How the heck are you guys affording your games at $60 bucks a pop + tip + DLC?

How the heck are you guys affording your games at $60 bucks a pop + tip + DLC?

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>$60 bucks a pop
Try $79.99 +15% sales tax

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Buying games is why I live paycheck to paycheck. I think a lot of people willingly live paycheck to paycheck just to get entertainment and deal with the consequences later.

not living in the us helps
feels good having higher quality social services while still paying less tax than amerifats

I don't buy games

I wish i was born japanese instead

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If you don't have anything saved up you are retarded. If you don't have anything saved up since you began working, you are retarded.

where do you live?

I make 12.50 an Hour moveing boxes and get Paid Every Friday(From Monday through Friday at 3am to 4am) it’s Easy and it’s fun and I don’t dislike it.
But I Pirate anything wether it be PC, Handheld or Console just Pirate shit it’s really not that hard

If you cant afford games you shouldnt be playing games.

Put down the joy stick and get a real job.

Games cost $100 in my country, some companies even charge $130 if they think they can get away with it.

>affording games
>buying games

>Buying games at launch
I only needed to spend $20 on DOOM 2016.

I pirate things. I've considered stealing physical copies just to make people like you seethe too.

stop it with the random facebook capitalization.

Kek this

Australia for the win, we so much shit wrong but its STILL better than living in the US, or even worse, Britain.

I haven't bought a game over $30 in the past five years. In total, I have spent maybe $400, tops, on video games in that same timeframe.
It isn't hard to just not spend money desu, but I get it

No you don't. You'd probably just be an overworked salaryman if you were born there, you'd have money, but no time.

I was born in a village in a third world country yet i don't live paycheck to paycheck in America

How are native born americans so bad at living here?

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>had savings when I lived with parents
>only a year out on my own and bullshit luck with car, PC dying, and monitor shitting out has me in debt for the first time in my life
Can't a nigga live in peace

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i wish i knew better how to invest my money. Been maxing out my roth ira and 401k contribs each year but still have a bit over 100k sitting in a BoA savings account doing nothing except depreciating. Not planning on buying a house either in the near future either

>paying for games when torrents exist

with a job

I buy games during the dank steam sales. What kind of cuck buys games at full price?

Free government nigger money taken from whites.

Niggers gonna nig.

If you dont have 800k in cash you are a minority imo. Steal bikes, food, women. I dont care. I jist sit back and laugh at how pathetic you are. Stealing games lol. Like a child

I'm a white piggu living in east asia and making a good salary. My rent is only like $150 too.

seething. I haven't even stolen anything.

There are only like one or two good games released every year. Even if you buy them at launch, that's only 120 burger bucks.

The problem is a lot of Americans spend money on frivolous bullshit like buying every new iPhone despite not having any savings

I work as a truck driver making 27$ hr. It's not hard to get a non-shit job.


which asian country? curious

I don't buy games that often
I still got a backlog of shit to play already
I'm saving up for a house
I get nice benefits. Full health, dental, vision, 401k/pension.

I suppose I could run out and buy Devil May Cry 5 if I really wanted. I've been buying comics lately.

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I make 100K a year and have a half million in the bank.

I also don't play games that often.


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i worked min wage for 10 years saving 90% of my income and bought a house. Just save money. And pirate everything

hope you have a backup plan because that position won't exist in ten years

not the best but at least our country isnt held hostage by big pharma and private insurance

I live in America(Greatest Country in the World) not some third-world shithole.

>min wage for 10 years
the absolute state

Are you Owner Op? I doubt you're making that much on hourly, I mean I was clearing 90-120k a year OTR but that was working 15-18 hours a day for a month at a time before the EDL came and fucked the game up.

I honestly don't make that much money, but if there is a game I want to buy I just save up and get it.
It's not that hard.

>not some third-world shithole

Not true. Even with self-driving trucks, they can only go so far without daily checkups. Even if you don't need to drive it anymore, you still need someone in the vehicle.

Welcome to reality.
Don't fall into actual debts though. Things can wait.

Do you guys properly tip the gamestop employee that serves your games to you?

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Oofa booga bix nood.

I used to be poor too though. Stop living in a fantasy world. Get paid then play games my minority friend

>working minimum wage

I do play games, I pirate them. I've never stolen anything. How'd you make so much money if you can't read you kike?

>game takes place in America

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This. 30% of my paycheck goes into savings, I match my 401k, and 15% goes towards buying stock. I feel like right now I can just afford to fuck around and have 12 dollars until my next paycheck. Next year or two years from now that might be a different story, but I'm allowed to buy tons of shit if I wanna right now.

