Spill the beans user.
Spill the beans user
>"indie games are bad"
What is "borderlands has any merit"?
games need to be accessible
What is "Sonic was never good"?
>pc gaming
Not sure if it's common anywhere but on Yea Forums but >obsidian is a good developer
it's fun with friends
What is "Halo is good."?
But it is!
>Fallout 76 is enjoyable
No it isn't, I just played it for the first time today and it crashed 3 times and vault boys clutter the screen the entire fucking time
How anyone enjoys this is beyond me
Sekiro is difficult.
>any game that's story-driven is made by trannies/liberals
Common on Yea Forums anyway.
Tetris is the best game of all time.
It IS good, why would you think otherwise?
Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences :)!!!!
Just because it's a law and we all agreed that it is beneficial to society doesn't mean we have to apply it to our private enterprises :)!!!!!!!!
> Ocarina of Time is overrated
> Kingdom Hearts is good
> Uncharted isn't complete garbage
> Fallout 3 & NV are good
> Undertale is overrated
> RE4 is better then 2 & REmake
> Dark Souls is good
> Dark Souls > Bloodborne
> Witcher 3 is good
> Mass Effect 2 isn't garbage
> Cloud is the best FF Protagonist
>Don't like it? Don't use it!
fuck you nigger. I'm not playing your lowest common denominator easy as shit game so I can hamstring myself like I'm trying to run a 100m dash on one foot. You can make fucking anything hard by putting autistic restrictions on it. I want OPTIONS, because overcoming a challenge with all options and tools available is fucking fun and engaging. Fuck you.
Mind naming me three western story-driven games that are not made by trannies/liberals?
And on another note: maybe movies are more your speed, sport?
>floaty combat
>slow movement
>two weapon system
>regenerating shields
>fighters need a story mode
Sekiro is unironically the definition of artificial difficulty. You cut the enemies damage in half and it becomes a cake walk.
"You can't aim on console"
Yes you can.
>Dark Souls is good
It is important whether or not a game runs at 60 fps
What is “I enjoyed it but it’s not without flaws”
Your shit's all over the place senpai
That there are any such thing as good mobile phone games when in fact there are none
The only people who think 30FPS is acceptable is people who barely play video games.
"Mother 3 is a good game."
or "Mother 3 totally isn't liberal trash."
>some guy shoots you from behind
>hold right stick to the right to slowly turn 360 degrees
>dead by the time one pixel of him enters your FOV
What are your top 5 favorite games, user?
What is "There's nothing wrong with games requiring an internet connection at all times."
>first person games are good
There's already more fp type games than any other genre combined
Git gud. Turn up your sensitivity. That maneuver is no problem for me.
>only players fighters for the esports aspect
look at this nigger
>square enix is bad
Diversity is important.
I think games running at 30fps or below actually make me sick/hurt my eyes now. Not even joking.
What is "any game with a weapon limit or regenerating health is automatically bad regardless as to whether or not those systems are cohesive with the design of the game as a whole"
Not only accepting but actually embracing that characters who have nothing to do with Nintendo and little to no history with the company are being added to Smash Bros.
> Ocarina of Time is overrated
Only a little, but it IS still one of the best games ever made, objectively
> Kingdom Hearts is good
You're right here, only KH2 is good
> Uncharted isn't complete garbage
You're wrong. They're not complete garbage, just aggressively average
> Fallout 3 & NV are good
They're good, but not great
> Undertale is overrated
As in it doesn't deserve the hate it gets? I agree
> RE4 is better then 2 & REmake
That statement is true, but that's the top 3 games of the series, so there's no need to be so bitter.
> Dark Souls is good
It is. Great, even.
> Dark Souls > Bloodborne
True. Bloodborne is better than Dark Souls
> Witcher 3 is good
It is. Not great, but good.
> Mass Effect 2 isn't garbage
Never played ME and I never will. I'll just take your word for it.
> Cloud is the best FF Protagonist
He isn't. Fair enough.
Your opinions are half good and half garbage. Apply yourself
>some guy shoots you from behind
>your sensitivity is cranked to the max
>spin in a million circles the second you flick the right stick
>die because you can't see the guy who's shooting you
>vomit irl because of the motion blue
git gud.
>that quote.
From the creator of wii music, uh?
Adjust your sensitivity, fucking retard.
