Hello Yea Forums, you're up way past your bed time, aren't you? Hope you've slipped into something comfortable...

Hello Yea Forums, you're up way past your bed time, aren't you? Hope you've slipped into something comfortable, I know I have. If you're new to town or just new to this whole radio thing, you're listening to The VTMB Thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Hi Deb.

please god let 2 be good

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Hello Caller?

It won't. Go watch the interview with the stupid npc company woman.

There's such a thing as too much information.

The prince is bent lol

Hi Deb.

She needs to get all of her decisions approved by the original writer.

You mean the cuck and his SJW wife that ruined Dead State? Yeah, ok.

The writer they're using is a npc cuckold dude.

Hi Deb.

I'm sure it'll be just fine.

Attached: VTMB2-WritingSample.jpg (508x1514, 676K)

Why is her radio so comfy?

And yet he made the original bloodlines.

Yeah he had people that actually told him to not be a retard. Paradox is outright telling him to go MORE political and cuckold shit.


relaxing low tempo lustrous voice that would stay with you all night. Its proxac for the lonesome.

The new wod books literally have stuff talking about how feeding on people is rape and it should be censored to be more progressive. These are the type of people they have working on the new game.

Is that all the reason?
If it is, are there real life radios like that? I have seen people ask it in other threads, but I don't remember the replies.

You means she's Jewish AND a woman?

There was no saving Dead State.
>making a grid-based tactics survival game with an engine that doesn't natively support RPGs, grid combat, or anything else your game revolves around
>somehow run out of time and be forced to gut the entire advertised diplomacy and friend-or-foe interactions with other survivor groups in a game where all the NPCs are just a portrait, generic model, and a text bubble
>engine also has virtually zero modding support and actively thwarts attempts to fuck with it, so the the fanbase can't even give this disaster the Morrowind treatment

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I think you're exaggerating, it just said consensual feeding can be part of the morality system

There's nothing latenight with a woman like that. The closest would be Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM but he's dead now.

I'm not, go read about the gay islamic black vampire who with his other minority vampires fights the oppressors of his people.

And coast to coast nowadays is absolute shit

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That was the /x/ guy right?
I remember having heard his radio sometimes in the past. I didn't known that he was gone; sad.

Been playing with the the latest Unofficial patch and the max ammo for guns is stuck to the default mag size.
Is this a feature or another damned bug?

Everything past the 90's ruined vampires forever. They're literally just pale emos now.

"Welcome to Coast to Coast's official YYUUTUBE channel"

There's probably some Independent stations that do things like that. But even those have been taken over by podcast type programs.

Hey Deb, opinions on Vampires as a fetish?

if he disagrees with her it's misoginy and he's going to get fired and probably can't find another job again

What do you mean? You can only have one mag, or 6 mags for a gun that holds 6 rounds?

A new player on the Kindred scene, Rudi commands an impressive following as an Anarch representative for the oppressed and repressed minorities in vampire society. Though his concerns extend to kine as well, his recent entry into Kindred existence has shown him that the fights mortals must undertake for equality are just as pressing for immortals. Rudi’s nightly life hasn’t changed much since the Embrace. He still makes his haven in Copenhagen, still hangs with the same friends, and still attends the same clubs. He has only expanded his concerns; in addition to advocating for fellow mortal minorities, he now champions Gangrel kept out of havens and feeding grounds by sprawl, stands up for female Kindred in cities run by traditionally misogynistic elders, and encourages the adoption of progressive norms over tradition wherever possible. Some might think Rudi’s combination of practicing Islam and unabashed queerness contradictory, but few challenge the “Bear Gangrel” with this notion. Fast becoming the animale du jour, Rudi wins fellow discontented Kindred over with his targeted approach against elitists and Camarilla hardliners. Some European Princes fear he will lead a crusade in years to come, in an attempt to level the establishment.

coast to coast "what book are we selling tonight" with george noory

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Any good podcasts with a sultry female voice?

Yeah, Art had a comeback online a few years ago and we had nightly live listening threads on /x/. Was comfy while it lasted.

Ready for this user... he's just as bad as her.

Yeah, Bloodlines was great. But part 2 will be ruined, I guarantee you.

what class should i pick for first playthrough?