You guys seem to be doing it right in a lot of places. The only real criticisms ive seen of living in Australia is the summer heats. Even insects don't seem as large a problem as made out to be since with a 30~ million population, it's still rare to hear of health issues cause by them

Not him but what kind of truck driver? By that I mean what's your commute like? I couldn't stand driving prolonged periods
What's the easiest way to fall into debt, and the best ways to avoid it?

is america the only country with a braindead tipping culture?
seriously how dumb are you losers that you let yourselves get cucked like that?

People say the same thing from $5 seats as I sit court side. Stay desperate and grind those theeth at those more sucessful than you.

why do they have so many school shootings anyway


too many boobs in video games

right but 90% of the work is going to be gone. i mean you realize that demand for trucking isn't going to spike as you're all replaced, right?

American here no one tips like this or EVERYONE would be a pizza delivery driver or waiter making mad cash. In both cases you're lucky if you get a "keep the change" at all

Shit you're making me want to rob a train like an old fashioned white cowboy just to piss you off more.

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I don't know if the ping and +100F(reedoms) would be worth it, to be honest.

bad parenting
bad education
bad culture
americans in general aren't good at considering their children's mental health or health in general really

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I'm already an overworked salaryman, what fucking difference would it make?

>school getting shot up
>better push in my chair

I never tip, unless someone gave me fucking amazing service, then I'll give them like $5, because it's not my responsibility to make sure you get paid

The chart looks hyperbolic. I tip 10-15% at restaurants and maybe give the cabbie or pizza guy 5 bucks extra if I have it.

Consumerist society and a herd mentality are a dangerous combination.

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Blacks get mad and want to rob things I understand. Just pump up rhe rap music and go for it.

American here, I hate tipping. Yeah call me a piece of shit, but I hate the culture we've set up. Look if I have a great server, then yeah, I'll leave something. But I shouldn't be guilt tripped into paying extra just because a waitress doesn't get the salary she deserves. I want the prices listed on the menu.

American society is finally starting to break down. DOTR soon.

Most people live paycheck to paycheck because they spend uncontrollably.

Because no gun control, because "muh second amendment"
If you allow mentally ill people have guns you get the shootings

Shut Up

i cant wait to hear of a school shooter that says these things while shooting up an elementary

> be Slav, pre30
> have comfy apartment with 3 rooms. I already paid off the credit.
> end up owning high-end PC, XboneX and OLED TV
> be smart about games. Buy them on sales, don't let hype judge you. I wish I wouldn't collect backlog though.
> have an access to both public and corporate-tier medical services. I'm undergoing cancer treatment and haven't paid a dime despite being treated by some of the best MDs in my country.
Seriously, either there's something I don't understand about living in US or it's the 3rd world dystopia.

>rothschild investiments

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true. this is why switzerland has even more shootings than USA.

>Buying games is why I live paycheck to paycheck
stop buying games then you fucking retard

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This mainly because self driving cars might still be vulnerable to hackers who could remotely disarm the ping alarm Steal the whole truck, all the supplies in the truck and trailer with no one to stop them.
The costs of no human drivers compared to losing entire shipments to bored computer hippies one is infinitely cheaper than the other

>I want the prices listed on the menu.
Too bad americans can't even have that much because sticker prices don't include sales tax.

Steam sales

that's definitely not east asia

I make $70k a year, live alone, and don't have a significant other or kids

Unless you're working for someone like Saia or XPO you're going to be doing long haul driving, and even then you don't want to be working for short haul or LTL until you have 3-5 years of experience. Some of the backs and routes city drivers have are total bullshit. But if you are interested now is the most driver friendly market I think it's ever been. ELD's fucked the companies and none of them can force you to do the bullshit that they used to-like doing two to five different logs-, and if you're not a moron you don't even need to worry about snow anymore, with such a fierce driver shortage no one forces you to drive through blizzards and shit.

Nah nigga I wanna be dumb and homeless later.

Hey look I found the retard who's never been around guns before. Newsflash: these types of unstable people don't buy guns, they either steal them or obtain them illegally.

what the fugg is wrong with burgers

Americans spend money on retarded shit all the time, I think it's because no one ever teaches their kids about the idea of personal responsibility anymore

Brazil has gun control and virtually no shootings. I wish i could move there.

I've lived in brazil my whole life and the USA sounds like literal fucking hell compared to what I got here
yeah I got mugged once but holy shit it sounds like amerimutts do nothing but suffer 24/7
no wonder you guys get so many school shootings

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I don't, I follow a strictly kosher discipline.
>Never pre-order
>Never buy day one
>Don't believe the hype, it's always bullshit
>Set a budget and stick with it
>Avoid games whose DLC costs more than the base game (Unless bundled for a lower price)
>75% off or fuck off
>Don't buy indie games, they always end up in Bundles
>If a game is bundled once, it's likely it will be bundled again in the future
>Don't buy shit you won't play immediately, you have a limited refund window
>Be patient, you have a backlog already
>Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game, don't adjust for inflation, real wages haven't kept up with it. 20 bucks.