>cohesive with the design of the game as a whole
talk about a cop out response
What is "Cosmetic lootboxes are okay"
What is "Octopath is very grindy"?
>Night in the Woods
Three games I can name, of which I've found no evidence for their creators being liberals or trannies, and please don't make yourself look more retarded by acting like putting minorities in your games or making games about anxiety or whatever is inherently liberal.
>but those dont count, i dont like those games!
Then don't max out your sensitivity. What a stupid fag you are.
>Yukari is a bitch
Nintendo is for kids
>Twin Snakes was better than MGS1
All the Halo games have multiple layers of aim assistance, one of them is automatically slowing the turning speed when the reticle turns red to avoid spinning when meaning to turn around at high sensitivities.
>Sonic was ever good
>implying i'm hispanic
That's pretty racist
>If you cut the enemies' damage in half in a melee-oriented action game, it becomes easier
You're a fucking genius user.
Kill yourself.
Those arent bad mechanics inherently. thats like saying chess is bad because it's turn based. Literally means nothing.
>I prioritize the story in games
Then read a book or watch a movie you inbred fuck.
But it was. If you don't like over the top shit you shouldn't be playing MGS.
But it is, objectively.
It really depends on the kind of game. F-Zero GX is basically unplayable at 30 FPS, but I don't mind Crash or something like that at 30 FPS.
It's true. I PERSONALLY don't like OoT that much and prefer other Zelda titles to it, but to deny that it's an incredible game, from an objective standpoint and as an asset to the development of games from that point on, would be retarded.
"Games should show more than just being games, they could tech us important things, just look at Undertale!"
>some guy shoots you from behind
>turn around
>spend half a second looking for him and trying to aim at him
>he shoots you again because he already has you in his crosshair
Anytime anyone brings up Epic in a positive light, I assume they're a chink commie.
Anytime anyone brings up Epic in a negative light, I assume they're a SteamSoi shill faggot.
Epic is the Trump of video games, fuck you for talking about them
Look up what artificial difficulty refers to.
>" I've found no evidence for their creators being liberals"
Boy, Epic sure does exist. That there is an absolute company, that makes money off of video games. They sure do have an online store.
It doesn't refer to anything. It's a made-up term by shitters who don't like getting their shit pushed in in action games. Enemies do a lot of damage, which forces you to be smarter and not get hit.
"Diversity" means pandering in the most shallow way possible, while effectively mass producing the same formula over and over again forever. Instead of trying different things and trying to actually make a decent product first and foremost.
Every time I see "diversity" mentioned, I die a little inside, because I know it's gonna be 1 of maybe 3 popular (oversaturated) genres, be hand holding, plot driven, plastic corperate drivel full of buzzwords and Marvel tier puipping. AT BEST.
here's your (You), faggot
>doesn't provide any evidence
But chess IS bad, whoever goes first inherently wins more than half the time.
>Zelda is the best game ever
Sounds like you just suck desu. If you get flanked it's your fault and he deserves the kill. If you can't turn around and fight back because your aim is fucked then that's your fault for being bad.
"Sue Lightning is awesome."
- Castlevania IV is the best classic CV.
- Nintendo 64 is the best console of its generation
- VNs aren't games
- Dubs > Subs
- Not liking Udongers
- posting opinions on Yea Forums
Christ Almighty, thank you! Who the fuck actually enjoys these horrible games? One Fetchquest after another with infinite respawns of the same 8 enemies in boring, bland environments. All so you can do it again and get new, slightly different guns to play this dogshit even more. Who is demanding sequels to this?
I'm sure there's easier ways to say "I'm a fucking weeaboo", user.
what is “ffx and ffxiii are both equally linear/bad”
xiii tried to mimic and extrapolate on everything great in x, taking a cutting-edge cinematic experience in a unique setting and becoming a melodramatic, style-over-substance slog. plus x has interactive towns, npc’s with varying paths depending on player input, and (admittedly shitty) minigames to break up the combat, all things xiii lacks
If a VN don’t have any form of gameplay then it isn’t a game.
>old game good new game bad
Right because having to fight the camera and shitty hurtboxes is such a great challenge. Having to wack at a damage sponge that can 2 shot you is a great challenge too.
We get it, you dislike good games and harshly bias against them.
Borderlands is a game about collecting guns in which all guns feel like limp dick pea shooters.