The type of people that wrote this shit, is who is working on the new game. So don't get your hopes up.

Whatever you like except Malk or Nosferatu. Do not play them first.

That has nothing to do with the original argument.

So how does starting a tabletop session work? Like do players just assume they've already been embraced and shown the ropes, or are there usually sessions where they go through each player's character being embraced, surviving the first couple nights etc. I know Sabbat games are typically the players as 'middle management' but what about the cam/anarchs?

Yes it does.
This is the type of shit that guy writes and believes when he has no one to stop him and now he has no one to stop him.

Malkavian and Nosferatu is better left to later playthoughts.
Brujah and Toreados have Celerity that is slowmon that is one of the most fun and broken abilities, but Brujah specializes in melee and Toreador in range combat, and range only becomes stronger than melee in late game.


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that writing team got fired, so they did get stopped

Nothing wrong with playing them first if they sound the most interesting to someone. Myself and plenty of others played Malk first and loved it. Let people make their own decisions.

A gun fully loaded is the maximum amount of ammo you can

No they didn't. All of the people that got purged were the people that didn't do shit like
And we already confirmed from the guy himself and the woman doing that interview that this is the type shit they want to write. What are you some sort of dumbfuck delusional shill?

It says nothing about feeding being rape and it needing to be censored like you claimed.

Thats because we aren't talking about that, that was just an example of these people mentality. You're changing the argument.

Nos is not recommended for those with no experience with the game and setting. Malk is fine for first playthrough, not like you need to understand every references to the dialogue.

You never proved your original argument asshole

Feeding has always been rape, vamps commit the 7 sins all the time, and there's no other thing to stretch to make it to lust.

My original argument was that these people are cucks who think like that you fucking idiot and I'm proving that by literally posting shit from their books.

Is this a canon image?

There's enough to criticize without making shit up and discrediting yourself


So you're claiming
is made up now. Cute. Kill yourself shill.

Is this is the fucking shitposting the unreleased sequel can induce, i don't have high hopes for it.

Fag vampires is a sign of gehenna

Pick Ventrue, the white man's clan. Did you know Br*jah make up 12% of kindred population, but are responsible for the majority of ALL violent crime? The nosferatu cries out as he strikes you, he is a coward and a subverter. The gangrel is perhaps the lowest of them all, these streetshitters fear plumbing and dine on rats.

Last, I'll leave you with the following...

Trust a werewolf before a br*jah, and a br*jah before a nosferatu... but do not trust a malkavian.

Well you have npcs like
Who will defend it.

Toreador best Clan

40% of all malks end up killing themself.

I mean look at this shit, these are the type of people that will be writing it.

They're completely assblasted at the idea that someone might play a political incorrect vampire.

Attached: You're not allowed to have fun guys.png (1893x1024, 426K)

CK2 and europa aren't cuckold. name another game the lets you kick out jews and genocide brown people

I give it about 2% chance. Still better than nothing.

>Vampire the masquerade is not a facist friendly game. If you're a neo-nazi, "alt-righter" or whatever you're calling yourself now a days. We urge you to put this book down and seek help.

Fucking lel I can't believe a tabletop game is fucking preaching at me.


Different writers/teams. Please stop ignoring reality.

I'll wait and see what comes down the pipeline

>nick picking through pen and paper books that aren't related with the game or its writers

the number is 13% bro

Man of haste.

same publisher, and that post was specifically referring to the publisher putting pressure on the team to be cucked and sjw.

Are the Tremere the jews in this analogy?

What is the camarilla's tax policy?

I only said your claim about "feeding being rape and it needing to be censored" is made up. Not sure what your deal is, if you're just confused, or purposely shitposting/trolling. You just start rambling about Rudi and cucks and using buzzwords instead of showing where it said feeding is rape and it needs to be censored. Stupid shitposter.


>This is the game they're based off of
>interviewer talks about this sort of stuff as how they want to write it
>hire a writer who shills for this sort of stuff
So are you stupid or just delusional?
Publishers aren't the same thing as devs.

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I don't have much enthusiasm for whatever gets excreted through sewage pipes. But sure, i'll wait, someone might have accidentally flushed a rolex down the toilet.

