This game is awful
This game is awful
is the axe even good on the monk
I don't think so
find the journalist
How many bosses have you beat?
If you haven't killed Genichiro your opinion is worthless
If you haven't beaten ss isshin then your opinion is worthless desu
t. sour grapes
Isshin wasn't nearly as big of a difficulty spike
If you can properly parry genichiro you're able to beat the rest easily, bar the demon fight
that's what i thought. it doesn't seem like the type. but maybe next run i do, i'll see if it has any use.
Your opinion is also worthless if he took more than 5 tries.
nope. yer just shit. kys u 12yo
Axe is hardly good on anything
Stuck and the chained ogre boss atm.
OP is right.
i can only think if the knight guy but i beat him before even getting the axe.
it's really only good on human sized or smaller enemies that stagger easily
if you space out chops you can literally stun lock some enemies to death
very costly on emblems tho
>Chained Ogre boss
I can't beat Owl in the memory
Even with him he takes so much posture damage from such easy deflects that it's not worth trying to squeeze an axe hit in and potentially trading.
I understand your anger, Ogre is fucking retarded because of his bullshit grab tracking and hitboxes, but there's nothing nearly as frustrating as him for quite a while after.
>difficulty spike
It's not trash but overrated.
Nioh has far better combat but shitter level design
I personally disagree but that's okay OP we're all entitled to our own opinions
Git gud
Literally sprint around him in a wide circle. All he will do is leaping attacks/jumps that always miss you and leave him vulnerable for 2-4 hits. He is actually one of the easiest bosses if you do this. I must emphasize that none of his attacks can hit you as long as you have a wide enough circle, and it doesn't even have to be massively wide. I beat him blind and got hit by no moves. I didn't even take damage. All I did was just run around him and get in hits.
I beat Genichiro last night.
Feels good, man.
He was my wall for a while, just piece him out mainly punish with thrust counter and when he goes for the overhead slam and his sweeps
It was a little annoying to kill the guy in front of Ashina castle just to find out that the door behind him won't open. Therefore, game=shit.
So what is the trick? I've died 6 times in a row to him. Just be aggressive and parry?
Yeah, that's where the game forces you to show you learned how to parry. It feels impossible at first if you've made it that far before really using it, but you can do it.
For me its just overall is not fun at all. There is no sense of exploration because everything looks very similar and everything is extremely open. There are no weapons or actually useful items to find. The NPCs are bland and uninteresting. The enemies and the overall locations are boring. There is no sense of progression in the game. The stealth mechanic even though it adds to the game, it is extremely stupid. You can stand 2 meters in front of the enemies without them noticing but often you just end up killing someone, running away and repeating this multiple times. There is no real choice of stealth here, the entire system is very half-assed.
But my biggest problem with the game is the combat. It overall feels more of a choir than a fight. Enemy moves are often badly telegraphed and incredibly unpredictable, meaning he can just turn around 180 and shoot two arrows that stun-locks you. Getting a single hit often guarantees at least 2 or 3 other hits, which means dying. Doing L1 L1 L1 for 10 straight seconds just to get a hit on him is not fun. There is overall too much bullshit around the bosses, two phase and then a third appears, a bull you need to chase for 10 sec to get two hits in, summons, multiple enemies. It's just feels like Dark Souls 2 again where their only goal was to make the game hard, not interesting or rewarding.
I beat DES, DAS, DAS3, BB, Nioh, some of them many times and I enjoyed them all. This game is more a meh, I have no rewarding feeling after beating a boss because I know it is bullshit.
I beat Genichiro. It was an awful boss. Two phase. Then a third. You can only get 3 hits maximum without getting to the maximum deflect point. His longest attack lasts like 10 seconds. He can turn around 180 and shoot a double arrow instantly. it's just overall incredibly annoying. Compare him to the casual filter of Nioh, Hino-enma. Seems hard at first, after you master her moves it becomes incredibly easy. No bullshit.
Learn to recognize the combo that leads into the firecracker slash. Deflect the first two hits and then run to the right, the firecracker slash will miss completely and you get a massive attack window.
Sounds like you suck. Keep playing.
There is no point of playing when the game is not rewarding. Might as well try to break a brick with my dick
Look at this fag with a flaccid non-brick-breaking dick
lol shitter
I just looked up a vid and the guy had 7 of those health items. I beat him with 3. But am I supposed to have 7? How?
You're not "supposed" to have any number, you can explore and do other areas to get more.
Blazing Bull doesnt take too long, but its really fucking frustrating