How does anyone enjoy it?
I hate how people use
As a simple form to dismiss any argument.
>Monster Hunter World is the best game im the series
Daily reminder that streamlined means gutting the gameplay for shitters.
>Shitty hurtboxes
That game has some of the tightest hitboxes and hurtboxes I've seen in a fucking video game, user, ESPECIALLY compared to Soulsborne. The camera is also about par for the course regarding third person action games.
I'm curious. What does a shitter like you consider "real difficulty"?
Yes, colelcting cans/skulls/crystals/magazines/fish while fighting the same few enemies repeatedly is just the epitome of gaming. And watch out for that incredible and engrossing story.
Here is the e3 walkout crew for Celeste.
dszagafdasgadsfgadsg asdg adsjkgh adsjgh sadjkgh adskgh adskgh daskgjh adskjgh ;adsklgh adskl;gh adskl;gh daskl;gh adslk;g hsadl;kg hdasl;kg hadslkg;hadsl;kgh daslk;gh adslkg; hadsl;kg hdasl;kg hdaslk;g hdaslk;g hdasl;kg adsl;kg hdaslk;g hdaslk;g hadsl; gkdsjalx gkadsh;lg kdshgl; kadshgl; ksdahg;l kadshg;l kdashg l;kdashg ladskgj adskl;gh dasklgh asdlkg hdaslk;gh adsklgh dsaklghadslk;gh adslkg hadslkg hdslagk dslk hadslgk hsdalgk hdsal kdsagh lksdh glkdsgh ldskag hdsal;kg hdasglk hdsaxl;k hsdlk hadslk;g hadslk hdsa;l khdsal; khsd;lk hsadl;gk hdaslkg hdsgal khl khdsa;l kghsal;k hdsagl;k hdsal;k hdsal khds
I know this anger.
> what is "4K gaming in current year"
is not viable yet unless you shit money.
>x was good for its time but it's aged poorly
Okay. Yeah, that's them.
Now prove that they're liberals.
>Mario Kart Wii hehe more like FUNKY BIKE WII haha mkwii sux dude i wanna use a kart and suck dick
I want casuals to stop breathing
Better AI, more moves, stuff that isn't just a bloated number. And if you want good hurtboxes look at Nioh.
>the human eye can only see 24 FPS
>SA2 is better than SA1
Why not? You seem to enjoy it. :^)
The composer is literally trans. Also, how is it story driven when the game is 90% gameplay with short cutscenes here and there?
Who murdered JFK? Who bombed the USS Liberty? Who bombed the Twin Towers?
>white-haired hottie is a """girl"""
Well, at least he passes. 10/10 would slam that boypucci
>Super Mario 64
>Final Fantasy VII
>Resident Evil
>___ needs an easy mode.
i lose my fucking shit every single time.
>Sonic Adventure 1/2 is good
>purple hair and tattoos and thick rimmed hipster glasses and huge beards everywhere
yes, it's likely that they are old fashioned conservatives.
the white blond one is an actual tranny
look up the celeste composer
Souls game have good boss fights
undertale is a classic
>old game bad new game good
>any game with fixed cameras
Fuck outta here with that a game can be good with fixed cameras bullshit
>Super Mario 64 is better then SA1
>Unity is a bad engine
>This game is shit, so I will pirate it.
If it's so shit, why waste the time playing it at all over a better game?
>what is "forced diversity"
More games need a hard mode, desu
What is "Bioware was anything more than a mediocre developer before EA bought them"?
>person who has no input on the story of the game or any aspect of the game other than music
It's more story-driven than any other platformers like it. The actual levels have characters and shit you need to do, as opposed to, say, Super Meat Boy, which is just a flash cutscene at the beginning and end of each world.
Plus you can't deny that practically any and all discussion about Celeste ends up being about the characters or abortion. It's about as story-driven as a platformer gets.
>x Smash game isn't a fighting game
>already played all the better games
>not many new good games coming out anymore
>"Visual novels are games"
>Night in the Woods
>Literally shits on religion, small towns, and has an anarcho communist character
>Hating on all modern west games because they're all SJW propaganda
>Hating on modern jap games because they're all for weebs and incels
Either of these work for me
Those three games literally proved the point, dumbass.