>They're completely assblasted at the idea that someone might play a political incorrect vampire.
It says playing one is fine. Actually being a Nazi is what they have a problem with. That's not really the same thing.


jesus you are obtuse. The post I was replying to originally was talking about the publisher.

>be an incel
>meet Bertram Tung
>he turns you into a Nosferatu
>now you're a powered up basement dweller
>visit all the stacies of your campus
>turn them into nosferatu
Such is the life of the 4channel vampire

not that user.
Publishers has a lot of pull on what gets and doesn't get in the game. WhiteWolf is also quite diddly on the projects involving their intellectual properties.

No it didn't. Learn how to read. Please read the last paragraph starting at What if someone wants to play a fascist.

It outright says otherwise.

>"if your group wants to play the game in a certain way, here's how to do it"
You're overreacting and really misinterpreting what it says.

What if I don't stop reading? Am I raping their text with my fascist eyes?

The *only* thing that gives me a sliver of hope regarding VTM:B2 is the fact there were some big ole tiddies being flaunted in the trailer. Maybe they can deliver something cool.

Probably not, but maybe. I hope they do.

>not making them your ghoul and making them spread the gentle housewives movement

Do you not pay attention to other western games user? Publishers think this sort of thing will make them money.

Kiyama is that you

I think the humanity system in the p&p rpg is really terrible. The fact that humans are suppose to have such a great pleasure from the kiss also seems terrible.
The idea of the humanity system, of losing control as you lost discipline, makes sense. But the implementation as a mechanic is ridiculous.
The other "roads" to avoid their equivalent to humanity are also very silly.

I liked that VtmB didn't give so much importance to this aspect (you will never become a beast due to killing people) and tailored it to the game. But VtmB2 seems to be putting more focus on it, wich makes me afraid about the game's quality.

I've read the thing multiples times and my disdain grew each time.
I must be Goebbels at this point.

>anything beside shitposting from the sewers

>Game about vampires
>lol censor your group if your group is sensitive and bothering to actually write shit about it, inside of the book in a game where you're a vampire who literally are god awful people.

That wuts am saying neonate.

Yes. You are literally raping women by reading the book and playing this game.

Thats probably a tranny.

>if you're playing with someone who was raped and they might get upset about being reminded of it, you can avoid it

Then why are you replying to me because I'm saying that the game is fucked because of this shit.

We live in a jyhad

>the virgin schreknet poster
>the chad alleyway sneaker

Wods vamprie has never made sense because there are a let of vampires that have curses that really aren't a big deal.

>person that has been raped playing a game where you rape, murder and torture people
Yeah no. Try again user.

I'd rather be a gangrel tbqh

she is in

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Thats better than a nos, but only because you can avoid becoming ugly as fuck if you're smart.

As a fully transition transman.

As a tranny probably.

desu it'd be pretty hot to start as a dude and then become a sexy lady.

There's fleshcrafting magic in setting as well.

As a gay man, I must say that vampire "consensual feeding" is the faggiest thing I've ever heard.

>I vant to suck your blooood... vith your consent of course!

Really, bitch?

Gangrel are like shit tier werewolves

Do Toreador only like physically beautiful people or does your personality count?

Yeah but thats not the trans experience of being a hideous monster that no one in their right mind would ever love or touch. So that won't be how it's done.

It's not saying don't play a fascist. It's saying don't actually be a fascist.

I like to roleplay as an evil murdering vampire in VtMB and have them go through one of the "bad" endings because they deserve it. I can do that without actually supporting evil murderers. That's all it's saying.

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Vampires can't into sex change, they return to their original form when embraced

Thats what happens when cucks take over your game.

You're not forced to do those things and the whole point of these games is for people to tell their own stories.

>being a hideous monster that no one in their right mind would ever love or touch
VTM has that covered as well.


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those crafted by the Tzimisce laughs at you in their kindred surgery clinics.

Read the paragraph you fucking idiot. It says that facists are something for players to destroy, not be.

Toreador like art and beauty

>I can't believe a tabletop game is fucking preaching at me.

It's literally some fat woman with a nose ring who got her job by writing gay vampire porn on fanfiction.net. Like a serial-killer who wears her victim's skin.

Are you actually under the impression that npcs would care about any of that?

