Red Dead Redemption 2

>RDR2 is the best looking game ever made running on old hardware

But how?

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They spent the entire budget on Graphics, and rehashed everything else from RDR1 & GTA V. Knowing they would get a high review score based on the graphics & IP alone


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black magic

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Wow ok. Damn using old formula and still shitting on japan? sad bro

They literally spent the entire time optimizing instead of making engaging moments.

I mean its impressive, but its obvious they spent the most time on making sure areas would load before you got there. And then they still downgraded lmao

>rehashed everything else from RDR1 & GTA V
except that's not true. no reused assets other than the physics engine

Hmm PC when?

By not knowing what the fuck. theHunter is way prettier.

What i don't understand is how this game looks so good WHILE being open world. You always see excuses about oh it's single player it's supposed to look better.. but RDR shits all over singleplayer games too.

what is the average framerate and 1%?

FFXV plays like hot garbage, and is boring as shit, but it looks miles better. Luminous is actually magic.

lets not talk about it for the time being

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See "RDR2 is da best looking game" is the opinion of basic bitches that don't play games.

You can make more graphically impressive games if you limited your platforms. Also having a six gorllion dollar budget helps.

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Anyone can cherry pick, but realtime lighting for the weather, including dynamic effects like lightning and rain still has no match.

oh god niggadon't you get tired.

>but realtime lighting for the weather, including dynamic effects like lightning and rain still has no match.
In FFXV? You're a bald faced fucking lier if you think it's better than RDR

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PCphats absolutely destroyed by Carmack's statement lmao

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Literally 2000 people worked on the game

The RDR ones are prebaked. In FF, they are processed in real time.
I don't even like the game, but it's beautiful.

You keep saying it looks better without showing any kind of evidence. Last time I payed it on steam I was very unimpressed

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by making it extremely boring after the story
like every rockstar game

Of course it won't look very good on your toaster

'Cause I don't own the game. I only really played the first few hours. Honestly, I don't really have a horse in this race. FF just does look better. They both have instances of janky nonsense, though.

I play it on my easy bake oven ps4 and it looks even worse

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So posting glitches is what we're doing? Red Dead is notorious for that shit.

Stop it, weeb, RDR2 looks fucking amazing, especially on the X where it runs at native 4K.

I'll give FF15 one thing though, it actually has real and beautiful HDR unlike RDR2. If Red Dead had real HDR then it would be god-like

These are the things that I'm arguing. But it doesn't, so it isn't. Enjoy your horse cars, though. I'm not playing either of these garbage games.

go back to playing your sekishitro then

I actually didn't really like Sekiro either. You're welcome to keep trying, though. Eventually you might get an actual dig in.

A lot of people, and forgotten how bad GTA 5 looked, in comparison to this game. Go watch a GTA 5 cutscene, and compare it to this. It is fucking insane.

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What gives, it will be EGS exclusive

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Gta 5 was based o ps3 and 360 hardware, wtf do you expect

Rockstar's above epic lol

PS4 Pro version is so god damn blurry, wish it would just come out on PC already

The real black magic is the weather system. It has the most advanced weather system/clouds in all of gaming. It has REAL time clouds, at all times.

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Game is gorgeous, user.

Can't wait for PC version.

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Just buy an X, moron

Horror DLC when?

The game is so damn atmospheric, I think it'd be a waste to not have a horror or paranormal DLC of some kind

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Weather simulator 2018

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tell that to T2

I hope, I really do. But If we don't hear about DLC by the end of August, there's probably not gonna be any.

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While it’s true that the game looks great (and believe me it looks fucking beautiful), it still doesn’t excuse the boring gameplay. I wish AAA devs would put just as much care into the gameplay as they do the graphics. If they did, holy fuck.

I honestly thought we were going to get that with the Robot and Vampire that were in the game.

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>we'll never get RDR1 expansion/remake in RDR2's engine

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>expecting single player DLC from jewstar in this day and age

RDR's undead nightmare was one of the best single player DLCs i've ever played but the money from GTAV corrupted them to the point i don't think it's ever gonna happen.

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That bayou mission in the swamp where you meet the Night Folk is dripping with horror atmosphere

Never ever

Fishing is so comfy

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Honestly i wish graphics like these went to other styles of play like Dragon's Dogma for instance. I don't mind realism but being based on the real world is boring when we can do so much more with this medium.

>RDR's undead nightmare was one of the best single player DLCs i've ever played but the money from GTAV corrupted them to the point i don't think it's ever gonna happen.
You do realize we just got a 60+ hour single player experience from them (RDR2) where the single player element was such a big focus it has hurt the multiplayer right?

What a complete fucking asshole.