>it's just an x game clone
Characters and their political beliefs are not usually meant to reflect on the beliefs of their creators. Assuming you mean Mae, she's a fucking anxious loser 99% of the time, I'm fairly sure you aren't meant to look at her as a paragon of wisdom.
Plenty of games shit on religion and small towns are not exclusive to liberals.
>backtracking in hollow knight was a bad design choice
>ITT:retards not understanding the question and trying to devolve this thread into another politics thread
>I've found no evidence for their creators being liberals
one of you faggots tricked me into buying this game by telling me this a few months ago
no less than 30 minutes into the game you find out literally every main character is gay and one of them is a commie. thank fuck for refunds.
>Demon's souls > *
>these games aren't made by trans people!
>one of the people who made it is trans
>nuh uh it doesn't count!
Iconoclasts is much more of a story driven platformer. Valdis Story, Dandara as far as I've gotten, Shantae, Dust, Guacamelee all have much more story compared to gameplay and have "characters and shit you need to do". Saying a game practically devoid of story has less story than it proves nothing.
What is "they should do a remake of x"
This guy who randomly appears
Mgs2 is not a good game
It was dated when it came out. Not on a visual level, mind you.
What is "Nintendo is primarily played by children and bought by parents for their children"?
not many games have a literal communist working at their company though, actually i take that back most if not all western tech/media big or small companies have that
> Celeste
Music is composed by a tranny. Also not a story-driven game, despite how much people talk about the plot.
> Undertale
I will eat shit if Toby Fox turned out to be right-wing to any significant degree.
> Night in the Woods
Devs are hardcore leftists who have been spearheading dev unionization efforts for some time now. They technically don't qualify as "liberal", though, if you're willing to make the distinction.
>clover made good games
god hand was a good game
Wow, a man with good taste and common sense.
I don't understand people like this. How can you be completely in denial that liberals made those games? Is it just because you're on Yea Forums and you think you're having a discussion with the "evil" alt-right about this stuff?
That tales of symphonia is good compared to other tales, or good in general
but it has le funny robot man
>fortnite is fun
Lowest IQ post in this thread
just go on their twitter pages. you'll see
>funko pops are cool
i think calling the Night in the woods, typical left leaning voters would suffice, we don't have to get technical here.
Celeste wasn't made by trans people still. One trans person helped create it. The number of people who worked on Celeste is still overwhelmingly cis, or whatever term you want to use to call it that. Trans people working on videogames is much more rare than you guys make them out to be.
I concede to your second point, I suppose you're right there.
My point is that anyone with views a bit left of center are immediately coined as liberals, and so any game that's driven by plot or its characters is characterized as being a victim of "trannies infecting videogames". Perhaps Celeste was a bad example.
>that one fucking mission where you have to carry a flower across the map without getting hit once
le intellectual is so smart he forgot to enjoy good video games... gimme a break user. you're on v, do not bring chess into this argument.
Welcome to World War 3, you stupid soiboi pile of shit. You couldn't help yourself from trolling people who don't want jews and faggots in their societies, and you're about to be splattered on the fucking sidewalk, because you don't actually stand for anything. Either you accept that you're a white person, or you will die in a spectacular fashion.
Toby Fox not being right-wing does not mean Toby Fox is immediately a liberal.
I'd be interested in a source on dev unionization efforts and NITW's devs, if you have it. If true that's something I wasn't aware of.
t. Has never played Chess. Don't @ me brainlet fuck. Neck your nigger self.
Relax its just a video game
You will die in a spectacular fashion. Who murdered JFK? Who bombed the USS Liberty? Who bombed the Twin Towers?
ayy lmao
>Bioshock was better than Infinite
The first game was good, but Infinite is better in every way. The story is a lot better and the environments are gorgeous. I think a lot of people who say the original is better are just hipsters who always want to think the new thing sucks because it's new. I bet the same people who think the first Bioshock was better are the same kind of people who have to let everyone on Facebook and Twitter know that they have sex.
>advance is my favorite tactics game!
Nothing wrong with updating a classic with better controls and graphics. Certainly better than some of the other shit we get now a days.
Imagine unironically posting this
>hello fellow Yea Forumsirgins
>Smash isn't a real fighting game!!!
