Who else will join the dark side?
Any predictions?
Who else will join the dark side?
Any predictions?
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Valve. HL3 will be an EGS exclusive.
Realistically, what can Valve do without having to also play the exclusivity game?
>Manchildren compare legitimate business to evil
They don't really have to do anything.
EGS is pissing off everyone in the community except for indie devs who think Epic will give them a $1mil exclusivity deal for their shit game nobody would even buy on Steam.
get more hentai games and loli games on steam. Epic would never steal those.
>predatory market practices aren't evil
Nice try Cheng
It’s not just Epic vs Steam.
It’s Epic vs Steam, GoG, Origin, uPlay, whatever else
Honestly it's Epic vs customers.
>predatory market practices
Yes, this is the main reason steam is shit.
this anti-consumer bullshit backfired already and will continue backfiring for dumb fucking devs chasing quick chink bucks
I'm going to save so much money pirating these epic exclusives.
>past promises to users
As long as its the same as Metro, where if you preordered the game on steam before the swap you're still getting the game and all the future content, theres nothing wrong with it.
The people behind Phoenix Point fucked up by promising Steam/GOG keys as part of their Kickstarter and flipping the script, the honest thing would be to make those keys but they arent going to do that so theres no moral reason not to pirate the game, especially those that wanted GOG keys.
Improve Steam to a point where even just playing games is a better experience there.
Nobody wants autistic social features, people want an improved overlay.
>indie devs who think Epic will give them a $1mil exclusivity deal for their shit game
Which is ironic because Epic is rejecting indie games for not being "good enough" for their store.
Fucking sales because epg has fuck all for sales and it has a small library.
make it so that if you publish a game on steam you can't pull a metro exodus without being sued for breach of contract
They don't ~have~ to do anything. Unless epic both makes its platform comparable in features and ease of use and somehow lets steam users transfer all their games, people are going to keep buying their games on steam, even if they download epic to buy a couple exclusives.
I hate how easy epic is making steam look like the good guys compared to circa 2011
>Which is ironic because Epic is rejecting indie games for not being "good enough" for their store.
Only a Steam drone would think this game deserved to be sold for money - it looks like shit
>epic is actually owned by Tim Sweeney, an american
>hoax about spyware
Why is LE GABEN ARMY so dishonest?
Metro Exodus was a bad game
However thanks to Epic I can safely say it’s not a “I wasted $60 on this shit” type of bad game
They legit think everyone is as stupid as they are
>We all worship Half Life 2 and BASED LORD GABEN, right guys?
What are you talking about?
People refusing to buy something because of bad PR is literally the free market.
That’s pretty much what all indie games look like, bro
The only way to stop Epic Store is DESTROYING CAPITALISM
Translation: Android Assault Cactus was already on all platforms so we can't twist everyone's arm into buying it on our shitty storefront.
Except they are buying it, stop lying Valve drone. Cuphead and Shovel Knight look like that? Don't think so
Fuck off, no they don't.
I was gonna agree with you til I saw a Wojak over the reee crab Guy
Now fuck off and try again this time with less cancer nigger
That was basically my plan play the exclusives and maybe buy a game when there is a good deal. Then i saw their client was fucking malware and realized it would be wise to not trust my credit card with them. I am not going to waste money and time buying pre paid visa cards just for the honor of buying a game on epg.
>Except they are buying it
Great, then there's no reason for you to start seething over people saying they're not going to, right?
nothing, EPIC games is many times richer than Valve, whatever anyone can think of Ebin Gays can spend the equivalant of an entire years of profits for Valve, and not feel any financial blows, whilst Valve would have to lay off, fire and possibly take loans just to keep up just for the moment.
Epic games is so fucking rich, it's not even funny when all these experts compare the two companies.
Except Epic does a free giveaway with games on a bunch of different platforms already like Super Meat Boy
Android Assault isn't even good enough to be given away for free
If epic can lie about what happens to the data of people that buy games there, "valve drones" also have the right to lie all they want.
>2.5x of 200.000 copies sold
Is this the good number?
Better yet
Just don’t buy nothing bro.
Killing businesses is easy just don’t spend a dime there
The numbers mason
You do know that sales figure includes all the panic pre-orders on Steam before it got made exclusive.
>2.5x sales than on Steam
Yeah, and Overwatch's toxicity is down 40% yet blizzard still won't tell us how many players are actually left.
Give us a concrete number, bugman.
Funny. I thought the current narrative was that Epic is just a powerless underdog and is only using monopolistic business practices because it has no choice. It will fail unless it fucks customers over, right?
>whilst Valve would have to lay off,
valve has like 300 employees lol
>gets its own E3 segment
>only sold 60K copies
>tim is paying for my games from now on
Thank you xi
Doesnt count. its due to the free publicity and shit.
without the free publicity literally noone gives a single shit about this game
Steam is fucking over its customers by not snatching up games to be exclusive to the store
This is the new business model, people who sold horses just complained about cars, they didn't make them better than cars
This is complete hogwash. Insisting that Steam should start engaging in anti-consumer practices is absurd. Nobody should be doing it.
how about just use both? Does the EGS require a monthly prescription to use? Cause if not that shit is literally free unlike separate consoles
"Nobody should" isn't the same as "nobody actually will because it's illegal"
12 million actually :)
Not only do I save money but also bandwidth, ain't even gonna bother pirating shit on epic's store.
I'm not giving them my cc info
How would you, a customer, benefit from lack of price competition?
>Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony pay 3rd parties for exclusivity.
>Its fine
>Epic does the same thing
>"Omg fucking botnet chink store REEEEEEEE how dare you muh Steam!!! :("
>game bundled with video cards selling more
>indie devs who think Epic will give them a $1mil exclusivity deal for their shit game nobody would even buy on Steam
No need for the cash prize. It's like early days of Steam, just being on the store is free marketing for smaller games so they will advocate for the strongest possible curation that will still leave them a chance of that free marketing.
Isnt the new game supposed to be much better? I tried playing 2033 and it was fucking boring so if last light was anything like that I can see why it sold poorly.
Until they get exclusivity on Japanese games they don't exist to me.
Reminder to pirate everything that gets locked to the ebin store
Maybe the game will launch $20 dollars cheaper when it launches on Steam - or key sellers will sell the games for even cheaper
Or key sellers will work on getting more different games on their stores because they don't have every game
If true that means its about the 5th best selling PC game of all time. Above the Sims below WoW
I have my doubts on the wiki list and the metro sales.
This is all I need to say.
Yea Forums has always hated exclusives
Its ok they wont look at your cute & funny folder
>Owners: 2 to 5 million
Yeah you know give or take a few million people. What is even the point of that image?
Answer my question. Explain why you would desire exclusivity when this results in higher prices for customer.
>wtf why are the Nachos Bellgrande a Taco Bell exclusive its not fair bros!!
>bugman gets angery when people say they will priate vidja game
>Explain why you would desire exclusivity when this results in higher prices for customer.
I don't personally desire it, I just want Steam to have some real competition -- and it's clearly working because I've never seen people so mad. There's a good phrase "they hate me because they ain't me", and that applies to Epic in this situation.
Somebody keep track of all of the developers trying to lick the boots of Epic so that people can be reminded when their games are released on Steam.
Last Light had very little in the way of advertising, always keep in mind that it never mentions redux or having millions of sales.
It begins
Indie devs are going to quickly realize that epic doesn't have infinite money and some games just aren't going to make the cut, epic is going to tear the indie community in 2, I can't wait.
Can someone make an edit of this with the only change being steam to epic and 4 or 5 good games with none.
I want normalfags who willingly and knowingly install malware to jump in front of a train.
>iphone filename
>literal who twitter post
That checkmark seems to halve peoples iq.
Yeah remember all those topics posted daily about how cool it would be to have only one vidya platform?
it's epic vs the entire pc market
>piracy is a service problem
console war cancer, now on PC!
thanks! that's exactly what everyone wants, you fagolas.
Valve won't do shit
Steam will only suffer a minor dent from this, while other stores like GOG will be fucked badly
>want Metro Exodus
>don't want to give Epic any money after what they did to Paragon/the Paragon community
>can't pirate it due to my career choice
>never on sale
>key sites all list it for MSRP
>lets turn PC gaming into consoles
>wonder why the PC community revolts
>ok let's see what games he made
yeah ok man whatever
>EGS is pissing off everyone in the community except for indie devs who think Epic will give them a $1mil exclusivity deal for their shit game nobody would even buy on Steam.