>tfw you'll never experience playing RDR 2 for the first time again

>exploring the map
>spending days in the wildness just exploring and hunting, forgetting about missions completely
>being in awe at how amazing the graphics are
>experimenting with the mechanics
>stumbling across unexpected events and secrets
>experiencing the heartbreaking and captivating story

Fuck, man
I know it was only like half a year ago but I'm so nostalgic for it
I wish I could experience it for the first time again

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Bruh, the game's pacing is terrible, desu.
Every mission is a tutorial

>we'll never get anything besides online garbage

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>GTAV corrupted them
if that was true, then why is RDR2 a single player game? No one cares for it's mp.

Too bad it's a shitty generic open world game

>Being bored to death by the repetetive missions by chapter 5
>Watching the story turn to shit towards the end
>Grinding through a 10-hour epilogue just to see the final, disappointing ending

Good memories, good memories

when i see the DLC i'll believe it.

200 IQ post

I've read where the lengthy development of the game was becasue of the new engine. They plan to use it for the next 10 or so years. With T2 hurting and RDO not being that big of a deal, I'm hoping they pump out a new Bully, New IP's and GTAVI soon. Maybe even a new Max Payne. They hired a shitton of people in January for new projects

Is Rockstar split into two studios or something?

How do they make amazing single player games but dreadful, vapid, soulless multiplayer games?

>Is Rockstar split into two studios or something?
there's many different divisions of rockstar. I'd wager it's highly likely that it was small Take Two division of rockstar in charge of RDO

How did happen that all best looking games are PS4 exclusives?
GoW, RDR2, Days Gone, Unch4.

Why anybody even bothers with PC? PS4 is superior in every way.

Because the devs can just worry about PS4 hardware, that's it. The fact you haven't brought up Spider-Man in that list, just shows how underrated this game is. Even if it is fucking Spider-man.

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Good. FUCK online.

I have the PlayStation 4 Disc, I play version, 1.00 the graphics are noticeably better. Thats why I always buy the game disc for PlayStation

Look at that real time shadow on the player model. Oh wait-

The Vampire was the most atmospheric thing I've experienced in fucking years. I found every last message myself and the tension was fantastic. I blasted that fucker away with a sawed-off holding up a lantern in my other hand like Van goddamn Helsing and it was glorious.

Give me Undead Nightmare 2 vampire edition NOW.

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Not everyone's into Sony's "cinematics first, gameplay later" formula.

Sony has hired some competent devs who can push the hardware to its limits, but in no way is the hardware itself superior than modern video cards.

The fucking vampire never showed up for me, i found all of the clues

Low frame rate, more then half of the budget spent on graphics. Pretty simple user

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Cruel, Cruel world must I go on?

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It's honestly great, see if you have the time right and all that. Maybe it's because I've been playing some of that Vampyr game recently but the atmosphere was even better than that and the game's a fucking cowboy game.

Makes me want a dedicated monster hunting game set in Victorian England or something.

I know what you mean. I blasted that fucker with an incendiary shotgun round. Seeing him go up in flames after charging at me was incredible.

Hopefully they realized that the RDO that they chose to go with is shit and just let it flop and make a good sinpleplayer DLC.

Not to mention, consoles struggled in certain areas of the game of Red Dead 2, so they had to patch the game and made it look worse as a result. This is pretty much a bait and switch.

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No actual story content DLC. It's just gonna be online """"content""""
>Skins and other jewy mtx

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Who cares about hardware IF PC4 games looking awesome and PC games look like shit?
I'm consumer, bruh, not a fucking geek

>when its cloudy and dark

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You're not making any sense, Pedro.

I've been hoping for a cosmic horror/Lovecraft type of thing. I really hope it's not zombies, it could be so great if they got really weird with it.

Did they actually downgrade the graphics in a recent patch or was that just a myth?

Read the thread

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Yeah, glad I got the disc too

Can you still get him as John

I want a mansion so I can play Rockstar games stoked hard as fuck and have Barbara with Big titties and Stephanie who sucks like a vacuum chilling naked in my house. And all my bills paid and no worries whatsoever.

weather report?

am i the only one who thought the map was too small?

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Old hardware is dishonest when the game only looks good on the Xbox One X, which came out in 2017

They also removed Ambient Occlusion in a recent patch

>Yea Forums tells me it's an overrated movie game
>It's actually a 10/10 and pure kino
When did you learn not to listen to Yea Forums?

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>This is supposed to be the best looking game ever
Pretty sure that one puzzle game beats this.

>kino poster
Considering that your vocabulary literally consists of a single word with no agreed upon definition, used to describe anything from complete dog shit to actually good things, who actually gives a fuck what you think lmfao

>we'll never get RDR1 expansion/remake in RDR2's engine
Good. RDR1 is better in its own engine.

Not that guy but it just means "I played the game and it inflicted the feeling of hype into me" or "I think it's good even after playing it". Sometimes I wonder how autistic people on this place are. 90% of the arguments stem from the fact that people concentrate on the literal meaning of words instead on focusing on the intention of the writer.