with it just reminds me of real life competition I am an unwilling participant in.
Fighting my rival? I'd rather just sleep at this point.
Difficulty is just a barrier to lock the 'win' for people who love chasing the carrot on a stick.
I'd draw, but I have no motivation to improve and games with 3d space allow for easier expression of my vision without any skill or practice.

>Difficulty is just a barrier to lock the 'win' for people who love chasing the carrot on a stick.
...it's called a game.

Jesus fuck, the mind of a 16 year old. You're so fucking dumb it's difficult to find out how to unpackage your idiocy

If you think games are about winning you are sadly mistaken. If you cannot enjoy losing the game, you probably don't actually like the game - only winning. On the bright side, there are thousands upon thousands of games that will cater to this mindset, so enjoy your games.

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Why is the guy on the right lying to himself?

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Is this the most ironic post on Yea Forums?

Because positivity and confidence are empowering. If he relied on pragmatism, he would become discouraged, and never clutch the win.

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If I've had a long day, an easy win. If I got all day, I love the clutch win when I finally get it.

i like easy wins because after a clutch win i always feel like it could have gone either way and it was a fluke that i won whereas in an easy win i clearly establish my superiority and that feels better.

Pretty good, except that "cuck esports". You can't be a cuck without a gf/wife (female).

Oh, most definitely.


near the end I was just cramming memes in, the bottom left logo is loss.

An easy win immediately after a clutch win is the patrician's choice.

I noticed that
Cock esports would make sense and still be meme enough

Someone post the Madden One.

i get it.

By no means was I being sarcastic. The games that people play for the longest never rely on a win to reel in players. MMOs and sandboxes are well known because there is no real win condition; you set your own goals and spend your time as you see fit. Strategy and management games, despite having set campaigns you can achieve 'victory' in are best known for allowing players to do the same as sandboxes and allow a 'freeplay' or 'endless' mode where players can just enjoy the game without all the unnecessary boundaries.
Games that are forgotten quickly are almost always games that are linear and restrictive. FPS PvP games that force you into a win/lose scenario as the only gamemode possible are so forgettable they are cycled out every couple years. By most metrics this would make them bad games because all their merit is in 'the win' and not actual creative freedom.

How many participation trophies did you get as a kid?

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God I fucking hate corporations.

I never knew I was gay until I played Sekiro and realized that Kuro was referred to as a "he" in the subtitles about 13 hours in.

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There's a difference between a good challenge and a win that should have been a loss from the very beginning.

Very few, but I got a few participation ribbons as a young adult.

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You just know

[Game clip recorded]

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the guy on the left looks better

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this has happened to me multiple times
>Almost the entirety of the karate kid remake
>Lief from Animal crossing
>pretty much every guy with a ponytail unless explicitly stated

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>a cup
no way fag
only from the tap

clutch win is more fun after you've won, but full of anxiety while you're playing.

Easy win is kinda sorta fun while playing but afterwards you feel nothing. If all you have is easy wins then losses always feel worse than wins feel good even if you win more than you lose.

The clutch win but with the smugness of the easy win so I can watch the salt roll in like an avalanche.

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One for each season I played a sport.
I didn't care about them back then either though. Going to a pizza parlor with the whole team was the actual fun part.
Why do you ask?

The win that starts as a challenging back-and-forth, but snowballs into being an easy win.

Coke is a really shitty beverage because

>used to drink 3-4 cans of soda a day
>started cutting back to maybe one can per week
>start drinking those sugar free sports drinks like powerade and vitamin water (which I know aren't great either, but have zero sugar)
>lose 15 lbs in a month without doing any exercise
really makes you think

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No, you colossal faggolini

Water is the best gamer fuel according to the 2018's vidya gaem awards.

No, but it would probably be the only truly "cruelty free" thing.

No, I only drink my own cum. It follows the same principle as only eating your own boogers.

>2L bottle of diet coke
>2L bottle of president's choice diet cola
>tastes the exact same
Brand whores are stupid

Im a girl by the way, just felt like sharing that

Guys... I think I'm at the objective!

That's not a fucking Coca Cola™ brand soft drink you whore.

timestamp your tits

>soft drink

>water is free
>get to live an extra 20 years over regular cola drinkers


Soddy pop.

>get to live an extra 20 years over regular cola drinkers
How is this an upside?

>He calls fuzzy bubble drinks "Soda"

The upside is not the last x years you spend as a moldy obsolete wreck, but the years before that.
Most things that change life expectancy also change the "quality life expectancy". When you eat like shit, you also get older faster, not just die faster.

drink water nigga

Theres nothing like the adrenaline rush of clutching out a victory in a fighting game.
Even if you lose, the rush is still kinda there and you can leave, knowing that it was a good match.