And normies. Normies don't give a shit about this.
>Shitty refund policy
And yet it was the first store that actually had one. What a fag.
It's practically confirmation that they are an NPC.
ITT: Steam drones angry they can't stack boxes their way out of this one
Why the fuck can't you pirate?
EA had refunds on Origin before Steam.
Origin has started selling 3rd party games but if this keeps up Origin won't have much to sell either, I wonder how they will respond, maybe they'll side with epic so they don't get fucked
lower their cut to 20% and all this goes away. and steam still makes money hand over fist
Getting a twitter checkmark is all about who you know.
Valve is run by fucking morons that are going to loose everything. They need to stop taking 30% of every fucking purchase. That is insane high. I understand 30% on a console but on a fucking pc DRM is retarded.
Artifact is a nice reminder of how fucking brain dead they are.
>benefit from lack of price competition?
Who says there isnt price competition?
The actual quote was that Metro Exodus has sold 2.5x the amount that Last Light had in the same amount of time (around 2 weeks), if they were basing these sales off the original launch Deep Silver would be in a fucking panic and you'd hear about it. The fact that they said "previous game" would assume they mean Redux which basically replaced the original game.
SteamSpy only gets its numbers from scraping the API and peoples game libraries, some accounts dont get picked up and some people always had their game library set to private which is now the default due to the GDPR
ITT: PC users angry that they need to install spyware to play games.
>I don't personally desire it
You're defending Epic when they're doing it.
>I just want Steam to have some real competition
Steam would have competition if Epic stopped trying to make games exclusives by giving tens of millions of dollars to publishers and instead use that money to simply sell the games for cheaper.
You're admitting you don't want exclusivity, but then praising Epic for doing it because you don't like Steam. This is not a good enough reason to fuck customers. It's not enough reason to want to pay more for games. You're acting against your own interests if you are a customer. You should never endorse any action that results in a worse customer experience. It is your responsibility as a customer to stand up for yourself, not support the shit that's making things worse for you. This is why people call you a shill. You're doing whatever you can to silence criticism of things that make things worse for customers.
>Who says there isn't price competition?
Where did this screenshot take place? Can you link it please?
iirc first it was only to games published by EA
>Artifact is a nice reminder of how fucking brain dead they are.
Valve drones (and Gaben himself) are also in deep denial about the appeal of VR
These two games are their TOP VR games and they're not being played at all
Allow "School setting" VNs and "Conspiracy" content.
>I understand 30% on a console
do you even know how much valve did for pc gaming, stupid zoomer?
>selling keys from graphics cards
Ying, you need to try harder
You literally beg for console ports bc you have had no meaningful exclusives within the last 10 years. Its basically been worse than consoles for a while, but i guess its cool you can play Dwarf Fortress at 144 fps on $2000 hardware and look at porn at the same time.
My career forces me to take polygraph tests constantly. Asking if I've stolen anything and gotten away with it is a common question.
But you said there wasnt any price competition? You wanted me to believe the funny image that said that the Epic Games Store was the only place to buy the game at their fixed no sale price?
Look at the steamcharts for artifact.
There is now more valve employees than actual players. Imagine fucking up that bad
Do you even know how much Atari did for gaming stupid boomer?
Taco bell 'created' it you fucking moron. Nothing outside of faggotnite has come out of the Epic game store that has been made by epic.
>The actual quote was that Metro Exodus has sold 2.5x the amount that Last Light had
Those are different games. Try releasing the same game on both stores and seeing which gets more sales.
It's simple: just stop thinking of piracy as theft because nothing is stolen. Paying customers still get the product which doesn't happen if theft took place.
what's your career? you can't lie to me.
Based epic
do you even know how much valve has fucked up pc gaming, stupid zoomer?
W are talking about the same child molester who has stated they won't accept "crappy games" on their store
>You're doing whatever you can to silence criticism of things that make things worse for customers.
Why do you have to make things so dramatic? This isn't some Oscar bait movie about a journalist exposing corruption, it's about two warring digital stores and one can't hack it anymore.
Of course I prefer Steam. I don't want it to go away, but I also want Valve to start moving their ass - show me they're interested in a fight. They've been around since 2004 and Steam's best features were literally introduced last year (controller remapping) - you telling me 14 years of sitting on your ass twiddling your thumbs makes me want to root for them?
It's frustrating how malicious this whole thing is. A bunch of indies cry that they can't get on steam for years because they believe it's a golden ticket. Steam relents and gives pathways to get on the store. All these indies and and journos then turn around and whine that there are too many indies on the platform and how unfair it all is, that when they wanted more indies they meant themselves exclusively.
Ironically the thing that condemns steam is not being a big enough arsehole. They had the entire industry and could've crushed out everyone but Gabens libertarian principles left gaps in the market. Now everyone is championing the PC equivalent of the Amazon Store.
>console ports
Those are called "multiplats", and are best enjoyed on PC.
>no meaningful exclusives
There are a single digit number of exclusives across every platform that are worth playing. Do you really expect me to believe those are the only games you play?
How fucking shit at typing are you that "because" needs to be shortened? I hope to God you're underaged because there's no excuse for this as an adult.
I would like to see a dev release thier games on both stores then after a month release exact copies sold and money made. Would be informative.
Nothing special, just LEO
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it?
>Improve Steam to a point where even just playing games is a better experience there.
That's already the case. Nothing is actually better about Epic as a service, hence the focus on paying developers and publishers not to do business with its main competitor.
>Nobody wants autistic social features,
...except for all those people who use them.
>Only first party titles can be exclusive
Who else slowly turning back to piracy here? Fuck this exclusive shit. This isn't competition. Now we just have 2 different monopolies for different games.
>child molester
Bc ur fgt
>>Who else slowly turning back to piracy here? Fuck this exclusive shit. This isn't competition. Now we just have 2 different monopolies for different games.
>Who else slowly turning back to sucking dick here? Fuck this women won't sleep with me shit. This isn't fair. Now we just have chads and betas and chads always win!
Piracy is a service issue.
damn you convinced me to get rid of my PC so I can convert to glorious console master race where I can enjoy every game at 30 fps and sub 1080p resolutions just because it's cheap
You sound like someone who brags about eating off the dollar menu because you have no standards.
Better developer cut and better curation. People will keep leaving if they can get a better deal somewhere else. Steam might have a lot of unique users but they aren't worth the cut they take anymore.
>Epic vs customers.
Perhaps, but I'm not liking the customers odds.
What are they gonna do, go burn down Epic's offices? There are far better things to burn down if you want to combat evil than a video games distributor.
Or are they going to vote with their wallet? If so, where? All the existing retailers are just as bad as each-other. Maybe they'll stop buying videogames entirely?
Have you seen sweeney's face?
He literally looks like one
I'm not defending Steam. This isn't about Steam. Epic shills always try to make this about Steam. Using Steam to justify anti-consumer practices is horse shit and you know it. If Steam is so terrible then Epic doesn't need to stoop to pissing all over their customers to succeed. I understand if you don't like Steam, they've got problems, but this is not an excuse to support ideas and concepts that actually make the industry worse for you, and me, and everybody else who is not a game publisher or an Epic share holder.
>muh holes
>food analogy
>That's already the case.
Except it isnt. EGS logs in, downloads, updates and starts games just as well as Steam does. Origin actually has a better browser in their overlay than Steam does.
Nothing is "better" about EGS, nothing is "worse" about EGS.
>except for all those people who use them.
Yeah, i really care about the opinions of the people mentally retarded enough to do this shit to their steam profiles
If it was 12 million then they would be waving that shit like mad and bragging about it for ages. Remember when they showed full numbers for Slime Rancher and Sub because 4.5 million people downloaded it? But I guess Tim just got shy when they got the numbers for Exodus and just said "2.5x Last Light fellas"
But yeah lets just trust the judgment of this multi billion dollar corporation that constantly lies to you and is extremely anti consumer
What a bullshit quote. Piratefags still pirate games even though they do everything right like Sekiro
>Fully Steam integrated
>Same time release as consoles
But pirates still pirate it
This isn't competitive, you fuckhead. We don't have a choice in whom to buy from.
