Bloodborne is the only Miyazaki game with valid qualities OTHER than difficulty...

Bloodborne is the only Miyazaki game with valid qualities OTHER than difficulty. The world and lore are genuinely interesting and look cool.

Souls games
>Drab gray generic dark fantasy

>Bland generic Japanese majin samurai shit (like Onimusha)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh wow it's another fucking cathedral filled with werewolves

What is it about Sekiro that got all you snoy Bloodborne faggots so riled up you feel the need to make the exact same thread every ten minutes?

Sekiro overtook bloodborne in terms of popularity and respect. bloodborne is almost exclusively liked by school shooters

>bloodborne is almost exclusively liked by school shooters
stop making it sound cooler than it really is

My favorite thing about Bloodborne is that it's still PS4 exclusive.

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Why are BBfaggots so insecure? Sekiro is just better, stop shitposting

They cant handle that everyone can play a better Miyazaki game while Bloodborne still cant break 4 mil sold on a console with 100million users.

>Souls games

Kys my man. A japanese take on western fantasy is fucking top notch.

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I'm sure you're just trying to get a rise out of people here but I actually genuinely agree.

but there was only one cathedral filled with werewolves in the game

Best /fa/ out of any of the games

Dark Souls has a lot of color.
I'm particularly fond of Irithyll (aurora aesthetic in a snowy ghost city) and the profaned capital (opulent ruins mixed with swamp and piles of treasure) in DS3. Dark Souls 1 did a lot with gold and metallic textures as well (O+S) Where it is very grey, the magic, particles, and fire motifs still pop.

I liked the other games but yeah you're right the ayylmao stuff really resonated with me desu

>not liking all three

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Dark Souls 2 and 3 are the only ones that fall for the "Prepare to Die xddd" meme. Sekiro's only fault is that it's overly strict and doesn't really allow for fun creative approaches.

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> posts mimic
Wow, It's like that thing from generic D&D universe
Are Yea Forumstards really this stupid or they just trolling?

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> not beeing casual like 1 makes the game fall for difficulty meme
This is what 1 apologists actually believe

>Bloodborne is the only Miyazaki game with valid qualities OTHER than difficulty. The world and lore are genuinely interesting and look cool.
Well, maybe it's because he gets off with Lovecraftian concepts and literally dreams with Berserk every single night. The man was born to do something like Bloodborne, not Dark Souls.

>physically unable to understand context
>calling others stupid
there's only one retard here. That's not even a joke, though. You should really seek help.

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and it was an optional one at that

Use words you know the meaning of

That's why its good

>bloodborne is almost exclusively liked by school shooters
And that's a bad thing?

> Generic things stop beeing generic if made by japs
I refuse to believe that people stupid like this browsing the same board with me

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>The world and lore are genuinely interesting

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I can play that game too


>quick attacking beast enemy that makes a SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAARHHHH sound

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>muh lore
neck yourself

There's no original fromsoftware game.
It's based on preestablished gameplay mechanics and lore tropes

>>Generic things stop being generic if made by japs
this but unironically

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that too


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>The only critisiscms that Yea Forums can come up with for literally any game is either "REDUCTION TEXT GENERIC AMIRITE" and this weird hairy reddit sad man.
You guys are fucking pathetic and you make 2012 Yea Forums look good and they literally caused me to develop depression.

>Bloodborne is the only Miyazaki game with valid qualities OTHER than difficulty
>Hasn't played Demon's Souls
This is how you can spot a zoomer

Congratulations, you have zero brain activity and shit taste. Japs design is a pure cancer and this literally historically proven

don't care virgin

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Now that Sekiro is out and is good BBabbies can't be the hipsters of the Souls series. It's also infuriating for them that people accepted Sekiro as not being a Souls game right away while BBabbies had to use that card every time their unfinished game was criticized.

Based and redpilled

souslfags don't like sekiro either, don't kid yourself
parry autism simulator: nippon edition isn't that great
fucking one weapon and only one weapon art at any given time? come on

>tfw actually like bloodborne, but find the fanbase on Yea Forums completely insufferable so I shitpost against BBabies every chance

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I like Sekiro and my favorite game is DS1. Sure, Sekiro might be limited, but it's a way more well rounded game than Bloodborne was.

Ok, now this is based


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>Sekiro overtook bloodborne in terms of popularity and respect.