No they don't. Every night they turn into whatever they looked like at the time of their embreace. There's a vampire who had a broken jaw and it never healed even after she got turned because it happened long before.

Blade movie kind of references that when the black girl talks about Frost's scar.

What an absolute unit.

>interested in looking like humans

All vampires are forced to feed and do amoral things to survive, it's literally the point of the setting. Please fuck off.

I had no idea this was a thing, but I'm willing to bet there are some people who are salty as hell about it, and that's hilarious.


Yeah but even the NOS are less ugly than trannies user.

You're just seeing what you want to see because you're fanatical. It literally says playing a character whose ideals you oppose can be a good thing. And it says the chance at redemption is a big part of it too, you don't just have to destroy everything. You should stop posting for a while and calm down until you can think more logically instead of foaming at the mouth over everything you see.

I wonder when she will be hired to write for the pc game.

>If it is, are there real life radios like that?
Where I live there is a lady with a warm voice who hosts the graveyard shift on the classical music channel. There is no flirty undertone like with Deb, but it is nice.

I was thinking of Tzimisce.

No I'm actually reading the paragraph. Like the part where it talks about facists only existing for the players to destory and not be. I love how you're actually gaslighting right now to defend this shit.

Tzimisce are more sane than trannies user

>you're forced to rape, murder, and torture!
>no you're not
>y-yeah well you're forced to feed and be amoral

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If you are a trap and a vampire embrace you, you will be a trap for eternity.
Tzimisce Clan is into heavy body modification tho.

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>not using vicissitude to have a sercret arsenal of projectile penises
Tzimisce uses a form that suit them or they fancy. From a 10ft tentacle hulk to 2 ft cunny loli.

In what language? And can I hear it online?

user, it literally says playing a character with opposing ideals can be good but they should be redeemed or destroyed. It's not saying don't play one at all.

yeah, that's the point.
Humans are just food for Kindred, you may like, pet and cuddle your livestock, but they are still livestock.
Its a struggle to keep in the trappings of humanity when the beast claws at you. When you gotta feed, you gotta feed.

>After all the player characters are something unique and special, something facists cannot abiide in the section about players wanting to play fascists.
Almost like you're lying.

Once again the setting is literally about being forced to do amoral things to survive and that humans don't matter so they're treated as fodder and cattle. Please fuck off if you don't understand the setting

>to 2 ft cunny loli.
Shame, don't remember any lolis in the orginal game, doubt we will see any this time either.

The one who typed that pasta is a Tremere.
don't trust its lies.

I can't blame them for wanting to be women and play life on easy mode.

I really like nature too, only issue is ticks are a huge problem around where I live. Maybe if I were an ecoterrorist gangrel attacking pentex outposts or whatever the werewolves would be confused enough to let me live

>he doesn't remember Yuki

It's almost like you don't understand context. Differentiate between fascist characters in the game and actual fascists in real life.

Yes somewhere else on an unrelated topic it might say that.

But you see you stupid piece of shit. There is this topic titled. Facists in play where it says otherwise.

Come on, that's not cunny material, Jailbait at best

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Except the only person ignoring context is you. Because starts off as what if you have a player that wants to be a fascist and just talks about how they're npcs that exist to be destroyed and then talks about how players are special something that facists would hate and aren't. Why are you gas lighting user?

It's also about keeping the Beast in check and trying to hold onto your humanity. And you're still never forced to rape/murder/torture like that poster claimed. If a group of people want to play the game their own way because someone has issues with the sexual aspect of it, it's pretty stupid for you to get upset over that.

It's going to be trash.

Well, if you're a lone wolf better a gangrel than a caitif

Nope, that is just a lore and mechanic that exists for the players to fuck up with, like clan weaknesses. It's another reason that players ARE FORCED to do amoral things or frenzy and kill mortals. Please fuck off if you don't understand the setting.

>Because starts off as what if you have a player that wants to be a fascist and just talks about how they're npcs that exist to be destroyed
It does not say they're only NPCs and gives advice on how to play them. You're really having a hard time understand this because you want it to be the way you're saying.

Feeding is effectively rape, you are forced to feed.

Ghouls are people that are fed blood and become addicted to it like crack and get mind raped. So that isn't consent either.