This is the most reaching post i've ever seen, peak desperation man. I'd be embarrassed if i wrote that garbage
>turning back to piracy
cant pirate what you hate
Piracy. Then epic will run away crying like they did a decade ago and the cycle resets.
Indeed, piratefags are pathetic
>But yeah lets just trust the judgment of this multi billion dollar corporation that constantly lies to you and is extremely anti consumer
But i dont trust Steam?
>Nothing is "better" about EGS, nothing is "worse" about EGS.
I have a challenge for you. Buy 20 games on EGS and buy 20 games on steam. Tell me which one is faster.
A month ago it had several thousand seeders. Then again I didn't use piratebay
>poorfags be poor
just wait a year
Any problem with that, buybitch?
Wait for Fortnite to dry up.
This is a double edged sword of a post. It also implies there isn't that much interest in it.
So according to you because you're pessimistic then you might as well drop trow and bend over? Because you think there's no chance the customers could ever influence the market that they should all be quiet and stop complaining? This sort of mindset is actually shilling. It's not measured, or well thought out, or centrist. It's straight up telling people "stop voicing your displeasure" which is precisely what these businesses want customers to do.
>pirate bay
Why bring appearance into it when you worship a fat homeless slob?
It's funny how years ago epic abandoned PC and now they're back trying to fuck everything up.
steamcucks are so pathetic lmfao
>pirate bay
could you be any more of a normalfag
It's because of Fortnite. Zoomers ruined PC gaming for another decade.
cut their 70/30 share to something more reasonable
Epic doesnt have 20 games worth purchasing, neither does Steam because i already own them
>durr I don't care about THOSE people's opinions
Right, of course not, you just lie about what their opinions are. "Nobody wants..." is what you wrote.
>Epic shills always try to make this about Steam.
I wouldn't care about Epic Store if it was just another GOG, Origin or uPlay - but it's actually doing something - it's scaring Steam drones.
You don't have to buy the game at all unless you're that much of a consumer whore who can't wait.
Great source
what did you use? piratebay is the most popular torrent site on the net
why is this garbage site shilled here so much
i see at least 10 threads a day with that garbage interface
Normies don't have gaming PCs
He looks weird but he doesn't look that bad
Tim Sweeney actually looks like a goblin
atari is an old ass CONSOLE, and i don't care, i'm not that old + we are talking about PC gaming here
what are you implying? i can play stuff like disgaea 5 or tales of berseria or monhun world or dragon quest xi on pc BECAUSE of what valve has been doing for pc gaming
When did Steam become the de facto PC games store? Why can't every publisher stick to their own store that only sells their games?
Zoomers are fickle, you never know what retarded shit might explode in popularity next month.
Sorry, you got me. Ill fix my quote.
Nobody without severe brain damage wants autistic social features, people want an improved overlay.
I bet if you added up the snatches from every major torrent site it would be about 40k downloads.
Epic = cancer
This. If microsoft brought back xbox live gold for PC today it would probably work because PC fags these days are spineless and journalists are no on the consumers side.
I wouldn't want Capcom or Bandai or Square running their own stores
>new trash
>new trash
>new trash
Exactly, you're a zoomer.
where's this?
he looks like santa claus
do you hate santa claus?
The funny thing is Fortnite is wildly more popular on console.
They are propping up their pc store at the moment with console micro transactions.
Rarbg. Funny think was that I had more problems with daemon tools being absolute cancer than with downloading metro.
No. This is a problem because of the decisions Epic are making. Steam has nothing to do with anything. Epic is buying exclusivity. Epic's exclusivity is the issue. I wouldn't care about Epic either if it was just like every other store. Nobody would. That's the point. It should be just like every other store but it's not. It's trying to use the same business tactic an actual monopoly would use to remain a monopoly. This is bad for customers. What stores they're taking the games from is irrelevant. They're taking them away from EVERYTHING except their own store. That's the problem. Do not try to confuse the issue just because you don't like Steam. Steam has fuck all to do with the shitty business practice Epic is engaging in.
Did you know that Epic games reimburses devs who don't meet their sales goals when they make the exclusivity contract. In other words even if you pirate their games it won't actually effect the publishers since Epic covers the cost. Its effectively harmless to do
post yfw Epic has made a massive service problem
Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
They can only do this for games on their store, unless they modify Windows to require a separate payment for any and all internet services.
Can someone run me through this whole Epic steals your info, thing?
>commits breaking and entering on a global scale
imagine being this upset over a store
>They're taking them away from EVERYTHING except their own store.
You're talking about key seller sites - those keys require Steam - so it's about Steam; it's ALWAYS been about Steam
So what you're saying is that every game we pirate is literally stealing $60 out of Epic's pocket and not hurting the developers we don't necessarily have beef with? Fucking awesome! Now I'm even more likely to pirate Epic shit, even games I wouldn't have otherwise pirated.
>unless they modify Windows to require a separate payment for any and all internet services.
Don't give those pajeet coders any terrible ideas
I just read like 3 lines and already cringe to the max.
He has a skull that looks like it'd be used in a phrenology museum to point out someone with downs
>implying they can code that into the deepest depths of the aging NT kernel
Too late, Epic Games can get all the investor money from Tencent, and by default the Chinese government as much as they need.
Basically Epic's launcher looks through your entire steam folder without telling you then sends it back to epic. Also, epic is owned by chinks.
You'll be better off googling it to get a better explanation.
Yes I would.
When they announce a new IP at E3.
They added a feature that allowed you to import your Steam friends to their Epic launcher, it looked through one unencrypted config file in the Steam folder to get your friends list.
Apparently, this was a plot by the chinese government who used tencent that completely owns epic despite their 40% ownership to steam gamers credit card information and games.
tldr: another Yea Forums thinks they know technology episode that makes /g/ cry.
GOG. Your argument is invalid. But even if places like GOG didn't exist the practice of taking away a customer's choice is why this is a problem. Let me put it to you another way.
Wouldn't it be better for customers if games were available everywhere?
Let me answer for you since you fucking won't. Of course it would be better. So stop trying to advocate for the course of action that doesn't allow that ideal situation from occurring. It's endorsing results that go against your own interests assuming you're a customer and not a fucking mouthpiece.
Thank god the PC space is still semi-elitist enough to not take it up the ass from Epic and it will to move right back to piracy if anti-consumer shit starts
You don't have to pirate it. Just as long as you don't buy.
>Improve Steam
improve how exactly? I keep hearing far-right pepees screeching this
It pretty much has zero effect on Devs so essentially yes.
Well I'm not a fucking faggot so I'll just wait for the games to go on sale on steam. Chinks are the new beta testers
At some point in the early 2010s
Piracy on PC was pretty huge in the 2000s, a lot of parts of the world didn't have access to physical PC games so when steam made it really easy and cheap to get a bunch of games gamers and devs were all over that shit. Valve is the entire reason things like origin and uplay and epic store exist because nobody saw a market worth investing in in PC gaming
Epic will be the AAA store, steam will be the "rest of the games" store.
>it looked through one unencrypted config file in the Steam folder to get your friends list.
It preemptively saved multiple files from Steam to moment you launched the Epic Game Store without your permission, all while Valve has a goddamn API for getting the kind of information Epic needs to merge friends lists
>mfw i share a community with this kind of trash
like discord but theres tf2.
>Improve Steam to a point where even just playing games is a better experience there.
Like it already is? Epic has no built-in controller support, no cloud saves, no key generation to get cheaper legitimate games, and no modding platform for piss-easy modding
>GOG. Your argument is invalid.
GOG doesn't even have a single Souls game on it. That shows you the power of that platform.
>Wouldn't it be better for customers if games were available everywhere?
I want Spider-Man, but I'd have to buy a PS4 for it. Would I want a PC port? Sure. Is it realistic business? No.
>Let me answer for you since you fucking won't. Of course it would be better. So stop trying to advocate for the course of action that doesn't allow that ideal situation from occurring. It's endorsing results that go against your own interests assuming you're a customer and not a fucking mouthpiece.
Nothing has fucking changed other than people not being able to buy a game for one year and they can't stop crying about it.