Who murdered JFK? Who bombed the USS Liberty? Who bombed the Twin Towers?
excellent post
>WoW ever being good
>Halo 2/3 is the best in the series
>Halo Reach is a bad game
>Anything 343 has put out being anything other than steaming piles of shit
>"People who don't like 343 games are bungie/lore purists"
>"Destiny has good lore"
>Destiny 1/2 are good games
>Dark Souls 2 had the best pvp
>"Remasters" are fine
>Seeing Dead Space 2 being recommended over the original
>Motion vision was overpowered in chaos theory
>Mass Effect wasn't murdered after the original game
>Mass Effect had clunky tps combat
>Bad Company 2 was a good game
>Bad Company 2 is the best Battlefield game to date
>Morrowind had bad combat
>Half Life 2 was an innovative pioneer
>Half Life 2 isn't overrated
>Quake and Unreal Tournament are the same thing
Who murdered JFK? Who bombed the USS Liberty? Who bombed the Twin Towers?
Games should be ported, nothing else. You don't redo Citizen Kane with new actors and sets. You appreciate the original vision.
Well, that's true. 8/10
>diablo is good
Who the fuck is having fun endlessly running the same bosses to get gear so they can more easily run those same bosses? They even get bots to run for them. The best part of the game is not even playing it.
Who murdered JFK? Who bombed the USS Liberty? Who bombed the Twin Towers?
I don't like symphonia, and I never liked symphonia.
It's bland, the "plot twist" could be seen from ten miles away, and the battle system feels like a sluggish downgrade after playing eternia.
And I
your lack of self awareness is fucking hysterical
what is "i wanna fuck/marry lightning"?
I wish I could find you and make you choke on your own teeth.
This is a bad argument, though. Remastering a game from a long-dead series is way more likely to revive said series, make it popular again, and bring new games to it entirely.
That's ultimately the point of remastering games. It's to gauge how interested consumers are in old franchises to see if reviving them is worth the trouble. The average person is more willing to buy an old game if it has "remaster" on it.
>insert any argument made by a tripfag here
Yup, thats what gets me raging
>Remastering a game from a long-dead series is way more likely to revive said series, make it popular again, and bring new games to it entirely.
(And why that's a good thing)
Who murdered JFK? Who bombed the USS Liberty? Who bombed the Twin Towers?
There's no dev team bigger than 5 people in the world that consists of only trans people. It was made by trans and liberal people, as in some of the people that made it were trans and some were liberal. No one would claim the entire dev team of western story games consist of trans people, they're .5% of the population.
And yeah, leftists focus more on story. The games you mentioned are perfect examples of that. They don't have to be communists for that pattern to be obvious.
You are unironically based
I got the borderlands 2 goty edition a few days ago, am genuinly enjoying this game. Playing as the mechromancer.
Can anyone explain to me why does it matter if a trans person created a game? A good game is a good game.
>Who murdered JFK? Who bombed the USS Liberty? Who bombed the Twin Towers?
Our government?
...Because you get more games from a series you enjoy?
Look at all the retards who fell for this bait
And what do you think 'ZOG' means, you stupid pile of shit?
It doesn't actually matter. Trannies are just Yea Forums's newest scapegoat.
>tank controls are bad
are you retarded? anyone that says "games need to be accessible" is a fucking moron. games are already accessible. you pick up the controller or put your hands on the mouse and you play them. BOOM. just like that. you're in, baby. you have accessed the game.
when people say "this needs to be more accessible" what they're really saying is "i need this to hold my hand and be a movie and tell me every little thing because im too much of a slobbering, mongoloid dullard to be able to learn anything. please cater to my laziness and ineptitude."
Kill yourself.
Your favorite game = shit
Your least favorite game = good
Game you think people talk too much about = underrated
Game you think people don’t talk enough about = overrated
>anime artstyle bad
Are you? I was agreeing that "games need to accessible" is fucking stupid.
This, but I like Xbox's controller for retards and I think it'd be nice if more controllers for retards existed.
Maybe I'm biased since my brother is disabled.
it's a remake so it's automatically bad
if the fps dips below 60 for even a microsecond it's bad
"CRTs are blurry"
Thanks for redpilling these noodlebrains.
Health care is a right. It fucking isnt. Making a doctor give you free medicine and health care is like making a black person pick cotton
>CRTs cause eye cancer
>some user said "games need to be accessible" makes him angry
>you said you wanted to knock his teeth out
you can see my confusion. no worries.
>I was agreeing by saying I want to force feed you your teeth
Nigga you dumb.