You dumb gaslighting piece of shi0t


Stop editing the complete sentence to fit your agenda.

thematically they just fit desu

The rest of the sentence doesn't go against what I said. It still says you can play a fascist, although preferably they should be redeemed or destroyed. Just don't actually be a fucking fascist in real life supporting real fascist politics. It's your own issue to deal with if you have a problem with someone saying they don't like fascism.

No it doesn't. Becuase if it did it would be in the part where it talks about playing one.

You're literally like someone who didn't fully read a rulebook, and then quotes an unrelated paragraph earlier in the rule book to claim well it doesn't say that here, ignoring the part of the rule book that talks directly about the rule itself.

You niggers and the writers should clarify what they and you mean by "facist". Because it boiled down to "thing i don't like" these days.

user I don't give a shit what people play, I'm just pointing out that the people who wrote this are fucking morons.

As for what they mean by fascist, they literally mean anyone they don't like. That's how these people work.

you niggers constantly whining and screeching doom about the preachy rulebook are even worse than it

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I wonder if they'll actually deliver on their promise of making more Clans available post-launch and whether one of those will be the Tzimisce.

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Half of the people criticizing the shit are just misinterpreting it or completely making stuff up.

The anarchs are cancer so.

As overpriced DLC, sure.

Ah so you're that pic then. You keep on gaslighting.

They will let you be the transclan. Your clan weakness is the fact that 40% of you kill yourselves.

>True vampire communism has never been tried.

What's actually wrong with fascist politics though? Remember morality is a social construct.

Nah, they said more clans would be released as free DLC after the game's release.

You forget your picture of damsel when you posted that.

Wow. I did not think LaBitch could look even faggier than ingame. Good job I guess.

you read that book and think OH SO JUST BECAUSE IM NOT LIKE YOU IM A FACIST AND CANT BE MYSELF IN THE GAME???? and then when anyone tells you no, that's not what they mean at all you call them an SJW because they disagree with you, you guys are seriously fucking morons

>Remember morality is a social construct.
And that's why its a good thing.

Well the true fascists are the people who wrote this sort of shit and believe that everyone that holds opinions they don't shouldn't be allowed to play their game.

You did a great job of being that picture user. It was good ironic shitpost.

God i just want to beat his head in with that scepter.

Not really. There's plenty of shit with VtMB2 to criticize like Cara Ellison being a cliche gurl power man hating type sometimes, or them saying that parts of VtMB are problematic. Those are legitimate points.

Being upset over the book saying you can avoid the sexual themes if people in your game don't want it isn't the same thing as the original poster claiming it says it's rape and needs to be censored. Nor is the book saying you can play a fascist but you're not forced to support it saying that you have to self-insert as an ultraleft SJW. Exaggerating and making things up just discredits real criticism.

Well no, it's neither good nor bad. For instance look at Murder, it's only bad because society says it's bad. If I were to murder a bum with no family and felt no remorse for it does it really matter? He's dead so he doesn't care.

Yes really. No matter how much you deny proof of the type of people they're hiring to work on this, it won't change reality. You keep on gaslighting buddy.

>or them saying that parts of VtMB are problematic. Those are legitimate points.
Only problematic to dumbasses that can't diffuse fantasy and rejects things that exist in reality.

Is there anyone more deserving of being hatefucked?

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>Tells you to stop reading this book
>doesn't say you can play one and says that they exist for the players to defeat
>Tells you to shut down players if they want to play one
Fucking lel


Depends on the what the group wants to do. You pick your vamps age at the last stage of character creation so if your group wants to play as centuries old big bastards you get extra xp to spend on things like extra stats, more contacts/resources or more dots in powers.

You can play anything from newbies to elders.

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Yeah, honestly I'm more worried about people who can't separate fiction from reality and act like things that are happening in games are real. The delusion is more worrying than people enjoying fictional content.

I'm sorry user. But you will never pass as a woman, and this how other people will find your corpse later on.

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Not really. Maybe that girl that pretends to be British? But she would probably willingly fuck you and at least she's not an actual retarded vampire commie.

>tfw no Damsel x LaCroix porn

Attached: Damsel.jpg (620x414, 22K)

what game?