>25+ games
Yep checks out.
Waiting for it to go on sale on Steam is only marginally better than buying it on Epic. You're still giving money to these publishers and telling them "hey, it's okay that you tried to fuck me and made me wait half a year or more for this game. Here's my money, maybe next time you'll release your game everywhere *crosses fingers*" and the publishers look at your purchase and think to themselves "Awesome, we're forgiven. Let's just keep doing what we just did".
The answer is piracy.
>AAA store
so shit store?
>no sekiro
>no DMC5
>no AC7
>no RE2
at least they have division 2 right
Not a single argument explaining why you would support something that makes things worse for customers. This should make it crystal clear to you that your opinion on this issue is at the very least flawed.
I like how you overlook the fact consumers have a role purchases.
>weeb flightsim
Epic doesn't deserve them.
and metro exodus, outer worlds and soon rdr2 ;)
and gaben did, thanks to him pc is in a good spot right now
sweeney is a vulture, they just stole the idea from someone else and it just happened to become popular
when hype around fortnite will die, epic will fade into obscurity
This. Get a big fucking check from Epic and get all the valve drones to buy it a year later.
>You'll be better off googling it to get a better explanation.
Am I though? Google just gives me the “everything’s fine, s’no big deal” Epic PR explanation.
steam babees will neber recover
>that makes things worse for customers.
Except it doesn't other than autists who think Steam deserves to be the only platform for digital games. Why does it bother Steam drones that other platforms will exist with their own exclusive games?
I didn't realize Yea Forums was filled with this much faggotry. Console timed exclusives are much worse than this and nobody makes this loud of a fuss about it. No matter how much your fragile ass stretches this in reality it comes down to an extra click of a button and somehow that's more insulting to you than timed console exclusives. Grow the fuck up.
>Nothing has fucking changed other than people not being able to buy a game for one year and they can't stop crying about it.
I'm not the guy to whom you're replying, but I have to say, even though I disagree with most of what you've said, you're not entirely wrong about this. Who the fuck buys new games anymore? I probably wasn't going to play any of the Epic exclusives in the next year anyway. I'll get them when they're $5 or less, and they'll probably be on Steam by then. People get too upset over timed exclusivity.
What if I want to play with my friends, though? Does shit like Hamachi actually work?
If EGS didn't use spyware tactics I'd install it without a second thought. Same reason I'll only use discord in a web browser tab.
Fix the chat/friends list update, its unoptimised as shit
Hurry up with the store/library update, its been fucking 10 years
Revamp the overlay
Bring back theme support
BPM needs a facelift
Trading needs to have its retarded restrictions removed
Allow people to straight up delete items they dont want crowding their inventory but cant sell without having to download the game again
Create a proper mod-manager that allows for easy mods that Steam deems to be "unacceptable" to be on the Workshop
Deal with the workshop spam
Separate "Workshop" and "Please add my item to the game". CS:GO and TF2 have maps in the same place as people spam either blatant scams or their "I made this design please add it in the next case so people will have to pay for it :)". I want custom content, i dont want to vote on shit that im not going to pay for
Make VAC not a complete fucking joke
>controller support
You've listed 1 thing, too bad it only benefits people that use controllers on PC
>cloud saves
Every other launcher has this by now, Epic is catching up and it'll be no time before they do
>No key generation to get cheaper legitimate games
>modding platform for piss-easy moding
Extremely limited mods that cannot include complete conversions or things that Valve does not think is appropriate. Workshop is a fucking disaster and one of the worst things to happen to PC modding
So, one good game, cool.
w-w-w-what the fuck bros? i thought you couldnt get epic keys anywhere that wasnt the store?
This isn't Epic's exclusive game. Fortnite is. These games are the results of bribes. They're not first party. Epic had no involvement in their development.
Listen to me once and for all you retarded faggot. I don't want games to be only on Steam. I want games to be everywhere including Epic. The more stores there are the better it is for everyone. The more competition for prices there are the better it is for everyone.
The launcher looks through some steam files that do contain your fruends list but also ehat games you own, when you last played them, total playtime,etc. But they only look for your friends list and ignore the rest. Surely you trust timmy when he says they don't look at the other data. Despite steam providing a free api to get your friends list. This way is just faster.
It's funny because fortnite and epic have a lot in common
Fortnite was a failure of a game before the BR mode, had it not been for the BR genre that game would have stated a pitiful tower defense game filled to the brim with microtranscations, they had to hop on the BR bandwagon to survive and lucky for them streamers and kids latched on to it hardcore
Epic store is the same thing, epic's client has been around for years but all it had was paragon, shadow complex, UT4 and maybe one or two other games, it was basically always a store but just for epic's shit. Now they realize they can make a ton of money off PC games and they're trying to force there way in with a store that has less features than literally every other store in the market. This store didn't have a search function until a few months ago and they won't get a basket till 6 months from now
>Its only bad if its not released on steam
lmao steambabs
>they just stole the idea from someone else and it just happened to become popular
Kinda like Fortnite itself really
>If EGS didn't use spyware tactics I'd install it without a second thought.
>Same reason I'll only use discord in a web browser tab.
I agree with you there.
we already did, that's why we have high standards
Piracy has come a long way. Multiplayer works for a lot of recent pirated games. Hamachi is one option, but many games are getting cracks specifically for them that allow you to play with your friends. Obviously it won't work with some games where it's designed to be always online and relies on servers that crackers don't have access to.
>anons shitting on Epic, valvedroning it up
>simultaneously shitting on MCC
If you don't support Halo at this moment in time, Steam will lose. The Chinese shills are working hard to tarnish Halo's reputation.
Gives me a good excuse to pirate shit. I've been extremely tolerant of publisher bullshit over the years, but when you try to introduce exclusivity like that of fucking console gaming on PC then these fuckers aren't getting my money, and I'll be enjoying the shit they put so much effort into for free.
>Long term
>Shopping Cart
>it'll be no time before they do
This is not good enough. They should have had it years ago. You're shilling for a store that has nothing, not even origin is as bad as epic's store. I can't take you seriously when you say steam needs to improve where epic has yet to start.
the chinks are going to lose anyway, i'd rather just shit on a mediocre game franchise that had a negative impact on a genre i liked instead
Saying that steam don't have bad games is like saying that there's no hunger in venezuela.
But there also good games on it.
Epic, simply epic.
w-w-what the fuck bros? I thought you couldn't get tickets to this concert anywhere that wasn't the venue but there's a nigger on the side of the street scalping tickets?!
Does it grab anything crazy like credit card information or something like that?
Currently you have to buy games one by one on the epic store, I don't know why it's going to take them 6 months for a shopping cart but that's their ETA, it shows where their priorities lie.
Fire their 2-3 infiltrated SJWs who don't understand what should be vetoed on the platform.
Steam doesn't store payment credentials locally.
How did they get this information then?
No this isn't even breaking the standards and very tame if you look at it honestly. Never is there this much outrage for a console timed exclusive and with this EGS stuff you aren't gated by some subscription or hardware costs. I have never seen people this offended over something so non-offensive.
Ssshhhh don't say that, you'll anger the shills trying to boost their social credit scores by shilling for their impending collapse of a country.
Question: can I buy games off the epic store without downloading a launcher? This is what made me unhappy about steam, where if I wanted to play a specific game, I needed to download their client. Can't they just be a storefront where I can buy games from them from my browser? Why can't they be more like GOG?
>the chinks are going to lose anyway
This really isn't the moment to underestimate them considering the walking dead series(very popular with normalfags) straight up disappeared from Steam, and Anno went Epic even though it was pre-orderable on Steam. Borderlands 3 is also huge. Zoomers are associating PC gaming more and more with Epic thanks to Fortnite and stuff like this, especially Borderlands 3, will solidify that mindset.
>they should have had it years ago
>store only launched in December
Are you honestly mentally challenged?
Steam has been basically untouched for the last 10 years despite Valves infinite budget and endless talent they hire.
Again, you compare the EGS to Origin when Origin released in 2011.
EGS has been out for 5 months yet you're comparing it to software thats been out for 8 years, despite the fact that the EGS now is better than any of those when they originally launched and is STILL better than that Bethesda Launcher.