It's only a problem for people playing against us. Join us and together we can rule the galaxy.

Not american, and while I do have a pretty low paying job I still live with my one parent, I contribute to the expenses and get to save up quite a bit of cash for myself.

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I don't buy games at launch and I almost never buy DLC

people need to stop stigmatizing millennials still living with their parents, today's economy just doesn't allow them to enjoy life while living on their own

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im pretty sure you're actually in a minority of people that put a decent amount towards their retirement. some people barely get by, and others spend money on god knows what

Here comes the republican'ts everyone to defend muh guns

They just happen on the streets instead of schools, cabron.

Bullies cause people to breakdown and isolate. Isolation causes mental issues. Add to that a country with easy access to guns and you have a school shooting. Liberals of course think banning firearms will solve the problem, instead of looking deeper into the issue and caring about mental health of teenagers. But you can't expect that from the people who play along with mentally ill people's delusions.

Jesus lmao.
That's sad but funny at the same time.

It's really not that bad, you only ever hear about the absolute worst of it

>buy new game
>play new game
>beat new game or dont beat new game and let it sit for a while
>take said game to used game store
>sale for $30-$40
>buy new game with that money

This is how I bought RE 2 remake and Sekiro.

I make 3800 a month and 1600 of that goes straight into savings. And that's not counting the 4% contribution to my 401k for that sweet, sweet matching

I also don't have any debt. I genuinely dont understand how people end up with thousands in credit card debt and auto loans. Even when I was a teen with no financial education I figured you should treat credit cards like debit cards and only spend money you have

Most of the school shooters legally owned their weapons tho

>muh bullies

found the beta cuck lmfao

Wasn't there just a school shooting in Brazil?

American's make it sound worse than it is because they're entitled faggots. They're really the only people on the planet that can live in near utopia and complain.

retarded amounts of debt, young people with depression, and mass shootings happen in other countries so that makes it completely okay for it to happen in America too

Gun control doesn't work, faggot, it's nigger gangbangers and medicated crazies. Vermont has more guns than people, and yet gun crime is extremely low because of the lack of nigger gangbangers and crazies.

As dumb as it looks this is a legitimate answer to a recurring problem.

>paying less tax than amerifats
Why would you lie on a chinese shill forum?

The majority of jobs are just shit. Bad hours, don't pay shit and have shit for benefits. The reason most people here live paycheck to paycheck is because almost half of peoples paycheck goes to fucking rent, which is why you hear about so many millenials living with their parents. Renting just isn't affordable.

did you even read the post I wrote about swizterland dude?
do i need to post with sarcasm tags?

because games and game related things ARE part of my paycheck, you rich pleb

If you're not going to keep the games then you might as well pirate. Like why even waste the money at that point

I'd say you make a purchase everyday and "tipping culture" and exact cent return sounds like unecessary bullshit
if something is $4,99 here I just give $5 to the cashier and that's it.
>Wasn't there just a school shooting in Brazil?
yeah but even then, they very rarely happen
for comparison, military high schools have guns stocked on them for formation and ceremony purposes yet shootings don't happen on them. It's really just on random areas

Because waitresses don't want to remove it, because depending on the place they work they make way more than every other minimum wage job. Throw in a good weekend or holiday and shit becomes an absurd amount in comparison to a degree job.

Everytime it gets brought up, waitresses band together bitch and moan about $2/h and tips are needed and shit gets pushed to the side. Once tipping your waitress is gone then everything else would eventually follow suite, but that is never going to happen.

Why do conservatives simultaneously want people to work but also think it's cool if they don't get paid a wage? I remember /pol/ being super happy about workers not being paid.

Bruh USA and Brazil are the top 2 countries where gun violence occurs


more like 70 in this shit hole of a generation

Jesus fucking christ, you are pathetic looser. Not only you try to pick the easiest option - you ask others to stop criticizing it. A lot of peopke took a huge risk by moving away hundreds of miles/kilometers and had to deliver as otherwise they would loose too much.
Instead you talk about "bad economy" you piece of fucking looser.

I need a better job
But I'm a bumbling manchild that don't know how to do simple stuff like resumes. I was a neet for two years and I'm slowly falling back into that self-destructive habit. Maybe this time i will not be a pussy and end my life

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I buy maybe 2 new games a year for the last decade because barely anything of value comes out

>Grew up dirt poor
>Make 40-50k a year now bartending
>Literally have no idea what to do with extra money
>Throw the majority of it into savings, have health, dental, and eye insurance, and still can impulse by anything I want

I ended up renting with people I've known for years, but on my own it's literally just cheaper to buy a house and pay the mortgage on it than to rent a place in my area.

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this! know a guy that got like 200 dollars in tips from working at a fucking subway at the airport!