I don't think it will be good, but I'll still play it.

People can't shit gold try again

>its just a stick of not butter.

>d-discord tranny!
lol don't be pathetic now

Todd ?

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Gods of Castlevania Colossus.

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Oh no user I don't think you're some discord tranny, I just think you're an actual tranny and will kill yourself soon. Which is great for everyone else.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

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Wait is that some anti piracy thing?

lord have mercy on the damned.

Is there any radio station with a similar feel to this? I want to fall asleep to it

No it's just a little quip. Kind of sad thinking back at how poorly the game sold even though how good it is.

more of a humorous jab.

Oh okay then. wish my friends would do tabletop

To be fair it's pretty glitchy and unfinished.


pray for them

why does this game have so many hot redheads
VTMB2 looks to continue this tradition, too bad it'l be a shit game made by a shit developer

Yeah but even with all of its issues it's still my favorite game and does a lot better than most others

is blade world of darkness?

well it was a buggy mess and patching games were not as fluid as it is now.
Cult hit though. Been seeing it posted online since 00's.

Good evening, Deb.

Attached: good evening deb.jpg (892x896, 64K)

may the maggots feast on their flesh as they expire so that wholesome lives may spring forth from their putrid existence.

No. Blade is a comic book.


>malkavians = tumblr
>gangrel = deviantart
>brujah = twitter
>ventrue = ?
>nosferatu = Yea Forums
>tremere = reddit
>toreador = instagram

Best Clan.

Attached: Tzimizce embrace candidate.jpg (760x908, 70K)

No but I think the first Blade movie is probably the closest thing to VtMB in movie form.

Old Clan Tzimisce is miles ahead of your tranny freaks.

>ventrue = linkedIn

I have spent years thinking about trying to start a late night radio like that.
It's even my dream job but it wouldn't make real money
Would people actually listen if I made it?

>ventrue = ?

Attached: wcbbt.jpg (400x352, 15K)

Who is the coolest Kindred and why is it Strauss?

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tfw not a chair for a cute tzimisce girl

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>Would people actually listen if I made it?
Probably, especially now with interest in VtMB picking up again. People are always asking about a similar radio show, although it'd probably be harder to do it unscripted because it relies a lot on entertaining callers.

>Who is the coolest Kindred

Attached: jeanette.jpg (894x894, 93K)

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wrong sister

And once again, Ventrue and Toreador are shown to be the best clans.

Attached: Ventrue meets Toreador.jpg (653x531, 146K)

Nah, Theresa is frigid

>not tremere
toreador are only good for being cumdumps

Not even trying to get wacky interesting callers just people who will talk. Cause damn that's hard to do

Attached: toreador master race.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

The challenge is part of the appeal

And Tremere are untrustworthy kikes that should have been gassed centuries ago

She would bite your dick off, the girl has some daddy issues

>calling tremere untrustworthy
I get that you want to fuck Velvet, but come now user.

Lets be real here, not a single vamp girl in VTMB is wife material, but Jeanette and Velvet are top-tier sluts

Naah nigga I play Malks. Doesnt change the fact that Tremere are scumbags that nobody likes.

Pisha seems loyal, kek
>imagine the smell

What about male toreadors?

Not sure if I'd consider her loyal, she even says she's not your friend but she never tried to manipulate you and was fair with everything.


No, they were fired, because apparently whoever wrote that legitimately fucked up Chechnya fanfic stuff caused a row with the Kremlin. I can appreciate having balls but holy shit that is not how you expose anti-gay death squads, shit was bordering on cheap exploitation of real life misery.

Attached: Isaac_Abrams.png (964x964, 782K)

She keeps her dead lover name too

pump and dump
too much daddy/rape/batshit crazy issues

>No one's posted it yet


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It's called MC

iirc, the Chechnya writers were fired and replaced by the dumbfucks that wrote Rudi

Oh shit, first time I see this, there's a wolf here when you go to the pier for the first time.

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cumdumps for fags

>shit was bordering on cheap exploitation of real life misery
the lore is full of real life history bits tho.

That's Becket

Indeed, but it used history, not recent events. Chechnya still has ongoing issues, which is very different than saying Carthage regularly blood sacrificed children.