>Never is there this much outrage for a console timed exclusive
Did you forget about GTA V which spawned the NEVER EVER meme back in 2013?
release hl3 and everything will be fine
All Steam had to do.
Match Epic in Dev cuts. That's all they ask for.
Here's the thing, doesn't matter if many people don't buy borderlands 3. It will still make profit.
Steam has so much bloat from streaming (twitch does it better) to selling videos and movies (this is a videogame store wtf) to useless item trading crap to pimp out your shitty ass profiles with golden letters.
Just give me the games.
That's what epic provides.
>Question: can I buy games off the epic store without downloading a launcher?
You can but you need the launcher to actually download them. I've been collecting the free games and will eventually install the Epic Store to play them one day
>Epic starts competing with Steam AFTER gaming begins to die as an art form. coulda timed that one better guys.
>Zoomers are associating PC gaming more and more with Epic thanks to Fortnite and stuff like this
zoomers don't buy pc games though
there's a reason fortnite became so popular, it was free
zoomers especially don't give a fuck about memelands 3
Funny analogy, but doesn't work. Scalpers raise the price because supply plummets and demand rises. These prices are lower and supply is infinite.
Ah yes, the same Epic shill who does want Valve to start paying for exclusivities.
Yes goy, they're all niggers only the people that sell steam keys are legitimate :)
>you need the launcher to download them
That's a dealbreaker then. I will not tolerate their DRM. Either match gog or kiss my ass.
>ask 10 people
Nothing any of these journalists write has any credibility.
If a car company released a model T ford I would definitely complain that it doesn't have any of the functionality that has been developed in preceding years, yes.
>>Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony pay 3rd parties for exclusivity.
>>Its fine
>>Epic does the same thing
>Reason why I haven't bought a console since the SNES and have been a PC gamer all my life and only emulated console games
>It's suddenly fine if Epic does it and I will obviously just ignore it and buy "Excl000sives" from their horrid Chink store
Zoomers also don't play on PC since they have mommy's old iPhone.
it's kinda funny how nobody sees anything wrong with this except for Steam users, who rightfully get angry but then are attacked by game journos and even game devs are throwing them in the fray too. A complete and total lack of respect for the consumer.
>AFTER gaming begins to die as an art form
give examples of what you mean
How much do you get per hour?
This. Exclusivity is the reason I stepped away from consoles and never looked back. It's a cancer for customer choice because for the privilege of being able to order everything off of the menu you need to buy at least three sets of separate hardware every couple of years. It's a racket.
Western games are turning into propaganda and Nips are more interested in virtual slot machines.
1 dog haunch.
Unfortunately Steam can’t push advertisement and support costs onto Steam before a bait and switch.
You realize the epic games client has been around for years right? I don't know when it first came out because I wasn't paying attention to that shit but PC version of shadow complex came out in early 2016 so it's at least 3 years old. Origin has cloud saves, uplay as cloud saves, and steam has cloud saves, there's really no excuse to not have it.
I don't care what steam has to do or should do, the fact is epic is worse than its competitors and they came into the market unprepared. If you're trying to sell people on a service you should at least be able to compete with what your competitors are offering, it's not my place to care about how new they are.
If EGS is a Model T Ford, Steam is a Model T Ford with retarded shit glued to the side.
They both log in, download, update and launch games just as well as eachother, the shit Steam has as "features" again, has almost no impact on the majority of people that just want to play games. For every 1 actual gameplay related feature they have, theres another 10 retarded "social" features.
You've yet to list any legitimate features that arent:
Cloud Saves (Only for people that have more than 1 PC they play on)
Controller Support (Only for people that play with controllers)
It's the fault of our society. China has already won I'm afraid. They don't own more land in Australia than Australians for nothing.
>your game is so irrelevant people wont even pirate it
wouldnt that be a bad thing?
People are actually outraged over this where those were more memes/jokes between pc/console users. Besides the normal dissatisfied people there weren't many targeting specific people, sony, microsoft, and rockstar like they are with this. On top of that this isn't gated by money like console exclusives are.
projecting much?
the "epic games store" is a decentralized fucking mess. You can get it on the apple and android app stores and use it to download fortnite. that's about it.
Who knows. But I can't be assed to bother with the epic games store in the same way I couldn't be assed for the win 10 store.
I'll pirate games like Exodus and just add a shortcut and move on with my life.
I don't just have ONE specific example. It would be easier to cite examples that don't fit it.
How many franchises AREN'T terrible right now? How many new games coming out are good? none and close to none.
This, they're both the same shit except Steam has more bass in its stereo
Where will Steam drones be in a year when Epic Store is actually on par with Steam? Still bitching?
>pc """masterrace"""
Feels good being a console peasant so I don't have to deal with this shit.
I'm just having everything censored to hell
PCfags get mad over games like Bloodborne but part of it is ironic because they know it'll forever be PS4 exclusive. Meanwhile EGS taking exclusivity of games is like spinning out and wrecking seconds from the finish line. Its right in front of them yet they can't play it because they have to install malware.
No they'll use it to destabilize democracy.
>he only listens to classical
Not that I only listen to mumble rap, but good bass response instantly makes a sound system noticeably better.
>Regional Pricing
>Offline Play
>User Reviews
>linux/mac support
>The ability to sort your fucking library
Inb4 you reply to 1 of these that's low hanging fruit expecting me to argue the one point rather than call you out for ignoring the others.
Yoshi world
All in 2019
Feels good to pay 3x more for hardware and more just to play online? You've been getting raped so long you can't even feel shame anymore. you dirty little slut.
>Still bitching?
hopefully. egs exclusives need that free publicity to up sales
holy fuck bros that roadmap looks EPIC. can't wait for the Shopping Cart expansion to drop, I swear this is gonna change up the whole epic games store meta
>3x more for hardware
Even a PS4 pro costs less than a midrange gaming PC
>playing console games online
>Where will Steam drones be in a year when Epic Store is actually on par with Steam?
So you admit it's a subpar service? Holy shit chang what about your shillbucks? If they see you shittalking the service you'll be sent to the chink gulag.
Valve is pissing me off by still doing fucking nothing.
Simple. lower their cut, that is all they have to fucking do
No, you are interpreting my post wrong, it's an underdog of a service because Steam is more popular on the PC platform right now.
>Predatory market practices
>Literally allow anything on the store except scams
>Doesn't force or pay to have exclusives except their own games, which Epic does
>take the same cut every other digital store except epic does
>provide community sections for each game which epic doesn't
>Has pretty flexible refunds, and a pretty long no questions asked period for them unlike epic
But yes, they are so predatory because they take all of a 30% cut and have shovelware. That's so predatory.
Why do Steam drones keep bringing up the shopping cart?
Epic doesn't have thousands of shitty games on sale at once like Steam does.
EA has their access thing. They won't give that up until they cease to exist. With the FIFA and Madden money, that will never happen.
Out of the 28 things listed there, only 5 relate to actually playing video games. Everything else is Store related and Social related.
>Regional Pricing
Has nothing to do with playing video games
>Offline Play
Thats 1
>User Reviews
Has nothing to do with playing video games
>Linux/Mac support
Dual Booting exists, Linux/Mac users dont game.
>The ability to sort your fucking library
Has nothing to do with playing video games
EGS features are pretty good but it still lacks the cherry picked features that steamfags bitched about it.
You mean the steam users that don't use much of what steam offers which ends up in tons of unnecessary bloat of features that steam has to maintain and add onto every new game ultimately costing the devs and steam more money?
Steam is the Myspace of games. Tons of shit like this that shouldn't even be there. Just games, that's all people want. How about ridding 50% of steam features and bringing back flash sales you fucking Jews.
I dunno you said it pretty clearly, Epic Game Store is not on par with Steam. Since it's not on par, by your own admission, that must mean that the exclusives are them attempting to force people to use their sub par service. Thanks for the warning!
>When you miss the point entirely
user it’s bad business to turn away any potential business. Now that they’ve alienated everyone with confidence issues they’ll flock to Steam
>Just give me the games.