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Nah, sekiro was too stripped down. I don't feel like playing it after a few NG+s. BB had builds and co-op going for it.

>sekiro user score lowered by pathetic Pfats who cried artificial difficulty with DaS1

He said it overtook popularity and respect, not review scores. Cuck.

Sorry sweety, but literally nobody outside Yea Forums care about bloodborne. Sekiro surpassed it in every way. it's okay, just go back to farming your fanfic-tier chalice dungeons for gems :^)

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>popularity and respect
Source needed

Sekiro is literally Dark Souls 3 in that Yea Forums praises it for a few months then forgets about it because PClards are so desperate for a Fromsoft game to surpass Miyazaki's magnum opus.

Sorry sweetie, maybe in their next attempt which will probably be Bloodborne 2

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BB had nowhere near the amount of builds DaS and DeS had. The co-op was also a complete afterthought. I don't even want to get into chalice dungeons, gem farming and just how many mechanics and ideas are puddle deep in BB. Sekiro might be shorter but it's way better fleshed out as a game.

You're blatantly wrong, probably epic trolling. Not really worth a response.

>respect and popularity
So the only two things that cannot be measured by statistics? Gotcha

>shits on Bloodborne for not having as many builds as DaS
>praises Sekiro that has literally no builds at all
Lmao, nice try PClard.

Keep seething, 4(FOUR) years later.

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Miyazaki's magnum opus has been on PC for more than seven years, dear.

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The combat gameplay loop didn't appeal to me. It funnels you into the same exact way without weapon variety. That's not great in my book.

>this is what PCplebs believe



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meh. To me all the games are the same but taking place in different settings. You just create a character and then kill a bunch of enemies to level up and then go kill a boss. Rinse and repeat. I like it tho.

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I want to see bloodborne 2 almost as much for the asshurt generation than I want to see for the game itself. Incredible how a single game can cause this much asshurt almost half a decade later

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>this whole thread

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Thinking back on it, Bloodborne really didn't have a lot of good bosses at all. The only good ones where:
>Amelia maybe?

The game is just a slodge of shit bosses until you get to the DLC.

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>mentions amelia
>no mention of ebrietas or logarius

eh, say what you will
it had a higher ratio of good bosses than any than any souls game, including wombo combo anime souls 3.
>muh sword wielding anime man that does 1000x combos and artorias leaps + messy clashing orchestra in the background
Yea, no thank you. The novelty is gone now. It's not impressive.

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aoe spam and made trivial by being parry bait. terrible boss
clunky fight where you can't see what she's doing half the time because she's too tall and the potato PS4 FOV.
try again.

> bunch of threads about Bloodborne avery day sicne Sekino release
> I-its still the best, amirite guys?
> Beeing told stop shitposting and BB isn't even better then souls
> Haha pcfags seething, I am not retarded, was only pretending
Mods, do something please

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Lmao, DS1 aged like milk and it's literally unfinished

Once Sekiro clicks and you stop playing it like Souls it's a lot of fun. Learning an enemies noveset and then being able to counter everything he throws at you is extremely satisfying.

>clunky fight means bad
this alone discredits all the dark souls bosses

That's 3 more good bosses than any base Soulsborne game has ever had. Also:

>not listing 3 KANGZ
>not listing darkbeast paarl

Shit taste desu. The only bosses I enjoyed in Sekiro were Ishiin, Owl and er..... er.... Genchiro?

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>It funnels you into the same exact way without weapon variety.
That's because you're looking at the combat wrong. Sekiro is about countering, not moves. And you have a lot of variety when it comes to countering. Take thrust attacks: you can sidestep them, mikiri counter them, deflect them or try to stagger enemies out of them. Jumping attacks can be punished by shurikens or mid-air deathblows. Sweeps can be enemy jumped or you can attack with the sword or air prostetics. Sure, there's often a preferable course of action, but you always have options.

In Bloodborne you dodge and attack everything, occasionally parrying. All the weapon variety in the world doesn't matter when 9/10 times a Saw Cleaver will do the job better than anything else.

>parry bait
I guess every single Sekiro boss is made trivial seeing as they're all deflect bait. Damn, Bloodborne wins again I guess!

Blame that meme reviewer who is adding low scores to all popular ganes as of recently

The best bosses in Bloodborne are Orphan of Kos and Abhorrent Beast, you plebs.

