>that kid who backwards long jumped to school
That kid who backwards long jumped to school
>that kid who got trapped in gay baby jail
>tfw being the fastest kid in PE while Naruto-running
>that kid who noclipped to escape detention
>that kid who ken combo'd the school bully
That kid who 360 noscoped 10 people
fuck off newfag
>that kid who used big head mode on picture day
>that kid who stood motionless in the middle of the playground yelling "WADWSDWSADAWSWDASDSAWDSADWSDWADWWSDASW"
>that kid who would wavedash during gym
>that kid who went afk through most of the school chooter mission
>the kid who prop killed everybody in the lunch room
>high school graduation
>one of the graduates is a kindergartner who wrong warped to the end of his education
>one of the other graduates is a kindergartner who chose to skip the tutorial
>that kid who would cause the entire library to be littered with debris when he tried to put a book on a shelf
>that kid who changed the date to become a baby again and aggro'd his pitbull just as he quick saved
>that kid who levelled his theft skill and kept stealing end-game loot from the teacher's desk
>That one 1st grader that refuses to level up and spends all his time farming other 1st graders the moment they log on
It's been 11 years.
>that kid that Dream Cancelled a sixth grader
>that kid that kept hitting himself in PE to raise his stamina
>That kid who save scummed the final
>that kid who minmaxed by getting a teacher pregnant as soon as he was old enough to nut
>that kid who would throw metal bolts everywhere
>that kid that ragdolled into the sky during basketball
>that kid who threw a baseball bat at the popular kids and yell "FANTASTIC!" with a fist pump
>that one kid who used TAS during a school fight
>that kid who stood in the middle of the street yelling WSSAWAWDSSSAAAWWWAASDSAAAA and got hit by a truck
>that kid who was obviously on NG+ and killed the school bully with a single attack
>that kid that tried backwards long jumping to spanish class on the second floor but accidentally shifted PUs
he made it back eventually but he was never really the same after that
>that kid who exploited i-frames to dodgeroll through traffic
>>that kid that tried backwards long jumping to spanish class on the second floor but accidentally shifted PUs
the fucks a PU?
>that kid who used light speed dash to get to school
>he doesn't know what PUs are
Did you guys never have a safety education part of PE?
>that one kid who royal released the bully.
>That kid who c.mk -> SAII their bully
>Mfw he beat the bully but the music kept going
>that kid who built up speed for 12 hours before the track meet
lol no we just watched the teacher body everybody in basketball and volleyball and he would occassionally throw the ball at the fat girls head when she wasnt looking. she deserved it tho. thoroughly a cunt. she joined the beaner gangs in middle school and held her own in fist fights against other anons.
anyway, yeah, amerilard schools dont teach safety in PE. what the fucks a PU?
>that kid who sidehops beaten in a race by that other kid who backdashes repeatedly at the speed of sound
>that kid that got a hold of the principals console commands and noclipped into the girls locker room
What a legend
>that kid who noclipped into the girl's locker room
>that kid who nabbed an invincible hammer during a game of pogs
Oh shit we must have gone to the same school.
half an a press
>being this new
>that kid that used his actionreplay to see through the wall of the girls locker room.
>that kid that tried to wololololo the school shooter
>that kid who propblocked all the exits during a fire
i can still hear the screams
man I feel old, I just remembered the time a kid used his game genie to become invincible and then started shit with a bully. Shame he didn't remember to turn on that code the next day.
>that kid who always hit POW whenever the other team was about to make a basket
user... Montage Parodies are almost 5-7 years old...
>i lived, bitch
is this europoor education?
>mfw when blue-shelled at the end of the 400 meter dash
>that kid who mastered the technique of "lose the battle, win in the cutscene."
>be me
>high skill speedrunner
>decide to do a couple runs of middle school for fun
>1 day% run
>day starts
>ask mom to drive me to school, and on the same frame, text dad I'm going with him
>get in both cars
>arrive twice
>boost myself over the fence to skip a cutscene with my friends
>pull myself up, gonna need myself later
>go to my first hour class, math
>at once
>get double math exp, multiclass into brainiac specs
>macguyver together a shiv from my pencils and a paperclip
>second hour, go to history and the bathroom at the same time
>eat shit, idiots
>since i'm in class I can't get in trouble for delinquency
>fuck up the bully now before his trigger starts
>shiv him twice in the face, lock him in a stall
>third period
>bully can't get out
>15 minutes saved there, I'm the best
>time for the lunch skip
>cafeteria lady asks me what I want
>her dialogue bugs out
>offers me the entire lunch supply
>i take it
>use the milk to wall off a teacher spawn
>change the clock on the wall to study hall, last period
>it works
>and now the finale
>3 minutes under estimate
>go to study hall, but don't open the door
>wait for someone else to open it, then backflip through while closing it
>clip into the ceiling
>crouch jump to the roof
>jump past fence
>that's time, fuckers
>upload to speedruns.com
>that's a new pb, pushing wr times
Transfer students can suck my dick.
it's something like this
>that kid who suddenly started talking like a ringing home telephone and suddenly disappeared
>that kid who tried clipping through the walls during exams
>he fell through the floor and got stuck
>that low poly kid you only ever saw on the other side of school
user, compare your post to others and see why it's wrong, you fucking newfag.