That's not what devs are getting, they're getting multiplayer connectivity, leaderboards, forums, the ability to put items on the steam marketplace. If you don't want that shit that's fine but devs see things differently and they get all those services without paying upfront. I don't know how old you are or how long you've been in PC gaming but before steamworks a lot of steam games had really shitty mutliplayer because every dev had to handle it on their own so some of them used services like gamespy or GFWL, both of which shutdown and left multiplayer components of games unusable. Even dark souls was on GFWL and when that shutdown fromsoft had to go to valve otherwise there would be no more multiplayer for souls games.
>Valve is pissing me off by still doing fucking nothing.
Valve isn't a reactionary company. They have their idea on what they want to do and stick to it. They're long-term planners in terms of the store
>poster is excited for upcoming changes to the Epic Store
based retard
Anyone who needs the money or won't need the extra features steam provides.
>Linux/Mac users dont game
I wish you were lying but this is fact. Linux users are the vegans of computer users and Mac users are technophobes or professors who grew up on UNIX.
Normal gamers dont buy hundreds games (ie icons in steam library) at once and then never play them. They buy 1 game and play 1 game.
>Built-in controller support
>Modding platform
These certainly have to do with playing video games
>I dont think about you at all
>Official response which was "G-G-G-GUYS ITS UNFAIR YOU TOOK METRO AWAY FROM US :("
Because its embarrassing that a multi billion dollar company takes half a year to add in a simple feature that a troglodyte could do in a few days
Guess I'm gonna be using consoles for the time being.
>roberts space industries designs a storefront.jpg
>more popular
>on the PC platform
steam IS PC, if you know what i mean
2.5x as much as a game released a decade ago? You think thats actually impressive you retard?
You'd have to use some kind of analogy they'd get, like if tidal bought the rights to some music and took it off spotify and itunes, or if some shitty streaming service buys movie rights and removed them from netflix and amazon videos or whatever the fuck people use these days.
You can buy multiple cars at once. Every store online should have a shopping cart because it allows you to review what you're about to purchase and see all of the relevant information you need related to those purchases. For fuck's sake I can buy cookies from my daughter's elementary school and they have a fucking shopping cart.
They stated that it was unfair to the customer who usually buy on Steam, which it is. Pulling a game from sale with less than 24 hours notice because another company gave you a big moneybag to sell elsewhere is anti-consumer shit
>i dont think about you at all
>while screeching tanimin square on every threads talking about epic exclusives
Honestly, this.
>Regional Pricing
Oh so not being able to affoed a game because it's arbitrarily double the price in your country has nothing to do with playing said game?
>User Reviews
Man I sure am glad that I can't find non-shill reviews before purchasing a game, that definitely won't impact my experience at ALL
Because they're not me they don't count. Gotcha.
>The abikity to sort your library
Nigger I own over 500 different games, some from bundles some direct purchases, it's pretty fucking important to me to be able to quickly and easily find the game I'm looking for without needing to make a web of fucking parent folders on my desktop
The worst part is all of this shit is extremely easy to implement bug EGS is run by chinks who can't code for shit.
Shopping carts are basic features of any online store.
>Built-in controller support
Again, yes, but it only benefits people that choose to play on controllers.
>Modding platform
Steam doesnt have a proper modding platform though, Workshop is a fucking joke. When they add features that rival Mod Organiser or Nexus Mod Manager feel free to have that point but as long as Workshop is exclusively "PLEASE UPVOTE MY DESERT EAGLE SKIN I WANT MONEY :)" and "ANIME MODEL FOR WAR SHOOTER" you've got nothing.
>>while screeching tanimin square on every threads talking about epic exclusives
People on Yea Forums aren't Valve
>only 5 relate to actually playing video games
You understand it's a store and not just a client you play games on right? How you pay for a game has nothing to do with playing a game but if I remove the ability for you to use your credit card or paypal then how do you even access the game? Use your brain.
2.5 times of what though???
>Nobody thinks about you, Artifact
>Man I sure am glad that I can't find non-shill reviews before purchasing a game, that definitely won't impact my experience at ALL
Behold: The amazing non-shill reviews that you so desperately desire
>EGS is run by chinks who can't code for shit.
I shouldnt be surprised you're mentally challenged
Stop trying to buy shit games and this won't happen to you.
They wait years for shitty console ports only to get filtered at the first fucking level of the game, Nier Automata says hi pc-cucks.
The majority of pc gamers use a shitty laptop, and the small percentage that doesn't don't even play games on their $2000 shitposting machine.
Which will be added when the store is more full to accommodate the use of a shopping cart
But no in the Steam drones mind, he will surely start using Epic Store when there's a shopping cart!!!1
the problem with EA access is that there's not a lot of new good 3rd party shit on there, there's some decent old shit but how do they convince people to use it for more than a year when all of EA's recent games (battlefield, anthem, star wars battlefront 2) have been so shitty?
Great so the consumer gets fucked because valve isn't competing, great. The best. I hope china gets nuked and all chinks get genocided.
When did you realize that Epic only exists because game client wars are the next step in console war evolution?
He said
>who think
as in, indie devs who happen to be idiots.
Does that include you?
>Normal gamers dont buy hundreds games
Actually you just need to buy more than 1 to realize there's no cart
Lol I remember this fag from somewhere, but I just can't put my finger on it.
>Valve isn’t competing
Valve is openly welcoming anyone that can make video games while Epic is shitting on anyone that isn’t AAA garbage
>but if I remove the ability for you to use your credit card or paypal then how do you even access the game? Use your brain.
I dont buy from the fucking store, im not mentally challenged. I buy CD keys for cheap.
>stop buying games with minorities in them
>stop buying games with women in them
>stop buying games where minorities worked on them
>stop buying games where women worked on them
>stop buying games where the developers dont like china
>stop buying games where the developers blocked china
>stop buying games where the developers like china
>stop buying games where the developers didnt block china
>stop buying games where the dlc is too expensive
>stop buying games where there is no dlc
>stop buying games where the balance team disagrees with reddit
Yea Forums, what would you do if Epic started bringing games to the PC? like instead of just grabbing titles that were headed to the PC anyway, they throw money at console exclusive devs and convince them to port?
would you then love Epic?
By definition they aren't competing
>thinking japan would work with chinks.
>How do they improve Steam?
1. Bring back better sale cuts
2. Bring back flash, community choice, and daily sales
3. Make Steam entirely optional for all games
4. Remove bloat like the market
5. Hire a fucking competent UI designer
6. Focus on making video games again
7. Have standards instead of outright selling fucking malware
On second thought, CD Projekt already does all of that with GOG so why should I give a fuck about Steam?
meh, i more interested in playing surreal indie games than playing the garbage that passes for games by big western developers. It sickens me to see that people on here still ubisoft, ea and bethesda games.
Because they aren’t acting like niggers and buying up exclusivity rights, that means they aren’t competing?
>thinking japan would work with chinks
I thought Epic was owned by the chinks? Why are all these japs making games on the Unreal Engine?
>retarded wojakposters can't even shitpost on their own but can only repost screencaps of shitposting
Fucking hell, every year newfags get worse than ever. How is that possible?
>>Behold: The amazing non-shill reviews that you so desperately desire
Good. Users should be able to express themselves even if you don't agree with it. I would not want to live in a world where I can't express my opinion simply because someone else has a bad opinion or an opinion I don't agree with.
I would be happy and not only that I'd hope Epic would finally destroy Steam once and for all.
No Epic is still run by a lying piece of shit and the launcher is still a piece of shit. If the exclusives went to Steam though I would like Epic a lot better than I do now
And yet again, shopping carts are a basic feature of any online store. This store for example sells far less than epic does and it has a shopping cart.
The example game was persona made by the japanese dumbass.
You can express your retarded opinion everywhere else, it has nothing to do with playing video games though.
hes the guy that cursed valve to die a slow death until they release hl3. we had threads about him because he made that curse 5 days after egs launched and shit started getting super sour for steam a couple of months after.
Where's the Don't Care option? This has nothing to do with my experience as a consumer.
I'm going to spend money where I want for the things that I want and what happens as a consequence is a result of that.
As it stands right now the consumer experience from buying all my games on steam when possible is far better than any alternative and I will vote for that with my money when it suits me.
This cartoon was dope, the last season was pretty shitty.
By not competing by lower the cut they take to match epic they're not competing you stupid faggot. Thats the biggest fucking problem.
why do you want that?
Are you legitimately retarded? Thats not the point of the post at all.