>and respect
But he just showed you BB is more respected.

>. All the weapon variety in the world doesn't matter when 9/10 times a Saw Cleaver will do the job better than anything else.

You don't see how you're contradicting yourself here? You praise Sekiro for all of its options when it's literally always best (except for maybe the Ape or Demon of Hatred) to stand still, spam deflects to get their posture up and gg.

Don't even get me started on prosthetics or the USELESS weapons arts because the only external thing you need, is firecrackers. Which trivialises every single boss in this game. I was actually astounded how spammable it was (think it only didn't work on the demon of hatred). So why bother with the other prosthetics?

Also, the Saw Cleaver isn't even the most noob item in Bloodborne, Hunters Axe does the job way better, so at least pretend to have played Bloodborne next time you try to shitpost it, PClard

nah it's ludwig

Don't think DLC was included.

Point is, Bloodborne has the best bosses out of every Soulsborne game without DLC included. With DLC included, it has the best bosses in gaming history.

That would be DaS3
mystery niggas suck and you would be shitting on them if they were in a DaS game
paarl sucks and you would be shitting on him if he were in a DaS game
Logarius is okay at best and just gets dabbed on with parry spam
you're retarded

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Sooooo I've been playing souls majorly out of order. Started with DS2, then onto Dark Souls Remastered, then DS3, and now Sekiro. Just got a copy of BB, what's in store for me?

Bloodborne has the worst setting of all of them though. The grimdark goth shit is terrible.

>mystery niggas suck and you would be shitting on them if they were in a DaS game
t. faggot who couldn't git gud and abused the gravestone to cheese them
>paarl sucks and you would be shitting on him if he were in a DaS game
t. faggot who invited the stranger back to the chapel and had every NPC killed by him
>Logarius is okay at best and just gets dabbed on with parry spam
like every Sekiro boss

>you're retarded
No, you

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> 3 more good bosses than any base Soulsborne game has ever had
based and redpilled
> he only bosses I enjoyed in Sekiro were Ishiin, Owl and er..... er.... Genchiro?
The shura ending has fine bossfight, Ape guardian and Hatred demon are the best beast bosses in Soulsbornekino, Monk was great, 2 gimmicks were great, GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWA wasn't very hard, but the fight is pleasant.
Also ninja miniboss and the common versions of ninja a better than a lot of BB and Souls bosses.
Sekino's bosses are great

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DaS1 has only

DaS2 is just shit through and through.

>Just got a copy of BB, what's in store for me?
The best Soulsborne game ever made and the best game this gen

cringe redditor

based poster

Will it be hard going to that from sek?

>it's literally always best (except for maybe the Ape or Demon of Hatred) to stand still, spam deflects to get their posture up and gg.
It's literally impossible to do this, retard. You can't deflect sweeps and grabs, and thrust attacks are better mikiri countered. If you try to stand still and deflect a lightning attack you'll be dead on the spot.

>Hunters Axe does the job way better
The Saw Cleaver is insanely fast, has great recovery, great damage multipliers and it has a bonus against the vast majority of bosses. You don't know what you're talking about.

The Ape Guardian was fucking garbage imo. Way too easy, it's animations were top tier.

Hatred Demon was pretty good though if not surprisingly easy considering how people made him out to be. Ludwig is the best beast fight in Soulsborne history by a mile.

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>fromsoft tries to tell a coherent story in Sekiro
>it's a boring and confusing mess

maybe they should just stick to atmosphere and intrigue instead.

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>It's literally impossible to do this, retard.
Just like you can't roll spam in Bloodborne(you shouldn't be rolling at all, the dash is better) because unlike SekEZiro, you don't have fucking infinite stamina to just sprint away the moment your health bar gets chunked. Never mind the stealth/grapple hook that completely trivialises every single zone in the game.

>The Saw Cleaver is insanely fast, has great recovery, great damage multipliers and it has a bonus against the vast majority of bosses
Hunters Axe actually has a fucking broken evolve due to its range and that insanely OP spin attack,

Hunters Axe is more broken in every way.
>You don't know what you're talking about.
Screencap your copy of bloodborne with timestamp, PClard

I like how BBabies keep talking about "Soulsborne" as if their were something other than an one-shot.