Holy fuck my sides.
>that kid that said rosebud a dozen times and then left school in his brand new limousine
>that kid that shouted "IDKFA" in the middle of class
>that low poly kid you only ever saw from far away, and never in the same line of sight as the very well-defined kid
>that kid who screeched "iddqd" first
>that scrawny nerd who took two steps forward, two steps back, turned to the left and back a couple times, punched the air, jumped, and was suddenly a Chad
>that kid who bragged about his parents buying him the College dlc
>that kid who had to stab himself with a fork before he could eat anything every single lunch period
fucker got blood on me once
That took me a second
>That kid who went on and on about anime and wouldn't stop talking about how he isn't ashamed that he likes Neptunia
>that kid who would skip off the second stair then fly up the entire staircase
>that kid named Jonathan who would constantly switch places with a girl named Sharlot for like one second
High school was weird man
Fuckin lol
This destroyed my sides. Underrated kek
>that guy who broke defined floors by jumping like a sperg
Been a long time since I saved a greentext story
>that kid who reset the console just as we graduated
>that kid who conc jumped to school
It's a pasta. I've seen it many times before.
Didn't even watermark it? How trusting of you.
>that kid who ghetto jumped to the second floor of the gym
There were stairs going to the second floor. The fucker just wanted to show off.
>that kid who took latter classes earlier and got late game gear
>that kid that wouldn't say anything and jump around the room throwing physics objects at us and hitting shit with a crowbar while we had conversations with him until we opened the door.
Not that guy but I actually wrote it the last time I saw one of these threads and have no way to prove it
according to the archive, it's only been posted twice.
>Be me
>High school freshman
>Having lunch with some autistic friends
>Thatkid.jpg shows up, visibly injured
>Knocks some other kid over as he runs towards our table
>Other kid stands up and walks towards that kid in a fighting stance
>Gives up after five steps and goes back to minding his business
>That kid stands on our table and steps on our food
>his injuries seem to disappear
>"Glad to see you NiggFucker69"
>Jumps off the table and runs off while jumping and crouching in mid-air
>that girl who noclipped into the boys' locker room
>that girl who noclipped into the boy's locker room to steal everybody's pants
that fucking bitch
>that kid that clipped behind the bathroom wall and was never seen again
I didn't know him that well, but his parents were an absolute mess after that
>that kid who rapidly switched between running and walking animations while on the stairs, making him just glide up and down them at high speeds
How can AGDQ even compete?!
>that kid who got caught with drugs and was gonna get expelled, but danced in a couple directions, punched the air, and then jumped, so the cops and the school just totally forgot about it
>400 meter dash in PE
>Everyone lines up
>Some kid is busy talking to his friends
>Coach suddenly blows the whistle
>Everyone starts to run
>Look back
>That kid is standing still
>He screams "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAADWWWWWWWAWDWWWWWWWWWWWWSWWWWWSSSSSS" at the top of his lungs, then starts to run
what the fuck happened bros?
>tfw that was me every time
>be me
>new-ish runner, go with sophomore year
>heard it takes a while to get into, and isn't super-rewarding, but everyone starts somewhere
>manage to get a triple-load warp for school, frame-perfecting asking mom for a ride, texting friend for a carpool, and walking out to catch the bus
>ground out freshman year 5 times just to save up enough experience to not have to Class Dupe, able to cover twice the ground now while maintaining attendance
>manage to get one PC into the ceiling above the girl's locker room, able to get the "Anatomy Expert" perk
>other PC loosens enough pipes to cause the "Leaky Ceilings" event, allowing for more exploration time
>half-way through the second period, another teacher loads in, and the two collide, and their pathfinding shits itself
>dammit I thought that got fixed at some point
>end up having to go up to them and dropkick them both so they'd send me to Discipline just to get out of the softlock
>still have two other PCs
>one bag-clips into principal's office and accesses the gradebook
>start dropping inventory items in the menu hoping that it might start changing values in the book
>drop 83 pages of notebook, 19 pencils, and 4 cherry bombs
>holds when I close out from inventory
>ends up loading the end of years cutscene
>for a first time run for the category, did well enough
Was it The Moment, user? He couldn’t have
>walk out of the bathroom
>surprise boss fight
>That kid who spec'd into school bully but somehow glitched out of the forced alignments and got lawful good.
Shit was beneficial for some but this was in a low-tier public school. He was basically able to bully 90% of the players and not get reprimanded at all.
He didn't even have to use his parent-bail out life lines, or pass any speech checks due to that fucking alignment. The only thing that stopped him was a sudden school shooter event. The chosen player just gunned right for him before the event proceeded as normal.
>that kid that glitched through a wall and fell through the world, never to be seen again
>that kid that kept placing paint brushes in the air only to jump on their weirdly expanded hitboxes and then through the roof which didn't have collision
>mfw he skipped 60 years because there's a secret door behind the rendered walls that takes you to the end game