Does this game have anything going for it or is it just a disaster across the board?

Does this game have anything going for it or is it just a disaster across the board?

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its fun

it will always be my favorite

unironically better than ds3

this but unironically

The shitty, empty levels with flat ground and bare walls remind me of old PC games and I can get cozy while playing it but that only affects me so it’s not even a plus to anyone else.

So no. This game is really awful. It’s still better than any Souls clone including Nioh somehow

>b-b-but ds3
the battle cry of the DaS2yearold

Best invasion spots


The Faraam Armor is indisputably the best Dark Souls Armor Design.

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Its an interesting trainwreck and was enjoyable enough to co-op through and try different builds. Wouldn't ever touch it again though.

>plastic shit

tons of viable and fun builds,pvp,best looking armors,good dlc bosses.

How dare I grab the first image off google images to make a point

cringe and shitpilled

Sequelwars have ruined souls discussion on this board

>the best Dark Souls Armor Design.

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>plain black armour

>Lanklet black armor with horns.
Not even the best black knight armor in the series, let alone the best armor.

Attached: drakeblood.jpg (1920x2400, 1.43M)

it's pretty good, but not in the same way as dark souls 1/3.. it's kinda like how chrono cross is good but not when thought of as a sequel to chorno trigger

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my favorite one

Has the best world building of the franchise imo. Drangleic, the NPCs, and the Bearer are a lot more interesting than the other lands.
The SotFS alternate ending is the best ending of all the games.

If you find the other souls games too difficult, this is probably the one for you.

Why don't you play it and find out?

Highest replayability in the franchise

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