What was confusing about it? The only thing that I think makes it confusing is the fact that theres four endings they prob should have done 2 side with owl or side with kuro, or maybe 3 side with owl side with kuro and then side with kuro but extra goodies

There's only one non-good Bloodborne boss, and that's the Witch of Hemwick.

> Ludwig is the best beast fight in Soulsborne history by a mile.
Shit taste

cringe and retardpilled

>It's literally impossible to do this, retard.
Literally impossible to rolespam against Orphan of Kos and Ludwig as well (their 2nd phases are designed to wreck roll spammers). Both of you faggots oversimplified both games.

Difference is, Bloodborne at least gives you the option of variety through its weapon choices and build choices Sekiro gives you what, combat arts (only 1 equippable at each time) and prosthetics?

What's even funnier, is Saw Cleaver, objectively has more combos/movesets than the katana in Sekiro. Lmao


100x better than yet another weeb castle filled with samurai.

I never felt like it ever clicked into place, and i really didn't care about any of the characters or what they were doing. In writing this is called dramatic action. Without drama, all you have is action. Action without conflict is boring.

>you shouldn't be rolling at all, the dash is better
Who said anything about rolling?

>because unlike SekEZiro, you don't have fucking infinite stamina
END is a complete joke of a stat in Bloodborne. The stamina regen in the game makes sure you won't get hit unless you're retarded. I had trouble at the start of Sekiro because I was accustomed to the attack-dodge-dodge-attack pattern that's every fight in Bloodborne and wasn't using the rest of my options.

>Hunters Axe actually has a fucking broken evolve
Every L1 attack in the game does unwarranted damage. The axe has nothing on the Saif on that category.

>Screencap your copy of bloodborne with timestamp, PClard
No way fag. I ain't buying a PS4 for a half-baked game. I played on a relatives PS4.

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So, when the dust have settled, will Miyazaki surpass his opus magnum?
> Best bosses
> polsihed combat unlike BB's mess
> Best story
> Best leveldesign
> Best graphics
> Best animations
> Best hitboxes
> Best DLC

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Love me some saw cleaver I don’t care if it’s basic. Once you master it, it’s smooth as butter

They call it Soulsborne because BB has so many similarities with the Souls games that it's only natural to discuss them together you spastic.

>Literally impossible to rolespam against Orphan of Kos and Ludwig as well
Right, two optional bosses in the DLC. This is on the same level as even the basic enemies in Sekiro.

>Every L1 attack in the game does unwarranted damage. The axe has nothing on the Saif on that category.


3 was only good because it mimiced BB's perfection. Before that it was a clunky mess of a series.

>because unlike SekEZiro

I am having a bitch of a time in this game with the deflecting. Found BB and DaS a lot easier as I could simply dodge everything.

Anyone have the Joe Rogan Sekiro monkies meme?

You do you, friend.

It's a fast gigantic sweep that dodges backwards to boot. And like I said all L1s do a ton of damage.

>dark souls gets worse and worse to play every year
>demons souls gets better and better every year

what went so right lads

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>Why doesn't Bloodborne have this thing when the Souls games did?
>But it's NOT a Souls game REEEEEE
You can't have your cake and eat it. Either BB is open to the comparisions with "Souls" or there is no "Soulsborne". And if there is a "Soulsborne", why call it that when the -borne part only applies to 1/5 games?

DS3 is really the best game FROM has produced but don't expect snoy Bloodborn shills and git gud Sekibros to admit it.

and one reborn
and rom
and mystery niggas
fuck it wet nurse was shit, too.

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So, BBabies are seething on Sekino the most because they've been filtered? Is it becasue BB is the easiest game in series, or all snoy's have disabilities? Only 20% of them finished the game. Bad day to be (you) guys

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The gameplay is faster than DaS1. And the game is consistent.

Its not like Dark Souls had good bosses before its DLC either

What if I think DS3>Sekiro>Bloodborne=Demon Souls>DS1>>>>>>>>>DS2? I started with DeS btw.

Guys, don't forget about literally every single chalice boss

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>shadows of Yarhnam
>darkbeast paarl
>being any good whatsoever
You can't argue with shit taste.

>Abhorrent Beast
Literally just dodge to the left and he can't hit you. Sorry to have ruined one of your favorite bosses, user.

and undead giant
and celestial emmisary
and living failures
and merciless watchers
and Rom the DPS spider
and Memecolash
and hit-head-to-windala
and Left Striding Beast
and the Moon Presence
and Beast Possessed Soul
and Loran silerbeast, brainsucker, and maneater boss (lmaaaaao)
and bloodletting beast
and pthumerian descendant

Great to see a man with the proper taste on this shill board. Have a great day!

