Favorite gaming channel?
Favorite gaming channel?
Wii Shop
I don't watch gaming channels anymore like I used to. But back then it would probably be maybe critical/penquinz0. But before he went to shit
Paul Joseph Watson
Achievement Hunter used to be top tier, it's the only I've ever watched. There's an occasional good video
Hat films
Anyone else watch them? I never see them discussed anywhere
this meme spouting faggot and civvie11
honestly? ZeRo
Lasertime...too bad about what happened though.
does mechagamezilla still count?
General Sam
I watch them regularly, smith is low energy as fuck now and they can't seem to make videos interesting any more.
I find civvie11 to be really unfunny and most of his critiques are kinda shite if you played the games he reviews.
my nigga
Shit user that's exactly how I feel. I really miss e.g. trials evo videos, the constant banter and dumb jokes regularly made me actually laugh, and sadly I find myself never laughing at their newer content
My own
The Gaming Rapist
Lol. He's making steam games now.
Game Dude youtube.com
There's two of them I like equally
Suzy lu
Channel 3.
that guy who plays nothing but total war Shogun 2
Louis Chou youtube.com
Pewds. I'm surprised people here are saying other shit. There's only one King.
Jerma is the only good gaming youtuber who uploads consistently
all he does is look at memes
Based and basedpilled
Unironically not a gaming channel.
He's only made vaguely titled "try not to laugh tik tok compilation" videos for ages now.
he's a twitch streamer now. his only new videos are stream highlights. I personally hate twitch streams but Jerma's is alright
E-celebs aren't videogames
>Why yes, I watch Virtual Youtubers, and of course I watch Shirakami Fubuki
The Gaming Rapist is a game developer.
he looks like such an annoying faggot holy shit
howdy doody gamers
this faggot is shilling his own channel, don't search.
Underrated post
same, pretty much my walkthrough guide when I was in a horror game phase
For a moment I thought Samus was Frozen Elsa
Channel name please.
he hasn't made shit in forever
i miss critikal before he went reddit "omg that's soooo wholesome awww!!"
Northernlion is actually a godlike entertainer. Dan is also amazing.
It's a shame, but it's still one of the best.
>what was evidence of being a successful youtuber with simple "Gameplay and Commentary" has now turned into retarded clickbait and talking in front of the camera about how some channel I don't care about is the "aids/herpes/genital warts of youtube"
He was better when he didnt have a face to put to him.
Funhaus and 8BitBrody
Will Smith
Gmanlives is cool I guess. No filler, No cringy skits or forced humour, new releases, classics, obscure shit. I like it