He's a shill
>use example of game
>Get told why that game would never happen
>hurr durr thats not the point tho
no. exclusivity is cancer unless they are actually making the games. why the fuck can't i even buy old unreal games there????
You're missing the point, without reviews no one can express their opinion, no one except shitty youtubers and journos that need to cheat to beat a game
Or just look for reviews that mirror your preconceived beliefs and learn nothing about what is actually happening. Ignorance serves the publishers best, so hop to it. Bury your head in the sand and pretend like all criticism that you disagree with is incorrect.
>By not competing by lower the cut they take to match epic they're not competing
By not excluding people that make “indie trash” they are still, indeed, competing. Lot of good a better cut of profits do if people don’t buy your games numbnuts
What a fucking wizard.
I use console
>while Epic is shitting on anyone that isn’t AAA garbage
Why, why, oh WHY - do Valve drones have to lie so blatantly?
Shakedown Hawaii isn't AAA anything - it's developed by one guy and published by one guy - taking the deal from Epic probably paid off his entire development costs of Shakedown.
Steam is already optional and entirely based on the devs of the game. There are many games you can literally copy folders over to another computer and play just fine.
Their own video games is irrelevant to their platform, though it would be nice.
And last I checked the Epic store is the one that scans through your PC for your Steam install to pull data from without your consent. Pretty malware if you ask me.
Except no they aren't competing because anyone can just go to epic and get the better cut. Whats it like being a retard?
>Be Valve
>Lower cut to match EGS
>Lower it even more
>Epic still pays people shitloads for exclusives
>So they still get exclusives
The cut is lipservice by Epic in an attempt to make Steam look like the big bad boogeymen. Epic is burning tens of millions of dollars and you're supposed to believe that the cut they give is going to stay that way? You're naive.
why do YOU even care about this? you are not getting anything good from it, unless you are against steam, for whatever reason
Steam used to be about the games.
SUMMER SALES that weren't shit
>nothing but stupid events to make your username gold or something stupid
Except retard, while that might work for certain unknown games. More people use steam, steam has a bigger name, they will SELL MORE through steam than money and make more money. Making the upfront money worthlesas to everyone except indie cancer.
The only real answer
it would need to be games from the ps1 and ps2 era to catch my attention. I am still waiting for that one exclusive that will make me buy a ps4, and i have yet to find one that grabs my interest.
A cut of zero is still zero you fucking smooth brain.
Ace Combat 7
Video games are fine. Ur a faget.
Then they would serve their purpose. And I will happily torrents the games.
>why would I be angry that I have to deal with chinkware to buy games
Fuck off epic shill. Go eat a cat.
Because that cut is totally going to go towards consumers and not straight to the publisher or devs pockets with no additional work done?
How does it feel to be a shill?
Here's what I need to see to give epic any money:
Muzzle Tim Sweeney for good, he is an idiot who has no interest in giving the consumer a good service
Fix the damn store, it is actually the worst one except for maybe the microsoft store or the bethesda store
Actually have proper regional discounts, I'm still seeing a bunch of $60 US games on there
Have some proper sales, I know the epic fanboys don't know this but Tim Sweeney does not want the kind of sales Valve has because he thinks they devalue games
Prove they're not selling my info to china
>Get told why that game would never happen
Tell me again you fucking retard.
Is Square Enix a Japanese company?
How about Bandai Namco?
What about Arc System Works?
Marvelous Inc?
All these companys use Unreal Engine to make their games, you fucking retard. Unreal Engine is developed by Epic, and as you said, Epic is owned by the chinks.
Why are all these japanese companies working with the chinks?
>Doesn't know that value takes a bigger cut of the money
Jesus you're stupid user just do a favor for the rest of the world and kill yourself.
Indeed, epic is currently in an unsustainable business model right now in order to gain users.
That's just the new thing these days. PayPal and Amazon made it big by doing it.
MoviePass tried it and failed.
The benefit is to the consumers by having actual options obivious you dog eating chink.
so when will epic start doing stuff that's actually beneficial to the consumer?
These still exist, the probably is they're not displayed like they used to be so you actually need to dig to find them.
in another 6 months you can buy more than one game at a time
>still not understanding that the japanese hate the chinese and would never work with them
How stupid can you be
>Prove they're not selling my info to china
never gonna happen. I should know, I frequently use QQ and Wechat on both my phone and desktop. anything tencent has a hand is linked to the selling/using of your personal info and data.
What’s it gonna be user?
>Hey your game isn’t so good but we’ll put it on anyway because it was greenlit. We’re gonna take a cut.
Or Epic
And all you can say is “lol ur st00pid!” Man fuck off before I invoke the sacred words
I would say jap games are doing okay. Western games on the other hand has gotten so slimy with their tactics to milk every dollar from the consumer that it becomes detrimental to the game.
Never it's ran by Chinese bugmen. China is basically the worst aspects of American company corruption magnified.
Assault Android Cactus is actually one of the best twinstick shooters out there. Just because it's not some multi-million seller doesn't mean it's bad in any way.
>without reviews no one can express their opinion
>no one except shitty youtubers and journos that need to cheat to beat a game
Holy fuck you're mentally challenged. Social networks exist for a fucking reason, sites exist for a fucking reason (you're on one now btw retard).
>mirror your preconceived beliefs and learn nothing about what is actually happening
>Ignorance serves the publishers best
Theres a difference between being ignorant and being so fucking mentally challenged you listen to shit posts and churn them out as facts.
That isn't happening already lots of indie games are getting accepted. Get fucked you stupid shill.
Fuck them I liked AAC, fun little game even if the art was terrible.
Around 2010ish big third party games suddenly started being steam exclusive, it was either bend over for gabe or put on your pirate hat. You can guess what most people did
Pic related as an example
Wow the stupid chink can't read. I'm literally arguing against them.
Not that user, but things are different now compared to the 40's.
Japs will work with the devil if it put money in their pockets now.
i've asked you why do you want valve to match the cut with epic? they won't do that, they are on top, a private company with nothing to worry about, just playing smart and calm
so, because you personally don't like some changes you want it to be completely destroyed? like a screaming baby who didn't get his candy
>Lots of indie games are getting accepted
Ones that already came out don’t count user
>the probably is they're not displayed like they used to be so you actually need to dig to find them.
you have to dig pretty hard, they're in a box on the front page that says today's deal.
Except that isn't even true. Are you retarded?
Fuck off Billy
No they aren't. Japan is still xenophobic as fuck.
tiananmen square 1989
>Social networks exist for a fucking reason
Cancer. Good luck getting good opinions from a play like reddit or Yea Forums, half of the replies will be shills and the other half will be trolls, at least on steam you can see how long someone played a game when they reviewed it.
it's not unsustainable since they have more money than god, out spending your opponents is not bad business, it doesn't hurt them because they spend so little in which they actually earn, compared to EPIC, valve looks like a bunch of poorfags
Ah, an expert of Japanese culture I see. Pardon me then.
Are you going to keep calling me a retard or actually list some shit games that got put on the store?
the point is that even shitty 3rd world generic Viagra retailers have a shopping cart built into the website.
>i've asked you why do you want valve to match the cut with epic?
Because it provides options and it loses them money long term as more people go for the better option of epic. Obviously. This is obvious for anyone with a functioning brain which you lack apparently.
>they won't do that
They will once they lose something like red dead to epic.
> they are on top, a private company with nothing to worry about, just playing smart and calm
I hope you don't ever run a company because you would fucking wreck it in a year.
Sometimes there's more than one, the only reason I know this is because I get notifications when a game on my wishlist goes on sale and it's usually not on the front page.
You don't need to believe them, but you're a fool if you ignore them without first understanding why they're there in the first place.
Fuck off cuck
>decide to disrupt Steam's monopoly on digital PC releases
>make a storefront/launcher full of robust features Steam lacks, that users have been asking for years with no reply, and maybe a halfway decent UI to match
>lol jk we'll just undercut the price to appeal to devs and hopefully our stupid userbase will be forced to adapt to an even worse platform than the one they're complaining about
call me when the start selling these sort of indie games. i want indie games that are the pinnacle of creativity.
Games for Windows Live was a thing, hell Valve even let games that used it as an online service be sold on steam.