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Damn thats even worse than I thought. BB really is overrated garbage.

Now I feel silly but I read that as R1. Yeah, definitely, L1 is ridiculous. Saw Spear is crazy using it after a dash or an R1.

>used all pellets and gourds
>used ALL of his spirit emblems on firecrackers
>no bell/kuros charm
imagine showing off how you bruteforced your way through the game using as many retard-crutches as possbile. no wonder you hate sekiro, you refused to learn how to play it properly and chose the most boring retard-friendly playstyle.

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BB > DeS > DaS1 > DaS2 > DaS3

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>No way fag. I ain't buying a PS4 for a half-baked game. I played on a relatives PS4.
Full of shit.

Still has a higher concentration of better PvE and bosses than any souls game, including wombo combo anime souls 3.
>muh sword wielding anime man that does 1000x combos and artorias leaps + messy clashing orchestra in the background
Yea, no thank you. The novelty is gone now. It's not impressive.

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a good deal of the chalice dungeon bosses were really good though. Hell, Cursed Amygdala and Watchdog were the two toughest bosses in the Soulsborne series.

Bloodborne is going down as a timeless classic on par with MGS3 and Shadow of Colossus.


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I mean, cursed Any could easily one-shot you, but
>getting hit by amygdala

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i liked moon presence
ah yes, his "make your game run at 8 fps" move was especially difficult

I have two gigs of files on my Bloodborne folder because I have never played the game. Sure.

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Who's talking about Souls?

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> muh sword wielding anime man that does 1000x combos and artorias leaps + messy clashing orchestra in the background
Sounds great, one of the best Soulsborne bosses but modified and improved. Wish BB was that good on it's time, but too bad the game flopped

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>All the weapon variety in the world doesn't matter when 9/10 times a Saw Cleaver will do the job better than anything else.
Mental gymnastics. That's like saying all the weapon variety in the world doesn't matter when 9/10 times a straight sword in souls will do the job better than anything else, due to its high AR. Keep deluding yourself. The Sekiro quite literally funnels you into ONE style of play with ONE weapon and ONE weapon art at any given time. Souls weapon variety shits all over it.

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>BBniggers still trying to pick fights with literally everybody
Do you faggots ever get tired of shitposting?

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did you play 3?

I guess maybe you wouldn't get hit if you cheesed it and whacked it's tail for about 12 minutes, but once it gets in it's final phase the attacks are so fast and have so much range, it's very easy to get hit even if you're being careful. It's way harder than the DLC bosses.

>want to play BB
>get scared easily
>also hate grimdark edgy environments

>this faggot is still posting after he got BTFO last thread
>posted the same fucking thing word for word
Sad. Keep parroting Mathew's opinions my dude. It makes you seem really smart.

Scared? Of a video game?

>No way fag. I ain't buying a PS4 for a half-baked game. I played on a relatives PS4.
All I needed to see

Keep seething PClard

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I would have liked Moon Presence if he wasn't the secret final boss in the game. From the music, to his design, to where he is in the game I was expecting the fight of a lifetime. Instead it was one of the easiest fights in the game with barely anything interesting going on.

Just to follow up on this, why is Saif considered so good in PvP? Is it the lunge on tricked R1 with so much range?

If you want to cheese her just stand behind her tail, charge an R2, and smash her head when she inevitibly jumps. The way she lands is a 180 from the way she left, so you're always safe and get a free hit in. Tough to lose that fight.

Build variety is exhausted after just two playthroughs. Dark Souls gives much more room for different playstyles and builds.

when I grade fights I take into account presentation/appearance/music/lore etc. not just difficulty. gascoigne isn't really hard, but he's a fun fight because of his personality/backstory/appearance/presentation.

>Four years later
>PCplebs still SEETHING

Has a single game in history ever caused THIS MUCH asshurt?

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Dank image. Two of those games are officially playable on PC now, one of them flopped fucking hard because Snoyboys don't care about anything but cinematic experiences with SJW overtones, and the last one actually sold too well, due to having being a cinematic experience with SJW overtones.