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Yeah it took me a few playthroughs to notice that too. I like those little details.

The problem is muslims, I bet you if put a pedo priest in vtmb2 and nobody will give a fuck

If this nigga doesn't make it in I'm ending it all.


Was he antitribu or something?

What is the best Path and why is it Entelechy?

such a good game

Gehena sect

mmmm can you smell the hobo aids brother??

our guy

our girl

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we salute your sacrifice

>a tzimisce will never turn you into his warframe

Except those people aren't who I'm talking about

>You've played VtMB at least 20 times? Hop in.

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>Stands up for female kindred

But why? VTMB is one of the few worlds where male and female vampires are truly equal, the only factor in their strength is age.

How angry will Yea Forums get when VTMB2 includes a 2020 version of this?

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Why angry? It's funny.

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>No clit
Did boko harem get to her or something?

if a girl looks in your general direction ever she is craving your penis desu

Ah, it's current year, sweety. Jokes don't exist anymore. Something like that is a highly political statement.

Pretty angry when its just some tumblr blog about hating white men instead of that.

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>you will never exchange fax numbers with an elder that knows how to use fax machines

It's a bit too easy to get a lot of humanity in the game, you can get to 10 super fast.


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>Pubic hair
>Only one pierced nipple

when i reached the sabbat hotel level and witnessed the fucking hordes of "Sabbat Thug" i didnt want to spend 5 hours wasting ammo so i hit the old noclip to where heather dies, am i a pleb for doing this anons?

this is visual terrorism

>tzimisce tranny doctors
now THIS is sjw faggotry i can get behind

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“My Favorite Murder” can scratch my occasional cravings for a Deb of the Night-like need. The two female hosts are interesting enough to have on in the background and have pleasant voices.

>never played VTMB, been interested but never started
>saw a dream where I turned into a vampire yesterday
Shit I guess that's a sign. Can I pirate the game and still use the official patch? Any newfag guides around?

download a 1.2 version of the game and get the unofficial patch. Use Patch Extras at your own risk.

pleb.A well thought build and some bags of elder vitae make the level bearable

Sadly, highly uikely.

What is the best overhall mod that changes a ton of shit. Seems to be a few.

The Tremere really do get all the good shit.

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they also get fucked over whenever they try to improve their status as a clan

No, Tzimisce

i was a tremere and i could've easily suicided, tranced, and shot and fed my way through but i just didn't wanna

As always

>they also get fucked
now neither of us will be virgins

>tfw the tzimisce are the ones that actaully get a war form in pnp, not gangrel

No, they're the same people. It's from the same book.

Where do you guys read up the lore? Is there a rundown I can read about everything?


Yeah it's just something they added because they couldn't get animal transformation to work, I'm guessing.

Because it's written by some fat blue hair who thinks women are opressed always.

You can get cliffnotes searching on wikis but there's about 15 years worth of books published under the brand.

Fun fact:
The VA for Deb was born in Hong Kong.
Some of you old timers from Hong Kong might remember the radio personality Uncle Ray who used to have an evening show, mainly music though. I think he's still broadcasting to this day.

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really cool detail in CQM
afaik there are two ways to end up in east la: on is you join Andrei and he sends you there to get integrated in their way of life/track down the sarcophagus. The other is if you go full cammy. then there's a segment wedged in towards the end of the game where you go to east la to infiltrate and sabotage the local sabbat. In the first case you go, or at the very least can go, without killing bishop vick. (I'm pretty sure that will have implications in talking to Hazel, but that's not what I'm after here) If you go the cammy route then you will have killed Vick before you get there.

You remember the guy who works the door for Vick and asks if you've been enlightened? Black guy, green jacked, some kind of beanie and yellow-y shades? Well when you kill Vick, you kill his meaning in life. Lucky for him, there is another insane preacher in town. If you go the cammy route, that guy will be hanging around outside Hazels church. The same character-model will not be there if you go the straight Andrei route.

cool detail.

Facism, or any ideology, is no less of a social construct than morality. They exist in the same frame of reference.