What bullies? I remember some girl ribbing me, and I remember helping my friend who was getting alpha maled by some niglet, do you have to be a literal sperg to get bullied or something? No one really fucked with me except other nerds for not being nerd enough.

>Brazil has gun control and virtually no shootings.
user, Brazil has one of the highest murder rates of the Americas, makes US shootings look like kids play

>be teacher
>locked in bulletproof chamber with 20 other kids
>hear a knock
>"Help! Let me in!"
>it sounds like an adult imitating a child's voice, but you can't be sure
>"He's getting closer!"

wat do

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I get paid to review games and usually get press copies.

He's clearly German.
Stop being German.

Enjoy your kid (if you ever have one) getting bullied in public school and then his suicide dumb faggot

that is fucking creepy

pull the lever

I fell for the college meme and it landed me a pretty solid job with good pay

America's gun violence statistics are skewed, because the people compiling that shit always include suicides in it, and suicides make up around 2/3 of gun deaths

Healthcare and higher education costs are the main reason

This is a bullshit conservative cop out answer. People in the US are paid shit and their government covers nothing for them. People aren't going out buying new cars and going broke from that. They can't even afford a new car let alone a new phone.

Conservative leaders are rich elites who want to pay less
Conservative voters are poor numskulls who think their honest wage will make them a millionaire if they work hard enough.
The former is for the latter and the latter is what the former wants.

>fast food jar $20

The truth is that heaven truly only exists on the afterlife. "Heaven on earth" will never happen because we humans always desire more and more power, leading to people always doing retarded shit and ruining everything.
The truth is, most humans are just fucking retarded and do stupid shit for the sake of doing stupid shit and that's something we will literally never be able to fix.
The noblest goal anyone can have is try their best to be a pleasant person around, and even if you can't please everyone, you should at least try to be a good person, at least that's my take on life, since everything's so shitty everyone is having a bad time all the time anyways.

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For all the people over 18 years old in this thread who live with their parents, do you pay them?

>the sequel is much harder than the previous games

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This. Bullying isn't what it used to be, it's never direct physical/verbal assault anymore but it's some kind of weird convoluted method of singling people out and isolating them from a group by constantly bringing up their quirks and "jokingly" ragging on them in the guise of friendship.
"It's just a joke, bro."

This is false.

Most people overspend and choose to save nothing. We've had this issue for years now which is why the slightest hiccup in the economy puts people into dire straits.

Good fucking Christ does he look bad. Life has not been kind.

>What's the easiest way to fall into debt,
Buying shit you can't afford.
Monthly expenses.

>and the best ways to avoid it?
Don't buy shit you can't afford. Live way under your means, question if you really truly need things you take for granted. Don't spend extra money just because it's extra right now.

I think he meant the shootings themselves, but he got the answer, gun violence is ingrained in your brains you were incapable of understading the question.

Also, guns are for weak faggots.

You can't convince people to do this. It's just not possible. I've tried it, and I'm certain now that people who have been perpetually poor their entire lives or ever since they became an adult and stopped living with their parents, have some kind of brain damage. They are simply unable to be frugal with their money. If you tell them that they don't need a new smart phone with an expensive contract and costly data plan, that they don't need the highest speed internet available, that they don't need a giant TV, that they don't need to be eating out for every meal, that they don't need to be buying booze and cigarettes and pot, etc, they will get mad at you.

These people actually think they're entitled to entertainment and luxury when they can't even pay their own bills. Then as they bitch about being broke constantly and you tell them to stop wasting money on things they don't need they act like you're their personal dictator trying to put them into an internment camp or something. It's insane. They have 0 money, they're behind on bills, they struggle to afford rent, they're in debt up to their eyeballs, and if you tell them maybe they should save money instead of spending it on useless entertainment you're the lunatic that's wrong.

These are also the same kind of people that are constantly racking up late fees on bills and overdraft fees on their bank, which isn't just a cause of their perpetual poverty but a symptom of their inability to not throw money at some fleeting shallow happiness like a big dinner at a restaurant or expensive movie tickets with snacks and popcorn. You just can't do it. You can't teach poor people to save money.


someone post the lynchian pasta

>wait a few months
>buy second hand copy for less than 20 dollars, play it, resell it

And a train engineer makes 66k starting with no education needed.

It's not, but I know you don't actually care if it is or not

On my 18th birthday my parents woke me up at 6am, and got me a box within a box within a box within a box, and in that box was a note saying "get a job you bum, rent is due in 1 month."

Brazil has like 60k murders a year.

>reverse search this image
>click on the first image result
>get straight up porn on google images

>people live as one big family together for thousands of years
>jews start up the propaganda of "moving our" so you get in debt to buy the jew's overpriced house
>fast forward to the future, anonymous poster calls someone a loser for saying that the stigmatizing people living with their parents is bad

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