Too bad every single weapon in Dark Souls 1 doesn't come close to being as fun to what's in BB

>literally getting your memes from reddit

Absolutely. Seething
I actually got it from a resetra thread (

What you gonna do about it loser? Have sex

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I'm not just talking about his difficulty. The fight doesn't really have anything interesting going on mechanically. Its kind of a big nothing. I understand liking him though, his design and OST are incredible.


>talking about sales

Daily reminder that the PS4 version of Witcher 3 (a former PC franchise) sold more than the PC version. PClards don't buy games, they just pirate. That's why Rockstar treats you virgins like 3rd world citizens

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Yeah but that's if you want to cheese it and read up on strategies for fighting the bosses.

Sorry I have standards.

>he says as he struggles to maintain 60fps on his toaster tier PC

Faggot BB, Sekrio, and DaS3 all suffer from similar massive area syndrome.
Too much of BB looks like yarhnams buildings and is samey as fuck.
Too much of DaS3 is cathedrals or just grey.
Too much of Sekiro is cliche japanese buildings.

The first games had actual variety in areas
Also BB is still the most boring of all of them even though its got the best lore.

That's why I said if you want to cheese. Because it's a lot better than just hitting her tail endlessly. We're on the same wavelength.

poorfag projecting cope

t. seething PClard

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DaS is quantity over quality. There are huge numbers of garbage, boring weapons instead of fewer interesting and varied ones.

wish sekiro had more creepy yokai shit desu

>bbfag cant handle life
DeS alone has more variety than BB, and it didnt even get a DLC to fix the issues like BB needed

>this thread would've died if OP just said good things about Bloodborne instead of just GAME ME LIKE INTERESTING GAME U LIKE BORING
I hate this board

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DLC user

So we've regressed back to 2015 again? Jesus christ.

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what are some other games that have really fucked up nightmarish enemy designs? i love how creative they got with bloodborne and it's honestly scarier than a lot of horror games for me.

> Im retarded so the story is confusing!
I doubt a 8 years old would have any problems understanding the plot

DeS and DaS3 have parts like BB that get pretty unsightly.
Other than that there are lots of horror games that have awful gameplay with interesting enemy designs wasted on them

Yeah no. DaS1 is a piece of shit compared to Sekiro and Bloodborne. And Sekiro isn't even a Souls game

What causes people to be so fiercely devoted to Sony? Is the fact they purchased a ps4 really that big a part of their identity?

>All the weapon variety in the world doesn't matter when 9/10 times a Saw Cleaver will do the job better than anything else.
You know that applies to Das1 with greatswords or magic breaking the game completely

They did the same with 360 last gen


Cry more babies. Where did all the adults on Yea Forums go?

No. The real question, why are fromdrones are so fiercely divisive. This is the most autistic group of retards I've ever seen, on par with sonicfags.

But I beat it from my PC with a steam controller.
Logarius was the most fun fight since I didnt have DLC and had no idea how half the mechanics worked so it was 3x harder than it needed to be

Pleb opinion discarded

t. seething PCbloat

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B-b-because it’s a Sony exclusive, right?

>if im not best you must seething
Your delusions are so predictable.
I prefer its lore to the rest as well but youre too caught up in some game to even talk about it.

All so you can "fit in" even though you never really will

It actually doesn't. Besides that aesthetic breaking

You are right I just wish BB did more with the DLC setting and nightmare areas

this thread is a dumpster fire

>this is what sonyggger actually believes

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Sekiro doesn't need build variety because it's not an RPG. Bloodborne is halfway into not being an RPG which just brings the game down because its customization elements feel tacked on.

just because you played bloodborne with a guide and rushed through it while bing bing wahooing with a onions in ur hand doesnt mean others did

>ayy lmaos

they still haven surpassed pic related because they only know how to do combat and atmosphere

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>a good deal of the chalice dungeon bosses were really good though. Hell, Cursed Amygdala
>a good deal of the chalice dungeon bosses were really good though. Hell, Cursed Amygdala
I love how low souls fans will stoop to defend complete and utter abortions of game design as long as it's tedious and I had no issues with Lost Izalith.

Sekiro has a unique combat system and Souls have build variety.

The fuck are you even saying you nigger?

t. seething PClard

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it makes me so sad seeing PC players having to cling to Bloodborne-lite
I hope you guys get to experience the real thing one day!

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