>download Age of Redemption
>become addicted to kindred vitae
every time

the function of the anarchs is to protect vampire from vampire
the function of the sabbat is to protect vampire from ancient
the function of the camarilla is to protect vampire from humans

in order to protect vampire from vampire, the anarchs break the rules that the camarilla enforce, increasing the threat form humanity
in order to protect vampire from ancient, the sabbat breed ferocity, and fearlessness, and their method is contempt. this makes them ignore the human threat, increasing it, and makes them impose on vampires. this makes them an enemy of all, but also capable of remaining in spite of how hateful they make themselves.
the camarilla, in defending against the human threat, impose on vampire society. There will always be those vampires who can not accept being tread upon. This makes the camarilla an enemy of the anarchs, and in fact creates the anarchs.

If the camarilla grows stronger it spawns the anarchs.
if the anarchs grow stronger, they necessitate the camarilla.
and all vampire society needs the sabbat as wild guardians, but their task makes peace impossible.

to be a vampire is to be political, and to be political is to suffer.

t. first year poli sci student putting on airs

Who the fuck listens to the radio in 2019?
>inb4 zoomer

it can be pretty comfy. it's like if you come across a movie on tv it is much more bearable than if you had chosen to watch it yourself. the fact that you didn't make a choice about the content makes you much less critical. i feel that way anyways.

Old people and those stuck in cars with people with tastes in music that are too different for them to agree with. Podcasts and online streams have basically taken over the talk show audience.

>On my 6th playthrough as a Nosferatu
>Give blood to Heather in the hopsital
>she starts screaming and call security on me

Is this supposed to happen?

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And if you go that route you need to be a *competent* writer and be smart as hell, not a keyboard warrior twitter reject who doesn't know the difference between activism and exploitation any more. There's a reason so few games even dare to incorporate any real-life stuff and especially current events, other than Deus Ex (the original) pretty much all other games are Tomb Raider-levels of fantasy minimum. That's because writing for games is complex enough already, and setting it in reality is on a wholly different level.

>I do not understand.I was strolling through the hospital and see a girl bleeding.I give her my blood to help her.Instead of being grateful,she is disgusted and calls for security.Tuly,modern kine women are whores and go for the Toreadors,instead of a good and intelligent Nosferatu gentleman like me

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White Wolf was gutted after they caused an international incident

You mean White Wolf was gutted when the vampires found out they got too close to the truth

Does the unofficial patch + add a significant amount of good content? I played through all the side quests on my first basic edition playthrough and am wondering if I should go for another, even if the shitton of pisspoor stealth/combat near the end of the game is a bit offputting.

Will the keep the big attention to details like the NPCs who shelter when it rains ?

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BL thread and no leaks posted. wtf

did nobody save the renders from artstation? some people said there were names attached to the NPCs from the announcement trailer as well.

Holy shit they know.

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no they don't
I t' s a l l i n y o u r h e a d

based and cringepilled

They know about the warehouse too, what am I gonna do ?


Stab that newsreading fucker in the face. He wont be able to finger you if he's dead

I did it but my TV's broken now.

Dont worry you're safe then. He lives in there.

Good. Nobody mess with me.

what are some /comfycore/ radio stations I can listen online Yea Forumsros?

they're loud and obnoxious but if you're in the mood listening to old episodes of car talk can be pretty nice


Which clan has the most effect on the game aside from malk and nos?

unique discipline unique haven unique strauss dialogues unique Andrei dialogue easier gargoyle fight

if you go full cammy ventrue there were some lines that seemed specific with lacroix, but it wasn't much. is there anything if you go go brujah-anarch?

Ah cool. That's what I'm playing as.

I don't know about Nos but with the other clans as long as you don't tell her you just fed her your blood you can walk away without her calling security.

Does every password in the game have an in-game tell or are some of them just impossible unless you have a high enough hacking skill and you remember them on future playthroughs?

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I was autistic enough to remember important ones like panacea or lighthouse

It's got a chance, even if it is slim.

Yes since you can pirate the gog version which already include the patch.


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You say that but Jeanette fucked Bertram.

t. Brujahnigger Anarch

Even if despite the odds it turns out good, you'll never be able to discuss it on Yea Forums again.
Thats not Beckett.

I think the passwords needed for main quests can usually be found in the environment but some side quests need hacking

I was dreaming that I was playing VtMB and found a new area to explore. I hope 2 is good.