Ask pol
It's okay to play games for fun.
Fuck off. Having fun is not an excuse for playing videogames wrong. You can enjoy being a shitter, but that's not an excuse to keep being a shitter. Stop enjoying being bad.
>oh no the poor doctor has to save someone's life :(
Anything without "Souls" in title is a "Souls game"
>not understanding basic context
This weird-as-fuck, literally nonsensical idea that ASSFAGGOT gameplay is necessarily RTS-minus-stuff just because the original ones were RTS mods
A comparison to something like ARPG PvP makes way more sense but fuck me for expecting Yea Forums to know anything about competitive games, or really anything about any games that aren't New Vegas or Dark Souls
YOur mom ayy lmao
Exact. You didn't.
gotta buy mel gibson a handle to find out
>r-r-r-rubber glue!
Fuck off retard.
"Every character in a story is interchangeable in terms of gender/color, no exceptions."
I find it highly disturbing.
Give up. You fucked up. Move on.
> I have a right to make someone work for free
So you want to own slaves? Because thats what free labor is. Ben Shapiro covered this: His wife is a doctor and why should his wife have to work for free?
>any single player game post wizardry series or a game for unironic autistic people is hard
>video games need to make my peepers hard at all times
>I enjoy waifu shovelware games
Any of these opinions piss me off no end
Again. Fuck off, retard.
>Oh it's on __ now? still fuck them for making it a exclusive
>I'm never touching a ___ game again because it was a timid exclusive on ___
>I'm going to cry and Whine like a total bitch because that's what i am!
imagine being this retarded on PC in 2019
don't @ me
>Everyone is biting this ultra obvious bait
>His wife is a doctor and why should his wife have to work for free?
In what forseeable scenario would a doctor be demanded to work for free? Answer: none. You're just playing the victim, like ol' Ben.
>why should his wife have to work for free?
Because women are property, like slaves.
Who murdered JFK? Who bombed the USS Liberty? Who bombed the Twin Towers?
>he doesnt understand how healthcare or salaries work
It's an anonymous image board. Just admit you're a retard and move on. Jesus.
what is "combined arms games are fun/a good idea"
Fuck off, retard.
Who murdered JFK? Who bombed the USS Liberty? Who bombed the Twin Towers?
>Still going
Are you autistic?
Who rigs every Oscar night? Who holds back the electric car, who makes Steve Guttenberg A STAR !
Not even the same guy you dumbfuck. You fucked up and misunderstood the context of the question and jumped the gun. Admit it or dont, just know everyone knows you fucked up and continue to make yourself look like a jackass.
Im trying do you you a solid when i tell you to drop it and move the fuck on.
Fuck off, retard.
Any discussion involving these fucking things.
Yeah, the Simpsons is funny, but what is more funny is the following question—Who murdered JFK? Who bombed the USS Liberty? Who bombed the Twin Towers?
People who didn’t play FF7 around the time it was first released calling it overrated.
>we're making this game for a wider audience
Autism at its finest.
the cia, israel, the cia again
>"MGS V has amazing gameplay"
This is mostly related to /g/, but still applicable to pc gaming since i mostly saw it used by gamers.
>1440p is 2k
Holy fuck, i hate it. No, fucktard, 1440p is 1440p or QHD, literally no resolution in what is actually called 2k even remotely close to the 1440p with 1080p actually being closest.
Fuck off, retard.
You keep responding. He's play in you niggas like a fiddle at this point.
This shit right here. It is the easiest FromSoft title of the last two decades. The only challenge comes from the fact it's preying on conflicting with Soulsborne muscle memory. That said, it is still fairly enjoyable for what it is.
Commit aliven't.
Fuck off, retard.
All vidya has to have waifus, especially lolis!
"Halo 4 and 5 are the best in the series, you just have no taste, or idea what a good game is."
>Botw is a masterpiece
Something has to be good before if can be a masterpiece.
>Who murdered JFK
The driver, William Greer
>gross sexualization of women
>Censorship is bad but in this case I'm ok with it because the content is objectionable to me
>Localisation is necessary
>every character has to be attractive
>every character has to look like a raging lesbian goblin
Uh, when some socialist gets a free appendectomy without paying they.devalue the labor and get this expectation they are entitled to just get medicine and surgery without paying.