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>drink 1-2 bottles of soda a day
>keep surrounding myself with multiple sources telling me to stop fucking drinking soda
>tell myself that night that all i have to do is just cut the soda out and go from there
>drink a bottle of soda the next day
my brain is being suffocated by fat

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Drink a can a day to start

I drink a 24 pack a week.

Number one step is to stop buying it. It's easier to resist something at the store than it is when it's sitting in your fridge.
Replace it with something else. Flavored sparkling water works well for weening.
When you feel a craving for a soda, force yourself to chug a bottle of water first. It will fill your stomach to bursting and may drinking any other liquid seem hellish.
Better yet, stop being a bitch and just stop drinking it.

>literally drinking aids
You know a fucking WOMAN with a dick would be riddled with every possible std.

Left again other players. Right against AI.

>he doesnt drink Water

Stop falling for the carbonated jew

>never feel the need to...
>drink alcohol
>eat carbs and sugar
>do drugs
>have sex
>don't play video games any more
And then last december while I was working at my computer my heart started racing and I felt like I was out of breath. Then I felt like I was going to pass out.

My resting heart rate was at around 170 and my blood pressure was around 160/110

The doctors assume it's anxiety, but I don't have anything to be anxious about. What's wrong with me?

what do you do for exercise? or is your work physically taxing?

Post the porn version

2nd. 1st case means the game will get boring way too fast

Yes, if it was fresh and warm.

My previous job had me walking through the woods for 10 hours, 5 days a week. Now my job is at my computer. I still lift weights between a couple days of cardio.

i dislike excitement
an easy win means everyone played their part optimally, if not perfectly
every move by the enemy team was countered, every one of their potential advantages negated, their every weakness exploited
a clutch win means that the plan had flaws and relied on chance or ad-libbing in order to win, something that should have been accounted for but was somehow overlooked

although this comes from a person who prefers single player games, so the plan for completing objectives is far more predictable and therefore manageable

High IQ answer. A plan coming together perfectly>crazy fumble that ends up in a win by the skin of the teeth.

You say you don't feel the need for sex and masturbate but do you want to? Do you want a romantic relationship? Not fulfilling your desires and hopes is fatal to a human.
Also, salt intake can sneak up on you.

i still believe that some genres of games - namely, fighting games - have gameplay that is more likely to end in clutch wins rather than easy wins, since the entire premise of the game is adapting to an opponents strategy, a potentially very difficult task since your opponent is also trying to act off your actions as well
the name of the game is unpredictability, and as such planning out winning strategies is next to impossible since both you and your opponent are constantly changing tactics in order to adapt to each other's actions

I've always been interested in trying to get good at fighting games, but I always lose motivation.

So instead I've been learning how to draw so I can draw the waifus from the fighting games I wish I could get good at.

You don't give pour body any form of stimulus, and now it thinks it's dying


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i honestly cannot see myself playing any competitively-oriented fighting game, not only because of their complexity but because the majority of the interaction that i've seen between high-level players is trash talk and salt
while i know for the most part it's not meant to be taken seriously, i still can't help but see it as genuine
in multiplayer games the main draw is synchronization and teamwork in order to make a plan work, but in games like street fighter or even melee its all about exploiting if not bending the mechanics of the game in order to pull off a win

in short, competitive 1v1 games really are ruthless

why do you keep making this pointless thread?

I already do from my tulpa wife faggot

That's disgusting. I want to BE the futa, not fuck them.


the opposite happened to me once and I was pissed.
I thought this chick was a dude and my hopes were shattered. Doesn't help that the game actually called her a HE a few times, fucking natsume niggers
fuck this game, the farming was awful anyway

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The left in both winning and losing. i want my matches over quick.

i used to have an edit of this that was really funny. i accidentally deleted it ages ago. does anyone have it?

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wow i need to filter this md5, may god have mercy on your soul


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>Stomp otherside even though you're doing dumb shit and fucking around
>Gut busting laughter

>Sweat like fuck and just barely clutch out a win
>Victory roar

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your potassium levels are probably fucked up and your doctor is a lazy hack who probably cheated on his medical exam.


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Only if it was my wife's futanari cum.

>if they were real
What did he mean by this?

>you will never be BLACKED by a strong coke life drinking negro
why even live?

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I'd rather drink it from a cute trap

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Why not?

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No user, You don't understand.

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Fuck off tranny woman don’t have dicks u cockmongling retard

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no that's fucking gay


>slang for homosexual
>meaning someone who is attracted to others of the same sex
>someone who is attracted to an other or different sex
It's only gay if you're a futanari.


id guzzle it down every day

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>scared i have a serious medical issue
>tell myself that if i don't go to the doctors it doesn't exist
a-anyone else haha