People have already literally linked you examples. You pretend they don't exist because you're braindead. You're either trolling or actually are subhuman.
>Steam is already optional and entirely based on the devs of the game.
That's not what I was asking for and you know it.
>last I checked the Epic store is the one that scans through your PC for your Steam install to pull data from without your consent. Pretty malware if you ask me.
You're moving the goalposts. This is about what Valve can do to make Steam better, not about the Epic store.
>Good luck getting good opinions from a play like reddit or Yea Forums, half of the replies will be shills and the other half will be trolls
Are you seriously so fucking stupid you believe Steam Reviews are any different?
I know Steam Users really are a """""special""""" bunch so i made this for you, if you still cant comprehend after this you should probably just take a toaster bath.
I hate EGS exclusivity crap, but get better argument next time or you are just a falseflagging retard.
>I know Steam Users really are a """""special""""" bunch so i made this for you, if you still cant comprehend after this you should probably just take a toaster bath.
>using a tool
>the same as working with a engine they will take in house and modify
Japanese didn't like white people and still used windows, that isn't the same thing youi fucking retard.
>Linked me examples
No they have not. I joined this thread maybe 20 minutes ago
That's not really how businesses operate. Google may have all the money in the world, but they aren't going to endlessly pump money into a tiny sub-section that will never see any profits and make it back.
What is even the point of making an Epic gamestore if it will never make profit? and the store feeding off other departments forever to fund this exclusivity war is not a self sustainable product.
I'm sorry the truth hurts and that the asians all hate each other. Welcome to reality you stupid nigger.
that thing's existence still pisses me off because most pirated versions of GFWL games require you to sign in online to actually save your game progress.
Remember when MS tried to make GFWL a paid service and it sold so poorly they shut down the subscription fee in only a few months?
add a red dead logo. it is published buy take 2
rockstar has no say. take two is publisher and they already signd a deal with BL3 why wouldnt they use RD2?
people dont care that epic has those game it's the exclusive thing. cause the platform sucks. look at thier to do list. do you really want a company that cant even put in "carts" access to your credit cards? there no Epic gift cards at the corner store.
valve didn't pay2k to put the game only on steam
why don't you go ask 2k why they didn't put the game on other stores?
Oh look he keeps ignoring reality. What a surprise.
>that doujin
Are you Asian?
because unix was too hardcore even for them
i knew it as soon as they started paying for exclusives
Not him but he's right.
t. asian
Thanks. That useful information. Any game that forces users to "choose pronouns" is one I'll gladly automatically add to my "Not Interested" list.
>Are you seriously so fucking stupid you believe Steam Reviews are any different?
They're no different from posts on Yea Forums. They can be judged by their individual merits. There's tremendous value in expression when you can understand the motivation. You're sitting here acting like reviews are worthless. Like a good little shill you want people to consume without thinking or learning.
>2.5 times sales of Last Light
>Last Light sold 25k
This whole Epic vs steam shitstorm really exposed Yea Forums for me. Only absolute fucking 19 year old zoomers can worry about literally nothing like this.
Asian girlfriend. Calls the Vietnamese jungle niggers.
>bend over for gabe or put on your pirate hat
There was still GFWL at the time as well, steamworks didn't have a choke hold until later in the 2010s. The issue was that GFWL wasn't as accessible as steam. I remember not being able to buy shit from them, there was also direct2drive and I couldn't buy shit from them either, steam was my only option for digital distribution.
there are 2 types of people who join epic:
weak indie devs who can be easily and cheaply bought
and greedy publishers who want more money
lower cut is just a buzzword, it means nothing
your red dead is not relevant here
don't be so aggressive with future replies, i'm not trying to humiliate you
GFWL was cancer alright
Best way to play Fallout 3 nowadays is through New Vegas and TTW, just so it works properly
Nah, we like money more than we hate our neighbours.
this thread is bunk anyway, name the source
Technically any game that allows you to choose your gender at all inherently let's you choose your pronouns. It's just that sometimes they're gender locked.
We call american white pig, but we still use apple crap.
>"dark side"
>not using both
>not pirating
>not waiting for exclusivity deal to end and buy the games cheap after they are available on Steam
even THAT neighbour
They are different, I don't think you realize how many shitters on Yea Forums complain about games they don't play or play for very little amounts of time.
No there are 1 type of person that joins epic.
Someone that understands a better deal.
Value takes 30% of the cut, eptic takes a 12% along with even more savings if you use the unreal engine. It's a better deal for quite literally everyone, not just the poor indie devs they're paying off. Its a no brainer deal.
>using a tool
>the same as working with a engine they will take in house and modify
Holy fuck
Why do you think them releasing a game on a platform run by chinks is any different then them giving money to the exact same chinks to use their tool?
>You're sitting here acting like reviews are worthless. Like a good little shill you want people to consume without thinking or learning.
>He consumes the opinions of other """people""" (shills and retards)
>He thinks he can form a legitimate opinion
>He thinks he isnt a fucking shill
>He honestly thinks he's learning
I form my own opinion because im not a fucking braindamaged sheep cuck that gives a fuck about what other people think, your retarded cunt. How is this too hard for you to grasp?
You'll be pretty depressed and / or disappointed if you read it. It's barely sexual in nature.
Except it is though. You chinklovers call a free market a monopoly and a monopoly a free market.
>game available on multiple stores, including Steam
>game available on only Epic, all other stores cut out
>ah, the beauty of the free market
You have no choice
I'm glad that blew up in their faces, back when PC gamers still had spines. Nowadays it feels like that if someone tried that again, we'd just see shit like "GAMERS RISE UP" "US GAMERS ARE SO OPPRESSED".
digging for games and finding deals is actually fun. reminds me of yesteryear of being in a game stop or eb games. but i like how everyone who wants steam to improve in those areas, epic hasn't even formed them yet. BL3 by a AAA devs still cost 60+, season pass still high. it actually shows the devs who are technically "funded" by epic never had the consumer in mind when considering the deal only dollar signs pc consumers to them are secondary citizens anyways. always been the case.
not really.
epic is fucking richer then steam both indirectly through china/tencent money and through fornite buxs. as much as they deny it they are indirectly tencents dogs.
and tencent is ridiculously rich considering it has connections to the chinese goverment itself.
its speculated that several high ranking Chinese politicians directly control tencent.
Fuck off epic shill
>Start change.org petition to get the government to notice this and investigate
This is the real crime. Before iPhone japan had some high-end shit and they abandoned all of that for what amounts to the dumbphone in the era of smartphones. We could've had these but with fully integrated phone and LTE modem.
Reminder Rockstar basically told Take2 to fuck off when the latter started messing with GTAV modding. I think it's too early to say anything.
>Why do you think them releasing a game on a platform run by chinks is any different then them giving money to the exact same chinks to use their tool?
because they have other options, and the japanese don't care about pc anyways. So no they have no reason to work with the chinks that they hate.
So kind of the chinese to give me all these free games.
THAT neighbour got money and that's basically all that matter thanks to capitalism. C'mon we learn it from experts from the west. They can't be wrong.
yeah, back in the day PCfags actually respected their platform and voted with their wallets and not with their voices.
I am not, I already did that with Origin back then and regret.
I'm waiting for the chinks to create the most god awful drm ever because they don't give a fuck about anytihng
The chinese government directly and indirectly controls all chinese companies if and when they want to. It is part of the laws there.
It's safe to say that you don't become a megacorp in China unless you're sucking up to Pooh and his cronies. I'd really wish that Western companies would stop trying to suck up to China, it's like selling a hangman the noose he's going to use to execute you with.
Ching and chong are shilling so hard over here
Fuck off false flagger epic retard.
oh.. it was that artist, i didn't recognize it immediately.
Go eat a dog
It just annoys me to see legitimate consumer complaints get brushed off with "lmoa you poor oppressed gamers".
>So no they have no reason to work with the chinks that they hate.
Except for the fact that they chose to work with the chinks when they decided to use the Unreal Engine instead of engines that arent made by chinks?
How are you seriously this fucking retarded?
So why doesnt Steam just offer the same 12% cut Epic offers?
too much money on the table now, if Epic can get a permanent exclusive in Red Dead 2. it would be a huge game changer in how they do business. of course people will just pirate it then cause RD2 online economy is broken and worse as GTV