Obviously you dont because you seem to be saying being born means you should get illnesses treated without working hard enough to afford treatment and paying the doctor a fair wage so they can pay back their loans
>"Rei is better than Asuka"
You stopped being able to use that excuse two or three replies ago. Fool me once and all that.
What video game are these from?
>"Game is slow compared to this other game so it's automatically bad, no matter what said game is trying to go for."
Same faggots who say this are probably the same ones who scream ADHD and ZOOMER when people talk shit about games they like.
Go back to Google, moot.
>gen 2 is where pokemon peaked
>HG/SS fixed every problem that gen 2 had
"isabelle deserved to be in smash over tom nook"
Compared to the rest of the series it's miles ahead
>working hard enough to afford treatment
People all around America go broke if their grandma so much as falls down the stairs. There are entire states where people are reduced to living paycheck to paycheck over a broken arm or a serious infection.
That factually correct though, user. RDR2 is bad because it's so slow.
>old games are bad
>outdated = bad
>depth = rpg mechanics or vice versa
>"there's one mechanic here I don't like/this game has a couple of bugs, so it's SHIT"
Random monster encounters > Monsters you can see
that's mostly because usually when a game is "slowed down" it's either to lower the gap between good players and casuals, to make it more cinematic at the expense of gameplay, or just a straight up removal of options and depth
Not every game needs to be turbospeed grandpa. I agree that in certain games too much attention to detail in animations and shit bogging down movement is stupid, but some games are intentionally designed to be slower paced and would be ruined if they were any faster because ADHD boomers want them to be.
Why didnt they save or have healthcare? Why not go on medicaid? Also I dont believe that happens. Every time I got sick it cost very little because my parents worked hard and had insurance
Persona 5 has good music
Donald Trump is a moderately competent president
Portal 2 is a good game
Give an example, and it better not be RDR2.
Just about anything that praises gen 7 of Pokemon
I can at least think of a few good things to say about XY and ORAS but I legitimately have nothing positive to say about SM and USM.
"Final Fantasy 13 is bad"
Chinese are human beings
>the original crash games are better than NST
>old games are bad
>outdated = bad
works both ways user
Inviting girls to raiding guilds is acceptable
SWAT 4, Arma, Rainbow Six, Battlefield, Insurgency, Mount & Blade, Isometric RPGs, ect. They're mainly military shooters, but those are clear examples of slower games that are slow with a purpose. I mainly see this argument brought up about shooters. If you argue otherwise you have ADHD and the mentality of a child.
what is "I've invited my girl to join our group"
>This'll be good/bad for the [game/game series] community
Using the word "community" when referring to the fandom of a game/series always makes me cringe because it's trying to make every fan of a thing resposible when one person acts like a shithead.
>sales = quality
>tales of is arpg
>dark souls is arpg
>graphic is the most important thing
>every popular game is bad!
>popular means good!
>i only play underground shit like indie!
>zelda is the best game
>because it's the best game
Always some faggot trying to covnince you they're a nerd that says this, too.
>tfw people actually LIKE 2fort, landfall, well, or dustbowl
how does such shit taste happen? what causes it to occur? how much eugenics would it take to prevent it?
People are allowed to like things for different reasons than you. Not everyone hates reading stuff.
>FFXV is irredeemably trash
>MHW isn't the best Monster Hunter game
>VtMB2 will be SJW-polluted
>Outward's combat is bad
That's about it. I'm not as contrarian as some of you little niggers.
andb4 15-kun, zoomer, sonyfag, slav, leftist -- you're wrong about each of these
>I've got the wrong door. The leather club's 2 blocks down.
Seriously, fuck you.
>Gameplay is the only thing that matter, look how hardcore I am, do I fit now?
Go eat a fat dick if you think only 1/5 of what makes a game matters.
On the whole ocarina of time thing, I admit I personally didnt like it as a whole but I can see why its so popular and persista to this day as such.
this but with turbine
in 2fort's defense, it exists so you can turn your brain off and just shoot mans
is a retardly nebulous and vague statement to begin with. anything within a game constitutes as part of gameplay, music, story, combat etc.
People seem to think it exclusively centers on what you do rather than what you're experiencing. it's all connected regardless
>I buy every new release for every genre I've ever liked even if I don't like it anymore and if you don't do the same you're a authoritarian Nazi bigot
>Hating on all my favorite maps
Let me guess, CS:GO player?